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FY2014 Budget Book
CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY ANNUAL BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2013-2014 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY TABLE OF CONTENTS Director........................................................................................................................................vi Manager's Budget Letter.............................................................................................................vii BudgetOrdinance.....................................................................................................................xxvi GENERAL FUND (001) General Fund Revenue Sources....................................................................................................1 General Fund Revenue Summary.................................................................................................2 General Fund Overall Expenditure Summary by Dept..............................................................7 GENERAL GOVERNMENT (01) Mayor& Commissioners............................................................................................................8 CityManager.............................................................................................................................10 CityClerk...................................................................................................................................12 CorporateCounsel....................................................................................................................14 Non-Departmental.....................................................................................................................16 Memberships & Contingency...................................................................................................18 CivicBeautification...................................................................................................................20 FINANCE (02) Administration...........................................................................................................................22 Accounting& Budget................................................................................................................24 HumanResources......................................................................................................................27 Revenue......................................................................................................................................29 PRDA (03) Administration...........................................................................................................................32 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (05) Administration...........................................................................................................................34 INSPECTION (08) Administration ............. Construction ................ Code Enforcement....... PLANNING (12 ................................................................................................... 38 ................................................................................................... 40 ................................................................................................... 42 Administration...........................................................................................................................44 Planning......................................................................................................................................46 Grants.........................................................................................................................................49 SectionEight Housing...............................................................................................................51 POLICE (16) AdministrativeServices............................................................................................................54 Patrol.......................................................................................................................................... 59 Investigations............................................................................................................................. 64 FIRE (18) Administration...........................................................................................................................68 Suppression................................................................................................................................72 Prevention..................................................................................................................................76 Training......................................................................................................................................79 Construction..............................................................................................................................82 CodeEnforcement.....................................................................................................................85 ENGINEERING & PUBLIC WORKS (22) StreetMaintenance...................................................................................................................88 StreetLighting...........................................................................................................................91 Maintenance...............................................................................................................................93 PARKS SERVICES (24) Administration...........................................................................................................................96 Grounds & Cemetery Maintenance.......................................................................................100 Pool...........................................................................................................................................103 RecreationPrograms..............................................................................................................105 CABLE AUTHORITY (28) Cable Authority ................ HUMAN RIGHTS (30) Administration........... ..................................................................................................109 .........................................................................................11 ENGINEERING & PUBLIC WORKS (33) EngineeringServices...............................................................................................................113 FloodControl...........................................................................................................................116 HUMAN RESOURCES (35) HumanResources & Risk.......................................................................................................120 PADUCAH RENAISSANCE ALLIANCE (44) PRA..........................................................................................................................................123 SPECIAL PROJECTS (88) MatchFunds............................................................................................................................127 INTERFUND TRANSFERS (99 InterfundTransfers.................................................................................................................129 SMALL GRANTS FUND (002) Small Grants Fund Revenue Summary....................................................................................131 Planning — Administration.....................................................................................................133 FireAdministration.................................................................................................................134 it MUNICIPAL AID PROGRAM FUND (003) Municipal Aid Program Fund Revenue Summary.................................................................135 MunicipalAid Program..........................................................................................................137 InterfundTransfers.................................................................................................................138 INVESTMENT FUND (004) Investment Find Revenue Summary.......................................................................................139 EconomicDevelopment...........................................................................................................141 NeighborhoodDevelopment...................................................................................................142 InterfundTransfers.................................................................................................................143 CDBG GRANT FUND (006) CDBG Grand Fund Revenue Summary..................................................................................145 RenKen— CDBG.....................................................................................................................147 Alpha— CDBG.........................................................................................................................148 HOME GRANT FUND (008) HOME Grant Fund Revenue Summary..................................................................................149 HOMEGrant...........................................................................................................................151 HONE2 Grant........................................................................................................................152 InterfundTransfers.................................................................................................................153 TELECOMMUNICATIONS FUND (011) Telecommunications Fund Revenue Summary.......................................................................154 Telecommunications Operation.............................................................................................156 InterfundTransfers................................................................................................................157 COURT AWARDS FUND (013) Court Awards Fund Revenue Summary..................................................................................158 CourtAwards Operation........................................................................................................160 DEBT SERVICE FUND (030) Debt Service Fund Revenue Summary.....................................................................................161 DebtService.............................................................................................................................164 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND (040) Capital Improvements Fund Revenue Summary .................................................................... 168 General Government - Mayor & Commissioners................................................................171 Inspection— Administration...................................................................................................172 Planning— Grants....................................................................................................................173 Planning - Economic Development........................................................................................174 Planning — Information Systems............................................................................................175 Police - Police Building/Vehicles............................................................................................176 Fire— Suppression...................................................................................................................177 Engineering & Public Works - Street Projects.....................................................................178 PRA— PRA..............................................................................................................................179 Special Projects - Park Improvements..................................................................................180 Special Projects - Non-recurring Projects.............................................................................181 InterfundTransfers.................................................................................................................182 Bond Fund Revenue Summary.... Interfund Transfers .................... BOND FUND (042) SOLID WASTE FUND (050) .................................183 .................................185 Solid Waste Fund Revenue Sunuuarp......................................................................................186 Administration.........................................................................................................................188 ResidentialCollection.............................................................................................................191 CommercialCollection............................................................................................................194 Composting& Recycling........................................................................................................197 Bulk, Brush & Leaf.................................................................................................................200 Landfill.....................................................................................................................................202 InterfundTransfers.................................................................................................................204 CIVIC CENTER FUND (062) Civic Center Fund Revenue Summary.....................................................................................205 CivicCenter.............................................................................................................................207 RENTAL PROPERTY FUND (063) Rental Property Fund Revenue Summary...............................................................................209 RentalProperty.......................................................................................................................211 InterfundTransfers.................................................................................................................212 RADIO DEPRECIATION & OPERATION FUND (064) Radio Depreciation & Operation Fund Revenue Summary..................................................213 RadioDepreciation & Operation...........................................................................................215 iv FLEET MAINTENANCE FUND (070) Fleet Maintenance Fund Revenue Summar}...........................................................................216 FleetMaintenance...................................................................................................................218 FLEET LEASE TRUST FUND (071) Fleet Lease Trust Fund Revenue Summary.............................................................................221 FleetLease Trust.....................................................................................................................223 InterfundTransfers.................................................................................................................224 INSURANCE FUND (072) Insurance Fund Revenue Summary.........................................................................................225 InsuranceFund........................................................................................................................227 HEALTH INSURANCE/CAFETERIA FUND (073) Health Insurance/Cafeteria Fund Revenue Summary............................................................228 InsuranceFund........................................................................................................................230 InterfundTransfers.................................................................................................................231 MAINTENANCE & REHAB TRUST FUND (074) Maintenance & Rehab Trust Fund Revenue Summary .........................................................232 RentalProperty.......................................................................................................................234 InterfundTransfers.................................................................................................................235 APPOINTIVE EMPLOYEE PENSION FUND (076) Appointive Employee Pension Fund Revenue Summary .......................................................236 Appointive Employee Pension Fund......................................................................................238 POLICE & FIRE PENSION FUND (077) Police & Fire Pension Find Revenue Summar).....................................................................239 Police& Fire Pension Fund....................................................................................................241 PRA FUND (080) PRA Fund Revenue Summary..................................................................................................242 PRA........................................................................................................................................... 244 InterfundTransfers.................................................................................................................245 Appendix # 1 Outstanding Debt -Projected at Fiscal Year Ending 6/30/13 ...........................................246 2 Employee Budget Census......................................................................................................247 v CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY DIRECTORY MAYOR GAYLE KALER BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Richard Abraham Allan Rhodes Carol Gault Sandra Wilson CITYMANAGER.......................................................................................... Jeff Pederson FINANCE DIRECTOR................................................................ Jonathan Perkins, CPA CITYCLERK..................................................................................... Tarnntara Sanderson PRDA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR................................................................Stere Doolittle DIRECTOR OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGE................................... Greg Mueller DIRECTOR OF PLANNING............................................................................Stere Ervin POLICECHIEF..............................................................................................James Berg FIRECHIEF.......................................................................................................Stere Kele PARKS SERVICES DIRECTOR............................................................. Mark Thompson CITY ENGINEER AND PUBLIC !4'ORKS DIRECTOR ............................. Rick Mmphy HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR......................................................... Cin(>v Medford PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER.......................................................... Pain Spencer vi Bud,Oet Letter CITY MANAGER'S BUDGET SUBMITTAL LETTER Jule 19. 2013 Honorable Mayor and City Commission: The adopted Paducah City Budget for Fiscal Year 2013/2014 represents the annual financial plan for all City operations, as well as financial support for affiliate organizations that contribute to the Mission of the City. The Budget was presented to the Board of Commissioners on May 28. 2013 and was adopted on June 25. 2013 General Fund revenue has not returned to pre -recession growth levels: however. the Cite is seeing a small reversal of the negative annual trend revenue for the tax on insurance premiums. Combined revenues from the fos.rr major tax sources will increase 1.8%. Overall. it is projected that General Fund revenues vt,ill increase only about .01% due to reduction in grant funding and prior year revenue that was available from closeout of tWO inactive funds. The Cite continues to manage the budget within the "New Normal" wherein annual revenUe growth does not keep pace with rising expenses. Department Directors endeavored to prepare budgets %with targets that reflected prior -year appropriations. The challenge was particularly difficult for Departments vvith significant employee numbers that were impacted by wagc settlements that were the highest in several years. For the General Fund. three full-time positions were eliminated in the preparation of the new budget. Mule partial funding was appropriated for a position that is currently grant -funded. Your City budget performs several important functions: • The budget is a legal document through which the Commission carries out its legislative responsibility to approve the City's finances. • The Budget is a public education document designed to help Paducah's taxpayers understand the financial implications of their local government services and programs. • The Budget is a management too] that each City Department uses to plan, administer, and improve its operations and customer services. vii Budget Letter "Che Budget is an instrument Im implementing the goals that the Commission sets for the Cita. The Budget process reflects decisions for the allocation of resources to programs. projects. and activities. The program outcomes associated scith this budget are aligned %xith the Goals that the Commission adopted in 2010 for the years of 2010-2015: 1) Sarong Local Economy — Regional Center Tor Four Slates 2) Efficient Cm, Government — Quality Services jor Citizens 3) Restored Historic Downtown, Lowertoim Riverftont —A Community Focal Point 4) Filal Neighborhoods — Place for People and Businesses 5) Great Place to Live — A Ftui City to Enjoy viii Budget Letter Budget Development Process Like most cities across the country. Paducah strives to continue delivery of quality services and programs for its residents in a period where resources are not growing to keep pace with increasing e\penscs. No increase in tax rates was recommended for the major taxation sources Of insurance premium or payroll. This budget does contain a recommendation that the City utilize the 4% increase in property tax revenue that is allov�ed Larder State law. using a combination of projected valuation increase and a slight increase in tax levy. Early in the process. the Finance Department developed projections for General Fluid revenue, as well as projections for cost increases in several major expense categories including wvages, retirement, insurance, and fuel. This information was shared with the Director Team over the course of several weekly Directors Meetings. During those tIiscussions, the City Manager encouraged Directors to inventory programs in their respective departments in order to assist in making decisions about allocation of limited funding to high priority programs. Consequently, there are some program impacts that reflect reallocation of dollars within respective departments. Formal budget preparation began «ith the direction from the City Manager to Directors to use their current -year budget appropriation as the spending ``target" for the new budget. This direction required Directors to effectively construct a budget pian for the ensuing year that absorbed the aforementioned expense increases within the current appropriation level. Final decisions on funding between departments reflected the need to maintain funding for programs deemed most vital to the provision of core services to Paducah residents. Directors underwent a Mo -stage process of internal budget submission and reviexv. The first stage involved presentation of budget proposals to the Finance Director, wherein numbers were reviewed for accuracy and areas requiring adjustment were identified. Subsequent to that stage_ a second meeting was held kvith the Finance Director and the City Manager. During this meeting, discussions and adjustments took place relative to changes in line -item and program funding that achieved the desired appropriation level. During the review stages. it became apparent that there was some difference between Departments in the ability to absorb increased personnel costs within non -personnel areas. Departments with a -vide array of programs were found to have more discretion in this regard than did Departments whose budgets are primarily funding the casts of personnel. Departments that were the most personnel -intensive were most likely to be allocated additional appropriation to assist with rising costs in that area. It should be noted that the NA -age increase for employees for the new budget year was inercased over preceding years for several occupational groups. For example. employees in the FOP. IAFF and non-union groups wAl see an increase of 2.5% while AFSCME employees will receive 1.5% as compared to last year when the same employee groups received 1.75% and 1.5% respectively. 1\ Budget Letter Resource limitations contributed to the decision to climinate one clerical position in the Police Department. The Assistant Clerk position is eliminated and the duties %v -ill be absorbed between eNisting staff. With some redesiuln of the former Administrative Assistant in the Nla\or's Office. A hi,h le%el of' staff capability and teamwork has resulted in the opportunity to reduce one staff position in the Information Technology Department. I. Overview of Paducah's Financial Structure A. Funds In compliance with governmental accounting standards, the City of Paducah operates its finances through 20 different funds. Revenues and expenditures are budgeted in each of these funds. General Fund: All City Departments that do not operate with an earmarked source of revenue are budgeted in the General Fund. For example Police. Fire, and Engineering/Public Works Departments are operated through the General Fund among others. Investment Fund: Provides separate accountability for economic development. community re -development. and capital and inh"astructure investment activities funded with 25% of the City occupational \\age tax revenue (1/2°,a of the 2% local payroll tax). This Fund has undergone extensive scrutiny in recent years including long-range forecasting. An internal Capital improvements Planning process was begun this year to enhance the ability of the City to foresee and plan for capital replacement, particularly in the area of facilities. Of particular note in this fund is the increasing percentage of annual revenue that has become committed to service debt issues, Nvhich now approximates 36%. Municipal Aid Program (MAP): State law requires us to account for state shared gas tax money in a separate fund. We traditionally add a transfer from the Investment fund to the MAI' fund and account for the City's annual paving program thr01.1gh it. Grant Funds: Special Revenue Funds are used to account for grants awarded to the City From agencies of the Federal Government and the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Solid Waste Fund: The City operates its refuse collection service as an enterprise. and accounts for its operations using accounting rules which are modeled on business accounting instead of X Bud, -,et Letter governmental fund accounting. The Solid Waste Fund receives the revenue from the garbage service fees. Internal Service Funds: Internal Service Funds also follow business accounting rules. The budget includes the Fleet Maintenance. Fleet Lease TrnSt. Rental Properties, Radio Depreciation. Health Insurance. and General Insurance internal service funds. Bond Funds: The City maintains separate funds to account for bond proceeds and for annual principal and interest payments. Money for some of our issues including 2005 bonds to cover the unfunded liability in the Police and Fire Pension Fund flows to the Debt Service Fund from the General Fund. Money for bond payments on projects directly related to economic development, like the $5 million borrowed in 2004 for the Infiniti Media project facility. flows through the Investment Fund. xi Bud1"et Letter H Combined Budgets — All Funrls A. Expenditures The FY2014 Budget totals $51 2 million. The follo%\ing table adds the budgets of all finds and then makes adjustments for the transfers behveen Funds so as to not double count am expenditure. xii Total Expenditures & Inter Fund Fund Transfers Transfers Budget General Fund $3LI76,330 $1,640.455 $29.535.875 Investment Fund $5,407,680 $4,521,680 $886.000 Small Grants $0 $0 $0 MAP $1121.000 $0 $1.121,000 CDBG $1,364,000 $0 $1.364.000 HOME $500,000 $0 $500,000 Court Awards $25,200 $0 $25,200 Debt Service $3,354,925 $0 $3,354.925 General CIP $7.751,680 $0 $7.751,680 Bond Fund $0 $0 $0 Solid Waste $4,878,770 $240,000 $4,638.770 Civic Center $78.025 $0 $78,025 Rental Propetty $159.430 $53.730 $105,710 Radio Dept & Opr _ $70.135 $0 $70.135 Fleet Maintenance $534.130 $377.500 $156,630 Fleet Lease 71-ust $979,085 $979,085 $0 Insurance $991.905 $991,905 $0 Health Insurance Trust $3.559,400 $3,559,400 $0 AEPF $32,705 $0 $32,705 PFPF _ $1,536,060 $0 $1,536.060 Totals $63,520.460 $12,363,745 $51.156,715 xii Budget Letter B. Explanation of Fund Balances Althou-h ani balance remaining in some funds at the end (& the fiscal vear is closed out (transferred) to the General Fund. other funds maintain a fund halattce. Enterprise funds. like the Solid Waste fund. do cam cash reserves that are used for asset replaeement:'purchase. The follm%ing table shoes the fund balance (or equivalent in cash) that %vas projected for .lune 30. 2013. Estimated Fund Balances Estimated Fund Balance Notes General Ftmd $5,500,000 8% Operating Reserve - $2.494.000 Investment Fund $535,000 Reserved for Projects $40.000 & 8% Operating Reserve $400,000 Tm Small Grants $0 MAP $900,000 Reserved for Designated Street Projects CDBG $0 HOME $0 Court Awards $0 Restricted to Police Drug Activities Debt Service $0 Reserved for Debt Sefvice General CIP $1,500.000 Reserved for Designated Capital Projects _ Solid Waste $3.700.000 Undesignated cash = Fund Balance Equivalent; Accumulated to delay future garbage rate increases. 8% Operating Reserve: $390.000 Civic Center- -�- $0 -- Rental Property $0 ` Radio Depr & Opr _ $670,000 Reserved for Radio System Replacement Fleet Maintenance $0 Undesignated cash = Fund Balance Equivalent Fleet Lease Trust $2,300,000 Future purchase o_f_replacerment vehicles Insurance $250.000 Reserved for Insurance Deductible Payments Health Insurance Trust $500.000 Reserved for Health Insurance Claims AEPF $75,000 Reserved to pay a pointivc pensions PFPF $7.500.000 Reserved to pay police and fire pensions Total $23,430,000 BUdget Letter III. General Fund A. Revenue A conservative estimate for 1-Y2014 produced .01% more revenue than was budgeted fol FY2013. This is the continuation of a trend line that is basically -'flat" for revenue Growth in this critical Fund. General Fund Revenue Actual FY201 1 Actual FY2012 Revised FY2013 Adopted FY2014 $31.549.137 $31.520.907 $30,927,035 $30.930.270 The four most important sources of General Fund revenue are: Payroll Tax: The payroll tax generates nearly 45% of our General Fund revenue. For FY2013. we budgeted $13.8 million in revenue from the payroll tax. Actual revenue for that year is projected to come in at that amount. and because this revenue source has shown recent patterns of flatness, we have budgeted a conservative increase of less than a I% increase in revenue for FY2014 over the revised FY2013 revenue projection. Pavroli tax is subject to economic fluctuations. and therefore it is monitored closely. while there is very Modest ,romh from this revenue source, the City must be mindful that payroll tax is the largest source of General Fund revenue and any dov%nward trend would have a very negative impact on funding for General Food programs. Insurance Premium Tax: For FY2014, we have increased our estimated revenue from 4he 2013 projection of $3.33 million to $3.5 mullion. Consideration needs to be given to increasing the insurance premium tax upwards from the current 6%. and we anticipate having that discussion with the City Commission as soon as possible. Business License Tax: The business license tax is always the hardest of our significant revenue sources to estimate. Based on the history FY2014 revenues will be $4.4 million. $114 thousand more than our FY2013 estimate of $4.3 million. Property Tax: Property tax revenues are slogs to respond to changing economic conditions and therefore It is our most stable large revenue source. For FY2014. the projection for real property tax revenues is $3.7 million. XIV Bud,,et Letter The table helow shows the main sources of anticipated rcvenue in the General Ftind for FY201 1 Pavrol l Tax — $13.850.000 44.8% Pay roll fax Rebates: Counh' ($227,000) (.7%) i Property Tax C Insurance Premitrtn Tax Business Licenses Other License & Char�-Ie For Services $5.802.500 $3.500.000 $4.400,000 $1.522.435 18.8% 11.3% 14.2% 4.9% Grants ' $901,255 2.9% Rent. Fines and Interest $037,360 2.0% Fund Transfers $5=13.720 1.8% Total Revenue Sources $30,930,270 100% B. Expenditures Total expenditures in the adopted FY2014 operating budget are $31.2 million. It is $250.000 or .8% more than the revised FY2013 budget. When taking uncoatrol]able cost increases such as union negotiated wage adjustments and pension contributions into consideration. there was essentially a spending reduction in FY2014. Total budgeted expenditures exceed projected revenues by $246.000. necessitating a draw on cash reserve to balance the budget. Continued drawdovv n of reserve cash at this level is not sustainable in subsequent years. This alone will likely necessitate significant adjustment to some combination of revenues and expenditures in order to achieve a balanced budget going forward. Over the last fcw years. an increasing proportion of the General Fund revenue has been required to fund day-to-day operating costs. The City is party to in1ergovernmental agreements with McCracken County for both animal control and emergency communications. The budget includes ait appropriation of $170,000 for animal control services that include confinement in the County's animal control facility, which is up from an original appropriation of $118.500 the previous year. This being the second year of operations in the County owned and operated facility. it is uncertain if this appropriation is representative of costs for subsequent budget years. In Emergency Communications (91 1 Center) there is no binding for additional employees despite a third consecutive recommendation of the E911 Board to add four more dispatchers. With call volume increasing. it is imperative that this request be considered in conjunction with an analysis of operational efficiencies by a qualified. independent consultant. For the 2014 Budget Year. the General Fund revenue base has very little ability to fund capital tziainteaiancelreplacement items. The following table illustrates this trend. The Investment Fund is now the primary source of funds for maintenance of City infrastructure, including facilities. xv Budget Letter General Fund Operating Expenditures The folloNving two tables show this years General Fund budget broken out by Department and by Category of Expenditure as compared to last year's amounts. The largest category of expenditure on the second table is employee salaries and benefits, which consumes 71.8% of the FY2014 General Fund Budget. Expenditures by Department Actual FY201 t ,actual FY2012 Revised FY2013 Adopted FY2014 Operating $28.222.603 $28.500.776 528.501.060 $28.992.655 Contin��encv $0 $o $114.220 $100,000 Citv Grants 5263.200 $611,360 $225.000 $215,000 Transfers for Debt. Pension & Other S1.840-106 $1,983.46 t S 1.81 4.555 $1,640.455 Capital outlay & CIP $591,697 $243,007 $272,200 $228,220 Fire lighter suit payout $0 $1,582.680 $0 $0 TOTAL 530,917,606 I $31,338,604 530,927,035 $31,176,330 The folloNving two tables show this years General Fund budget broken out by Department and by Category of Expenditure as compared to last year's amounts. The largest category of expenditure on the second table is employee salaries and benefits, which consumes 71.8% of the FY2014 General Fund Budget. Expenditures by Department Expenditures by Category Actual FY2011 % Actual FY2012 Revised FY2013 Adopted FY2014 Police w Fire Public Works & Engineering 28.6% 23.4% 17.5% 28.2% 28.2% 14.2% 29.6% 29.7% 242% 24.9% 15.3% 15.5% Recreation 9.0% 8.5% 9.2% 9.2% Administration, Finance, HR 8.0% 8.1% _ 8.9% 8.6% Interfund Transfers 6.8% b.2% 5.6% 5.3% _ Planning, Information Tech & PRDA 4.5%4.4% 6.9% 5.2% 5.0% Other 2.2% 2.2% _ 2.0% 1.8% Expenditures by Category svi Actual FY2011 Actual FY2012 Revised FY2013 Adopted FY2014 Personal Service 67.8% 69.5% 71.3% 71.8% ContraCtual 7.5% : 7.5% 6.4% 6.2% Commodities 15.001,110 13.9% 15.00/0 i 15.4% Capital 1.0% .8% .9% .7% City Grants 1.8% 2.0% .7% .6% 14nterfund Transfers 6.9% 6.3% 5.7% L 5.3% svi Budk-let Letter Each year the budget letter includes a list of pressures that cause groNWi in the expenditure budget. -l-llc table belo%� includes the most x111111 ieant uncontrollable expenditures the Cite expects to encounter in the Coming fiscal year in the General Fund. As the following uncontrollable expenses illustrate. it was difficult to balance the budget. Sample "Uncontrollable" Expenditures Increases ov et- prior rrear: Actual ActLraI FY2010 FY20II Annual Waoe Adjusttllents (net of position reductions) $306.000 Street li,hting rate increase $95.000 Significant obligations: $10.208.678 $10.940.121 Old Police and Fire Pension Unfunded Liability (Payment established by Actuary to begin replacing funds lost by Fund during Great Recession $411.000 Police and Fire Pension Fund Debt Service Payment $499,000 Total Uncontrollable Expenditures 51,311,000 C. Fund Ballance The Commission has adopted a financial policy to maintain a minirinrm undesignated cash balance in the General Fund equal to 8% of that funds budgeted expenditures. Applying this rule, the fund balance required to meet the policy is nearly $2.5 million. The "audit undesignated" fund balance in the table below represents additional revenues accrued at Fiscal year-end and other non-cash assets. In order to balance the General Fund Budget, the amount of $246,000 has been appropriated from unrestricted monies in the General Fund. While this is done to avoid substantial program elimination or reductions. it should be noted that this practice is not sustainable over the long run and a policy decision needs to be made to increase revenue to permit existing program levels to COntnlLle W11110L1t redUC6011. The following table shows our projection for the current fiscal year: Fund Balance in General Fund xv]r Actual ActLraI FY2010 FY20II Actual Estimated FY2012 FY2013 CASH Undesignated $6.085.045 $5.641.768 $7.686.742 $5.500.000 AUDIT Undesignated $10.208.678 $10.940.121 $1 1.321.438 $11.500.000 xv]r Budget tetter IV. Investment Fund A. Baek�_Tround NN' -ten the Citv Commission created the Investment Fund in the FY2006 Budget Ordinance. it included the Fol lmN ing financial management policy: "The Cite will maintain a special fund called the Investment Fund. The Investment Fund \ill be funded with a '/ cent increase in the City's occupational license fee (employee payroll withholding tax). This fined is dedicated to the following expenditures: economic development. neighborhood redevelopment. infrastructure capital investment. and property tax relief." The ordinance levying the tax increase included a sunset clause, which would have reverted the tax from 2% of payroll to 1.5% on October 1. 2008. ht September of 2007 the Commission adopted an ordinance to delete the sunset clause. A detailed report of the use of investment fund revenues since the inception of the program can be found under the heading "Investment Fund Scorecard" in the Finance Department section of the City of Paducah webpage www.paducahky.gov- B. Investment Fund Decisions hnvestment Fund expenditures are restricted to four purposes: • Property Tax Relief • Economic Development • Neighborhood Re -Development • Capital and Infrastructure Investment A planning too] for future allocation of the Investment Fund was developed in early 2011, using a Five Year Projection of revenue and anticipated expenditures. Continuous refinement of that projection has occurred, and the current hivestment Fund Five -Year Projection document will continue to be revised as necessary. Sevcral key inclusions in the Investment Fund are noted below: • $1 40.000 for pond bank and island stabilization at Noble Park • $150.000 for Way -finding project -RAMP implementation • $175,000 for 3rd year of bond payments for MSU PadLICah Center Building • $150.000 for capital maintenance/improvement to buildings used for General Fund programs • $90.000 for I" debt repayment for Hotel Sho-wroom renovation • $ 104.500 for l" year bond payment for Noble Park Swimniing Pool Renovation Project • $225.000 for the 2nd year of a three-year al location for site development for the downtown hotel project • S 196.000 for the Riverfront Development Project It was noted in the Budget Preview presentation to Commission in April 2013 that debt service currentl)' obligates 36% of the yearly revenue in the Investment Fund. It is accurate to say that xviii 13uduet letter annual retenue ill this Fund is completely allocated. This \\ill require a reg ie\N of fundis« priorities in the future if nc\% commitments are to be made from the Ill\estment Fund. V. The Rest of the City Buc>{get (The Other Funds) A. Municipal Aid Program (MAP) Fund Maj) Ftwd Reveime: Paducall-s allocation of State gas tax funds has historically averaged around $500,000 a year. We anticipate $550.000 in FY2014. For Fiscal }rears 2010, 2011, and 2013. fields wcre transferred from bond proceeds (bond series 2010) into the 1V1AP Fund in lieu of Investment Fund support. The following table displays revenue history back to FY201 1. Evpenditul-es: The City maintains 216 miles of strects. For capital planning (in the Investment Fund), we set a goal of sperrding neatly $1 million a year for street resurfacing? which allows for repair or resurfacing a street as it becomes necessary In addition to replacing related sidewalks. The Engineering/Public Works Department starts looking seriously at resurfacing streets when they rank 5 or lower on a street evaluation scale of 1 to 10. xix Actual FY2011 Actual FY2012 Revised FY2013 Adopted FY2014 Gas Tax $553,238 $619,911 $510,000 $550,000 Interest income $9.029 $8,808 $7,000 $8.000 Bond Fund Transfer _ $942,722 $0 $152,390 $0 Investment Fund Transfer $0 $890,000 $707,610 $563,000 TOTAL $1,701,989 S1,818,719 51,377,000 51,121,000 Evpenditul-es: The City maintains 216 miles of strects. For capital planning (in the Investment Fund), we set a goal of sperrding neatly $1 million a year for street resurfacing? which allows for repair or resurfacing a street as it becomes necessary In addition to replacing related sidewalks. The Engineering/Public Works Department starts looking seriously at resurfacing streets when they rank 5 or lower on a street evaluation scale of 1 to 10. xix Budget Lette Q. Solid Waste Fund The Solid NN aste enterprise operation is self-sustainim, and fees for seri ices cover all operational and capital costs of the operation. Revenue: For eN cry ton of residential waste collected, the Citf collects approximately mo tons of commercial waste. Commercial 47.4% of revenue Residential 47.4% of revenue Other income 5.2% of revenue Total 100.0% Revenue History Actual FY2011 Actual FY2012 Revised FY2013 Adopted FY2014 $4.541237 $4,469.535 $4.406.200 $4.400.700 E.vpendifures: The operating cost of the Solid Waste Deparmreut includes administration. residential collection. commercial dumpster collection. brush and leaf collection, and operation of our compost facilib. Disposal costs are paid to Republic Services of Keutucky (formerl} CWl). which operates the transfer station on Btu nett Street from CWI and hauls our N%aste to a landfill in Tennessee. hl FY201 I, we renewed our solid waste contract with Republic Services of Kentucky for 5 years. Solid Waste Fund Expenditures The total in the Solid Waste Fund Expenditures table "double counts" by including both depreciation and capital expenditures for new trucks and other equipment. We use the money ece Put aside in retained earnings from depreciation to pay for new trucks as we replace our worn-out equipment. To compare revenues kith expenditures. the capital expenditures of $592.250 in the FY2014 table above should be subtracted from total expenditures. giving a net total of $4.286.520. In FY2014 reN mics are expected to exceed expenditures. xx Actual FY2011 Actual Revised FY2012 FY2013 Adopted FY2014 Operating Cost $2.315,204 $2,652,078 $21777.145 $2,850.275 Disposal Cost $1,158.474 $1,132,893 $1.125,000 $1, 110.000 Capital $9,976 $16.851 $656.470 $592,250 Depreciatiou $348.476 $346.166 $356.180 $326.245 TOTAL $3,832.130 $4,147.988 $4.914.795 $4.878.770 The total in the Solid Waste Fund Expenditures table "double counts" by including both depreciation and capital expenditures for new trucks and other equipment. We use the money ece Put aside in retained earnings from depreciation to pay for new trucks as we replace our worn-out equipment. To compare revenues kith expenditures. the capital expenditures of $592.250 in the FY2014 table above should be subtracted from total expenditures. giving a net total of $4.286.520. In FY2014 reN mics are expected to exceed expenditures. xx Budget Letter C. Fleet Funds The Cite uses it Fleet Funds to charge itself for sery ices it provides to its own departments. The Fleet \-laintenance div ision proNides sen ices to the General Fund and Solid Waste Fleet Fund, The Fleet \laintenance Fund tacks the operation of our maintenance garage. Each department has funds budgeted for the repair and maintenance of equipment and vehicles. as «ell as fuel. Total expenditures in the Fleet Maintenance Fluid next year are expected to be 5534.1 30. The Fleet Lease Trust Fund is used to build up monies to replace trucks and cars owned b% the General Fund. When a new vehicle is purchased. a lease amount is calculated by dividing the total cost of the vehicle by its expected useful life. Each year, the Department using the aehicle pays the lease amoumt into the Fleet Lease Trust Fund. When the vehicle is ready to be auctioned, the funds accutvulated from the lease payments and interest earned provides the funds to replace the vehicle. We are projecting a balance of approximately $2.3 million in the fund at fiscal Near -end. We made our first expenditures from this fund in FY2005. The only City vehicles that are not fully amortized in the Fleet Trust Fluid are garbage trucks. which are depreciated by business accounting rules in the Solid Waste Fund, and a few old items of heavy construction equipment ill Public Works that were purchased before the start of the Fleet Trust Fund in FYI 999 as well as vehicles owned by Fleet Maintenance. III FY2005, we started making lease payments into the fund for the replacement of our fleet of fire trucks. If we continue to follow the current strategy. we will haee replaced 6 fire trucks by 2019. In FY2009, we bought our first pumper truck and in FY2010 replaced our first ladder truck under the replacement plan strategy. xxi Midget Letter D. Debt Service Fund Convention Center/Four Rimers Center Bonds — Bond Series 2001: In .lune 01'2001. the Cit% issued approximatelc $9.29 million in 25 -rear general obligation bonds to provide $6 million I'm construction of the 50.000 square foot addition to the Convention Center and $3 million for construction of the Four Ri%crs Perforating Arts Center. This Bond Series was refinanced in August of 2010. Total principal and interest payment for FY2014 kill be approximately $581.700. While the City issued the bonds. 