HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 10, Page 176, No Resolution NumberA IiESO IOi: -O,e THCn--F�A:i,'TIO'.: P.. I)
TIO" OF IfilE J)RIpE : ft r 0'. ?j'.. AV _..P; = 7;0: 7-E ..-HT u`:. °_,...= I
OT'r. STH: -E'" TO T;'_. _, ..LST -.::G PAVING AT 107_ S't:;._ T I:. T---., CI'7f 05'
PA,)Uc'AE, .' - C0to1:77, T'C_ ', .:I_.'7� .. L ' __SI,
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}.c �n '::._. OST .S T,' :=Cay
-OF S .7: T _ _. T:.. 70 .. COST C'
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C=Tr Tiff. O::T—i/'_Li T`___. C? :::.:_:: TH,-' -C2,1' 0='
ICn G'
_... .._.._ , it is �2,ed and here:, 'eclared to be
necessity tI,at the driveway on Park .vc-r:ue froi:: filo :est oro-ert;,,
line of Oth.Street to the e,.istin- pave n,� at 10th Street, in the
City of Paducah, Kentucky, be constructed and reconstructed of
improved pavin material under the provisions of lair. applicable to
�cities of the second class, -P'.00;, TiiEREFO:?E,
7 -.pt the on Pa..' __.t:c _iom the
1_11e of -.. . ,-,-,at to the er stingy pavin- at loth Street'in the
City .of Paducah, Kentucky, be constructed and reconstructel of a
concrete or such other improved paving material as ray be a')provad
by the =card of Co:nr:issioners of the City of �'2lucah, ..ith a)_1
necessary :ranholes, intal.e,^,, catch basins, so'::er arair. pipas
a l all nccec::arY enZineerin_-, advortic l and i al 11 ci zica�
ces 'n conrnoction t'^ereviith, and all to b., Jo_o t ;ter n.d
our. scant to statute aut?lorizin- such i;ofrovc ..__t.,
f.lereto that said i:hnrovement of such nu':;lic c:n; - -11 :: ...'.
1� the ':;ork Projects Admi:nlstration or other a,�e_icics ci t:ic _ lDral
Pa -e 177
or state _._....... lent at the excix..s-ve cost of t'.e orner: of no r
. ,-d improvement to bo apportioned araonL; and
assessed upon the lots or parcels of real estate abutting on such
i:nprovemen't accordin-- to the number of front or abutting feet, and
a ta.- shall be levied upon said lots and parcels of real estate fo
the pay*:ent of the cost assessed taoreon, which cost shall be the
difference between the to:, -al cost of comnoletin�; said il-riprovemont
and the total amount of the contribution of said pederal or State
-1 in ma':i- said
i iprovements,
and r 'Ch
taxes shall
be due an"
pay able at
the offlce
of the -i ty
thereof .hon t' e c:orl_
of construction
and the re2=inder
tl:e.r•eo_" or one -ha Lf of said cost .;lien one-'.alf of said i p_ o•; e-
mort all have beet: co*»feted, ^n=: ..:ic'n tirr.e i:'_1 be e _:.i__odl
:'Io ,.. .. e: co::...._U.,_o _ers of .._ty .._ advlCe of t.ne
City n ineer, and n0 ;r .,_ er . _..'.l Le ,,.. rent fro_, such i _mprove-
:Hent ta,-, provided, h0'::c :', '.1-i.at any assess:;ent .foo any such
imnrove::'ents as orov'ided =or _Icrein which e;;ceeds one-half of the
value of the lots or parcels of real estate upon -.-hich the
assessment is made shall be void as to such e, -,cess, but the
imorovenents small be ta':en into consideration in {ino the value
of such real estate, and the 3oard of Commissioners sha'1
provide for the pay.nent of any such excess, if any, out of the
-eneral funds.
�ECTTC"- 3.
This resolution, after its r-do?tion shall be published
in at least one (1) issue of t`,.e official ncc:^oaper of the Cit;;
of-'aducah at least seven (7) days before any ordinance orderinS
said improvenent shall have its final oassa�:e.
"C-10:: 3.
'chis resolution s',nll be in _ utl force an, effect from
and after its adoption by the _:oard of Commiss'.oners and upon its
publication as herein urovided.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners, F eb. 13, 1,,D
Recorded by itudy Stewart, City Clark, Feb. 11,