DECEMBER 29, 2022
Paducah City Hall Commission Chambers
5:30 P.M.
Attendees: Troy Astin, Erna Boykin, Jim Chapman, Patrick Perry, Carol Young
Staff: Joshua P. Sommer, Planner III
Guests: Dr. Tiffany Bolen, John McIntosh, Kathleen Beard
Chairwoman Young called the called meeting of the Paducah Board of Adjustment to order at 5:30 pm.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. flag was recited.
The roll was taken.
Vice -Chair Perry offered:
I move that the reading of the minutes for November 28, 2022 be waived and that the minutes of said
meeting, as prepared by staff, be approved as written.
Mr. Astin seconded.
No corrections were requested. Chairwoman Young called for the vote.
5 Ayes (Astin, Boykin, Chapman, Perry, Young), 0 Nays
Continued Petitions
Case# USE2022-0003 918 North 371" Street
Mr. Astin offered:
I move that this Board remove from the table Case USE2022-0003 pertaining to 918 North 37`h Street.
I further move that this case be removed from the agenda at the Petitioner's request.
Mr. Chapman seconded.
Planner III Josh Sommer explained the Petitioner wished to remove her application from consideration at
this time.
No further questions were asked. Chairwoman Young called for the vote.
5 Ayes (Actin, Boykin, Chapman, Perry, Young), 0 Nays
New Petitions
Case# USE2022-0006 2505 Adams Street
Mrs. Boykin offered:
I move that this Board approve the conditional use request of Parita Hongsunirundon for a short-term
rental to be located at 2505 Adams Street.
I further move that the approval be based on the following findings offact:
1. The Paducah Tilghman High School campus is located nearby, thereby minimizing the number of
homes impacted
2. The site is located near the edge of a residential neighborhood, as opposed to being located inside
the neighborhood.
3. The site has convenient ingress and egress to South 25th Street, a north -south collector street.
From South 25th Street, patrons can traverse to Jackson Street or Kentucky Avenue, both of which
are major arterials.
4. There is sufficient area for off-street parking in the driveway.
5. The home will be rented as one unit, as opposed to the office being converted into a bedroom and
each bedroom being rented out individually.
6. The home will not be placed on a short-term rental platform year-round, as the Petitioner will live
in the house part of the year.
Vice -Chair Perry seconded.
Planner III Josh Sommer explained the request was for a short-term rental. The office is proposed to be
kept as an office and not converted into a bedroom. He stated there was sufficient off-street parking. The
Petitioner was not present, nor was anyone present to speak for or against the Petition.
No questions were asked. Chairwoman Young called for the vote.
5 Ayes (Astin, Boykin, Chapman, Perry, Young), 0 Nays
Case# VAR2022-0007 3117 Clay Street
Mr. Chapman offered:
I move that this Board receive and file the application of Bolen Properties, LLC. for a ten foot rear yard
variance request to construct a two-family dwelling 15' from the rear property line at 3117 Clay Street.
I further move that the variance be approved based on the following findings offact:
1. The redevelopment of this lot would provide more greenspace than what is currently located on
this lot.
2. The City ofPaducah Comprehensive Plan supports population growth and housing choice.
3. Housing choice is a City Commission priority.
4. The redevelopment of this lot would help further the growth of Paducah's Midtown area.
5. Multi family structures are located to the north, east and northeast of the site, therefore the
character of the area would be maintained.
6. Redevelopment in this area could be a catalyst for further redevelopment as the revitalization of
Midtown continues to thrive.
7. One point of ingress/egress would be located on the property, as opposed to the exiting two, which
would help enhance traffic safety and circulation.
8. It is a reasonable request to provide new residents adequate greenspace as outlined in the purpose
of the Paducah Zoning Ordinance.
Mrs. Boykin seconded.
Planner III Josh Sommer explained the request was to locate one two-family structure 15' from the rear
property line. The purpose was to widen the interior yard between two two-family structures.
A resident, Ms. Kathleen Beard, addressed the Board. She wished to see the site plan. Mr. Sommer
showed her the site plan and explained where the variance was proposed. She had no further questions.
Dr. Tiffany Bolen, the Petitioner, addressed the Board. She wanted to introduce herself as the Petitioner.
Mr. Chapman asked her if she was a developer. She stated this was her first rental enterprise in Paducah.
No further questions were asked. Chairwoman Young called for the vote.
5 Ayes (Astin, Boykin, Chapman, Perry, Young), 0 Nays
Other Business
The BOA voted to adjourn the meeting at 5:47 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Joshua P. Sommer, AICP