50% of the principal amount of the bonds was issued on behalf of McCracken County. In accordance with an interlocal cooperative agreement beMeen the City. County and the Convention Visitors Bureau, principal and interest payments on the bond are being made fiom an additional 2% transient room tax collected by the County. Principal & Interest Payment: +/- $581.700 Revenue from 2% of Hotel/Motel Bed Tax +/- $565.000 City Contribution +/- $5,570 County Contribution +/- $5,565 Visitor's Bureau Contribution +/- $5,565 TOTAL +/- 581,700 2003 Capital Project Bond: In May 2003, the City Commission approved a 20 -year bond issue for $3.5 million (lu-ough the KentuckyLeague of Cities bond pool to finance the following capital projects: Fou Rivers Center fa Performing Arts utiliq� relocation. streetscape improvements and parking lot construction $1,500.000 Park Improvements: Blackburn. Kolb. Noble Parks and Perkins Creek Nature Preserve $1,000,000 Police building HVAC & related construction $650.000 City Hall HVAC, control system, duchvork and structural improvements $350.000 TOTAL $3,500,000 Principal and interest payment next }eat will be $218.385 from the Investment Fund. 2004 Bonds to Construct the Infiniti 311edia Building: In the spring of 2004. the Commission approved an economic development incentive to bring the Infiniti Media manufacturing plant to Paducah. The City and County built a 100.000 square foot nnanufacturin,u building in Industrial Park West to Infiniti Media's specifications. The City sold $5 million in 20 -)'ear taxable general obligation bonds to pa}for the project. We lease the building to the Industrial Development Authority and the Authority leases the building to Infiniti Media. For the fust three years. the City and Count} split paying the lease on the building. September 1. 2007 the company started pad ing a monthly lease payment. This Bond Series was Budget Letter refinanced in.lulc of 2011. Principal and interest pa}ment Por FY2014 will be $394.020. which is covered be lease payments. 2005 Police and Fine Pension Bond: In Nmemben 2005. the Cih issued $6.1 million in 20 -}ear general obligation bonds to fund the Police and 1-iretighters Pension Fund (PFPF) unfunded pension liability. With the unfunded liabilitfully paid. the City's financial responsibilit} to the fund is fulfilled and the PFPF Board is now responsible for determining each year whether the fund has enough resources to afford pension pa%ment increases for thein retirees. Total principal and interest pa}'ment for FY2014 will be $497.225 from the General Fund. Qy's Share of S5 Million KACo Loan for Julian Carroll Convention Center Renovation: In April 2009. the County borrowed $5 million from the KACO. The City and Count agreed to split the obligation equally (50:50). Debt service will be fully funded by the Investment Fund. The County acts as banker. Proceeds were used for renovation/retrabilitatiou of the Julian Carroll Convention Center. In FY2014. the City's portion of the principal and interest paN went for this loan will be $201.405 from the luvestment Fund. KLC Flood Protection Sivem Loan: In March 2009, the Cit' issued a bond issue through KLC in the amount of $2.8 million at a variable rate of interest. Debt service to be fully funded by the Investment Fund for the following projects: Floodwall rehabilitation $1.765,000 Floodwall feasibility study & levee certification $400,000 River bank stabilization project (shared w/Riverport) $50.000 Jail land acquisition for McCracken County $100.000 Engineering/Design for Floodwall Projects $160,000 Other/Contingency Projects $325.000 Total 2 800.000 The principal and interest payment for this loan will be funded by the Investment Fund in the amount $169,130. 2010 Build America Bonds: In March 2010, the City borrowed $6.6 million to fund carious capital projects. The Citt's Investment Fund is used to fund the annual debt semce payments through 2030. The following capital projects on the following page were funded: Greenway Trail 2010 $ 183.760 Noble Park Parking Lot 2010 284.386 Streets Resurfacing Program 2010 857.278 xsiii Budoet Letter Cite-mde Generators 2010 124.675 Traffic Sk-mals 2010 68.059 Public Purpose Portion of Exec Inn Acquisition 2010 800.000 Pavilion :-lcquisitiorl 2010 1.793.181 Sports Park 2010 920.748 Grecnway Trail '-,Oil 123,1 1 1 Streets Resurfacing Pro4"ram 2011 9=42.722 HUD Rivet -front Phase 1(a) 2012 31 1.481 Street ReSnrfaeiIIQ Program 2013 152,574 Total $6 561.975 The principal and interest payment for this bond issuance will be funded in FY2014 by the Investment Fund in the amount $450,410. 2011 USU Facility Bonds: In November 201 1. the City participated in a bond issue to support the construction of the MSU Facility it) Paducah. part of a $10 million issue. The City's Investment Fund will be used to bind the annual debt service payments through 2031. The principal and interest payment for this bond issuance will be funded in F Y2014 by the Investment Fund in the amount $175,000- 2012 Paducah Recreation Cerner (foi-mei'Iy Magor -et Haiik): In April 2011. the City purchased property from the Margaret Hank Cumberland Presbyterian Church for $250.000 to be used as a recreation facility. The City's Investment Fund Nvill be used to Fund the annual debt service payments through FY2018. Upcomilrg Bonrl Issue: The City anticipates borrowing approximately $8.3 million in I�Y2014 for various projects as shown in the following table. The debt service for this issue will be approximately $427 thousand, excluding the portion for the hotel. All debt service is funded by the Investment Fund. with the exception of the hotel. which should be paid by tourism tax rebates received by the hotelier. Project _ Amount TeleTech (ED Incentive) $1,350,000 Macco (ED Incentive) $ l ,250,000 Y$1.172.000 Noble Park Pool Renovation Showroom Renovation $1.000,000 Hotel (KY Sales Tax Credit) $3.500.000 L_ Total 58,272,000 XXIV Budget Letter Conclusion Development of this budget was far different from the traditional "incremental" process associated kith "ON ernmental budgeting. The lack of revenue growth necessitated review of program expenditures below the vcater line, and this caused both a review and a prioritization of spending at the "program" leNel. Efforts hate continued to identify operational efficiencies in the ensuing }ears. and continuing in this budget for FY2010. Employees at all lecets continue to demonstrate resourcefulness and resoh�e in this process, and the leadership of the Director Team in that is commendable. We hay°e instituted many measures aimed at improving the fiscal health and wellness of the City. however without a significant increase in the revenue trend in the General Fund, operational (program) reductions will be required to balance the General Fund Budget in future %ears. City administrative staff Till continue to remain abreast of the City's fiscal condition in order to work with the Cite Commission to keep Paducah the vital and livable community that it is. RespectfutIN submitted. Je# ederson City Manager Xw BUDGET ORDINANCE ORDINANCE NO 2013.6-8042 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, ANNUAL BUDGET FOR TFIE FLSCAL YEAR iULY I, 2013. THROUGH RINE 30, 2014, BY ESTIMATING REVENUES AND RESOURCES AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THE OPERATION OF CITY GOVERNMENT. WHEREAS, an annual budget proposal has been prepared and delivered to the City Commission; and WHEREAS, the City Comnv58ion has n:vicvvd such proposed budget and made the necessary moditicatiom. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY: SECTION I. The following estimate of revenues and resources is adapted as the City of Paducah, Kentucky Revenue Budget for Fiscal Year 2013- 2014. xxvi C"Documents and Se"Suammy,LoCai SerJngsJ.rnporary Internet Origin+ June 12 2013 - FY20140rdinance MIRJICEPAL GENERAL FY2014 FY2014 COURT ADD E911 AWARDS GENERAL PROGRAM INVESTMENT CDBG HOME FUND FUND FUND FUND FUND FUND 40 01 03 04)(06)-.(08 SOUI{CES: 100,000 202,270 RETID"UES. GASH FROM FUND RESERVE 246,060 790,680 PROPERTY TAXES 43,000 REVENUES: LISC, PERMITS, PROPERTY TAXES 5,902,500 OTHER TAXES 690,000 565,000 LISC, PERMITS, G RANTS, CONTRIBUTIONS 369,985 5,740,000 OTHER TAXES 22,286,750 550,000 4,617,00 PROP RENTAL & SALES GRANTS, CONTRIBUTIONS 901,255 405,900 1,250,000 180,000 FINES & FORFEITURES 1)8,500 INTEREST INCOME 2,500 1,200 PROP RENTAL & SALES 413,860 RECREATION, OTHER FEES 272,000 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 627,185 INTEREST INCOME 105,000 8,000 0,001 T07ALREVENUES FUND TRANSFERS IN RECREATION, OTHER FEES 105,000 2,170,725l,1iE1 1.688,600 25,200 MISCELLANEOUS 26,500 TOTAL SOURCES 114,000 30,386,550 558,000 4,617,000 1,364,000 452,000 TOTAL REVENUES FUND TRANSFERS IN 543,720 563,000 31,176,330 1121,000 5,407,680 1,364,000 500,000 TOTAL SOURCES xxvi C"Documents and Se"Suammy,LoCai SerJngsJ.rnporary Internet Origin+ June 12 2013 - FY20140rdinance GENERAL FY2014 COURT DEBT E911 AWARDS SERVICE CIP FUND FUND FUND FUND 13 30} 40 SOURCES: CASH FROM FUND RESERVE 100,000 202,270 RETID"UES. PROPERTY TAXES LISC, PERMITS, OTHER TAXES 690,000 565,000 G RANTS, CONTRIBUTIONS 369,985 5,740,000 FINES & FORFEITURES 24,000 PROP RENTAL & SALES 405,900 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 11,130 INTEREST INCOME 2,500 1,200 RECREATION, OTHER FEES MISCELLANEOUS 1,062,485 25,200 981,930r2, 0,001 T07ALREVENUES FUND TRANSFERS IN 526,115 2,170,725l,1iE1 1.688,600 25,200 3,354,925 7,751,687 TOTAL SOURCES xxvi C"Documents and Se"Suammy,LoCai SerJngsJ.rnporary Internet Origin+ June 12 2013 - FY20140rdinance FY2014 SOLD CIVIC HEALTH AEPFIPFPF WASTE CENTER RENTAL RADIO MSTRUST FUND FUND FUND FUND FUND 0 6> 6l 6 SOURCES: 72 (73) (76 7 , IN SOURCES: CASH FROM FUND RESERVE 478,070 10,025 REVENUES: 7,110 204,815 46,4W PROPERTY TAXES REVENUES LISC. PERMITS, PROPERTY TAXES OTHER TAXES LISC, PERMITS, GRAMS, CONTIUBUTIONS 33,700 OTHER TAXES PINTS & FORFEITURES PROP RENTAL & SALES 20,000 33,000 134,430 137,275 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 4,312,000 INTEREST INCOME 35,000 PROP RENTAL &SALES 500 6,000 RECREATION, OTHER FEES 350,000 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 377,500 MISCELLANEOUS 925,505 3,559,400 9,505 INTEREST INCOME 4,400700 33,000 134,430 143,275 TOTAL REVENUES FUND TRANSFERS IN 15,000 25,000 4,878,720 78,025 159,430 143,275 TOTAL SOURCES FY2014 FLEET FLEET HEALTH AEPFIPFPF SERVICE TRUST INSUR MSTRUST PENSION FUND FUND FUND FUND FUND 70) 71 72 (73) (76 7 , IN SOURCES: CASH FROM FUND RESERVE 7,110 204,815 46,4W 581,865 REVENUES PROPERTY TAXES LISC, PERMITS, OTHER TAXES GRANTS. CONIRIEUTIONS FINES & FORFEITURES PROP RENTAL &SALES 500 754,270 350,000 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 377,500 925,505 3,559,400 9,505 INTEREST INCOME 20,000 225,850 RECREATION, OTHER FEES MISCELLANEOUS 250 378,250 774,270 925,505 3,559,400 585,355 TOTAL REVENUES FUND TRANSFERS Bu] 148,770 2000 1 1 411,845 534,130 979,085 991,905 1 3,559,400 1 1,579,065 TOTAL SOURCES XXVI1 COumertS aM5 Wp,,S\Wmrn Ll tal Seltin,'T,ary Internet FMSCM18nLOIIIIMkV 4SWE'QfdiMV Orglnal June 12 21113 � FM14\0fd,unC SECTION 2. The 1`011011 mg sums of mo ey are hereby appropriated for Fiscal Year 2013-2014. FY2014 GENERAL. FUND (01) MUNICIPAL AID PROGRAM[ FUND (03 INVESTMENT FUND 04 CDBG FUND 06 HOME rU ND DS APPROPRIATIONS: GENERAL GOVERNMENT GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1,410,255 136,436 FINANCE FINANCE 979,580 PRDA PRDA 123,725 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 668,170 290,006 ' POLICE PLANNING 756,290 1,364,000 500,000 POLICE 9,257,450 ENG/PUBLIC WORKS FFRE 7,774,595 PARKS SERVICES ENG/PUBLIC WORKS 3,711,885 1,121,000 PARKS SERVICES 2,867,430 ENGINEERING CABLE AUTHORITY 81,595 HUMAN RESOURCES HUMAN RIGHTS 41,970 MAIN STREET ENGINEERING 1,1 12,320 INVESThIENT FUND HUMAN RESOURCES 302,290 1,688,600 3.354,925 MAIN STREET 448,320 FLEET MAINTENANCE INVESTMENT FUND 886,000 PENSIONS DEBT SERVICE I E911 CASH CARRY FOR WRDIRESR V SOLO WASTE OPERATION FUND TRANSFERS OUT FLEET MAINTENANCE 1,688,600 25 200 3,354,925 7,751,b61 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS PENSIONS CASH CARRY FORWRDIR"RV FUND TRANSFERS OUT 1 1,640.455 1 1 4,521,680 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 31,176,330 1 1,121,000 5,407,680 1 .1,364A__>00,000 FY2014 E911 FUND (12) COURT AWARDS FUND 33 GENERAL DEBT SERVICE FUND 30 CIP FUND 44 APPROPRIATIONS: GENERAL GOVERNMENT 136,436 FINANCE 6,256 PRDA INFORMATION SYSTEMS PLANNING 290,006 ' POLICE 25,200 FIRE ENG/PUBLIC WORKS 6,336,006 PARKS SERVICES 783,040 CABLE AUTHORITY HUMAN RIGHTS ENGINEERING HUMAN RESOURCES MAIN STREET 204,006 INVESThIENT FUND DEBT SERVICE 1 E911 1,688,600 3.354,925 SOLID WASTE OPERATION FLEET MAINTENANCE PENSIONS CASH CARRY FOR WRDIRESR V FUND TRANSFERS OUT 1,688,600 25 200 3,354,925 7,751,b61 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS XXV111 C%Occuments June 122013-FY30MOrdinanee FY2014 SOLID WASTE FUND 50 CIVIC CENTER FUND (62) RENTAL FUND (63 RADIO FUND 64) .4PPR0P$IA7I0NS: APPROPRIATIONS: GENERAL GOVERNMENT GENERAL GOVERNMENT FINANCE FINANCE 70, 135 PRDA 10,300 PRDA INFORMATION SYSTEMS PI -MINING POLICE PLANNING FM POLICE ENGlPUBLIC WORKS 105,710 PARKS SERVICES 78,025 ENGIPUSLNC WORKS CABLE AUTHORITY HUMAN RIGHTS ENGINEEMG CABLE AUTHORNTY HUMAN RESOURCES HUMAN RIGHTS MAIN STREET ENGINEERING INVESTMENT FUND HUMAN RESOURCES DEBT SERVICE f E911 991,905 3,559,40 SOLID WASTE OPERATION 4,638,770 FLEET MAINTENANCE INVESTMENT FUND PENSIONS DEBT SERVICE / E911 CASH CARRY FORWRD/RESRV SOLID WASTE OPERATION 73,140 FUND TRANSFERS OUT 240,000 53,720 FLEET MAINTENANCE L 4,879,770 1 78,025 1 159,430 143,273 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS FY2014 FLEET SERVICE FUND 70 FLEET TRUST FUND (71) INSUR FUND 02 HEALTIB INS TRUST FUND 73 AEPFrPFPF PENSION FUND APPROPRIATIONS: GENERAL GOVERNMENT FINANCE _ 979,085 10,300 PRDA INFORMATION SYSTEMS PLANNING POLICE FIRE ENGIPUSLNC WORKS PARKS SERVICES CABLE AUTHORNTY HUMAN RIGHTS ENGINEERING HUMAN RESOURCES 991,905 3,559,40 MAIN STREET INVESTMENT FUND DEBT SERVICE / E911 SOLID WASTE OPERATION FLEET MAINTENANCE 534,130 PENSIONS 1,568,765 CASH CARRY FORWRDIRESRV FUND TRANSFERS OUT 534,130 979,085 991,9051 3,559,400 15119,G65 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS SECTION 3. The Ciq' Manager and Finance Director will publish a budget document which reflects to funding priorities set by the City Commission during their budget Workshops and which will be used to interpret the above appropriations on the Citys website. SECI]ON 4. The Cny does hereby adopt the following financial management policies: A. The General Fund's minimum undesignated cash balance shall be 8% of the General Fund's hudgettd expenditures. The Investment Fund's miufmum undesignated cash balance shall be 8% of the investment Funds budgeted expenditures. The Solid Waste Fund's minimum unreserved cash balance shall be 8% of the Solid Waste's budgeted operating expenses. The Debt Service Fund's designated f d balance ,hall be sufficient to fully fund all outstanding debt including principal and interest B The City Manager is aulhonzed to transfer budgeted amounts behveen fonds, deparrmental budget Ile lletris, projects and between divisions of deparzmcnts and between departments as shown, in Section 2. C. Funds designated as Commission contingency shall be obligated only upon approral by the City Commission by mumcipal order. O Funds designated as Admimstra6ve contingency shall be obligated at the discre=ion of the City Manager, however, the Commission shat] he notif,ed fire working days prior to approval ofexpendnure, If any individual member of the Board of Comrnissierers requests Commission review ofa proposed expendit=, the City Manager must brine expenditure before the Commission for approve] by municipal order. E City Manager shall assure than recuirmg revenues and resources are greater than or equal to recurring expenditures, xxix C:1Dccuments and Seltings%tammYl-oval Sen]Nsl7emperary Internet FiiysiContent0unooktZKY45sME5preynance Original June 122013 - FY201410rd,na F. The City Manager has the authority to enact a budsiet allocation program or to transfer funds to or from any deparmrenral line item to insurance or rescnc accounts. G As new vehicles arc purchased the City will fully fund the Fleet Trust Fund in order to replace rolling stock owned by the General Fund as it achieves obsolescence The Fleet Trust Fuad shall be funded with monthly lease charges assigned to rolling stockas determined by the Finance Direclor or his designee. Additionally, General Fund transfers shall be made to offset the cosi of initial rolling stock acquisition cons. H, The City will maimain a self instuance fund called Health Insursnce Trust Fund through the use of.aser fees as set by adminisoative policy. 1. The City will continue to maintain the Appointive Employees Pension Fund (AEPF) in a Fully funded status through sound financial management and/or armual General Fund transfers as designated in the budget document In fiscal year 2006, the Cityissued a venetal Obligation Bond for the Police and Fuefighters' Pension Fund (PFPF) bringing the fund up to an aco arily sound basis; however, the multi-year rt;cesst'—starting in fiscal year 2444 rcd—cl the fund's corpus leaving a new unfunded liability. Funding is provided M the General Fund of this ordinance to further address the PFPP unfunded hakAny. 1. The City will provide to all eligible eraployees a $727.90 per mouth credit (for the months of July -December 2013) to be applied to the Comprehensive Health hrsurance Benefit Plan (Cafeteria Plan) as directed by the employee. In January 2014, this monthly credit maybe adjusted by the City Commission as they see Fit, K. The Ciry will maintain a speeial fund cal led Investment Fund. The investment Fund will be funded with A I!2 cent increase in the Cit+ s occupational license fee (employee payroll withholding tax). This fund is dedicated to the following expenditures related to economic development, neighborhood redevelopment, infrasirucuut capital investment and property tax relief. SECTION 5. Finance Director is responsible for maintaining current table of Estimated Revenues in Secton 1 and Appropriation of Funds in Section 2 and to provide a copy to the City Cleric. lfduring the course of the year the City Commission adopts Ordinances to anticipate new revenues or to make new appropriations, the Finance Director will update these Tables and provide a copy to the City Clerk. SECTION 6. This ordinance shall be read on two separate days and will become effective upon publicaAism in full pursuant to KRS Chapter 424, s— Mayor ATTEST: VW / 1 ✓/ ' lei 1W � v �->IL- ��' / �/� Tammara Brock, City Clerk Introduced by the Board of Commisshooers, June 2), 2013 Adopted by the Board of Commissioners, June 25, 2013 Recorded by Tammara Brock, City Clerk, June 25, 2013 Published by The Paducah Sun, July 5, 2013 XXX C \Documents and SethogsAamirrt%sl Senings%7emporary Internet FileKonlent Oud0ok12Kr4S6ME%Qrd:o8n Odglml Juno 12 2013 - FY20M01d1nanCe GENERAL FUND The General Fund is used to account for resources traditionally associated with government which are not required legally or by sound financial management to be accounted for in another fund. RUN DATE: 07/16/133, 09:11:41 WORKSHEET: SUM REV ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION GENERAL FUND * Taxes * Licenses & Permits * Grants * Fines * Property Rent & Sales * Charges for Service * Interest Income * Other Fees * Interfund Transfers ** GENERAL FUND CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 5,753,775 5,910,258 5,559,700 5,802,500 21,456,796 22,291,318 21,924,250 22,286,750 1,878,887 1,071,729 1,091,010 901,255 137,583 99,618 101,200 118,500 408,083 427,902 423,600 413,860 734,314 663,216 693,385 627,185 118,632 119,687 104,000 105,000 158,797 185,316 106,500 131,500 902,270 751,863 923,390 543,720 ------------ 31,549,137 ------------ 31,520,907 ---- -------- 30,927,035 ------------ 30,930,270 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 09:19:38 WORKSHEET: DRAFTREV ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 GENERAL FUND 001-0000-400.05 00 Real Current Year 3,517,164 001-0000-400.10-00 Personal Current Year 572,934 001-0000-400.15-00 Real Prior Year 115,087 001-0000-400.20-00 Personal Prior Year 97,290 001-0000-400.30-00 Franchise Current Year 133,813 001-0000-400.3S-00 Franchise Prior Year 14,567 001-0000-400.40-00 Vehicle Tax County 598,509 001-0000-400.45-00 Local bank deposit tax 218,137 001-0000-400.50-00 PILI - Paducah Power 136,294 001-0000-400.55-00 PILT - Pad Housing Auth 20,287 001-0000-400.60-00 Pen & Int - Current Year 45,343 001-0000-400.65-00 Pen & int - Prior Year 26,308 001-0000-400.80-00 Collection Cost - Agency 8,331- 001-0000-400.85-00 Annexation Rebates 38.604 - LEVEL TEXT 1 OLIVET CHURCH (FALCONITE/HIPP) ED0052 GROVE II (CDH GROUP) ED0055 HIGDON (COUNTY PRK RD AREA) ED0057 HT HACKNEY (WOODSTONE) (5 YR REBATE) ED0058 WESTWOOD (MILLS) ED0059 001-0000-400.99 99 PJC tax collection * Taxes 001-0000-410.01-00 Payroll Tax 001-0000-410.05-00 Insurance Tax 001-0000-410.10-00 Business License 001-0000-410.15-00 Alcoholic Bev License 001-0000-410.20-00 License Penalties 001-0000-410.85--00 County - PR Rev Sharing LEVEL TEXT 1 PAYROLL TAX REVENUE SHARING WITH COUNTY: LYNX 50% INFINITI MEDIA, 50% AAA FABRICATORS, 50s COCA COLA, 50% MARQUETTE, 50% PEPSI, 50% ULRICH, 50% HT HACKNEY, 50% 304,977 5,753,775 13,096,982 3,476,309 4,243,511 123,905 211,486 208,767- ED0020 ED0032 ED0071 ED0072 ED0073 ED0074 ED0075 ED0079 3,S46,444 570,468 71,240 84,943 134,336 17,293 614,786 216,829 299,227 23,464 34,905 16,928 9,905- 23.490 - TEXT AMT 18,000- 7,500- 5,000- 29,500- 5,000- 65,000- 312,790 5,910,258 13,633,068 3,690,806 4,359,835 109,290 235,360 217,842- TEXT AMT 55,000- 10,000- 13,000- 32,000- 60,000- 8,000- 17:, 000- 18,000- 227.000- 001-0000-411.01-00 Building Permits 161,529 125,119 001-0000-411.05-00 Electrical Permits 37,522 36,044 2 3,608,000 568,000 100,000 50,000 104,000 21,000 621,000 223,000 230,000 20,700 35,000 25,000 8,000- 38.000- 5,559,700 13,770,000 3,333,000 4,286,000 125,000 170,000 225,000 - 120,000 36,000 Adopted 2013-2014 3,720,000 617,000 95,000 50,000 131,000 25,000 633,500 240,000 290,000 22,000 35,000 24,000 15,000- 65.000- ------------ 5,802,500 13,850,000 3,500,000 4,400,000 121,000 170,000 227,000- 125,000 35,000 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 09:19:38 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAF`PREV FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 001-0000-411 08-00 Fireworks Permit 5,500 4,000 007.-0000-411.10-00 Misc Bldg & Elec Fees 210 168 250 250 001-0000-411.15-00 KY Telecommunication Tax 282,410 277,601 278,000 278,000 001-0000-411.16-00 PEG Receipts 23,551 29,858 23,000 24,000 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT I COMCAST PASS THRU TO PJC ($0.25/HH/MONTH OF $0.29) 24,000 MR0027 24,000 001-0000-411.20-00 Planning Fees 8,148 6,311 8,000 6,500 001-0000-411.22-00 Flood Haz Area Dev Permit 200 * Licenses & Permits 21,456,796 22,291,318 21,924,250 22,286,750 001-0000-420.21-00 KY Emergency Management 62,973 001-0000-420.63-00 Justice Cabinet 13,971 11,435 4,000 001-0000-420.66-00 Hiway Safety Grant 41,237 57,728 25,000 40,500 001-0000-421.05-00 Section Eight Program 234,631 241,670 248,935 256,755 001-0000-421.15-00 FEMA 395,481 26,140 001-0000-421.20-00 State Incentive Police 308,133 304,512 320,000 326,000 001-0000-421.25-00 State Incentive - Fire 261,543 264,989 283,500 265,000 001-0000-421.59-00 ATF Overtime Reimb 6,137 14,320 9,000 001 0000 421.64-00 Police Hiring Supplement 157,186 146,857 176,000 001-0000-421.74-00 KLC 410,462 27,448 001-0000-421.79-00 Ronald McDonald Grant 1,104 234 * Grants 1,878,887 1,071,729 1,091,010 901,255 001-0000-430.01-00 Parking violations 16,590 14,593 16,000 16,000 001-0000-430.02-00 Inspection (FM) Fines 500 001-0000-430.03-00 False Alarms Police 3,175 535 500 4,000 001-0000-430.04-00 False Alarms - Fire 8,975 9,295 4,200 500 001-0000-430.05-00 Warrant Service Fees -PPD 43,878 42,506 42,000 42,500 001-0000-430.06-00 Prisonez Extradition Reim 26,573 1,133 500 500 001-0000-430.07-00 Nuisance Violations 38,392 24,236 38,000 55,000 001-0000-430.08-00 DUI - Blood Draw Restitu 6,820 * Fines 137,583 99,618 101,200 118,500 001-0000-440.01-00 Rental Income 3,241 4,088 2,000 3,000 001-0000-440.03-00 Forest Hills Lease 360,000 360,000 365,400 368,460 001-0000-440.04-00 American Legion 3,200 600 1,200 1,200 001-0000-440.05-00 Shelter Rent 13,356 16,201 13,000 13,000 001-0000-440.10-00 Stuart Nelson Rent 2,187 2,998 5,000 2,500 001-0000-440.15-00 Swimming Pool Rent 2,084 3,141 2,500 2,500 001-0000-441.01-00 Burial Permits 775 525 500 700 001-0000-441.05-00 Sale of Assets 12,630 31,294 25,000 15,000 001-0000-441-15-00 Cemetery Lot Sales 10,610 9,055 9,000 7,500 * Property Rent & Sales 408,083 427,902 423,600 413,860 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 09:19:38 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTREV FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 001-0000-451.01-00 lax Collection Fee -School 151,122 154,080 157,000 161,000 001-0000-451.05-00 Overhead (Admin) Charge 237,300 266,000 259,020 261,720 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AR9T 1 E911 (012) 8,220 SOLID WASTE (050) 174,200 RADIO DEPRECIATION (064) 15,600 FLEET MAINT (070) 9,400 FLEET TRUST (071) 26,400 HEALTH INS (073) 15,600 AEPF (076) 3,900 PFPF (077) 8,400 261,720 001-0000-451.10-00 Property Upkeep 31,045 25,077 30,000 001-0000-451.12-00 ROW materials (billed) 2,835 6,043 2,900 2,900 001-0000-451.15-00 KY - City Police Fines 58,097 52,621 61,000 56,000 001-0000-451.18-00 Police transport 16,203 12,808 18,000 10,000 001-0000-451.19-00 State Drug Task Force 31,250 29,700 31,000 001-0000-451.20-00 County (billed) 72,565 39,602 46,100 44,480 LEVEL TEXT TEXT ACTT 1 GIS SERVICE CONTRACT - $2,240/MON FILE 85.3 26,880 TECHNOLOGY SERVICES - BASED ON WORK ORDERS 17,600 44,480 001-0000-451.21-00 CCC (billed) 55,844 001-0000-451.22-00 E911 GIS (billed) 24,602 25,344 26,100 26,880 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 GIS SERVICE CONTRACT ($2,240/MONTH) 26,880 26,880 001-0000-451.23-00 Inspection Fee - Sect 8 10,415 L4P,416 12,265 8,000 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 INSPECTION FEE (INTERNAL CHARGE FROM FIRE PREVENTION. HARLAND BRAZIER 1/2 DAY PER WEEK 8,000 8,000 001-0000-451.25-00 Custodial Fee 10,800 Lii,800 10,800 LEVEL TEXT TEXT Am'P 1 E-911 CUSTODIAL FEE ($900/MONTH) 10,800 10,800 001-0000-451.31-00 Telephone User Fees LEVEL TEXT 4 TEXT AMT 16,830 7,330 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 09:19:38 WORKSHEET: DRAFTREV ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 1 E911 (19 PHONE LINES s $16.50) JSA (18 P14ONE LINES a $16.50) 001-0000-451.33-00 Network User Fees LEVEL TEXT 1 E911 (14 UNITS $8.00) JSA (18 UNITS a $8.00) CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 3,765 3,565 7,330 3,170 3,075 TEXT AMf 1,345 1,730 3,075 001-0000-451.35-00 Off Duty Police Fee 32,235 34,725 30,000 35,000 * Charges for Service 734,314 663,216 693,385 627,165 001-0006-460.01-00 Interest on Investments 31,777 22,270 20,000 10,000 001-0000-460.05-00 Interest on Checking 86,855 97,417 84,000 95,000 * Interest Income 118,632 119,687 104,000 105,000 001-0000-480.01-00 Recreation Classes 26,471 32,834 32,000 25,000 001-0000-480.02-00 Contractual Programs 4,769 4,039 5,000 5,000 001-0000-480.15-00 Swimming Pool Admissions 22,716 26,469 17,500 28,500 001-0000-480.20-00 Swimming Lessons 8,691 10,696 8,000 9,000 001-0000 480.25-00 Ice Rink Revenues 46,388 001-0000-480.26-00 Ice Rink Concessions 6,996 001-0000-480.30-00 Concessions 1,150 7,392 500 15,500 001-0000-480.40-00 Basketball 1,500 001-0000-480.50-00 Softball 17,379 20,506 22,000 22,000 001-0000-481.01-00 Miscellaneous - Other 22,547 70,986 20,000 25,000 001-0000-481-25-00 Restitution 1,040 604 500 001-0000-481.40-00 Private Donations 400 11,790 1,000 001-0000-481.45-00 Membership 250 * Other Fees 158,797 185,316 106,500 131,500 001-0000-499.90-04 Investment Fund 99,100 250,000 250,OOD LEVET. TEXT TEXT ANT 1 PRA PARTIAL FUNDING (DEPT OF MAINSTREET) 200;000 DEMOLITION FUNDING (NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENT) 59,000 25(),000 001-0000-499.90-08 HOME Fund 11,607 001-0000-499.90-11 Telecommunications Fund 273,000 001-0000-499.90-40 Capital Projects Fund 48,510 400,391 001-0000-499.90-50 Solid Waste Fund 240,000 240,000 240,000 LEVEL TEXT TEXT kMT 1 3 FTE STREET SWEEPERS 163,500 BULK BRUSH PROGRAM (MONDAYS) PARTIAL EXP INCURRED 76,500 5 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 09:19:38 WORKSHEET DRAFTREV ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY FISCAL YEAR 2014 001-0000-499.90-63 Rental Property Fund 001-0000-499.90-73 Health Insurance Fund 001-0000-499.90-74 Commerce Center Fund 001-0000-499.90-80 PRA Fund 001-0000-499.90-84 Trust Fund * Interfund Transfers ** GENERAL FUND Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 240,000 79,003 95,835 108,390 53,720 550,000 12,550 11,600 101,500 52,000 ____________ 4,037 902,270 ____________ ____________ 751,863 _______ -------- ____ 923,390 543,720 31,549,137 ----- 31,520,907 ____________ 30,927,035 30,930,270 G RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 09:11:23 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: SUM EXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 GENERAL FUND * General Government 1,260,186 1,292,051 1,406,370 1,410,255 * Finance 1,112,621 952,929 972,835 979,580 * PRDA 120,809 122,935 123,645 123,725 * Information Technology 524,306 534,374 714,695 668,170 * Inspection 814,399 829,306 * Planning 740,139 726,870 746,745 756,290 * Police 8,855,168 8,842,632 9,145,540 9,257,450 * Fire 6,412,374 8,018,134 7,533,180 7,774,595 * Engineering/Public Works 3,665,725 3,375,819 3,592,365 3,711,885 * Parks Services 2,781,663 2,679,782 2,855,915 2,867,430 * Cable Authority 84,189 84,413 83,580 81,595 * Human Rights 49,759 53,551 41,970 41,970 * Engineering/Public Works 1,744,334 1,065,239 1,138,890 1,112,320 * Human Resources 109,890 292,452 302,290 302,290 * Main Street 207,659 173,866 454,460 448,320 * Special Projects 324,333 358,757 * Interfund Transfers 2,110,052 1,937,494 1,814,555 1,640,455 -------- ---- ** GENERAL FUND ------------ 30,917,606 ------------ 31,338,604 ------------ 30,927,035 31,176,330 Fund: 001 General Department: 01 General Government Division: 02 Mayor & Commissioners The City of Paducah has an elected Mayor and four elected City Commissioners, known together as the Board of Commissioners. The policies of the Board of Commissioners are carried out by the City Manager. In this form of government, the Mayor may vote on all matters brought before the Board and may introduce legisltation. The Mayor presides over the City Comission Meetings. The Mayor is the ceremonial head of City Government, and represents the City in the community and with associated governmental agencies. The Mayor, as the Chair of the City Commision, receives policy suggestions from community members and may initiate policy review and change discussions with the City Commission, BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-201.3 Adopted 2013-2014 Personal Services $ 156,005 $ 161,598 $ 162,440 $ 158,960 Contractuals $ 3,175 $ 3,214 $ 3,995 $ 2,530 Commodities $ 28,387 $ 32,504 $ 22,41.0 $ 20,600 Capital. Outlay $ - $ - $ - $ - S 187,567 $ 197,316 $ 188,845 $ 182,090 Funded Staffing Level 5 5 5 5 FY2014 OBJECTIVES: RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 CITY OF PADUCAH. KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION GENERAL FUND General Government Mayor & Commissioners 001 0102-511.10-01 Full Time/Regular 001-0102-511.14-01 FICA 001-0102-511.14-03 Medicare 001-0102-511.14-11 CERS - Non Hazardous 001-0102-511.14-17 Workers' Compensation 001-0102-511.14-19 Unemployment 001-0102-511.14-21 Life Insurance 001-0102-511.14-23 Cafeteria/Flex Plan 001 0102-511.16-45 Gym Reimbursement * Personal Services 001-0102-511.21-02 Liability 001-0102-511.21-05 Vehicle 001-0102-511.23-07 Other * Contractual Services 001-0102-511 31-03 Fuel 001-0102-511.33-01 Fleet Charges 001-0102-511.33-02 vehicle Lease 001-0102-511.35-03 Office 001-0102-511.37-05 Telephone LEVEL TEXT I PAX LINES/OTHER 001-0102-511.38-01 Training & Travel 001-0102-511.38-05 Dues,Mbrships,8ocks/Subs 001-0102-511.39-05 Postage 001-0102-511.39-07 Printing 001-0102-511.39-09 Promotions * Commodities ** Mayor & Commissioners Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-4;112 2012-2013 2013-2014 104,368 .106,812 107,975 109, 165 4,829 4,853 4,750 5,975 1,415 1,432 1,410 1,400 7,473 8,522 8,870 12,555 125 128 145 145 65 740 945 760 655 36,143 38,198 38,050 29,000 912 708 480 156,005 161,598 162,440 158,960 1,417 1,395 1,340 1,365 648 649 655 665 1,110 1,170 2,000 SOD 3,175 3,214 3,995 2,530 2,910 2,370 2,250 2,000 1,390 262 500 500 2,813 2,813 2,815 2,820 1,577 1,752 2,300 2,300 5,045 5,225 1,720 1,680 TEXT AIMT 1,,80 1,680 9,621 12,649 8,800 9,000 1,205 1,306 1,325 1,000 316 305 400 300 307 783 800 3,203 5,039 1,500 1,000 28,387 32,504 22,410 20,600 187,567 197,316 188,845 182,090 9 Fund: 001 General Department: 01 General Government Division: 03 City Manager The City Manager serves as Chief Administrative Officer of the City and is accountable to the Board of Commissioners. The City Manager directs, oversees, and coordinates the operations of the City departments and is directed to fulfilling the goals of the City Board of Commissioners BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Personal Services $ 374,472 $ 378,528 $ 370,750 $ 400,985 Contractuals $ 7,341 $ 7,732 $ 9,955 $ 7,260 Commodities $ 9,290 $ 16,737 $ 11,360 $ 12,480 Capital Outlay $ 4,112 $ 88 $ 3,000 $ 2,000 $ 395,215 $ 403,085 $ 395,065 $ 422,725 Funded Staffing Level 1 41 41 4 4 DIVISION OUTPUTS: - Policy review and proposals - Direction and assessment of Directors - Human resource administrative actions - Preparation and presentation of budget FY2014 OBJECTIVES: 10 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 City Manager 001-0103-511.10-01 Full Time/Regular 001-0103-511.10-02 Part Time/Regular 001-0103-511.10-05 Longevity 001-0103-511.12-01 Full Time/Regular OT 001 0103-511.14-01 FICA 001-0103-511.14-03 Medicare 001-0103-511.14-11 CERS Non Hazardous 001-0103-511.14-13 NRS - Deferred Comp 001-0103-511.14-15 Deferred compensation 001-0103-511.14-17 Workers' Compensation 001-0103-511.14-19 Unemployment 001-0103-511.14-21 Life Insurance 001-0103-511.14-23 Cafeteria/Flex Plan 001-0103-511.16-35 Automobile allowance 001-0103-511.16-45 Gym Reimbursement * Personal Services 001-0103-511.21-02 Liability 001-0103-511.22-03 Copiers 001-0103-511.22-06 Communication Equipment 001-0103-511.23-07 Other Contractual Services 001-0103-511.31-03 Fuel 001-0103-511.35-03 Office 001-0103-511.37-05 Telephone LEVEL TEXT 1 TNCI - LONG DISTANCE - OTHER CELL PHONE STIPEND (PEDERSON/SPENCER) 001-0103-511.38-01 Training & Travel 001-0103-511.38-0S Dues,Mbrships,Books/Subs 001-0103-511.39-05 Postage 001-0103-511.39-11 Marketing k Commodities 001-0103-511.42-01 Furniture & Fixtures 001-0103-511.42-09 Computer Hardware Capital Outlay ** City Manager 246,903 258,921 252,760 1,446 1,139 1,200 128 58 75 16,581 13,BB5 14,050 4,054 4,306 4,345 29,949 23,668 22,760 10,154 12,480 9,583 19,840 22,500 300 347 375 1,625 821 65 868 1,292 1,065 40,124 42,251 43,670 12,277 12,000 7,000 480 960 374,472 378,528 370,750 2,662 2,946 2,805 1,276 1,329 1,300 130 108 3,273 3,349 5,850 7,341 7,732 9,955 305 1,606 1,524 1,500 2,955 2,952 1,010 TEXT AMT 70 960 1,030 271,425 7,540 1,020 14,880 4,350 24,660 23,000 375 415 915 46,165 6,000 240 400,985 2,860 1,300 3,100 7,260 1,500 1.030 2,358 5,299 5,000 5,000 725 2,221 2,200 3,250 75 55 150 200 1,266 4,686 1,500 1,500 9,290 16,737 11,360 12,480 88 500 4,112 2,500 2,000 4,112 88 3,000 2,000 395,215 403,085 395,065 422,725 Fund: 001 General Department: 01 General Government Division: 04 City Clerk The City Clerk is the custodian of official City records persuant to KRS 61,870 to KRS 61.882, The Clerk is responsible for preparation, maintenance, and safekeeping of official City records; preparation of ordinances, municipal orders, and motions for action by Board of Commissioners, and preparation of motions for public printing. The Clerk prepares the City Commission agenda, attends all Commission meetings, and records the minutes for those meetings, In addition, the Clerk responds to citizen complaints, inquiries, and requests. BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Personal Services $ 147,029 $ 140,783 $ 99,730 $ 91,025 Contractuals $ 7,660 $ 11,263 $ 9,890 $ 9,715 Commodities $ 19,073 $ 18,325 $ 18,850 $ 18,030 Capital Outlay $ 860 $ - $ 1,900 $ 1,900 $ 174,622 S 170,371 S 130,370 $ 120,670 Funded Staffing Level 2 2 2 1 DIVISION OUTPUTS: - Commission meeting minutes - Legal documents, including ordinances and municipal orders - Official City records FY2014 Objectives: 12 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAF'TEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011 2012 2012-2013 2013.2014 City Clerk 001-0104-511 10-01 Full Time/Regular 001-0104-511.10-05 Longevity 001-0104-511.12-01 Full Time/Regular OT 001-0104-511.14-01 FICA 001-0104-511.14-03 Medicare 001-0104-511.14-11 CERS - Nan Hazardous 001-0104-511.14-17 Workers' Compensation 001-0104-511.14-19 Unemployment 001-0104-511.14-21 Life Insurance 001-0104-511.14-23 Cafeteria/Flex Plan 001-0104-511.16-35 Automobile allowance 001-0104-511.16-45 Gym Reimbursement * Personal Services 001-0104 511.21-02 Liability 001-0104-511.22-02 Computer Software LEVEL TEXT 1 MCCI - DOCUMENT INMAGING SIM M/A 001-0104-511.23-07 Other 001-0104-511.23-08 Recodification Contractual Services 001-0104-511.35-03 Office 001-0104-511.37-05 Telephone LEVEL TEXT 1 OTHER (TNCI & ATT) CELL PHONE STIPEND (SANDERSON) 001-0104-511.38-01 Training & Travel 001-0104-511.38-05 Dues,Mbrships,eooks/.Subs 001-0104-511.39-01 Advertisement 001-0104-511.39-05 Postage * Commodities 001-0104-511.42-09 Computer Hardware 001-0104-511.42-11 Computer Software * Capital Outlay ** City Clerk 92,541 89,632 66,850 62,960 2,331 2,105 1,200 1,200 185 30 100 9,715 5,718 5,557 5,750 3,265 1,337 1,300 1,345 770 17,229 17,316 13,965 12,210 120 124 135 85 604 284 25 95 296 341 305 13S 20,645 18,117 10,055 9,325 6,023 5,977 960 _____----------- 147,029 _ ____________ 140,783 ---- 99,730 ________ 91,025 1,298 1,204 1,190 1,215 1,426 1,921 1,700 2,000 TEXT AMT 2,000 2,000 1,853 2,218 2,000 1,500 3,083 5,920 ____________ 5,000 5,000 ____________ ____________ 7,660 11,263 9,890 9,715 1,524 1,962 2,000 1,500 1.583 1.798 500 530 TEXT AMT 50 480 530 14 28 600 600 365 285 400 250 15,301 13,958 15,000 15,000 286 294 350 150 ------------ ----- 19,073 --- ---- ------------ 18,325 ------------ 18,850 18.030 860 1,900 -----_____ 1,900 - ____________ ____________ 860 __'--------- 1,900 1,900 ------------ ---- 174,622 __--- ___ _____------- 170,371 130,370 --- --- .-- 120,670 13 Fund: 001 General Department: 01 General Government Division: 05 Corporate Counsel The broad function of this program is to provide legal services to the City Commission, City Manager, and staff through a law firm retained to function as City Attorney, as well as to the Planning Board through a part-time assistant City Attorney. Corporate Counsel renders legal opinions, prepares ordinances, resolutions, municipal orders, and contracts. They also handle litigation involving the City. BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Personal Services $ 25,894 $ 27,030 $ 27,565 $ 26,815 Contractuals $ 163,366 $ 162,864 $ 140,180 $ 141,205 Commodities $ 5,265 $ 4,810 $ 4,500 $ 4,500 Capital Outlay $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 194,525 S 194,704 S 172,245 1 S 172,520 Funded Staffing Level 1 1 1 1 FY2014 Objectives: 14 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 Corporate Counsel 001-0105-511.10-01 Full Time/Regular 001-0105-511.10 05 Longevity 001-0105-511.14-01 FICA 001-0105-511.14-03 Medicare 001-0105-511.14-11 CERS - Non Hazardous 001-0105-511.'14-17 Workers' Compensation 001-0105-511.14-19 Unemployment 001 0105-511.14-21 Life Insurance 001-0105-511.14-23 Cafeteria/Flex Plan * Personal Services 001-0105-511.21-02 Liability 001-0105-511.23-05 Legal * Contractual Services 001 -0105 -511.38 -OS Dues,Mbrships,eooks/Subs * Commodities *t Corporate Counsel 11,207 11,207 11,165 11,165 1,205 1,205 1,200 1,200 578 702 730 660 135 164 170 155 2,115 2,357 2,420 2,340 15 14 20 20 74 35 5 20 592 726 610 525 9,973 10,620 11,245 10,730 ------------ ------- 25,894 ----" 27,030 27,565 26,815 1,250 1,051 1,180 1,205 162,116 161,813 139,000 ____. 