URCDA M(C� 51 wlfflD
JANUARY 5, 2023 5:30 P. • FEB 0 7 2023
Paducah City Hall Commission Chambers
Attendees: Joe Benberry, Paul Bradford, David Morrison, Valerie Pollard, Vice -Chair Lorraine
Schramke, Chairman Bob Wade
Staff: Nic Hutchison, Planning Director and Joshua P. Sommer, Planner III
Guests: Mike Gardner, Helen Conception
Commissioner Schramke called the called meeting of the Paducah Planning Commission/ URCDA to
order at 5:30 PM.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. flag was recited.
The meeting was turned over to Josh Sommer, Planner III, for the election of officers for 2023. Mr.
Sommer opened the floor for nomination for Chair. Vice -Chair Schramke nominated Commissioner
Wade. Commissioner Bradford seconded. Mr. Sommer asked if there were any other nominations.
Commissioner Benberry nominated Vice -Chair Schramke. Commissioner Morrison seconded.
Commissioner Schramke graciously declined the nomination. Mr. Sommer asked if there were any other
nominations for Chair. Hearing none, he asked if there was a motion to close the nominations and elect
Commissioner Wade by acclimation. Commissioner Pollard made the motion to close the nominations
and elect Commissioner Wade by acclimation. Vice -Chair Schramke seconded. Mr. Sommer asked all
in favor.
5 Ayes (Benberry, Bradford, Morrison, Pollard, Schramke)
Chairman Wade opened the floor for nominations for Vice -Chair. Commissioner Morrison nominated
Vice -Chair Schramke. Commissioner Benberry seconded. Chairman Wade asked if there were any other
nominations. Hearing none, he asked if there was a motion to cease nominations and elected Vice -Chair
Schramke by acclimation. Commissioner Bradford made the motion to cease nominations and elect Vice -
Chair Schramke by acclimation. Commissioner Pollard seconded. Chairman Wade asked all in favor.
5 Ayes (Benberry, Bradford, Morrison, Pollard, Wade)
Chairman Wade expressed thanks to former Chair Cathy Crecelius and Vice -Chair Schramke.
Commissioner Bradford offered:
I move that the reading of the minutes for December 5, 2022 be waived and that the minutes of said
meeting, as prepared by staff, be approved as written.
Vice -Chair Schramke seconded.
No corrections were requested. Chairman Wade called for the vote.
6 Ayes (Benberry, Bradford, Morrison, Pollard, Schramke, Wade), 0 Nays
URCDA New Petitions
Case # INC2022-0018 112 South Yd Street
Roof Stabilization Grant application.
Commissioner Morrison offered:
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I move that the URCDA approve the utilization of Roof Stabilization Assistance Program funds in the
amount of $19, 338 for roof stabilization at 112 South 3rd Street, subject to the work being completed by
one of the qualified contractors that bid on the work.
Commissioner Benberry seconded.
Planner III Josh Sommer stated the recommendation was for $19,338, which was half of the lowest bid
received by Atlas Roofing. The Petition was made by John & Carla Berry.
Vice -Chair Schramke stated the three bids were spread apart in price. She asked if the only deciding
factor was the amount of the bid. Planning Director Nic Hutchison stated the spread in price was due to
the nature of the business. Commissioner Pollard clarified that the Petitioner can chose any of the
contractors they wish, but the grant would only be half of the lowest bid. Chairman Wade stated the
contractors have to be on the City's approved list, which all three of the bidders were.
No further questions were asked. Chairman Wade called for the vote.
6 Ayes (Benberry, Bradford, Morrison, Pollard, Schramke, Wade), 0 Nays
Case # SOA2022-0019 620 Fountain Avenue
Sale of Asset.
Commissioner Benberry offered:
I move that the URCDA find 620 Fountain Avenue is surplus property and accept the request ofG Squared
Properties of Paducah LLC to transfer the property for $250.00 to construct a single-family residence,
subject to the standard clause applied in the Fountain Avenue Revitalization Area stating the property
would revert back to the City if the owner fails to comply with the submitted proposal and fails to
substantially complete the project within two years.
Commissioner Pollard seconded.
Mr. Sommer stated the proposal was for a three bedroom, two bath home. The lot is in the Fountain
Avenue Neighborhood. He stated due to the location in the Neighborhood Commercial Corridor Zone,
HARC approval wasn't needed, but design guidelines were set forth in the Zoning Ordinance. The
proposed home would meet the design guidelines.
No questions were asked. Chairman Wade called for the vote.
6 Ayes (Benberry, Bradford, Morrison, Pollard, Schramke, Wade), 0 Nays
Planning Commission New Petitions
Case # PLT2022-0004 3810, 3820, 3900, 3910, 3914, 3920,
& 3930 Pines Road
Preliminary subdivision plat for 12 townhome lots.
Commissioner Pollard offered:
I move that the preliminary subdivision plat for 3810, 3820, 3900, 3910, 3914, 3920 & 3930 Pines Road
be approved and that the matter be continued generally, pending submission of a finalplat incorporating
all requirements made known to the Petitioner at the conclusion of the hearing.
Commissioner Morrison seconded.
Mr. Sommer stated the development would be for six townhomes. Each townhome is proposed have one
would have one point of ingress/ egress onto Pines Road. Both ends of the townhome lots are proposed
to have single-family homes constructed on them.
Mr. Mike Gardner approached the Commission. He stated in the regulations and restrictions of the original
subdivision, townhomes are permitted. The total value of the townhome under construction is currently
$860,000. Vice -Chair Schramke asked if the driveways would not be permitted onto Pines Road at the
time of the approval of the Westwood Hills Subdivision and they would be located behind the townhomes
on a street or easement. Mr. Sommer stated he reviewed the minutes of the approval of the preliminary
plat and the final plat. No mention of an ingress/ egress in the rear of the lots was required by the Planning
Commission. Mr. Gardner stated the ingress/ egress points had been approved by the City Engineer. He
further stated there would be one driveway to serve both townhomes. Vice -Chair Schramke asked if the
existing townhome had come before the Planning Commission. Mr. Sommer stated as long as the lot met
the zoning requirements, a building permit could be obtained for a single-family or two-family structure
on a single lot. Chairman Wade asked if the total access points would be six. Mr. Gardner confirmed and
stated the same amount of driveways would still be constructed even if the lots were not proposed to be
subdivided. Vice -Chair Schramke asked if a road could be constructed behind the townhomes. Mr.
Gardner stated there would not be enough room to construct a road in the rear.
Ms. Helen Conception addressed the Commission. She stated she lives behind the townhomes and did
not want a road behind the townhomes.
Vice -Chair Schramke asked who would review the traffic on Pines Road in relation to the proposed
townhomes. Mr. Sommer stated that would be the City Engineer's office. Mr. Gardner stated the City
Engineer did not have any concerns as proposed.
Mr. Sommer stated staff's comment at this time was to add a note if no sidewalks were proposed.
No further questions were asked. Chairman Wade called for the vote.
6 Ayes (Benberry, Bradford, Morrison, Pollard, Schramke, Wade), 0 Nays
Other Business
Mr. Sommer reminded the Planning Commission to please notify the Executive Secretary if they would
like to attend the training in Fulton in February.
Mr. Hutchison stated responses have been received for the Comprehensive Plan. The selected consultant
would be forwarded to the Commission.
Chairman Wade adjourned the meeting at 5:53 PM.
Respectfully submitted by Joshua P. Sommer, AICP