HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-07-2022MINUTES OF A CALLED MEETING OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF WATERWORKS A Called Meeting of the members of the Commissioners of Waterworks was held December 7, 2022, at the Paducah Water office, 1800 North 8th Street, Paducah. Mr. Barker called the meeting to order at 4:59 p.m. A quorum was present. Those present were as follows: Commissioners Present — Ed Barker, Chair; Tom Clayton, Vice Chair; Charles Bohle, Angela Copeland, Bill Shannon; Commissioners Absent — Randy DeHart; David Guess, Ex Officio; Counsel Present — W. David Denton of Denton Law Finn; Paducah Water Personnel Present — Jason Petersen, General Manager; Tillman Burnett, Office Manager/Controller, Jacob Northington, Engineering Manager; Scott Shrum, Distribution Superintendent; Tee -Tommy Vinson, Plant Superintendent; Clarissa White, Administrative Assistant. MINUTES Mr. Barker asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the October 26, 2022, regular meeting. Mr. Clayton made a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting as presented. Mr. Shannon seconded the motion, which carried unanimously by a vote of 5 — 0. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Mr. Burnett reviewed the financial statements for October 2022. He stated water sales were approximately 7% over budget for the month. Operating revenue was approximately $84,000 over budget, while operating expenses were $17,000 over budget in October. Net Revenue Before Capital Contributions was approximately $92,000 over budget for the month, and about $445,000 over budget for the fiscal year. Mr. Burnett called attention to page 4 and explained the overage in Purification and Pumping Utility expenses was due power costs associated with pumping more water to meet higher demand. The Water Quality Control line item was slightly over budget due to timing. The Supplies & Expense - Chemicals line item was over budget because the supply of caustic on hand was miscounted. It should actually reflect a $2,000 overage instead of $8,500. He also directed attention to page 5 of the financial statements, saying the Supplies & Expense — Miscellaneous line item was over budget in Distribution, and all other departments, due to ordering winter uniforms and gear for employees. Both the Maintenance — Distribution Mains and Maintenance — Services line items exceeded the budget because of increased amounts of main breaks and water service renewals in October and accompanying labor costs. After review and discussion, Mr. Shannon made a motion to approve the financial statements for October 2022. Mr. Clayton seconded the motion, which carried unanimously by a vote of 5 — 0. GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORTS Monthly Drug Testing Mr. Petersen indicated there were no positive drug tests in October. Safety Report Each department held safety meetings as required. Specific safety data, meeting topics and information were presented in the October Safety Report, which was distributed prior to the meeting, General Manager's Summary Mr. Petersen discussed the GM Summary and handouts. Plant • Water Quality— Mr. Petersen stated source water quality is typical for this time of year. Miscellaneous Rapidly falling temperatures caused a significant number of main breaks over the last several weeks. • Because Congress has intervened in the national rail workers issue, a strike is no longer imminent. • PW had several employees participate in Paducah's Christmas parade on December 3. Project Reports Mr. Northington informed the board of the following: • Cairo Road Elevated Tank — Roof and floor installation are complete. The paint crew is currently painting the tank's interior. • Miller Drive Water Main Replacement —This project consists of replacing approximately 1,900 linear feet of 4 -inch AC pipe. Installed in the 1960s, this main has an extensive history of breaks. Work began on November 29 and main installation is nearly complete. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Finance & Audit Committee Quarterly Meeting Report Mr. Shannon reported the Finance & Audit Committee met for its quarterly meeting on November 9, 2022, to review the check registers, new vendor listing, vendor summary, credit card statements and check detail report. The committee reported no inconsistencies or questionable findings in PW's financials. 911 Committee Funding Options Mr. Petersen stated the 911 Committee has moved forward with its Request for Proposal to purchase equipment. They also recommended adding a fee to water meters as the funding mechanism for 911 upgrades and services. It will be several months before there is additional movement. NEW BUSINESS Bid No. 22-10-05: Vehicles — Pickup Trucks Mr. Shrum reported a bid opening was held on November 30 for the purchase of five one-half ton extended cab pickup trucks. The following bid was received: COMPANY BID AMOUNT Linwood Motors $186,650.00 Staff recommended the bid be awarded to the lone bidder, Linwood Motors. After discussion, Mr. Bohle made a motion to accept the bid from Linwood Motors as recommended by staff. The motion was seconded by Mr. Clayton and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 — 0. Bid No. 22-11-07 — Chemicals for Water Treatment Mr. Vinson discussed the bids received for chemicals. He reminded the board that volatility in pricing caused PW to bid materials for six-month contracts in May of 2022 instead of the usual twelve-month term. He also noted that current suppliers of Sodium Hydroxide and Aluminum Sulfate agreed to hold their prices for an additional six months. The bids for 175,000 pounds of Sodium Chloride are as follows: Company Cost Per Pound Corechem 0.1860 DYCO 0.21 Water Solutions Unlimited NO BID Staff recommended acceptance of low bid from Corechem as presented. Mr. Shannon made a motion to accept the low bid per staff recommendation. The motion was seconded by Mr. Clayton, and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 — 0. Engineering Committee Meeting — Report 2022-03 In Mr. DeHart's absence, Mr. Petersen reported lie, Mr. Vinson and Mr. Northington met with the Engineering and System Development Committee on November 21, 2022. The purpose of the meeting was to reallocate $598,541 of unused funds from FY 20/21 as follows: Paducah Water Proiects Project Name Allocation Miller Dive Water Main Replacement $30,000 Raw Water Contingency $60,000 Raw Water Pump Upgrade—Phase 2 $388,541 SCADA Software Conversion $95,000 PanelView Security Upgrade — Phase 1 $25,000 Subtotal $598,541 After discussion, Mr. Shannon offered a motion to accept the recommended funds reallocation as presented. Mr. Bohle seconded the motion, which carried unanimously by vote of 5 — 0. Personnel Committee Report 2022-02 PW employees were dismissed from the meeting at this time, with the exception of Mr. Petersen and Ms. White, to allow for discussion of the Personnel Committee Report. After discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Bohle to approve the recommendations of the Personnel Committee per its Report No. 2022-02 to the board. The motion was seconded by Mr. Clayton and carried unanimously with a vote of 5 - 0. MISCELLANEOUS 2023 Chamber Annual Dinner )I Mr. Petersen informed the board that this event will be held at the Paducah -McCracken County Convention Center on Friday, January 27, 2023, beginning at 6:00 p.m. Depending on board interest, PW will purchase a table. Next Regular Meeting The next regular board meeting will be held on January 25, 2023. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:20 p.m. This meeting was held in compliance with I_RS 61.800 eq. Secretary Approved at a meeting of the Commissi ners of Waterworks held on the Z.S- day of r/� Ar )_, 2023. Chair ice Chair onmiissioner onnnissioner Dmmissioner Dmmissioner Commissioner