140,000 __----- ____________ ______------ 163,366 ____________ 162,864 140,180 141,205 5,265 4,810 4,500 ____________ 4,500 ____________ ____________ 5,265 ____________ 4,810 ____________ 4,500 4,500 ____________ ____________ 194,525 194,704 172,245 172,520 15 Fund: 001 General Department: 01 General Government Division: 06 Non -Departmental This program provides funding for projects and programs, which are not directly related to any one particular department. It also serves as a disbursing cost center for grants to various agencies and organizations that provide municipal services, which the City does not currently perform. Its objective is to disburse grants to agencies based on a determination of need of the City and correlation of service to legality of City undertaking said funding. It also provides internal accounting controls and monitoring of non -departmental programs and City grants. BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Personal Services $ $ $ - $ - Contractuals $ $ $ 151,220 $ 170,000 Commodities $ - $ $ - $ Contributions $ 263,200 $ 298,570 $ 225,000 $ 215,000 S 263,200 S 298,570 S 376,220 S 385,000 FY2014 Objectives: 16 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Non - Departmental 001-0106-511.23 16 Animal Control (County) LEVEL TEXT 1 CITY'S SHARE OF ANIMAL CONTROL PROGRAM RUN BY MCCRACKEN COUNTY * Contractual Services 001-0106-511.80-08 PATS 001-0106-511.80-26 Boys & Girls Club 001-0106-511.80-53 Chamber - Legis Lobbyist 001-0106-511.80-66 War Memorial 001-0106-511.80-69 Convention Ctr Corp 001-0106-511.80-73 Brooks Stadium Comm. * Contributions _* Non - Departmental Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 151,220 170,000 17 TEXT AMT 170,000 170,000 ------------ ------------ - ---------- .----------- 151,220 170,000 225,000 225,000 225,000 215,000 2,500 14,000 14,000 15,000 57,070 9,200 --- ------------ ------------ 263,200 ------------ --------- 298,570 225,000 --------- 215,000 --_ ------------ 263,200 ------------ ------------ 298,570 376,220 385,000 17 Fund: 001 General Department: 01 General Government Division: 07 Memberships & Contingency This program provides funding for general contingencies in the general fund. It provides financial support for special or unforeseen expenditures. BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Personal Services $ - $ - $ - $ - Contractuals $ 25,217 $ 5,232 $ 118,570 $ 105,400 Commodities $ 18,227 $ 19,034 $ 21,255 $ 18,350 Contributions $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 43,444 1 $ 24,266 $ 139,825 $ 123,750 FY2014 Objectives: 18 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Memberships & ConLingency 001-0107-511.22-05 Office Equipment LEVEL TEXT 1 PITNEY BOWES POSTAGE MACHINE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY FISCAL YEAR 2014 001-0107-511.23-07 Other 001-0107-511.24-13 Property taxes 001-0107-511.24-14 Unemployment - Op Ef Plan 001-0107-511.24-50 Reserved 001-0107-511.24-52 Commission Reserve * Contractual Services 001-0107-511.38-05 Dues,Mbrships,Books/Subs LEVEL TEXT 1 KLC PADD NLC CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TENN RIVER VALLEY ASSOC JACKSON PURCHASE RC&D * Commodities ** Memberships & Contingency Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 4,549 4,599 4,200 5,100 TEXT AMT 5,100 5,100 151 500 311 133 150 300 20,206 77,240 50,000 36,980 50,000 ____________ 25,217 ____________ 5,232 ____________ 118,570 ____________ 105,400 18,227 19,034 21,255 18,350 TEXT AMT 6,600 7,300 1,900 1,450 1,000 100 18,350 __ 18,227 ____________ 19,034 _____..----- 21,255 ________-___ 18,350 43,444 24,266 139,825 123,750 19 Fund: 001 General Department: 01 General Government Division: 09 Civic Beautification The Civic Beautification Board is organized to study, investigate, and recommend plans for improving the environment, health, sanitation, safety, and cleanliness of the City of Paducah. BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Personal Services $ - $ $ - $ Contractuals $ - $ $ $ - Commodities $ 1,613 $ 3,739 $ 3,800 $ 3,500 Capital Outlay $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,613 $ 3,739 $ 3,800 DIVISION OUTPUTS: - Promote public interest in the general improvement of the appearance of time City - Act as hostess for the Mayor of Paducah - Beautify the streets, highways, alleys, lots, and yards in the City of Paducah - Encourage the placing, planting, and/or preservation of trees, flowers, plants and shrubbery, and other objects of ornamentation in the City FY2014 Objectives: 20 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 ------------ ------------ 3,800 __ 3,500 --- _______ ____________ ------------ 1,613 3,739 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 Civic Beautification 001-0109-511.35-03 Office 100 001-0109-511.39-09 Promotions 1,613 3,739 3,800 3,400 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT ] ADOPT -A -SPOT - ID SIGNS & OTHER NOTICES & EPS 200 ANNUAL BUSINESS AWARDS 400 DOGWOOD TRAIL CERT. & PHOTOS ON & OFF TRAIL 600 DOGWOOD TRAIL RECEPTION 250 PROMOTIONS 1,000 MARKETING FOR TRAIL 950 * Commodities ** Civic Beautification *** General Government 21 3,400 ----""------ ------------ 1,613 3,739 ------------ ------------ 3,800 __ 3,500 --- _______ ____________ ------------ 1,613 3,739 _---------- 3,800 ------------ ------------ 3,500 -------------- 1,260,186 ----- ----- 1,292,051 1,406,370 1,410,255 21 Fund: 001 General Department: 02 Finance Division: 01 Administration The overall operation of the Finance Department is managed by the Finance Director to bring about the most effective use of the City's resources for all taxpayer services. Administration oversees the general operation, which includes, but is not limited to: Budget Preparation, Accounting/Payroll, Debt Management, Procurement/Budgeting Monitoring, Revenue Collection operations, Business License/Payroll Taxes, Cash/Investments Management, and technical assistance to other City departments, governmental agencies, and outside agencies. BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual Revised 2011-2012 2012-2013 I Adopted 2013-2014 Personal Services $ 161,794 $252,541 $ 236,065 $ 243,625 Contractuals $ 1,749 $ 1,951 $ 1,925 $ 1,960 Commodities $ 8,715 $ 8,682 $ 8,765 $ 7,930 Capital Outlay $ - $ 2,101 $ - $ 760 $ 172,258 $265,275 $ 246,755 $ 254,275 Funded Staffing Level 2 2 2 2 DIVISION OUTPUTS: - Oversight of department functions - Issuance of annual budget - Issuance of annual financial report FY2014 OBJECTIVES: - Obtain GFOA Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting - Be good stewards of the citizens' treasury 22 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 Finance Administration 001-0201-512.10-01 Full Time/Regular 001-0201-512.10-05 Longevity 001-0201-512.14-01 FICA 001-0201-512.14-03 Medicare 001-0201-512.14-11 CERS - Non Hazardous 001-0201-512.14-13 NRS - Deferred Comp 001-0201-512.14-15 Deferred compensation 001-0201-512.14-17 Workers- Compensation 001.0201-512.14-19 Unemployment 001-0201-512.14-21 Life Insurance 001-0201-512.14-23 Cafeteria/Flex Plan 001-0201-512.16-35 Automobile allowance 001-0201-512.16-45 Gym Reimbursement * Personal Services 001-0201-512.21-01 Bonds 001-0201-512.21-02 Liability * Contractual Services 001.-0201-512.35-03 Office 001-0201-512.37-05 Telephone LEVEL TEXT 1 CELL PHONE STIPEND (PERKINS) OTHER (TNCI & ATT) 001-0201-512.38-01 Training & Travel 100,358 160,576 150,250 155,150 1,846 2.,123 1,200 1,260 6,801 9,714 8,575 8,555 1,590 2,537 2,250 2,360 18,067 28,376 29,600 29,640 5,923 265,275 246,755 254,275 6,008 22,358 22,500 23,000 150 195 210 205 631 489 35 230 224 341 305 265 16,570 19,267 20,300 22,000 3,254 5,977 372 588 840 960 ____________ --- 161,794 _--- _---- ____________ 252,541 236,065 243,625 245 229 230 230 1,504 1,722 1,695 --- ---- 1,730 __.______- ------------ ------------ 1,749 ----- 1,951 1,925 1,960 1,332 1,605 2,265 1,500 973 1,225 580 630 LEVEL TEXT 1 CPE REQUIREMENTS (PERKINS - 40 HOURS): GFOA NATIONAL CONFERENCE (HOTEL, TRVL, REGIS) EMPLOYEE BIRTHDAYS, PIP, BUDGET CONFERENCES 001-0201-512.38-05 Dues,Mbrships,eooks/Subs 001 -0201 -512.39 -OS Postage Commodities 001-0201-512.42-09 Computer Hardware Capital Outlay ** Administration TEXT AMT 480 150 630 5,734 4,729 4,600 TEXT AMT 2,600 2,000 4,600 4,600 642 1,123 1,270 1,150 34 50 50 8,715 8,682 8,765 7,930 2,101 --- 760 ____________ ____________ ____________ 2,101 760 760 172,258 265,275 246,755 254,275 23 Fund: 001 General Department: 02 Finance Division: 02 Accounting & Budget This division is responsible for preparing and assisting in the preparation of financial reports, including monthly financial statements, the annual budget, and the CAFR. Tine City's CAFR includes a management discussion and analysis, statistics, and meets the highest standards in governmental financial reporting. This division also processes bi-weekly payroll for approximately 300 full-time employees and prepares all manner of payroll -related reports. They also receive and process all purchase requisitions entered by departments, issuing over 6,000 vendor payments a year. BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Personal Services $ 222,234 $240,040 $ 242,455 $ 252,655 Contractuals $ 56,028 $ 57,940 $ 61,085 $ 61,945 Commodities $ 15,629 $ 16,749 $ 17,435 $ 16,650 Capital Outlay $ - $ 1,724 $ - $ - $ 293,891 $316,453 S320,975 $ 331,250 Funded Staffing Level 4 4 4 4 DIVISION OUTPUTS: - Financial statements - Budget preparation assistance - Purchasing - Payroll - Fixed asset records - Audit support FY2014 OBJECTIVES: - Implementation of techonology upgrades - scanning, email purchase orders - Close months on time - Produce certificate -worthy CAFR 24 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011.2012 2012-2013 2013.2014 Accounting & Budget 001-0202-512.10-01 Full Time/Regular 156,700 171,737 175,195 181,990 001-0202-512.10-05 Longevity 1,304 1,491 1,575 1,980 001-0202-512.12-01 Full Time/Regular OT 51 001-0202-512,14-01 FICA 9,242 10,105 10,265 10,8.5 001-0202-512.14-03 Medicare 2,162 2,363 2,400 2,530 001-0202-512.14-11 CERS - Non Hazardous 26,592 32,902 34,545 34,755 001-0202-512.14-17 Workers' Compensation 200 200 230 240 001-0202-512.14-19 Unemployment 952 494 40 265 001-0202-512.14-21 Life Insurance 566 744 610 525 001-0202-512.14-23 Cafeteria/Flex Plan 23,904 19,245 16,635 18,595 001 0202-512.16-45 Gym Reimbursement 612 708 960 960 ------------ * Personal Services 222,234 ------------ 240,040 ------------ 242,455 ----------- 252,655 001-0202-512.20-02 Audit 30,680 29,930 32,495 33,600 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 GENERAL FUND PORTION OF THE FY2013 FINANCIAL AUDIT 33,600 33,600 001-0202-512.21-02 Liability 2,307 2,220 2,250 2,295 001-0202-512.22-02 Computer Software 23,041 23,040 23,040 23,050 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 HTE - GMBA W/EXTENDED REPORTING 8,610 PURCHASING/INVENTORY 5,150 PAYROLL/PERSONNEL 7,300 QREP CATALOG (PI,PR,GM) 970 ACOM {LASER PRINT CHECKS) 1,020 23,050 001-0202-512.23-01 Banking & Investment 2,249 3,300 3,000 001-0202-512.23-07 Other 501 * Contractual Services 56,028 57,940 61,085 61,945 001--0202-512.35-03 Office 5,521 6,168 6,095 5,000 001-0202-512.37-05 Telephone 1,422 1,285 50 50 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 OTHER (TNCI & ATT) 50 50 001-0202-512,38-01 Training & Travel 3,862 3,842 5,300 5,300 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 HERNDON - GFOA CONFERENCE 2,600 CPE - HERNDON (40 HRS) 1,200 25 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 CPE - RUSHING (40 HRS) 1,200 PAYROLL UPDATES 300 5,300 001-0202-512.38-05 DUes,Mbrships,Books/Subs 679 1,263 1,600 1,600 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 KYCPA, LICENSE RENEWAL/MEMBERSHIPS HERNDON/RUSHING 750 GFOA CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT 500 KYGFOA MEMBERSHIP 50 TECHNICAL GUIDES, BOOKS, SUBSCRIPTIONS & SUGA 300 001-0202-512.39-05 Postage 001-0202-512.39-07 Printing * Commodities 001-0202-512.42-09 Computer Hardware + Capital Outlay *° Accounting & Budget 26 1,600 3,610 3,631 3,200 3,500 535 560 1,190 1,200 ------------ ------------ 15,629 ------""_"__ 16,749 17,435 16,650 1,724 ____________ - ____________ --- _________ 1,724 __ ------ ------ ------------ 293,891 --- 316,453 _------ 320,975 331,250 26 Fund: 001 General Department: 02 Finance Division: 03 Human Resources Due to implementation of the Operational Efficiency Plan, the Human Resources Department was absorbed by the Finance Department. As a result, the new cost center "Budget & HR" was formed. Budget & HR will be responsible for preparing and presenting the budget document, developing programs, and performing activities to ensure that the entire range of Human Resources activities are performed within the City. BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised Adopted 2012-2013 2013-2014 Personal Services $ 195,325 $ - $ - $ Contractuals $ 28,860 $ - $ $ Commodities $ 44,370 $ - $ $ Capital Outlay $ - $ - $ $ $ 268,555 1 S - S $ Funded Staffing Level 31 01 0 0 DIVISION OUTPUTS: - Buget preparation and monitoring - Fill vacant positions - Administer employee Wellness Program Employee training and development Develop and administer personnel policies and procedures THIS DIVISION IN FINANCE HAS BEEN COMBINED WITH RISK MANAGEMENT (SEE HUMAN RESOURCES — 3511). 27 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 Human Resources 001-0203-512.10-01 Full Time/Regular 001-0203-512.30 05 Longevity 001-0203-512.14-01 FICA 001-0203-512.14-03 Medicare 001-0203-512.14-11 CERS - Non Hazardous 001-0203-512.14-17 Workers- Compensation 001-0203-512.14-19 Unemployment 001-0203-512.14-21 Life Insurance 001-0203-512.14-23 Cafeteria/Flex Plan * Personal Services 001-0203-512.21-02 Liability 001-0203-512.22-02 Computer Software 001-0203-512.22-03 Copiers 001-0203-512.23-07 Other 001-0203-512.24-28 Life Insurance - Retirees 001-0203-512.24-33 Employee Assist Program * Contractual Services 001-0203-512.35-03 Office 001 -0203 -512.37 -OS Telephone 001-0203-512.38-01 Training & Travel 001-0203-512.38-05 Dues,Mbrships,Eooks/Subs 001-0203-512.39-01 Advertisement 001-0203-512.39-05 Postage 001-0203-512.39-25 Testing Materials 001-0203-512.39-27 Post -Employment Test 001-0203-512.39-28 Compliance -employment * Commodities ** Human Resources 133,984 787 7,548 1, 765 22,932 150 823 379 26,957 195,325 1,993 3,619 1,275 9,838 4,392 7. 743 28,860 2, 927 2,061 725 3,210 8,682 554 153 10,147 15,911 44,370 ____________ ____________ ___________ ------- 268, 555 ______268,555 28 Fund: 001 General Department: 02 Finance Division: 05 Revenue Revenue is responsible for the billing, collection, and record maintenance of approximately 13,000 property tax bills (real and personal) each year. In addition, they issue approximately 3,500 business licenses, collect quarterly payroll taxes from over 3,000 entities, and receive municipal insurance premium taxes. This division is responsible for collecting and/or processing all miscellaneous revenue received by the City from all sources. They also coordinate collection efforts with a collection agency and/or legal staff to collect on delinquent accounts. BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Personal Services $ 259,026 $246,377 $ 279,950 $ 285,475 Contractuals $ 74,162 $ 87,334 $ 88,565 $ 72,615 Commodities $ 39,293 $ 37,490 $ 36,590 $ 35,965 Capital Outlay $ 5,436 $ - $ - $ - $ 377,917 $371,201 I S405,105 I S 394,055 Funded Staffing Level 51 5 51 5 DIVISION OUTPUTS: - Property tax bill preparation and collection - Payroll tax collection - Issuance of business licenses Collection and processing of miscellaneous revenue FY2014 OBJECTIVES: - huplementation of technology upgrades - scanning, payment coupons - Complete posting in a timely manner 29 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 Revenue 001-0205-512.10-01 Full Time/Regular 181,593 169,776 189,885 194,630 001-0205-512.10-05 Longevity 1,608 1,849 1,960 2,460 001-0205-512.14-01 FICA 10,718 10,035 11,185 11,530 001-0205-512.14-03 Medicare 2,507 2,347 2,615 2,700 001-0205-512.14-11 CERS - Non Hazardous 33,228 32,592 37,510 37,235 001-0205-512.14-17 Workers' Compensation 220 223 250 260 001-0205-512.14-19 Unemployment 1,098 488 45 285 001-0205-512.14-Z1 Lite Insurance 740 821 760 655 001-0205 512.14-23 Cafeteria/Flex Plan 28,570 27,490 35,000 35,000 001-0205-512.16-45 Gym Reimbursement 744 7S6 720 720 * Personal Services 259,026 246,377 279,950 285,475 001-0205-512,21-02 Liability 2,905 2,739 2,775 2,830 001-0205-512.22-02 Computer Software 9,246 18,701 15,555 15,285 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 HTE - NAVI - TAX BILLING 9;145 CASH RECIEPTS - AS400 2,000 BUSINESS LICENSE .3,170 QREP CATALOG (CR,OL,TX) 970 15,285 001-0205-512.23-01 Banking & Investment 2,296 4,704 600 600 001-0205-512.23-03 Data Processing 3,360 2,881 2,900 2,900 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 INFO SEND - PROPERTY TAX OUTSOURCE BILLING 2,900 2.900 001-0205-512.23-06 Temporaries 16,355 18,309 16,735 1,000 001-0205-512.23-11 McCracken County PVA 40,000 40,000 50,000 50,000 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 STATUTORY REQUIREMENT ANNUAL PAYMENT TO PVA 50,000 50,000 * Contractual Services 74,162 87,334 88,565 72,615 001-0205-512.35-03 Office 5,783 5,896 5,540 4,900 001-0205-512.37-05 Telephone 2,560 2,403 175 190 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 OTHER (TNCI & ATT) 190 190 001-0205-512 38-01 Training & Travel 2,631 3,774 3,900 3,900 30 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 201"s-2014 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMP 1 HTE SUGA, KOLA CONFERENCE 3,900 3, 900 001-0205-512.38-05 Dues,Mbrships,eooks/Subs 628 667 650 650 001-0205-512.39-01 Advertisement 684 699 925 925 001-0205-512.39-05 Postage 16,800 16,246 17,000 17,000 001-0205-512.39-07 Printing 10,207 7,805 8,400 8,400 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 INFO SEND PROPERTY TAX MAILERS (3X/YEAR) 1,600 PAYROLL QUARTER FORMS (4X/YEAR) 3,600 BUSINESS ANNUAL FORMS (APPLICATIONS/LISC FORMS) 1,600 CASH RECEIPTS 6 ENVELOPES 1,600 8,400 * Commodities ------------ 39,293 --------------- 37,490 ---------- ------------ 36,590 35,965 001-0205-512.42-09 Computer Hardware 5,436 * Capital Outlay ------------ 5,436 ------------ ----- ------- ------------- ** Revenue ---- _------- 377,917 -----------' 371,201 405,105 394,055 *** Finance ------------ 1,112,621 ----- ------ 952,929 972,835 979,580 31 Fund: 001 General Department: 03 PRDA Division: 01 Administration BUDGET SUMMARY: DIVISION OUTPUTS: FY2014 Objectives: 32 Revised Adopted Program Expense 011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014Personal Services $ 115,900 $ 112,315 $ 116,275Contractuals $ 892 $ 850 $ 865Commodities Wdl,ctual $ 6,143 $ 9,480 $ 6,585Capital Outlay $ - $ 1,000 $ - 122,935 $ 123,645 $ 123,7251 1 1 DIVISION OUTPUTS: FY2014 Objectives: 32 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011 2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 PRDA Administration 001-0301-518.10-01 Full Time/Regular 001 -0301 -518.10 -OS Longevity 001-0301-518.14-01 FICA 001-0301-518.14-03 Medicare 001-0301-518.14-11 CERS - Non Hazardous 001-0301-518.14-17 Workers' Compensation 0010301-518.14-19 Unemployment 001-0301-518.14-21 Life Insurance 001-0301-518.14-23 Cafeteria/Flex Plan 001-0301-518.16-35 Automobile allowance * Personal Services 001-0301-518.21-02 Liability * Contractual Services 001-0301-518.35-03 Office 001-0301-518.37-05 Telephone 79,115 77,907 81,200 83,320 202 248 240 420 4,852 4,768 4,670 4,965 1,135 1,115 1,095 1,160 14,654 16,065 16,015 15,910 44 95 110 110 485 241 20 125 148 189 155 135 9,948 9,295 8,810 10,130 6,485 5,977 _-----_.____ 6,585 ____________ ____________ 117,068 ----- 115,900 ----- 112,315 116,275 ----- __-- 892 850 865 ------------ ------------ ------------ 892 ------------ 850 865 169 1,061 1,150 500 504 1,644 980 985 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 OTHER (TNCI & ATT) 25 VERIZON WIRELESS (FOR LAPTOP CARD) ($40/MONTH) 480 CELL PHONE STIPEND (1 C $480 PER YEAR) 480 985 001-0301-518.38-01 Training & Travel 956 3,127 7,000 4,700 001-0301-518.38-05 Dues,Mbrships,Books/Subs 311 ------- 350 ____" 400 ------------ * Commodities 1,629 ------- 6,143 9,480 6,585 001-0301-518.42-09 Computer Hardware 2,112 ----------------._.__--- 1,000 --_ ----- __-- ------------ * Capital Outlay ____________ 2,112 ____________ ____________ 1,000 ------- _____ ** Administration 120,809 122,935 ___ 123,645 ---- __--- ____ 123,725 ----- ___ ------------ *** PRDA 120,809 ""_______--- 122,935 123,645 123,725 33 Fund: 001 Gencral Department: 05 Information Technology Division: Of Administration Our mission is to provide voice and data network services and support to employees of the City of Paducah, E91 I and the Joint Sewer Agency so that they may serve the citizens in an efficient manner. As a result of the 2009 Operational Efficiency Plan, Information Systems absorbed the GIS Division of Engineering and was renamed Information Technology to reflect its expanded responsibilities. In conjuction with the original GIS objectives, Information Technology is to provide the implementation of Geographic Information System (GIS) for the City, in order to maintain records on a computer based napping system. This process will link the data of hardcopy and data based records with digitial map graphics, in order to eliminate the inefficient process of redundant record keeping by several departments throughout the City. This will improve City services through the use of automated facility management and land management system, and eventually, public safety, environmental, KRS 100 cornpllance, and economic development activities. BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Personal Services $ 388,248 $ 450,972 $ 472,275 $ 424,160 Contractuals $ 54,094 $ 53,179 $ 119,955 S 124,785 Commodities $ 11,191 $ 16,363 $ 75,965 $ 67,925 Capital Outlay $ 70,773 $ 13,860 $ 46,500 $ 51,300 $ 524,306 $ 534,374 $ 714,695 $ 668,170 Funded Staffing Level 6 6 6 5 DIVISION OUTPUTS: • Service PCs/laptops • Service phones • Network operation support • Network security FY2014 OBJECTIVES: • Begin integration of a new VoIP Phone system that will replace our existing phone system • Continue to expand GIS web based services to employees as well as the public • Oversee the spring 2013 update of aur aerial photography and planimetric data. This project will also include highly accurate and detailed elevation data and models derived from LiDAR 34 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 Information technology Administration 001-0501-514,10-01 Full Time/Regular 001-0501-514.10-05 Longevity 001-0501-S14.14-01 FICA 001-0501-514.14-03 Medicare 001-0501-514.14-11 CERS - Non Hazardous 001.0501-514-14-17 Workers, Compensation 001-0501-514.14-19 Unemployment 001-0501.514.14-21 Life Insurance 001-0501-514.14-23 Cafeteria/Flex Plan 001-0501-514.16-35 Automobile allowance " Personal Services 001-0501-514.21-02 Liability 001-0501-514.22-01 Computez Hardware 272,299 319,439 321,825 308,565 2,424 2,580 2,520 2,580 16,038 18,985 20,240 17,640 3,751 4,440 4,735 4,125 48,066 59,469 68,645 59,230 390 1,430 460 410 1,699 944 80 455 740 1,025 910 655 36,818 336,683 52,860 30,500 6,023 5,977 36,745 368,248 450,972 472,275 424,160 4,298 4,000 5,065 5,165 5,552 5,173 54,030 36,745 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 IBM AS/400 HARDWARE SUPPORT 3,000 IBM AS/400 SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE FOR IS OS 7,250 IBM AS/400 SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE FOP, D82 WEB QUERY 1,250 1840 EDGE ROUTER (FTX936Y1LC) 195 PIX 515 E (608381546) 1,105 2811 - (FTX1108A4T1) 670 3560 (FOC 1048Y3FA) 535 1841 (JSA) (FTX13088845) 195 1641 (GIS) - (FTX1016Y09V) 195 BARRACUDA M/A SPAM FIREWALL ENERGIZE UPDATE 550 BARRACUDA M/A WEB FILTER TISA 550 BARRACUDA M/A OPEN INTERNET 550 BARRACUDA M/A WEB FILTER 610 ENERGIZE UPDATE 2,400 WEB SERVER CERTIFICATES (OWA) 800 HTE HELP TRAINING 5,800 POSSIBLE REDUNDANT NETMOTION ANNUAL MAINTENANCE 1,600 CANON I8000S PLOTTER INK/PAPER/MAINTENANCE 2,600 LASERFICHE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE 7,500 36,745 001-0501-514.22-02 Computer Software 34,280 35,044 LEVEL TEXT 'TEXT AMT 1 HTE - QREP ADMINISTRATOR/END USER 2,670 DMS(DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SERVICES) 1,055 LG ADDRESS FOR LAND 2,025 LG COMMUNITY MAINTENANCE 2,025 GTO - LG VIEWER 2,700 STATE/NCIC INTERFACE CAD400 2,970 35 32,210 55,625 RUN DATE: 07/16/133, WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 MESSAGE SWITCH 12,095 BARRACUDA ANNUAL M/A - WEB FILTER HOT SPOT 600 SSRI ANNUAL MAINTENANCE 20,945 ONSST CAMERA S/W MAINTENANCE 1,300 VOIP PHONE SYSTEM ANNUAL MAINT 3,990 VOIP PHONE SYSTEM INSTANT REPLACEMENT - ANNUAL 3,250 001-0501-514.23-07 Other LEVEL TEXT 1 ANNUAL WEB DOMAIN NAME REGISTRATION MISC (NETWORK WORK - 20 HRS $110) ANNUAL MAP/GIS CONSORTIUM FEE MIOCON MISC/EMERGENCY CONSULT (40 HRS b $110) ACCIDENTS/CONTINGENCY E -TEL PIED PHONE WORK (80 HRS v $70) 27,250 ------------ ------------ --- --- ----- ------------ 55,625 9,964 8,962 28,650 27,250 TEXT AMT 1,050 2,200 6,000 4,400 8,000 5,600 * Contractual Services 001-0501-514.33-03 Equipment LEVEL TEXT 1 MDT H/W SRVC, KEYBOARDS, DISPLAYS, SYS BOARDS 001-0501-514.35-03 Office 001 -0501 -514.37 -AS Telephone LEVEL TEXT 1 TNCI LONG DISTANCE WINDSTREAM ($601/PER MONTH) (TI/SPAM FILTERING) AT&T PHONE BILL VCI INTERNET VERI20N WIRELESS - 6 CARDS (5 - IT, 1 CM) CELL PHONE STIPEND (5 A $480/YEAR) E -TELL YEARLY FEE 001-0501-514.38-01 Training & Travel LEVEL TEXT 1 2012 KY GIS CONFERENCE (3 PEOPLE) ESRI TRAINING 2013 ESRI ANNUAL CONFERENCE (2 PEOPLE) BEN- KAPA FALL AND SPRING CONFERENCE CHINO - LAND SURVEYOR CONFERENCE 36 54,094 53,179 119,955 124,785 1,000 725 1,020 7,226 2,250 TEXT AMT 725 725 638 7,169 TEXT AMT 720 7,200 18,780 6,300 3,100 2,400 10,500 49,000 7,813 TEXT AMT 1,800 3,850 5,000 1,200 1,200 3,000 3,000 53,265 49,000 17.050 13,550 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY FISCAL YEAR 2014 37 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 MILEAGE 500 13,550 001-0501-514.38-05 Dues,Mbrships,Bcoks/Subs 662 681 1,550 1,550 001-0501-514.39-05 Postage 33 62 100 ------------- 100 --------- ---- * Commodities ---- -- -- 11,191 ------------ 16,363 -- 75,965 67,925 001-0501-514.42-01 Furniture E Fixtures 1,200 1,200 001-0501-514.42-09 Computer Hardware 7,646 5,235 23,000 34,000 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 REPLACEMENT SERVER AND/OR AMAZON EC2 6,500 MISC HARDWARE 8,000 REPLACE LAPTOP AND MONITOR 3,000 VOIP PHONE SYSTEM EXPANSION STARTUP/TESTING 15,500 VOIP PHONES FOR TESTING AT IT (5 @ $200) 1,000 34,000 001-0501-514.42-11 Computer Software 63,127 8,625 19,600 13,400 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 MISC SOFTWARE 8,000 WINDOWS 7 PROFESSIONAL 64 BIT OS/3 LICENSES 600 VOIP AND COMMUNICATION SOFTWARE 4,800 13,400 001-0501-514.42 13 Equipment - Communication 2,700 2,700 __________ _ * Capital Outlay -------- 70,773 -----------" 13,860 ------------ 46,500 ------------ 51,300 - ----------- ------------ +* Administration 524,306 534,374 ____________ 714,695 _'--- ------ 668,170 _________--- *** Information Technology -------- 524,306 534,374 714,695 668,170 37 Fund: 001 General Department: 08 Inspection Division: 01 Administration The overall operation of the Inspection Department is managed by the Director/Chief Building Inspector to oversee the professional operation of the department. Administration enforces all applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules, and regulations mandated to the department and maintains current and correct information, records, and certification on all projects within their jurisdiction. BUDGET SUMMARY: 7PrograinExpense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Personal Services $161,979 $ 94,695 $ - $ Contractuals $ 3,650 $ 3,336 $ $ Commodities $ 10,923 $ 13,985 $ $ Capital Outlay $ 1,778 $ 69,933 $ $ $178,330 $181,949 $ S - Funded Staffing Level 2 2 0 0 DIVISION OUTPUTS: - Enforce laws, rules and regulations - Issue building and electrical permits - Maintain current property records on all projects within jurisdiction THIS DIVISION IN INSPECTIONS HAS BEEN COMBINED WITH THE FIRE DEPARTMENT (SEE FIRE DEPARTMENT — 1805) 38 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 Inspection Administration 001-0801-516.10-01 Full Time/Regular 001-0801-516.10-05 Longevity 001-0801-516.12-01 Full Time/Regular OT 001-0801-516.14-01 FICA 001-0801-516.14-03 Medicare 001-0801-516.14-11 CERS - Non Hazardous 001-0801-516.14-17 Workers' Compensation 001-0801-516.14-19 Unemployment 001-0801-516.14-21 Life Insurance 001-0801-516.14-23 Cafeteria/Flex Plan 001-0801-516.16-35 Automobile allowance 001-0801-516.16-45 Gym Reimbursement * Personal Services 001-0801-516 21-01 Bonds 001-0801-516.21-02 Liability 001-0801-516.22-06 Communication Equipment * Contractual Services 001-0801-516.35-03 Office 001-0801-516 37-05 Telephone 001-0801-516.38-01 Training & Travel 001 -0801 -516.38 -OS Dues,Mbrships,Books/Subs 001-0801-516.39-07 Printing * Commodities 001-0801-516.42-09 Computer Hardware 001-0801-516.42-11 Computer Software 001-0801-516.42-12 Equipment - Safety 001-0801-516.42-17 Equipment - Office * Capital outlay ** Administration 105,213 61,963 1,809 845 2,307 6,625 3,896 1,549 911 19,350 10,055 1,755 1,686 679 192 296 217 18,620 11,603 6,023 900 60 120 ____________ __----- _---- _____________ 161,979 ____________ 94,695 102 1,331 1,237 2,217 2,099 ____________ ____________ ____________ 3,650 3,336 6,249 8,460 2,940 3,242 1,434 1,390 300 503 390 ----------"- ----- ------------------ 10,923 ------------ 13,985 1,778 39,579 16,266 2,431 11,657 _____ ______ --------- ___ ____________ ____________ 1,778 69,933 _---------- ____________ ____________ 178.330 181,949 39 Fund: 001 General Department: 08 Inspection Division: 02 Construction This division ensures that building and electrical work done within their jurisdiction complies with codes, laws, and regulations mandated by the State of Kentucky and the City of Paducah. Not only are building plans reviewed for compliance with codes, but inspections are also made at predetermined stages of construction. Inspectors advise and confer with contractors and/or property owners before and during construction to help ensure construction and/or alteration compliance. BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised Adopted 2012-2013 2013-2014 Personal Services $298,945 $332,190 $ - $ Contractuals $ 17,064 $ 16,476--$--- $ Commodities $ 22,993 $ 30,361 T-- $ $339,002 1 $379,027 $ - $ Funded Staffing Level 41 51 0 0 DIVISION OUTPUTS: - Review building plans for compliance with codes - Conduct building and electrical inspections - Advise and confer with contractors and/or property owners on building projects THIS DIVISION IN INSPECTIONS HAS BEEN COMBINED WITH THE FIRE DEPARTMENT (SEE FIRE DEPARTMENT — 1805) 40 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 Construction 001-0802-516.10-01 Full Time/Regular 001-0802-516.10-05 Longevity 001-0802-516.12-01 Full Time/Regular OT 0010802-516.14-01 FICA 001-0802-516.14-03 Medicare 001-0802-516.14-11 CERS - Non Hazardous 001-0802-516.14-17 Workers' Compensation 001-0802-516.14-19 Unemployment 001-0802-516.14-21 Life Insurance 001-0802-516.14-23 Cafeteria/Flex Plan 001-0802-516.16-40 Boot Allowance 001-0802-516.16-45 Gym Reimbursement * Personal Services 001-0802-516.21-02 Liability 001 -0802 -516.21 -OS Vehicle 001-0802-516.22-02 Computer Software 001-0802-516.23-04 Laundry * Contractual Services 001-0802-516.31-03 Fuel 001-0802-516.33-01 Fleet Charges 001-0802-516.33-02 Vehicle Lease 001 -0802 -516.37 -OS Telephone 001-0802-516.38-01 Training & Travel 001-0802-516.38-05 Dues,Mbrships,Books/Subs Commodities ** Construction 206,433 227,383 1,507 1,807 1,328 851 11,843 12,843 2,770 3,004 35,845 43,954 4,385 4,370 1,257 658 717 945 32,243 35,760 497 615 120 ___ ____________ ____________ 298,945 --------- 332,190 2,637 2,473 3,123 2,566 10,041 10,041 1,263 1,396 ______ ____________ ------------ ------------ 17,064 16,476 4,295 4,494 4,506 2,001 7,982 6,935 3,086 2,928 2,482 12,956 642 1,047 22,993 30,361 ---- _---- ___ ____________ ________________________ 339,002 379,027 41 Fund: 001 General Department: 08 Inspection Division: 03 Code Enforcement The Code Enforcement Division enforces all applicable laws, rules, and regulations, in order to provide a healthy, clean, and pleasant environment for the citizens of Paducah. BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense ActualActual 2010-2011 2011-2012 Revised Adopted 2012-2013 2013-2014 Personal Services $151,541 $134,001 $ $ - Contractuals $125,226 $113,776 $ $ Commodities $ 20,300 $ 20,553 $ $ Capital Outlay $ - $ - $ $ $297,067 $268,330 $ $ Funded Staffing Level 5 4 01 0 DIVISION OUTPUTS: - Enforce City of Paducah Nuisance Code Ordinance - Enforce the City's weed, litter, junk, abandoned autos, noise, and trash ordinances - Enforce the Property Maintenance Code, as adopted by the City Commission THIS DIVISION IN INSPECTIONS HAS BEEN COMBINED WITH THE FIRE DEPARTMENT (SEE FIRE DEPARTMENT — 1805) 42 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET, DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 Property Maintenance 001-0803-516.10-01 Full Time/Regular 001-0803-516.10-05 Longevity 001-0803-516.12-01 Full Time/Regular OT 001-0803-516.14-01 FICA 001-0803-516.14-03 Medicare 001-0803-516.14-11 CERS - Non Hazardous 001-0803-516.14-17 Workers- Compensation 001-0803-516.14-19 Unemployment 001-0803-516.14-21 Life Insurance 001-0803-516.14-23 Cafeteria/Flex Plan 001-0803-516.16-40 Boot Allowance * Personal Services 001-0803-516.21-02 Liability 001-0803-516.21-05 Vehicle 001-0803-516.23-06 Temporaries 001-0803-516.23-10 Tree/weed/Debris Mgmt 001-0803-516.23-13 Demolition * Contractual Services 001-0803-516.31-03 Fuel 001-0803-516.33-01 Fleet Charges 001-0803-516.33-02 Vehicle Lease 001-0803-516.37-05 Telephone 001-0803-516.38-05 Dues,Mbrships,eooks/Subs 001-0803-516.39-05 Postage 001-0803-516.39-07 Printing * Commodities ** Property Maintenance *** Inspection 107,656 95,943 885 888 19 6,408 5,714 1,499 1,336 18,147 18,134 1,875 1,805 651 275 458 505 13,749 8,933 213 449 ------------ ------------ ------- -- --- ------------ 151,541 134,001 3,013 2,556 1,797 1,428 5,404 74,700 72,969 45,716 31,419 -------- -- -- ------------ ------------ ------------ 125,226 113,776 4,103 4,173 1,746 2,616 4,266 4,103 1,745 1,690 25 291 8,026 6,569 389 1,111 ----------- ------------ ------------ 20,300 ------------ ------------ 20,553 ------------ -.---------- ------------ 297,067 268,330 ---------.-. - --------- ------------ ------------ 814,399 829,306 43 Fund: 001 General Department: 12 Planning Division: 01 Administration This division provides overall program direction, records, personnel and budget management, and clerical support to all divisions of the department. BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Personal Services $ 224,529 $233,197 $ 239,290 $ 246,225 Contractuals $ 8,732 $ 7,963 $ 7,450 $ 7,970 Commodities $ 16,186 $ 13,744 $ 13,845 $ 12,280 Capital Outlay $ 5,500 $ 796 $ 1,500 $ - $ 254,947 $255,700 1 $ 262,085 $ 266,475 Funded Staffing Level 31 3 3 3 DIVISION OUTPUTS: • Preparation, direction, and oversight of all departmental programs and procedures • Maintenance of personnel, budget, and other departmental records and procedures • Provide clerical support to all department functions • Technical and administrative support to pertinent Boards, Committees, and Commissions FY2014 OBJECTIVES: • Update Department of Planning handbook including all zoning policies • Prepare an annexation manual 44 RUN DATE: 07/16/1.3, 10:20:10 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFIEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013 2014 Planning Administration 001-1201-513.10 01 Full Time/Regular 001-1201-513.10-05 Longevity 001 1201-513.14-01 FICA 001-1201-513.14.03 Medicare 001-1201-513.14-11 CERS - Non Hazardous 001-1201-513.14-17 workers' Compensation 001-1201-513.14-19 Unemployment 001-1201-513.14-21 Life Insurance 001-1201-513.14-23 Cafeteria/Flex Plan 001-1201-513.16-35 Automobile allowance 001-1201-513.16-45 Gym Reimbursement * Personal Services 001-1201-513.21-02 Liability 001 1201-513.21-05 Vehicle 001-1201-513.22-03 Copiers 001-1201-513.23-07 Other * Contractual Services 001-1201-513.31-03 Fuel LEVEL TEXT 1 215 GAL GASOLINE a $3.75 149,144 153,505 161,515 167,110 3,301 3,359 3,330 3,480 8,967 9,215 9,290 9,435 2,097 2,155 2,175 2,210 27,094 31,011 32,330 32,315 190 190 215 225 949 465 40 250 444 567 455 395 26,320 26,513 29,460 330,325 6,023 5,977 240 480 480 ------------ ------------ 224,529 ------------ 233,197 --- 239,290 -------- 246,225 1,876 1,737 1,820 1,855 567 587 605 615 4,889 4,922 5,000 5,000 1,400 717 25 500 ____________ ____________ 8,732 ____________ 7,963 7,450 7,970 587 836 860 805 TEXT AMT 805 805 001-1201-513.33-01 1,084 Fleet Charges 319 555 500 1,000 001-1201-513.33-02 2,671 Vehicle Lease 1,673 1,673 1,430 1,255 001-1201-513.35-03 425 Office 5,217 4,701 3,800 3,055 001-1201-513.37-05 1,500 ____________ Telephone 2,160 2,047 580 590 LEVEL TEXT 1 OTHER (TNCI & ATT) CELL PHONE STIPEND (1 s $480 PER YEAR) 001-1201-513.38-01 Training & Travel 001-1201-513.38-05 Dues,Mbrships,Books/Subs 001-1201 513.39-05 Postage 001-1201-513.39-07 Printing * Commodities 001-1201 513.42-09 Computer Hardware * Capital Outlay ** Administration TEXT AMT 110 480 590 2,270 1,084 2,500 2,900 893 579 750 750 2,671 1,885 3,000 1,500 396 384 425 425 ------------ ---- 16,186 ------ ___________ 13,744 13,845 12,280 5,500 796 1,500 ____________ ____________ --- 5,500 ______--- ____________ 796 1,500 ___ ----- ---_ ____________---- 254,947 _--- ___- -- 255,700 -------- 262,085 266,475 45 Fund: 001 General Department: 12 Planning Division: 02 Planning The Planning Division provides the community with comprehensive planning per KRS 100 and current planning/zoning. BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Personal Services $ 62,427 $ 68,242 $ 70,755 $ 71,685 Contractuals $ 11,917 $ 9,778 $ 12,930 $ 11,125 Commodities $ 11,361 $ 7,996 $ 7,900 $ 6,800 Capital Outlay $ 914 $ - $ $ $ 86,619 $ 86,016 S 91,585 $ 89,610 Funded Staffing Level I 1 1 1 DIVISION OUTPUTS: • Review Site plans for Planning compliance • Administration of the zoning ordinance • Administration of the subdivision ordinance • Administration of Annexation Incentive Ordinance • Staff support to the Planning Commission, Zoning Board of Adjustment, and Historical and Architectural Review Commission (HARC) • Comprehensive planning activities as they relate to land -use • Special studies as directed (Annexations, Neighborhoods FY2014 OBJECTIVES: • Finalize inventory and analysis of annexation areas • Prepare zoning ordinance text amendments for review per KRS 100 • Prepare map amendments and land use studies as directed 46 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, TEXT ___ 12,930 ------ ___ 11,125 12 WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP HTE - FISCAL YEAR 2014 ENGINEERING W/QREP CATALOG 282 390 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 Planning 3,975 4,500 ____________ 2,500 ________________________ 11,361 ____________ 7,996 001-1202-513.10-01 Full Time/Regular 43,099 46,402 47,030 48,205 001-1202-513.10-05 Longevity 102 162 210 300 001-1202-513.14-01 FICA 2,311 2,686 2,730 2,850 001-1202-513.14-03 Medicare 540 628 640 670 001-1202-513.14-11 CERS - Non Hazardous 7,366 8,841 9,230 9,165 001-1202-513.14-17 Workers' Compensation 55 57 65 65 001-1202-513.14-19 Unemployment 258 132 10 70 001-1202-513.14-21 Life Insurance 148 189 155 135 001-1202-513.14-23 Cafeteria/Flex Plan 8,548 9,145 10,685 ___________ 10,225 ____________ * Personal Services ------------ 62,427 - ------ ----- 68,242 70,755 71,685 001-1202-513.21-02 Liability 619 584 610 620 001-1202-513.22-02 Computer Software 4,514 4,514 4,515 4,515 LEVEL TEXT ___ 12,930 ------ ___ 11,125 12 1 HTE - PLANNING AND ENGINEERING W/QREP CATALOG 001-1202-513.22-06 Communication Equipment LEVEL TEXT 1 1 RADIO _ $10.84/14ONTH MOTOROLA CONTRACT ($7.17/PER MONTH) 001 1202-513.23-07 Other LEVEL TEXT 1 BOARD SALARY 6 MEMBERS ^s $30/MEETING X 24 MEETINGS 1 MEMBERS Ca $50/MEETING X 24 MEETINGS RECORDING FEES, PROFESSIONAL FEES * Contractual Services 001-1202-513.33-01 Fleet Charges 001-1202-513.35-03 Office 001-1202-513.37-05 Telephone 001-1202-513.38-01 Training & Travel 001-1202-513.38-05 Dues,Mbrships,Books/Subs 001-1202-513.39-01 Advertisement * Commodities 001-1202-513.42-09 Computer Hardware * Capital Outlay TEXT AMT 4,515 4.515 130 130 230 220 TEXT AMT 130 90 220 6.654 4,550 7,575 5,770 TEXT AMT 5,000 770 5,770 ____________----- 11,917 ___________________ 9,778 ___ 12,930 ------ ___ 11,125 12 143 282 390 2,723 3,211 2,800 3,700 765 420 600 600 7,436 3,975 4,500 ____________ 2,500 ________________________ 11,361 ____________ 7,996 7,900 6,600 914 ------------ ----- 914 ------" 47 RUN DATE: 0/16/13, WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2814 Actual Actual Revised ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 ** Planning 86,619 86,016 91,585 89,610 48 Fund: 001 General Department: 12 Planning Division: 03 Grants The Grants Division of the Planning Department researches grant opportunities and disseminates information to the City and agencies within the community. This division assists with project development, the application process, and administers grant awards. Additional responsibilities include the administration of the City's neighborhood revitalization programs. BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Personal Services $ 157,679 $139,033 $ 141,075 $ 138,850 Contractuals $ 1,224 $ 1,157 $ 1,000 $ 1,020 Commodities $ 4,378 $ 3,979 $ 3,580 $ 3,580 Capital Outlay $ 892 $ - $ - $ - S 164,173 $144,169 1 S145,655 1 S 143,450 Funded Staffing Level 2 ..21 21 2 DIVISION OUTPUTS: • Research and report grant opportunities to appropriate parties • Federal & state grant applications and legislative acceptance of awards • Grant reporting (financial & programmatic) to federal and state agencies • Administer agency and legislative pass-through grants • Staff support to the Urban Renewal and Community Development Agency (URCDA) • Monitor construction activities • Assist in the design of home plans FY2014 OBJECTIVES: Close out the Jackson House CDBG • Apply for 25 state and federal grants • Continue to monitor grand awards from previous years • Finalize construction of 7 new homes • Sell 3 homes for private rehab • Initiate Phase I Martin Luther King Park improvements 49 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 Grants 001-1203-513.10-01 Full Time/Regular 001-1203-513.10-02 Part Time/Regular 001 1203-513.10-05 Longevity 001-1203-513.14-01 FICA 001-1203-513.14-03 Medicare 001-1203-513.14-11 CERS - Non Hazardous 001-1203-513.14-17 Workers' Compensation 001-1203-513.14-19 Unemployment 001-1203-513.14-21 Life Insurance 001-1203-513.14-23 Cafeteria/Flex Plan * Personal Services 001-1203-513.21-02 Liability * Contractual Services 001-1203-513.37-05 Telephone LEVEL TEXT 1 CELL PHONE STIPEND (1 u $480 PER YEAR) 001-1203-513.38-01 Training & Travel 001-1203-513.38-05 Dues,Mbrships,Books/Subs * Commodities 001-1203-513.42-09 Computer Hardware * Capital outlay Grants 93,002 93,584 96,805 100,120 21,052 6,457 300 300 834 400 300 480 6,588 5,760 5,520 5,695 1,541 1,347 1,290 1,335 16,064 17,816 19,080 19,095 140 143 130 135 692 288 25 150 296 369 305 265 17,470 12,869 17,620 11,575 157,679 139,033 141,075 138,850 1,224 1,157 1,000 1,020 ------------ ----'------- 1, 224 ------------ 1,157 --------'1,224 1,000 1,020 1,390 1,358 480 480 TEXT AMT 480 480 2,773 2,406 2,800 2,800 215 215 300 300 ____________ ____________ 4,378 3,979 3,580 3,580 892 ___..