HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-27-2022 Bd MinutesMEETING MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS PADUCAH CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU HELD ON October 27, 2022 Pursuant to written notice, a meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Paducah Convention & Visitors Bureau was held at 4:00 p.m. Thursday, October 27, 2022, at the Paducah Convention & Visitors Bureau. Present: Sara Bradley, Kelm Burchard, Michael Cochran, Glenn Denton, Sherry Kahne, and Kristin Williams Absent: Vick Patel Staff: Fowler Black, Mary Hammond, Liz Hammonds, Lynda Peters-Jones, and Amina Watkins Visitors: No visitors ITEM I: OPENING CVB Board Chairperson, Glenn Denton, called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. ITEM II: Minutes The Board reviewed the minutes of the September 15, 2022, regular monthly meeting, and the minutes of the September 29, 2022, called meeting. Upon motion by Ms. Williams, seconded by Ms. Bradley, and unanimously carried the following motion was adopted: MOVED, that a formal approval of the minutes of the previous month’s regular meeting and the special called meeting of the Paducah CVB Board of Commissioners held respectively on September 15, and September 29, 2022, be dispensed and those minutes stand approved as read. ITEM III: FINANCIAL REPORTS The Board reviewed the September 30, 2022, Financial Report. Upon motion by Ms. Burchard, seconded by Ms. Kahne, and unanimously carried the following motion as adopted: MOVED, that a formal approval of the September 30, 2022, Financial Report be approved and stand as read. Ms. Williams and Ms. Burchard asked Fowler Black to do research with local banks and businesses to find if there are ways we may better invest our funds in the future. ITEM IV: REQUESTS: FY21-22 Audit Contract Ms. Hammond updated the Commission on status of Paducah CVB auditor contract for Fiscal Year 21-22. Proposed cost is $15,000 which is approximately double cost of previous year. Current fiscal year and following will be more complex due to ARPA funding. Following review and discussion, motion was made by Mr. Cochran, seconded by Ms. Burchard, and unanimously approved the following motion was adopted: Moved that Romaine & Towery CPA continue as Paducah CVB auditor for current fiscal year. FY22-23 Amended Budget #2 w/ ARPA Due to changes made by Kentucky Tourism in reference to ARPA budget processing the Amended Budget #2 w/ ARPA has been suspended pending further/new instructions. ITEM V: REPORTS Staff Reports: Each team member was asked to share highlights from their reports and to also ask the board if they had questions, comments, or if there was anything the Board could help with. Board members were then referred to the CVB staff’s written monthly reports for more details on activities and meetings. See attached reports. (Reports were emailed to Board of Commissioners.) ITEM VI: CLOSING Board Chairperson, Glenn Denton, requested a motion from Board of Commissioners to go into Executive Session. Motion was made by Ms. Williams, and seconded by Mr. Cochran, requesting Board of Commissioners to go into Executive Session for personnel discussions. Upon close of Executive Session, Board Chairperson, Glenn Denton, reported there were no actions taken by the board. Upon motion by Ms. Williams, and seconded by Ms. Burchard the Executive Session was adjourned at 5:35 p.m.