HomeMy WebLinkAboutMO #2571MUNICIPAL ORDER NO. 2571 A MUNICIPAL ORDER APPROVING A FLEET MAINTENANCE, MOTORIZED EQUIPMENT AND EMERGENCY APPARATUS SERVICE AGREEMENT WITH THE GRAVES COUNTY FISCAL COURT (MAYFIELD- GRAVES COUNTY AMBULANCE SERVICE), TO PROVIDE FLEET MAINTENANCE SERVICES AT HOURLY RATES AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF ALL DOCUMENTS RELATED TO SAME WHEREAS, the City of Paducah wishes to enter into a Fleet Maintenance Service Agreement with Graves County Fiscal Court (Mayfield -Graves County Ambulance Service) for the City of Paducah Fleet Department to provide fleet services at hourly rates. KENTUCKY: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH, SECTION 1. That the Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes the Mayor to execute the City of Paducah Fleet Maintenance, Motorized Equipment and Emergency Apparatus Service Agreement (hereinafter the "Agreement') with the Graves County Fiscal Court (Mayfield -Graves County Ambulance Service) in substantially the form attached hereto and made part hereof (Exhibit A). SECTION 2. That the hourly labor rates are as follows: Shop Hourly Labor Rate Heavy Truck $95 per hour Heavy Equipment $95 per hour Passenger Vehicle $85 per hour Light Truck $85 per hour Small Engine $75 per hour SECTION 3. That the initial term of the Agreement shall be for a period of one (1) year. Such term shall automatically renew at the end of the Initial Term unless either party terminates the Agreement upon sixty days written notice in accordance with Paragraph 7 of the Agreement. In addition, the City of Paducah may terminate the Agreement with cause upon a thirty -day written notice for non-payment of fees. SECTION 4. This Order shall be in full force and effect from and after the date of its adoption. ME! Bray, Mayor ATTEST: h Lindsay Parish, ity Clerk Adopted by the Board of Commissioners, May 10, 2022 Recorded by Lindsay Parish, City Clerk, May 10, 2022 mo/agree-fleet maintenance services —Graves County Fiscal Court (Mayfield -Graves County Ambulance Service) Exhibit A CITY OF PADUCAH FLEET MAINTENANCE:. lClTORIMIA CQUIPMEy'T, AND EMERGENCY APPARATUS SERVICE AC RF.F3'1ENT This Fleet Maintenance, 1lutori.Eed Egrilimcm and I-Anerg-crwN Apparatus Service Agreement thcrcinafter "iAgreemcnt't is made and entered into by and bctwwen the City of Paducah. Kentucky,. it municipal corpnration, (licre natter "Paducah"I and c" kAljtt_5 Cc (hercinatter -Catstolucr'9. it n)o vlfteltt C7y,,,VS Co. AjVkb Fl[+xxe C-ers19cC�. L SERVICES. Paducah tierces to provide all prolessimtal kihnr. malcrials, equipment. and operations ueccssary for scheduled maintenance. upkeep. repair Und preyen0ve maintenance. pursuant to the Fee Schedule auached hereto. The Ecc Schedule ■mill be updmed on Januan 1" of each applicable year. 1 HOURS QF OPERAT[ON. Narriml opcnttiom are Monday thruugla J rider from 6% 30 a.m. until 1:8111 p.m., w'ilh the exception or holidays. Repairs madc,outside repular operating hours will he performed at one and one half times the regular hourly lee. 3. WARRANTY OF WORKMANSHIP. Paducah +rill ts;rrrartt its unrkmanship on repairs for a period of 3t) days lollowing caaniplelion of work. 4. TOWING. CusmuterWill be resparisible iivrtLming any ychicles to the Department, S. NVORK AUTHOR174TION. Paclacali is authrarired to lierforin work on any equipment in which the fee is Icss than SLOW Ary service ur repair cyeecding SLO01) shall require prior written authorization liom C'ustanicr's.authurized rcryirctiematutc. 6. TERbI. this Al -reentenl shall heenrte effective on the date signed and he in effect lir one year. Thereafter, the, 'reemcm sludl automatically rent% unless terminated as specified in Paragraph ?. 7. TERMINATION. Dither party ,hall hate the right to terminale this Agreement without cause upon sixty 460) days' written -mice to the other Paan%. Paducah tnay tcrminate this Agreeratcm kith cause upon lhbty d301 clays' willen 11wicc fir non payment if Pecs. S. PAY`t4ENT, Paducah shall uunel nwnth1% invoices ro C usionner uxith a due date of thirty (301 day s. Alter ci stye (0) daN s o i' n in-pmm em. this Atrecm ent sltai I be suiij tti t 10 ' l'erminatinn for Cause. 9. AUTHORIZED REPRERFNT,i'fl'4T. C-usta>mcr's aaslltori.rcd representative is:Oe�jgu1 111. INSURANCE- Customer shall maimain general aml ;auto hahility insurance iv'ith a single eoanhined liubility limit of rot less [halt Sl dllt0.87ptt orand in crnrcetion with the provision of service by Paducah under this Agreemem Customer harcby w'aiycs an% claim against Paducah Eair any ph+'sicaal damage to its Vchicleisl yc'hilc'in Paducah's custody and ca*ntrot 11. INDEMNIFICATION. CUstPmer Shall lndemmnil'c. hold harmlcsc_ and defend Paducah from and as'ai;nst may and all ctabns. rrsuhin_4 or arising fioan laaducah's performance. or Failun: to perliromt. under this AV r"ment. CITY OF PADUCAH — FLEET MAINTENANCE, MOTORIZED EQUIPMENT,. AND EMERGENCY APPARATUS SERVICE AGREEMENT CITYOF PADUCAH CUSTOMER By: By Title: Maym TtIIc: gmye5'8fl. Date: Date: k14Ob, U22- 14161 2 - 14161