____... _._______-__ ------ ______ ____________ 892 __ ____________ 164,173 ____________ 144,169 ____________ 145,655 143,450 50 Fund: 001 General Department: 12 Planning Division: 06 Section 8 Housing Section 8 is a federally (HUD) funded assisted housing program that provides housing assistance to low-income, elderly, and disabled families in Paducah/McCracken County, by subsidizing a portion of the family's monthly rent in privately -owned housing units. BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Personal Services $ 192,977 $197,284 $199,430 $ 213,795 Contractuals $ 25,007 $ 25,830 $ 28,965 $ 23,685 Commodities $ 15,369 $ 16,343 $ 18,325 $ 17,975 Capital Outlay $ 1,047 $ 1,528 $ 700 $ 1,300 $ 234,400 i $240,985 1 $ 247,420 I $ 256,755 Funded Staffing Level 31 31 31 3 DIVISION OUTPUTS: • Administer Certificate and Voucher Programs providing decent, safe, and sanitary housing for low-income, elderly, and disabled families • Administer Family Self -Sufficiency Program, promoting financial independence and home ownership FY2014 OBJECTIVES: • Increase FSS program participation from 23 to 30 participants • Increase active Mortgage Assistance Program participation from 24 to 30 homeowners • Maintain occupancy rate that exceeds 95% of Housing Assistance Payment funds received from HUD • Maintain 95% occupancy rate for Scholar House of Paducah 51 RUN DATE. 07/16/13, 10:20:10 CITY OF PADUCAE, KENTUCKY 725 1,000 WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 323 2,569 2,614 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 Section Eight Housing 480 001.1206-513.10-01 Full Time/Regular 128,740 130,319 131,820 142,930 001-1206-513.10-05 4,500 Longevity 2,437 2,498 2,520 2,640 001-1206-5133.14-01 500 FICA 7,477 7,562 7,605 8,130 001-1206-513.14-03 Medicare 1,749 1,769 1,780 1,905 001-1206-513.14-11 CERS - Non Hazardous 22,440 25,311 26,360 27,590 001-1206-513.14-17 Workers- Compensation 160 157 175 190 001-1206-513.14-19 Unemployment 787 381 30 210 001-1206-513.14-21 Life Insurance 444 567 455 395 001-1206-513.14-23 Cafeteria/Flex Plan 28,743 28,060 28,185 29,805 001-1206-513.16-45 Gym Reimbursement 660 500 ------------ --------.-_- + Personal Services 192,977 197,284 199,430 213,795 001-1206-513.20-02 Audit 3,200 3,200 3,200 3,750 001-1206-513.21-05 Vehicle 803 827 820 835 001-1206-513.22-05 Office Equipment 1,315 1,399 1,400 1,400 001-1206-513.23-03 Data Processing 9,273 9,601 10,500 9,700 001-1206-513.23-07 Other 10,416 10,803 13,045 8,000 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 INSPECTION FEE (INTERNAL CHARGE FROM FIRE PREVENTION) 1 INSPECTOR - 1/2 DAY PER WEEK 8,000 8,000 Contractual Services 001-1206-513.31-03 Fuel LEVEL TEXT 1 375 GAL GASOLINE C $3.75 001-1206-513.33-01 Fleet Charges 001-1206-513.35-03 Office 001-1206-513.35-05 Computer 001-1206-513.37-05 Telephone LEVEL TEXT 1 VCI INTERNET ($62 PER MONTH) OTHER (TNCI & ATT) CELL PHONE STIPEND (1 a $480 PER YEAR( 001-1206-513.38-01 Training & Travel 001-1206-513.38-05 Dues,Mbrships,Books/Subs 001-1206-513.39-01 Advertisement 001-1206-513.39-05 Postage ------ - - - - -- --.__.____-- __.-._______ _---____--- 25,007 25,830 28,965 23,685 1.052 1,239 1,500 1,405 TEXT AMT 1,405 1.405 94 355 725 1,000 4,832 3,682 4,100 4,095 323 2,569 2,614 1,270 1,275 TEXT AMT 745 50 480 1,275 2,075 3,684 5,000 4,500 1,127 1,052 1,730 1,800 178 184 500 400 3,119 3,533 3,500 3,500 52 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFPEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 * Commodities 15,369 16,343 18,325 17,975 001-1206-513.42-09 Computer Hardware 1,047 1,214 800 001-1206-513.42-17 Equipment - Office 314 700 ------------ 500 ---- -------- ^ Capital Outlay ------------ ------------ 1,047 1,528 700 --- _---- __._ 1,300 --- _________ *x Section Eight Housing ____________ ____________ 234,400 240,985 247,420 ------------ 256,755 ---.-. ______ x** Planning ------------ ------------ 740,139 726,870 746,745 756,290 53 Fund: 001 General Department: 16 Police Division: 01 Administrative Services The Administrative Services Division maintains a total managerial oversight for the department. It is responsible for the Department's planning, organization, staffing, training, budgeting, equipment, coordination, public information, reporting, and directing. It is also responsible to the City's government for carrying out these functions concerning law enforcement actions. The Training Unit maintains total oversight of the training schedules and needs of the department and snakes sure they are met on a timely basis. BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Personal Services $ 437,492 $ 448,777 $ 460,045 $ 473,070 Contractuals $ 279,993 $ 293,356 $ 210,560 $201,580 Commodities S 178,251 $ 172,053 $ 142,945 $158,650 Capital Outlay $ 1,274 $ - $ 4,420 $ - S 897,010 $ 914,186 $ 817,970 $ 833,300 Funded Staffing Level 4 4 4 4 DIVISION OUTPUTS: • Administrative support • Financial services • Training oversight FY2014 OBJECTIVES: • Complete verbal judo training with new officers • Recertify all officers in Taser usage • Complete training in advanced firearms and tactics Recertify two Gracie Law Enforcement defensive tactics instructors 54 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Police Administrative Services 001-1601-521.10-01 Full Time/Regular 001-1601-521.10-02 Part Time/Regular LEVEL TEXT 1 EQUIPMENT SPECIALIST CROSSING GUARDS (2520 HAS X $7.50) DOWNTOWN PARKING MONITOR - PT CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY FISCAL YEAR 2014 001 -1601 -521.10 -OS Longevity 001-1601-521.12-01 Full Time/Regular OT 001-1601-521.12-02 Part Time/Regular OT 001-1601-521.14-01 FICA 001-1601-521.14-03 Medicare 001-1601-521.14-09 CERS - Hazardous 001-1601-521.14-11 CERS - Non Hazardous 001-1601-521.14-15 Deferred compensation 001-1601-521.14-17 Workers' Compensation 001-1601-521.14-19 Unemployment 001-1601-521.14-21 Life Insurance 001-1601-521.14-23 Cafeteria/Flex Plan 001 1601-521.16-05 State Incentive Pay 001-1601-521.16-10 Clothing Allowance 001-1601-521.16-25 Specialized Duty Pay 001-1601-521.16-30 College Credit 001-1601-521.16-45 Gym Reimbursement + Personal Services 001-1601-521.21-02 Liability 001-1601-521.21-03 Police Liability 001-1601-521.21-04 Property Damage 001-1601-521.21-05 Vehicle 001-1601-521.22-01 Computer Hardware LEVEL TEXT I NETMOTION ANNUAL MAINTENANCE 001-1601-521.22-02 Computer Software LEVEL TEXT 1 NTE Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 248,555 254,292 263,405 270,040 37,764 38,231 39,680 42,500 TEXT AMT 14,300 18,900 9,300 42,500 1,562 1,718 1,850 9,705 9,712 5,015 1,776 1,420 2,000 11,781 11,723 12,655 4,643 4,740 4,860 41,616 46,313 48,825 7,603 8,601 9,195 22,085 22,358 22,500 6,150 5,619 5,590 1,898 917 75 611 773 625 26,520 26,415 26,940 9,315 8,874 9,690 2,917 3,719 3,400 2,084 1,044 1,040 907 1,948 2,100 360 600 ------------ ------- 437,492 --- -- ------------ 448,777 460,045 66,443 61,917 62,735 67,804 67,137 67,005 6,125 5,935 5,915 3,000 4,227 3,530 13,890 TEXT AMT 4,400 4.400 4.337 5,337 16,990 TEXT AMT RETROFIT MODIFICATION OPTION 2,300 QREP CATALOG (CC) 325 CRIMES MANAGEMENT 9,490 MOBILE DATA BROWSER (CAD IV OR CAD V) (64) 11,650 55 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY FISCAL YEAR 2014 001-1601-521.22-03 Copiers 001-1601.521.22-06 Communication Equipment LEVEL TEXT 1 172 RADIOS 5 $10.84/MONTH 001-1601-521.23-01 Banking & Investment 001-1601-521.23-04 Laundry 001-1601-521.23-07 Other LEVEL TEXT 1 CHIEF'S CONTRACT - STORAGE AWARDS CEREMONY LANGUAGE LINE OCCUNET TERMINIX OTHER 001-1601-521.23-16 Animal Control (County) 001-1601-521.24-32 Explorer Program * Contractual Services 001-1601-521.31-03 Fuel LEVEL TEXT 1 2000 GAL GASOLINE 9 $3.75 001-1601-521.33-01 Fleet Charges 001-1601-521.33-02 Vehicle Lease 001-1601-521.33-03 Equipment 001-1601-521.33-05 Property/Plant 001-1601-521.35-03 Office 001-1601-521.35-13 Field Operation Supplies LEVEL TEXT 1 TASER BATTERIES TARGETS/RANGE MATERIALS OTHER 001-1601-521.35-29 Gear/Leather 001-1601-521.37-01 Electricity LEVEL TEXT Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013 2014 23,765 1,824 1,736 2,000 2,000 34,153 37,493 32,065 22,375 TEXT AMT 22,375 22,375 434 650 850 480 497 500 500 3,033 6,600 5,080 6,000 TEXT AMT 900 1,500 250 800 400 2,150 6,000 92,794 102,043 1,000 ------------ 279,993 --- --------- 293,356 ----------" 210,560 201,580 5,676 8,382 5,455 7,500 TEXT AMT 7,500 7,500 7,392 2,479 1,750 2,500 9,435 12,650 9,065 7,525 296 137 1,000 500 25,443 15,812 10,915 5,000 7,000 6,929 5,000 6,000 1,102 2,000 2,750 TEXT AMT 1,000 500 1,250 2,750 172 786 1,500 500 42,303 40,512 45,100 43,520 TEXT AMT 56 RUN DATE: 07/16/133, 10:20:10 WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 1400 BROADWAY & GARAGE KY OAKS MALL COMM ROOM 001-1601-521.37-03 Natural Gas LEVEL TEXT 1 1400 BROADWAY CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY FISCAL YEAR 2014 001-1601.521.37-05 Telephone LEVEL TEXT 1 VCI INTERNET ($37/PER MONTH) OTHER (TNCI & ATT) CELL PHONE STIPEND (5 ^s $480 PER YEAR) SAT PHONE FIREHORN 001-1601-521.37-07 Water LEVEL TEXT 1 KY OAK MALL COMM ROOM 1400 BROADWAY 001-1601-521.37-11 Refuse 001-1601-521.38-01 Training & Travel LEVEL TEXT 1 ART - BRYANT/KOPISCHKE IN SERVICE - CHIEF/WHITE/ESTES IACD-KACO-WHITE GRACIE LE DT - 3 GLUCK ARMORERS RECERT - 2 CPR INSTRUCTOR - ESTES/ROBERTS IACP-KACP - CHIEF NOBLE - CHIEF 001 -1601 -521.38 -OS Dues,Mbrships,Books/Subs LEVEL TEXT 1 IACP/KACP MEMBERSHIPS - BERRY/WHITE PIP CARD BERRY ILETA - ESTES REACCREDIATION FEE Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 42,000 1,520 43,520 3,613 4,377 4,225 4,700 TEXT AMT 4,700 4,700 7,808 15,822 5,010 4,465 TEXT AMT 445 SO 2,400 670 900 4,465 1,867 1,723 1,800 1,755 TEXT AMT 255 1,500 1,755 5,387 2,107 5,180 3,500 23,009 13,117 10,075 8,080 TEXT AMT 500 2,500 400 900 700 80 2,000 1,000 8,080 2,117 2,732 5,540 9,255 TEXT AMT 440 150 55 4.000 57 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 WORKSHEET: URAFTEXP ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION JP RIFLE CLUB LIONS - CHIEF NOBLE BY - CHIEF PADUCAH SUN FBILEEDA - CHIEF NOTARY FEE - ROBIN 001-1601-521.39-01 Advertisement 001-1601-521.39-03 Ammunition LEVEL TEXT 1 AEMO CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY FISCAL YEAR 2014 001-1601-521.39-05 Postage 001-1601-521.39-07 Printing * Commodities 001-1601-521.42-05 Building & Improvements 001-1601-521.42-09 Computer Hardware * Capital Outlay ** Administrative Services Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 4,000 175 200 100 100 35 9,255 340 285 105 600 31,180 39,158 24,475 45,000 TEXT AMT 45,000 45,000 2,603 1,506 2,250 2,500 2,610 2,437 2,500 _---- 3,000 ---- ________ 178,251 172,053 ____--- 142,945 158,650 3,220 1,274 1,200 ----- _""___-- . 1,274 4,420 ----------- 897,010 ------------ ----------_897,010 914,186 817,970 833,300 58 Fund: 001 General Department: 16 Police Division: 02 Patrol The Operations (Patrol) Division is the backbone of any Police Department. In many cases, the patrol officer is the only contact the public will have with the Department. Patrol's primary duties pertain to patrolling the streets to apprehend lawbreakers and deter crime. The service provided by patrol is varied, and includes preliminary investigations of murders, robbery, burglary, searching for lost children, conducting community policing initiatives, intervening and counseling parties in domestic disputes, and arresting dangerous criminals. The Patrol Division is continually called upon to perform public services outside the enforcement of criminal law. It serves as the primary support for all other divisions in the Department. BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Personal Services $5,140,805 $5,118,849 $5,396,580 $5,498,115 Contractuals $ 62,359 $ 61,105 $ 60,775 $ 60,070 Commodities $ 729,494 $ 760,033 $ 766,500 $ 773,470 Capital Outlay $ 105,750 $ 45,978 $ 49,660 $ 12,050 $6,038,408 $5,985,965 1 $6,273,515 $6,343,705 Funded Staffing Level 651 64 64 60 DIVISION OUTPUTS: • Enforcing criminal and traffic laws • First response to calls for service • Preliminary reports and investigations • Community policing initiatives FY2014 OBJECTIVES: • Reduce collisions city-wide by five to ten percent • Increase partnerships and involvement with local school activities • Evaluate/test/select officer communication capabilities both on person and in -car • Identify funding options and complete replacement of a third K9 59 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Patrol 001-1602-521.10-01 Full Time/Regular LEVEL TEXT 1 GROSS WAGES ANTICIPATED RETIREMENT RESIGNATION CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY FISCAL YEAR 2014 001-1602-521.10-05 Longevity 001-1602-521.12-01 Full Time/Regular OT 001-1602-521.12-02 Part Time/Regular OT LEVEL TEXT 1 MOONLIGHTING PROGRAM 001-1602-521.14-01 FICA 001-1602-521.14-03 Medicare 001-1602-521.14-09 CERS - Hazardous 001-1602-521.14-11 CERS - Non Hazardous 001-1602-521.14-13 NRS - Deferred Camp 001.1602-521.14-15 Deferred compensation 001-1602-521.14-17 Workers' Compensation 001-1602-521.14-19 Unemployment 001-1602-521.14-21 Life Insurance 001-1602-521.14-23 Cafeteria/Flex Plan 001-1602-521.14-25 Physical Fitness Incent 001-1602-521.16-05 State Incentive Pay 001-1602-521.16-10 Clothing Allowance 001-1602-521.16-25 Specialized Duty Pay 001-1602-521.16-30 College Credit 001-1602-521.16-45 Gym Reimbursement Personal Services 001-1602-521.21-01 Bonds 001-1602-521.21-05 Vehicle 001-1602-521.22-03 Copiers 001-1602-521.23-07 Other LEVEL TEXT 1 CPA X-RAY LICENSE WRECKERS, PRISONER MED, OTHER BOMB LICENSE Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2,754,630 2,711,408 2,852,000 2,918,815 TEXT AMT 2,984,915 41,950- 24,150- 2,916,815 4,996 6,290 4,975 5,280 342,600 341,749 325,850 345,000 15,132 16,922 15,005 15,010 TEXT AMT 15,010 15,010 4,639 4,657 80 43,562 42,827 44,220 46,455 1,109,727 1,154,841 1,285,125 1,278,750 13,452 14,940 2S5 1,650 200 70,117 66,890 71,450 77,730 20,046 9,378 790 5,160 9,621 11,652 10,070 8,015 492,045 477,915 493,230 497,000 2,650 4,650 6,000 179,835 163,604 190,770 186,000 33,471 43,297 47,950 54,700 16,792 19,856 19,760 20,800 21,828 21,075 24,600 26,400 6,462 8,898 5,800 7,000 ------------ ------------ 5,140,805 ------------ 5,116,849 ------------ 5,396,580 5,498,115 1,075 1,075 1,100 1,050 50,100 51,015 52,475 51,170 3,997 4,023 4,100 2,750 7,187 4,992 3,100 5,100 TEXT AMT 500 100 4,300 200 ------------ 5,100 ---- -------- ------------ ------------ 60 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Contractual Services 001-1602-521.31-03 Fuel LEVEL TEXT 1 71,500 GAL GASOLINE $3.75 200 GAL DIESEL a $4.00 001-1602-521.33-01 Fleet Charges 001-1602-521.33-02 Vehicle Lease 001-1602-521.33-03 Equipment LEVEL TEXT 1 L-3 ANTENNAS, ECT BOMB ROBOT PARTS OTHER (BIKES, WRECKERS, ECT) 001 -1602 -521.33 -OS Property/Plant 001-1602-521.33-06 MDT Replacement LEVEL TEXT 1 30 UNITS CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY FISCAL YEAR 2014 001-1602-521.35-03 Office 001-1602-521.35-09 Photography 001-1602-521.35-13 Field Operation Supplies LEVEL TEXT 1 PEPPER SPRAY IN CAR PRINTERS IN CAR SCANNERS BOMB SUPPLIES (DET CARD, ECT) SWAT (BATERIES/LESS LETHAL) Actual 2010-2011 62,359 216.419 168,499 199,846 6,398 1,499 10.694 13,562 110 9,400 001-1602-521.35-18 K-9 10,047 001-1602-521.35-29 Gear/Leather 15,978 001-1602-521.37-05 Telephone 13,274 LEVEL TEXT 1 BOMB SQUAD WIRELESS INTERNET CARD ($60/PER MONTH) OTHER (TNCI & ATT) VERIZON ($2670/PER MONTH) CELL PHONE STIPEND (5 -1 $480 PER YEAR) a Actual 2011-2012 61,105 226,429 TEXT AMT 268,125 800 268,925 164,193 223,906 2,342 TEXT AMT 1,200 2,000 1,800 5.000 13,928 TEXT AMT 22,125 22,125 12,155 15,972 TEXT AMT 275 1,000 1,000 700 2,125 5,100 5,893 10,259 14,066 TEXT AMT 720 50 32,040 2,400 35,210 Revised 2012-2013 60,775 247.760 167,000 196,635 4,540 Adopted 2013-2014 60,070 268,925 165,000 201,305 5,000 35,880 22,125 8,970 7,500 10,285 5,100 5,500 7,000 2,050 3,000 35,225 35,210 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 WORKSHEET: DRAF'PEXP ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 001-1602-521.38-01 Training 5 Travel LEVEL TEXT 1 IN SERVICES C.IED APS CHI CONFERENCE 3 K-9 RECERT LEADERSHIP PADUCAH BOMB RECERT (SMITH/COPELAND) BOMB SQUAD TRAINING SWAT TEAM TRAINING RICA CONF - HAYES/MONTGOMERY FBI LEETA CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY FISCAL YEAR 2014 001-1602-521.38-05 Dues,Mbrships,Books/Subs LEVEL TEXT 1 IACP DUES KACP DUES ROTARY - BARNHILL SPI DUES IAST1 MEMBERSHIP NAPWDA - 3 K -9'S NTOA MEMBERSHIP CRIMINAL LAW MANUAL FBINAA MEMBERSHIP PIP CARD 001-1602-521.38-07 Education (tuition reimb) 001-1602-521.39-01 Advertisement 001-1602-521.39-07 Printing LEVEL TEXT 1 PARKING TICKETS * Commodities 001-1602-521.40-07 Vehicle - Heavy 001-1602-521.42-09 Computer Hardware 001-1602-521.42-11 Computer Software 001-1602-521.42-12 Equipment - Safety LEVEL TEXT 1 10 VESTS Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 56,940 63,698 43,195 36,200 TEXT AMT 16,500 2,000 1, 200 2,400 4,500 1,100 2,000 2,000 1,500 2,000 1,000 36,200 3,047 2,648 2,460 2,155 TEXT AMT 600 200 200 50 250 135 250 200 120 150 2,155 1,607 3,099 6,250 13,950 266 1,061 1,908 384 750 1,000 TEXT AMT 1,000 1,000 ------------ 729,494 ---- ------- - 760,033 ------------ 766,500 ------------ 773,470 9,749 1,493 5,111 3,010 3,045 7,617 5,371 4,130 5,850 TEXT AMT S. 850 62 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 5.850 001-1602-521.42-13 Equipment - Communication LEVEL TEXT 1 1 XTL5000 MOBILE RADIO 001-1602-521.42-15 Equipment-Electronic/Sury LEVEL TEXT 1 IN CAR CAMERA 001-1602-521.42-19 Equipment - Other 001-1602-521.42-21 Weapons LEVEL TEXT 1 2 GLOCKS * Capital Outlay Patrol 19,600 9,100 3,850 TEXT AMT 3,850 3,850 57,678 20,766 14,345 1,350 TEXT AMT 1,350 1,350 7,500 8,000 10,000 2,113 3,685 9,075 1,000 TEXT AMT 1,000 1,000 --- -------- 105,750 ---- -------' 45,978 49,660 12,050 ____________ 6,038,408 ____________ 5,985,965 6,273,515 6,343,705 63 Fund: 001 General Department: 16 Police Division: 04 Investigations The Support Services Division of the Paducah Police Department is composed of three units -the General Investigations Unit, the Drug and Vice Enforcement Unit, and the Records and Evidence Unit. The General Investigations Unit is responsible for investigating serious felony cases, ranging from larcenies to homicides. The unit also conducts applicant background investigations and is involved in various community activities, such as mentoring and working with victim advocates. The Drug and Vice Enforcement Unit engages in covert and overt operations, in an effort to combat dangerous drugs and related activity in the Paducah area. The Records Unit collects, collates, and files all reports made by the department and makes these available to Departmental personnel. It also handles the processing of prisoners, evidence, and evidence recordkeeping BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Personal Services $1,693,737 $1,732,025 $1,896,905 $1,925,075 Contractuals $ 54,265 $ 49,831 $ 44,930 $ 39,040 Commodities $ 169,419 $ 147,361 $ 107,320 $ 115,830 Capital Outlay $ 2,329 $ 13,264 $ 4,900 $ 500 $1,919,750 1 $1,942,481 1 $2,054,055 1 $2,080,445 Funded Staffing Level 211 221 201 23 DIVISION OUTPUTS: • General investigation of all murders, rapes, burglaries, thefts, assaults, child abuse, missing persons, and other crimes against the public • Special Investigations — i.e., coordinating task force activities • Coordinates criminal, civil seizures, forfeitures, gathering, collation of intelligence information Recordkeeping FY2014 OBJECTIVES: Reduce the new volume of Evidence by 2,000 pieces Maintain a clearance rate of 70%, while averaging 55 cases per detective in the General Investigations Unit • Grow the prescription investigation portion of narcotics enforcement • Initiate 20 non-prescription drug investigations, while maintaining an 80% clearance rate 64 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY DORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012 2013 2013-2014 Investigations 001-1604-521.10-01 Full Time/Regular 916,704 920,061 1.035,615 1,044,390 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 7 GROSS WAGES 1,093,140 LESS ANTICIPATED RETIREMENT 48,750- 1,044,390 001-1604-521.10-05 Longevity 5,042 4,569 6,035 6,845 001-1604-521.12-01 Full Time/Regular OT 115,049 115,307 99,145 105,005 001-1604-521.12-02 Part Time/Regular OT 832 2,126 1,000 2,000 001-1604-521.14-01 FICA 13,372 12,678 16,100 16,260 001-1604-521.14-03 Medicare 14,813 14,649 15,595 16,440 001-1604-521.14-09 CERS - Hazardous 296,426 324,297 347,490 353,665 001-1604-521.14-11 CERS - Non Hazardous 39,076 41,424 SS,140 54,215 001-1604-521.14-13 NRS - Deterred Comp 400 001-1604-521.14-15 Deferred compensation 290 001-1604-521.14-17 Workers' Compensation 17,048 17,708 18,735 21,875 001-1604-521.14-19 Unemployment 6,701 3,186 255 1,840 001-1604-521.14-21 Life Insurance 3,281 4,036 3,860 3,180 001-1604-521.14-23 Cafeteria/Flex Plan 186,356 192,358 210,870 210,000 001-1604-521 14-25 Physical Fitness Intent 410 1,450 2,500 001-1604-521.16-05 State Incentive Pay 43,065 41,130 46,500 46,500 001-1604-521.16-10 Clothing Allowance 10,268 17,383 16,050 17,700 001-1604-521,16-25 Specialized Duty Pay 13,836 8,724 9,760 9,360 001-1604-521.16-30 College Credit 9,594 9,843 9,605 10,500 001-1604-521.16-45 Gym Reimbursement 1,584 -- 2,136 ------------ 3,700 "--- ---- ---. 2,800 -----..----- + Personal Services ----------- 1,693,737 1,732,025 1,896,905 1,925,075 001-1604-521.21-05 Vehicle 10,830 9,353 13,480 13,740 001-1604-521.22-01 Computer Hardware 7,175 6,790 5,100 6,200 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 EVIDENCE TRACKER 3,200 L-3 SERVER 2,000 OXYGEN FORENSICS 1,000 6,200 001-1604-521.22-03 Copiers 3,507 3,744 4,000 3,000 001-1604-521.23-07 Other 28,333 4,504 6,350 7,200 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 ACCURINT 1,800 TRANS UNION 600 CREDIT BUREAU 300 PRISONER MED 2,000 DNA 2,000 PHONE SUBPOENAS 500 65 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 001.1604-521.24-01 Rental Equipment 001-1604-521.24-09 Rent 001.1604-521.24-26 Confidential Funds Contractual Services 001-1604-521.31-03 Fuel LEVEL TEXT 1 7,000 GAL GASOLINE s $3.75 20 GAL DIESEL a $4.00 001-1604-521.33-01 Fleet Charges 001-1604-521.33-02 Vehicle Lease 001-1604-521.33-03 Equipment LEVEL TEXT 1 L-3 SERVER U/C EQUIPMENT OTHER CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY FISCAL YEAR 2014 001-1604-521.35-03 Office 001-1604-521.35-09 Photography 001-1604-521.35-13 Field Operation Supplies 001-1604-521.35-29 Gear/Leather 001-1604-521.37-01 Electricity 001-1604-521.37-03 Natural Gas 001-1604-521.37-05 Telephone LEVEL TEXT 1 VCI INTERNET ($220/PER MONTH) AIR CARDS (2 s $60/PER MONTH) CELL PHONE STIPEND (15 s $480 PER YEAR) OTHER (TNCI & ATT) 001-1604-521.37-07 Water 001-1604-521.38-01 Training & Travel LEVEL TEXT 1 IN SERVICE ADV DRUG INVEST POLYGRAPH RECERT -YOUNG IAPC - NEW EVIDENCE TECH NATL SEMINARS STAR Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 7,200 70 240 4,200 25,200 15,500 8,400 150 500 ------------ 500 ------------ 54,265 ---- -------- ---------- 49,831 -- 44,930 39,040 22,908 24,165 24,670 26,330 TEXT AMT 26,250 80 26,330 13,184 20,168 13,000 16,500 28,440 25,210 16,000 18,430 2,981 2,920 2,335 3,900 TEXT AMT 1,800 1,000 1,100 3,900 15,019 16,410 13,050 13,000 209 750 4,238 3,096 3,400 3,500 996 1,000 1,000 2,746 2,988 1,450 2,000 125 861 1,200 1,000 20,268 17,458 11,160 11,320 TEXT AMT 2,640 1,440 7,200 40 11,320 240 220 300 300 20,140 25,478 13,130 12,650 TEXT AMT 7,000 1,300 1,000 800 300 66 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 USA HWY TASK FORCE - TOLLIVER 1,000 KACP/FBILEEDA - GRIMES 1,250 12,650 Adopted 2013-2014 001-1604-521.38-02 Prisoner transport 22,064 001-1604-521.38-05 Dues,Mbrships,Books/Subs 5,569 5,910 6,615 5,900 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 LEADS ONLINE 3,000 ROCIC 300 TAPE 150 IACIS 65 GPS TRACKING 1,200 FBINAA/IACP/KACP/LEEDA (GRIMES S REFUGEE) 610 CUED ALUMNI - DREDGER 25 PIP 150 KPA - YOUNG 50 LIONS - GRIMES/KRUEGER 350 5,900 001-1604-521.38-07 Education (tuition reimb) 11,201 731 10 001-1604-521.39-03 Ammunition 87 -------- ----- ------ --- -------- -- * Commodities 169,419 147,361 107,3320 115,830 001-1604-521.42-09 Computer Hardware 4,765 2,200 500 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 COMP FORENSICS 500 500 001-1604-521.42-11 Computer Software 3,990 001-1604-521.42-15 Equipment-Electronic/Sure 2,329 4,509 -- -- --------------- 2,700 ----- ------------ ------------ Capital Outlay 2,329 13,264 -- ---- ----------- 4,900 - 500 ---- ..------- *� Investigations ------------ 1,919,750 1,942,481 ------------ 2,054,055 ------------ 2,080,445 --- --.._..---- *** Police 8,855,168 8,842,632 9,145,540 9,257,450 67 Fund: 001 General Department: 18 Fire Division: 01 Administration Administration is responsible for general management of all divisions of the Fire Department BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Personal Services $ 179,679 $ 187,945 $ 391,630 $ 399,220 Contractuals $ 79,556 $ 176,141 $ 12,025 $ 11,370 Commodities S 14,644 $ 14,396 S 38,645 $ 42,085 Capital Outlay $ - $ - $ 7,460 S 26,400 $ 273,879 $ 378,482 1 $ 449,760 $ 479,075 Funded Staffing Level 2 2 41 4 DIVISION OUTPUTS: • Grant applications • Payroll • Requisitions • Scheduling of car seat and Fire Prevention events • Public correspondence • Land Management Deed Book Maintenance • Foreclosure actions • Maintain current property records on all projects within jurisdiction • Enforce laws, rules, and regulations FY2014 OBJECTIVES: • Maintain property records • Apply for AFG grant annually • Apply for KY Dept of Homeland Security grant annually • Apply for CEDAP grant annually • Pursue Executive Fire Officer Program certification • Pursue a zero error on all payroll submissions for the year • Continue migration to a paperless tiling system • Start accreditation process 68 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Fire Administration 001-1801-522.10-01 Full Time/Regular 001-1801-522.10-05 Longevity 001-1801-522.12-01 Full Time/Regular OT 001-1801-522.14-01 FICA 001-1801-522.14-03 Medicare 001-1801-522.14-09 CERS - Hazardous 001-1801-522.14-11 CERS - Non Hazardous 001-1801-522.14-17 Workers' Compensation 001-1801-522.14-19 Unemployment 001-1801-522.14-21 Life Insurance 001-1801-522.14-23 Cafeteria/Flex Plan 001-1801-522.16-05 State Incentive Pay 001-1801-522.16-10 Clothing Allowance LEVEL TEXT 1 2 ADMIN STAFF ($300/EACH) 2 UNIFORMED STAFF ($900/EACH) 001-1801-522.16-35 Automobile allowance 001-1801-522.16-45 Gym Reimbursement * Personal Services 001-1801-522.21-01 Bonds 001-1801-522.21-02 Liability 001-1801-522.21-05 Vehicle 001-1801-522.22-02 Computer Software LEVEL TEXT 1 HTE - FIRE RESOURCES ACTIVITY TRACKING FIRE PREVENTION SYSTEM FIRE INCIDENT REPORTING ODER CATALOG - FS MOBILE DATA BROWSER FOR FIRES 001-1801-522.22-03 Copiers 001-1801-522.22-06 Communication Equipment LEVEL TEXT 1 6 RADIOS 2 $10.84/MONTH MOTOROLA CONTRACT ($45/MONTHI 001-1801-522.23-05 Legal Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 113,657 115,678 237,595 248,655 1,406 1,534 2,450 3,000 381 19 500 1,958 1,965 4,515 4,620 1,620 1,614 3,130 3,340 28,970 31,679 66,885 64,470 6,518 7,326 16,045 15,915 1,895 1,810 3,485 3,760 749 3S9 55 385 296 378 610 525 12,748 16,293 41,000 39,950 3,126 3,074 6,200 6,200 80 85 2,700 2,400 TEXT AMT 600 1,800 2,400 6,023 6,023 6,000 6,000 252 108 460 179,679 187,945 391,630 399,220 150 1,733 1,597 2,980 3,040 1,200 1,220 4,597 4,597 4,985 4,965 TEXT AMT 69 1,155 1,155 1,965 325 385 4.985 890 513 800 800 1,219 1,032 1,910 1,325 TEXT AMT 785 540 1,325 71,117 168,402 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Contractual Services 001-1801-522.31-03 Fuel LEVEL TEXT 1 950 GAL GASOLINE a $3.75 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 ------------ 79,556 -------_._ 176,141 ------------ 12,025 ------------ 11,370 2,625 3,560 001-1801-522.33-01 Fleet Charges 001-1801-522.33-02 Vehicle Lease 001-1801-522.35-03 Office 7,776 001-1801-522.37-05 Telephone 3,098 LEVEL TEXT 1 VERI20N WIRELESS (LAPTOP CARD 3 a $40/PER MONTH) OTHER (TNCI & ATT) CELL PHONE STIPEND (2 © $480 PER YEAR) 001-1801-522.38-01 Training & Travel LEVEL TEXT 1 ICC CONFERENCE REGISTRATION/TRAVEL CAAK CONFERENCE SUGA HTE TRAINING FDIC 001-1801-522.38-05 Dues,Mbrships,Books/Subs LEVEL TEXT 1 ICC 2 a^ $100/EACH CAAK 2 s $25/EACH EDM KY STATE TREASURER SAM'S NFPA 2 C $150 NFPA SUBSCRIPTION IAFC 4 C $300/EACH IAAP HAFT FDSOA FIREHOUSE EDM FIRE CHIEF'S HR KAFC 70 1,605 TEXT AMT 3,560 3,560 8,202 1,828 TEXT AMT 1,440 165 960 2,565 2,395 TEXT AMT 2,040 160 2,500 6,500 2,100 13,300 1,008 TEXT AMT 200 50 100 100 15 300 900 1,200 90 55 85 70 100 80 50 3,395 2,000 1,500 2,490 4,355 12,105 12,500 2,470 2,565 13,800 13,300 1,695 3,395 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10.20:10 WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 001-1801-522.39-01 Advertisement 001-1801-522.39-05 Postage 001-1801-522.39-07 Printing Commodities 001-1801-522.42-09 Computer Hardware LEVEL TEXT 1 ADMIN COMP 4 �! 1600/EACH FIELD COMP 4 9 3500/EACH 001-1801-522.42-11 Computer Software LEVEL TEXT 1 LASERFICHE LICENSES (10) 001-1801-522.42-17 Equipment - Office + Capital outlay Administration CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 192 212 310 410 465 751 570 S00 580 ------------ 14,644 ------ ------ 14,396 --- --- ------ 38,645 ---- _--_____ 42,085 20,400 TEXT AMT 6,400 14,000 20.400 6,000 TEXT AMT 6,000 6,000 7,460 ---"-------- ------"____- 7,460 26,400 __________'- 273.879 378,482 449,760 479,075 71 Fund: 001 General Department: 18 Fire Division: 02 Suppression The Suppression Division operates five fire stations that cover more than 21 square miles in the City of Paducah. The stations possess five engine companies, two aerial companies, and two rescue units for the purpose of responding to fire emergencies and for rescue assistance. BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Personal Services $5,092,378 $6,129,639 $5,287,745 $5,415,945 Contractuals $ 92,578 $ 561,901 $ 90,285 $ 91,245 Commodities $ 596,148 $ 577,686 $ 631,895 $ 614,355 Capital Outlay $ 68,058 S 67,470 $ 90,985 $ 108,380 $5,849,162 $7,336,696 $6,100,910 $6,229,925 Funded Staffing Level 591 59.5 59 60 DIVISION OUTPUTS: • Prevent, combat, and extinguish tires • Provide rescue services and public assistance • Coordinate mitigation of hazardous material incidents • Smoke detector installation program • Car seat installation program • Public education programs with schools and civic groups FY2014 OBJECTIVES: • Continue to provide fire. rescue. and hazmat services • Increase response effectiveness by maintaining response time to 4 minutes or less • Maintain current training standards • Pursue Company Officer Certification • Continue to provide public education programs to schools and civic groups • Continue partnership with hospitals in car seat installation program • Continue to make available and install smoke detectors to the citizens of Paducah • Support the accreditation process 72 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Suppression 001-1802-522.10-01 Full Time/Regular LEVEL TEXT I PAYROLL PROJECTIONS RETIREMENT PAYOUTS (1) 001-1802-522.10-05 Longevity 001-1802-522.12-01 Full Time/Regular OT LEVEL TEXT 1 BASE OT SUPP CALL-BACK COMMITTEE MEETING CITY OF PADUCAE, KENTUCKY FISCAL YEAR 2014 001-1802-522.12-04 Fire Fighters (scheduled) 001-1802-522.12-06 IAFF Overtime Lawsuit 001-1802-522.14-03 Medicare 001-1802-522.14-07 PFPF 001-1802-522,14-09 CERS - Hazardous 001-1802-522 14-15 Deferred compensation 001,1802-522.14-17 Workers' Compensation 001-1802-522.14-19 Unemployment 001-1802-522.14-21 Life Insurance 001-1802-522.14-23 Cafeteria/Flex Plan 001-1802-522.14-25 Physical Fitness Intent 001-1802-522.16-05 State Incentive Pay 001-1802-522,16-10 Clothing Allowance 001-1802-522.16-45 Gym Reimbursement Personal Services 001-1802-522.21-02 Liability 001-1802-522.21-04 Property Damage 001-1802-522.21-05 Vehicle 001-1802-522.22-06 Communication Equipment LEVEL TEXT 1 49 RADIOS 3 $10.84/MONTH MOTOROLA CONTRACT ($215/MONTH) 001-1802-522.23-07 Other 001-1802-522.24-21 Fire Dept - concessions Contractual Services 001-1802-522.31-03 Fuel Actual. Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 1,904,947 1,918,872 1,915,500 2,028,475 TEXT AMT 2,000,930 27,545 2,028,475 2,520 3,614 3,600 2,400 168,388 122,975 187,015 157,020 TEXT ANT 145,020 10,000 2,000 157,020 1,031,372 1,030,903 1,036,960 1,079,495 805,188 41,032 49,335 41,135 42,845 5,086 7,730 5,190 4,805 1,071,157 1,31.2,686 1,208,240 1,202,505 1,250 69,100 59,280 69,515 69,790 19,771 11,715 685 4,975 8,906 11,158 8,790 7,835 531,502 549,840 536,995 555,600 2,500 10,000 185,440 1'81,240 182,900 186,000 41,889 48,801 81,000 54,000 11,268 12,552 10,200 10,200 5,092,378 6,129,639 5,287,745 5,415,945 43,580 40,504 41,585 42,415 9,710 9,409 9,375 9,655 25,878 21,968 24,320 24,220 8,535 8,466 9,005 8,955 TEXT AMT 6,375 2,580 8,955 4'75,5S4 4,875 6,000 6,000 6,000 92,578 561,901 90,285 91,245 34,225 39,529 39,915 45,625 73 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 1500 GAL GASOLINE 3- $3.75 5,625 10000 GAL DIESEL r $4 00 40,000 45,625 001-1802-522.33-01 Fleet Charges 120,118 107,193 122,900 120,000 001-1802-522.33-02 Vehicle Lease 272,046 285,149 312,640 257,855 LEVEL TEXT TEXT MIT 1 CARS 27,855 FIRE TRUCK SET ASIDE 230,000 257,855 001-1802-522.33-03 Equipment 4,215 13,846 9,500 10,200 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 GENERAL REPAIRS 4,500 AIR PACK TESTING 2,000 AIR PACK REPAIRS 2,000 BATTERIES FOR AED'S 400 CALIBRATION GAS 500 RADIO CHARGERS 200 BATTERIES FOR AIR PACK 600 10,200 001 -1802 -522.33 -OS Property/Plant 60,873 19,057 23,545 20,500 001-1802-522.35-03 Office 30 001-1602-522.35-17 Housekeeping 13,351 13,153 13,500 13,500 001-1802-522.35-29 Gear/Leather 3,715 959 10,000 6,000 001-1802-522.37-01 Electricity 37,932 38,275 37,500 38,200 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 3000 WAYNE SULLIVAN DR 5,000 1712 BROADWAY 7,600 301 WASHINGTON 16,300 1421 FRIEDMAN LN 3,900 3189 JACKSON 3,800 1395 N 5TH ST 1,600 38,200 001-1802-522.37-03 Natural Gas 12,125 9,064 13,485 11,1OC LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 3000 WAYNE SULLIVAN (#2) 1,700 1714 BROADWAY {#5} 2,100 301 WASHINGTON (41) 3,100 1421 FRIEDMAN LN (43) 2,100 74 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 3189 JACKSON (44) 1303 N 6TH CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY FISCAL YEAR 2014 001-1802-522.37-05 Telephone LEVEL TEXT 1 ATT BILL -DIRECT LINE FROM 911 TO ALL STATIONS ATT (ASST CHIEF CELL PHONE 2 C $42/PER MONTH) VERIZON AIR CARDS (13 X $40/PER MONTH) VCI INTERNET CELL PHONE STIPEND (3 W $480 PER YEAR) EMERGENCY CALL BACK STIPEND FIREHORN 001-1802-522.37-07 Water LEVEL TEXT 1 FIRE STATION 4 1 FIRE STATION # 5 FIRE STATION # 4 FIRE TOWER FIRE STATION # 2 FIRE STATION # 3 001-1802-522.37-11 Refuse 001 1802-522.39-25 Testing Materials 001-1802-522.39-28 Compliance -employment * Commodities 001-1802-522.40-13 Fire Hoses/Rescue Equipmt 001-1802-522.42-12 Equipment - Safety 001-1802-522.42-13 Equipment - Communication LEVEL TEXT 1 XTS HANDHELE RADIOS (2 W $1750) 10 BATTERIES $50/EACH 001-1802-522.42-19 Equipment - other * Capital Outlay ** Suppression Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 -2011 2011-2012 1,200 900 11,100 3,052 34,908 TEXT AMT 39,000 1,010 6,240 2,160 1,440 590 1,200 51,640 6,426 7,923 10, 52S 8,180 TEXT AMT 2,025 1,610 1,040 190 1,635 1,680 8,180 Act 2010 2 Actual 32,525 51,640 7,830 7,830 7,830 7,830 1,000 240 2,000- 22,725 ------------------------ ---- ------ -------...----- 596,148 577,686 631,895 614,355 44,804 48,958 68,985 84,380 19,137 18,000 18,000 18,000 4,117 512 4,000 4,000 TEXT AFT 3, 500 500 4,000 2,000 ____________ --- ----- ------ ----- ---- 68,058 67,470 90,985 108,380 ------------------------ _________--- --- ----- - S,849,162 5,849,162 7,336,696 6,100,910 6,229,925 75 Actual Act 2010 2 Actual 32,525 51,640 7,830 7,830 7,830 7,830 1,000 240 2,000- 22,725 ------------------------ ---- ------ -------...----- 596,148 577,686 631,895 614,355 44,804 48,958 68,985 84,380 19,137 18,000 18,000 18,000 4,117 512 4,000 4,000 TEXT AFT 3, 500 500 4,000 2,000 ____________ --- ----- ------ ----- ---- 68,058 67,470 90,985 108,380 ------------------------ _________--- --- ----- - S,849,162 5,849,162 7,336,696 6,100,910 6,229,925 75 TEXT AFT 3, 500 500 4,000 2,000 ____________ --- ----- ------ ----- ---- 68,058 67,470 90,985 108,380 ------------------------ _________--- --- ----- - S,849,162 5,849,162 7,336,696 6,100,910 6,229,925 75 Fund: 001 General Department: 18 Fire Division: 03 Prevention The Prevention Division is responsible for city-wide fire protection and code enforcement program and public education. Fire Prevention inspections are conducted annually on residential, assembly, education, business, mercantile, storage, factory and industrial, high hazard, and utility and miscellaneous type use groups. These inspections are conducted using the Kentucky Fire Prevention Code. The Fire Marshal's office also offers in -services, talks, and demonstrations on fire safety and education free of charge to all legitimate civic organizations, businesses, schools, churches, and healthcare facilities. BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense ActualActual 2010-2011 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Personal Services S 146,576 $ 154,920 $ 84,475 $ 144,230 Contractuals $ 3,465 $ 3,336 $ 2,350 $ 2,265 Commodities $ 28,488 $ 24,770 $ 15,720 $ 17,350 Capital Outlay $ - $ $ 6,340 $ - $ 178,529 1 $ 183,026 $ 108,885 $ 163,845 Funded Staffing Level 21 2 1 2 DIVISION OUTPUTS: • Fire prevention inspections • Public education • Safe Communities Program/car seat installation FY2014 OBJECTIVES: • Pursue grant funding for public education • Maintain inspection schedule • Maintain schedules for fine prevention month (October) • Inspect 2 million square feet annually • Conduct 12 public education sessions annually • Maintain inspection certification • Maintain investigation certification • Obtain NAFI fire investigation certification for deputy fine marshals • Obtain NFPA fire inspection certification for deputy fire marshals • Support the accreditation process 76 RUN DATE. 07/16/13, WORKSHEET: URAFTEXP ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION FISCAL YEAR 2014 Prevention 001-1803-522.10-01 Full Time/Regular 001-1803-522.10-05 Longevity 001-1803-522.12-01 Full Time/Regular OT 001.1803-522.14-01 FICA 001 1803-522.14-03 Medicare 001-1803-522.14-09 CERS - Hazardous 001-1803-522.14-17 Workers' Compensation 001-1803-522.14-19 Unemployment 001-1803-522.14-21 Life Insurance 001-1803-522.14-23 Cafeteria/Flex Plan 001-1803-522.16-05 State Incentive Pay 001-1803-522.16-10 Clothing Allowance * Personal Services 001-1803-522.21-02 Liability 001 -1803 -522.21 -OS vehicle 001-1803-522.22-06 Communication Equipment LEVEL TEXT 3 4 RADIOS e $10.84/MONTH MOTOROLA CONTRACT ($17.15/MONTH) * Contractual Services 001-1803-522.31-03 Fuel LEVEL TEXT 1 525 GAL GASOLINE s $3.75 001-1803-522.33-01 Fleet Charges 001-1803-522.33-02 Vehicle Lease 001-1803-522.37-05 Telephone LEVEL TEXT 1 VERIZON AIR CARDS (2 M $40/PER MONTH) CELL PHONE STIPEND (2 @ $480 PER YEAR) OTHER (TNCI & ATT) 001-1803-522.38-01 Training & Travel 001-1803-522.38-05 Dues,Mbrships,Books/Subs LEVEL TEXT 1 HAFI 2 A $70 EACH PI MAGAZINE Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 91,243 94,169 51,650 82,255 241 358 120 300 439 389 880 S00 1,738- 3,024 2,000 3,000 1,318 1,358 745 1,135 33,074 36,578 20,995 32,030 2,100 2,005 895 1,815 593 292 10 130 296 378 190 265 12,748 13,245 4,690 17,800 6,252 6,148 3,100 6,200 10 2,092 1,200 1,800 ---- ----- --- 146,576 ------------ 154,920 ------------ 84,475 ------------ 144,230 1,400 1,249 650 665 1,404 1,437 850 865 661 650 850 735 TEXT ANT 525 210 735 - ----- - - - - -- 3,465 ------ - - - - ----- 3,336 - - - -- - - - - ----------- 2,350 2,265 6,095 6,414 1,710 1,970 TEXT AMT 1,970 1,970 3,884 3,024 2,000 3,000 5,228 4,657 2,185 3,735 2,699 2,729 1,995 1,935 TEXT AMT 960 960 1S 1,935 2,868 2,092 5,160 4,140 1,293 1,259 670 570 TEXT AMT 140 75 77 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP ACCOUNT NUMBER CAAK 2 i $35 JPFA IAAI EDM PUBLISHERS ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 001-1803-522.39-09 Promotions * Commodities 001-1803-522.42-12 Equipment - Safety * Capital Outlay ** Prevention CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 70 35 100 150 570 Revised Adopted 2012-2013 2013-2014 6,421 4,595 2,000 _---- __ --------- 2,000 ________________________ 28,488 ----- 24,770 15,720 17,350 6,340 ------------ _______ ____________ 6, 340 ____________ ____________ 178,529 ____________ 183,026 __________._ 108,885 163,845 78 Find: 001 General Department: 18 Fire Division: 04 Training City of Paducah firefighters have more than 300 howl of continued education each year. The Training Officer coordinates education in the areas of EMS, firefighter skills, Haz-mat, pwnp operations, and others. These education requirements ensure that the level of competency of the members of the Fire Department is the highest achievable and maximizes the resources of personnel and equipment available to best protect and serve the citizens of the City. BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Personal Services $ 82,457 $ 88,732 $ 92,475 $ 95,665 Contractuals $ 3,133 $ 2,498 $ 2,430 $ 2,480 Commodities $ 25,214 S 28,700 $ 31,050 $ 41,985 Capital Outlay $ - S - $ - $ - S 110,804 S 119,930 S 125,955 S 140,130 Funded Staffing Level l 1 1 1 DIVISION OUTPUTS: • Incentive required training • EMT required training • FFl & FF11 training • Car seat refresher training FY2014 OBJECTIVES: • Complete Confined Space Refresher • Complete EMT Refresher • Complete 100 furs of CEU training for all firefighters for incentive pay • Complete Haz-mat refreshers • Conduct multi -agency drills • Complete Company Officer Training and Certification • Train and certify 4 new recruits to current requirements for firefighters • Train and certify 4 firefighters to be car seat technicians • Obtain instructor certification for company officer • Support the accreditation process 79 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Training 001-1804-522.10-01 Full Time/Regular 001-1804-522.10-05 Longevity 001-1804-522.14-03 Medicare 001-1804-522.14-09 CERS Hazardous 001-1804-522.14 17 Workers' Compensation 001-1804-522.14-19 Unemployment 001-1804-522.14-21 Life Insurance 001-1804-522.14.23 Cafeteria/Flex Plan 001-1804-522.16-05 State Incentive Pay 001-1804-522.16-10 Clothing Allowance * Personal Services 001-1804-522.21-02 Liability 001-1804-522.21-04 Property Damage 001-1804-522.21-05 Vehicle 001-1804-522.22-06 Communication Equipment LEVEL TEXT 1 2 RADIOS a $10.84/MONTH MOTOROLA CONTRACT ($7.17/MONTH) * Contractual Services 001-1804-522.31-03 Fuel LEVEL TEXT 1 350 GAL GASOLINE C $3.75 001-1804-522.33-01 Fleet Charges 001-1804-522.33-02 Vehicle Lease 001 -1804 -522.37 -OS Telephone LEVEL TEXT 1 VERIZON AIRCARD (1 @ $40/PER MONTH) CELL PHONE STIPEND (1 @ $480/YEAR) 001-1804-522.38-01 Training a Travel LEVEL TEXT 1 CAR SEAT RECERT EMT RECERT-KY EMT RECERT-NATIONAL IFSAC GREEN RIVER OFFICER SCHOOL Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 52,493 53,021 53,715 57,820 389 454 480 600 734 675 675 730 18,847 20,461 21,725 22,135 1,205 1,150 1,210 1,255 338 163 15 90 148 189 155 135 5,177 9,545 10,500 8,900 3,126 3,074 3,100 3,100 900 900 ------------ 82,457 ------------ 88,732 ------------ 92,475 ------------ 95,665 925 894 865 880 381 369 370 380 1,404 868 850 865 423 367 345 355 TEXT AMT 265 90 355 ___________________ __--- _---- _____---- _____ 3,133 2,498 2,430 2,480 855 1,309 1,730 1,310 80 TEXT AMT 1,310 1,310 1,762 393 1,500 1,500 2,187 2,187 2,190 2,190 1,861 1,504 1,000 960 TEXT AMT 480 480 960 18,319 22,060 22,550 34,525 TEXT AMT 2,375 1,200 600 1,125 1.800 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION STATE FIRE SCHOOL DRIVERS TRAINING SIMULATOR JPFA FIRE SCHOOL EMT CONTINUING ED EMT SCHOOL BERT HAZ MAT REFRESHER TRAINING TRAINING ROPES RESCUE MANNEQUIN BURN MATERIALS SMOKE FLUID WATER RESCUE TRAINING CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY FISCAL YEAR 2014 001-1804-522.38-05 Dues,Mbrships,Books/Subs LEVEL TEXT 1 IESTA MANUALS * Commodities *• Training Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2,400 2,400 1,200 7,200 4,400 4,875 600 800 500 Soo 2,550 34,525 230 1,247 2,080 1,500 TEXT ANT 1,500 1,500 ____________ 25,214 ____________ 28,700 __ ________ 31,050 ____________ 41,985 __---- _----- __ 110,804 ____________ 119,930 125,955 140,130 81 Fund: 001 General Department: 18 Fire Division: 05 Construction This division ensures that building and electrical work done within their j urisdiction complies with codes, laws, and regulations mandated by the State of Kentucky and the City of Paducah. Not only are building plans reviewed for compliance with codes, but inspections are also made at predetermined stages of construction. Inspectors advise and confer with contractors and/or property owners before and during construction to help ensure construction and/or alteration compliance. BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Personal Services $ $ $ 311,255 S 343,820 Contractuals $ $ $ 15,765 S 15,890 Commodities $ $ $ 26,953 $ 26,985 Capital Outlay $ $ $ - $ - g $ $ 353,973 $ 386,695 Funded Staffing Level 01 01 5 5 DIVISION OUTPUTS: • Review building plans for compliance with codes • Issue building and electrical permits • Conduct building and electrical inspections • Advice and confer with contractors and/or property owners on building projects FY2014 OBJECTIVES: Maintain inspection certification Support the accreditation process Maintain inspection schedule Strive to maintain 2 -week plan review time 82 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Construction 001-1805-522.10-01 Full Time/Regular 001-1805-522.10-05 Longevity 001-1805-522.12-01 Full Time/Regular OT 001-1805-522.14-01 FICA 001-1805-522.14-03 Medicare 001-1805-522.14-11 CERS - Non Hazardous 001-1805-522.14-17 Workers' Compensation 001-1805-522.14-19 Unemployment 001-1805-522.14-21 Life Insurance 001-1805-522.14-23 Cafeteria/Flex Plan 001-1805-522.16-10 Clothing Allowance LEVEL TEXT 1 4 FIELD STAFF ($600/PERSON) 1 ADMIN STAFF ($300/PERSON) + Personal Services 001-1805-522.21-02 Liability 001 -1805 -522.21 -OS Vehicle 001-1805-522.22-02 Computer Software LEVEL TEXT 1 HTE - BUILDING PERMITS CODE ENFORCEMENT LAND/PARCEL MANAGEMENT SEEP CATALOGS (BP,LX,CE) 001-1805-522.22-06 Communication Equipment LEVEL TEXT 1 5 RADIOS 3 $10.84/MONTH + Contractual Services 001-1805-522.31-03 Fuel LEVEL TEXT 1 1300 GAL GASOLINE a $3.75 001-1805-522.33-01 Fleet Charges 001-1805-522.3"s-02 Vehicle Lease Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 212,605 236,355 1,800 2,040 1,000 1,500 12,480 13,840 3,270 3,240 42,780 45,395 4,805 4,295 55 350 760 655 29,000 33,450 2,700 2,700 TEXT AMT 2,400 300 2,700 ----- ---- --- ------------ ---- -------- 311,255 -.