HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-15-2022Paducah Transit Authority
Board of Directors Meeting
Minutes June 15, 2022
The monthly meeting of the Paducah Transit Authority (PTA) was called to order by Board
Chair — Chip Cox at 3p.m. Members present were Tommy Whittemore, Chip Bohle, Mark
Davis, Bryan Carver, and Patrick White.. Executive Director — Arthur Boykin, Assistant
Director Jeremi Bumpus, and Chuck Simpson - Human Resources Director / Secretary to the
Guest: Alex Blackwell — attorney with the Denton Law Firm
Board Chair — Chip Cox led the Board in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance
• Public Comments: N/A
Following the review of the April, 2022 minutes (note the May meeting was cancelled), Mr.
Chip Bohle made a motion to accept the April meeting minutes. Mr. Mark Davis moved to
second the motion and it passed with all members voting yes.
• Mr. Boykin informed the Board that the current cash flow forecast balance remained at
$3.4 million and was projected to hold that balance to the fiscal year end. During the
P&L review it was noted that the earned revenue increase was a result of contract
revenue from the Department of Corrections for medical transports. The Medicaid
increase was a result of the multiplier rate that has now ceased. Arthur reminded the
Board that the health insurance decrease reflects the change in coverage, the cost of fuel
is up, gasoline was up by 56.3% and diesel was up by 65.3%. The cost increase under
the building/repairs category reflects the purchase of two bus shelters. Following the
review of the statistical and financial reports, Mr. Tommy Whittemore made a motion to
approve. Mr. Bryan Carner moved to second the motion and it passed with all members
voting yes.
Mr. Boykin informed the Board about the following transit business:
• Board Members — Keisha Curry and Tommy Whittemore have been reappointed to the
PATS Board (attached).
• Arthur received formal approval from KY -OTD for the FY23 budget.
• Paducah Chamber event: Sen. Mitch McConnell scheduled to speak. PATS will reserve
a table and Board Members were invited to attend.
• As of June Ist the Medicaid multiplier rate ceased and we are back at the standard rate.
This will result in a $40,000 to $50,000 reduction in monthly revenue.
• Uniforms: PATS is presently considering a new provider of shirts and slacks. The
current DBE provider is only providing uniform shirts.
Nick Hutchison with the City has inquired about the possibility of PATS providing an
after hours downtown shuttle. It was noted that PATS is presently short staffed and
finding a driver(s) that would be interested is the primary issue of concern.
Ridership data for the June meeting as not available and will be added to the July agenda.
Board inquiry of potential employee complaint: there were no employees in attendance
and no formal complaint had been presented to the Board. Mr. Boykin then summarized
his encounter with a staff member that abruptly resigned.
1. Concrete Award — Three contractors had submitted bids for the concrete pads
necessary for the two new bus shelters. The bid was awarded to 3C.
2. Greyhound Invoicing — finally received all the necessary information and submitting
to Frankfort.
Banking RFP - Assistant Director — Jeremi Bumpus will be posting/providing an RFP
to review banking services for PATS. Presently US Bank continues to be the provider
of banking services for PATS.
Property Lease for Billboard — request to lease advertising space at the PATS Park &
Ride property has been sent to FTA for consideration. It was also mentioned that the
KY Division for Air quality has contacted Arthur inquiring about the possibility of
leasing space from PATS to relocate their air quality monitoring station. Arthur will
be pursuing additional information and report back to the Board.
Replacement Vehicles — it was reported that repair costs will be going up due to the
necessity of extending the life of the current fleet. KY -OTD recently informed PATS
that new vehicles may not be available for up to an additional 4 years.
Employee Shortage — Office Manager — Angel Bailey is presently working with a
staffing agency to assist with customer service staff placement.
Review of the May Bank Reconciliation: The reviews were conducted by Board Chair
— Chip Cox and Executive Director Arthur Boykin. Arthur reviewed each cash account
statement for May confirmed. The credit card charges for May were then reviewed
followed by the vendor summaries. Following the completion of the credit card and
vendor statements review Mr. Bryan Carrier made a motion to approve the
reconciliation, credit card, and vendor reviews. Mr. Chip Bohle moved to second the
motion and it passed with all members voting yes.
6 Next Board Meeting: July 20th at 3p.m.
7 Adjourn — Mr. Mark Davis motioned to adjourn the meeting and Mr. Chip Bohle
moved to second the motion. Meeting adjourned.