HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 11, Page 151, No Ordinance NumberAll ORDII'vilCE 0:,D::1111? A. _.L_ICT:.O:r W = CI -Y OF I-AD,;CA7,, Ii. .D 0_11 T -.I, 7, [0 Dq,.., -1,.E [,a -MECTIC:: DAY, 11 4, 194 O:, THs CITY OF' PADIUCAE SHALL I-l'iLE AiQ 3ELL ;_Ci.06 Ov SAID CITY III PEE X70UNT Ob, KOT _-*,XC_-,1E,DI1lG D („50,000.00) DOLLARS, LEA.q__.. 17, ZHE3T AT THS '.11ATE OV _:O_ :iCCEEDING T.70 AND ONE-HALF (2 Pk�RCE,,!T SEEII-A-2,11JALLY, FOR TTIE IUPE06E OF FROVID_":_.G T.' DEFRAY 'FEE COST U .-APdJG A SURVL _Y A -,,'D AiP! A ISAL OF ALL 7-12AL 1,iRSCXAL F�'PZRTY III SAID CITY SU J' CT TO LOCAL _"OR USE r. i UE, CITY ASSESSOR AND ALSO FOR -JEE LY TIC BOARD C -o' VALUI-T-G, SAID PhOP_FTY r'OR '._'AXATiOi4 Ptllii:OJL'a ii D ZTEREON, A'._.D .?CR THE C­FLO':C PORSO111TEL A-,11) THE A' -L3 A:: L �D 11?P IES TO 1.,AKE 3AiD 6-IRVET A A. 011,7-.7 _J 0,23 UECESSAITZ :.-'.:D CONDITIONS SOLD; PROVIDING FOR 0- 1�.11 !--J'Xii-AL A-1:11 IYJ_--22T 011 SAID BONDS; 03 C- EAT --O,: OV A SIa IP F`uWD FOR THE PAZ Z�T 0-,' s ID DONDj AS 'EjzZ T_ATURE by reason of ine�ivalities in the valuation of real and personal property subject to local taxation as shown by tho records of the City ,assessor and the impossibility of equalizinZ assess .ants Cenerally from information made available by taxpayers vhen listln_r, their property for taxatian purposes, it is deemed advisablo for the City of Paducah to employ personnel for the pu'--poso of mak-inL a survey and appraisal for use 'cj the City I.ssespor and also for use y the _card of equalization vi;,,en valuin-_: said Ty�operby for taxation purposes and equalizin,- the assosoments t.lereon. 119.7 TMEREFOIE, C.L. IT Ol.-DAII-TED BY THE, ZOARD OF GI TIM CITY OF PADUCAH, IMMUCTIY: SECTlO'jT 1. There is hereby called an --lection in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, under and pursuant to the provisions of IMS C-6.050 to be held on ­,,ovei,.qber 4th, 1947, the next re_-ular election day after the adoption of t! is ordinance, betvicen the hours fixed by laza for the holdinC of the reCular election and at the re-ular votinC places and by the re-ular election officers holding said reGular election, for the purpose of submittin,, to the oualifiod voters of the City of Paducah the question of the issuance and sale of not c.,,:ccc(I_Jn,- 211-fty `,,Ihouoand ( .50.000.00) Dollars of 152 bonds o;: the City of 11oducah for the purpose of nrovidInC funds to defray the cost of ma'.cin-: a survey and appraisal of all real and personal property in said city subject to local taxation for use by the City hasossor and also for -use by the Loard of Gqual- i ation rrhen valuin said property for taxat-on )urposcs and equalizin the assesswentc thereon, anc: for the craploy;aent of all necessary pers nnol and the acquisition of all necessary equipment and supplies to accomplish such reassessment, and for any other pm pose n.cessary and incidental thereto. Said bonds shall not bc� issued and sold until t e method of accomplishinE such appraisal has been approved uy t:,e Board of Commission:rs and the cost thereof has been asvertained, nor unloss two-thirds of the votes cast on said question at said election are in favor of incurring, said indebtedness and the issuance and sale of said bonds as herein provided and the result of said election shall have been certified acc ordinE to law. SEC T,O:; 2. SS id bonds in the a�Cregate principal amount of r'ifty Thousand Do'_lars (•;,50,000.GO) '..cnown as F._unicipal o -assessment _ends, shall bear interest from rate of issue at t:c rato of not exceed -in` two aid one-half (2 1/2,,) percent per annum, pa;�able 3.7ui-annually, and be in the denominat on o:One Thousand Dollars (,,.1,000.00) each. they shall be serial bonds and issued so that five (5) o£ said bonds amountin-, to an aZ rebate principal sum of :ive Thousand Dollars (.,,5,000.00) shall mature one (1) year after the date thereof, and five (5) of said bonds in the aE`:re,gate principal alY-0unt of Pive Thousand Dollars (..;5,000.CO) shall mature annually thereafter, so that the r.,hole of said issue shall be retired Within ten (10) years, and the interest and principal shall be payable at the oliice o£ the City Treasurer in the City