---------- 343,820 2,670 2,720 2,390 2,465 10.055 10,055 83 TEXT AMT 4,195 1,600 3,290 970 10.055 650 650 TEXT AMT 650 650 15,765 15,890 4,300 4,675 TEXT AMT 4,875 4,875 6,750 5,500 6,820 7,290 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 001-1805-522.37-05 Telephone LEVEL TEXT 1 OTHER (TNCI & ATT) CELL PHONE STIPEND (4 C 8480 PER YEAR) VERIZON AIR CARDS (4 E $40/PER MONTH) 001-1805-522.38-01 Training & Travel LEVEL TEXT 1 CAAK CONE NFPA CONE IAEI CONTRACTOR TRAINING 001 -1805 -522.38 -OS Dues,Mbrships,Books/Subs LEVEL TEXT 1 CAAK (4 r $25/EACH) BP LAW BULLETIN IAEI ELECTRICAL CERT BUILDING CERT * Commodities �* Construction Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 4.080 3,890 TEXT AMT 50 1,920 1,920 3,890 TEXT AMT 320 3,320 700 500 4.840 3,860 4,840 1.143 590 TEXT AMT 100 100 90 200 100 590 ------------ -..__------- ---___-__--- 26,953 26,985 ----------- --- ______--- --- -------- ---- ----- 353,973 386,695 84 Fund: 001 General Department: 18 Fire Division: 06 Code Enforcement The Code Enforcement Division enforces all applicable laws, rules, and regulations, in order to provide a healthy, clean, and pleasant environment for the citizens of Paducah BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual Actual 2010-2011 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Personal Services $ $ $ 204,895 S 226,540 Contractuals $ $ S 163,765 $ 125,190 Commodities $ $ $ 25,037 S 23,195 Capital Outlay $ $ $ $ S $ S 393,697 $ 374,925 Funded Staffing Level 01 01 41 4 DIVISION OUTPUTS: • Enforce laws. rules and regulations • Issue Property Maintenance permits • Conduct property maintenance inspections • Conduct code enforcement inspections • Demolition actions FY2014 Objectives: • Maintain inspection schedule • Support the accreditation process • Maintain inspection certification • Manage demolition list through prioritization of structures to be demolished 85 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Code Enforcement 001-1806-522,10-01 Full Time/Regular 001-1806-522.10-05 Longevity 001-1806-522.12-01 Full Time/Regular OF 001-1806-522.14-01 FICA 001-1806-522.14-03 Medicare 001-1806-522.14-11 CERS - Non Hazardous 001-1806-522.14-17 Workers' Compensation 001-1806-522.14-19 Unemployment 001-1806-522.14-21 Life Insurance 001-1806-522.14-23 Cafeteria/Flex Plan 001-1806-522.16-10 Clothing Allowance LEVEL TEXT 1 3 FIELD STAFF ($600/PERSON) 1 ADMIN STAFF ($300/PERSON) Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 139,120 152,355 1,020 1,380 500 500 8,245 8,615 1,930 2,015 28,955 29,315 2,780 2,650 35 225 610 525 19,600 26,860 2.100 2,100 TEXT ANT 1,800 300 2.100 ------------ ------ - - ---- - -- Personal Services 204,895 226,540 001-1806-522.21-02 Liability 2,560 2,610 001 -1806 -522.21 -OS Vehicle 2,015 2,055 001-1806-522.22-06 Communication Equipment 390 525 LEVEL TEXT 1 4 RADIOS M $10.84/MONTH 001-1806-522.23-06 Temporaries 001-1806-522.23-10 Tree/Weed/Debris Mgmt 001-1806-522.23-13 Demolition Contractual Services 001-1806-522.31-03 Fuel LEVEL TEXT 1 1450 GAL GASOLINE - $3.75 001-1806-522.33-01 Fleet Charges 001-1806-522.33-02 Vehicle Lease 001-1806-522.37-05 Telephone LEVEL TEXT 1 CELL PHONE STIPEND (3 -� $480/PER YEAR) VERIZON AIR CARD (3 C $40/PER MONTH) OTHER (TNCI & ATT) TEXT AMT 525 525 14,900 75,000 70,000 68,900 ___.-------- 50,000 ------------ ------- ----' ------------ 163,765 125,190 4,055 5,440 86 TEXT AMT 5,440 5.440 TEXT AMT 1,440 1,440 5 2.885 7,095 4,000 4,105 4,470 3,025 2,885 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 001-1806-522.38-01 Training & Travel LEVEL TEXT 1 CAAK REGISTRATION 3 a $160/EACH ICC TESTING 3 % $540 EACH CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY FISCAL YEAR 2014 001-1806-522.38-05 Dues,Mbrships,Books/Subs LEVEL TEXT 1 CAAK MISC 001-1806-522.39-05 Postage 001-1806-522.39-07 Printing * Commodities .x Code Enforcement Fire Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 ---- ____---- ----- _--- ___ ____________ ______ 6,412,374 8,018,134 7,533,180 7,774,595 2.100 2,100 TEXT AMT 480 1,620 2,100 257 300 TEXT AMT 75 225 300 3,500 3,500 900 500 -------- ------------ ------ 25,037 23,195 __._ ____________ ___------- ._ ------------ -------- 393,697 374,925 --- ---- ____---- ----- _--- ___ ____________ ______ 6,412,374 8,018,134 7,533,180 7,774,595 87 Fund: 001 General Department: 22 Engineering - Public Works Division: 02 Street Maintenance The Street Maintenance Division is responsible for the maintenance and repair of over 250 miles of city roadways, rights -of -ways, sidewalks, curbs and gutters; more than 3000 traffic signs; storm water drainage, and alleys. This division is also responsible for the coordination work for the Municipal Aid Program (MAP). BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Personal Services $1,320,909 $1,228,898 $1,220,840 $1,227,330 Contractuals $ 117,177 $ 105,856 $ 99,975 $ 97,350 Commodities $ 693,081 $ 567,203 $ 630,480 $ 625,850 Capital Outlay $ 5,101 $ 7,213 $ 5,550 $ 5,000 52,136,268 $1,909,170 1 $1,956,845 1 $1,955,530 Funded Staffing Level 231 231 201 20 DIVISION OUTPUTS: • Street & Right -of -Way (ROW) maintenance • Inlet & catch basin maintenance • Coordinates MAP program • Alley maintenance • Snow & ice control • Traffic signs FY2014 OBJECTIVES: 88 RUN BATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 Engineering/Public Works Street Maintenance 001-2202-531.10-01 Full Time/Regular 001-2202-531.10-05 Longevity 001-2202-531.12-01 Full Time/Regular OT 001-2202-531.14-01 FICA 001-2202-531.14-03 Medicare 001-2202-531.14-11 CERS - Non Hazardous 001-2202-531.14-17 Workers' Compensation 001-2202-531.14-19 Unemployment 001-2202-531,14-21 Life Insurance 001-2202-531.14-23 Cafeteria/Flex Plan 001-2202-531.16-10 Clothing Allowance 001-2202-531.16-40 Boot Allowance 001-2202.531.16-45 Gym Reimbursement * Personal Services 001-2202-531.20-04 Landfill 001-2202-531.21-02 Liability 001-2202-531.21-04 Property Damage 001-2202-531.21-05 Vehicle 001-2202-531.22-02 Computer Software 823,075 766,299 768,745 767,635 10,178 10,784 8,820 10,560 28,464 7,877 15,005 15,010 49,448 44,900 46,195 46,100 11,565 10,501 10,805 10,785 146,764 149,140 155,135 151,055 32,630 31,573 28,730 24,525 5,174 2,236 175 1,155 3,822 4,528 3,545 3,060 202,894 194,119 176,205 189,655 595 737 750 750 4,570 4,408 5,350 5,000 1,710 1,796 1,380 2,040 ------------ ------------ 1,320,909 ------------ ------------ 1,228,898 1,220,840 1,227,330 33,868 28,497 25,000 25,000 19,939 18,445 17,370 17,715 6,257 5,910 6,055 6,335 23,594 20,695 18,425 18,795 2,985 2,985 2,990 2,985 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 HTE -WORK ORDER/FACILITIES MAINT W/OREP CATALOG(WF) 2,985 2,985 001-2202-531.22-06 Communication Equipment LEVEL TEXT 1 33 RADIOS & $10.84/MONTH MOTOROLA CONTRACT ($60.10/MON7H) 001-2202-531.23-04 Laundry 001-2202-531.23-07 Other 001-2202-531.23-10 Tree/Weed/Debris Mgmt 001-2202-531.24-01 Rental Equipment * Contractual Services 001-2202-S31.31-03 Fuel LEVEL TEXT 1 3000 GAL GASOLINE � $3.75 19000 GAL DIESEL C $4.00 001-2202-531.33-01 Fleet Charges 3,004 4,757 5,135 5,020 TEXT AMT 4,295 725 5,020 7,517 6,570 7,000 5,500 376 500 500 13,575 13,360 12,500 12,500 6,438 4,261 ------------ -------- 5,000 --- 3,000 ------------ 117,177 105,856 ------------ 99,975 97,350 81,134 75,213 79,265 87,250 TEXT AMT 11,250 76,000 87,250 218,469 158,291 210,000 190,000 89 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2017 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 001-2202-531.33-02 Vehicle Lease 001-2202-531.33-05 Property/Plant 001-2202-531.35-13 Field Operation Supplies 001-2202-531.37-01 Electricity 001-2202-531-37-03 Natural Gas LEVEL TEXT 1 1120 N 19TH ST {1/3) 001-2202-533.37-05 Telephone LEVEL TEXT 1 OTHER (TNCI & ATT) CELL PHONE STIPEND (3 rg $480 PER YEAR) 001-2202-531.37-07 Water LEVET, TEXT 1 CITY GARAGE 001-2202-531.38-01 Training & Travel 001-2202-531.38-05 Dues,Mhrships,Bocks/Subs 001-2202-531.38-07 Education (tuition reimb) 001-2202-531.39-15 Traffic Sign Materials 001-2202 531.39-18 Traffic decorative lght 001-2202-531.39-19 Constr.Materials/Streets 001-2202-531.39-20 Constr. Materials/StrmSwr 001-2202-531.39-22 Street:De-icing Materials * Commodities 001-2202-531.42-09 Computer Hardware 001-2202-531.42-12 Equipment - Safety 001-2202-531.42-19 Equipment - Other * Capital Outlay ** Street Maintenance Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 157,085 149,641 137,795 138,435 7,255 1,656 3,085 3,000 14,927 9,937 10,000 8,000 9,626 8,818 9,500 9,000 3.170 33,033 3,600 3,500 TEXT AMT 3,500 3,500 4,023 3,215 1,465 1,465 TEXT A;4T 25 1,440 1,465 4,429 3,553 4,200 4,200 TEXT AMT 4,200 4,200 641 591 800 800 160 275 500 200 378 167 1,165 19,936 24,301 21,775 20,000 5,150 84,891 72,269 75,330 80,000 59,977 37,592 52,000 60,000 21,830 18,651 20,000 20,000 693,081 567,203 630,480 625,850 86 1,511 4,524 2,550 2,000 3,504 2,689 3,000 3,000 5,101 7,213 5,550 5,000 2,136,268 1,909,170 1,956,845 1,955,530 90 Fund: 001 General Department: 22 Engineering - Public Works Division: 03 Street Lighting This division maintains all city street lighting located within the city limits. This division is responsible for payments for electricity of city -maintained decorative lighting systems in the downtown parking lot, around Market House Square, Maiden Alley, Second Street, Water Street, City Hall parking lot, and Doll McNutt Park. BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Personal Services $ - $ - $ - $ - Contractuals $ - $ - $ - $ - Commodities $ 544,888 $ 539,848 $ 535,000 $ 630,000 Capital Outlay $ -$ - $ - $ - $ 544,888 $ 539,848 $ 535,000 $ 630,000 DIVISION OUTPUTS: • Ensure that the city presents an image of safety through its street lighting. The process of maintaining and repairing this lighting system requires a close working relationship with Paducah Power, Jackson Purchase Energy, and KY Highway Dept. • Offer the citizens a quality street lighting service designed to maintain strong infrastructure in our city and provide this service at an economical cost • Provide lighting for safe passage of our streets and sidewalks and improve the overall image of neighborhood infrastructure • Add to the aesthetics of downtown revitalization by providing electricity for our downtown decorative lighting in the parking lot, around Market House Square, Maiden Alley, Second Street, and Water Street FY2014 OBJECTIVES 91 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Street Lighting 001-2203-531.37-15 Street Lighting LEVEL TEXT 1 INCREASES DUE TO PPS INCREASE IN RATES * Commodities k* Street Lighting Actual. Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 544,888 539,848 535,000 630,000 TEXT AMT 630,000 630,000 ------------ 544,888 --------------'--'------ 539,848 535,000 --_...__-___ 630,000 ------------ 544, 888 ---- --- --- -- ---- 539,848 __------ -_.__544,888 535,000 630,000 92 Fund: 001 General Department: 22 Engineering - Public Works Division: 16 Maintenance Facility Maintenance is responsible for the maintenance of approximately 31 buildings (800,000 sq. ft. city owned/leased facilities) and 14 Parks, including pools, shelters, playground equipment, and the skate park. This division also provides custodial services of City -owned facilities and downtown bathrooms. Facility Maintenance also maintains the city's downtown decorative lighting and all city controlled traffic signals. BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Personal Services $ 651,333 $ 638,119 $ 795,570 $ 802,805 Contractuals $ 59,060 $ 36,590 $ 40,070 $ 37,995 Commodities $ 272,159 $ 248,699 $ 261,880 $ 282,855 Capital Outlay $ 2,017 $ 3,393 $ 3,000 $ 2,700 $ 984,569 5 926,801 51,100,520 $1,126,355 Funded Staffing Level 13.5 11.5 13.5 13.5 DIVISION OUTPUTS: • Facilities maintenance • Parks building and equipment maintenance • Custodial services • Event support FY2014 OBJECTIVES: 93 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Maintenance 001-2216-53].10-01 Full Time/Regular 001-2216-531.10-05 Longevity 001-2216-531.12-01 Full Time/Regular OT 001-2216-531.14-01 FICA 001-2216-531.14-03 Medicare 001-2216-5"31.14-11 CERS - Non Hazardous 001,2216-531.14-17 Workers' Compensation 001-2216-531.14-19 Unemployment 001-2216-531.14-21 Life insurance 001-2216-531.14-23 Cafeteria/Flex Plan 001 2216-531.16-10 Clothing Allowance 001-2216-531.16-40 Boot Allowance 001-2216-531.16-45 Gym Reimbursement * Personal Services 001-2216-531.20-03 Pauper Burials (County) 001-2216-531.20-04 Landfill 001-2216-531.21-02 Liability 001-2216-531.21-04 Property Damage 001-2216-531.21-05 Vehicle 001-2216-531.22-06 Communication Equipment LEVEL TEXT 1 14 RAD10S -j $10.84/MONTH MOTOROLA CONTRACT ($7.17/MONTH) 001-2216-531.23-04 Laundry 001-2216-531.23-07 Other 001-2216-531.24-01 Rental Equipment * Contractual Services 001-2216-531.31-03 Fuel LEVEL TEXT 1 3250 GAL GASOLINE % $3.75 600 GAL DIESEL C $4.00 001-2216-531.33-01 Fleet Charges 001-2216-531.33-02 Vehicle Lease 001-2216-531.33-05 Property/Plant 001-2216-531.35-13 Field Operation Supplies 001-2216-531.35-15 Grounds Maintenance 001-2216-531.35-19 Janitorial 001-2216-531.37-01 Electricity LEVEL TEXT Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 413,241 403,621 506,100 510,935 6,002 5,814 6,990 8,280 4,848 5,474 4,995 5,010 24,474 23,992 29,380 29,995 5,724 5,611 6,870 7,015 72,333 78,359 101,335 99,705 12,330 10,640 14,180 13,155 2,550 1,185 115 760 1,998 2,412 2,380 2,050 104,911 96,746 118,940 121,250 577 450 375 1,932 2,304 2,875 3,375 990 1,384 960 900 651,333 638,119 795,570 802,805 17,000 51 8,188 6,709 7,560 7,710 15,456 12,957 12,945 13,330 7,151 5,602 6,950 7,490 683 1,602 2,165 1,915 TEXT AKT L,82S 90 1,915 9,421 8,940 9,700 7,200 10 1,100 780 750 750 59,060 36,590 40,070 37,995 17,459 12,994 13,215 14,590 TEXT AMT 12,190 2,400 14,590 4,530 4,584 8,500 8,500 21,336 17,873 20,860 17,950 52,964 57,937 60,000 66,000 6,291 3,339 4,020 3,500 176 17,934 1.8,030 18,000 20,000 92,143 103,736 95,000 106,000 TEXT AMI' 94 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 95 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 3 110 CLARK ST 4,000 100 S RIVERFRONT STAGE 1,200 221 MARINE WAY 12,000 300 S STH ST 85,000 101 BROADWAY 1,800 510 BROADWAY 300 1700 BROADWAY 700 113 S STH ST 1,000 106,000 001-2216-531.37-03 Natural Gas 12,529 12,184 15,000 15,000 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 300 S STH ST 15,000 15,000 001-2216-531.37-05 Telephone 1,422 1,850 1,535 1,615 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 VCI INTERNET ($70 PER MONTH) 840 OTHER (TNCI & ATT) 55 CELL PHONE STIPEND 720 1,615 001-2216-531.37-07 Water 42,110 7,124 6,000 6,000 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 CI'T'Y HALL 6,000 6,000 001-2216-533..37-11 Refuse 3,085 3,085 3,000 3,000 001-2216-531.38-01 Training & Travel 80 163 500 500 001-2216-531.38-05 Dues,Mbrships,Books/Subs 100 100 250 200 001-2216-531.39-18 Traffic - decorative Ight 5,700 16,000 20,000 * Commodities ------------ 272,159 ------------ 248,699 ------------ 261,880 ------------ 282,855 001-2216-531.42-09 Computer Hardware 120 001-2216-531.42-12 Equipment - Safety 218 2,263 1,500 1,200 001-2216-531.42-19 Equipment - Other 1,679 1,130 1,500 1,500 * Capital Outlay 2,017 3,393 3,000 2,700 ** Maintenance 984,569 926,801 1,100,520 1,126,355 *** Engineering/Public Works 3,665,725 3,375,819 3,592,365 3,711,885 95 Fund: 001 General Department: 24 - Parks Division: 01 Administration The Administration Division of Parks Services is responsible for all planning and new development for the Parks Services Department in Paducah. Administrative duties include oversight of construction projects and renovations of grounds and facilities, initating grant programs, oversight of recreation programming, community awareness, and all related tasks necessary to upgrade present facilites and plan for future growth. BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Personal Services $ 467,443 $ 5 19,43 3 $ 531,760 $ 545,285 Contractuals $ 58,120 $ 54,813 $ 63,055 $ 63,655 Commodities $ 192,141 $ 184,127 $ 164,165 $ 180,995 Capital Outlay $ 1,128 $ 3,367 $ 250 $ 430 S 718,832 S 761,740 $ 759,230 S 790,365 Funded Staffing Level 7 7 7 7 DIVISION OUTPUTS: • Oversee construction and renovation of grounds and facilities • Oversee recreation programming • Raise community awareness of park services • Plan for future growth of services and facilities • Cemetery operations and planning • Park security through Park Ranger program • Issue special event permits • Facility rentals FY2014 OBJECTIVES: • Add shelter/restroom at Noble Park tennis courts • Provide method of bank stabilization for Noble Park Lake • Create fee schedule for permitting process • Begin Phase 3 of Greenway Trail • Create an expansion plan for Oak Grove Cemetery • Expand park ranger services to include new Greenway Trail areas as l ey open 96 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 CITY OF PALUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 Parks Services Administration 001-2401-534.10-01 Full Time/Regular 001-2401-534.10-02 Part Time/Regular 001-2401-534.10-05 Longevity 001-2401-534.12-01 Full Time/Regular OT 001-2401-534.12-02 Part Time/Regular OT 001-2401-534.14-01 FICA 001-2401-534.14.03 Medicare 001-2401-534.14-11 CERS - Non Hazardous 001-2401-534.14-17 Workers' Compensation 001-2401-534.14-19 Unemployment 001-2401-534.14 21 Life Insurance 001-2401-534.14-23 Cafeteria/Flex Plan 001-2401-534.16-10 Clothing Allowance 001-2401-534.16-35 Automobile allowance 001-2401-534.16-45 Gym Reimbursement * Personal Services 001-2401-534.21.02 Liability 001-2401-534.21-04 Property Damage 001-2401-534.21-05 Vehicle 00.1-2401-534.22-02 Computer Software LEVEL TEXT 1 REC TRAC M/A WEB TRAC M/A PAYMENT TECH INTERFACE WEB SERVER ANNUAL FEE PLUG N PLAY 001-2401-534.22-03 Copiers 001-2401-534.22-06 Communication Equipment LEVEL TEXT 1 11 RADIOS -- $10.84/MONTH MOTOROLA CONTRACT ($39.55/MONTH) 001-2401-534.23-06 Temporaries 001-2401-534.23-07 Other LEVEL TEXT 1 JAMES MARINE, BARGE RELATED EXPENSES BROOKS STADIUM TILGHMAN TORNADO LEAGUE PADUCAH MCCRACKEN SENIORS CITIZENS 252,690 282,318 288,765 299,205 69,779 70,990 75,350 76,800 2,066 2,521 2,580 3,540 860 1,020 1,000 1,000 1,195 1,285 1,000 1,000 18,896 20,515 20,935 22,230 4,419 4,798 4,900 5,200 44,573 55,605 58,320 58,505 4,100 4,522 5,655 4,685 1,997 1,037 85 560 964 1,311 1,065 915 58,178 65,868 62,820 63,795 1,583 1,620 2,325 1,650 6,023 6,023 6,000 6,000 120 960 467,443 519,433 531,760 545,285 5,719 5,435 5,375 5,480 15,189 14,840 14,990 15,435 3,977 4,131 5,585 4,590 4,883 4,883 5,340 5,340 97 TEXT A.MT 3,065 1,350 150 595 180 5,340 1,816 2,549 3,135 3,300 3,947 2,122 1,530 1,910 TEXT AMT 1,435 475 1,910 212 3,929 22,377 16,924 27,100 27,600 TEXT PMT 10,000 7,500 2,000 5,200 WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION PADUCAH CONCERT BAND NATURE PRESERVE MITIGATION * Contractual Services 001-2401-534.31-03 Fuel LEVEL TEXT 1 3600 GAL GASOLINE C $3.75 001-2401-534.33-01 Fleet Charges 001-2401-534.33-02 Vehicle Lease 001 -2401 -534.33 -OS Property/Plant 001-2401-534.35-03 Office 001-2401-534.37-01 Electricity LEVEL TEXT 1 2956 PARK AVE 1410 H C MATHIS DR 001-2401.534.37-03 Natural Gas LEVEL TEXT 1 2956 PARK AVE 1400 HC MATHIS 001-2401-534.37-05 Telephone LEVEL TEXT 1 OTHER (TNCI & ATT) CELL PHONE STIPEND (2 C $480 PER YEAR) 001-2401-534.37-07 Water LEVEL TEXT 1 SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER 2956 PARK AVE FISCAL YEAR 2014 001-2401-534.38-01 Training & Travel 001-2401-534.38-05 Dues,Mbrships,Books/Subs 001-2401-534.39-01 Advertisement Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 3,400 3,500 27,600 58,120 ----- 54,813 ---- --- -- ------------ 63,055 63,655 10,865 11,766 13,200 13,500 TEXT AMT 13,500 13,500 5,861 9,542 8,500 8,500 9,654 9,933 9,810 9,540 64,081 52,339 25,930 45,000 5,017 6,377 7,050 7,900 68,948 66,100 72,000 69,260 TEXT AMT 4,260 65,000 69,260 10,721 10,118 10,940 10,600 TEXT AMT 1,600 9,000 10,600 3,019 3,132 1,060 1,040 TEXT AMT 80 960 1, 040 7,555 4,106 4,500 4,500 TEXT AMT 1,800 2,700 4,500 4,303 9,089 9,235 9,385 2,065 1,625 1,840 1,770 52 '----------- ----- ------- 100 ----- ------- ------------ 93 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 * Commodities 192,141 184,127 164,165 180,995 001-2401-534.42.19 Equipment - Other 1,128 3,367 250 430 * Capital Outlay ------------ 1,128 ------------ 3,367 -__---- _---. 250 -------- _-__ 430 ** Administration _ 718.832 ____________ 761,740 759,230 790,365 99 Fund: 001 General Department: 24 - Parks Division: 02 Grounds & Cemetery Maintenance The Parks Grounds & Cemetery Maintenance Division of Parks Services' primary goal is to maintain an attractive, safe, and well -kept series of parks for users. BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Personal Services $ 956,178 $ 926,544 $ 997,720 $1,007,350 Contractuals $ 202,679 $ 169,679 $ 169,125 $ 187,390 Commodities $ 243,501 $ 321,981 $ 306,595 $ 283,830 Capital Outlay $ 34,825 $ 5,018 $ 7,235 $ 3,000 $1,437,183 $1,423,222 $1,480,675 1 $1,481,570 Funded Staffing Level 1 171 171 171 17 DIVISION OUTPUTS: Maintain park facilities and amenities Support special events, activities, and festivals city-wide Maintain playing surfaces of sports facilities Increase attention to maintaining attractive parks FY2014 OBJECTIVES: • Expand safety training program in conjunction with Risk Manager which will reduce accidents/incidents • Continue the fall over seeding program of grass areas targeting sports fields to improve safety for participants • Lower cost of labor in mowing areas by creating zone management • Reduce excess mulch in downtown area and replant with new evergreen or deciduous plant 100 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY FISCAL YEAR 2014 LEVEL TEXT 1 9000 GAL GASOLINE C� $3.75 3400 GAL DIESEL g $4.00 001-2402-534.33-01 Fleet Charges 001-2402-534.33-02 Vehicle Lease 101 TEXT ANT 33,750 13,600 47,350 46,806 57,130 55,000 60,000 29,984 35,272 40,675 39,200 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 Grounds & Cemetery Maint. 001 2402-534.10-01 Full Time/Regular 593,048 562,337 604,340 611,260 001-2402-534.10-02 Part Time/Regular 12,740 14,964 15,600 15,600 001-2402-534.10-05 Longevity 6,509 6,753 6,600 8,760 001-2402-534.12-01 Full Time/Regular OT 10,143 9,607 10,015 10,000 001-2402-534.14-01 FICA 35,504 34,037 36,665 36,975 001-2402-534.14-03 Medicare 6,304 7,960 8,575 8,650 001-2402-534.14-11 CERS - Non Hazardous 103,970 108,221 121,395 120,090 001-2402-534.14-17 Workers' Compensation 19,220 17,713 18,220 15,905 001 2402-534.14-19 Unemployment 3,733 1,690 140 940 001-2402-534.14-21 Life Insurance 2,953 3,538 3,000 2,590 001-2402-534.14-23 Cafeteria/Flex Plan 155,941 155,619 167,000 170,410 001-2402-534.16-40 Boot Allowance 2,703 2,635 4,250 4,250 001-2402-534.16-45 Gym Reimbursement 1,410 1,470 1,920 1,920 * Personal Services 956,178 926,544 997,720 1,007,350 001-2402-534.20-04 Landfill 1,002 702 1,000 1,000 001-2402-534.21-02 Liability 10,473 9,570 10,155 10,360 001-2402-534.21-04 Property Damage 1,944 1,940 2,000 001 -2402 -534.21 -OS Vehicle 8,503 9,271 7,950 8,110 001-2402-534.22-06 Communication Equipment 3,490 2,143 3,150 2,520 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 16 RADIOS .R $10.84/MONTH 2,085 MOTOROLA CONTRACT ($35.85/MONTH) 435 2,520 001-2402-534.23-04 Laundry 6,224 5,923 6,370 6,900 001-2402-534.23-06 Temporaries 97,477 86,836 88,050 95,000 001-2402-534.23-07 Other 14,574 10 001-2402-534.23-10 7ree/weed/Debris Mgmt 60,936 53,290 50,500 61,500 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 104 CITY -OWNED LOTS MOWED ON CONTRACT EVERY 2 WKS TREE, DEBRIS REMOVAL 61,500 61,500 * Contractual Services 202,679 169,679 169,125 187,390 001-2402-534.31-03 Fuel 42,822 52,x89 50,365 47,350 LEVEL TEXT 1 9000 GAL GASOLINE C� $3.75 3400 GAL DIESEL g $4.00 001-2402-534.33-01 Fleet Charges 001-2402-534.33-02 Vehicle Lease 101 TEXT ANT 33,750 13,600 47,350 46,806 57,130 55,000 60,000 29,984 35,272 40,675 39,200 RUN DATE: 07/ WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 001-2402-534.37-07 Water 001-2402-534.37-11 Refuse 001-2402-534.38-01 Training & Travel 001-2402-534.38-05 Dues,Mbrships,Books/Subs * Commodities 001-2402-534.42-12 Equipment - Safety 001-2402-534.42-19 Equipment - Other * Capital Outlay ** Grounds & Cemetery Maint 365 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 001-2402-534.33-05 Property/Plant 7,451 28,063 18,060 19,000 001-2402-534.35-03 Office 1,883 2,366 2,200 2,500 001-2402.534.35-15 Grounds Maintenance 55,890 56,684 51,985 50,000 001-2402-534.35 19 Janitorial 54 259 500 ------------ ------------ 5,018 001-2402-534.37-01 Electricity 35,595 40,343 35,500 15,800 LEVEL TEXT TEXT ANT 1 101 JEFFERSON ST UNIT A (RESTROOM) 13,000 1615 PARK AVE 500 1613 PARK AVE 2,000 135 BROADWAY 300 15,800 001-2402-534.37-03 Natural Gas 2,974 1,678 4,400 1,750 001-2402-534.37-05 Telephone 4,846 3,922 2,370 2,160 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 PHONE CARDS FOR GROUNDS MAINT STAFF (12 C $25) 300 VCI ($35/PER MONTH) 420 CELL PHONE STIPEND (3 C $480 PER YEAR) 1,440 2,160 001-2402-534.37-07 Water 001-2402-534.37-11 Refuse 001-2402-534.38-01 Training & Travel 001-2402-534.38-05 Dues,Mbrships,Books/Subs * Commodities 001-2402-534.42-12 Equipment - Safety 001-2402-534.42-19 Equipment - Other * Capital Outlay ** Grounds & Cemetery Maint 365 29,112 31,000 32,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 4,465 4,128 3,940 3,805 366 135 400 265 _-- ------------ --- 243,501 ---..---- ------------ 321,981 .. 306,595 ------- 283,830 2,766 2,714 2,575 3,000 32,059 2,304 4,660 --'--------- ------------ 34,825 ------------ ------------ 5,018 7,235 3,000 ---- --- -- --- ------------ 1.437,183 ------------ ------------ 1,423,222 1,480,675 1,481,570 102 Fund: 001 General Department: 24 - Parks Division: 04 Pool This division provides open swimming and structured classes to all citizens in a totally safe environment at economical prices. BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Personal Services $ 43,557 $ 43,849 $ 51,215 $ 72,080 Contractuals $ 6,030 $ 5,626 $ 8,130 $ 8,510 Commodities $ 112,465 $ 68,738 $ 73,255 $ 76,200 Capital Outlay $ - $ - $ 24,485 $ - $ 162,052 $ 118,213 $ 157,085 $ 156,790 DIVISION OUTPUTS: • Oversee operation of pool • Oversee operation of sprayground • Provide swimming lessons FY2014 OBJECTIVES: • Increase attendance at pool • Partner with local organization to offer swimming lessons to lower income families • Expand junior lifeguard program 103 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 Pool 001-2404-534.10-02 Part Time/Regular 001-2404-534.12-02 Part Time/Regular OT 001-2404-534.14.01 FICA 001-2404-534.14-03 Medicare 001-2404-534.14-17 Workers' Compensation 001-2404-534.14-19 Unemployment * Personal Services 001-2404-534.21-02 Liability 001-2404-534.21-04 Property Damage 001-2404-534.23-07 Other * Contractual Services 001-2404-534.33-05 Property/Plant 001-2404-534.35-03 Office 001-2404-534.35-19 Janitorial 001-2404-534.35-23 Plater Treatment 001-2404-534.35-31 Concessions 001-2404-534.37-01 Electricity 001-2404-534.37-05 Telephone LEVEL TEXT 1 VCI INTERNET ($80/MONTH) 38,171 38,581 45,290 64,460 861 823 1,000 1,000 2,420 2,443 2,870 4,000 566 571 675 935 1,320 1,344 1,370 1,595 219 87 10 90 ------------ ------------ 43,557 ------------ 43,849 ------------ 51,215 72,080 922 1,156 900 915 4,104 3,976 3,980 4,095 1,004 494 3,250 ---- ------------ 3,500 ------------ ------------ 6,030 --- 5,626 ----- 8,130 8,510 77,633 24,940 24,900 24,140 338 303 800 500 500 9,428 15,044 18,000 18,000 3,759 7,495 6,000 7,082 7,559 6,000 8,000 1,381 1,443 960 960 TEXT AMT 960 960 001-2404-534.37-07 Water 13,644 14,010 11,000 15,000 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 BLACKBURN PARK (ROBERT COLEMAN SPRAY PARK) 3,000 NOBLE PARK POOL 12,000 15,000 001-2404-534.38-01 Training & Travel 2,959 1,680 ------------ 3,600 ------------ 3,600 ------------ * Commodities 112,465 ------------ 68,738 73,255 76,200 001-2404-534.42-19 Equipment - other ------------ ------------ 24,485 -- ---------- ------------ * Capital outlay ------------ -------- -- -------------- 24,485 ----- ------- ** Pool 162,052 118,213 157,085 156,790 104 Fund: 001 General Department: 24 - Parks Division: 05 Recreation Programs This division provides citizens and visitors with the opportunity to participate in quality recreation programs and leisure activities in an appropriate facility or location and safe enviromnent, at reasonable or no cost to the user. BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Personal Services $ 136,231 $ 125,110 $ 216,780 $ 181,765 Contractuals $ 21,097 $ 22,165 $ 23,095 $ 21,710 Commodities $ 306,268 $ 222,316 $ 216,820 $ 228,230 Capital Outlay $ - $ 5,016 $ 2,230 $ 7,000 $ 463,596 S 374,607 $ 458,925 1 $ 438,705 DIVISION OUTPUTS: • Administer recreation programs • Oversee contractual programs • Special event programming FY2014 OBJECTIVES: • Offer new classes and leagues at Paducah Recreation Center • Add fitness program to Neighborhood After School Program • Add mentor program to Neighborhood After School Program • Collect program and participant evaluations to support program offerings that meet community needs 105 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10,20:10 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Recreacion Programs 001-2405-534.10-02 Part Time/Regular 001-2405-534.12-02 Part Time/Regular OT 001-2405-534.14-01 FICA 001-2405-534.14-03 Medicare 001-2405-534.14-17 Workers' Compensation 001-2405-534.14-19 Unemployment * Personal Services 001-2405-534.21-02 Liability 001-2405-534.21-04 Property Damage 001-2405-S34.23 07 Other 001-2405-534.24-01 Rental Equipment * Contractual Services 001 -2405 -534.33 -OS Property/Plant LEVEL TEXT 1 REPAIR & MAINT FOR REC CENTER 001-2405-534.35-03 Office 001-2405-534.35-27 Rec Program LEVEL TEXT 1 FIREWORKS KIDZ CLUB SPECIAL POPS CAMP TOT SCHOOL BREAK CAMPS CHRISTMAS PARADE VETRANS DAY PARADE SOFTBALL LEAGUE PAC PRC REC PROGRAMS OTHER PROGRAMS 001-2405-534,35-31 Concessions 001-2405-534.37-01 Electricity LEVEL TEXT 1 2800 PARK AVE 600 WASHINGTON ST B STREET 1101 S 9TH ST BLACKBURN PARK 2900 PARK AVE Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 121,092 110,388 195,880 164,840 401 1,051 60 7,533 6,909 12,150 10,220 1,762 1,616 2,845 2,390 4,745 4,864 5,800 4,075 698 282 45 240 136,231 125,110 216,780 161,765 4,765 3,967 4,225 3,800 6,504 6,481 7,280 7,500 589 613 2,090 3,910 9,239 11,104 9,500 6,500 21,097 22,165 23,095 21,710 111,226 32,689 12,565 25,000 TEXT A.MT 25,000 25,000 110 1,000 1,000 64,680 70,932 86,600 81,145 TEXT AMT 17,900 4,015 1,800 1,500 1,200 6,600 2,975 6,385 7,550 8,520 22,700 81,145 3,509 68,558 60,182 63,000 63,000 TEXT AMT 750 4,500 5,400 250 5,000 3,500 106 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 STUART NELSON RD 2,500 NOBLE PARK 3,000 2801 PARK AVE (MULTIPLE METERS) 22,675 KOLB PARK RESTROOMS 400 GIRL SCOUT BUILDING 1,800 2900 NOBLE PARK 400 825 JOE BRYAN DR 500 BLACKBURN PARK & 9TH 800 2500 BROOKS STADIUM DR 2,000 3000 BROADWAY 200 1525 MLK SR DR 7,500 2200 S 25TH ST 1,500 2560 CAIRO RD 325 63,000 001-2405 534.37-03 Natural Gas 4,906 1,493 2,310 2,000 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 1525 MLK DR 2,000 2,000 001-2405 534.37-05 Telephone 2,204 2,162 1,115 1,315 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 OTHER (ATT) 15 TNCI (INTERNET C $75 PER MONTH) 900 TNCI (PHONE C $33 PER MONTH) 400 1,315 001-2405-534.37-07 Water 5,914 14,277 12,000 13,885 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 STUART NELSON PARK 800 PARKS & REC 1,755 KOLB PARK POOL 785 BALL PARK/CRUISE 2,875 NOBLE PARK REST ROOMS 550 2915 PARK AVE 975 NOBLE PARK 880 2260 C ST 575 1527 MLK 415 2500 BROOKS STADIUM 4,090 PARKS & REC PARK AVE & LEVIN 160 825 JOE BRYAN DR 10 KEILER PARK 15 13,885 001-2405-534.37-13 Athletic Lighting 23,110 23,197 24,500 24,500 107 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 001-2405-534.38-01 Training & Travel 001-2405-534.39-01 Advertisement 001-2405-534.39-05 Postage * Commodities 001-2405-534.42-19 Equipment - Other CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY FISCAL YEAR 2014 LEVEL TEXT 1 RANGER CART TO PATROL GREENWAY TRAIL * Capital Outlay ** Recreation Programs *** Parks Services Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 724 1,398 1,500 1,200 12,180 14,551 10,045 12,500 9,257 1,325 2,185 2,685 ---------- -- 306,268 ------------ 222,316 --------- -- - 216,820 ------------ 228,230 5,016 2,230 7,000 TEXT AMT 7,000 7,000 ____________ 5,016 ____________ 2,230 ____________ 7,000 ------------ ------------ 463,596 ------------ 374,607 ----------- 458,925 ---- 438,705 .________--- ------------ 2,781,663 -- --------- 2,677,782 ------- 2,855,915 2,867,430 108 Fund: 001 General Department: 28 Cable Authority Division: l 1 Cable Authority BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Personal Services $ - $ - $ - $ Contractuals $ 84,184 $ 84,408 $ 83,575 $ 81,585 Commodities $ 5 $ 5 $ 5 $ 10 Capital Outlay $ - $ - $ - $ 5 84,189 $ 84,413 1 S 83,580 S 81,595 DIVISION OUTPUTS: FY2014 Objectives: 109 RUN DATE: 07/16/. WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 Cable Authority Cable Authority 001-2811-535.21-02 Liability 633 001-2811-535.23-07 Other 60,000 LEVEL TEXT 1 IN JANUARY 2006, WHEN THE STATE PREEMPTED OUR FRANCHISE FEE PAYMENTS, THE CITY HELD THE COLLEGE HARMLESS AND INCREASED ANNUAL PAYMENTS TO PJC TO $70,000. IN FY2010, THE PAYMENT WAS REDUCED BY $10,000 TO $60,000. DUE TO EFFICIENCIES IN THE NEW CAMERA EQPT. RESULTING IN ONE LESS PERSON REQUIRED TO MAN THE CAMERAS. ADDITIONALLY, PSC RECEIVES $0.25/HH/MONTH IN PEG PAYMENTS AS A PASS- THRU FROM THE CITY PER CONTRACT AGREEMENT. THE FRANCHISE AGREEMENT WITH COMCAST CALLS FOR AN AUTOMATIC COST OF LIVING INCREASE EVERY 2 YEARS PER SECTION 13 (A). Actual Revised Adopted 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 570 60,000 TEXT AMT 60,000 575 585 60,000 60,000 60,000 001-2811-535.23-17 PEG Payments 23,551 23,838 23,000 21,000 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 COMCAST PASS TERN TO PJC, ($0.25/HH/MONTH) MR0027 21,000 * Contractual Services 001-2811-535.37-05 Telephone LEVEL TEXT 1 OTHER (TNCI & ATT) * Commodities ** Cable Authority *** Cable Authority 21,000 ----- ____--- _. ___... .___ ____._-._______--- ______ 84,184 84,408 83,575 81,585 5 5 5 10 TEXT AMT 10 10 ------------ ----- ------ ------------ ---.-_______ 5 5 S 10 ____________ _____.____-- ______------ 84,189 84,413 83,580 81,595 84,189 84,413 83,580 81,595 110 Fund: 001 General Department: 30 Human Rights Division: 11 Administration The Paducah Human Rights Commission was formed May 26, 1964 to safeguard all individuals within the City of Paducah and McCracken County from discrimination in housing, employment and public services, especially when it comes to race, color, ADA, age, religion, gender, sexual orientation and national origin. BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Personal Services $ - $ - $ - $ - Contractuals $ 43,551 $ 40,224 $ 25,200 $ 25,615 Commodities $ 6,208 $ 13,327 $ 16,770 $ 16,355 Capital Outlay $ - $ - $ - $ - $53,551 I S 41,970 1 S 41,970 Funded Staffing Level 1j_ 01 01 0 DIVISION OUTPUTS: • Advocate for human and civil rights • Investigate and mediate discrimination complaints. When appropriate, we provide referrals to other government agencies • Resolve community disputes and issues involving individual or systematic illegal discrimination • Advise the City of Paducah on human rights issues • Collaborate with public and private sectors to promote education on how to prevent and eliminate discrimination citywide FY2014 OBJECTIVES: RUN DATE: 07/16/13, WORKSHEET DRAFTEXP ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Human Rights Administration 001-3011-514.21-02 Liability 001-3011-514.22-03 Copiers 001-3011-514.23-06 Temporaries LEVEL TEXT 1 CONTRACTUAL OFFICE ASST FISCAL YEAR 2014 001-3011-514.23-07 Other * Contractual Services 001-3011-514.35-03 Office 001-3011-514.37-05 Telephone 001-3011-514.38-01 Training & Travel 001-3011-514.38-05 Dues,Mbrships,Books/Subs 001-3011-514.38-06 Education and Outreach LEVEL TEXT 1 EVENING OF PERFORMANCE, OTHER PROGRAMS 001-3011-514.39-01 Advertisement 001-3011-514.39-05 Postage 001-3011-514.39-09 Promotions * Commodities ** Administration *** Human Rights Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 446 329 330 335 820 1,280 1,280 27,960 26,126 23,415 20,000 TEXT AMT 20,000 20,000 14,325 13,769 175 4,000 43,551 40,224 25,200 25,615 723 1,140 3,135 900 908 900 75 15 75 132 265 500 135 135 150 150 2,700 7,148 7,185 9,140 TEXT AMT 9,140 9,140 1,447 3,508 5,485 4,000 220 210 200 150 154 275 1,500 _______________________ 6,208 ____________ 13,327 ____________ 16,770 ------ 16,355 ______ ------------ 49,759 .. .____________________ 53,551 41,970 ___ 41,970 ------ ___ ------------ 49,759 ---- .-..----- ____________ 53,551 41,970 41,970 112 Fund 001 General Department: 33 Engineering - Public Works Division: 07 Engineering Services This division provides engineering support services for various governmental departments and divisions; administers infrastructure related capital improvements, storm water, right of way, and sewer connection regulations; maintains City infrastructure and property records; coordinates local regulatory responsibilities with various state and federal agencies; participates in the development site plan and subdivision review process; and provides reliable professional assistance to the public to ensure the construction and maintenance of public infrastructure is carried out in a cost-effective manner, in accordance with sound engineering principles and practices, to help protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public and to improve the overall quality of life within the community. BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Personal Services $ 498,057 $ 485,107 $ 558,630 $ 514,520 Contractuals $ 10,811 $ 7,837 $ 13,625 $ 20,545 Commodities $ 35,608 $ 27,476 $ 26,550 $ 22,565 Capital Outlay $ 6,975 $ 1,549 $ 10,140 $ 4,000 S 551,451 $ 521,969 1 $ 608,945 $ 561,630 Funded Staffing Level 71 7.61 7.61 6.6 DIVISION OUTPUTS: • Manage capital improvement projects • Approve site plans and subdivisions • Administer MAP program • Manages & supports all divisions of Public Works & Flood Control FY2014 OBJECTIVES: 113 RUN DATE. 07/16/13, WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Engineering/Public Works Engineering Services 001-3307-532.10-01 Full Time/Regular 001-3307-532.10-05 Longevity 001-3307-532.12.01 Full Time/Regular OT 001-3307-532.14-01 FICA 001-3307-532.14-03 Medicare 001-3307-532.14-11 CERS - Non Hazardous 001-3307-532.14-17 Workers' Compensation 001-3307-532.14-19 Unemployment 001-3307-532.14-21 Life Insurance 001-3307-532.14-23 Cafeteria/Flex Plan 001-3307-532.16-10 Clothing Allowance 001-3307-532.16-35 Automobile allowance 001-3307-532.16-40 Boot Allowance 001 3307-532.16-45 Gym Reimbursement FISCAL YEAR 2014 * Personal Services 001-3307-532.21-02 Liability 001 3307-532.21-05 vehicle 001-3307-532.22-03 Copiers 001-3307-532.22-06 Communication Equipment LEVEL TEXT 1 1 RADIO - $10.84/MONTH 001-3307-532.23-04 Laundry 001-3307-532.23-07 Other Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 340,613 331,859 367,570 345,925 4,152 3,962 4,070 4,010 2,349 288 750 300 20,626 19,553 22,215 19,870 4,824 4,573 5,260 4,700 59,986 64,817 76,650 67,370 5,970 5,054 6,460 5,015 2,122 970 90 515 1,000 1,225 1,155 865 47,689 46,583 66,960 58,750 282 604 1,000 1,000 5,788 4,818 4,800 4,800 711 154 900 650 1,945 647 750 ------------ 750 ------------ ------------ 498,057 ------------ 485,107 558,630 514,520 4,234 4,144 4,235 4,315 2,115 2,080 2,055 2,095 2,064 217 130 135 135 LEVEL TEXT 1 ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR ALLEN LN STORM SEWER RECONSTRUCTION, 21ST STREET TORO SURVEY MISCELLANEOUS * Contractual Services 001-3307-532.31-03 Fuel LEVEL TEXT 1 1100 GAL GASOLINE �e $3.75 TEXT AMT 135 135 500 56 1,681 1,427 7,200 14,000 TEXT AMT 10.000 4,000 14,000 -------------------__--- ----------- ---- _---____ 10,811 7,837 13,625 20,545 3,643 3,470 4,340 4,125 TEXT AMT 4,125 4.125 001-3307-532.33-01 Fleet Charges 1,204 807 2,035 3,000 001-3307-532.33-02 Vehicle Lease 4,469 3,646 3,560 1,430 001-3307-532.35-03 Office 5,409 4,492 4,500 4,500 001-3307-532.35-13 Field Operation Supplies 583 498 500 500 114 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, WORKSHEET: ORAFTEXP ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 001-3307-532 37-05 Telephone LEVEL TEXT 1 OTHER (TNCI & ATT) VERIZON ($40/MONTH) CELL PHONE STIPEND FISCAL YEAR 2014 001-3307-532.38-01 Training & Travel 001-3307-532.38-05 Dues,Mbrships,eooks/Subs 001-3307-532.38-07 Education (tuition reimb) 001-3307-532.39-01 Advertisement 001-3307-532.39-05 Postage 001-3307-532.39-07 Printing * Commodities 001-3307-532.42-01 Furniture & Fixtures 001-3307-532.42-09 Computer Hardware 001-3307-532.42-11 Computer Software 001-3307-532.42-12 Equipment - Safety * Capital Outlay *+ Engineering Services Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 9,292 10,173 4,265 1,810 TEXT AMT 80 480 1,250 1,810 7,816 2,380 4,500 4,500 353 297 400 400 1,237 493 510 485 500 500 1,021 735 1,450 1,300 71 500 S00 ------------ 35,608 ------------ 27,476 ------------ 26,550 ------------ 22,565 1,079 5,245 1,134 8,140 2,000 651 1,500 1,500 415 500 500 --- ------------ 6,975 -------- --- 1,549 ------------ 10,140 -_------- 4,000 _--___-__--- ------------ 551.451 ------------- 521,969 -----..