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Pam Spencer, Public Information Officer
City of Paducah • P.O. Box 2267 • Paducah, Kentucky 42002
270/444-8669 • Office 270/443-5058 • Fax
Website: http://paducahky.gov Email: pspencer@paducahky.gov
City Commission Meeting Highlights
Tuesday, March 10, 2020 at 5:30 p.m. at City Hall
COVID-19 Update
Lindsey Cunningham, Purchase District Health Department epidemiologist, provided an update on COVID-19, a novel
coronavirus. Cunningham says in Kentucky, eight people have tested positive for the virus with no positive reports in our
region. Citizens can find the latest information about COVID-19 in Kentucky by visiting the Kentucky Department of Public
Health’s website at http://kycovid19.ky.gov. Kentucky has set up a hotline for concerned citizens at 1-800-722-5725. For
more information, visit the CDC’s webpage dedicated to COVID-19 at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-
Parking Assessment Study Presentation
Project Manager Mohammad Nouri with Concepts21 presented to the Paducah Board of Commissioners the findings from
the downtown parking study that was initiated in 2019. The study included an open-house public information event on
February 13 which over a four-hour period, citizens were able to provide their input. The study analyzed the current parking
supply in a 12-block area with a focus around the block at Broadway and 2nd Street, the city-owned lot. The assessment
considers how parking will be impacted by the proposed City Block re-development project in addition to identifying present
parking needs and providing parking recommendations. Visit http://paducahky.gov/downtown-redevelopment to read the
entire parking study.
The City Block development, which is being developed by a private dev eloper, is proposed for the city-owned lot and would
include a 4 ½ story hotel on Jefferson and a 3-story mixed-used residential and commercial complex along Broadway.
Between the two developments would be the town square and public parking with 172 parki ng spaces. The parking supply
within a one block area of the development (including the 172 spaces as part of the development) is 560 spaces. Nouri says no
immediate action is required to accommodate the parking for this project, “There is room for this growth in downtown.”
In the 12-block area, the study identified 608 off-street public parking spaces, 541 off-street parking space with neighbor
agreements, and 563 on-street or curbside parking spaces for a total of 1712 spaces. An occupancy study was performed to
determine parking usage during weekdays and weekends in November and December which reflect typical daily usage in
addition to special event usage (the Small Business Saturday Shopping Event). Regarding the public parking lot spaces (608
total), the average utilization rate on a normal weekend or weekday is approximately 22 percent.
A large portion of the study focused on i mprovement strategies to better manage the existing parking supply in downtown and
plan for future growth. Recommendations include the following:
• Identify and mark the individual on-street parking spaces that are not marked and explore angled parking in areas;
• Determine accessible parking locations;
• Upgrade signage, lighting, and wayfinding;
• Secure spaces in city-owned lots for downtown business employees; and
• Evaluate the need for a future parking ga rage.
Buckner Lane Bridge Project Ordinances (vote March 24)
The Paducah Board of Commissioners introduced two ordinances related to the Buckner Lane Bridge Project, a project listed
in the Stormwater Master Plan. The first ordinance is for a budget amendment in the amount of $80,000. This amendment
transfers funds into the project account. The second ordinance introduced is for a professional services contract with BFW
Engineering & Testing, Inc. in the amount of $154,036 for engineering design services for project.
This bridge on Buckner Lane over Crooked Creek is located near the intersection with Buckner Lake Circle. It has bee n
affected by flooding and severe weather events in 2018 and 2019. The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet has reviewed the
Pam Spencer, Public Information Officer
City of Paducah • P.O. Box 2267 • Paducah, Kentucky 42002
270/444-8669 • Office 270/443-5058 • Fax
Website: http://paducahky.gov Email: pspencer@paducahky.gov
bridge and rates it in poor condition with two wooden piles under the bridge experiencing 75 percent deterioration. The
project will improve the roadway design in that location in addition to the replacement of the bridge.
Regarding funding, the City applied for Disaster Relief Funding from FEMA for the bridge project after flooding and severe
weather events. FEMA has obligated nearly $330 ,000 for the project with the State providing nearly $53,000. The remaining
engineering and construction costs will be handled by the City of Paducah.
Contract with Adam’s Contracting LLC for Bob Leeper Pedestrian Bridge Project
The Paducah Board of Commissioners approved an ordinance for a contract with Adams Contracting, LLC in the amount of
$274,121 for the Bob Leeper Pedestrian Bridge project. This pedestrian bridge over Perkins Creek just northwest of the Stuart
Nelson ball fields will tie the City of Paducah Greenway Trail to the McCracken County Trail System. This bridge will be
approximately 110 feet long and 10 feet wide and will follow an abandoned rail bed of the Chicago, St. Louis, and New
Orleans Railroad Company. The project will be funded by a $100,000 Recreation Trails Grant through the Federal Highway
Administration, $80,000 from the City, $30,000 from McCracken County, $30,000 from Four Rivers Nuclear Partnership,
$5000 from Veolia North America, and $5000 from Geosyntec Consultants. Once the contractor receives the Notice to
Proceed, this is a 180-calendar day project.
