HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-15-2023Paducah Transit Authority - v�u v Ulf LIN
Board of Directors MeetingMAR 16 202
Minutes February 15, 2023
The monthly meeting of the Paducah Transit Authority (PTA) was called to order by Boar
Chair - Chip Cox at 3p.m. Members present were Tommy Whittemore, Bryan Carner, Mark
Davis, Zach Hosman, Patrick White, and new board member - Mary Byrne. Exec. Director -
Arthur Boykin, Assistant Director Jeremi Bumpus, and Chuck Simpson HR Director/Secretary to
the Board
Board Chair - Chip Cox led the Board in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance
*Arthur formally introduced Ms. Byrne to the Board of Directors
• Public Comments: N/A
Following the review of the December, 2022 minutes Mr. Tommy Whittemore made a motion to
accept the December meeting minutes. Mr. Mark Davis moved to second the motion and it
passed with all members voting yes.
• Mr. Boykin provided a brief overview of the cash flow forecast stating that the current
balance was at $4.2 million and that he had invoiced the State and the Medicaid broker.
It was also noted that PATS had received the first monthly check for the rental of the
space no occupied by the air quality station located in the west parking lot for PATS
vans. Arthur then proceeded to review the P&L data pointing out the Medicaid variance
YTD (1.2 million now down to $749,000). It was also mentioned that KY -OTD had
extended 100% billing for what is anticipated to allow for two additional months or until
the approved $625,000 is exhausted. Following the report Mr. Mark Davis made a
motion to approve. Mr. Patrick White moved to second the motion and it passed with all
members voting yes.
Mr. Boykin informed the Board about the following transit business:
• Transportation Coordination Meeting: to be held at the Mayfield-PADD Office on
February 24a'.
• January Ridership: 68,442 revenue miles traveled, 13,706 trips, YTD 100,982 trips.
Board Approval of FY -22 Audit Report: due to the cancellation of the January meeting
the Board was unable to formally approve the annual audit. Following a brief review of
the audit report Mr. Bryan Carrier made a motion to approve the audit report. Mr. Zach
Hosman moved to second the motion and it passed with all members voting yes.
• Annual Board Review of Procurement Policy and Title VI Policy: Mr. Boykin reminded
the board of the annual review requirement and during each review pointed out that there
had been no changes or revisions at this time. Following the review and discussion of
each policy Mr. Mark Davis made a motion to approve the Procurement and Title VI
policies. Mr. Bryan Career moved to second the motion and both policies were
approved/passed with all members voting yes.
• Annual Drug & Alcohol Policy Review: Mr. Boykin reported that there had been no
changes/revisions to the current FTA required drug & alcohol testing program and that
the testing rates remained 50% for drug testing and 10% for alcohol testing as it applies
to the public transportation pool of safety sensitive employees. Following the review and
discussion Mr. Bryan Carner made a motion to approve the drug & alcohol testing policy.
Mr. Tommy Whittemore moved to second the motion and it passed with all members
voting yes.
• PATS — Section 5307: the board was informed that due to the most recent census data
that now includes Massac county/Metropolis, Illinois, increases the population base to
50,000+ service area. This change will essentially move PATS from 5311 rural to 5307
urban status. As a result PATS will no longer report directly to Frankfort but rather to
the Region 4 — Federal Transit Administration district office in Atlanta. The full
transition is presently scheduled to occur by September 2024.
1 401k Updated Joinder Agreement Approval: KY Deferred Comp had recently sent a
letter notifying PATS it was time to update the Joinder Agreement which required an
updated contact data sheet, Board Resolution/Authorization form, and Joinder
Agreement for the Executive Director to sign. Following the review of the resolution
document Mr. Mark Davis made a motion to approve the resolution. Mr. Bryan
Career moved to second the motion and it passed with all members voting yes. Board
Chair — Chip Cox then formally signed the resolution.
2 Executive Session: Mr. Tommy Whittemore made a motion to go into executive
session as permitted by KRS 61.810 (1) (f). Mr. Bryan Carver moved to second the
motion and it was approved with all members voting yes. Arthur Boykin, Jeremi
Bumpus, and Chuck Simpson were then excused from the session and were recalled
upon completion of the session. Mr. Mark Davis motioned to come out of executive
session. Mr. Patrick White moved to second the motion and it was approved by all
members voting yes. No business items transacted during the executive session.
3 Executive Director's Performance Review: Following board review and pending
approval, Mr. Tommy Whittemore motioned to approve a 5% increase to the
Executive Directors salary retroactive to January 1, 2023. Mr. Mark Davis moved to
second the motion and it passed with all members voting yes.
4 Authorization of Local Share: Arthur provided the review and resolution for board
review. Following the brief discussion Mr. Bryan Carner motioned to approve the
local share resolution. Mr. Mark Davis moved the second the motion and it passed
with all members voting yes.
5 Review of the Bank Reconciliation: The complete updated reviews were conducted by
Board Chair — Chip Cox and Executive Director Arthur Boykin. Arthur reviewed each
cash account statement ending 1/31/23. The credit card charges and vendor summary
were then reviewed. Following the completion of the bank account and credit card
statements review Mr. Bryan Carner made a motion to approve the reconciliation and
credit card reviews. Mr. Tommy Whittemore moved to second the motion and it
passed with all members voting yes.
6 Next Board Meeting: March 15, 2023 at 3p.m.
7 Adjourn — Mr. Mark Davis motioned to adjourn the meeting and Mr. Patrick White
moved to second the motion. Meeting adjourned.