HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 10, Page 920, No Ordinance Number1920
Ali 0_,D1.:Ai:CL C,:uAT�.:G T li. PO.,IT10.: 0:' 1.,6i%C I'O;i 0 t
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011 T. OF PADUCAH, tZOVIDC::G F02 'G:E A-1'02:1^1;::
�l 1' E'2 C.11-1-3 111,3 DuT.IEL', .,.;D i I`:,'JG ^':.� ..::OII;:T O ' CQ;.1P,si;,SATIO11
�I ?I11Cll lir SiiALL tEC ;IVL _'0. ,:I RVICE'i'T;OCID_.,,, P3-1LTIES
FOR VIOLATIO''.1 Tk.,'-L.:OP .;;D RZPWALIII+' ..'? ^ 22::1: �^
s O.,D ,CsS A?D i.:OVICi'.Oi1:i
•1 Ota 0`:DI11A::CE3 I" CO.. T.IC'P
• BE IT O-DAI;:-;, E'L -.L '-OARD OF CO::1il.3!0i1-:i;3 OF THE
3-'CTION 1.
T:iere is he_^eby created in and as a part of the police
de Par ,.lent of the City of Paducah the ^os:ition of Innnector of
:•eirlits, Lleasures and Balances, arc, Lite City i::ana,-or is wlthorizec
to appoint a suitable person to :verve in that ccpacity. 71e nems;
a )pointed shall be a member of the police danartrieot. : 7 shall
continue to have no,.-er to -IW! e arrests. ..?a'1 wo and perform the
duties of a re-ilarly qualified police,lcn or patrolman in additior
t� the wor:c r.egr:_rod of him as Inspector of a;ta, iieasures and
Bolances, nn' s'r:all be responsible to the C!.i- ' of olice with
respect to the performance of his duties, iris r1 --',t of seniority
as a r ember o*" t:^.e police force small- not be affected by his accer.
tance of +hc position and h^ niial.1 continue to ue subject to all
civil service rales and reGulations.
SEGTIO,',' 2.
The insnector of ..ol^as, Idearrres .^,n;i _alances shall loe
char?cr; with the duty of enforcinC t o provisions of*this ordinanc
ani of all other ordinal: -es .olatin- to the sul,ject of ":c''_:i`s,
:enstuea an'! Lfilcnces in t[ie City of Paducah. Ile shall .lave polic
powers for tLe pur•ose of making arrests for violation of the pro-
visions of this ordinance, or any other ovLnanco or la::• -dating
to we—L- ,ts, :-:ensures and balances in the pity of Fad..ca'_, and the
bond executed by him as a policeman or patrolman shall also insure
the faithful performance of his duties as such Inspector.
SEC TI O;v 3.
It shall us the duty of the Inspector herein ,u ovided for
to test, at lust once each year, all eae:ijhts, measures and
i,nlrnces of every Lind employed in any zuslnena in the City of
Paducah, an.l which may be used in connection vi li the purchase,
-ale, e;,cl:anpe, or trnnnfer ol., storm,, of nny 9-biclez of coiir:or•ce
ic!; Oro sol.,l, tr._nsfer, or convcyoc', u r*, ,acts, t.icao,L•„ or
1a:7'_ance. .3a! n"all also test all pu,,lic scales in 111;e
I manner ,and _'or 1 Vu, • pur71oscs. ::nen any scala, mea sure or ba lanco i
(tested b: said Inopoctor and found to bo correct, sand Inspector
i aliall af,''k— than eon in a consplcuoua ,lace a stamp 0^
_ -eal :;oar• _:1
tho dato of r`1(*inspection and inc;icati11,_; that said r/eirhin_- or
1;acasurin, device is found to correct, and is a,,proued i.y the �
Insnactor: Any scale, ci;einL or mcasurin- device of any
ind found not to be correct 31.;,911 '„c ir:an,�dlaL-cly corrected or
is}:en out of use and service .innediately, and said Insroctor s!:ail
affix thereto a stamp or seal, in a conspicuous place thereon, Liv:
tee date of inspection and statin- that said scales, ,•lei -gin„ or
measur:in: ._-vice is _-::_-approved or condemned; until such condcained
or disa, ; .,:aaurin- or l:iachine o^ device :'.as been so
corrected that the aame can be approved c,I tine Inspector, the sane
s:iall not main be used or permitted to be in use i;;; the owner or
of ='ats- t`:ereof; and any such llcasurin- or 1:a"I.'ain- instrumantalit: es
found to be inaccurate shall ra :ove(l .,_•o;: _!:e Place of business
Theret`.c same _o found, <rd shall not analn be perslitte'd to be . •r, sed
or e,..._ _ted in n,ic'.i _)lace ?f business until the same have been
co ^ected ::o that upon inspection and test the same sill be found t
lie accurate an,1 Correct as to meaaurer(enti or rreiZilts.
