HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-01-2021-virtual MINUTES OF THE PADUCAH PLANNING COMMISSION FEBRUARY 1, 2021 5:30 P.M. Video Conference Meeting via Zoom Note: In order to keep the Commission and public safe in the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak this meeting was held virtually using video teleconferencing. In accordance with Senate Bill 150, the public was invited to participate by joining: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82539734980?pwd=VFZQYnQvbkhKK2lsMDZZbStaOTAxUT09 or view the meeting on the government access channel, Government 11 (Comcast channel 11). The link was included on individual legal notice. Attendees: Chairwoman Cathy Crecelius, Vice-Chair Lorraine Schramke, Joe Benberry, Paul Bradford, David Morrison, Valerie Pollard, Bob Wade Absent: Staff: Josh Sommer, Senior Planner Guests: Jackie Smith Chairwoman Crecelius called the regularly-scheduled meeting of the Paducah Planning Commission to order at 5:30 pm. Members who were present were visible on the video monitor. The pledge of allegiance to the U.S. flag was recited. The Roll was taken. Commissioner Morrison offered the following motion: I move that the reading of the minutes for January 21, 2020 be waived and that the minutes of said meeting, as prepared by staff, be approved as written. The minutes were corrected to say 2021. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Wade. No other corrections were requested. 7 Ayes (Crecelius, Benberry, Bradford, Morrison, Pollard, Schramke, Wade), 0 Nays Planning Commission Continued Cases Case #: PLT2020-101 Case PLT2020-101 was left on the table awaiting roadway and stormwater agreements between the developers and the City Engineer’s office. Case #: WAV2020-106 1701 Kentucky Avenue and 115-125 South 17th Street Revised lot configuration on Kentucky Avenue resulting in no new lots. Commissioner Wade offered: MINUTES OF THE PADUCAH PLANNING COMMISSION – continued page 2 / 4 I move that this Commission remove from the table Case# WAV2020-106 pertaining to 1701 Kentucky Avenue and 115-125 South 17th Street. Commissioner Pollard seconded. Senior Planner Josh Sommer stated the waiver plat was revised depicting an ingress/ egress easement. The revision was to account for parking for a possible future expansion of the existing attorney office. 7 Ayes (Crecelius, Benberry, Bradford, Morrison, Pollard, Schramke, Wade), 0 Nays Commissioner Wade read the motion that was on the floor as follows: I move that this Commission receive and file the application of Alford Industries, LLC; South 17th Land Trust and Dwain & Sharon Warren for the proposed re-subdivision of property located at 1701 Kentucky Avenue and 115-125 South 17th Street. I further move that the requested waiver of the public hearing and the dedication of streets be given and approval of the submitted plat be granted. The original motion was made by Vice-Chair Schramke and seconded by Commissioner Morrison on November 2, 2020. No questions were asked. Chairwoman Crecelius called for the vote. 7 Ayes (Crecelius, Benberry, Bradford, Morrison, Pollard, Schramke, Wade), 0 Nays Case #: USE2021-001 5235 Alben Barkley Drive Recommendation for a proposed Conditional Use. Senior Planner Josh Sommer explained that since the traffic study had not been received this item would remain on the table. A brief discussion was made regarding the traffic study. Commissioner Bradford offered: I move that this Commission remove case #USE2021-001 regarding 5235 Alben Barkley Drive from the table and consider the application. Commissioner Bradford stated he felt there was overwhelming opposition to the proposition. He felt that with the Petitioner preparing a traffic study, it would delay what the final vote is likely to be. Commissioner Morrison seconded. Commissioner Benberry stated he felt the Planning Commission should take a look at the traffic study. Vice-Chair Schramke stated she felt it was important to have all the information before the petition was acted upon. Ms. Jackie Smith stated the widening of the road (North Friendship Road) was imminent and the traffic study may not be relevant. Commissioner Benberry stated since the widening of North Friendship Road would be a project done by the state, it would be more beneficial to review the traffic study. MINUTES OF THE PADUCAH PLANNING COMMISSION – continued page 3 / 4 Commissioner Bradford asked for clarification on what would be sent to the Board of Adjustment. Mr. Sommer stated either a positive or negative recommendation would be forwarded to the Board of Adjustment. Commissioner Bradford stated the Planning Commission decision would most likely come down to the proximity to Lotus and all relevant information is available to the Planning Commission. Discussion followed regarding the traffic study, wherein Mr. Sommer stated there was no time frame for the traffic study, only that it has been put out for bid. No further questions were asked. Chairwoman Crecelius called for the vote. 4 Ayes (Bradford, Morrison, Pollard, Wade); 3 Nays (Crecelius, Benberry, Schramke) Chairwoman Crecelius asked Mr. Sommer if he had a copy of the original motion. Mr. Sommer stated he would forward to everyone. Commissioner Benberry asked if the Petitioners were aware that the petition would remain on the table. Mr. Sommer stated the Petitioners thought it would remain on the table. Mr. Benberry stated he thought that perhaps only one side would be heard. Chairwoman Crecelius stated there could potentially be others not on the call who would like to speak to the motion. Mr. Benberry asked if there was any legality or responsibility to notify the Petitioner if it would remain on the table. Mr. Sommer stated the Petitioner was forwarded the zoom link to join if they wished. Commissioner Bradford asked why the Petitioner believed it would remain on the table. Mr. Sommer stated they understood the Planning Commission was waiting on the traffic study. Commissioner Morrison stated he did not feel comfortable with his “Aye” vote. Vice-Chair Schramke stated she felt the traffic study would take longer than two weeks and it was questionable that it would be voted on at this meeting. Commissioner Bradford stated he would like for the Petitioners to be present at the next meeting and would like to remove this item from the table at that time. Commissioner Bradford offered: I move to rescind the previous motion and the vote to remove it from the table. Commissioner Pollard seconded. Commissioner Wade provided clarification that an action was not rescinded, but the petition would be returned to the table. Commissioner Bradford offered: I move to remove the word rescind and to move to put this matter back on the table. Commissioner Benberry seconded. No further questions were asked. Chairwoman Crecelius called for the vote. 7 Ayes (Crecelius, Benberry, Bradford, Morrison, Pollard, Schramke, Wade), 0 Nays Planning Commission New Business MINUTES OF THE PADUCAH PLANNING COMMISSION – continued page 4 / 4 Case #: WAV2021-010 1600 McCracken Boulevard Lot line establishment resulting in two lots. Commissioner Pollard offered: I move that this Commission receive and file the application of Greater Paducah Economic Development for the proposed re-subdivision of property located at 1600 McCracken Boulevard. I further move that the requested waiver of the public hearing and the dedication of streets be given and approval of the submitted plat be granted. Commissioner Benberry seconded. Senior Planner Josh Sommer stated the purpose of the plat was to create a new lot for an office development. No questions were asked. Chairwoman Crecelius called for the vote. 7 Ayes (Crecelius, Benberry, Bradford, Morrison, Pollard, Schramke, Wade), 0 Nays Adjournment Chairwoman Crecelius asked if there was any other business to be brought before the Planning Commission, seeing none she adjourned the hearing at 5:59 pm. Respectfully submitted by Joshua P. Sommer