HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-19-2021 Special Board Meeting
Barkley Regional Airport Authority
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Airport Board of Directors Special Meeting
Monday, July 19th, 2021, @3:30 p.m.
Location: ZOOM Video Conference
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Meeting ID: 872 1007 6612
Passcode: 688449
One tap mobile
+19292056099,,87210076612#,,,,*688449# US (New York)
I. Call to Order and Roll Call. Chairman Matheny called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. Directors
Crockett, Wathen, Harrison, Matheny, Roark, Goodwin, Davis, Durbin, and Patterson present.
Directors Johnson absent.
II. Pledge of Allegiance. Pledge skipped
III. Executive Session (Per KRS 61.810(1)(g) because the discussions will involve a corporation’s potential
use of the airport and open discussions would jeopardize the sitting, retention, expansion, or upgrading
of the business).” Motion by Director Roark to go into Executive Session for the reason of the Per KRS
61.810(1)(g) because the discussions will involve a corporation’s potential use of the airport and open
discussions would jeopardize the sitting, retention, expansion, or upgrading of the business, Second
by Director Durbin, Motion Made and Seconded, No Discussion, Vote Taken, All “Ayes” – Motion
Motion by Director Patterson to go return into regular session, Second by Director Wathen, Motion
Made and Seconded, No Discussion, Vote Taken, All “Ayes” – Motion Carries.
Adjourn (no later than 5:30 p.m.) Motion by Director Harris to adjourn at approximately 4:30 p.m., Second by
Director Durbin, Motion Made and Seconded, No Discussion, Vote Taken, All “Ayes” – Motion Carries.
Minutes Approved _________________
Board Secretary______________________