----- 608,945 561,630 115 Fund: 001 General Department: 33 Engineering - Public Works Division: 08 Flood Control The Flood Control Division operates and maintains the City's floodwall and related appurtenances in an efficient, effective manner, in order to ensure the highest level of preparedness for operation necessary to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public during flooding conditions on the Ohio River. BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Personal Services $ 482,951 $ 363,620 $ 378,020 $ 389,190 Contractuals $ 538,224 $ 65,412 $ 40,970 $ 43,720 Commodities $ 171,708 $ 113,529 $ 110,010 $ 117,280 Capital Outlay $ - $ 709 $ 945 $ 500 $1,192,883 1 S 543,270 1 S 529,945 S 550,690 Funded Staffing Level 5L 51 51 5 DIVISION OUTPUTS: • Permit, operate, and maintain levee system, including pump stations, pipe gates, and vehicular openings FY2014 Objectives: 116 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 Flood Control 001-3308-532.10-01 Full Time/Regular 001-3308-532.10-02 Part Time/Regular 001-33308-532.10-05 Longevity 001-3308-532.12-01 Full Time/Regular OT 001-3308-532.12-02 Part Time/Regular OT 001-3308-532.14-01 FICA 001-3308-532.14-03 Medicare 001-3308-532.14-11 CERS - Non Hazardous 001-3308-532.14-17 Workers' Compensation 001-3308.532.14-19 Unemployment 001-3308-532.14-21 Life Insurance 001-3308-532.14-23 Cafeteria/Flex Plan 001-3308-532.16-10 Clothing Allowance 001-3308-532.16-40 Boot Allowance 001-3308-532.16-45 Gym Reimbursement Personal Services 001 3308-532.21-02 Liability 001-3308-532.21-04 Property Damage 001-3308-532.21-05 Vehicle 001-3308-532.22-06 Communication Equipment LEVEL TEXT 1 6 RADIOS C $10.84/MONTH MOTOROLA CONTRACT ($14.34/MONTH) 001-3308-532.23-04 Laundry 001-3308-532.23-07 Other 001-3308-532.23-10 Tree/Weed/Debris Mgmt 001-3308-532.24-01 Rental Equipment 206,579 191,397 210,640 214,430 82,170 30,099 29,995 29,995 3,017 3,235 3,480 4,020 22,213 11,277 8,000 7,995 41,168 10,828 10,015 10,000 21,133 14,568 15,385 15,635 4,942 3,407 3,600 3,660 39,490 38,794 43,425 43,105 6,225 5,225 6,220 5,475 2,117 709 60 390 858 1,075 880 765 51,668 51,247 44,050 51,500 300 250 999 691 1,250 1,250 372 1,068 720 720 ____________ ____________ 482,951 ______------ 363,620 ____________ 378,020 389,190 3,641 3,424 3,635 3,710 13,690 13,241 13,110 13,500 2,690 2,534 1,775 2,950 780 780 950 960 TEXT AMT 785 175 960 2,489 2,187 2,500 1,600 514,073 39,510 440 220 15,000 15,000 421 3,516 4,000 6,000 LEVEL TEXT 1 STUMP REMOVAL, SURFACE RESTORATION FOLLOWING TREE REMOVAL * Contractual Services 001-3308-532.31-03 Fuel LEVEL TEXT 1 1500 GAL GASOLINE Ca $3.75 2000 GAL DIESEL X $4.00 001-3308-532.33-01 Fleet Charges TEXT AMT 10,000 10,000 ____________________________________ 538,224 65,412 40,970 43,720 22.448 10,605 11,715 13,625 117 TEXT AMT 5,625 8,000 13,625 9,333 8,376 8,000 6,000 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 0013308-532.33-02 Vehicle Lease 11,722 16,843 17,760 16,485 001-3308-532.33-04 Vehicle - self repair 242 244 250 250 001-3308-532.33-05 Property/Plant 12,066 20,966 24,070 29,000 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 PERMANENTLY SEAL UNNECESSARY FLOODWALL OPENINGS 14,000 REPAIR VARIABLE DREG DRIVE -PUMP PLANT 2, PUMP 47 15,000 29,000 001-3308-532.35-13 Field Operation Supplies 1,294 1,490 1,500 1,500 001-3308-532.35-19 Janitorial 225 152 300 250 001-33308-532.37-01 Electricity 107,672 39,860 35,000 40,000 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 NOBLE PARK 2,350 500 PARK AVE 1,200 1416 N 6TH ST 23,000 200 CLARK ST 150 200 TENNESSEE ST 100 300 CLAY ST 900 300 HARRISON ST 400 N OF MYERS 6,000 MILIKEN RD & RUDD 300 300 ELIZABETH 300 732 MARINE WAY 200 300 HUSBANDS ST 900 400 ELIZABETH 1,500 S 4TH ST 200 OTHER 2,500 40,000 001-3308-532.37-03 Natural Gas 1,285 1,185 1,470 1,300 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 1419 S 4TH ST 1,300 1,300 001-3308-532.37-05 Telephone 3,463 3,565 1,515 1,870 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 VCI ($112.50/MONTH) 1,350 CELL PHONE STIPEND (1 C $480 PER YEAR) 480 OTHER (TNCI & ATT) 40 1, 870 001 3308-532.37-07 Water 45S 917 500 500 001-3308-532.38-01 Training & Travel 1,479 93 825 500 001-3308-532.39-19 Constr.Materials/Streets 9,233 6,605 6,000 its RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 001-3308-532.39-21 Safety Equipment 24 500 Commodities ------------ 171,708 ---- -------- 113,529 --- --------- 110,010 117,280 001-3308 532.42-09 Computer Hardware 945 001-3308-5332.42-12 Equipment - SaEety 709 --_--_ 500 k Capital Outlay ------------ ---- --"-_--- 709 - ---- _----- 945 ------- --_-_ 500 +* Flood Control ------------ 1,192,883 ----- 543,270 529,945 550,690 *** Engineering/Public Works ____________ 1,744,334 __ _________ 1,065,239 1,138,890 1,112,320 119 Fund: 001 General Department: 35 Human Resources Division: 11 Human Resources & Risk The Human Resources Department formulates policies and develops programs in the fill] range of employment strategies to ensure compliance. The goal of Risk Management is to reduce accidents, injuries, and workers' compensation insurance costs for the City of Paducah through enhanced loss control efforts and risk financing strategies. BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Personal Services $ 102,668 $ 212,229 $ 218,895 $ 224,925 Contractuals $ 819 $ 30,842 $ 41,715 $ 37,935 Commodities $ 5,533 $ 49,381 $ 41,680 $ 39,430 Capital Outlay $ 870 $ - $ - $ - $ 109,890 $ 292,452 $ 302,290 S 302,290 Funded Staffing Level 1 31 31 3 DIVISION OUTPUTS: Fill vacant positions Administer employee benefits • Administer employee wellness program • Employee training and development • Develop and administer personnel policies and procedures • Manage general liability programs • Select, develop, and implement strategies for risk avoidance and program improvements • Provide risk management consultation on contracts, agreements, leases and vendor insurance certificates FY2014 OBJECTIVES: Implement performance evaluation system Establish appropriate strategy for navigating health care reform and employee benefits 120 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 Human Resources Human Resources & Risk 001-3511-513.10-01 Full Time/Regular 001-3511-513.10-05 Longevity 001-3511.513.14-01 FICA 001 3511-513.14-03 Medicare 001-3511-513.14-11 CERS - Non Hazardous 001-3511-513.14-17 Workers- Compensation 001-3511-513.14-19 Unemployment 001-3511-513.14-21 Life Insurance 001-3511-513.14-23 Cafeteria/Flex Plan 001-3511-513.16-35 Automobile allowance 001-3511-513.16-45 Gym Reimbursement * Personal Services 001-3511-513.21-02 Liability 001-3511-513.22-02 Computer Software LEVEL TEXT 1 HTE - HUMAN RESOURCES ODER CATALOG (HR) 001-3511 513.22-03 Copiers 001-3511-513.23-07 Other LEVEL TEXT 1 PI PERFORMANCE PRO RENEWAL NEOGOV (TO BE TRANSFERRED TO MR0045) FLU SHOTS/WELLNESS 72,432 150,470 149,080 156,065 337 530 460 660 4,670 8,816 8,950 9,405 1,092 2,062 2,095 2,200 13,560 27,940 29,335 29,700 650 684 815 830 461 432 35 230 151 707 715 395 3,000 20,354 26,430 24,000 5,769 8,300 _-- _-------- 8,455 '_. ------------------------ "- 819 30,842 546 234 960 1,440 ------------ 102,668 ------------ ------------ 212,229 ----- 218,895 224,925 819 2,546 2,020 2,080 3,619 3,625 3,625 TEXT AMT 001 3511-513.24-28 Life Insurance - Retirees LEVEL TEXT 1 154 RETIREES LIFE INSURANCE (CITY PAYS HAL 001-33511-513.24-33 Employee Assist Program • Contractual Services 001-3511-513.35-03 Office 001 3511-513.37-05 Telephone LEVEL TEXT 1 CELL PHONE STIPEND (1 - $480/YEAR) 3,300 325 3.625 1,203 2,140 1,175 11,455 21,850 19,000 TEXT AMT 7,900 5,000 4,000 2,100 19,000 3,749 3,780 3,600 TEXT AMT F) 3,600 3,600 8,270 8,300 _-- _-------- 8,455 '_. ------------------------ "- 819 30,842 ------- 41,715 37,935 139 2,016 3,110 2,000 950 2,470 530 560 TEXT AMT 480 121 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION OTHER (TNCI & ATT) CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY FISCAL YEAR 2014 001-3511-513.38-01 Training & Travel 001-3511-513.38-03 Training - Special (HR) 001-3511-513.38-04 Training - safety LEVEL TEXT I KLC ON-LINE UNIVERSITY, SAFETY VIDOES, ETC 001-3511-513.38-05 Dues,Mbrships,Books/Subs 001-3511-513.39-01 Advertisement LEVEL TEXT 1 NEWSPAPER AND PUBLICATION EMPLOYMENT ADS Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012. 2012-2013 2013-2014 80 560 757 3,341 2,500 2,500 515 1,200 1,200 2,231 577 2,000 2,000 TEXT AMT 2,000 2,000 1,265 1,964 2,240 2,200 4,509 2,500 2,500 TEXT AMT 2,500 2,500 39 641 600 600 3,350 3,000 3,000 5,907 2,000 6,870 TEXT AMT 6,870 6,870 152 24,091 22,000 16,000 TEXT AMT 16,000 16,000 ------------ ------------ ----------------- --_____ 5,533 49,381 41,680 39,430 870 ____________---- _------ _ ------ --- ____-_---- 870 ________________________ ____________ ____________ 109,890 292,452 302,290 302,290 --------------------- -__ _--------- --________-- 109,890 292,452 302,290 302,290 001-3511-513.39-05 Postage 001-3511-513.39-25 Testing Materials 001-3511-513.39-27 Post -Employment Test LEVEL TEXT 1 PSYCH AND RETURN TO WORK EVAL, PHYSICAL CAPABILITY 001-3511-513.39-28 Compliance -employment LEVEL TEXT 1 DRUG TESTING/HEP B SHOTS/PRE-EMPLOYMENT PHYSICALS * Commodities 001-3511-513.42-09 Computer Hardware * Capital Outlay ** Human Resources & Risk *** Human Resources 122 Fund: 001 General Department: 44 Paducah Renaissance Alliance Division: 11 PRA Paducah Renaissance Alliance, a national Main Street Program, serves and develops Paducah's Renaissance Area, The Renaissance Area includes the LowerTown Arts District, the historic downtown, and the riverfront development projects. Areas of focus include: economic development, marketing, historic preservation, and organization that recruits both hiiman and finanrial racnnrrvc BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Personal Services $ 206,739 $ 170,676 $ 208,150 $ 215,805 Contractuals $ - $ 3,000 $ 16,770 $ 18,410 Commodities $ 920 $ 190 $ 229,540 $ 213,105 Capital Outlay $ - $ - $ - $ 1,000 $ 207,659 S 173,866 1 S 454,460 1 $ 448,320 Funded Staffing Level 5 41 31 3 DIVISION OUTPUTS: • Recruitment of artists, merchants, and other businesses to Renaissance District • Develop and implement brand for PRA • Address inconsistent store and gallery homy • Manage a Holiday Promotion, LowerTown Arts & Music Festival, Farmers Market, Downtown After Dinner, and Second Saturday FY2014 Objectives: 123 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Main Street Main Street 001-4411-592.10-01 Full Time/Regular 001-4411-592.10-02 Part Time/Regular 001-4411-592.10-05 Longevity 001-4411-592.12-01 Full Time/Regular OT 001-4411-592.14-01 FICA 001-4411-592.14-03 Medicare 001-4411-592.14-11 CERS - Non Hazardous 001-4411-592.14-17 Workers' Compensation 001-4411-592.14-19 Unemployment 001-4411-592.14-21 Life Insurance 001-4411-592.14-23 Cafeteria/Flex Plan 001-4411-592.16-35 Automobile allowance 001-4411-592.16-45 Gym Reimbursement * Personal Services 001-4411-592.21-02 Liability 001-4411-592.21-04 Property Damage 001-4411-592.22-03 Copiers 001-4411-592.23-06 Temporaries 001-4411-592.23 07 Other 001-4411.592.24.01 Rental Equipment 001-4411-592.24-09 Rent * Contractual Services 001-4411-592.33-05 Property/Plant LEVEL TEXT 1 TEXACO (SCOTTS LAWN SERVICE) OFFICE/WINDOW CLEANING 001-4411-592.35-03 Office 001-4411-592.37-01 Electricity LEVEL TEXT 1 306 N 2ND ST (FARMERS MARKET) 605 BROADWAY 402 N 7TH (TEXACO) COLUMBIA SMEDLEY YEISER 427 N 6TH ST 001-4411-592.37-03 Natural Gas Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 148,132 121,410 142,610 145,200 186 4,700 7,540 179 77 180 360 794 1,045 8,514 6,988 8,235 8,760 1,991 1,634 1,925 2,050 24,254 23,096 27,920 27,025 266 214 185 200 947 348 35 220 490 497 460 395 20,848 14,767 20,820 23,700 462- 600 600 1,080 355 -- ---- ------------------------ 206,739 ------------ 170,676 ------ 208,150 215,805 3,070 3,135 385 1,250 1,445 500 2,000 3,000 125 125 11,745 --------.--- 11,400 --------- ------ ------------ -- 3,000 ---- ---- -- 16,770 18,410 4,470 2,550 TEXT AMT 300 2,250 2,550 4,350 3,000 4.500 6,450 TEXT AMT 600 3,250 960 500 780 360 6.450 1,845 2,020 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 124 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 605 BROADWAY 533 MADISON (SMEDLEY YEISER) CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY FISCAL YEAR 2014 001-4411-592.37-05 Telephone LEVEL TEXT 1 OTHER (TNCI & ATT) CELL PHONE STIPEND (2 a $480 PER YEAR) VCI INTERNET ($35/PER MONTH) 001-4411-592.37-07 Water LEVEL TEXT 1 400 N 7TH ST (TEXACO) 533 MADISON (SMEDLEY YEISER) 001-4411-592.38-01 Training & Travel 001-4411-592.38-05 Dues,Mbrships,eooks/Subs 001-4411-592.39-01 Advertisement 001 -4411 -592.39 -OS Postage 001-4411-592.39-07 Printing 001-4411-592,39-30 Econ Dev/Hist Pres LEVEL TEXT 1 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ARTIST IN RESIDENCE FESTIVAL SPONSORSHIP ARTISTS RECRUITMENT BUSINESS RECRUITMENT DOWNTOWN LIVING INITIATIVE PRESERVATION PROGRAM PROMOTIONS FARMERS MARKET LIVE ON BROADWAY MERRIMENT PIECING TOGETHER PADUCAH OTHER EVENTS DESIGN TOM SAWYER DAY GATEWAY PROJECT ARTIST RELOCATION PROPERTIES ORGANIZATION BOARD TRAINING Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 1,600 420 2,020 920 190 960 1,445 TEXT AMT 65 960 420 1,445 125 TEXT AMT 540 500 1,040 TEXT AMT 5,100 5,000 2,500 10,000 5,000 5, 000 2,000 40,000 7, 000 3,500 5,000 2, 500 20,000 10,000 1, 500 124. 100 520 1,040 4,745 6,000 1,420 1,200 48,190 50,000 195 300 14,095 15,000 144,250 124,100 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION * Commodities 001-4411-592.42-09 Computer Hardware * Capital Outlay ** Main Street *** Main Street CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 920 190 229,540 213,105 1,000 - ____--------____________ 1,000 207,659 173,866 454,460 448,320 _--- _____--- ______________"_'__----- ___________- 207,659 173,866 454,460 448,320 126 Fund 001 General Department: 88 Special Projects Division: 88 Match Funds BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Personal Services $ - $ - $ $ - Contractuals $ $ $ $ Commodities $ $ $ $ Capital Outlay $ $ $ $ Leave Expense $ 19,356 $ 45,967 $ $ Grant Match/Intergovern $ 304,977 $ 312,790 $ $ $ 324,333 $ 358,757 i $ $ FY2014 Objectives: 127 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Special Projects Match Funds 001-8888-777.77-77 Short Term Part of Leave * Leave Expense 001-8888-888.88-89 PJC Property Taxes * Grant Match/Intergovern ** Match Funds _** Special Projects Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 19,356 45,967 ___ ____________ 19,356 45,967 304,977 312,790 _ --------- __-------- ----_ 304,977 312,790 324,333 358,757 324.333 358,757 128 Fund: 001 General Department: 99 Interfund 'Transfers Division: 99 Interfund Transfers BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Personal Services $ - $ - $ $ Contractuals $ $ $ - $ Commodities $ $ $ $ Capital Outlay $ $ $ $ Interfund Transfers $2,110,052 $1,937,494 $1,814,555 $1,640,455 $2,110,052 St,937,494 $1,814,555 $1,640,455 FY2014 Objectives: 129 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:20:10 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Interfund Transfers Interfund Transfers 001-9999-699.90-02 Grant Fund 001-9999-699.90-11 Telecommunications Fund 001-9999-699.90-12 E911 Fund 001.9999-699.90-30 Debt Service Fund LEVEL TEXT 1 CITY'S GENERAL FUND SHARE OF BOND PAYMENTS: GOB, P & I (PFPF) AUDIT & OTHER EXPENSES 001-9999-699.90-40 Capital Projects Fund 001-9999-699.90-62 Civic Center Fund 001-9999-699.90-63 Rental Property Fund 001-9999-699.90-64 Radio Fund 001-9999-699.90-70 Fleet Maintenance Fund LEVEL TEXT 1 COST OF CONVENIENCE SUBSIDY Actual 2010-2011 1,125 92,839 466,295 494,939 269,946 32,933 8,076 138.557 001-9999-699.90-72 Insurance Fund 32,026 001.9999-699.90-74 Maint & Rehab Fund 12,015 001-9999-699.90-77 Police/Fire Pension Fund 446,301 LEVEL TEXT 1 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND ISSUED IN FY2006 ELIMINATED THE PENSION FUND'S OUTSTANDING UNFUNDED LIABILITY AT THAT TIME, THEREFORE, NO FURTHER CITY LIABILITY OBLIGATION OTHER THAN NORMAL COST FOR ACTIVE PARTICIPANTS STATUTORY Actual 2011-2012 448,550 497,977 TEXT AMT 497,225 1,500 498,725 307,685 27,104 7,641 50,000 146,623 TEXT AMT 148,770 148,770 49,839 11,140 380,310 TEXT AMT MINIMUM REQUIREMENT, AS ESTIMATED BY BPSM 416,650 LESS: FUNDING ELSEWHERE IN FY2013 BUDGET 4,805- 001-9999-699.90-80 PRA Fund 001-9999-699.90-84 Oak Grove * Interfund Transfers (out) ** Interfund Transfers **k Interfund Transfers **** GENERAL FUND Revised 2012-2013 521,280 496,365 Adopted 2013-2014 526,115 498,725 109,875 411,845 35,000 35,000 152,725 148,770 28,000 20,000 471,310 411,845 130 411,845 115,000 10,500 125 ------------ 2,110,052 ---- _----- __ 1,937,494 -----'- ----------- 1,814,555 _-_______--- ----- _._---- 1,640,455 ---- ___...._ ------------ 2,110,052 ----- 1,937,494 1,814,555 1,640,455 ____---- -___ ------------ 2,110,052 -------- -.__ 1,937,494 _---- __. --- ------ 1,814,555 ____-_____.- 1,640,455 --- -------- ____________ 30,917,606 ---- 31,338,604 30,927,035 31,176,330 130 SMALL GRANTS FUND The Small Grants Fund is used to account for miscellaneous state and federal grant programs. RUN DATE: 01/16/13, 09:13:31 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET DRAFTREV FISCAL. YEAR 2014 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION SMALL GRANTS FUND 002-0000-420.68-00 GOLD/ED Cabinet 002-0000-420.69-00 Division of Waste Mgmt. 002-0000-421.62.00 Federal 002-0000-421.75-00 County Contribution Grants 002-0000-481.01-00 Miscellaneous - Other 002-0000-481.40-00 Private Donations * Other Fees 002-0000-499.90-01 General Fund 002-0000-499.90-40 Capital Projects Fund 002-0000-499.90-50 Solid Waste Fund * Interfund Transfers ** SMALL GRANTS FUND Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 49,999 41,605 4,950 7,725 ------------ ---------"-- ----------- 49,999 ------------ 54,280 2,072 6,000 ----------------------- ------------ 6,000 ------------ 2,072 1,125 4,050 7,725 ------------ ------------ ------------ 1,125 ------------ 11,775 ------------------------ ------------ 57,124 ------------ 68,127 131 Fund: 002 Small Grants Department: Division: BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Planning Contractuals $ 49,999 $ 68,127 $ $ Fire Contractuals $ 7,125 $ - $ $ S 57,124 1 S 68,127 $ - S 132 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:26:48 WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION SMALL GRANTS FUND Planning Administration 002-1201-513.23-07 Other * Contractual Services ** Administration *** Planning CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 49,999 68,127 ________________________ _---------- 49, 999 _________49,999 68,127 __ ___---- _____ ___"_------ _ ....---- __"__ 49,999 68,127 ------------ ------------ -' ------ --__ _____________ 49,999 68,127 133 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:26:48 WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Fire Administration 002-1801-522.23-07 Other * Contractual Services ** Administration *** Fire **** SMALL GRANTS FUND CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 7,125 ------------ ------- _____ ---- ------ ___----- ____ 7,125 7,125 ____________ ____________ _____------ _. __. ____-- 7,125 57,124 68,127 04 MUNICIPAL AID PROGRAM FUND The Municipal Aid Program (MAP) Fund is used to account for funds from the State of Kentucky for road improvements. RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 09:13:31 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTREV FISCAL YEAR 2014 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION MUNICIPAL AID PROGRAM 003-0000-401.01-00 Gasoline Tax Taxes 003-0000-460.05-00 Interest on Checking * Interest Income 003-0000-481.01.00 Miscellaneous - Other * Other Fees 003-0000-499.90-04 Investment Fund LEVEL TEXT 1 ANNUAL STREET RESURFACING PROGRAM 003-0000-499.90-42 Bond Fund • Interfund Transfers ** MUNICIPAL AID PROGRAM Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 553,238 619,911 510,000 -------------- 550,000 ------------ 553,238 ------------ ---------- 619,911 510,000 550,000 9,029 8,808 7,000 ------------ 8,000 ---- -------- 9,029 ------------ ------------ 8,808 7,000 8,000 7,837 ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 7,837 890,000 707,610 563,000 TEXT AMT 563,000 563,000 942,722 152,390 ------------ ------------ 942,722 ------------ 890,000 ------------ 660,000 ---- 563,000 ------------ ------------ 1,504,989 ------------ 1,526,556 - --- ---- 1,377,000 1,121,000 135 Fund: 003 Municipal Aid Program Department: Division: BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Contractuals $ 400 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,200 Capital Outlay $1,036,044 $1,158,682 $1,300,000 $1,119,800 Interfund Transfers (out) $ 12,998 $ 102,369 $ - $ $1,049,442 $1,262,051 $1,301,000 $1,121,000 136 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:21:04 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION MUNICIPAL AID PROGRAM Engineering/Public Works Map Program 003-2217-531.20-02 Audit * Contractual Services 003-2217-531.42-27 Street Resurf & Rehab * Capital Outlay *t Map Program *** Engineering/Public Works Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013.2014 400 1,000 1,000 1,200 ------------ 400 -.____-- --- _____-___--_ 1,000 1,000 1,200 1,036,044 1,158,682 1,300,000 1,119,800 ------------ 1,036,044 ____________ 1,158,682 1,300,000 1,119,800 ------------ 1,036,444 ------------ ____________ 1,159,682 1,301,000 1,121,000 ____________ 1,036,444 _______._-__ --______----___-- 1,159,682 1,301,000 1,121,000 137 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Interfund Transfers Interfund Transfers 003-9999-699.90-40 Capital Projects Fund * Interfund Transfers (out) ** Interfund Transfers *** Interfund Transfers **** MUNICIPAL AID PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011 2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 12,998 102,369 12,998 102,369 ____________ ------- -____ -- --------- - ------------ 12,998 102,369 ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 12,998 102,369 ------------ -- ------ "- -- ____. _______ _. __________ 1.049.442 1,262,051 1,301,000 1,121,000 138 INVESTMENT FUND The Investment Fund is a Special Revenue Fund whose use is restricted to Economic Development, Community Redevelopment, Capital and Infrastructure Investment and property tax relief. RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 09:13:31 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY ------------ 4,248,052 WORKSHEET: DRAFTREV FISCAL YEAR 2014 13,975 11,591 6,500 ----------- ------------ ------------ 13,975 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010 2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 INVESTMENT FUND 58,918 988 38,170 ____________ _.... _.... 004-0000-410.01-00 Payroll Tax 4,248,052 4,462,114 4,590,000 4,617,000 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 EIGHTH FULL YEAR OF 1/2 CENT PAYROLL TAX ENACTED TO FUND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENT AND INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS 4,617,000 * Licenses & Permits 004-0000-460.01-00 Interest on Investments * Interest Income 004-0000.481.01-00 Miscellaneous - Other * Other Fees 004-0000-499.90-04 Investment Fund 004-0000-499.90-40 Capital Projects Fund * Interfund Transfers ** INVESTMENT FUND 139 4,617,000 ------------ 4,248,052 ------------ 4,462,114 ------- ------ ------------ 4,590,000 4,617,000 13,975 11,591 6,500 ----------- ------------ ------------ 13,975 ------------ 11,591 - 6,500 61,560 --- -- --- -- -- ----_____--- ------------ ------------ 61,560 110,000 58,918 988 38,170 ____________ _.... _.... __________ 58,918 ____________ 110,988 38,170 ------------ ------------ 4,320,945 ------------ 4,646,253 ----------- 4,634,670 4,617,000 139 Fund Department: Division: 004 Investment BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Economic Development Contractuals $ 597,000 $1,012,680 $ 757,000 $ 613,000 Contributions $ 322,500 $ 330,000 $ 275,500 $ 250,000 Neighborhood Development Contractuals $ 2,000 $ 2,200 $ 2,200 $ 3,000 Contributions $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 Interfund Transfers (out) $3,637,140 $3,237,151 $3,923,470 $4,521,680 $4,578,640 $4,602,031 $4,978,170 $5,407,680 140 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:21:04 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION INVESTMENT FUND Investment Fund Economic Development 004-0401-536.23-07 Other LEVEL TEXT 1 GPEDC MARKETING & RECRUITMENT ENTRE PADUCAH COMMUNITY SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION WKCTC ART SCHOOL RENT SUBSIDY (3 OF 3) RESERVE FOR NEW ECON DEV INCENTIVES PAVILION ANNUAL INSTALLATION/TAKE DOWN * Contractual Services 004-0401-536.80-33 Yeiser Art Center 004-0401-536.80-53 Chamber - Lobbyist 004-0401-536.80-55 Paducah Symphony 004-0401-536.80-57 River Heritage Museum 004-0401-536.80-59 Metropolitan Hotel 004-0401-536.80-60 Market House Theatre 004-0401-536.80-61 FRC 004-0401-536.80-65 National Quilt Museum 004-0401-536.80-69 Convention Orr Corp 004-0401-536.80-71 Maiden Alley Cinema 004-0401-536.80-72 AQS LEVEL TEXT 1 LOCAL MATCH FOR AQS MARKETING GRANT (CVB) * Contributions ** Economic Development Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 597,000 1,012,680 757,000 613,000 TEXT AMT ED0006 250,000 EDO101 50,000 ED0111 125,000 ED0114 75,000 100,000 13,000 613,000 ------------ 597,000 ------------ -- 1,012,680 - --- ------- 757,000 --------- 613,000 10,000 2,500 13,000 4,000 14,000 25,000 16,535 13,825 15,390 2,500 4,985 5,275 5,010 5,000 2,500 2,500 25,000 9,395 9,900 11,840 50,000 68,675 68,220 66,685 22,255 19,780 18,075 175,000 175,000 100,000 100,000 5,000 2,955 4,000 4,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 TEXT AMT 25, 000 25,000 ------------ 322,500 ------------ 330,000 ------------ -------- 275,500 --------- -- 250,000 -- ------------ 919,500 ------------ 1,342,660 _.---------- 1,032,500 863,000 141 RUN DATE: 07/16/ WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Neighborhood Development 004-0402-536.20-02 Audit * Contractual Services 004-0402-536.80-68 Midtown Alliance * Contributions ** Neighborhood Development *** Investment Fund FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual 2010-2011 2011-2012 Revised Adopted 2012-2013 2013-2014 2,000 2,200 2,200 --- - ------------ 3,000 ------------------ 2,000 -- ------ 2,200 ------ 2,200 3,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 ------------ 20,000 --------- --- ------------ 20,000 --'--------- 20,000 20,000 ------------ 20,000 ------------ 22,000 ------ ---- -- ------------ 22,200 22,200 -- ------- - ------------ 23,000 ------------ 941,500 ------------ - 1,364,880 - 1,054,700 886,000 142 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:21:04 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 Interfund Transfers Interfund Transfers 004-9999-699.90-01 General Fund 99,100 250,000 250,000 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 PRA PARTIAL FUNDING (DEPT OF MAINSTREET) 200,000 DEMOLITION FUNDING (NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENT) 50,000 250,000 004-9999-699.90-03 Municipal Aid Program Fd 890,000 707,610 563,000 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 ANNUAL STREET RESURFACING PROGRAM 563,000 563,000 004-9999-699.90-04 Investment Fund 110,000 004-9999-699.90-08 HOME Fund 168,000 004-9999-699.90-30 Debt Service Fund 1,408,504 1,062,126 1,364,790 1,672,000 LEVEL TEXT TEXT ANY 1 CITY'S INVESTMENT FUND SHARE OF BOND/NOTE PMTS: 1/3 SHARE, EXCESS OF BED TAX, FRC - SERIES 2001 5,570 *50%/50% SHARE WITH COUNTY: J.C. CONVENTION CENTER (KACO) - SERIES 2009 201,405 *100% - CITY ONLY: GOB, P&I (PARKS, ROL BLG - KLC) - SERIES 2003 218,385 GOB, P&I (FW REHAB, JAIL - KLC) - SERIES 2009 169,130 GOB, P&I (SPATS PK, PVN, E -INN - SERIES 2010 450,410 M.H. GYM NOTE, NO INTEREST 25,000 CITY'S INVESTMENT FUND PAYMENT ON NOTE TO COUNTY: MSU FACILITY 175,000 SERIES 2013 BOND ISSUE 427,100 1,672,000 004-9999-699.90-40 Capital Projects Fund 1,984,428 975,025 1,263,070 2,011,680 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 NEIGHBORHOOD REDEVELOPMENT FOUNTAIN AVE (MAINT,UTIL,MKT,AQUIS) CD0040 11D,000 FOUNTAIN AVE (INCENTIVES) CD0043 130,000 LAND & WATER GRANT MATCH CDOOXX 50,000 COCA COLA (10TH OF 20 YEARS) FILE 13.26 ED0022 6,250 AIRPORT OPERATING SUBSIDY FILE 9.143 TR0003 136,430 WALL TO WALL MURAL MAINT. FILE 70.24 DT0023 23,000 GENERAL FACILITY MAINT. PF0070 150,000 HOTEL SITE DEVELOPMENT DT0028 225,000 RIVERFRONT BOAT LAUNCH PF0039 196,000 ROOF STABILIZATION PROGRAM DTOOXX 50,000 143 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:21:04 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011 2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 GREENWAY TRAILS PH III (DESIGN & MATCH) PA0092 75,000 NOB PK: BANK STABILIZATION; ISLAND PAOOXX 140,000 NOB PK: TENNIS COURTS RESTROOM (MATCH) PAOOXX 45,000 FLOODWALL REHAB PED FW0006 125,000 OLIVET CHURCH ROAD R0W PURCHASE ST0027 400,000 RAMP - WAYFINDING DTOOXX 150,000 2,011,680 004-9999-699.90-63 Rental Property Fund LEVEL TEXT 1 CITY LEASED PROPERTIES MAINTENANCE 004-9999-699.90-80 PRA Fund * Interfund Transfers (out) ** Interfund Transfers *** Interfund Transfers **** INVESTMENT FUND 170,000 25,000 144 TEXT AMT 25,000 25,000 145,108 200,000 ----- _______ --- __----- 3,637,140 ____________ 3,237,151 3,923,470 4,521,680 - ---------- ------------ 3,637,140 ------------------------ 3,237,151 3,923,470 4,521,680 "---_____--_ __________ 3,637,140 ------------ 3,237,151 ______1-.--- ---- '--_-___ 3,923,470 4,521,680 _____.-_---_ ---- ________ 4,578,640 ____________ 4,602,031 4,978,170 5,407,680 144 CDBG FUND The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Fund is used to account for funds from HUD. Funds are used to rehabilitate owner -occupied housing and certain infrastructure within qualified neighborhoods. RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 09:13.31 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTREV FISCAL YEAR 2014 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION CDBG GRANT FUND 006-0000-421.28.00 Jackson House CDBG LEVEL TEXT 1 JACKSON HOUSE CDBG 006-0000-421.33-00 Alpha - CDBG 006-0000-421.34-00 Econ Dev - CDBG LEVEL TEXT 1 RECOVERY CENTER - CDBG Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 1.000.000 1,000,000 TEXT AMT CDO078 1,000,000 1,000,000 1 339,645 560,355 250,000 TEXT AMT CDOOXX 250,000 250,000 ----------------------------------- ------------ * Grants 339,646 560,355 1,000,000 1,250,000 006-0000-481.01-00 Miscellaneous - Other 114,000 114,000 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 JACKSON HOUSE CDBG - LOCAL MATCH TO BE PAID BY JACKSON HOUSE CORPORATION CDO078 114,000 * Other Fees ** CDBG GRANT FUND 114,000 _ _____ -- ----- 114,000 114,000 ____________ 339.646 560,355 1,114,000 1,364,000 145 Fund: 006 CDBG Grant Department: Division: BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 RenKen - CDBG Contractuals $ 339,645 $ 560,355 $1,114,000 $1,364,000 Alpha - CDBG Contractuals $ 1 $ - $ - $ $ 339,646 $ 560,355 $1,114,000 $1,364,000 146 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:21:04 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 CDBG GRANT FUND Planning Ren Ken - CDBG 006-1213-513.23-07 Other 339,645 560,355 1,114,000 1,364,000 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 JACKSON HOUSE CDBG CD0078 1,114,000 RECOVERY CENTER CDBG CDOOXX 250,000 1,364,000 * Contractual Services 339,645 560,355 ____________ 1,114,000 1,364,000 _______— ** Ren Ken - CDBG ____________ 339,645 ________---- 560,355 ___--- _----- 1,114,000 --- 1,364,000 147 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:21:04 WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Alpha - CDBG 006-1219-513.23 07 Other * Contractual Services ** Alpha - CDBG **k Planning **** CDBG GRANT FUND CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 1 _-- - - - - -" -- 1 ____________ ____________ ____________ _______"___ 1 - ----- --------- --- - -'- -- __.-________ ________.-_. 339,646 560,355 1,114,000 1,364,000 ____________ ____________ --- _________ 339,646 560,355 1,114,000 1,364,000 148 HOME GRANT FUND The Home Grant Fund is used to account for funds from HUD. Funds are used to rehabilitate owner -occupied housing. RUN DATE: 07/16/13, WORKSHEET: DRAFTREV FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 HOME GRANT FUND 008-0000-421.71-00 HOME Grant 9,800 308,000 180,000 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 2012 HOME - COMPLETE REMAINING 4 HOMES CD0081 180,000 180,000 * Grants 9,800 -- --- _----- _-_ 308,000 ---_-------- 180,000 008-0000-441.05-00 Sale of Assets 111,952 272,000 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 SALE OF REMAINING 4 HOMES 272,000 272,000 * Property Rent & Sales ------------ 111,952 --- -------- ------" -' --- --_--------- 272,000 008-0000-499.90-04 Investment Fund 168,000 008-0000-499.90-40 Capital Projects Fund 71,730 - -- ---------- ---- -----' * Interfund Transfers ----- ------ 71,730 168,000 ------ ------ --- --- ** HOME GRANT FUND ------- _--- _ 193,482 ----.--"---- ------ 476,000 452,000 149 Fund: 008 HOME Grant Department: Division: BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 HOME Grant Contractuals $ - $ $ 392,000 $ 500,000 HOME 2 Grant Contractuals $ 307,623 $ $ 84,000 $ - Interfund Transfers (out) i $ 61,262 $ $ - I $ - $ 368,885 S S 476,000 1 S 500,000 150 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:21:04 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 HOME GRANT FUND Planning HOME Grant 008-1215-513.23-07 Other 392,000 500,000 LEVEL TEXT TEXT ANT 1 COMPLETION OF 4 REMAINING HOMES AT $120K EACH 480,000 ADMIN - PASS THRU TO PARD 20,000 Contractual Services HOME Grant 500,000 _____ ____________________ ________________ 392,000 500,000 -------- --- ------------------------ -"_--_ 392.000 500,000 151 RUM DATE: 07/16/13, 10:21:04 WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION HOME 2 Grant 008-1216-513,23-07 Other * Contractual Services ** HOME 2 Grant *** Planning CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2.012 2012-2013 2013-2014 307,623 84,000 - ----------- --- -------- ---- -------------------- 307,623 84,000 --- --- ---- ---- -- --__-- ------ 307,623 -- 84,000 ... _........ ------------ ------"_-- - 307,623 ------------ 476,000 500,000 152 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:21:04 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Interfund Transfers Interfund Transfers 008-9999-699.90-01 General Fund 008-9999-699.90-40 Capital Projects Fund * Interfund Transfers (out) ** Interfund Transfers *** Interfund Transfers **** HOME GRANT FUND Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 11,607 49,655 ________ _____________--- ________ 61,262 ____________ --- ------- '--'- -------- 61,262 ------ ------ -----------------" - ----- ----- 61,262 ------' ---- ____________ ------ ______ 368,885 476,000 500,000 153 TELECOMMUNICATIONS FUND The Telecommunications Fund is used to account for funds for the operation of the Paducah - McCracken County telecommunications and information systems. RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 09:13:31 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTREV FISCAL YEAR 2014 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION TELECOMMUNICATIONS FUND 011-0000-421.75-00 County Contribution * Grants 011-0000-451.31-00 Telephone User Fees 011-0000-451.33-00 Netkrork User Fees * Charges for Service 011-0000-481.01-00 Miscellaneous - Other * Other Fees 011-0000-499.90-01 General Fund * Interfund Transfers ** TELECOMMUNICATIONS FUND Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 8,659 8,659 96,245 69,003 38,568 30,600 ------------ ------------ ------------ 134,813 ------------ 99,603 3,985 ----- - ____ ____________ ------------ 3,985 92,839 ____________ ____________ ------------ ___________92,839 '___________ 92, 839 ____________ ____________ 240.296 ____________ 99,603 154 Fund: 011 Telecommunications Department: 39 Tel ecommumications Division: 1 l Telecommunications Operation BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Telecommunications Contractuals $ 66,448 $ 58,050 $ $ Commodities $ 48,899 $ 52,083 $ $ Capital Outlay $ 34,945 $ 30,467 $ $ Depreciation, Amortization $ 33,254 $ 33,107 $ $ Interfund Transfers (out) $ - $ 50,000 $ 273,000 $ $ 183,546 $ 223,707 $ 273,000 $ 155 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:21:04 WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION TELECOMMUNICATIONS FUND Telecommunications Telecommunications Operat 011-3911-543.20-01 Administrative 011-3911-543.20-02 Audit 011-3911-543.21-02 Liability 011-3911-543.22-01 Computer Hardware 011-3911-543.23-07 Other CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY FISCAL YEAR 2014 * Contractual Services 011-3911-543.35-03 Office 011-3911-543.37-05 Telephone 011-3911-543.38-01 Training & Travel 011-3911-543.38-05 Dues,Mbrships,Books/Subs * Commodities 011-3911-543.42-01 Furniture & Fixtures 011-3911-543.42-09 Computer Hardware 011-3911-543.42-11 Computer Software 011-3911-543.42-13 Equipment - Communication * Capital Outlay 011-3911-543.60-10 Depreciation * Depreciation, Amortizatio ** Telecommunications Operat *** Telecommunications Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 3,200 5,000 720 720 1,749 1,411 45,844 47,899 14,935 3,020 ---- ___----- ------- __ '___________ 66,448 58,050 207 48,899 46,402 4,653 821 ------- _____ ____________ _____------- 48,899 ____________ 52,083 402 24,985 8,941 9,083 21,381 475 14S ------_----- ________________________ 34,945 _____.______ 30,467 33,254 33,107 ----------- _.____ _-----______ ------------ ------- 33,254 33,107 ____________ ____________ -------- --- ____________ 183,546 173,707 183,546 173,707 156 RUN DATE: 01/16/13, 10:21:04 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Interfund Transfers Interfund Transfers 011-9999-699.90-01 General Fund 011-9999-699.90-40 Capital Projects Fund * Interfund Transfers (out) ** Interfund Transfers *** Interfund Transfers **** TELECOMMUNICATIONS FUND Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 273,000 50,000 ____________ ___--------- ____________ ___..._____- 50,000 273,000 ____________ --- .------ _- ____------- --- __.---- __ 50,000 273,000 ____________ _____------ __------ ____ 50,000 273,000 183,546 223,707 273,000 157 COURT AWARDS FUND The Court Awards Fund is used to account for funds derived from Court Awards. Funds are used for police activities. RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 09:13:31 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTREV FISCAL YEAR 2014 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION COURT AWARDS 013-0000-431.01-00 Federal 013-0000-431.05-00 KY 5 Local * Fines 013-0000-460.01-00 Interest on Investments 013-0000-460.05-00 Interest on Checking * Interest Income 013-0000-481.01-00 Miscellaneous - Other * Other Fees ** COURT AWARDS Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 52,050 14,574 35,000 5,000 11,261 35,509 17,700 19,000 _--_--___- - -------- -- -- ------"_-___ 63,311 50,083 --___..