November 20, 2019
4:00 p.m.
Commerce Center Boardroom
300 South Third St.
Paducah, KY 42003
The meeting of the Paducah-McCracken County Industrial Development Authority was held
on Wednesday, November 20, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. in the boardroom at the Commerce Center
located at 300 South Third St. In compliance with the Open Meetings Act, press had been
notified of the meeting.
Members - * denotes absent
Keith Anderson
Bob Johnston
Kevin McEwan*
Mike Stone
Bob Turok
Durwin Ursery
Mayor Brandi Harless*
Judge Executive Clymer*
Bruce Wilcox
Others in attendance
Lisa Emmons
Heather Pierce
Nora Rikel
Call to Order
Chair Bob Johnston called the meeting to order. A quorum was present. Minutes from the
last meeting were reviewed.
Mike Stone moved to approve the December 7, 2018 meeting
minutes as written, Bob Turok seconded; motion was unanimously
New Business
Bruce Wilcox said Paducah Water had contacted him regarding the desire to construct a
water tower in the I-24 Industrial Park. The Board agreed it would be a significant
infrastructure improvement to the Park. Following discussion, the Board approved the
following motions.
Keith Anderson moved to declare an approximate one (1) acre parcel
in the southwestern portion of the I-24 Industrial Park and referenced
on the City of Paducah’s GIS as 5802 Commerce Drive, with the
approximate coordinates of 37°05’ 20.16” N and 88° 42”35.99” W, as
surplus property and not needed for development by the IDA, Mike
Stone seconded; motion was unanimously approved.
Bob Turok moved, seconded by Keith Anderson, the Board approve the
transfer of the surplus property described in the previous motion, along
with an access easement, to Paducah Water for the construction of a new
water tower for no consideration as the Board feels it is in our best interest
in the development of the Park, and further authorizing W. R. (Bob)
Johnston, as Chair of the Board, execute all documents needed to complete
the transfer of property with all costs for the transfer being paid by Paducah
Water. The motion was unanimously approved.
Chair Johnston said the next item on the agenda was the clean-up of the Park property.
Bruce Wilcox said we have applied for the TVA in lieu of taxes funds through the
McCracken County Fiscal Court for this expense. The estimated cost of the cleanup is
$120,000. Lisa Emmons noted that this project will need to be bid by the IDA because of
the amount. Mr. Wilcox also said the County feels the City of Paducah should share in
the cost of the clean-up.
Keith Anderson moved to table the issue until we have a definite answer on
the availability of the funds. Mike Stone seconded, motion was
unanimously approved.
Chair Johnston said the position of Vice-Chair is now vacant since Kelly Nuckols in no
longer on the Board.
Mike Stone nominated Keith Anderson for the Vice-Chair position, Bob
Turok seconded; motion was unanimously approved.
Bruce Wilcox gave an update on the activities of Greater Paducah Economic Development.
With no other business to discuss, Chair Johnston called for the adjournment of the
meeting. Meeting was adjourned at 5:10 p.m.