HomeMy WebLinkAboutMO #2837MUNICIPAL ORDER NO. 2837 A MUNICIPAL ORDER AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING AMENDMENT NO. 10 TO THE PROFESSIONAL CONSULTING AGREEMENT WITH FEDERAL ENGINEERING, INC., FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RELATED TO IMPLEMENTATION SUPPORT FOR THE PADUCAH- MCCRACKEN COUNTY 911 RADIO UPGRADE PROJECT IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $265,782 AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE THE AMENDMENT WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 2016-8-8401, the City of Paducah retained Federal Engineering, Inc., to perform consulting work for the City of Paducah related to the upgrade of the Paducah 911 System; and WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 2018-4-8528, the City of Paducah authorized amendments to the Professional Consulting Agreement; and WHEREAS, by Municipal Order No. 2457, the City authorized a refresh to the report for the upgrade of the Paducah 911 System; and WHEREAS, by Municipal Order No. 2491, the City of Paducah approved a Memorandum of Agreement with McCracken County Fiscal Court for the formation of the Joint 911 Communication Services Oversight Committee to make recommendations and reports to the City of Paducah and McCracken Fiscal Court for the funding, upgrades and governance of 911 in Paducah/McCracken County; and WHEREAS, the City approved Municipal Order No. 2572 on May 10, 2022, for professional services related to the request for proposal preparation, proposal evaluations, and contract negotiations; and WHEREAS, the City has now entered into an agreement with Communications International, Inc. for the 911 Radio System Upgrade and desires for Federal Engineering to provide professional consulting services for the implementation of the agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Authorizations & Recitals. That the City hereby authorizes and approves Amendment No. 10 to the Professional Consulting Agreement with Federal Engineering, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $265,782 for professional services related to implementation project management support for the initiation, planning, design review, installation, testing, and final cutover phases of the Paducah -McCracken County 911 Radio Project in substantially the form attached hereto and made part hereof (Exhibit A) and authorizes the Mayor to execute said Amendment. SECTION 2. Expenditures. This agreement shall be funded through the 911 Fund for FY2024 and will be budgeted for future fiscal years. SECTION 3. Effective Date. This order sha 'e in full force and effect from and after the date of its adoption. n A George Bray, Mayor ATTEST: ('—;Lindsay it Clerk Y Y Adopted by the Board of Commissioners, December 12, 2023 Recorded by Lindsay Parish, City Clerk, December 12, 2023 \MO\911 Federal Engineering Amendment 10 — Implementation Services Exhibit A . \ "Unleashing the Power ofTechnology Federal Engineering, Inc. 10560 Arrowhead Drive Federal Fairfax, VA 22030 N� Engineering° 703-359-8200 STATEMENT OF WORK (SOW) ATTACHMENT TO: Issued: September 11, 2023 PROFESSIONAL CONSULTING AGREEMENT DATED: August 18, 2016 AMENDMENT10 CITY OF PADUCAH/McCRACKEN COUNTY RADIO SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION SUPPORT- 2023/2025 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND ISSUES 1.1 Project Overview Building upon prior work done by Federal Engineering (FE), the City of Paducah and McCracken County, Kentucky (Paducah -McCracken) plans to replace its current radio communications system to an interoperable P25 system and requested that FE provide personnel to assist with the implementation support phase of the radio project. This Statement of Work (SOW) describes the work to be completed by FE in support of Paducah -McCracken. 2.0 TASKS TO BE PERFORMED FE will provide the following radio system implementation support tasks in support of the Paducah -McCracken project. 2.1 Implementation Project Management Support Implementation support services take a project from the initiation, planning, and design review phases through installation, testing, and final cutover. FE will review project planning before major commitments are made and will provide Paducah -McCracken management with the visibility necessary to minimize surprises and create a proactive project management environment. We will determine if the radio vendor is compliant with the contract regarding agreed-upon system requirements, schedule, and cost milestones. Our implementation support tasks will align with the selected vendor's schedule to provide oversight and management of the vendor's specific activities. Upon vendor contract award, FE will provide an implementation oversight schedule that aligns with the vendor's implementation schedule. Page 1 of 9 The following activities are typical of this type of project.. FE will coordinate with Paducah - McCracken to determine which of these tasks will be necessary based on the radio system vendor's implementation tasks and schedule, and Paducah-McCracken's requirements: 1. Coordinate and participate in the Implementation Kickoff Meeting to discuss project goals, objectives, tasks, schedule, and deliverables with Paducah - McCracken and the selected vendor. 2. Participate in project status teleconferences as required. 3. Participate in project status meetings. 4. Participate in other project meetings as required. 5. Assist in the development of project execution processes as they relate to milestone processing, effective communications across teams, roles and responsibilities, and documentation formats. 6. Review frequency plans and license applications as required. 7. Review system fleet mapping. 8. Maintain an independent punch list of items during implementation activities including the issue, responsible party, the target date for completion, the actual date of completion, and resolution. 9. Assist Paducah -McCracken with resolving vendor implementation issues, oversee the vendor's punch list development and resolution process, identify any vendor performance issues, and make appropriate recommendations to Paducah -McCracken. 