5);C TIO d 4.
Any person, firm or corporation '•cnrn-r;nCly u --in- and ec_1)loyir! ,.
perm . i-,• to be used or employed in connection 'v ith tee viei :zip`s
o-:, mea3urin.- any comioditiec for use, sale 'carter OP e_,char_re, and T
c herein rrovided, 3:1,911 be deeded Iuilty of a misdeueanor and upo
oinviction punished by a fine of not le:,3 than five (5:.5.00) Lollars
nor more t}.an Fifty (.;50.00) Dollars. Any person who --hall refuge
to pernit the inspector to make a test of wei-,hts, measure: of balances
as herein provided, or to e:wmine for t}1e purpose of inspectinZ any
.achine, contrivance,or measure ;:or use in ,.,eiZ;zin� 0*1 meazurinG
co:hno_itics as herein nrovided c:!:a:!.1 be dconcd to ::e built r of ale-
:lcar.ov, and upon conviction shall be fined not less than. give (;.5.CC
Dollars nor no •e titan nifty (.,,50.00) Dollars. Any pers.,n, firm or i
cor-,,oration w1no _-hall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance,
not specifically embraced in any other penal provision hereof, sail be
(3cmr.;e% uiltY of a nioderleano_' ane' upon conviction shall be dined not
less marl .ive (;5.00) Dollars nor more tY:an nifty (50.00) Dollars,
and each time any inaccurate or don(len.ned'semi in: or :l:casur !I'S
:3evice is cd, an(', eacl• t Irae the ra .aL orp 't •• _i a to ins}sect or
sxa;line an,; or !acasur:in,,7 romchirie o-., device is refried -I-all,
oe domed a separate offense at -.d ;1atlisha' le ^j , slloh,
�I At any time .,.,hon tho Inspector of weights, ricasuros and
balonces desiros to inspect or• e;amine any or measnrinf; ma Bine
o or de, ice, he sha'_1 linve the rirlit and rrivilcza to enter i:l,.c "norli cs
�j of ti.c -)-nor, oporat'or or user thereof a -:d i:ialze oucl: ins�ec'tion fro
fron nn*,- intcrfernnec or hinderence On the r>art of tiie owncr, operator
(i or user thereof; and any peroan ;,-..o s'zall interfere with, prevent o-
attempt to prevent such inspection small be deemed guilty of a
ds eroanor and upon conviction shall be f --'nod ih any sum not less
ijthan rive (;;5.00) Doller:: nor more than Lifty (;;50.00) Dollars.
SEXT10bt 5.
it Upon t -ie appointment of an Inspector of ';'eights, I.'easures
and Ealances in the Police De-artc.ont of the City of Padvcah, the
rank and position of persons serving in said: ,?enartment and the
order of their superiority ai,all iz as follo:•!s:
Ijlst.Chief of Police
2nd Ar istant chief of Police
3rd Direct, -)r of idcnti^ration
5th Lieutenant
^.th Jailer
7th ;-atrolnon, Orale "r.", inclu:'ir.^ lrapeotor of I7eiLhts
and :'ensures
j� 3th Patrolmen, !rade "F"
The person appointed as Insnector of '."eights, Lleasures
and BAlances shell not,receive any additional salary but shall con-
tinue to receive thcsalary to which he is now entitled for his
I�crvices in the nolice de�lartment, said salary to be paid to flim in
the same manner and at the same time as other policemen are paid.
All o-dinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith
are, to the extent of such conflict hereby repealed.
S.uC TIMI 0.
T:as or,..inenae ;lia11 be in lull forec and effect from and
after its adoption.
1:=a yo • —
Passed by t} -,e board of r;o: :io--ioners, ioverber 1Cth, 1943
Recorded by Rudy te;>>art, City Clerk, Iiovoa.iber 17th, 1043.