--_-_ 52,700 24,000 274 931 1,812 850 1,200 1,205 1,812 850 1,200 25 25 - -------------________--- ____________ 64,516 51,920 53,550 25,200 158 Fund: 013 Court Awards Department: 16 Police Division: 1 1 Court Awards Operation BUDGET SUMMARY: 159 Actual Actual Revised Adopted Program Expense 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 Contractuals $ 27,993 $ 41,427 $ 45,200 $ 25,200 S 27,993 $ 41,427 S 45,200 S 25,200 159 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:21.04 WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION COURT AWARDS Police Court Awards Operation 013-1611-521.20-02 Audit 013-1611-521.23-07 Other 013-1611-521.24-26 Confidential Funds 013-1611-521.24-50 Reserved * Contractual Services ** Court Awards Operation *** Police **** COURT AWARDS CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 400 500 500 750 2,044 27,593 22,398 34,700 19,450 16,485 10,000 5,000 - _____"_ 27,993 ---- -__ 41,427 ------- -_-------- 45,200 _ _---- 25,200 _______ _---------- _ ____________ 27,993 --- 41,427 __ _------- 45,200 -------- ________--_ 25,200 ____________ ____________ 27,993 41,427 45,200 _------ ____________ 25,200 ----------- _____________ 27,993 __ 41,427 --- 45,200 25,200 160 DEBT SERVICE FUND The Debt Service Fund is used to account for the accumulation of resources for, and the payments of, principal, interest and related costs of debt. RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 09:13:31 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTREV FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 DEBT SERVICE FUND 030-0000-410.25-00 County Bed Tax 478,576 545,975 540,000 565,000 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 COUNTY TRANSIENT BED TAX, ADMINISTERED BY COUNTY: ESTIMATED RECEIPTS: BOND SERIES 2001 565,000 565,000 * Licenses & Permits ------------ 478,576 ------------ ------------ 545,975 --- 540,000 --- ------ 565,000 030-0000-440.01-00 Rental income 405,796 405,796 405,800 405,800 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 INFINITI MONTHLY LEASE PAYMENTS, STARTING SEPT 1 2007 AT $33,816/MONTH - BOND SERIES 2004 405,800 405,800 * Property Rent & Sales ------------ 405,796 ------------ ------------ 405,796 405,800 ------------ 405,800 030-0000-451.03-00 County Contribution 40,921 12,974 13,660 5,565 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 COUNTY SHARE OF BOND PAYMENTS: 1/3 SHARE, EXCESS OF BED TAX, FRC - SERIES 2001 5,565 5,565 030-0000-451.04-00 CVB / Convention Board 33,007 12,974 13,660 5,565 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 CVB SHARE OF BOND PAYMENTS: 1/3 SHARE, EXCESS OF BED TAX, FRC - SERIES 2001 5,565 5,565 * Charges for Service ------------ 73,928 ------------ 25,948 ------------ 27,320 ------------ 11,130 030-0000-481.01-00 Miscellaneous - Other 5,908 ------------ ------ ------------ * Other Fees ------------ 5,908 030-0000-499.90-01 General Fund 494,939 497,977 496,365 498,725 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 CITY'S GENERAL FUND SHARE OF BOND PAYMENTS: GOB, P & I (PEPE) 497,225 AUDIT & OTHER EXPENSES 1,500 498,725 030-0000-499.90-04 Investment Fund 1,408,504 1,062,126 1,364,790 1,672,000 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 161 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 09:13:31 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTREV FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 CITY'S INVESTMENT FUND SHARE OF BOND/NOTE PMTS: 1/3 SHARE, EXCESS OF BED TAX, FRC - SERIES 2001 5,570 *50%/50% SHARE WITH COUNTY: J.C. CONVENTION CENTER (KACO) - SERIES 2009 201,405 *100% - CITY ONLY: GOB, P&I (PARKS, ROL BLG - KLC) - SERIES 2003 218,385 GOB, P&I (FW REHAB, JAIL - KLC) - SERIES 2009 169,130 GOB, P&I (SPRTS PK, PVN, E -INN - SERIES 2010 450,410 M.N. GYM NOTE, NO INTEREST 25,000 CITY'S INVESTMENT FUND PAYMENT ON NOTE TO COUNTY: MSU FACILITY 175,000 SERIES 2013 BOND ISSUE 427,100 1,672,000 Interfund Transfers ------------ 1,903,443 ------"----- 1,560,103 --------- --_ 1,861,155 ____________ 2,170,725 ** DEBT SERVICE FUND ____________ 2,861,743 _--------- 2,543,730 2,834,275 3,152,655 162 Fund: 030 Debt Service Department: 02 Finance Division: 09 Debt Service BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised Adopted 2012-2013 2013-2014 Contractuals $ 800 $ 900 $ 900 $ 1,500 Debt Service $2,879,116 $2,548,200 $2,821,165 $3,353,425 $2,879,916 $2,549,100 $2,822,065 53,354,925 163 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:21:04 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY CREDIT, LIQUIDITY, ADMINISTRATION, RATING, WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP REMARKETING AND TRUSTEE FEES (I/F) SERIES FISCAL YEAR 2014 39,000 (I/F) SERIES 2009 48,000 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 DEBT SERVICE FUND FUNDED WITH COUNTY BED TAX FUNDS, BALANCE SPLIT 3 -WAYS BETWEEN CITY (I/F), COUNTY & CVB Finance 415,000 030 0209-512.50-47 Interest - 2001 Series 147,596 Debt Service LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 INTEREST, 1/2 DUE IN DEC & 3/2 JUNE 030-0209-512.20-02 Audit 800 900 900 1,500 ---- ---_. > Contractual Services --- ---"----- 800 ---------- -- 900 ------------ 900 --' 1,500 030-0209-512.50-31 Agent Fees 89,478 88,690 90,000 87,000 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 030-0209-512.50-49 Interest - 2003 Series 7,030 1 FEES ASSOCIATED W/KLC 2003 & 2009 BOND SERIES: CREDIT, LIQUIDITY, ADMINISTRATION, RATING, REMARKETING AND TRUSTEE FEES (I/F) SERIES 2003 39,000 (I/F) SERIES 2009 48,000 87,000 030-0209-512.50-46 Principal - 2001 Series 430,000 410,000 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 PRINCIPAL, DUE IN JUNE FUNDED WITH COUNTY BED TAX FUNDS, BALANCE SPLIT 3 -WAYS BETWEEN CITY (I/F), COUNTY & CVB 415,000 415,000 030 0209-512.50-47 Interest - 2001 Series 147,596 174,898 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 INTEREST, 1/2 DUE IN DEC & 3/2 JUNE FUNDED WITH COUNTY BED TAX FUNDS, BALANCE SPLIT 3 -WAYS BETWEEN CITY (I/F), COUNTY & CVB 166,700 166,700 030-0209-512.50-48 Principal - 2003 Series 159,592 164,441 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 PRINCIPAL, PAID MONTHLY FUNDED BY THE I/F 174,585 174,585 030-0209-512.50-49 Interest - 2003 Series 7,030 3,798 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 INTEREST, VARIABLE RATE PAID MONTHLY BY I/F RATE IS .06% PLUS BMA (BOND MRKT ASSOCIATION): SERIES 2003 4,800 4,800 030-0209-512.50-51 Principal - 2004 Series 195,000 280,000 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 164 410.000 415,000 170,980 166,700 169.440 174,585 3,900 4,800 260.000 270,000 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:21:04 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 1 PRINCIPAL, DUE ANNUALLY IN JUNE THE BOND PAYMENT IS FUNDED BY INFINITI MONTHLY RENTAL PAYMENTS STARTED SEPT 1, 2007; (10TH YR OF LEASE - INFINITI) 270,000 270,000 030-0209-512.50-52 Interest - 2004 Series 226,625 111,114 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 INTEREST, 1/2 DUE IN DEC & 1/2 DUE JUNE THE BOND PAYMENT IS FUNDED BY INFINITI MONTHLY RENTAL PAYMENTS STARTED SEPT 1, 2007: (10TH YR OF LEASE - INFINITI( 124,020 124,020 030-0209-512.50-57 Principal - PADS (spec#2) 350,000 030-0209-512.50-58 Interest - PADD (spec#2) 3,667 030-0209-512.50-61 Principal - 2005 PFPF 215,000 230,000 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 PRINCIPAL, DUE ANNUALLY IN NOVEMBER, PAID BY G/F PEPE UNFUNDED LIABILITY - TAXABLE GOB 255,000 255,000 030-0209-512.50-62 Interest - 2005 PFPF 279,939 268,035 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 INTEREST, 1/2 DUE NOV & 1/2 MAY, G/F PFPF UNFUNDED LIABILITY - TAXABLE GOB 242,225 242,225 030-0209-512.50-63 Principal - 2009 KLC 106,492 109,738 LEVEL TEXT TEXT ANT 1 PRINCIPAL, PAID 15TH OF MONTH, FUNDED BY THE INVESTMENT FUND 116,930 116,930 030-0209-512.50-64 Interest - 2009 KLC 7,479 4,188 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 INTEREST, VARIABLE RATE PAID 15TH OF MONTH, RATE IS .06% PLUS BMA (BOND MRKT ASSOCIATION), FUNDED BY THE INVESTMENT FUND: SERIES 2009 4,200 4, 200 030-0209-512.50-65 Principle - 2009 KACO 118,462 87,789 165 133,585 124,020 240,000 255,000 255.465 242,225 113.420 116,930 4,725 4,200 94,585 99,585 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:21:04 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY LESS: US TREASURY 35% INTEREST REBATE (US GOVT WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP WILL LIKELY DEFAULT IN FUTURE REBATES FISCAL YEAR 2014 DUE TO 'SEQUESTER'.) 91,760- 170,410 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 1 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 LEVEL TEXT 030-0209-512.50-71 Principal - MSU TEXT AMT TEXT TEXT AMT 1 PRINCIPAL, DUE THE 1ST OF MONTH PRINCIPAL PORTION,(I/F) 111,720 FUNDED 50:50 COUNTY:CITY (INVESTMENT FUND) 99,585 34,094 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 ANNUAL PAYMENT FOR THE MSU FACILITY PROJECT - 99,585 INTEREST PORTION,(I/F) 030-0209-512.50-66 Interest - 2009 WACO 71,785 109,834 106,075 101,820 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 INTEREST, DUE THE IST OF MONTH FUNDED 50:50 COUNTY:CITY (INVESTMENT FUND) 101,820 101,820 030-0209-512.50-67 Principle - 2010 Series 275,000 270,000 275,000 280,000 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 PRINCIPAL, DUE ANNUALLY IN MARCH, PAID BY I/F TAXABLE GOB (BAB) 280,000 280,800 030-0209-512.50-68 Interest - 2010 Series 170,971 176,581 173,985 170,410 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 INTEREST, DUE 1/2 IN MARCH & 1/2 SEPTEMBER, I/F TAXABLE GOB (BAB) 262,170 166 25,000 25,000 110,615 111,720 64,390 63,280 LESS: US TREASURY 35% INTEREST REBATE (US GOVT WILL LIKELY DEFAULT IN FUTURE REBATES DUE TO 'SEQUESTER'.) 91,760- 170,410 030-0209-512.50-69 Principal - 2011 M Hank 25,000 25,000 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 PRINCIPAL, DUE ANNUALLY IN APRIL, PAID BY I/F 25,000 25,000 030-0209-512.50-71 Principal - MSU LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 ANNUAL PAYMENT FOR THE MSU FACILITY PROJECT - PRINCIPAL PORTION,(I/F) 111,720 111,720 030-0209-512.50-72 Interest - MSU 34,094 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 ANNUAL PAYMENT FOR THE MSU FACILITY PROJECT - INTEREST PORTION,(I/F) 63,280 166 25,000 25,000 110,615 111,720 64,390 63,280 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:21:04 WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY FISCAL YEAR 2014 030-0209-512.50-73 Principal - 2013 Series Actual Actual Revised 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 63,280 Adopted 2013-2014 120,000 641,150 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 TELETECH, 1/F 120,600 MAACO, I/F 112,000 NOBLE PARK POOL, I/F 104,500 SHOWROOM, I/F 90,000 HOTEL (TO BE FUNDED WITH KY SALES TAX CREDIT PASS THRU FROM COMPANY) 214,050 641,150 * Debt Service ------------ 2,879,116 ------------ 2,548,200 ------------ ------------ 2,821,165 ------- ------ 3,353,425 ------ ** Debt Service ------------ 2,879,916 ------------ 2,549,100 -- --- 2,822,065 ------------ 3,354,925 *** Finance ------------ 2,879,916 ------------ 2,549,100 ------------ 2,822,065 3,354,925 ---------'-- **** DEBT SERVICE FUND ------------ 2,879,916 ------------ 2,549,100 ------------ 2,822,065 3,354,925 167 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND The Capital Improvements Fund is used to account for the acquisition and construction of major capital facilities and equipment other than those financed by proprietary funds and trust funds. RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 09:13:31 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTREV FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopred ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 CIP FUND 040-0000-420.20-00 KY Homeland Security 305,801 70,889 37,000 040-0000-420.63-00 Justice Cabinet 10,000 040-0000-420.65-00 Transportation Cabi-KYDOT 420,958 150- 500,000 500,000 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT I TE GREENWAY PHASE II - UNDER US 45 PA0078 500,000 500,000 040-0000-420.69-00 Division of Waste Mgmt. 4,685- 040-0000-421.01-00 Bond Proceeds 396,120 040-0000-421.03-00 KHC 4,000 40,000 040-0000-421.62-00 Federal 215,827 03,120 5,240,000 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 HUD - RIVERFRONT PH1A-BREAKWATER/MASS FILL DT0015 2,970,000 F14WA OHIO RIVER BOAT LAUNCH PFC039 2,270,000 5,240,000 040-0000-421.68-00 US Justice - Vest Grant 6,917 2,563 040-0000-421.74-00 KLC 15,900 040-0000-421.75-00 County Contribution 28,133 Grants 1,373,071 212,322 547,000 5,740,000 040-0000-441.05-00 Sale Of Assets 2,002 203,841 040-0000-441.40-00 Booth Rent & Entry Fees 8,300 040-0000-441.45-00 Wall To Wall Merchandise 927 1,886 * Property Rent & Sales 11,229 205,727 040-0000-451.03-00 County Contribution 14,490 040-0000-451.10-00 Property Upkeep 600 * Charges for Service 15,090 040-0000-460.01-00 Interest on Investments 8,750 7,418 Interest Income 8,750 7,418 040-0000--481.01-00 Miscellaneous - Other 25,650 107,749 040-0000-481.40-00 Private Donations 51,237 76,404 040-0000-482.01-00 Short-Term Note 101,9B4 * Other Fees 76,887 280,137 040-0000-499.90-01 General Fund 269,946 307,685 109,875 040-0000-499.90-03 Municipal Aid Program Fd 12,998 102,369 040-0000-499.90-04 Investment Fund 1,964,428 975,025 1,263,070 2,011,680 LEVEL TEXT TEXT 1+71" 1 NEIGHBOR1400D REDEVELOPMENT FOUNTAIN AVE (MAINT,UTIL,MKT,AQUIS) CD0040 110,000 168 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 09:13:31 WORKSHEET: DRAFTREV ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY FISCAL YEAR 2014 FOUNTAIN AVE (INCENTIVES) LAND & WATER GRANT MATCH COCA COLA (10TH OF 20 YEARS) FILE 13.26 AIRPORT OPERATING SUBSIDY FILE 9 143 WALL TO WALL MURAL MAINT. FILE 70.24 GENERAL FACILITY MAINT. HOTEL SITE DEVELOPMENT RIVERFRONT BOAT LAUNCH ROOF STABILIZATION PROGRAM GREENWAY TRAILS PH III (DESIGN & MATCH) NOB PK: BANK STABILIZATION; ISLAND NOB PK: TENNIS COURTS RESTROOM (MATCH) FLOODWALL REHAB PED OLIVET CHURCH ROAD ROW PURCHASE RAMP - WAYFINDING 040-0000-499.90-08 HOME Fund 040-0000-499.90-11 Telecommunications Fund 040-0000-499.90-40 Capital Projects Fund 040-0000-499.90-42 Bond Fund 040-0000-499.90-71 Fleet Lease Trust Fund 040-0000-499.90-80 PRA Fund * Interfund Transfers *• CIP FUND Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 CD0043 130,000 CDOOXX 50,000 ED0022 6,250 TR0003 136,430 DT0023 23,000 PF0070 150,000 DT0028 225,000 PF0039 196,000 DTOOXX 50,000 PA0092 75,000 PAOOXX 140,000 PAOOXX 45,000 FW0006 125,000 ST0027 400,000 DT00XX 150,000 2,011,680 49,655 50,000 56,593 109,283 1,438,753 272,886 250,000 5,149 27,863 -------- -- -- ------------ 3,820,236 ------------ 1,822,397 ------------ 1,622,945 2,011,680 ------------ 5,305,263 -------- --- 2,528,001 ------------ 2,169,945 ---.______-_ 7,751,680 169 Fund: 040 CIP (Capital Improvements) Department: Division: BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 General Government Contractuals $ 286,430 $ 178,758 $ 161,075 $ 136,430 Inspection Contractuals $ 35,296 $ 86,758 $ - $ - Planning - Grants Contractuals $ 92,432 $ 244,177 $ - $ Planning - Economic Dev Contractuals $ 6,250 $ - $ 6,250 $ 6,250 Planning - IT Contractuals $ 16,844 $ 25,360 $ - $ - Police Building/Vehicles Contractuals $ 444,684 $ 179,576 $ 47,470 $ Fire - Suppression Contractuals $ 84,617 $ - $ 14,000 $ EPW - Street Projects Contractuals $ 613,902 $ 622,549 $ 925,000 $6,186,000 Capital Outlay $ 558,086 $ - $ - $ - PRA Contractuals $1,407,189 $ 127,629 $ 23,000 $ 223,000 Special Proj - Park Imp. Contractuals $1,813,804 $ 243,203 $ 515,505 $ 760,000 Special Proj - Non-recurring Contractuals $ 362,147 $ 396,984 $ 237,000 $ 440,000 Interfund Transfers (out) $ 236,260 $ 514,712 $ 38,170 $ - $5,957,941 $2,619,706 $1,967,470 57,751,680 170 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:21:04 WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY FISCAL YEAR 2014 * Contractual Services ** Mayor & Commissioners *** General Government 136,430 __.___------ ------------ ____________ ___ -- ____--- 286,430 178,758 161,075 136,430 _--- _---- __________ ---- 286,430 178,758 161,075 136,430 ____________ ____________ ------------ ---- ____"'__ 286.430 178,758 161,075 136,430 171 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 CIP FUND General Government Mayor & Commissioners 040-0102-511.23-07 Other 286,430 178,758 161,075 136,430 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 AIRPORT OPERATING SUBSIDY FILE 9.143 TR0003 136,430 * Contractual Services ** Mayor & Commissioners *** General Government 136,430 __.___------ ------------ ____________ ___ -- ____--- 286,430 178,758 161,075 136,430 _--- _---- __________ ---- 286,430 178,758 161,075 136,430 ____________ ____________ ------------ ---- ____"'__ 286.430 178,758 161,075 136,430 171 RUN DATE: 07/ WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Inspection Administration 040-0801-516.23-07 Other * Contractual Services ** Administration +** Inspection FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 35,296 86,758 _---- ____ _--- ___"__-- 35,296 86,758 35,296 86,758 -.____ 35,296 86,758 172 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:21:04 WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Planning Grants 040-1203-513.23-07 Other * Contractual Services ** Grants CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 92,432 244,177 ------------ ---------- -------------- -..--- -----" 92,432 244,177 ----- ---------------- --------- ----- ------------ 92,432 244,177 173 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 174 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 Economic Development 040-1204-513.23-07 Other 6,250 6,250 6,250 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 COCA COLA (10TH OF 20 YEARS) FILE 13.26 ED0022 6,250 6,250 * Contractual Services ------------ 6,250 ------------ ------------ 6,250 ------. ____ 6,250 *� Economic Development ------------ 6,250 ----------- _._--------_ 6,250 6,250 174 WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Information Systems 040-1205-513.23-07 Other x Contractual Services x+ Information Systems _** Planning FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual 2010-2011 2011-2012 Revised Adopted 2012-2013 2013-2014 16,844 25,360 ------------ ------------ -- -- ------- ----- 16,844 ------ 25,360 --- - --------- ______________'--_------ 16,844 25,360 _______ ____________ ___ 115,526 ---- _____ ----- 269,537 6,250 6,250 175 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:21:04 WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Police Police Building/vehicles 040-1616 521.23-07 Other * Contractual Services 4* Police Building/vehicles *** Police CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 444,684 179,576 47,470 ____________ ______"_____ '_........ 444,684 179,576 47,470 ------- ----- ------------ ------------------------ 444,684 179,576 47,470 .___________ ____________ ---- __---- __ --------- ___ 444,684 179,576 47,470 176 WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Fire Suppression 040-1802-522.23-07 Other * Contractual Services ** Suppression *** Fire FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 84,617 14,000 84,617 14,000 84,617 14,000 ------ ___--- _--- _______ 84,617 14,000 177 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:21:04 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 Engineering/Public Works Street Projects 040-3315-532.23-07 Other 613,902 622,549 925,000 6,186,000 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 HOTEL SITE DEVELOPMENT DT0028 225,000 RIVERFRONT BOAT LAUNCH PF0039 2,466,000 FLOODWALL REHAB PED FW0006 125,000 OLIVET CHURCH ROAD ROW PURCHASE ST0027 400,000 RIVERFRONT PH1A BREAKWATER/MASS FILL DT0015 2,970,000 * Contractual Services 040-3315-532.42-05 Building & Improvements * Capital Outlay +* Street Projects *** Engineering/Public Works 6,186,000 ------------ ------------ ----- -- ----- ---..-----.-- 613,902 622,549 925,000 6,186,000 558,086 ------------------------------------------------ 558,086 ------------------------ ------- ------- -------- 1,171,988 622,549 925,000 6,186,000 ------------ ------- ---- ------------ ------"----- 1,171,988 622,549 925,000 6,186,000 178 RIJN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:21:04 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 Main Street Main Street 040-4411-592.23-07 Other 1,407,189 127,629 23,000 223,000 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 WALL 'IO WALL MURAL FAINT FILE 70.24 DT0023 23,000 ROOF STABILIZATION PROJECT DTOOXX 50,000 RAMP - WAYFINDING DTOOXX 150,000 223,000 * Contractual Services ____________ 1,407,189 ____________ 127,629 __ __________ 23,000 ____________ 223,000 -------- -------Main MainStreet ------------ 1,407,189 --- ---------- 127,629 - --------- 23,000 223,000 ----------- main Street ------------ 1,407,189 ----------- - 127,629 ------------ 23,000 223,000 179 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:21:04 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012.2013 2013-2014 Special Projects Park Improvements 040-8821-536.23-07 Other 1,813,804 243,203 515,505 760,000 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 GREENWAY TRAILS PH III (DESIGN & MATCH) PA0092 75,000 GREENWAY TRAILS PH II (CONSTRUCT/TE GRANT) PA0078 500,000 NOB PK: BANK STABILIZATION, ISLAND PAOOXX 140,000 NOB PK: TENNIS COURTS RESTROOM (MATCH) PAOOXX 45,000 760,000 + Contractual Services ------------ 1,813,804 ---------- - 243,203 ------------- 515,505 ------------ 760,000 ** Park Improvements ------------ 1,813,804 ------------ 243,203 ------------ 515,505 ------------ 760,000 180 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:21:04 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-20133 2013-2014 Non-recurring Projects 040.8827-536.23-07 Other 362,147 396,984 237,000 440,000 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 NEIGHBORHOOD REDEVELOPMENT FOUNTAIN AVE (MAINT, UTIL, MKT, AQUIS) CD0040 110,000 FOUNTAIN AVE (INCENTIVES) CD0043 130,000 LAND & WATER GRANT MATCH CD00XX 50,000 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE PF0070 150,000 * Contractual Services ** Non-recurring Projects *** Special Projects 440,000 362,147 396,984 237,000 440,000 ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 362,147 396,984 237,000 440,000 ------------ ---------------------- -- ------------ 2,175,951 640,187 752,505 1,200,000 181 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:21:04 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Interfund Transfers Interfund Transfers 040-9999-699.90-01 Genera] Fund 040-9999-699.90-02 Grant Fund 040-9999-699.90-04 Investment Fund 040-9999-699.90-08 HOME Fund 040-9999-699.90-40 Capital Projects Fund 040-9999-699.90-63 Rental Property Fund * Interfund Transfers (out) ** Interfund Transfers *** Interfund Transfers **** CIP FUND Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 48,510 400,391 4,050 58,918 988 38,170 71,730 56,593 109,283 509 _____..__--____.--___ __ 236,260 ___'----____---- 514,712 _________ 38,170 ______________ 236,260 __________ 514,712 ------------ 38,170 --------- -- ------- -- --- 236,260 ------------ 514,712 38,170 ____________ ____________ 5,957,941 ____________ _______----- 2,619,706 1,967,470 7,751,680 182 BONDFUND The Bond Fund is used to account for transactions related to the City of Paducah's 2010 bond RUN DATE: 07/16/13, WORKSHEET: DRAFTREV ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Bond Fund 042-0000-460.05-00 Interest on Checking * Interest Income xx Bond Fund FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual 2010-2011 2011-2012 Revised Adopted 2012-2013 2013-2014 16,149 5,018 ----_..______ ____ ------ __________________ 16,149 5,016 __________ --- _------ __ __'--- --- ___ ----- ------ 16,149 5,018 183 Fund: 042 Bond Department: 99 Interfund Transfers Division: 99 Interfund Transfers BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Interfund Transfers (out) $2,381,475 $ 272,886 $ 402,390 $ $2,381,475 $ 272,886 $ 402,390 $ - 184 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:21:04 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Bond Fund Interfund Transfers Interfund Transfers 042-9999-699.90-03 Municipal Aid Program Fd 042-9999-699.90-40 Capital Projects Fund * Interfund Transfers (out) ** Interfund Transfers *** Interfund Transfers **** Bond Fund Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 942,722 152,390 1,438,753 272,886 ____________ 250,000 __--- _____ ____________ ____________ 2,381,475 272,886 ___ 402,390 --- _----- -- _________. _____------- " 2,381,475 -____'____ 272,886 ____________ 402,390 ____________ ____________ ____________ 2,381,475 272,886 ------ 402,390 ______ ___________ ____________ 2.381,475 272,886 402,390 185 SOLID WASTE FUND The Solid Waste Fund is used to account for the solid waste operations in a manner similar to private business. The intent of the City of Paducah is that the cost of providing services to the general public on a continuing basis be financed primarily through user charges. RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 09:13:31 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTREV FISCAL YEAR 2014 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION SOLID WASTE 050-0000-420.69-00 Division of Waste Mgmt LEVEL TEXT 1 CLEAN UP DAY GRANT 050-0000-421.75-00 County Contribution Grants 050-0000-441.05-00 Sale of Assets * Property Rent 6 Sales 050-0000-450.01-05 Refuse Collection - Res 050-0000-450.01-10 Refuse Collection - Comm 050-0000-450.01-20 Special Pickups 050-0000-450.01-27 Compost sales 050-0000-450.01-28 Sludge Fee - JSA * Charges for Service 050-0000-460.01-00 Interest on Investments 050-0000-460.05-00 Interest on Checking * Interest Income 050-0000-481.01-00 Miscellaneous - Other * Other Fees ** SOLID WASTE Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 52,700 25,700 33,700 TEXT AMT 33,700 33,700 16,942 15,266 ---- __ ----------- -- ---------- 69,642 ------------ -.-_-- 15,266 25,700 33,700 67,657 2,443 ----- 36,500 ------------------ - 20,000 ----------- - 67,657 ------------ 2,443 36,500 20,000 2,107,425 2,120,370 2,100,000 2,100,000 2,100,438 2,118,759 2,100,000 2,100,000 2,688 2,423 2,000 2,000 28,411 60,084 30,000 30,000 94,851 91,962 80,000 ------- 80,000 ------------ ------------ 4,333,813 ------------ 4,393,598 ----- 4,312,000 4,312,000 26,715 19,466 12,000 19,000 29,121 20,000 --- - 35,000 ------------ ------------ 45,715 ------------ 46,587 ------ --- 32,000 35,000 24,410 9,641 24,410 9,641 ---- ---------_-- .----------- 4,541.237 ------------ 4,469,535 --.--- -- 4,406,200 4,400,700 186 Fund 050 Solid Waste Department: 22 Engineering - Public Works Division: 08 Administration This division supervises, directs, administers, and manages the resources of all solid waste funds. It ensures that solid waste collection and disposal systems are provided for the customers in an efficient, effective, and economical manner, at or below competitive market rates, and adheres to state and federal regulations. This division will also ensure the compost facility will continue to improve its operation and offer a high quality composted biosolids product. BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Personal Services $ 198,216 $ 261,166 $ 253,335 $ 258,145 Contractuals $ 66,218 $ 66,487 $ 80,880 $ 77,070 Commodities $ 44,326 $ 31,470 $ 41,630 $ 39,405 Capital Outlay $ 230 $ 565 $ 250 $ 250 Depreciation. Amortization $ 348,476 $ 346,166 $ 356,180 $ 326,245 $ 657,466 $ 705,854 $ 732,275 S 701,115 Funded Staffing Level 31 3.41 3.4 3.4 DIVISION OUTPUTS • Monitor compliance with state and federal regulations • Supervise/manage solid waste collection activities Event support Manages amoral clean-up event FY2014 OBJECTIVES: 187 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:21:04 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 SOLID WASTE Engineering/Public works Solid Waste Administratn 050-2208-531.10-01 Full Time/Regular 050-2208-531.10-05 Longevity 050-2208-531.10-07 Leave expense 050-2208-531.12-01 Full Time/Regular OT 050-2208-531.14-01 FICA 050-2208-531.14-03 Medicare 050-2208-531.14-11 CERS - Non Hazardous 050-2208-531.14-17 workers' Compensation 050-2208-531.14-19 Unemployment 050-2208-531.14-21 Life Insurance 050-2208-531.14-23 Cafeteria/Flex Plan 050-2208-531.16-10 Clothing Allowance 050-2208-531.16-35 Automobile allowance 050-2208-531.16-40 Boot Allowance 050-2208-531.16-45 Gym Reimbursement Personal Services 050-2208-531.20-01 Administrative LEVEL TEXT I ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 050-2208-531.21-02 Liability 050-2208-531.21-05 Vehicle 050-2208-531.22-02 Computer Software 132,211 165,282 167,380 171,585 3,226 3,587 3,615 3,795 4,283 16,750 972 200 200 7,744 9,580 9,535 9,840 1,811 2,240 2,245 2,315 23,315 32,391 33,870 33,690 2,240 2,389 3,180 2,960 811 487 40 260 455 636 51S 445 19,937 24,839 29,955 30,255 526 494 500 500 235 1,205 1,200 1,200 445 403 600 600 5 883 500 500 ___________ ____________ ____________ 198,216 ____________ 261,166 253,335 258,145 17,400 17,400 30,815 30,815 TEXT AMT 30,815 30,815 4,672 4,832 5,035 5,100 2,581 2,473 3,235 2,660 2,985 2,985 2,990 2,985 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 HTE -WORK ORDER/FACILITIES MAINT W/QREP CATALOG(WF) 2,985 2.985 050-2208-531.22-03 Copiers 050-2208-531.22-06 Communication Equipment LEVEL TEXT 1 38 RADIOS C $10.84/MONTH MOTOROLA CONTRACT ($38.63/MONTH) 050-2208-531.23-02 Collection 050-2208-531.23-04 Laundry 050-2208-531.23-07 Other Contractual Services 050-2208-531.31-03 Fuel 1,404 1,500 6.056 5,612 5,010 TEXT AMT 4,945 465 5,410 29,005 28,901 2,279 2,426 1,240 454 ------------ ------------ 66,218 66,487 6,879 8,708 188 1,600 5.410 29,000 26,000 2,300 1,500 995 1,000 80,880 77,070 9.600 10,125 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:21:04 WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION LEVEL TEXT 1 2700 GAL GASOLINE 3 $3.75 050-2208-531.33-01 Fleet Charges 050-2208-531.33-05 Property/Plant 050-2208-531.35-03 Office 050-2208-531.37-01 Electricity 050-2208-531.37-03 Natural Gas LEVEL TEXT 1 1120 N LOTH ST (1/3) 050-2208-531.37-05 Telephone LEVEL TEXT 1 OTHER (TNCI & ATT) CELL PHONE STIPEND 050-2208-531.37-07 Water LEVEL TEXT 1 CITY GARAGE COMPOST TR CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY FISCAL YEAR 2014 050-2208-531.38-01 Training & Travel 050-2208-531.38-05 Dues,Mbrships,Books/Subs 050-2208-531.39-01 Advertisement 050-2208-531.39-05 Postage 050-2208-531.39-07 Printing * Commodities 050-2208-531.42-12 Equipment - Safety 050-2208-531.42-19 Equipment - Other * Capital Outlay 050-2208-531.60-10 Depreciation * Depreciation, Amortrzatio ** Solid Waste Administratn Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 TEXT AMT 10,125 10,125 3,081 3,628 3,500 3,500 7,321 1,012 2,245 2,000 1,347 677 1,000 1,000 7,667 8,818 9,500 9,000 3,170 3,032 3,600 3,500 TEXT AMT 3,500 3,500 3,656 3,440 1,110 1,180 TEXT AMT 25 1,155 1,180 4,429 4,790 5,600 5,400 TEXT AMT 4,200 1,200 5,400 1,003 785 2,200 1,000 150 50 100 100 5,589 3,755 2,575 2,000 34 31 100 100 500 500 ------------ 44,326 ------------ 31,470 ------------ 41,6330 ----------- 39,405 230 477 250 250 88 ------------ 230 ------------ 565 ------------ 250 ------------ 250 348,476 346,166 356,180 - ---------- 326,245 -....------- ------------ 348,476 --------'--- 346,166 356,180 326,245 --- -------- ------------ 6S7,466 ------------ 705,854 ------------ 732,275 701,115 189 Fund: 050 Solid Waste Department: 22 Engineering - Public Works Division: 09 Residential Collection This division provides collection and disposal of solid waste for the residential and commercial roll-out customers on a once per week schedule. Also, this division assists in weekly collection of yard waste. The service is to be provided in an efficient, effective, and economical manner, while complying with federal and state mandated regulations. BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Personal Services $ 661,471 $ 615,454 $ 702,380 $ 715,660 Contractuals $ 538,905 $ 526,939 $ 476,495 $ 503,265 Commodities $ 183,126 $ 239,314 $ 209,100 $ 217,500 Capital Outlay $ 4,222 $ 4,732 $ 60,935 $ 220,500 $1,387,724 $1,386,439 $1,448,910 51,656,925 Funded Staffing Level 14 13 13 13 DIVISION OUTPUTS • Residential collection • Commercial roll-out collection Yard waste collection FY2014 OBJECTIVES: 190 WORKSHEET: DRAPTEXP ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Residential Collection 050-2209-531.10-01 Full Time/Regular 050 -2209 -5331.10 -OS Longevity 050-2209-531.12-01 Full Time/Regular OT 050-2209-531.14-01 FICA 050-2209-531.14-03 Medicare 050 2209-531.14-11 CERS - Non Hazardous 050-2209-531.14-17 Workers' Compensation 050-2209 531.14-19 Unemployment 050-2209-531.14-21 Life Insurance 050-2209-531.14-23 Cafeteria/Flex Plan 050-2209-531.16-40 Boot Allowance 050-2209-531.16-45 Gym Reimbursement Personal Services 050-2209-531.20-01 Administrative LEVEL TEXT 1 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 050-2209-531.20-04 Landfill LEVEL TEXT 1 9100 TONS o $40/TON PMT FOR CLEAN-UP DAY 050-2209-531.21-02 Liability 050-2209-531.21-04 Property Damage 050-2209-533.21-05 Vehicle 050-2209-531.23-04 Laundry a Contractual Services 050-2209-531.31-03 Fuel LEVEL TEXT 1 28,000 GAL DIESEL C $4.00 FISCAL YEAR 2014 050-2209-531.33-01 Fleet Charges 050-2209-531.35-13 Field Operation Supplies 050-2209-531.38-07 Education (tuition reimb) * Commodities 050-2209-531.40-07 Vehicle - Heavy LEVEL TEXT Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 406,772 376,538 433,940 442,090 4,637 3,851 3,720 5,045 12,530 9,523 11.000 11,500 23,973 22,290 24.220 24,610 5,606 5,213 5,665 5,755 72,257 72,837 85,565 85,080 17,870 15,423 16,940 18,965 2,542 1,119 100 650 2,227 2,500 2,365 2,040 110,046 101,599 114,535 115,675 3,011 3,361 3,250 3,250 1,200 1,080 1,000 ------------ 661,471 ------------ ------------ 615,454 702,380 ------------ 715,660 87,000 87,000 62,625 62,625 TEXT AMT 62,625 62,625 405,038 395,683 370,000 400,000 TEXT AMT 364,000 36,000 400,000 11,512 10,621 9,925 10,125 286 277 280 285 29,627 27,837 27,665 25,730 5,442 5,521 6,000 4,500 ------------ ------------ 538,905 ------------ 526,939 ------------ 476,495 503,265 85,781 96,622 112,000 112,000 TEXT AMT 112,000 112,000 96,773 140,651 95,000 105,000 572 434 500 500 1,607 1,600 183,126 239,314 209,100 217,500 140,000 191 TEXT AMT RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:21:04 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET. DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011.2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 1 REAR PACKER 140,000 140,000 050-2209-531.42-12 Equipment - Safety 536 2,710 935 500 050-2209-531.42-19 Equipment - Other 3,686 2,022 60,000 80,000 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 ROLLOUTS, REPLACEMENT LIDS 80,000 80,000 CapitalOutlay ------------ 4,222 --- ---'-.-.- 4,732 ------------ 60,935 ---------- -- ------- ------Capital 220,500 ------------ ** Residential Collection ------------ 1,387,724 ------------ 1,386,439 1,448,910 1,656,925 192 Fund: 050 Solid Waste Department: 22 Engineering - Public Works Division: 10 Commercial Collection The Commercial Collection Division is responsible for the collection and disposal of commercial solid waste materials contained in dumpsters. BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-201.3 Adopted 2013-2014 Personal Services $ 201,991 $ 269,832 $ 224,530 $ 230,585 Contractuals $ 756,487 $ 739,063 $ 776,555 $ 775,810 Commodities S 162,573 $ 194,506 $ 202,500 $ 202,350 Capital Outlay $ 5,135 $ 10,686 $ 294,285 $ 70,500 $1,126,186 $1,214,087 $1,497,870 $1,279,245 Funded Staffing Level 4 41 4 4 DIVISION OUTPUTS • Commercial collection FY2014 OBJECTIVES: 193 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:21:04 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Commercial Collection 050 2210-531.10-01 Full Time/Regular 050-2210-531,10-05 Longevity 050-2210-531.12-01 Full Time/Regular OT 050-2210-531.14-01 FICA 050-2210-531.14-03 Medicare 050-2210-531.14-11 CERS - Non Hazardous 050-2210-531.14-17 Workers' Compensation 050-2210-531.14-19 Unemployment 050-2210-531.14-21 Life Insurance 050-2210-531.14-23 Cafeteria/Flex Plan 050-2210-531.16-40 Boot Allowance 050-2210-531.16-45 Gym Reimbursement * Personal Services 050-2210-531.20-01 Administrative LEVEL TEXT 1 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 050-2210-531.20-04 Landfill 050-2210-531.21-02 Liability 050-2210-531.21-05 Vehicle 050-2210-531.23-04 Laundry 050-2210-531.23-07 Other 050-2210-531.24-01 Rental Equipment * Contractual Services 050-2210-531.31-03 Fuel LEVEL TEXT 1 24,000 GAL DIESEL c $4.00 050-2210-531.33-01 Fleet Charges 050-2210-531.35-13 Field Operation Supplies 050-2210-531.35-15 Grounds Maintenance 050-2210-531.37-01 Electricity LEVEL TEXT 1 112 N 3RD ST UNIT B * Commodities 050-2210-531.40-07 Vehicle - Heavy 050-2210-531.42-12 Equipment - Safety Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 126,267 175,039 137,950 141,790 1,428 1,639 1,560 2,160 4,420 5,668 5,000 5,000 7,258 10,095 7,975 8,275 1,697 2,361 1,865 1,935 22,520 34,687 27,275 27,385 5,180 4,954 5,400 6,105 791 516 35 210 708 1,151 730 630 30,504 32,765 35,240 35,595 858 777 1,000 1,000 360 180 500 500 201,991 269,832 224,530 230,585 29,000 29,000 52,820 52,820 TEXT AMT 52,820 52,820 691,291 680,020 690,000 690,000 8,691 8,118 10,295 10,500 24,594 19,231 19,940 20,340 1,481 2,234 2,000 1,650 970 1,000 460 460 500 500 756,487 739,063 776,555 775,810 73,062 85,171 96,000 96,000 TEXT AMT 96, 000 96,000 87,805 107,939 105,000 105,000 1,240 1,068 1,000 1,000 100 366 328 500 350 TEXT AMT 350 350 ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 162,573 194,506 202,500 202,350 223,785 432 631 500 500 194 RUN DATE: 07 WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 050-2210-531.42-19 Equipment - Other 4,703 10,055 70,000 70,000 ____________ * Capital Outlay ------ ---- ______---- 5,135 __ 10,686 ___________ 294,285 70,500 -------- -- ** Commercial Collection ------------ ---------'-- 1,126,186 1,214,087 1,497,870 1,279,245 195 Fund: 050 Solid Waste Department: 22 Engineering - Public Works Division: I 1 Composting & Recycling The compost facility provides composting programs to meet federal and state targeted goals of 25% reduction in the solid waste stream (per Senate Bill #2). This facility will continue to operate a biosolids composting facility by using yard waste collected and combining it with biosolids from the wastewater treatment plant. BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Personal Services $ 122,777 $ 119,480 $ 130,330 $ 131,750 Contractuals $ 111,712 $ 62,537 $ 131,360 $ 171,505 Commodities $ 77,997 $ 62,748 $ 101,100 $ 108,350 Capital Outlay $ - $ 375 $ 300,500 $ 300,500 $ 312,486 1 $ 245,140 $ 663,290 $ 712,105 Funded Staffing Level 2 2 2 2 DIVISION OUTPUTS Produce high quality composted biosolids products FY2014 OBJECTIVES: 196 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:21:04 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 Composting 5 Recycling 050-2211-531.10-01 Full Time/Regular 050 -2211 -531.10 -OS Longevity 050-2211-531.12-01 Full Time/Regular OT 050-2211-531.14-01 FICA 050-2211-531.14-03 Medicare 050-2211-531.14-11 CERS Non Hazardous 050-2211-531.14-17 Workers' Compensation 050-2211-531.14-19 Unemployment 050-2211-531.14-21 Life Insurance 050-2211-531.14-23 Cafeteria/Flex Plan 050-2211-531.16-10 Clothing Allowance 050-2211-531.16-40 Boot Allowance * Personal Services 050-2211-531.20-01 Administrative LEVEL TEXT 1 ADMINISTRATIVE SERICES 75,658 74,031 81,285 83,410 1,244 1,347 1,380 1,500 4,743 2,573 4,000 2,500 4,760 4,543 4,800 4,570 1,113 1,062 1,065 1,070 13,927 14,821 16,140 16,135 3,030 2,898 3,040 3,600 485 221 20 125 355 453 365 290 17,095 17,190 17,620 17,800 100,000 140,000 115 250 367 341 500 500 ----- ------------ 122,777 ------------ 119,480 ------------ 130,330 131,750 5,800 5,800 14,775 14,775 TEXT AMT 14,775 14,775 050-2211.531.21-02 _'---------- 62,537 Liability 2,830 2,187 4,530 4,620 050-2211.531.21-04 38,515 Property Damage 611 592 620 610 050-2211-531.23-04 30,000 Laundry 722 720 800 500 050-2211-531.23-06 2,000 Temporaries 8,544 4,908 5,635 6,000 050-2211-531.23-07 Other 7,205 5,100 51000 5,000 050-2211 531.24-01 Rental Equipment 86,000 43,230 100,000 140,000 LEVEL TEXT 1 CONTRACTED GRINDING * Contractual Services 050-2211-531.31-03 Fuel 050-2211-531.33-01 Fleet Charges 050-2211-531.33-05 Property/Plant 050-2211-531.35-13 Field Operation Supplies 050-2211-531.37-01. Electricity LEVEL TEXT 1 1560 N 8TH ST 050-2211-531.37-07 Water LEVEL TEXT 1 1550 N STH ST TEXT AMT 140,000 140,000 ________________________ 111,712 _'---------- 62,537 -------- 131,360 171,505 35,167 29,613 37,100 45,000 38,515 19,344 30,000 30,000 525 11,164 30,000 30,000 682 698 1,000 1,000 1.776 1,379 2,000 1,750 197 TEXT AMT 1,750 1,750 1,332 550 1,000 600 TEXT AMT 600 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:21:04 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: ORAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 600 Commodities ____ 77,997 ______------ 62,748 ____________ 101,100 108,350 050-2211-531 42-12 Equipment - Safety 375 500 500 050-2211-531.42-19 Equipment - Other 300,000 300,000 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 TROMMEL SCREEN 300,000 300,000 * Capital Outlay -------- _ 375 ____________ ____________ 300,500 ____________ 300,500 ----- _______ ** Composting & Recycling ____________ 312,486 245,140 663,290 712,105 198 Fund: 050 Solid Waste Department: 22 Engineering - Public Works Division: 12 Bulk, Brush & Leaf This division provides for the collection of separated green waste to include tree limbs, bagged grass clippings, bagged leaves and brush. This division also collects and disposes of white goods, furniture, and green waste at or below competitive market rates, in an economical and effective manner BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Personal Services $ 167,250 $ 168,155 $ 170,445 $ 172,930 Contractuals $ 105,388 $ 99,162 $ 85,505 $ 39,950 Commodities $ 35,688 $ 36,155 $ 36,000 $ 36,000 Capital Outlay $ 389 $ 493 $ 500 $ 500 S 308,715 $ 303,965 S 292,450 S 249,380 Funded Staffing Level 3 3 3 3 DIVISION OUTPUTS Bulk, brush, and leaf collection FY2014 OBJECTIVES: 199 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, WORKSHEET. DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 Bulk Brush & Leaf 050-2212-531.10-01 Full Time/Regular 103,096 103,981 105,585 107,165 050 -2212 -531.10 -OS Longevity 867 1,046 1,080 1,440 OSO-2,212-531.12-01 Full Time/Regular OT 3,345 2,426 3,000 3,000 050-2212-531.14-01 FICA 6,272 6,255 6,190 6,265 050-2212-531.14-03 Medicare 1,467 1,463 1,450 1,465 050-2212-531.14-11 CERS - Non Hazardous 18,286 20,431 20,855 20,660 050-2212-531.14-17 Workers' Compensation 3,675 3,729 4,035 3,455 050-2212-531.14-19 Unemployment 641 306 25 160 050-2212-531.14-21 Life Insurance 533 680 545 470 050-2212-531.14-23 Cafeteria/Flex Plan 28,693 27,435 26,430 27,600 050-2212-531.16-40 Boot Allowance 375 403 750 750 050-2212-531.16-45 Gym Reimbursement 500 ------------ ------------ 500 * Personal Services ------------ 167,250 ------------ 168,155 170,445 172,930 050-2212-531.20-01 Administrative 35,000 35,000 13,165 13,165 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 13,165 13,165 050-2212-531.20-04 Landfill 62,145 57,190 65,000 20,000 050-2212-531.21-02 Liability 2,811 2,316 2,415 2,325 050-2212-531.21-05 Vehicle 3,921 3,285 3,425 3,260 050-2212-531.23-04 Laundry 1,511 1,371 ------------ 1,500 ------------ 1,200 ------------ * Contractual Services ------------ 105,388 99,162 85,505 39,950 050-2212-531.31-03 Fuel 12,600 17,108 16,000 16,000 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 4000 GAL DIESEL @ $4.00 16,000 16,000 050-2212-531.33-01 Fleet Charges 23,088 19,047 20,000 ------------ 20,000 --- --------- * Commodities ------------ 35,688 ------------ 36,155 36,000 36,000 050-2212-531.42-12 Equipment - Safety 389 493 ------------ S00 ------------ 500 ------------ * Capital Outlay ------------ 389 ------------ 493 ------------ 500 ------------ 500 ------- ---- -------- Bulk Brush Bulk & Leaf 308,715 303,965 292,450 249,380 200 Fund: 050 Solid Waste Department: 22 Engineering - Public Works Division: 13 Landfill This division is used to reimburse McCracken County for expenses incurred for City's portion of testing & monitoring of the closed landfill in accordance with mandated state regulations BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Personal Services $ - $ - $ - $ - Contractuals $ 39,553 $ 44,778 $ 40,000 $ 40,000 Commodities $ $ - $ - $ - CapitalOutlay $ $ $ $ - $ 39,553 $ 44,778 $ 40,000 $ 40,000 FY2014 OBJECTIVES: 201 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:21:04 WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Landfill 050-2213-531.23-07 Other * Contractual Services ** Landfill *** Engineering/Public works CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 39,553 44,778 40,000 40,000 ---------- -- ---- --.