10. Coordinate with Paducah -McCracken project management personnel Remainder of Page Intentionally Left Blank Page 2 of 9 2.2 Preliminary Design Review (PDR) and Final Design Review (FDR) FE will participate in the radio system vendor's contract/preliminary design review and a final design review. (These design reviews will be as defined in the vendor's contract.) 1. FE will review vendor PDR documents and attend the PDR design presentation by the vendor. The review typically includes items identified in the vendor's project plan such as the following: • Project schedule • Individual site designs • Frequency plan • Detailed system design • Updated equipment list (by site) • Updated system drawings • Factory acceptance test plans and procedures (FATP) • Site testing plans and procedures • Radio coverage methodologies and coverage acceptance test plan (CATP) • Cutover plans • System acceptance test plans • Training plans • List of manuals and documentation • Final PDR package • Decommissioning process for old equipment 2. FE will work with Paducah -McCracken and vendor to identify areas of deficiency, document these areas in a punch list, and provide recommendations to correct the deficiencies. FE will be available to assist Paducah -McCracken with formal change management processes, if any, resulting from the PDR. 3. FE will review FDR documents and, if applicable, attend the FDR presentation to monitor the successful resolution of PDR punch list items. 4. FE will make a recommendation to Paducah -McCracken regarding the vendor's readiness to move on to the next phase. 2.3 Factory Testing, Equipment Delivery, and Installation Verification 1. FE will attend factory staging of the system at the vendor's facility acting as Paducah-McCracken's technical advisor. 2. FE will conduct an independent inventory of equipment upon delivery to each site and compare the inventory with Paducah-McCracken's purchase order/contract for accuracy. Page 3 of 9 3. FE will oversee the radio system and other infrastructure vendors' project implementation tasks to assess timely completion and adherence to schedule. 4. FE will inspect each site to assess whether the equipment installations are in accordance with the specifications, meet good workmanship practices, and are within equipment standards. For the following inspection -related activities as identified in the vendor's schedule, FE will typically perform the following: 5. Review shelter preparation activities to assess whether they have been performed correctly and in time for installations 6. Assess whether required facility improvements have been made including internal and external grounding 7. Inspect site installations and grounding 8. Inspect the site equipment installation including antenna, transmission line, radio system infrastructure equipment, and microwave equipment 9. Witness the vendor's final site tests 10. Review each site's punch list and determine if it includes deficiencies noted during the site preparation and test verification. Determine if corrective actions have been taken before any punch list items are removed. 2.4 Coverage and System Testing FE will participate in the following testing activities as identified in the vendor's schedule. 1. FE will witness coverage tests. We will accompany the system vendor for the coverage testing to assess the methodology and data collection compliance. FE and Paducah -McCracken will mutually define the coverage testing area for which we will accompany the vendor. 2. FE will review coverage test results. 3. FE will attend final system testing and observe test results. 4. FE will provide a memo to Paducah -McCracken that identifies coverage and system testing results and any recommendations for the vendor to correct deficiencies in the test documentation. FE will review the independent punch list and vendor punch list and assess retesting results to confirm that the deficiencies have been corrected. Remainder of Page Intentionally Left Blank Page 4 of 9 2.5 System Acceptance and Cutover 1. Prior to the system acceptance process, FE will review the final vendor cutover plan and identify deficiencies or areas for improvement to Paducah -McCracken. FE will assist Paducah -McCracken with negotiating final changes to the cutover plan with the vendor. 2. Final system acceptance will begin after the system tests have been successfully completed by the vendor and the fully functional system has been delivered. FE will witness acceptance testing activities, assess the test results, and make any necessary recommendations for the vendor to correct deficiencies noted during the testing. 3. Upon completion of system acceptance testing and correction of deficiencies, including punch list and documentation items, FE will make a recommendation to Paducah -McCracken regarding the acceptance of the system and cutover. 4. FE will witness the cutover to determine if cutover procedures are executed properly and success criteria met. 2.6 Subscriber Template Development Assistance with review of one master subscriber radio programming template, to include: 1. Review fleetmap developed by selected vendor with input from Paducah - McCracken 2. Review the previous Paducah -McCracken master template and other applicable templates 2.7 On -Call Technical Support As an option and as requested by Paducah -McCracken, FE can also provide additional assistance with public safety communications planning or implementation support on either a firm fixed price or time and material basis in accordance with the rates shown in the attached Schedule A. 3.0 SCHEDULE This support agreement will begin upon execution of this SOW and remain active throughout the contract period of performance. 