HELD ON December 15, 2022
Pursuant to written notice, a meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Paducah Convention & Visitors Bureau
was held at 11:30 p.m. Thursday, December 15, 2022, at the Paducah Convention & Visitors Bureau.
Present: Sara Bradley, Michael Cochran, Glenn Denton, Sherry Kahne, Vick Patel, and Kristin Williams
Absent: Kelm Burchard
Staff: Fowler Black, Mary Hammond, Liz Hammonds, Lynda Peters-Jones, and Amina Watkins
Visitors: No visitors
CVB Board Chairperson, Glenn Denton, called the meeting to order at 11:30 a.m.
ITEM II: Minutes
The Board reviewed the minutes of the November 17, 2022, regular monthly meeting. Upon motion by Mr.
Cochran, seconded by Ms. Williams, and unanimously carried the following motion was adopted:
MOVED, that a formal approval of the minutes of the previous month’s regular meeting of the Paducah
CVB Board of Commissioners held on November 17, 2022, be dispensed and those minutes stand
approved as read.
The Board reviewed the November 30, 2022, Financial Report. Upon motion by Mr. Patel, seconded by Ms. Kahne,
and unanimously carried the following motion as adopted:
MOVED, that a formal approval of the November 30, 2022, Financial Report be approved and stand as
Staff Reports:
Each team member was asked to share highlights from their reports and to also ask the board if they had
questions, comments, or if there was anything the Board could help with. Board members were then
referred to the CVB staff’s written monthly reports for more details on activities and meetings. See
attached reports. (Reports were emailed to Board of Commissioners.)
▪ Spring Marketing Plan
Ms. Hammonds presented the Paducah CVB and Stablemate Creative Advertising, Marketing, &
Digital Media recommended budgets (Qtr. 1 and Qtr. 2, 2023) for the following:
Leisure Print Total: $31,089.00
Leisure Television: $8,824.00
Leisure Digital: $10,588.00
Cost of Ad Placements: $50,501.00
Estimated Creative Services: $1,500.00
Recommended Budget: $52,001.00
Group Tour Print Cost of Ad Placements: $16,700.00
Estimated Creative Services: $1,500.00
Recommended Budget: $18,200.00
ARPA Ad Placement (Qtr. 3 and Qtr., 2022)
ARPA Print Total: $24,391.00
ARPA Television (Public Broadcast): $14,118.00
Estimated Creative Services: $1,500.00
Recommend Budget: $40,009.00
Total cost (breakdown show above) is $110,210.00. Following review and discussion, motion was made,
approval of three requests with variances, by Ms. Williams, seconded by Mr. Cochran and unanimously
approved, the following motion was approved:
Approved acceptance of the Paducah CVB and Stablemate recommended budget per breakdown
of cost show. Total approval $110,210.00.
▪ Ms. Hammond presented request for two (2) CVB tables at the Paducah Chamber Annual
Meeting, Jan. 27, table for 8, $1,200.00
Following review and discussion, motion was made to reserve (1) table at the Paducah Chamber
Annual Meeting at cost of $1,200.00 by Mr. Patel, seconded by Ms. Bradley and unanimously
approved the following motion was approved:
Purchase (1) one table at Paducah Chamber Annual Meeting at cost of $1,200.00.
▪ Ms. Hammond presented request for Salary Adjustments approved with FY23 Budget.
Salary Adjustment for Cost of Living and will be implemented January 1, 2023.
Following review and discussion, motion was made by Ms. Williams, seconded by Mr. Cochran,
and unanimously approved, to adjust CVB personnel salaries by 3% (cost of living) beginning
January 1, 2023.
▪ Ms. Hammond presented request for Executive Director Vehicle Allowance.
Following review and discussion, motion was made by Ms. Kahne, seconded by Mr. Patel, and
unanimously approved, the following motion was approved.
At purchase of vehicle, Executive Director Vehicle Allowance will begin at $700.00 monthly.
ITEM VI: New Business
▪ Board Resignation
Board Chair, Glenn Denton, announced the resignation of CVB Board Member, Kristin Williams, at the
close of the current (December 15, 2022) CVB Board meeting. Ms. Williams is planning to travel and
relax a bit.
▪ Recommendation to fill the remaining team
Recommended to fill the vacancy of Kristin Williams is Mark Thompson. CVB recommendation will be
sent to City Hall, Mayor George Bray.
Item VII: Unfinished Business
No unfinished business discussed.
Item IX: Closing
Mr. Denton reminded the CVB Board that the next Board meeting is scheduled for January 19, 11:30 a.m.
The meeting will be held at the Paducah Visitors Bureau.
With no further business, and upon motion by Ms. Williams and seconded by Ms. Kahne the board adjourned at
12:48 p.m.
_____________________________________ ___________________________________
Glenn Denton (Board Chairperson) Mary Hammond (Executive Director)