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Pam Spencer, Public Information Officer
City of Paducah • P.O. Box 2267 • Paducah, Kentucky 42002
270/444-8669 • Office 270/443-5058 • Fax
Website: http://paducahky.gov Email: pspencer@paducahky.gov
City Commission Meeting Highlights
Tuesday, August 27, 2019, at 5:30 p.m. at City Hall
Note: Commissioner Gerald Watkins was unable to attend this meeting.
Approve Agreement with Lose Design for Design and Construction Management Services for New Indoor Aquatic
and Recreation Facility
The Paducah Board of Commissioners approved a municipal order for a professional services agreement w ith Lose Design for
the design and construction management services for a new indoor aquatic and recreation center. Lose is a Nashville,
Tennessee company that has been in operation for 37 years. Lose will be working with Bacon Farmer Workman Engineering
and Testing (BFW), Marcum Engineering, Sports Facilities Advisory (SFA), and Water Technology, Inc. (WTI). The base fee
for the agreement is $1,120,800.
Lose Design President and CEO Chris Camp attended the meeting. Camp explained that the design team will be in Paducah
on Wednesday, September 4 to start the initial design process. Camp said, “We have an aggressive schedule in order to get
construction started in the next fiscal year.”
In July, the City of Paducah receive proposals from seven project teams interested in providing serv ices for the design of a
new indoor aquatic and recreation center. After an evaluation to narrow the field and then an on -site interview process, Lose
Design was selected. The project will include four phases: predesign; survey and geotechnical testing; construction documents
and permitting; and bidding and construction administration.
The development of an indoor aquatic and recreation facility is tied to Our Community and the Performance Area,
Recreation, as outlined in Paducah’s Strategic Plan. It’s also one of the What’s Important Now (WIN) initiatives. The
outcome for Action Item R-1 is to research, plan, design, and construct a sports plex and recreation aquatic facility. Learn
more about the Strategic Plan at www.ourpaducah.us.
Amend Paducah Code of Ordinances Section 2-145 Regarding Commission Meeting Procedures (vote September 9)
The Paducah Board of Commissioners introduced an ordinance to amend Section 2-145 of the Paducah Code of Ordinances
regarding the procedures for City Commission meetings. To facilitate the decision-making related to City business, this
ordinance amends the process for the general public to speak at a meeting. The amendme nts allow the public to be heard
regarding business items on that meeting’s agenda including resolutions, consent agenda items, and ordinances. If a member
of the public would like to discuss a topic that is not on the meeting agenda, there are several wa ys to connect with the City
including email, online forms, social media, telephone, and face-to-face meetings.
Amend Code of Ordinances Section 2-315 Regarding Age Qualification for Firefighters
The Paducah Board of Commissioners approved an ordinance to amend Paducah Code of Ordinances Section 2-315
regarding firefighter training and qualifications. This amendment lowers the minimum hiring age from 21 to 19 years of age.
The goal is to attract additional applicants who would like to pursue careers as firefighters. Paducah Fire Chief Steve Kyle
hopes that this change will help in recruiting efforts.
Quick Highlights
• Municipal Orders approved for annual contracts for services between the City and the following agencies:
o Sprocket – The City will provide $50,000 for the continues operation of a makerspace and entrepreneurial
development services.
o Luther F. Carson Four Rivers Performing Arts Center - The City will provide $60,000 to support youth
o Paducah Transit Authority – The City will provide $215,000 for public transportation services.
o Paducah Junior College, Inc. - The City will provide $125,000 for the Community Scholarship Program.
o Barkley Regional Airport - The City will provide $120,000 to support the airport.
Pam Spencer, Public Information Officer
City of Paducah • P.O. Box 2267 • Paducah, Kentucky 42002
270/444-8669 • Office 270/443-5058 • Fax
Website: http://paducahky.gov Email: pspencer@paducahky.gov
o Greater Paducah Economic Development Council - The City will provide GPEDC $250,000.
• Municipal Order approved authorizing the purchase of seven police pursuit-rated SUVs from Linwood Motors in the
total amount of $255,625.
• Municipal Order approved authorizing the application to the State for a historic marker for the Noble Park
Amphitheatre honoring Walter “Dub” Beasley. Beasley worked to preserve the columns and have them incorporated
into the Amphitheatre. The columns were from the façade of the old Immanuel Baptist Church that was dem olished
in 1983.
• Municipal Order approved authorizing the interlocal agreement between the City and the McCracken County Fiscal
Court for the 2019-2020 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Accountability Grant. The Paducah Police Department has
been notified that it will be receiving $11,280 for the purchase of handheld radios. No local match is required.
• Ordinance approved adopting an easement for the Paducah-McCracken County Joint Sewer Agency on property
owned by the City of Paducah located between Hansen Road and Pecan Drive.
• Ordinance approved for Change Orders #6 and 7 totaling $5686 for the City Hall Phase I Improvement Construction
Project. These change orders bring the total project cost with A&K Construction to $4,170,971.
• Ordinance introduced (vote September 9) to close a portion of Mayfair Place between Sherwood Road and
Marlborough Way. The adjacent property owners requested this closure of undeveloped property.