HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 10, Page 499, No Ordinance NumberM7
A ORDT- AJ CE FT. 1,f THE L. V I.,., _ .A'f7i`> 0. 'AYA`PION OPf ALL
CITY Or MUM, :: rq ; I,.1;J1.,CT TO TAXATION
UWa 11MG1 PAL Pl zti OSES lv r. ;, r donzo= 'OR THE YEAR 1941,
:0 WE RATE OF ZOLL i._,t j PH I-,., PUR,G,`;: 0; .:AIll TAXES.tr,huiN,:i.:ai
There is hereby levied for the year 1041, upon all taxable
nroperty within the City of 2aducah, Kentucky, rean and
a-rsonal, subject to taxation f•ov muni c i nal pr noses, an at -
valorem tag; on one and qVID0 (0.03) Uollars, upon each One
P°:red (0100.00) Dollars of valuation or taxable property
in said City, pursuant to F.ection 157 of the State Constitution
to defray the cost of maintaining and adminlsterin7 the government
of the City of Paducah for the year 1041, .and to cover the estimate
cost of maintaining and operatic; t`te departments and agencies of i
said government pursuant to the annual budget to be prepared and
submitted to the 5oard of Commissioners by the City ;,anager
for approval by the Board of Commissioners, exclusive, however,
of the levies hereinafter mentioned and .eflned, There is also
hereby levied a poll tax of One and 50100 (".1.50 Dollars on each
male resident of the Pit* of Paducah over 21 ;ears of age for the
year 1941. There is also hereby levied upon each one Hundred
(0100.00) Dollars valuation of taxable property in said cit;, a
special tax of Ilu^ee (.0.3) Cents to be paid into and become a part
of the Police and Firemen's Pension Fund, and which fund shall be
se-re-ated and set apart in a separate fund in the City Treasury
and shall be held subject to and for the purposes defined in
Section 3142-1-19 Kentucky Statutes. There is hereby levied
vor the year 1941 on all taxable property within said city,
subject to taxation for municipal purposes, an ad valorem tax of
seventeen (.17) Cents upon each One Hundred (0100.00) Dollars of
valuation of "taxable property to create a sinhinZ fund for the
purpose of paying and retiring outstanding bonds, including
bonds issued by the City of Paducah for school purposes, which
have been voted by the people of the City of Paducah, and 'there
is likewise hereby levied for said year an ad valorem tax of
It,aenty-three (.23) Cents on each One Hundred (0100.00) Dollars of
valuation of taxable property in said city, to pay the interest on
said outstandi.nn unpaid voted bonds, and all of which bonds have be
approved by vote of the people of said city.
F 500'
The rate of taxation for the estimated en endi-tures of eacr
department of the City Government, and for such otizer purposes as
are deemed to be necessary for the proper maintonance and
administerinU thereof, and with the amount appropriated .for each
of said departments and purposes shall be set apart and stated
in the budget and apportionment shall shall be adopted and
�i provided for by the ,_'oard of Commissioners, and set out ins aid
Apport6onment Ordinance; and the amount of levies provided in
this ordinance are necessary and required in order to provide
the revenue adequate to meet the require -lents of said apportionment
ordinance. �
� SEC TIO:! 2.
II There is hereby levied for the year 1941, a tax of T,aenty
(20) Cents on each One Hundred (t;100.00) Dollars of the fair cash value
,.19on all the s .ares of stock of State ist,rurs and Trust Companies
ncoroorated under the laws of this Con_.:on:realth, and en a ed in
,)u.siness in the City o" Padu^.ah, _'entucky, , and a like tax upon
all of the shares of stock of-.at_onal an'.;s doin; bns_ness Ins aid City.
� I
And there is further levies a tax of fifteen (.15) Cents on
each one hundred (100.70) Dollars of the fair cash value of all
i,.rimanufactured a-.ricultural products subject to taxation within
said city for general municipal purposes, and all of said taxes
urovided for in this section, are levied and to be collected for i
the year 1941 and to be used for general mu icipal purposes.
