HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 10, Page 659, No Ordinance NumberAll 0 V 1D 0 7 71CCT
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=:'„IZSIO'TERS ;%rTM- 7-!E ADI'.ICE OP 71-1 CJ'E, 7. 7 �7'IH'F
E _O'-_1D 0- CC' !°Ic O::_,RS 07' T_ Ell CITY OF
That the driveway 01-1 5th Stree t from the 'cuth
line of
Tennessee Street to the :.orth llne of :ones Street in t lie
of Paducah, Xentucivy, with all necessary curbs,
butters, d r.7 ve,..
manholes, intali:es, catch basins, se,.-.,er and iraln _pipes, and all
necessary cn,'noer-^_;,equlpmcnt, advertsi
L _aid In-al clerical ser-
vices in connection tl-iercz:_!Lh under an I.ct of tile --encral Asserl-JIy )f -tl.)o
Conznonv.,calth of KentuclIcy adopted at Its Sesslon in10 7),-ofor the 'm-wovement of public ways in c ities of t'le s econd class by
a'd of tine.cork projects Administration o.-,, other A,encil-.s o-, the
or State Government, and all :rlusiv6 cost Of the ov.-ners
of real e state abuttln:] on such improvo-16nt to be appropriated on s Ach
improvement accordin.- to the numter of front or abuttin,, feet, and
orovidin;; that a. tax shall be levied upon 2aid lets Or parcels of !a1
estate for the payment of the c ost assessed thereon, and a.,'o_lch cost
c3'-,all be the diff6rence betv.,een the tOt'.1 cost Of comoletin- said
mproverr,cnt and t,ic total ariount of the contribution of the
Projects P.cl-11:11stration or otlier A-encies of t'le'Federal or state
Coverruiient e.i,:a
wed in sa7d t-.,,: .71,.ajl
due and pa rablc at e o.. ice of L`_ie G1Ly ,?easurcr one ae.1f t-,eroof
::hen the ,:or't of construction begins .and tho rc•r:f,.indor t' crco_- ::'ion.
one-hnlf of said improvement 'sas boon completed, erhich time shall bIb
determined '.,y the ..card of Co-rrissioners of said Citi :;it`i the advii e
Of the Cityan-ineer, "-r an;'_ t-ic _.amc is hcrebY ordered to to so
constructed and reconstructed with concrete or other :improved paving;
material under the provislonsof said la•:; �i.foresaid.
I"'lat all the cost incident to said co :c truction of Bald street
as provided in Section 1 hereof, except t':l.at part n:iich shall be ort -id
by the Federal or 2 -tate Govern;ncnt shall be paid for aholle by the i
property ov; _ers of propc-rty abutt_.n or frontln, upon such improvement
on both aides of said street, ani to bE a?gort_oned to and assessed
,�a_nst ..a_- abutt:n� propert,, as pro:_ded in Cccti_on 1 h'reof.
"'.hen .,...,_d ..c_ '.^_ac b.DC-1 c O'.'...._.:cr'.'i, the _O^rd Of . 0717_2.3.0Yl crs
.._t"?t',e a(1*•v ce o_ t'_lE .,i t;,' —n: `_n ... '.1 Cau^e t0 OC vEl°.1 L.O the
_.-:)rove:ii:ilt so proposed
to '.:e made, to+.;:ice by t'p I.-c^.tl or. o<" oiuina:-ce or _ 0s,1r.;_on
that said :ror': 'las cc-m,c ccd, .r:d a -)on tac pu:;licat; on of such resolution
or ordina..ce the o -::hers of such aout`.in property s'^a11 imm--diatel
pa:y to the City reast:.re'r the amount of one-'ialf of tho est riated cost
of such-m,rovei:---ent as may be appropriated to said respective lots- so
n.'. v tt':n t'-ereupon, ^.n1 v-zcn s_ _ or'_ has been half completed said
3oard of Commissioners _all likev.ise publish a resolution or or.•dina.rce
�iv�-n notice of the half completion t} ereof, and reauirin; the or:nl rs
of the abutting property t':--reon to pay into the City Treasury the
other one -`calf of sale: cost of said improvemcnt so to be a^sensed
a;a`_nst sa.'d property and apportioned r'ercto as aforesaid, and
:,hic'_i paymentss'iall be made' _.,ried°ately upon !:he )ublicat'.en of sucC
notices as herein provided.
___is ordi;^_n..ce :;'call be intro' -aced at a red: lar mcetin,� of
t:�.e -oard of Commissioners, and re--a-'n on file for not less than once
(1) ,vee'. .for public inspection in its completed form in � vlaich it steal 11
be put upo its fLial pasco._�c, and upon its adoption it shall be i
full force and effect ten (10) days
/I thereafter.
i,'..a ,'or Y
Introduced, Decer:ber 30th, 1941
Passed by the --card of Coni .,,,"on-.rs,
Recorded by Rudy Stewart, City _cr:_, January 7th 1042.