of Paducah, SEC TION 3. The City of }aducah, 3=entucky, shall reserve the rlCht t re- deem and pay off said bonds on any interest or maturity date at 103 d:)rinC the first t,.,o years, at 1C2 durinr- the next tao ;,rears, at 1:1 during the next two years, and at 100 thereafter in inverse numerical order. SEC TLO:i 4. DuvinE the life of said bonds the City of Paducah shall nually levy and collect a tax upon all taxable property within saR city to raise or produce the sum which will pay the interest and retire the bonds as and when they mature, and to create a sin:cinE fund for the payment of the principal within a period of not more than ten (10) ;rears. Said annual tax shall be levied and collect, 153 at the same tii,e as other city taxes, and shall be in addition to cll other taxes. The proceeds of said tax, when collected, shall be 'icpt in the city treasury a: a separate fund, to be inviolably appropriated to the Payment of the principal and interest of said indebtedness. SECT—LO';.— 5. A cerci ied copy of this ordin+ncc shall be filed :vith the County Court Clerk of I.:cCracken County,-:entucky, at least thirty (S0) days prior to the next reEular election after the adoption of -his ordinance, and this ordinance shall to advertised in the Paduc Sun -Democrat, the official nee:apaper of the City of Paducah by publishin_ in said newspaper a certified copy thereof for at least two (2) wee' --s next precedinL the said election. SECTIO_; o. The County Court Clerk of LXCracicen County, Kentucky, shall cause the question of incurrin-- the aforesaid indebtedness and issuing ane sellin;; said bonds to be printed upon the ballots to be used in each votin_ precinct of the City of Paducah, ;=entucky, at said election, and he zhall cause to be printed upon each ballot to be delivered to the voters in each precinct of* said city at said elect -"On file follo,:in :;uestion,:- "ARL i'OU II; ,, it0;7 r, ;; CITY O. PADUCAH ISSUING AND S°LLTi?u :iOT I= TY TcOU3At1D DOLLARS (.;,.50, 000.00 ) Iii ii1_;DS 0. .� C'I `i F;;DUC.'-l?I, aAiD BONDS TO BEAR IIiTL3.�ST AT ME RAM 1 i:O i' T,:O A ,D OilE-IIALr (2 /2') : aRCE1,T PER A:,P1UI,:, 'AYABL'c' ZE1:_-A. NUALLY, FOR THE FURrOSE OF PROVIDiiIG RUMS TO DEFRAY T -E CONT 0? I.:AKIWV, A SiRVEY A::D APPRAISAL OF ALL REAL AND P .RS ONAL P ROPERT C ITS SAID CITY :;USJZCT TO LOCAL 7'aXAT1011 !OR USE by THE CITY ASSESSOR, A;:D AMO FOR USE i;Y THE BOARD OF _r bALIZATiOid /HLP: VALUING SAID PPOPERTY FOR TAXATIO;I PUP.I'OSLS A:D EUALIZTiIG THE A33ES:3"ENT3 T; EREC,r A:?D FOR THE 81.7I'LOY:.:211T OF ALL NECESSARY rHRS0A"•ILL AND 7,'S AC UISITIOiI OF ALL-.TWESSARY E0UIPT"EItiT D SUPPLIES TO ACCOI.:PLISII.UC.I AIID F0, __TY 0'1:; PJ21'OS� :I C2S3AP,Y AID INC=Dr :TAL —I ."STO; FROVIDED' 7 -AIT '.7IL:1 SAID BONDS ARE SO I63UED MEY :,u r 72 SERIAL _�OIID3 I:I DEIIOI`Ii?A7rIMT:; OF OPIE THOT33A;1D DOLLARS (1;;.1,000.00) EACH, PAYABLE 51IT7II:: A PERIOD OF TSN (10) YE -4113 r110:: DATE TTMREOF, FIVE (5) OF ',!HIGH JITALL %;ATU iE A:':NUAL.T�:�' DU:;T2IG SAID PERIOD; PROVIDER; ^1i IP THE CI'P A -.D PAY O,_-? 1 SHID BONDS AT 103 DUR IIK 'Prla _' It 3T T'.:0 Y ARJi :,0i•: DA TL Ur' I i iUE, AT 102 DURI11r, T110 [I .XT T.70 YEARS, AT 101 M.Ri-13 T:IL '.,IDT WO YEARS, AP'D AT 100 THEREAFTER; Ai:D IROVIDIM Ci; T_1' It VY 151 OF A TAX U POI! ALL TAXABLE 1 li0i' i;'!'.'f , i`":iL; 'i_':i C T'1'.f 0_ PADUCAH AT A RATE Z3UPFICIKM TO rRODUCE THE REQUIRED A!;;OUYT OF I:O`EY TO PAY SAID INTER 3T A ' 7 D TO RETIRE SAID EMS AS _ "D i!�_r1 THEY i.;A vtiE, SAID TA,: LINY TO BE I.TADE EACII Alm :VT, -'?'(Y AR DURII!' Tills' LIFE OP' SAID i:0:!DS AM TC LE IIT :?DDI'PTO.T10 ALL SECTIOII 7. If any a:ection or provision of this ordinance shall be hcl:; invalid, the remainder thereof shall not be affected tk)ereby. ..EC TION? a. This ordinance shall be introduced at a regular meetin^_ of the Eoard of Commissioners and remain on file one (1) week for public inspection in the c'omple_ed form in which it shall be put upon its finc.l passage, aw-1 if adopted it shall be in full force and effect ten (10) days thereafter. Introduced b,,, the 'Zoard of Commissioners, July 29th, 10 , Adopted by the Eoard of Comr.,issioners,AuEust 12, 1947 Recorded bj Sarah Thurman, City Cler%, Au-ust 12, 1947.