HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-07-2020-virtual MINUTES OF THE PADUCAH PLANNING COMMISSION DECEMBER 7, 2020, 5:30 P.M. Video Conference Meeting via Zoom Note: In order to keep the Commission and public safe in the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak this meeting was held virtually using video teleconferencing. In accordance with Senate Bill 150, the public was invited to participate by joining: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82539734980?pwd=VFZQYnQvbkhKK2lsMDZZbStaOTAxUT09 or view the meeting on the government access channel, Government 11 (Comcast channel 11). The link was included on individual legal notice. Attendees: Chairwoman Cathy Crecelius, Vice-Chair Lorraine Schramke, Joe Benberry, Paul Bradford, David Morrison, Valerie Pollard, Bob Wade Absent: Staff: Josh Sommer, Senior Planner Guests: Jason Goins, Kim Morris, Emily Black Chairwoman Crecelius called the regularly-scheduled meeting of the Paducah Planning Commission to order at 5:30 pm. Members who were present were visible on the video monitor. The pledge of allegiance to the U.S. flag was recited. The Roll was taken. Commissioner Morrison offered the following motion: I move that the reading of the minutes for November 16, 2020 be waived and that the minutes of said meeting, as prepared by staff, be approved as written. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Pollard. No corrections were requested. 7 Ayes (Crecelius, Benberry, Bradford, Morrison, Pollard, Schramke, Wade), 0 Nays; Motion approved. Planning Commission Continued Cases Case #: PLT2020-101 & WAV2020-106 Case PLT2020-101 was left on the table awaiting roadway and stormwater agreements between the developers and the City Engineer’s office. Case WAV2020-106 was left on the table awaiting a resolution between the Petitioner and the surveyor for roadway frontage. Planning Commission New Business Case #: WAV2020-113 5001 Hinkleville Road Lot split in the Regional Trade Center. Applicant is KY Motel, Inc. MINUTES OF THE PADUCAH PLANNING COMMISSION – continued page 2 / 4 Commissioner Wade offered: I move that this Commission receive and file the application of KY Motel, Inc. for the proposed re- subdivision of property located at 5001 Hinkleville Road. I further move that the requested waiver of the public hearing and the dedication of streets be given and that approval of the submitted plat be granted. Vice-Chair Schramke seconded. Ms. Kim Morris with BFW explained this lot split was for future development. Commissioner Morrison asked if the sign easement had been taken care of? Ms. Morris stated a note was added on the plat. No further questions were asked. Chairwoman Crecelius called for the vote. 7 Ayes (Crecelius, Benberry, Bradford, Morrison, Pollard, Schramke, Wade), 0 Nays Case #: USE2020-132 100 Ridgewood Avenue Conditional Use recommendation to the BOA. Applicants are Fowler and Emily Black Commissioner Bradford offered: I move that this Commission recommend to the Board of Adjustment case USE2020-132 pertaining to 100 Ridgewood Avenue for a conditional use be approved in accordance with the parameters submitted by the applicant, adjoined to this approval recommendation as Exhibit A, on November 24, 2020. Commissioner Morrison seconded. Note: Due to background noise, the motion was read and seconded twice. Chairwoman Crecelius stated her understanding only one pupil would be present at time. Mrs. Emily Black stated that was correct. She is not having lessons at this time, but did pursue the Conditional Use recommendation upon the return to lessons after a reduction in Covid cases. Mrs. Black stated that in the future there may be a second student added, but never anymore than two. No further questions were asked. Chairwoman Crecelius called for the vote. 7 Ayes (Crecelius, Benberry, Bradford, Morrison, Pollard, Schramke, Wade), 0 Nays Case #: WAV2020-135 2670 New Holt Road Parking waiver. Applicant is O J Real Estate, LLC Commissioner Pollard offered: I move that this Commission receive and file the application of OJ Real Estate, LLC for approval to waive 10 parking spaces and four stacked spaces at 2670 New Holt Road pursuant to Section 126-71 (b) (2) of the Paducah Zoning Ordinance. I further move this Commission find: The waiver of 10 parking spaces and four stacked spaces shall have no negative impact on the property; and MINUTES OF THE PADUCAH PLANNING COMMISSION – continued page 3 / 4 A total of 124 parking spaces and four stacked spaces are being provided on the site; and The reasoning contained in the Petitioner’s professional representative’s letter are incorporated into these findings of fact, adjoined as Exhibit B; and Four parking spaces shall be designated “employee only” parking in the driving aisle where potential stacking can occur; and The Planning Commission has the authority to waive the parking requirements at 2670 New Holt Road. I further move the application be approved. Commissioner Benberry seconded. Chairwoman Crecelius asked if anyone was present to present the case. Mr. Jason Goins with Siteworx stated he would be presenting the case. Chairwoman Crecelius asked if vehicles existing the drive-through can turn left or right. Mr. Goins stated they could turn either way. No further questions were asked. Chairwoman Crecelius called for the vote. 7 Ayes (Crecelius, Benberry, Bradford, Morrison, Pollard, Schramke, Wade), 0 Nays Case #: WAV2020-136 1140 Broadway and 1143 Kentucky Avenue Property line abolishment for future development on Broadway. Applicants are Steve & Jill Durham. Commissioner Morrison offered: I move that this Commission receive and file the application of Steve & Jill Durham for the proposed re- subdivision of property located at 1140 Broadway and 1143 Kentucky Avenue. I further move that the requested waiver of the public hearing and the dedication of streets be given and that approval of the submitted plat be granted. Commissioner Wade seconded. Chairwoman Crecelius explained the Planning Commission had a rezoning case on this site before. Mr. Jason Goins explained the previous car wash on Kentucky Avenue was bought by the Petitioners to be added to the site on Broadway. Commissioner Wade asked if the buildings were to be connected. Mr. Goins stated the site would contain one building that traffic would enter from Broadway and exit onto Kentucky Avenue. Vice-Chair Schramke asked if there would be a double lane of traffic in the building. Mr. Goins stated it would be a single lane. No further questions were asked. Chairwoman Crecelius called for the vote. 7 Ayes (Crecelius, Benberry, Bradford, Morrison, Pollard, Schramke, Wade), 0 Nays Case #: WAV2020-137 5660 & 5670 Buckner Lane Property line abolishment and reestablishment. Applicants are Melanie Burkeen and Ronald & Molly Kelley. Vice-Chair Schramke offered: MINUTES OF THE PADUCAH PLANNING COMMISSION – continued page 4 / 4 I move that this Commission receive and file the application of Melanie Burkeen and Ronald & Molly Kelley for the proposed re-subdivision of property located at 5660 & 5670 Buckner Lane. I further move that the requested waiver of the public hearing and the dedication of streets be given and that approval of the submitted plat be granted. Commissioner Benberry seconded. Mr. Goins explained that one of the lots was narrow. This waiver would create more equal lots. No questions were asked. Chairwoman Crecelius called for the vote. 7 Ayes (Crecelius, Benberry, Bradford, Morrison, Pollard, Schramke, Wade), 0 Nays Adjournment Chairwoman Crecelius asked if there was any other business to be brought before the Planning Commission, seeing none she adjourned the hearing at 5:49 pm. Respectfully submitted by Joshua P. Sommer