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AL VAIL= A :_ V=C T n .. ....
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2LCU711 A2
...._.__.__.:, .-_c_ _ Lao .'r_cumulaLc:,. _ very large n._:_.:ber
Of lelitiCll.,__i, tan .._._1 s . przoant_ tA__sw due caa owing to
tl'e City o a..._.. , onl to the voarl of llucat.ion o2 the Cit'
land which tan bills Treasurer has been unable to collect; and,
the c'llcetion of .._._d taxes is nocessar;,r for
' I
the pro?er and ef_:tient operat'on no! ..,.,._ jc. :_..-, of the ,_ty-
"'ovc an. 0C - Chool s of rala C_a -nd .. large ITI:mbCr of p•.:'. l i
,. u`--.__ 11_ls have l .. ^..e becoic :eli ; nt; nnd,
... ,...... .-., t'._i''.:_ t'ic 1^,..... _ olatin o cities o: the second
clozo, it Ac _ a duty o; '_ ty of Za0veah, by and ...-_roug'.-I
its lc,,^? ._ _':'r•tr'-..- , o.. 0_11ect ;.1.._ . _ .aloe_... Wren and pu;:l_c
.1d t0 institute
sui Inst: � _ so^_.- ha... ')iD_...-t%-`1 eir ., tO
_ �eccc e
�Gellnquen&, and in codcr to ?e000 :a.1_iclent furdc An the
• efficient operation and maintenance of the City of .ah_cah b,.
instituting suits for „he ^.aMAction of liens in favor of the .,_t,
of MdLcah as security fc'a,:hepayment of ouch ^.d valorem taxes .aid
improvesont asse,.srsots, it is denmed necessarj by Ve oa & of
Comre_,.,.iei:c_c V secure th so -vices of other ..
_ ttor=., to _,presentI
the City in atter, to er:plo;; in tho legal de2art7ent such
cicr cc'_ -,r _ stwoographical assistance ns zoyfor bhe
purnoces hr_ein mentioned.
Wn:3S:W1:T 01
=CTTW 1,
i� 7':at two acil;t.'..onal _.,.,_st.ants to tl-^_. ;;cr_,oratior_ ^on'"del
be ap,>o:inted to represent the City in tax matters, and sa'd
• assista..ts . all institute any and all necessary
in;_;s necessary to enforce tax liens a;ainst All .moperti_es subject t
delinquent taxes and public improv-mcnt c..ceso `c ts, 2or such
' purposes they vry proceed in any Court Navin; jurisdiction
or by any proceediaZo authorized 1:' Lately
rroceca to collect such taxes ti to to suits upon all lists
of delinqu..ent ta._cs furnished t1iom by trio City "reastmer, but
all ori_;1na1 tri.: bills s7te11 bera_.n in 15 oi'f:i.ce of t'ic
_:'easurer unt11 t!1e a.�tount t1ioroof, i'.'.L 't.. Interest 'A l::i, ):n,l_;,es
ti,ereon, leave been full] -aid, u:lcss 11s rcr.L _-rc6
to be f ; 1 c:: by orr,er of cor.. t .-n n n .
IC_1C:. 2.
^' e -- ._a:__ ;cr is 'lereb ^..':_thcr-zed tc c:.,_ Icy t'Ze
t::o _....._stants to tike Cor?oratio_ ucsel and 'ie .- .all also
e,^ploy a sufficient number of .,_ :.e _ ,hers, cler';s, ani; ot';er
employees to .s_:;t in c., ..handlin- of 1--il aff'ars of _. 'd
City, includin_ t' -e •;;or'c necessary to i;c lone the collection_
of tie taxes and _`.link of suits for t'_,c enfcrc.c_:,nt ';f
the city's liens for collect.on of delinouent ta.;es. ?e s':Iall
provide the le,;a! do )art:.c. t ..it;t s:,.ch cr:ployees ass [-.,a-- 'ce
fount_ nececsary for the cf_ _ci<rnt, orderly a.ad economic
tratlon Cf the liL�al .. __...•s.. of the „1ty.
�.. 3.
One cf the aos'ota: _ts to the "o Ilorat;.on "cr.nsel .vho
shall '.-,c a�-poin_ed for t'tc _,.,r se of _ _ e:a'n t'zcCity in
tax _natters s.iall 'je _ ._._ 'or 'iiss ser•._cc t''. Six- of
per month, and the other assista.it to t'_e Corporation Counsel
iaJ1 ,., )a_c'. for his scr,_ces in the..:.._i'_i of tax matters
the star of 130.iO per month, such salaries to be payable at the
same time and in the sar:e manner as othor c:.::ployees and officials
of the City are paid.
It is the purpose of t':1s ordinance to establish a
department With a sufficient number of employes for the handlinz
of all le,;al matters, include t_ie collection of taxes and
the filin • of suits aZainst _persons who have oer: fitted their
taxes to become delinquent, and all legal matters for anc', on
behalf of said City shall be Brindled th Ali sair'. _,"-'t:.'::nt
by the Director and the _.ss:ist ant:;, employed for that ")u. -pope.
':CTIOI: 5.
All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict 'lorov,-'th
are hereby repealed.
SEC! I07T 6.
This ordinance shall be in full force an'. ;:ffcct _^r,:�
and after its adoption.
?as sea by t',,; ,;oa.r'1 of Co, .i9Si0I1CI's, _;;b_':...._,, 20, 1.3.,
:�ecorue;L ,y .._..y .,Jevlart, City Cion,, ' _..a 1,