HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 10, Page 43, No Ordinance NumberP, i� o 43 OF THE D'iIVL.'3ff 0, CLAY' STHE!`,T 107-� STREET TO THS :-:AST 01' 21ST ST.-t!-'E'T, EXCLU')1'7G SECTIONS AT 13th, 16th -"- 17th S1T-'-..ETO 77' -L.1- CIT: OF PAD�'CATI, coUTTY' =-':TUC'.,-Z, 1T'I',' .-'-,T,:7 !OLES, :77C CATI SE! ::77 7j -C..--C-- )-T, 1s17 P7,C'ITIT O -IS 07 ACT OF 71 77 K F: 1 T U, C AJC C, P 17, D A T 1 9 --A S- F: 107 7 0 T:?- T--OV77�:--, OF PUELI,-, 'S TIT CITI= -)' TrT-. SECO:iD C--`SSz C T--!- k T 10 0', O'7: --H AGz,'��CT.-' - I - - S 0- 17cl- OR OV -=-.777"T, AT —T-.' CST 37 TH:-11 _2T_1 -T--. 7j 0 SLG; ACCORDENTG TO -lith L, ... L)-,!, )---.T 011 TiAT A TAX SY1ALL _H: LEVIED - "!,TD LC-'- OR 0- iEAL ';S '.TE FOR THE PA7C:,.E-,IT OF TlrlE COST� A:7) -,OST 3-:ArL -- THE DIFEERIJCE ZETi=TH OST CF 2�.C-71.':-�!) .ITS A - T -.'E TOTAL AT OUNT On '-C:' 07 T:= -",,O-.21T:S5 AD'11-7TSTRATT07' OL 07-:T 1, ES 0-- T L O.S :.1A'1M!G SAID T6.;_ 7E DT -7-7 A:-.') A' --TE O -7 -ICE 07 7--:] C7'Y OF CC::STZUC- 0"7-jj',L� O= -,-�:7— TI'.T BOA -)F ,'C .3S '.;1 -1-11 ADVICE O:' THE CITY �-'-,IGIT:EER T; IE IT O�O:%:)----- 3f T: - BOARD OP CO:,�THE CITY --SIOTTZRS OT ?AD _UC ITZ SECTIO:? 1. That the driveway on Clay Street from the ',:est property line :)f 10th Street to the East property line of 21st Street, excluding intersections at 13th, 16th -1 17th Streets in the City of Paducah, tucky, with all necessary mamholes, intakes, catch basins, serer I drain pipes, and all necessary on;SineerinS, advert -7 s.'L.-IS and al and clerical services in connection therewith, -Linder an Act of the General Lssembly of the Co-mmoyacalth of Hentucicy adopted at its Re3ular session in 193-S, providing for the imp---ovement of public ways in cities of the second class by aid of the 7.or'cs Pro;;ress �IAd-ministration'or otter a.-,:;ncies of the 2',deral or State Govorn*rient,! land at trie exclusive cost of the Owners of real e state abutt I -iS on , I �such improvene-nt to be }apportioned oil such i:r,,ppove;-mcnt accordlin;; to �the number of front or abutting,, feet, and providin., that a tax shalli be levied uoon said lots or parcels of real estate for tae payment of the cost assessed thereon, and vfhich cost shall be the difference between the total cost of complet.ln,; said implovement and the total ElLmou,it of the contribution of the Proress Adim-Inistratior. or Pale 44 other Agencies of the Federal or State Uoverimient en;;a6ed In makinZ; said improvement, and which tax shall be .lue and payable at the office of the City Treasurcr one-half thereof Y:hen the riork of construction beL'ns and the remainder thereon" Tanen one-half of said improvement has bee.: completed, r:hich tine; snail be determined by the i;oard of Co.r.7issloners of said city with the advice of the City --ineer, be and the swie is hereby ordered to ',e so construct d an:! reconstructed ,-!ith concrete or other improved paving :raterial under t'ie )rovis'ons of said la,.,., a-oresaid. SECTIO:: 2. That all the cost incident to said construction of said stree as provided in vection 1 hereof, except Lhat hart which shall be pa'd by the Federal or state Government shall be pais, for ciholly by the pro erty owners of property !�.buttim;; or fronting u_Don such improvement on bo h sides of ,aid street, and to '.;e a)portionol to and assessed a3s'nst said abuttinZ property as provided in Section 1 hereof. Tien said wori-_ has bee, eo,.a:nr_ed, the Board of Coc:rrissioners ;with the advice of the city Enf oer shall cause to be ;riven to the owners of said pr•o_7erty buttin,; _.pon such ir:prove-cent so proposed made, a notice by the publication of an or•dinance or resolution that said •:ork has co-T-ionced, and upon the publication of sue"i tesolutior or ordinance the wniers of such abutt n • property shall immediatell, pay to the City Treasurer the a cu_tt cDf one-half of the estimated c of such improvement as be a_000rtioned to said respective l,�ts s abutting, thereupon, and ,,,hen said work has been half completed said Board of Commissioners shall likewise publish a resolution or ordins ,:ivin3 votive of the half completion thereof, and reauir_.n.; the ovine of the abuttin property thereon to pay into the City Treasury the other one-half of said cost of said im_�rovement so to .e assessed agairist said property and a_aport'oned tC•iereto as aforesaid, and ;::,rhic payments shall be made inmiediately upon Vie publication of smch not 11 as herein provided. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be introdutced at a re Jular meeting of the Board of Commissioners, and remain on file for not less than one (1) ~geek for public inspection in its completed form in rraich it shall be nut upon its final passa,;e, and upon its adoption it shall be in full force and effect tei, (10) days t}lereafter. ,a Passed by the 3oard of Comiai.si ners Airil 10, 1039 Recorded by _,udy '.te:rart, City Clerk, April o be st ce rs i :os