All revenues derived from licenses and from all other
sources collected and paid into the City Treasury, for -eneral muni;c-
ipal purposes, shall be distributed to their respective accounts iri,,
C -c sane proportions as ad valores, axes herein provided for, e>_cept
revenues and the sources thereof which haves not been considered
in mal, n: up the=-pporti.onment (:rdinance ani in the event of the
collection of any other revenues or receipts of other income
ich was not considered in mi^i-in, up the ap orL-_ons:ent ordinance
a :e shall be credited to the-eneral fund.
II The hoard of Education of the City of Paducah, pursuant to
Lhe authority vested In it under its Charter, and under t'•,e lads of
the State of' Kentucky, has prepared and filed with the Poard of
rig i-ilissioners Its budget, and said Poard of Ldre ation has also re-
quested the levy of an ad valorem tax on all property ins aid city
for school pi:rposes. 'Iow, pursuant to said bud,et and resolution
and it au,ocarin• b the T:oard of Commissioners that the Board of
Education will receive in rhe year 1941 a total sum in delinquent
taxes which, by conservative estimate, will amount to ':20,243.89,
and as it is only necessary to levy in the year 1941 a rate of
taxation sufficient to produce the sum of :1(,",3,791.46 in order to
meet the bud, -et requirements of the Board of drlucation, thereby I
providing for its use in the mn.Inte-ance of public schools
durin- sa.7.d year the total sum of f;184,035.35, where is hereby levI I ed
for the year 1941 upon all t'ie �a.cablc property subject to taxation
fpr school purposes, w` thin said c_'Ly, an ad valore-i tax of E-'-"hty-
n,ne (.P.9) Cents on each Cno Hiiindred (!,100.00) Dollars of val,_iaLionl
of real and personal property in the City of 2nbcall, for the s,,7.Doort
and maintenance of public sc! ools ins aid c --'.t-.,, less the ^stlmated
sum to be receive/ from the State common _Ic?,00l _-1).nds, the aforesaid
amount to be received in delinquent taxes, and the other sources
of revenue referred to in its bv.dj;et. There is hereby further
levied a tax of rorty .( .40) Cents on each C-ne Hundred (('.100.00)
Dollars of t1 -ie fair cash value noon all the shares of Sltocjt of
State _[,'nnks and -t.ust Companies,lncor.)orated n der the laws of
this Common%-.,ealth, and en_a7ed Inblisiness Ir,, the (.itr of' Paducah,
Kentucly, and also on Triatlonal -'ar;!,s bl.s.l.ness In said Cltv
-ear lq4lnd which ta,-, �,o levied shall be for t1le si,-zppor
or the t
and mainterinnce oLr public scllools of said Ci Ly. 71icre is hereby
fi,_rthor levied and imposed a tat_ of live (.35) C,�nts on each0 ne
71undred .('=100.00) Lollars of valuation of all real and oerscnal
pi,operty in the City of Paducah, subject to taxatl'.on for the year
1941, pursuant to an o.rd'narrice adopted b,,, the :,oard of Coiii:.Assioners
of said city on the 27th day of Januaty, 1936 for the purpose of
aiding, assist,n-, and mantainin- the Paducah Ji.nior 0olle:-e. and
1which tax shall be and the same is hereby declared to be a tax
for school purposes.
Phe total ad valorem taxes levied under this ordinance
are as follows:
F -or all City purposes, exclt,,sive of sinkln, fund .?"1.43
-or i'olice a . nd Firemen's Pension Fund .03
"or General School Purposes
r S _ nl�ln 7)ind on .Toted 1',)nds, Includini;
sc-001 1, 0 nd s . . .17
-,,)r Interest on voted bonds, inclu-in- school jcT is
r Pad* cah Junior Uol1r,,--e .05
Total of said levies . . . . . . . . . . .
SO �
Total Levies on Tanks and Trust Companies'
Stock for City purposes .20
Total Levies on ,antis and Trust Companies'
Stock for school purposes .40
Total levies nn unmanu.factu.rcd a-.ricultural
pro lncbs for city purposes .15
This ord-nance shall ta'ce effect from and after its
aco pti on. )
�✓ I
Liayo r
Passed by the',oard of Commissioners, _;;aril 22, 1941
Recorded by hudy :.tevrarb, City Clerk, April 23rd 1941.