HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 12, Page 1035, No Ordinance NumberAN ORDI%JAMCE Aj,01DING SECTIOI.T 1 OP AiV ORD11TANCE EIITITLED: W1 0RDIAANCE CREATING T1IE DEPAR-72101T OF ENGINEERII✓G, Ai!TD PROVIDI10 FOR THE APPOIiIMONT OF A DIRECTOR TdEREOP, AND IF IVECESSARY EIiPLOYLL%S TI_'EREIAT", wil-CFI IrAS ADOPTED BY T11E" BOARD OF COi•IIIISSIONERS ON JAIIUARY 6, 1936, AbiD MiS A1:s1.rD-%D BY SAID BOARD OIT JUWE 24, 1941, JULY 3, 1945 AND DECLISB R 30, 1947 BE IT ORDAINED BY TI- BOARD OF COi✓nISSIOFERS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAr, IIEATTUCI<_Y. SECTIOFI A. That Section 1 of an ordinance entitled: "AIV ORDINAATG'E CREATIJIG WIE DEPARME1:TT OF EiVGli;rs'ERIPJG, AND P_ROVIDIIVG FOR THE APPOIiITi_E'IT OF A DIRECTOR THER-70F, AND IF FVECESSARY tr•IPLOYPES TFL•'sREIN'; which was adopted by the Board of Commissioners on January 6, 1936, and was amended by said Board ori June 24, 1941, July 3, 1945 and December 30, 1947 shall be, and it is hereby, amended so that in its amended state it shall read and provide as follows: 'S4EG'TgOMr 1. (a) That, upon the recommendation of the City 1•lanager, there is herebu created a department to be ]mown as the Department of Engineering, and there is hereby created the position of City Engineer, the occupant of which shall be the director of said Department. As such director, the City Engineer shall have charge of the design and construction of all public streets, alleys, sewers, sidewalks, curbs, gutters, bridges and culverts within the City, shall be responsible for thedetermination and approval of the proper alignment of all electric, gas and, water utilities in relation to the property lines of public rights-of-way, shall maintain all City records relating to the functions of his office and the City Block.11aps, and shall perform such other, duties as may properly be assigned to him from time to time and as are compatible with the office. "(b) The City Engineer shall be, and he is hereby declared to be, the 'supervisor of public works' within the purview of KRS 100. 330(2), and as such he shall be seated as an ex officio member of the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Paducah and Flunicipal Area, 1_'cCracken . County, Kentucky. " SECTIOAT B. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions hereof are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby superseded. SECTIOIT C. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from. and after its adoption. i•la yor Passed by the Board Of Commissioners January 20, 1953 .Recorded by Sarah Thurman, City Clerk, January 20, 1953.