4.0 STAFFING/ORGANIZATION Mr. Travis LePage who has supported this project since 2018 will serve as the Director of Operations for the implementation oversight project with programmatic and technical support provided by other FE staff as necessary. Page 5 of 9 5.0 COST Assignments will be performed on a time and materials basis in accordance with the rates in Schedule A. Schedule A rates are reviewed and may be updated annually. This SOW initially authorizes a maximum of $265,782 which includes projected labor, travel, and other direct costs through the end of the calendar year 2024. FE and the Paducah - McCracken Project Manager will develop a revised budget for the 2025 calendar year based on the selected vendor's progress no later than December 1, 2024, and amend this SOW as needed based on Paducah-McCracken's expected needs for FE support to complete the project. Invoices will be submitted monthly. The invoices will detail each task assignment, the personnel assigned, the number of hours charged, and details regarding travel and other direct costs. A minimum of one hour of project management time per week will apply for the duration of the agreement for project administration and to maintain project continuity. Invoices will be submitted as directed by the purchase order for processing. Upon receiving a request to perform on-call tasking outlined in Section 2.7, FE will respond to the Paducah -McCracken Project Manager or their designee via email with an estimated cost to perform the assignment if the duration to complete the task is more than eight hours. Upon receipt and written acceptance of the estimated cost and a Notice to Proceed from Paducah -McCracken, FE will commence the assignment. During the assignment, if situations arise that cause a change in the estimated cost, FE will notify Paducah-McCracken's Project Manager or their designee of the revised estimate and the reason for the change. 6.0 BASIS FOR OUR SCOPE OF WORK 1. FE professionals will be directed by the Paducah -McCracken Project Manager or their designee according to the assignments to be performed. The scheduling of FE resources will be mutually agreed upon based on the needs of Paducah - McCracken and the availability of the specific FE consultants. 2. This proposal assumes Federal Engineering, Inc. will perform tasks called out in Section 2 (excluding any optional tasks or services). The deletion of a task or significant change in the scope of one or more tasks may affect the overall price. Optional tasks can be priced at Paducah-McCracken's request and added to this SOW via a mutually agreeable contract modification. 3. FE will provide draft and final deliverables electronically to Paducah -McCracken. 4. This SOW assumes that Paducah-McCracken's Project Manager will schedule meetings, provide meeting facilities, notify attendees, and arrange for onsite visits. Page 6 of 9 5. Any optional or additional tasking will be authorized by mutual agreement of Paducah -McCracken and FE. Such tasking will be performed on a time and materials basis in accordance with the rates in Schedule A or on a fixed price basis as mutually agreed to in an additional task order by Paducah -McCracken and FE. 6. FE will notify Paducah -McCracken should additional funding be required to complete the approved tasks. The authorized funding will be increased by a written modification to this task duly executed by both Paducah -McCracken and FE. 7. This proposal is based upon a start date on or before November 1, 2023 and assumes a 20 -month schedule. The schedule for implementation oversight will be adjusted after the determination of Paducah-McCracken's procurement schedule and the vendor's final approved implementation schedule. Delays to the project schedule due to actions or lack of actions on the part of Paducah - McCracken, Paducah -McCracken participants, third parties, and others including, but not limited to vendor protests, protracted contract negotiations, vendor delays that impact the program schedule and/or costs to Paducah -McCracken will be brought to the attention of Paducah-McCracken's Project Manager in a timely manner and will be reduced to writing via a mutually agreed upon contract amendment. 8. FE's ability to fulfill this task depends, in part, on the willingness and ability of Paducah -McCracken, Paducah -McCracken participants, equipment vendors, service providers, third parties, and others to provide information in a timely manner, and upon the accuracy of the information as supplied. The accuracy of input data, whether provided in electronic or hard copy form, and the recommendations, actions, system designs, and license filings resulting therefrom cannot, therefore, be warranted by FE nor can the performance, suitability, or reliability of said systems be warranted by FE. FE accepts no responsibility or liability to any third party in respect to any information or related content delivered by FE. This information is subjective in certain respects, and, thus, susceptible to multiple interpretations and may need periodic revisions based on actual experience and subsequent developments. Remainder of Page Intentionally Left Blank Page 7 of 9 Submitted by FE i ature John E. Murray Executive Vice President Chief Operating Officer September 11, 2023 Date Authorization to begin work by the City of Paducah, Kentucky Signature Printed name and title Date Page 8 of 9 SCHEDULE A LONG-TERM CONSULTING RATES Effective January 1. 2023 throuah December 31, 2024 Principal $ 400.00 per hour Vice President $ 360.00 per hour Director/Chief Consultant $ 280.00 per hour Senior Consultant $ 233.00 per hour Consultant $ 200.00 per hour Senior Analyst $ 165.00 per hour Analyst $ 122.00 per hour Administrative Services $ 95.00 per hour TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Long-term rates do not include state or local taxes. 2. Travel and meals on a per diem basis will be invoiced at actual cost plus 20 percent to account for general and administrative costs. 3. Hours expended fortravel in support of any time and materials task orders are billable hours. 4 . Invoices will be rendered monthly. All invoices are due and payable 30 days from issuance. Late balances are subject to a finance charge of 1.5 percent per month (or fraction thereof). This document is proprietary to Federal Engineering, Inc. and shall not be disclosed to third parties without prior written permission from Federal Engineering, Inc. 01-01-23 Page 9 of 9