Professional Services Contract with BFW Engineering & Testing for Floodwall Seal Closure Project
The Paducah Board of Commissioners approved an ordinance for a professional services contract in the amount of $52,204
with BFW Engineering & Testing for the Floodwall Seal Closure Project. BFW will prepared the bid plans for the permanent
closure or alteration of 13 floodwall openings. These are floodwall openings that a re no longer used or needed.
Resolution in Support of HB 484 Related to CERS Separation
The Paducah Board of Commissioners approved a resolution in support of House Bill 484 that will reorganize the Kentucky
Retirement Systems and create an independent County Employees Retirement System (CERS) Board of Trustees.
Commissioner Richard Abraham abstained from the vote and wanted more information on the impact of House Bill 484.
The City of Paducah has employees vested in CERS. House Bill 484 is supported by the Kentucky League of Cities. The bill
creates a nine-member CERS Board of Trustees whose sole responsibility is the management of the CERS. Currently CERS is
part of the Kentucky Retirement Systems and is earning inves tment income below amounts earned by peer groups. A strong
investment income is a vital component of improving the pension system’s funding level. A CERS Board of Trustees solely
focused on investment decisions, actuarial data and asset allocations of CE RS would ensure decisions made for the system are
in its best interest. Currently, the assets of the CERS are about $13.5 billion which total about 76 percent of the pension assets
controlled by the Kentucky Retirement Systems. However, the current 17 -member Kentucky Retirement Systems Board of
Trustees has only six seats for CERS representatives.
Annual Audit Presentation (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report)
Finance Director Jonathan Perkins and David Hampton of Kemper CPA Group, LLP provided an overview of the City’s
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) which includes the City audit. The audit is required by State law; however,
the CAFR is a voluntary document that the City prepares to provide additional information and transparency to the public.
The report is for the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2019. Paducah is one of the few cities in Kentucky that prepares a CAFR.
For 28 consecutive years, Paducah has been awarded the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting
from the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA). The entire CAFR report and
previous audits dating back to 2001 can be fou nd on the City’s website, www.paducahky.gov.
2020 Our Paducah Strategic Plan Discussion
Assistant City Manager Michelle Smolen provided an overview of the Our Paducah Strategic Plan document that incorporates
updates from the Board. At the January 25 meeting of the Paducah Board of Commissioners, the Board reviewed the
initiatives listed in the plan and prioritized items. Smolen says the final document will be brought before the Board for
approval at the March 24 meeting.
Quick Highlights
• Appointment of Mark Kettler and reappointment of John Gill to the Paducah Golf Commission.
• Municipal order approved to appoint Sidonie Hancock to the Paducah Junior College Board of Trustees.
Pam Spencer, Public Information Officer
City of Paducah • P.O. Box 2267 • Paducah, Kentucky 42002
270/444-8669 • Office 270/443-5058 • Fax
Website: http://paducahky.gov Email: pspencer@paducahky.gov
• Municipal order approved accepting the Kentucky Office of Homeland Security 2019 grant award in the amount of
$97,000 for an airport terminal access control system for Barkley Regional Airport. There is no local match for this
grant. The funds will be used for cameras, servers, and door access control devices.
• Municipal order approved for Contract Amendment No. 4 with Tyler Technologies, Inc. This amendment is for the
removal and addition of software related to the Computer Aided Dispatch System used in the operation of the City’s
911 system.
• Ordinance approved amending Code of Ordinances Section 78-32 related to vacation leave, an ordinance that hasn’t
been amended since 1991. To assist with recruitment and retention of employees, the vacation leave accruals will be
amended to match those in the recently approved Paducah Police Bargaining Unit contract.
• Ordinance approved for a budget amendment in the amount of $1.5 million for the BUILD grant match and project
expenses. Last year, the City received notice that it will be receiving a $10.4 million grant from the U.S. Department
of Transportation for the Riverfront Excursion Pier and Plaza, improvements to the area near the Transient Boat
Dock, and other transportation improvements.
• Ordinance introduced (vote March24) for a budget amendment in the amount of $141,000 to replace the grounds
equipment at Paxton Park.
• Ordinance introduced (vote March 24) for a professional services contract in the base fee amount of $39,000 with
CBIZ Talent and Compensation Solutions for a personnel clas sification and compensation study which includes a
financial impact study. The previous classification and compensation study was completed in 2011. To remain
competitive in retaining and recruiting employees, this study will review all positions and pay and the City’s
organizational structure.