-_---- 39,553 --- 44,778 ----------- 40,000 40,000 ------------ ------'----- 39,553 44,778 ---------- 40,000 ------------ 40,000 ------------ ------------ 3,832,130 3,900,263 ------------ 4,674,795 --- ------- -- 4,638,770 202 Fund: 050 Solid Waste Department: 99 Interfund Transfers Division: 99 Interfund Transfers BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Personal Services $ $ $ $ Contractuals $ $ $ $ Commodities $ $ - $ - $ Capital Outlay $ $ $ - $ Interfund Transfers (out) $ $ 247,725 $ 240,000 $ 240,000 $ $ 247,725 $ 240,000 $ 240,000 FY2014 Objectives: 203 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:21:04 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 Interfund Transfers Interfund Transfers 050-9999-699.90.01 General Fund 240,000 240,000 240,000 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 3 FTE STREET SWEEPERS 163,500 BULK BRUSH PROGRAM (MONDAYS) PARTIAL EXP INCURRED 76,500 240,000 050-9999-699.90 02 Grant Fund 7,725 * Interfund Transfers (out) 247,725 240,000 240,000 ** Interfund Transfers _________ 247,725 ____________ 240,000 240,000 --- --------- *•* Interfund Transfers ------------ ---- -------- 247,725 ------------ 240,000 240,000 **** SOLID WASTE ------------ 3,832,130 ------------ 4,147,988 --"'__"----_ 4,914,795 4,878,770 204 CIVIC CENTER FUND The Civic Center Fund is used to account for the operation of the Civic Center in a manner similar to private business. The intent of the City of Paducah is that the cost of providing services to the general public on a continuing basis be financed primarily through user charges. RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 09:13:31 WORKSHEET: DRAFTREV ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION CIVIC CENTER 062-0000-440.01-00 Rental Income + Property Rent & Sales 062-0000-460.05-00 Interest on Checking * Interest Income 062-0000-499.90-01 General Fund LEVEL TEXT 1 GENERAL FUND USAGE FEE GENERAL FUND SUBSIDY * Interfund Transfers ** CIVIC CENTER CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted 201D-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 33,767 34,038 32,000 33,000 _____________ 33,767 34,038 32,000 33,000 131- 97- ------------ ------------ -- -- -- -- --------------__ 131- 97- 32,933 27,104 35,000 35,000 TEXT AMT 18,000 17,000 35,000 ________________________ 32,933 ____________ 27,104 ____________ 35,000 _______ 35,000 ____________ ____________ 66,569 ----- 61,045 67,000 68,000 205 Fund: 062 Civic Center Department: 24 Parks Services Division: 03 Civic Center BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Personal Services $ - $ - $ $ Contractuals $ 25,200 $ 23,753 $ 25,595 $ 27,940 Commodities $ 40,948 $ 37,107 $ 41,405 $ 40,060 Capital Outlay $ - $ - $ $ - Depreciation, Amortization $ 10,397 $ 10,209 $ 10,025 $ 10,025 Interfund Transfers $ - $ - $ - $ $ 76,545 $ 71,069 $ 77,025 $ 78,025 FY2014 Objectives: 206 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:21:04 WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT EESCRIPTION CIVIC CENTER Parks Services Civic Center 062-2403-534.20-02 Audit 062-2403-534.21-02 Liability 062-2403-534.21-04 Property Damage 062-2403-534.23-07 Other LEVEL TEXT 1 CROWDUS 134 RENTALS AT $177.50 2 FLOOR WAXINGS PER YEAR * Contractual Services 062-2403-534.33-05 Property/Plant 062-2403-534.35-19 Janitorial 062-2403-534.37-01 Electricity LEVEL TEXT 1 2701 PARK AVE 062-2403-534.37-03 Natural Gas LEVEL TEXT 1 2701 PARK AVE 062-2403-534.37-05 Telephone LEVEL TEXT 1 OTHER (TNCI & ATT) 062-2403-534.37-07 Water LEVEL TEXT 1 CIVIC CENTER 062-2403-534.37-11 Refuse * Commodities 062-2403-534.60-10 Depreciation * Depreciation, Amortizatio CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 250 250 250 400 648 582 610 540 1,826 1,768 1,850 1,815 22,476 21,153 22,885 25,185 TEXT AMT 23,785 1.,400 25,185 ------------ 25,200 ------------ ------------ 23,753 -- 25,595 --------- 27,940 10,729 4,820 9,500 7,500 2,314 2,796 2,780 2,780 19,332 21,057 20,000 21,155 TEXT AMT 21,155 21,155 3,008 2,642 3,150 2,750 TEXT AMT 2,750 2,750 5 5 5 5 TEXT AMT 5 5 890 1,117 1,3300 1,200 TEXT AMT 1,200 1,200 4,670 4,670 4,670 4,670 ________ 40,948 ________________________ 37,107 ____________ 41,405 40,060 10,397 10,209 10,025 _______ ____________ 10,025 _______ 10,397 ____________----- 10,209 ------------ ----- 10,025 -- -- --- ------------ 10,025 207 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:21:04 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY KORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 ** Civic Center 76,545 71,069 77,025 78,025 *** Parks Services ------------ 76,545 ------------ ----- 71,069 ----- 77,025 ------------ 78,025 **** CIVIC CENTER 76,545 ______ ____________ 71,069 77,025 __.--------- 78,025 208 RENTAL PROPERTY FUND The Rental Property Fund is used to account for the City's major rental properties in a manner similar to private business. The intent of the City of Paducah is to account for all manner of financial transactions associated with City -owned rental property. RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 09:13:31 WORKSHEET: DRAFTREV ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION RENTAL PROPERTY FUND 063-0000-440.06-00 SCI - Lease Income LEVEL TEXT 2 SCI ($5010/MONTH) 063-0000-440.07-00 Prohation & Parole LEVEL TEXT 1 PROBATION & PAROLE ($17902/MONTH) 063-0000-440.09-00 UPB Building Rent 063-0000-440.12-00 James Marine LEVEL TEXT 1 JAMES MARINE RENT ($225/MONTH) * Property Rent & Sales 063-0000-499.90-01 General Fund 063-0000-499.90-04 Investment Fund LEVEL TEXT 1 CITY LEASED PROPERTIES MAINTENANCE 063-0000-499.90-40 Capital Projects Fun * Interfund Transfers ** RENTAL PROPERTY FUND CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-201.3 2013-2014 60,123 60,123 60,120 60,120 TEXT AMT 60,120 60,120 39,853 58,008 73,180 71,610 TEXT AM? 71,610 71,610 8,000 2,700 2,700 2,700 2,700 TEXT AM.T -2,700 2,700 102,676 120,831 144,000 134,430 8,076 7,641 170,000 25,000 TEXT A.`4T 23,000 25,000 d 509 6,585 7,641 170,000 25,000 111,261 128,472 314,000 159,430 209 Fund: 063 Rental Property Department: 02 Finance Division: BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Personal Services $ - $ - $ - $ - Contractuals $ 14,079 $ 13,499 $ 18,385 $ 17,460 Commodities $ 17,899 $ 18,925 $ 187,315 $ 88,250 Capital Outlay $ - $ - $ - $ - lnterfund Transfers $ 79,003 $ 95,835 $ 108,390 $ 53,720 S 110,981 S 128,259 S 314,090 $ 159,430 FY2014 Objectives: 210 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:21,04 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 RENTAL PROPERTY FUND Finance Rental Property 063-0211-542.20-02 Audit 100 ISO 063-0211-542.21-02 Liability 249 211 220 1,385 063-0211-542.21-04 Property Damage 13,712 13,288 18,065 15,925 LEVEL TEXT TEXT PMr I HENRY A PETTER BLDG 1,460 MARKET HOUSE THEATER 2,830 PROBATION & PAROLE 1,030 RIVER HERITAGE MUSEUM 2,780 RAILROAD MUSEUM (OLD FLORIST BLDG) 1,260 WC YOUNG 790 OTHER 2,775 15,925 063-0211-542.23-07 Other 118 * Contractual Services ------------ 14,079 ------------ ------------ 13,499 18,385 ------------ 17,460 063-0211-542.33-05 Property/Plant 4,019 5,627 173,800 75,000 063-0211-542.37 01 Electricity 9,942 9,247 9,260 9,250 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AIT 1 400 S 6TH ST 9,000 229 MARINE WAY 250 9,250 063-0211-542.37-03 Natural Gas 3,125 3,017 3,255 3,000 LEVEL TEXT TEXT A7,T 1 400 S 6TH ST 3,DOD 3,0D0 063-0211-542.37-07 Water 813 1,034 1,000 1,000 LEVEL TEXT TEXT Amr 1 400 S 6TH ST 1,000 1,OOD * Commodities 17,899 i8,925 187,315 88,250 ** Rental Property 31,978 32,424 205,700 105,710 *** Finance 31,978 32,424 205,700 105,710 211 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:21:04 WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Interfund Transfers Interfund Transfers 063-9999-699.90-01 General Fund * Interfund Transfers (out) ** Interfund Transfers *** Interfund Transfers **** RENTAL PROPERTY FUND CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 79,003 ____________ ___ 95,835 108,390 _____79,003 53,720 79, 003 ____---- ------ 95,835 108,390 53,720 ------------ --- 79,003 ---- ___----- ___------ ____________ 95,835 __._. 108,390 ___._-__ 53,720 ___________ 79,003 95,835 108,390 53,720 ---- _----- _____ 110,981 ---- ----- ------------ 128,259 314,090 ________--- 159,430 212 RADIO DEPRECIATION & OPERATION FUND The Radio Depreciation & Operation Fund used to account for the cost of operating the City's 800 MHz radio system in a manner similar to private business. The intent of the City of Paducah is that the cost of providing services on a continuing basis be financed primarily through user RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 09:13:31 WORKSHEET: DRAFTREV ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION RADIO DEPRECIATION & OPER 064-0000-440.01-00 Rental Income LEVEL TEXT 1 RADIO/GPS RADIO USER CHARGES: PATS 26 PPS 1 PWW 5 LOURDES 2 AIRPORT 23 MERCY REG 18 PAD SCHOOL 2 COUNTY SCHOOLS 4 REIDLAND/FARL 6 CONCORD FIRE 2 JSA 40 USEC 22 COUNTY 219 CITY 381 TOTALS 751 MDT REPLACEMENT SET ASIDE - EQ0018 CITY OF PADUCAH, KEN'T'UCKY FISCAL YEAR 2014 064-0000-440.08-00 Cingular Wire - tower LEVEL TEXT 1 TOWER RENT $1,633.50/MONTH * Property Rent & Sales 064-0000-460.05-00 Interest on Checking * Interest Income 064-0000-481.01-00 Miscellaneous - Other * Other Pees 064-0000-499.90-01 General Fund k Interfund Transfers ** RADIO DEPRECIATION & OPER 213 Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2021-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 123,671 123,247 98,920 117,675 TEXT A-M'r C. $10.84/MO 15,780 C- $ 2.72/MO 720 C $10.84/MO 28,490 C $10.84/MO 49,560 22,125 117,675 17,820 18,548 19,600 19,600 TEXT AMT 19,600 19,600 141,491 141,795 118,520 137,275 3,869 4,877 4,500 6,000 3,869 4,877 4,500 6,000 2,381 2,381 '50,000 50,000 145,360 199,053 123,020 143,275 213 Fund: 064 Radio Depreciation & Operation Department: 02 Finance Division: 14 Radio Depreciation & Operation BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Personal Services $ - $ - $ - $ Contractuals $ 45,739 $ 40,940 $ 44,910 $ 32,635 Commodities $ - $ - $ - $ - CapitalOutlay $ - $ - $ - $ 37,500 $ 45,739 $ 40,940 $ 44,910 $ 70,135 FY2014 Objectives: 214 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:21:04 WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION RADIO DEPRECIATION & OPER Finance Radio Depreciation & Oper 064-0214-542.20-01 Administrative LEVEL TEXT 1 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY FISCAL YEAR 2014 064-0214-542.20-02 Audit 064-0214-542.21-02 Liability 064-0214-542.21-04 Property Damage 064-0214-542.22-06 Communication Equipment LEVEL TEXT 1 MOTOROLA CONTRACT ($1,150/M0NTH) 064-0214-542.23-07 Other x Contractual Services 064-0214-542.42-13 Equipment - Communication LEVEL TEXT 1 15 METS C $2,500 (EQ0018) " Capital Outlay x* Radio Depreciation & Oper x.x Finance RADIO DEPRECIATION & OPER Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 6,000 12,000 15,000 15,600 TEXT AMT 15,600 15,600 Soo Soo Soo 750 549 343 360 315 1,074 1,138 1,190 1,170 37,616 26,859 26,860 13,800 TEXT AMT 13,800 13,600 ------------ 100 ------- ----- --------'___ 1,000 1,000 45,739 40,940 44,910 32,635 37,500 TEXT AMT 37,500 37,500 ____________ ------------ ______------ ___ ------------------------ --- ______ 37,500 45,739 _____ 40,940 _________--- -----'----- 44,910 70,135 45,739 _____ ____________ 40,940 ____________ ____________ 44,910 70,135 45,739 ____________ 40,940 44,910 70,135 215 FLEET MAINTENANCE FUND The Fleet Maintenance Fund is used to account for the financing of goods or services provided by one department or agency to other departments or agencies of the goverrunent and to other government units, on a cost reimbursement basis. RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 09:13:31 WORKSHEET: DRAFTREV ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION FLEET MAINTENANCE 070-0000-441.05-00 Sale of Assets * Property Rent & Sales 070-0000-460.05 00 Interest on Checking CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY FISCAL YEAR 2014 * Interest Income 070-0000-410.01-01 Labor Charges 070-0000-470.01-05 Parts & Materials 070-0000-470.01-06 External parts 070-0000-470.01-18 Fuel Surcharge * Internal Service Revenues 070-0000-481.01-00 Miscellaneous - Other * Other Fees 070-0000-499.90-01 General Fund LEVEL TEXT 1 COST OF CONVENIENCE SUBSIDY 070-0000-499.90-71 Fleet Lease Trust Fund * Interfund Transfers ** FLEET MAINTENANCE Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2,066 2,299 2,800 500 ----------- 2,066 ----- -- ---- 2,299 ----' ------- 2,800 -__--------- 500 23 26 ------------ 23 --------- --------------- 26 ------------ 256,278 279,930 275,000 280,000 69,624 68,608 70,000 70,000 7,145 6,605 9,000 7,500 21,718 ------------ 20,084 ------ ___.- 21,000 ----- 20,000 _----------- 354,765 ----- 375,227 375,000 377,500 348 355 250 250 ------------ 348 ------------ 355 ---- -------- 250 ------------ 250 138,557 146,623 152,725 148,770 TEXT AMT 148,770 148,770 4,523 143,080 146,623 ------ ------ 152,725 --- --------- -----'500,282 148,770 ------------ 500, 282 524,530 530,775 527,020 216 Fund: 070 Fleet Maintenance Department: 22 Engineering - Public Works Division: 15 Fleet Maintenance This division strives to establish efficient and effective delivery of City fleet services by providing "customers" with safe, reliable, economical, and environmentally sound transportation and related support services that are responsible to the needs of the customer departments and that conserve vehicle value and equipment investment. BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Personal Services $ 405,330 $ 409,697 $ 416,500 $ 430,615 Contractuals $ 45,831 $ 47,250 $ 37,380 $ 32,730 Commodities $ 60,386 $ 56,582 $ 63,895 $ 60,510 Capital Outlay $ 799 $ 4,801 $ 13,000 $ 3,165 Depreciation, Amortization $ 11,051 $ 9,903 $ 7,970 $ 7,110 $ 523,397 $ 528,233 $ 538,745 S 534,130 Funded Staffing Level 6.5 6.51 6.5 6.5 DIVISION OUTPUTS • Maintenance and repair of all City vehicles, including police and fire vehicles, solid waste trucks, heavy equipment, and lawn maintenance equipment • Oversee purchase of all vehicles/equipment Facilitate City auction of used equipment, vehicles, and various other surplus items FY2014 OBJECTIVES: 217 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:21:04 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION FLEET MAINTENANCE Engineering/Public Works Fleet Maintenance 070-2215-541.10-01 Full Time/Regular 070-2215-$41.10-05 Longevity 070-2215-541.10-07 Leave expense 070-2215-541.12-01 Full Time/Regular OT 070-2215-541.14-01 FICA 070-2215-541.14-03 Medicare 070-2215-541.14-11 CERS - Non Hazardous 070-2215-541.14-17 Workers' Compensation 070-2215-541.14-19 Unemployment 070-2215-541.14-21 Life Insurance 070-2215-541.14-23 Cafeteria/Flex Plan 070-2215-541.16-10 Clothing Allowance 070-2215-541.16-40 Boot Allowance 070-2215-541.16-45 Gym Reimbursement * Personal Services 070-2215-541.20-01 Administrative LEVEL TEXT 1 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 070-2215-541.21-02 Liability 070-2215-541.21-04 Property Damage 070-2215-541.21-05 Vehicle 070-2215-541.22-02 Computer Software LEVEL TEXT 1 HTE - FLEET MANAGEMENT QREP CATALOG - FLEET 070-2215-541.22-03 Copiers 070-2215-541.22-06 Communication Equipment LEVEL TEXT 1 4 RADIOS s $10.84/MONTH MOTOROLA CONTRACT (14.34/MONTH) 070-2215-541.23-04 Laundry 070-2215-541.23-07 Other 070-2215-541.23-23 Over/Long Account Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 263,521 267,490 268,915 282,790 3,398 3,670 3,630 3,960 9,350 7,161 4,170 747 5,000 3,000 15,471 15,348 15,500 16,305 3,618 3,590 3,625 3,815 46,244 51,760 53,765 54,565 5,860 5,605 5,930 5,250 1,621 774 60 415 975 1,236 985 850 49,101 50,902 57,265 57,840 484 299 450 450 1,337 1,115 1,375 1,375 180 ____________ 405,330 ____________ ____________ 409,697 416,500 4330,615 20,000 20,000 10,000 9,400 TEXT AMT 9,400 9,400 3,913 3,513 3,690 3,765 2,034 1,972 2,025 2,025 4,255 6,863 7,680 6,360 6,922 8,171 6,925 5,320 TEXT AMT 4,995 325 5,320 360 390 400 360 1,459 S20 660 700 TEXT AN'I 525 175 700 4,117 5,542 5,000 3,800 279 500 500 2,771 500 500 ____________ --- _--- __--- ____________ 218 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10.21:04 WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION * Contractual Services 070-2215-541.31-03 Fuel LEVEL TEXT 1 2250 GAL GASOLINE �! $3.75 100 GAL DIESEL � $4.00 070-2215-541.33-01 Fleet Charges 070-2215-541.33-05 Property/Plant 070-2215-541.35-01 Garage (Default) 070-2215-541.35-03 Office 070-2215-541-35-11 Shop 070-2215-541.37-01 Electricity 070-2215-541.37-03 Natural Gas LEVEL TEXT 1 1120 N 10TH ST (1/3) 070-2215-541.37-05 Telephone LEVEL TEXT 1 OTHER (TNC1 & ATT) CELL PHONE STIPEND 070-2215-541.37-07 Water LEVEL TEXT 1 CITY GARAGE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY FISCAL YEAR 2014 070-2215-541.38-01 Training & Travel 070-2215-541.38-05 Dues,Mbrships,Books/Subs 070-2215-541.39-05 Postage * Commodities 070-2215-541.42-09 Computer Hardware LEVEL TEXT I PRINTER FOR SHOP LAPTOP 070-2215-541.42-12 Equipment Safety 070-2215-541.42-19 Equipment Other * Capital Outlay Actual. Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 45,831 47,250 37,380 32,730 5,189 7,947 7,800 8,835 TEXT 44T 8,435 400 8,835 8,466 9,672 10,000 10,000 9,905 7,516 7,500 5,000 1,725- 4,768- 1,189 852 1,000 1,000 13,777 14,892 15,000 15,000 9,626 8,818 9,500 9,000 3,170 3,032 3,600 3,500 TEXT AMM 3,500 3,500 2,734 2,352 1,790 770 TEXT AMT 50 720 770 4,429 3,553 4,200 4,200 TEXT AMT 4,200 4,200 2,554 1,894 2,500 2,000 1,047 822 1,000 11180 25 5 25 ------------ 60,386 ------------ 56,582 ------------ 63,895 ------------ 60,510 2,000 TEXT A%IT' 2,000 2,000 140 863 1,000 1,165 659 3,938 12,000 799 4,801 13,000 3,165 219 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:21:04 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 070-2215.541.60-10 Depreciation 11,051 9,903 7,970 7,110 * Depreciation, Amortizatio -- ---------- ------------ 11,051 9,903 ---. _. _. __ 7,970 .._-_------- 7,110 �* Fleet Maintenance -- ------- --- ------------ 523,397 528,233 ------ ------ 538,745 --- --------- 534,130 *** Engineering/Public Works -- ---- ------------------ 523,397 ---- 528,233 -------- 538,745 ----------- 534,130 **** FLEET MAINTENANCE _____----- 523,397 _---- __ 528,233 538,745 534.130 220 FLEET LEASE TRUST FUND The Fleet Least Trust Fund is used to account for the financing of vehicle acquisitions provided by one department or agency to other departments or agencies of the government and to other eovernment units, on a cost reimbursement basis. RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 09:13:31 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTREV FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 FLEET LEASE TRUST FUND 071-0000-440.02-00 Vehicle Lease 768,165 802,490 788,040 734,270 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 VEHICLES IN THE FLEET TRUST PLAN 504,270 10TH YEAR OF THE FIRE TRUCK SET ASIDE PROGRAM 23U,000 734,270 071-0000-441.05-00 Sale of Assets 60,474 34,418 45,000 20,000 * Property Rent & Sales 828,639 836,908 833,040 754,270 071-0000-460.01-00 Interest on Investments 23,314 16,213 7,400 071-0000-460.05-00 Interest on Checking 22,740 24,441 16,000 20,000 * Interest Income 46,054 40,654 25,400 20,000 071-0000-472.01-01 Claims Settlements 10,500 * Internal Service Revenues 10,500 ** FLEET LEASE TRUST FUND 874,693 888,062 858,440 774,270 221 Fund: 071 Fleet Lease Truse Department: Division: The Fleet Trust Fund is used to ensure that appropriate funding is available for the replacement of vehicles & heavy equipment for the entire city organization. BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Personal Services $ - $ - $ - $ - Contractuals $ 13,500 $ 25,600 $ 26,700 $ 28,400 Commodities $ 372 $ 629 $ - $ 200 Capital Outlay $ - $ (4) $1,317,000 $ 315,000 Depreciation, Amortization $ 537,677 $ 568,418 $ 628,475 $ 635,485 Interfund Transfers $ 4,523 $ 5,149 $ - $ - $ 556,072 $ 599,792 51,972,175 S 979,085 FY2014 Objectives: 222 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:21:04 WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION FLEET LEASE TRUST FUND Finance Fleet Lease Trust 071-0210-542.20.01 Administrative LEVEL TEXT 1 ACCOUNTING SERVICES 071-0210-542-20-02 Audit * Contractual Services 071-0210-542.39-01 Advertisement * Commodities 071-0210-542-40-05 Vehicles LEVEL TEXT CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 1 STREET 2 - DUMP TRUCKS FIRE 1 - SMALL SUV POLICE 3 PURSUIT VEHICLES PARKS 1 - FIELD CONDITIONER * Capital Outlay 071-0210-542.60-10 Depreciation ]Depreciation, Amortizatio ** Fleet Lease Trust *** Finance 12,000 24,000 25,000 26,400 TEXT AMI' 26,400 26,400 1,500 1,600 1,700 2,000 13,500 25,600 26,700 28,400 372 629 200 372 629 200 4- 1,317,000 315,000 TEXT AMT 180,000 24,000 93,000 18,000 315,000 223 4 1,317,000 315,000 537,677 568,418 628,475 635,485 537,677 568,418 628,475 635,485 551,549 594,643 1,972,175 979,085 551,549 594,643 1,972,175 979,085 223 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:21:04 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Interfund Transfers Interfund Transfers 071-9999-699.90-40 Capital Projects Fund 071-9999-699.90-70 Fleet Maintenance Fund * Interfund Transfers (out) ** Interfund Transfers *** Interfund Transfers **** FLEET LEASE TRUST FUND Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 224 5,149 4,523 ___-- ______-. ------------ _____.. 4,523 5,149 ----- ----- ------- ---------- ------"4,523 ---- -- ----- 4 , 523 ------ 5,149 ------ ___--- __'_------- ______4,523 ____________ ____________ 4, 523 5,149 _-- ----- ------ ___ 556, 072 ---- _____ ----- '556,072 599,792 1,972,175 979,085 224 INSURANCE FUND The Insurance Fund is used to account for the costs associated with the City's liability insurance activities. The intent of the City of Paducah is that the cost of providing insurance coverage on a continuing basis be financed primarily through user charges. RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 09:13:31 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTREF' FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 INSURANCE FUND 072-0000-472.01-05 Cance]. /Refunds 15,096 33,854 072-0000-472.01-10 WIC Insurance 304,350 283,618 309,000 311,000 072-0000-472.01-15 Liability Insurance 243,234 225,137 235,000 238,200 072-0000-472.01-20 Police Liability 67,804 67,137 67,005 67,005 072-0000-472.01-25 Property Damage Insurance 102,363 98,862 104,000 105,000 072-0000-472.01-30 Vehicle Insurance 212,562 198,927 207,500 204,300 --- * Internal Service Revenues ------- -------------- 945,409 ------------ 907,535 922,505 -- ---------- 925,505 072-0000-481.01-00 Miscellaneous - Other 2,359 * Other Fees 2,359 ____________ 072-0000-499.90-01 General Fund 32,026 49,839 28,000 20,000 * Interfund Transfers ------------ ------------ 32,026 -------- 49,839 -- --- 28,000 ---"-------_ 20,000 ** INSURANCE FUND ------------ ------------ 977,435 ------------ 959,733 950,505 ------------ 945,505 225 Fund: 072 Insurance Department: 02 Finance Division: 08 Insurance Fund The Insurance Fund is used to account for the costs associated with the City's property and casualty insurance. BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 Contractuals $ 984,556 $ 965,519 $ 973,705 $ 991,905 S 984,556 $ 965,519 S 973,705 S 991,905 FY2014 OBJECTIVES: • Continue Kentucky Certified Drug Free Workplace for 5% reduction in Worker's Compensation costs • Continue efforts on Loss Control Scorecard 226 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:21:04 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET? DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 INSURANCE FUND Finance Insurance Fund 072-0208-542,20-02 Audit 072-0208-542.21-01 Bonds 072-0208-542.21.02 Liability 072-0208-542.21-03 Police Liability 072-0208-542.21-04 Property Damage 072-0208-542.21-05 Vehicle 072-0208-542.21-06 Workers, Compensation 072-0208-542.23-13 Settlements Deductibles 072-0208-542.23-14 Deductible - W/C 072-0208-542.23-18 Deductible Gen/PO Liab 072-0208-542.23-19 Deductible - Law Enf Liab * Contractual Services ** Insurance Fund *** Finance **** INSURANCE FUND 1,000 1,200 1,200 1,400 2,824 243,270 225,326 235,000 238,200 67,804 67,137 67,005 67,005 102,351 98,865 104,000 105,000 213,565 201,984 207,500 204,300 285,923 246,505 284,000 311,000 2,359 38,617 69,480 47,000 45,000 4,314 2,583 5,000 5,000 27,712 47,256 23,000 15,000 984,556 965,519 973,705 991,905 ------------ ------------ 984,556 ------------ 965,519 ------------ 973,705 991,905 984,556 965,519 973,705 991,905 ------------ ------------ 984, 556 ------------ 965,519 973,705 991,905 227 HEALTH INSURANCE/CAFETERIA FUND The Health Insurance Fund is used to account for the costs associated with the City's self- insurance health-related activities. The intent of the City of Paducah is that the cost of providing health insurance coverage on a continuing basis be financed primarily through user charges. RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 09:13:31 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY 3,183,542 WORKSHEET: DRAFTRFV FISCAL YEAR 2014 LEVEL TEXT TEXT A6TT Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIP'T'ION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 20133-2014 HEALTH INSURANCE/CAFETERI 2,885,000 073-0000-472.01-05 Cancel/Refunds 346,194 755,827 350,000 350,000 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 3,784,907 1 STOPLOSS, SUBROGATION, RECOVERIES, MISCELLANEOUS 350,000 073-0000-481.01-00 Miscellaneous - Other 1,103 073-0000-472 01-07 Forfeited Funds 073-0000-472.01-35 Other - JSA LEVEL TEXT 1. JSA PAYMENTS ($24,000/MONTH) 073-0000-472.01-37 COBRA Payments LEVEL TEXT 1 COBRA PREMIUMS - USADMIN 35n,000 37,807 256,160 272,105 264,000 288,000 TEXT AMT 288,000 288,000 23,380 1.0,105 10,000 10,000 TEXT AW 10, GOO 10,000 073-0000-472.01-50 City of Paducah 3,159,173 3,183,542 2,909,600 2,911,400 LEVEL TEXT TEXT A6TT 1 ANTHEM BOBS - DED. PFPF PENSIONERS ($2,200/MONTH) 26,400 CITY PAID BENEFIT 2,885,000 2,911,400 * Internal Service Revenues 3,784,907 4,259,386 3,533,600 3,559,400 073-0000-481.01-00 Miscellaneous - Other 1,103 7,806 * Other Fees 1,103 7,806 ** HEALTH INSURANCE/CAFETERI --------- -- 3,786,010 ------------ ------------ 4,267,192 3,533,600 ------------ 3,559,400 228 Fund: 073 Health Insurance/Cafeteria Department: Division: The Health Insurance Fund is used to account for the costs associated with the City's health insurance BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Contractuals $3,031,436 $4,148,180 $3,533,600 $3,559,400 Iiterl'nd Transfers (out) $ 550,000 $ - $ - $ - $3,581,436 $4,148,180 $3,533,600 53,559,400 FY2014 OBJECTIVES: Establish appropriate strategy for navigating health care reform and employee benefits 229 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:21:04 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION HEALTH INSURANCE/CAFETERI Finance Insurance Fund 073-0208-542.20-01 Administrative LEVEL TEXT 1 ACCOUNTING SERVICES $1250/MONTH (GEN FUND) ANTHEM ADMIN CLAIM PROCESSING, ON-LINE ACC STOP LOSS INDIVIDUAL STOP LOSS AGGREGATE FEBCO ADMIN EMPLOYEE SRVC FEES {$450/MONT 073-0208-542.20-02 Audit 073-0208-542.21-07 Claims: Medical, Dental 073-0208-542.21-08 Premiums Paid LEVEL TEXT 1 AVESIS VISION EMPLOYEE SRVC FEES {INCL. ,7SA DELTA DENTAL ADMIN - CLAIM PROCESSING FEE PFPF ANTHEM BOBS PREMIUMS 073-0208-542.23-07 Other LEVEL TEXT 1 PEEL & HOLLAND CONSULTANT CONTRACT WELLSCORE Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 328,779 295,227 313,600 351,700 TEXT AMT 15,600 ESS 137,000 175,500 18,200 H) 5,400 351,700 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,850 2,118,069 3,224,703 2,538,800 2,542,950 99,988 127,650 147,600 146,400 TEXT AMT 18,000 102,000 26,400 146,400 62,628 66,000 72,000 76,500 TEXT AMF 65,000 11,500 76,500 420,372 433,000 460,000 440,000 TEXT AMP 220,000 220,000 440,000 3,031,436 4,148,180 3,533,600 3,559,400 3,031,436 4,146,190 3,533,600 3,559,400 3,031,436 4,148,180 3,533,600 3,559,400 073-0208-542.24-40 Medical Spending Accounts LEVEL TEXT 1 HSA ACCOUNT DEPOSITS (EMPLOYEE & EMPLOYER) HRA/FSA ACCOUNT DEPOSITS (EMPLOYEE & EMPLOYER) * Contractual Services ** Insurance Fund *** Finance 230 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:21:04 WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Interfund Transfers Interfund Transfers 073-9999-699.90-03 General Fund * Interfund Transfers (out) ** Interfund Transfers *** Interfund Transfers **** HEALTH INSURANCE/CAFETERI CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 550,000 ____________ _____ ____ _ -------- 1111010 _ _____________ ____________ ___-------- 550, 000 _______550,000 __________ ____ -------- __ _. --- _---- 550, 000 ___550,000 3,581,436 4,148,180 3,533,600 3,559,400 231 MAINTENANCE AND REHAB TRUST FUND The Maintenance and Rehab Trust Fund is used to account for the City's Commerce Center facility property in a manner similar to private business. The intent of the City of Paducah is to account for all manner of financial transactions associated with City -owned rental property. RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 09:13:31 WORKSHEET': DRAFTREV ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION MAINTENANCE & REHAB TRUST 074-0000-440.09-00 URB Building Rent * Property Rent & Sales 014-0000-499.90-01 General Fund * Interfund Transfers ** MAINTENANCE & REHAB TRUST CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 8,000 --_ ------- -- 8,000 --- ------ _--- __ ______---- ___8,000 8, 000 8,000 12,015 11,140 --- _---- ____ 12,015 ___-------- _____------- ____________ ___---- ____ 11,140 ------ --------_-_- _ ----- 20,015 19,140 232 Fund: 074 Maintenance & Rehab Trust Department: 02 Finance Division: Rental Property BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Contractuals $ 4,239 $ 4,111 $ $ Commodities $ 3,111 $ 3,544 $ $ Interfund Transfers (out) $ 12,550 $ 11,600 $ $ $ 19,900 S 19,255 $ $ 233 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:21:04 WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION MAINTENANCE & REHAB TRUST Finance Rental Property 074-0211-542.20-02 Audit 074-0211-542.21-04 Property Damage * Contractual Services 074-0211-542.33-05 Property/Plant * Commodities ** Rental Property *** Finance CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 100 100 4,139 4,011 ------------------------ 4,239 ------------ ------------ 4,111 3,111 3,544 ____________ --- _________ _____________ 3,111 3,544 ------ ----------- _---__------ 7,350 ____'__ _____ ____________ 7,655 --- ____----- ____________ 7. 350 ____________------ _----- ____7.350 7.655 234 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:21:04 WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Interfund Transfers Interfund Transfers 0�4-9999-699.90-01 General Fund * Interfund Transfers (out) ** Interfund Transfers *** Interfund Transfers **** MAINTENANCE & REHAB TRUST CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 12,550 11,600 12,550 11,600 ____________ ______---- --- _--- _____ 12,550 11,600 ------------ ------------ --- -'-___. _- ___---- __._. 12,550 11,600 __--------- _ ____________ --- _________ 19,900 19,255 235 APPOINTIVE EMPLOYEES' PENSION FUND The Appointive Employees' Pension Fund (AEPF) is a trust fund used to account for assets held by the City of Paducah as an agent for employees retiring prior to the City joining the state retirement plan. RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 09:13:31 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTREV FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010.2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 APPOINTIVE EMP PENSION FD 076-0000-460.01-00 Interest on Investments 2,188 1,181 1,000 076-0000-460.05-00 Interest on Checking 317 536 600 750 " Interest Income ------------ -------- 2,505 --- - 1,717 -------- .- 1,600 __--'--_---- 750 x. APPOINTIVE EMP PENSION FD ------------ -------- 2,505 -- ---------- 1,717 -- -- 1,600 ------ --- -- - 750 236 Fund: 076 Appointive Employees Pension Fund Department: 46 Appointive Employees Pension Fund Division: 11 Pensions BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Personal Services $ 36,939 $ 24,610 $ 25,025 $ 25,025 Contractuals $ 6,752 $ 7,119 $ 7,235 $ 7,655 Commodities $ 40 $ 23 $ 25 $ 25 $ 43,731 $ 31,752 $ 32,285 $ 32,705 237 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:21:04 WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION APPOINTIVE EMP PENSION FD Appointive Emp Pension Fd Pensions 076-4611-551.10-10 Pensions ^ Personal Services 076-4611-551.20-02 Audit 076-4611-551.21-01 Bonds 076-4611-551.23-07 Other CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 36,939 24,610 25,025 25,025 ____________ ____________ 36,939 ____________ 24,610 ____________ 25,025 25,025 350 400 400 520 109 102 110 110 6.293 6.617 6.725 7.025 LEVEL TEXT 1 ACCOUNTING SERVICES FUNERAL ALLOWANCES GASB STMT/ACTUARY VALUATION REVIEW RPT (YR 1 OF 5) ADP, 1099 QUARTER REPORTS, DIRECT DEPOSIT CHARGES * Contractual Services 076-4611-551.39-05 Postage * Commodities ** Pensions *** Appointive Emp Pension Fd APPOINTIVE EMP PENSION FD TEXT AMT 3,900 100 2,500 525 7.025 6,752 7,119 7,235 7,655 40 23 25 2S ____________ 40 ________ 23 - -_._-______ 25 25 __ ------------ ___________43,731 43, 731 31,752 32,285 32,705 43,731 ------------- ....... 31,752 ----- ----- 32,285 _______ 32,705 43,731 31,752 32,285 32,705 238 POLICE AND FIRE PENSION FUND The Police and Fire Pension Fund (PFPF) is a trust fund used to account for assets held by the City of Paducah as an agent for police and fire personnel retiring prior to the City joining the state retirement plan or for police and fire personnel who elected not to join the state plan. RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 09:13:31 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTREV FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 POLICE & FIRE PENSION FD 077-0000-441.05-00 Sale of Assets 077-0000-441.06-00 Appr/Dept of FV of Instmt * Property Rent & Sales 077-0000-460.01-00 Interest on Investments 077-0000-460.05-00 Interest on Checking Interest Income 077 0000-477.01-01 Contribution - Employer 077 -0000 -477.01 -OS Contribution - Employee * Internal Service Revenues 077-0000-481.01-00 Miscellaneous - Other * Other Fees 077-0000-499.90-01 General Fund 459,324 156,729 250,000 200,000 844,958 279,589- 200,000 150,000 ------------------------ 1,304,282 ------------ 122,860- ------------ 450,000 350,000 241,325 246,189 200,000 225,000 714 12 50 100 ------------ --- 242,039 -- ------- ------------ 246,201 ------------ 200,050 225,100 5,128 7,690 4,690 4,805 5,033 ____________ ____________ 7,548 ____________ 4,600 4,700 10,161 15,238 9,290 9,505 3,743 50 ------------------------ ------------ 3 743 ------- 50 ----- ---3743 446,301 380,310 471,310 411,845 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND ISSUED IN FY2006 ELIMINATED THE PENSION FUND'S OUTSTANDING UNFUNDED LIABILITY AT THAT TIME, THEREFORE, NO FURTHER CITY LIABILITY OBLIGATION OTHER THAN NORMAL COST FOR ACTIVE PARTICIPANTS STATUTORY MINIMUM REQUIREMENT, AS ESTIMATED BY BRIM 416,650 LESS: FUNDING ELSEWHERE IN FY2014 BUDGET 4,805- 411,845 ------------ ------- ----------------- .._-__------ * Interfund Transfers 446,301 380,310 471,310 411,845 ** POLICE & FIRE PENSION FD 2,002,783 522,632 1,130,700 996,450 239 Fund: 077 Police & Fire Pension Fund Department: 47 Police & Fire Pension Fund Division: 11 Pensions BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Personel Services $1,682,095 $1,621,008 $1,600,000 $1,480,000 Contractuals $ 48,101 $ 49,289 $ 53,610 $ 55,610 Commodities $ 475 $ 423 $ - $ 450 Capital Outlay $ - $ - $ $ - $1,730,671 1 $1,670,720 $1,653,610 1 $1,536,060 240 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:21:04 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 POLICE & FIRE PENSION FD Police & Fire Pension Fd Pensions 077-4711.552.10 10 Pensions 1,682,095 1,621,008 1,600,000 1,480,000 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMr 1 BASE PENSION FOR 65 PENSION RECIPIENTS, COLA SET BY PENSION BOARD PER KRS, IF ACTUARILY SOUND 1,480,000 1,480,000 * Personal Services 1,682,095 1,621,008 1,600,000 1,480,000 077-4711-552.20-02 Audit 3,100 3,200 3,200 3,750 077-4711-552.21-01 Bonds 109 102 110 110 077-4711-552.23-05 Legal 506 500 500 077-4711-552.23-07 Other 19,685 21,041 21,800 23,250 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AAT 1 ACCOUNTING SERVICES 8,400 ADP: 1099R, QUARTER RPTS, DIRECT DEPOSIT 3,500 ACTUARY VALUATION REPORT - BPSM 7,500 GASB 25/27 STMTS-AUDIT, FUNDING PROJECTIONS - BPSM 3,250 PENSION BOARD MONTHLY STIPENDS - HOLTS & DODGE 600 23.250 077-4711-552.24-02 Administration Cost 25,207 24,440 28,000 28,000 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 1 INVESTMENT BANKER SERVICE FEE * Contractual Services 48,101 49,289 53,610 55,610 077 -4711 -552.39 -OS Postage 475 423 450 Commodities 475 423 450 ** Pensions 1,730,671 1,670,720 1,653,610 1,536,060 * * Police & Fire Pension Fd 1,730,671 1,670,720 1,653,610 3,536,060 **** POLICE & FIRE PENSION FD 1,730,671 1,670,720 1,653,610 1,536,060 241 PADUCAH RENAISSANCE ALLIANCE The Paducah Renaissance Alliance was formed in 2008 and combines the efforts and activities of the Main Street Board, Downtown Development, and Lowertown Artist Relocation Program. RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 09:13:31 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTREV FISCAL YEAR 2014 Actual Actual Revised Adopted ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 PRA FUND 080-0000-441.20-00 Sale of Bricks 305 1,440 080-0000-441.25-00 Affordable Art Show 1,026 1,335 080-0000-441.45-00 wall To Wall Merchandise 62- * Property Rent & Sales ------ ------------ 1,331 ------ ------ ------------ 2,713 080-0000-460.05-00 Interest on Checking 760 675 080-0000-460.10-00 Interest on Loan Program 81 ------------ " Interest Income -- 841 -- ------------------------- ------- 675 080-0000-481.01-00 Miscellaneous - Other 36,910 7,758 080-0000-481.40-00 Private Donations 500 1,500 080-0000-481.45-00 Membership 6,981 * Other Fees ------------ ------------ 44,391 ----------- - -- -- -- ------ 9,258 080-0000-499.90-01 General Fund 115,000 10,500 080-0000-499.90-04 Investment Fund 165,108 200,000 * Interfund Transfers ------------ ---- 280,108 -------------------- ------------ 210,500 ** PRA FUND ------------ ------------ 326,671 ------ ------ ------------ 223,146 242 Fund: 080 Paducah Renaissance Alliance Department: Division: BUDGET SUMMARY: Program Expense Actual 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Revised 2012-2013 Adopted 2013-2014 Personel Services $ - $ - $ $ Contractuals $ 28,123 $ 21,006 $ $ Commodities $ 279,107 $ 194,293 $ $ Capital Outlay $ 180 $ 8,006 $ $ Interfund Transfers $ 129,363 $ - $ 52,000 $ S 436,773 S 223,305 S 52,000 S THIS FUND HAS BEEN COMBINED WITH THE GENERAL FUND (SEE PADUCAH RENAISSANCE ALLIANCE 001-4411) 243 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:21:04 WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION PRA FUND Main Street Main Street 080-4411-592.20-02 Audit 080-4411-592.21-02 Liability 080-4411-592.21-04 Property Damage 080-4411-592.23-03 Data Processing 080-4411-592.23-05 Legal 080-4411-592.23-06 Temporaries 080-4411-592.23-07 Other 080-4411-592.24-01 Rental Equipment 080-4411-592.24-09 Rent CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY FISCAL YEAR 2014 * Contractual Services 080-4411-592.33-05 Property/Plant 080-4411-592.35-03 Office 080-4411-592.37-01 Electricity 080-4411-592.37-03 Natural Gas 080-4411-592.37-05 Telephone 080-4411-592.37-07 Water 080-4411-592.38-01 Training & Travel 080-4411-592.38-05 Dues,Mbrships,Books/Subs 080-4411-592.39-01 Advertisement 080-441.1-592.39-05 Postage 080-4411-592.39-09 Promotions 080-4411-592.39-30 Econ Dev/Hist Pres 080-4411-592.39-34 Economic Restructuring 080-4411-592,39-35 Economic recruitment * Commodities 080-4411-592.42-09 Computer Hardware 080-4411-592.42-17 Equipment - Office Capital Outlay ** Main Street *** Main Street Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012.2013 2013-2014 1,500 1,500 2,016 1,853 89 85 2,100 1,333 513 4,374 5,326 5,041 420 329 11,250 ------------ 11,400 28,123 ------ ------------ ------------ 21,006 4,033 2,070 4,290 4,225 4,628 3,971 1,401 1,227 2,939 2,631 218 17,227 4,857 1,649 734 167,371 70,583 1,246 427 251 62,461 65,631 3,300 11,611 ------------ ------------ 34,419 --------- 279,107 --" 194,293 2,506 180 5,500 ------------------- 180 ----------- ------------ 8,006 ------------- ------------ 307,410 ------------ ----------- ------------ ------------ 223,305 - ------------ 307,410 -------- --- 223,305 244 RUN DATE: 07/16/13, 10:21:04 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WORKSHEET: DRAFTEXP FISCAL YEAR 2014 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Interfund Transfers Interfund Transfers 080-9999-699.90-01 General Fund 080-9999-699.90-40 Capital Projects Fund * Interfund Transfers (out) ** Interfund Transfers *** Interfund Transfers **** PRA FUND Actual Actual Revised Adopted 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012.2013 2013-2014 101,500 52,000 27, 863 _______---- ___----- ____________ ____________ 129,363 52,000 ____________ ________'___ _-_____-____ ______._-_- 129,363 52,000 ____________ ____________ _---- __----- __---- ______ 129,363 52,000 _______----- ----- _______ ________________________ 436,773 223,305 52,000 245 246 O N M `'A N vi P1 N V a C1 � 69 � S9 EA s9 s9 69 69 fFi M - 69 Q_ � 6? A 69 fA fA 69 69 EP. N O � N L w r� vi o U, c cl yq c 00 c cno�nov o a ono L T. W Y{ 69 69 69 N fA � of Vi N � 'A N1 K 69 69 Yi s9 69 N - 71 N E v M N- N N V rl �O rp �G D C n a N a b Ul M G 69 69 69 69 � M G V f9 C N O W ^ O V O = V 5 C 0 ov - PI O o W ono o O 9 � O• 'n - O ,ao T S vi O a in r L} 69 4A C L S9 fA 69 69 69 69 C _ � � N J N } E N N l 06 o6 V r a R � CI Vl N N Y M N �O Gl 3 b r O M C C p> �- t� of CI rV 'i N 6 Ni 'A 'P. EA EA fA 69 69 fP e} J � 1 N � G _ J — m --- o__ 246 Run date- 7/19/2013 2:54 PM R %FinanM8udgel%8udgel PLANNING1Cersus - FTE1FY2014 budgel book 247 Employee Budget Census FY2007 FY2008 FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 FY2013 FY2014 Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Proposed CC DepartmenUDksions 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 0102 MAYOR cK COMMISSION * 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 0103 CITY MANAGER 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 0104 CITY CLERK 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 0105 LEGAL 1 I I I I 1 I I TOTAL GEN' GON'T 12 12 12 U 12 12 L22 i 0201 ADMINISTRATION 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 0202 ACCOUNTING R BUDGET 6 6 5 4 4 4 4 4 0203 HUMAN RESOURCES 0 0 3 3 3 0 0 0 0205 REVENUE 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 TOTAL FINANCE 14 14 12 14 JA 11 11 1�1 0301 PRDA 0 4 0 Q 0 1 1 1 0501 INFORMATION-I-ECHNOLOGY 4 4 4 6 6 6 fi 5- 0801 ADMINISTRATION 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0802 CONSTRUCTION 5 5 5 4 4 5 0 0 0803 CODE ENFORCEMENT 5 5 5 4 5 4 0 0 0804 NEIGHBORHOOD REDEVELOPMEN I- 1 l 1 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL INSPECTION 11 11 n .1L0 11 11 0 0 1201 ADMINISTRATION 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1202 PLANNING 3 3 2 1 1 1 l 1 1203 GRANTS 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1206 SECTION 8 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 TOTAL PLANNING 11 11 14 2 2 2 2 2 1601 ADMINISTRATIVE: SERVICES l l 10 11 9 4 4 4 4 1602 PATROL 66 66 65 64 65 64 64 60 1604 INVESTIGATIONS 16 17 17 17 21 22 20 23 TOTAL POLICE 93 93 U 2Q 20 20 88 82 1801 ADMINISTRATION 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 1802 SUPPRESSION 65 62 62 59 59 59.5 59 60 1803 PREVENTION 3 4 4 2 2 2 l 2 1804 TRAINING I 1 l I 1 1 l 1 1805 CONSTRUCTION 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 1806 CODE ENFORCEMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 TOTAL FIRE 71 62 62 64 04 6315 74 76 2201 ADMINISTRATION 4.5 5.5 5.5 3 0 0 0 0 2202 S FREE I' MAIN ) ENANC'F. 26 25 25 23 23 23 20 20 2214 DOWNTOWN LANDSCAPE 4 4 4 14 0 0 0 0 2216 VIAINTENANCF 29 29 30 15 13.5 11.5 13.5 13.5 TOTAL EP11' - Pl. BLIC WORKS 615 U-5 6A..5 55 , 6.5 1� 5 2208 ADMINISTRATION 3 3 3 3 3 3.4 3.4 3.4 2209 RL-S1DFN IAI. 13 15 15 14 14 13 13 13 2210 CON1Ml:RC1AL 5 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 2211 COMPOS'l K REC'YC'LING 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 221? BULK BRUSH 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 TOTAL S01,11) WASTE 17 zi 2_7 21 2St 25.4 25-A Z> 4 R %FinanM8udgel%8udgel PLANNING1Cersus - FTE1FY2014 budgel book 247 Run date: 7/19/2013 2:54 PM R IFinanceVBudgeOBUdget PLANNING\Census - FTUFY2014 budgel book 248 Employee Budget Census FY2007 FY2009 FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 FY2013 FY2014 Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Proposed CC DepartmentlDivsions 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2215 FLEET MAINTENANCE 2 2 6 $ L5 6.5 6-5 6.15 2401 ADMINISTRATION 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 2402 GROUNDS R CEM. (mo\ed from 2216) 0 0 0 0 17 17 17 17 TOTAL PARKS SERVICES 2 2 2 2 24 24 24 24 3011 HUMAN RIGHTS 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 3307 ENGINEERING 7 7 6 5 7 7.6 7.6 6.6 3308 FLOOD CONTROL 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 GIS 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL EP11' - ENGINEERING 11 14 11 10 J2 12,6 1_2.6 1" 3511 RISKAW\IAN RESOURCES -1 55 4-5 1.5 1 1 3 3 3 4411 PRA 4 4 5 3 5 1 3 a TOTAL FULL-TIME POSITIONS , J2I a4# a4a M M 3145 392 391 309 iu J * The above a»rorrnis include elected officials (5). Summarv: 1,1'2007 FY2008 FY2009 FY2010 F1'2011 FY2012 FY2013 FY20I4 GENERAL FUND 308 306 310 282 285.5 282.6 277.1 275.1 ENTERPRISE FUNDS 34 34 33 35 32.5 31.9 3L9 31.9 FILL -TIME POSITIONS 342 340 343 317 318 %14.5 302 307 R IFinanceVBudgeOBUdget PLANNING\Census - FTUFY2014 budgel book 248