HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 10, Page 651, No Ordinance NumberA's cl C, Or Ci' T-71- I CE: 71 12T',. PL 01: tl�l P7 0 7T J - S TR 1: T L) k'l �_, P. T�j N r 0 _,T, 1!'CL -!!G T�! rERSEC T 0-TI I -P C =TC r'' �:TRERT, PAR:r n`. "..ILL ^-_VE'JE la PIC71 !cL, T." VE, UL T. T­, CTTY OP cl C ALL CA E,' 3 7:'S -]S , A_D ADI I' 7E71- L-..:.' T 72 CI 1 7 0'.- A-7 ACT O_' 77 _'771 Ir L S L, _. -1 ­­ _, C_, 7 E rl-' _=1A L TjI PLT.-, - 7-- 0, T 'T 7 C -:"r`' L C,- C ?�OC7 LT-_-CTS C 7. o t CII.- 1�:-L:T7 :I:- _T, AT TCL_­'7_7._E '05� -7 C-, 77 C,� :77'LS I 'FAL 'S 'Rk T'7 7, L 0 T'% 77L 'T C:, _.0 J, T TFI,`,X 2 --ALL __E LEVIED LPC'' _A SAID LOTS CL 07. _'C F — .-,.T 0Z T__ -r EEO S`? _IC" :CST c7.L T T_ T L CrCT�T. _. . C) n CCST O__ C 0 _. 7 ?Tr T__" S A", --.Dor 0 'T n :1 TETE TO _k L -1 ,: 0 0-F 7 _E C,'):7 -1 1 U T 011 0- c?' ? , OJEC 7 AD: - 7 �7 'TS I-ATIO" C_,-; rj­7.. I -TC T TS C--' E_)Hr?q.L 0 R S 11 TE 0 V P_. C7. E Tk' S '7 ALL __E D-,-'E :_D T -__F_ 0 C .ITL 717 ,E_.1',Sj:F1L-,- ,01 0- -S C'T 7 C. C­ S 1 D AE P7T- C' 71: T,­. C _,E• IT IT G—DA _:7 C , C.p C,_ C,_ Cl 0 SECTIO;" 1. That the driveway on :oi,tn 12th Street fr,)m fle no-,,t^ line of ','adisojj Street to the E-st property line of Palm Street excluding intersections at 7.-rrison Street, Cl^y Street, Par''I e urn'v cll Avenue uid that portion alread, lavedp -1 vr:.venue -n' 1,v--nue in the -ity of Paducah, th all �1:.tters, catch 0 h -*e,.,.er a-id Irsiin and all n-cc-.-�sarl,, e -_..,nee-�nom, 1°,al- -Orv` ces cl�_r.' ccl !ct of the _pn cl�- a r -'t of ')'.')llc clt' o oc clave 13Y Id o,' the "-Or'- PrCl,*,fDCts Ar a or ot'- r A�;e -I J,% n.' s L -Le cies of the 1'ederal oma, Tate Covj;-_njnent, and Xclusive cost of the ozmer P it of real estate abuttin.- o, such :':;]')T-Ove.mcnt LO a.poroprlste�a on 2c , 11 pro-vcment accord.!n,- to the ntuiiber of front or abuttia_ 'feet, and C52 providin that a tax shall be levied upon said lots or parcels of real estate for the pajalenl; of the cost assessed thereon, and v:;itch cost shall be the difference bet;!een t!ie total cost of completin- -id imnrovemcnt and the total amount of the contr'_bution of the "'o' Projects ,dministrat:ton or ot'.icr A ;enciec of the _'adoral or St^tc Government in ma':in� said improvement, and which tax shall be due and payable at the office of the City Treasurer one-half thereof, when the %pork of construction begins and the remainder thereof �r.hon' Mone -half of said improvement has been completed, :hich time shall be 'determined by the 7o�rd of Comxissloncrs of said city :with the sdvicc of the City E-_'neer, be a.ad tic sn,:e is hereby ordered to be so constructed and recanstracte-I ..it'_z concrete or ot_ier improved navin,. material under the provisions of sa-'d law aforesaid. SECTIO"? 2. Thatall of c_e cost incident to said co!_struction of said street as provided in Section 1 hereof, except .hat part w?ichshall be paid by t:ie 7 doral or State Government s' all be paid for wholly by the property oe:ners of property abuttin- or fronting upon such improvement on both sides of said street, and to be apportioned to land assessed aza'nst said abuttin� property as r ovided in Section 1 hereof. SEC TI OPT. 3. II,"then said aor'.c has been commenced, the _oard of Commissioners I I 11with the advice of the City ^n:_neer shall cause to be -iven to thel or:-ners of said nroperty ab,.ttir_,; upon such imnrove-.10so proposed to be made, a notice by fae nu;lic_ntion of an o!dinance or resoluti that said :,:or'.c has cmm:,ienc^l, c.id upon the publics t'on of s -:ch "Iresolut.on or ordinance t`:^ ovmers of such abuttin- property shall immediately pay to the City Treasurer the amount of one-half of the estlmiated cost of such improvement as may be appropriated to said respective lots so abutting thereupon, and .-Len said :work has been ! half completed said Eoard of commissioners shall likewise publish a resolution or ordinance zicing notice of the half completion thereo�, and requirin;, the o;an-rs of the abuttin- pDDperty thereon to pay into the City Mveasury the other one-half of said c ost of said improvement so to be ,ssr:ssed against said property and a-)port5onedh thereto as aforesaid, and wi'+ch payments shall be made 11.1-:med`_atelf i I upon the publication of such no!ices as herein provided. I I i This ordinance shall be intro'.uccd at a o"' t' -e '.'card of Co missioizers and remain on file for not les:: V a'n one (1) week for public Inspection in its completed form in which it stall be put upon its final passaLo, and upon its adoption it sW l be in full force and effect ten (10) days thereafter. Janu^r; Ott, 13'2 Jaz.uary 7th, 1942.