HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 10, Page 1453, No Ordinance Number1453/ J�6AEgLP_D ✓ JavF �3-oi,4 'C" -).. , ........ , :0'i lam__ I' LD., ...:) ...T1O*..3 <'0:,T. T_0?: ._ D13P03AL TREP30r' I;I iii CITY OF f:1DUr%. i:,Eli TUCK C, Pi> 1.1: ::'G 9'.:_'?' 2'1P:_q,3E POP T:?E COLLE ION TFERF.Ci ._ .,..L LE I -AID BY G.iJI:' T 1 C 1 0 TO:', IC u `'7 'IOL:TIOT3S ON _.:1 'U?.. ! L cIXITI0 THE Fc::_:LTS r'07i ..GC,"i vIOLATIOi:a. IT ORDxI;;3L� _.,.PD OF COT,'1I3SIONZ2S O_w 1`:s C,I`:'_' O' Tu-,170CKY: _ (1) '=he word "ga•ba-e" whenever used in this contract, shall mean all •,-,ante materials from, tto '.ritchens, dininZ rooms and simila- places, and all household .castes, animal and vegetable matter such has been prepared or intended to be uses as food, o_� shall accu:nu- hate in the preparation of food 9n',, li'_.o matter, frog! residences, ccholeaale and retail :;roccriec, stores, stands, restaurants, apartm anti other businesses. (2) '''he cord "trash" v=hinever used herein, shall mean all waste material such as paper, cans, boxes and other similar materia and shall also include leaves, creeds, trees, branches ^r grass. (3) The mord "ashes" as used herein shall mean all residue nssUmulatir.T from the combustion of coal, coke,, or stood, in domesti industrial or commercial stoves, furnaces or boilers. SEC TI OP: 2. ^_'hat all-arbage, trash and ashes as herein defined shall be Lathered and removed in all residential districts of the City of I•aducoh by the person, firm or corporati-on holdin_- a contract with the City of Paducah, under the rules and re,-ulations as provided her( and the costs ane'. exnenses of the colic(tion and re:roval of such Uarba3c, trash and ashes shall le paid to the Contractor by those frc whose premises said arbago, trash and ashes aro removed, or by the person responsible for the existence of said garbage. SEC TI OTi 3. Every resident, householder, tenant, hotel keeper, apartment - house osier, duplex owner, restaurant keeper, boardinghouso keeper, wholesale or retail dealer, as well as parties or persons occupyinm ftcllings or inits thereof, incluain- all private persons, associat'E ions and corporations who conduct stores or places of business wher -arbagc accumulotes shall provide or cause to be provided and !rept of all times, portable metal vessels or receptacles of a capacity o not-, more than twenty (20) `allon of a recoZnized type of ;-nrbage can, to be dater. ti;_!:t ;,ith lids and handles, slid to be '.:ept out. -id T- nts )in, 1454 and to t. -c rear of the residences, tuildinC, apartricnt hou--c, hotel restaurant ov store. Each day's accumulation of !7arbage placed in these cans shall be thnpou�:hly drained by t"^ person producin. or rer;^onsible for such Cartage. The receptacle shall be kept for collection on the `round floor levol outside and to the rear of any buildin:,and at a location easily accessible for pick-up. SECTION, 4. The collection of Garbage, trash and ashes shall be made in every residential district of the City of i`aducah at least twice in every e:eek and such collections a. --all be made at each residence on the same days of the week. SECTION 5. Every resident, householder, tenant, hotel keeper, apartment - house o;:mer, duplex ocner, rostaurant keeper, boardinC house keeper, rholesale or retail dealer, as well as parties or persons occupying dv:ellin3s or units thereof, incluiinn all private persons, associat: and corporations conductin stores or other places of business where trash and ashes assumulate shall provide or cause to be provided and kept at all times, boxes or other suitable receptacleswrhich, whe filled with trash or ashes, may be carried by two persons, and said boxes or receptacles shall be kept outside and to the rear of the residence, buildin_-, apartment house, hotel, restaurant or store. Except -in_ business houses having no outside place for keeping boxes or receptacles, said Loxes or receptacles used for the collection of trash and ashes shall be kept on the ground floor level outside of a buildin and at a location easily accessible for pick-up. SECTION 6. It shall be unlawful for any rson other than an officer or mployce of the City of ad!'_ah-r-V nn employee of a firm or corporation oldine a contract with the City of Paducah, to interfere in any tanner pith any vessel, container or receptacle or the contents they - f or to remove any such container or receptacle from the location here the same was placed by the owner thereof, or to remove the ontents from any such container or receptacle, and any person iolatinr this provision shall be subject to the penalties as here- nafter provided. SEC TION i. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation o disnose or cause or pormit to be disposed any garbage, trash or 3he3 upon or in any public street, alley, vacant lot or other publi laces in the city SEC TIO:; 0. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or cor^oration to ispose of, place of throw any garbage, trash or ashes in any s 1455 or boay of eater or in any gutter, draim or sower, whether upon property or upon private property owned by ouch persons. 3EC TI OE' 9. T?o person, firm or corporatlon e xcepting a person, firm or corporation holding a contract with the City of Faducah, shall be permitted to collect from any residence of the City of Paducah or permitted to carry, convey or transport from any residence and thro Ch the streets, alleys or public places of said city and such garbage, trash or ashes for a fee, service charge, benefit or other consider tion. SEC TICIN 10. The a nor, occupant, or lessee of any hotel, restaurant rooming or boarding house, store or other business establishment ma contract with any person for the collection and disposal of garbage trash and ashes, so long as the person with whom he contracts compl e with the provisions of this ordinance and with the rules and regula - ions of the health department, but no owner, occupant or lessee of any residence shall pay a fee to or permit any person, firm or corp- oration other than the person, firm or corporation holding a contra,,t with the City of Paducah for the collection and disposal of garbage trash and ashes for such residence. SECTION 11. The Board of Cotmissioners of the City of laducah is hereby authorized to gather and promulgate any additional rules and regula-ions for the collection, removal and disposal of garbage, trash and ashe in any conflict with this ordinance and the violations of the same shall be subject to the game penalties provided in this ordinance after the same have been approved by ordinance. SECTION 12. ,a person shall obstruct, delay or interfere with the garbage collectors while in the performance of their duties, nor shall any person violate any of the provisions of this ordinance .with respect to the collection or removal of said garbage, trash and ashes, and in the event of a conviction for violation of any of these provisio s the person, firm or corpo-^ation guilty or convicted of any violatio s shall be subject to payment of a fine of not less than •;,10.00 and n t more than „100.00 for each offense and in default of payment therec be imprisoned for a period of not exceeding ten (10) years. SEC TION 16. All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith ore hereby repealed wholly or in such parts as may be inconsistent with this ordinance 1450 3EC TI01d 14. Thia ordinance shall be in full force and affect from and after the data on which the ,ity of Paducah onters into a contract providin,- for the collection and disposal of Garbage. Introduced Au ust 6, 1946 e Passed by the i:oard of Commissioners,--uZuot 13, 1946 Recorded by Rudy Stewart, City Clerk, :,u--ust 13, 1946.