HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-12-2022 CVB Bd Minutes - 2MEETING MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS PADUCAH CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU HELD ON July 16, 2022 Pursuant to written notice, a meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Paducah Convention & Visitors Bureau was held at 11:30 a.m. Thursday, July 12, 2022, at the Paducah Convention & Visitors Bureau. Present: Sara Bradley, Kim Burchard, Glenn Denton, Vick Patel, and Kristin Williams. Absent: Michael Cochran and Sherry Kahne Staff: Fowler Black, Mary Hammond, Liz Hammonds, Lynda Peters-Jones, and Hannan Caronongan ITEM I: OPENING CVB Board Chairperson, Glenn Denton, called the meeting to order at 11:30 a.m. ITEN II: VISITORS - No visitors to report ITEM III: MINUTES The Board reviewed the minutes of the June 16 monthly meeting and June 29, 2022, called meeting. Upon motion by Ms. Williams, seconded by Ms. Burchard, and unanimously carried the following motion was adopted: MOVED, that a formal approval of the minutes of the previous regular meeting of the Paducah CVB Board of Commissioners held on June 16, 2022, and special Board meeting held on June 29, be dispensed and those minutes stand approved as read. ITEM IV: FINANCIAL REPORTS The Board reviewed the June 30, 2022, Financial Report. Upon motion by Mr. Patel, seconded by Ms. Burchard, and unanimously carried the following motion as adopted: MOVED, that a formal approval of the June 29, 2022, Financial Report be approved and stand as read. ITEM V: REPORTS Implementation Committee Report: No report given Staff Reports: Each team member was asked to share highlights from their reports and to also ask the board if they had questions, comments, or if there was anything the Board could help with. Board members were then referred to the CVB staff’s written monthly reports for more details on activities and meetings. See attached reports. (Reports were emailed to Board of Commissioners.) ITEM V: REQUESTS: Ms. Hammond presented bid from Servpro for restoration/service/remodel of front restroom, staff restroom, removal of vines from exterior wall, and removal of all debris. After discussion by board, it was determined the bid was too high. Ms. Hammond was instructed to solicit additional bids before moving forward. (Copy of Servpro bid may be found in Master Board Book) ITEM VI: UNFINISHED BUSINESS Board discussed the following items: • Auto Recharging Stations – Paducah Power would like to take lead on this project. They will be attending a workshop in Nashville. Mr. Denton suggested we do a follow up with Danny Carrol and report back. CVB could possibly be a participant partner or liaison with partners. • Esports – Follow-up ITEM VII: NEW BUSINESS Board • Airport Video Wall – More research is needed to determine CVB partnership or role. • Staffing during large events – July 4th was given as example when CVB presence, of some form, is needed. (Ambassadors, Temp workers, Students from Murray, Volunteers could be given gift certificates to local restaurants) • Eclipse 04/08/24 – Research to begin Event Coordination for April 8, 2024, Solar Eclipse ITEM IX: CLOSING Mr. Denton reminded the CVB Board that the next Board meeting is scheduled for September 15, 11:30 a.m. The meeting will be at the Paducah Visitors Bureau. With no further business, and upon motion by Ms. Williams, and seconded by Ms. Burchard the board adjourned at 12:35 p.m. ____________________________________ _____________________________________ Glenn Denton, Board Chairperson Mary Hammond, Executive Director