HELD APRIL 19, 2023 Pursuant to written notice to each of the directors, the monthly meeting of the Board of Directors of Forest Hills Village, Inc., was held at 7:30 a.m. on April 19, 2023 at Little Castle Restaurant. The following directors were present: Brad Arterburn, Shirley Walker, Bruce
Brockenborough, and Paul King. Also present were Lori Knight, James Burgett, David Denton, and resident Randall Barnes. THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS WAS TRANSACTED:
ITEM I: Mr. Barnes addressed the Board. He mentioned various matters pertaining to the tenant use, input, and enjoyment at Forest Hills. He revised the possibility of a Volunteer Citizens Group and/or Advisory Board, and the conditions at the Paducah Independent School District property once known as Forest Hills School. During the discussion, the Board
mentioned that inquiries had been made to the city and school board about the properties. A
follow up meeting with Mayor Bray, Mr. King, Mr. Brockenborough, and a school district representative is anticipated before the next board meeting. After general discussion, Mr. Barnes left the meeting.
ITEM II: Upon motion made by Ms. Walker and seconded by Mr. Arterburn, the minutes of the meetings of March 12, 2023 were approved as written. ITEM III: The operating report for March 2023 was reviewed in combination with the
proposed budget.
ITEM IV: The Staff Report was then presented by Ms. Knight and included the following:
a. Forest Hills received 8 applications for rental units in March 2023, with 1 being
approved, 3 being rejected, and 2 having no response. b. Forest Hills has 117 active applicants on the waiting list in March 2023. The breakdown of applicants is as follows: apartments-20, two-bedroom small-33, two-bedroom
large-3, 3-bedroom small-27, 3-bedroom large-34.
c. The occupancy rate for March 2023 was 98.54%. ITEM V: The proposed 2023-2024 Operating Budget, with adjustments suggested at the
March meeting, was circulated. Each adjustment was specifically addressed. Attention was
directed to the proposed four percent (4%) wage and salary increases. As part of the review, the directors were given a detailed list of 2023-2024 compensation for all salaried and hourly employees, including 403b matching and Christmas bonuses. Staff recommended the desirability of starting new hourly employees at a wage that is less than maximum for the
existing grade. The idea was acceptable to the directors, and staff will provide details at a future
At the end of all discussions, a motion was made by Mr. Brockenborough and seconded by Ms. Walker to adopt the proposed 2023-2024 budget in the amount of $2,184,393.00. The motion passed unanimously.
ITEM VI: Recognizing that the director terms of Mr. Brockenborough and Ms. Yates will expire in May 2023, the directors discussed reappointments, along with possible new appointments, and bylaws revisions. These topics will be set for additional conversation and/or action at the May meeting.
ITEM VII: Upon motion made by Mr. Brockenborough and seconded by Mr. Arterburn, the directors voted unanimously to accept the proposal by Williams, Williams & Lentz to audit the financial statement of Forest Hills Village, Inc. for the year ending May 31, 2023 for the sum of $9,200.00.
ITEM VIII: The next board meeting is scheduled for May 17, 2023. ITEM IX: There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned.
__________________________________________ President
__________________________________________ Secretary