AUGUST 29, 2022 5:30 P
OCT 25 2022
Paducah City Hall Commission Chambers L CITY CLERK
Attendees: Troy Astin, Erna Boykin, Jim Chapman, Patrick Perry, Carol Young
Staff: Nic Hutchison, Director of Planning; Joshua P. Sommer, Senior Planner
Guests: Joaquin Hilton, Damon Turner
Chairwoman Young called the regularly -scheduled meeting of the Paducah Board of Adjustment to order
at 5:30 pm.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. flag was recited.
The roll was taken.
Vice -Chair Perry offered:
I move that the reading of the minutes for June 2, 2022 be waived and that the minutes of said meeting,
as prepared by staff, be approved as written.
Mr. Astin seconded.
No corrections were requested. Chairwoman Young called for the vote.
5 Ayes (Actin, Boykin, Chapman, Perry, Young), 0 Nays
New Petitions
Case# VAR2022-0004 217
Mr. Astin offered:
I move that this Board receive and file the application of Joaquin Hilton for a 10' horizontal variance
request to place a proposed sign on the right side of the building at 217 Broadway.
I further move that the variance be approved based on the following findings offact:
1. Maintaining an attractive and appropriate viewshed along Broadway is a priority of the Board
of Commissioners.
2. The balcony does interfere with placement in the same horizontal location.
3. A sign above the balcony would be disruptive to the historic sign pattern of placement along
4. The sign otherwise meets the requirements of the Paducah Zoning Ordinance.
Vice -Chair Perry seconded.
Senior Planner Josh Sommer reviewed the Findings of Fact in the staff report and stated staff did agree
that placing the sign above balcony would cause disruption to the historical pattern.
Mrs. Boykin asked Mr. Hilton if the balcony was in use and if the sign would block any views. Mr. Hilton
stated the balcony was used for club members and the sign would not block any views.
No further questions were asked. Chairwoman Young called for the vote.
5 Ayes (Astin, Boykin, Chapman, Perry, Young), 0 Nays
Case# VAR2022-0005 393-403 Villa Ridge Drive
Mr. Chapman offered:
I move that this Board receive and file the application of Higdon Development, Inc. for a 9.5'rear yard
variance request to constructfour enclosed porches a maximum of 5.5' from the rear property line at 393,
395, 401 & 403 Villa Ridge Drive.
I further move that the variance be approved based on the following findings of fact:
1. The property behind the duplexes is wooded with no neighbors.
2. At least twenty-six other units in this development have enclosed porches or porch roofs.
3. The rear yard setback of fifteen feet was approved by the Paducah Planning Commission to
maximize the use of the property.
4. It is a reasonable request for the future tenants of these units to be able to utilize the same
amenities as others in this development.
Mr. Astin seconded.
Mr. Sommer reviewed the Findings of Fact in the staff report. He stated the rear yard setback had been
reduced by the Planning Commission when the subdivision was platted.
Chairwoman Young asked if any of the trees would be removed. Mr. Damon Turner stated they would
not. Mr. Astin asked if the retaining wall would interfere with the construction of the enclosed porches.
Mr. Turner stated it would not.
No further questions were asked. Chairwoman Young called for the vote.
5 Ayes (Astin, Boykin, Chapman, Perry, Young), 0 Nays
Other Business
The BOA voted to adjourn the meeting at 5:40 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Joshua P. Sommer, AICP