HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 10, Page 1271, No Resolution Number1271 A RESOLUTION RE(),UESTl:IG HENRY WARD, STATE SENATOR , AND CHARLES ii. BRU:ILEY A: -!D F1iED II. Id01GAN, 3TATE REPRESEI1TATIVES F'Il011 I'cCRACKEN COUNTY, KEN`IUCKY, TO CAJ3E TO EE fPITRODUCED A.;D PAjjLD Al UHE 1946 3EJ-310N OJ 'PiiE; GE_.ERAL A 'SEMBLY Or YHE CCM2.101I1:iEALTH Oe KENZYJCICY LEGISLATION RiiLATIIIu TO (1:) THE ESTABLISHMENT AND OPUZATIC OF GARBAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEIsS IN CITIES AND COUNTIES; (2) THE EJTABL_ ;.SEiIT AUD OPE—RAT--.0N OF GAS SYSTEIrIS III CITIES AI;D COUNTIES; (3) THE PROCEDURE TO BE FOLLO`JED FOR A3SESSIN PROPERTY ?01R TAXATION I'J CIT (4) THE ABATEMIENT Or NUISANCES CAUSED EY THE GRO'�:TH OF '4 ELM UPON PRIVATE PROPERTY IPI CITIES; (5) THE LEVY OF TALES FOR ME USE Or' FRPUELIC LIBRARIES ESTABLISHED IiI CITIES AND COUNTIES; (6) TILE 14A-_ ,TER LEVYIi:C AND COLLECTiNO PO ---L TAXES IN CITIES; AND (7) TILE PAYTTE?IT BY A :UNICIPAL HOUSING COI,: ISSION TO THE CITY FP,OI:! SURPLUS FUNDS THE A.L.*OUNT OF TAPE i REIti2TTED UPON HOUSING PROPERTY BE IT RES'LVED LY TILE BOARD OF COI.;P ISSIONERS OF' 71HE CITY OF PADUCAH, KMITUCICY: SECT-.OII 1. That I:enry .ard, State Senator, and Charles c;. Brunley and Fred H. Morgan, State Representatives from McCracken County, be urg , to cause to be introduced and passed at the 1946 session of the (,,en 3 Assembly of the Commonwealth of ICentucky the following legislation: (1) An Act to authorize all cities and counties to establish and maintain garbage disposal systems, together with all necessary trucks, conveyances and other facilities necessary for collectin and disposing of garbage, said Act to provide for thsubmission to voters the question as to whether revenue bonds shall be issued for the pu c ani operation of such systems, to prescribe the terms and conditions which said bonds shall be issued and sold, to provide for the retenti of a statutory lien upon the property and facilities of said system security for the payment of the principal and interest on said bonds 1 the appointment of a board or commi;sion which syall have complete charge and control of the maintenance and operation of said system, fixin., the terms of office of the members of said 'board, prescribing their qualifications and the duties to be ^erformed by them in the operation and management of said system. (2) An Act to authorize the establishment and operation of as systems by cities and counties, together with all necessary ,ppurtenances and facilities, said Act to provide for the submission o voters the question as to rhether revenue bonds shall be issued Cor the purchase and operation of such system, to-rescribe the term rnd conditions upon yr; -.i -•h said bonds shall be issued and sold, to >rovide for the tetention of a statutory lien upon the property and acilitics Of said system as security for the payment of the p-Incip 1 nd interest on :;aid 'bonds, the a^..ointment of a board or commission hich shall have complete c:•_a_•L.c and control of thb maintenance and Aeration of said syster.:, fizin the terms of o:fice of the members . .:aid board, prescribing their qualifications aid the duties to be erformed by thee: in the operation and manaTernent of said system. OF hase upon 1272 (3) An ict to amend KRS 92.430 relating to the procedure for assessing property for taxation purposes in cities of the second class by providinZ that on and after. 2optember 1st of each year and until the date fixed by ordinance for the closing of the assessment books, it shall be the duty of the Assessor personally, or through deputies, to see in person or to call at the residence, usual place of' abode or business place of all taxpayers who have not listed their taxes by a-pearing at the Assessorts Office for that purpose prior to September 1st, or .,hose property is not well known to him, and the Assessor or his deputies shall secure the assessment list by making such calls and shall view the property whenever practicable to do so. (4) An Act under which it shall be declared to be a nuisance for an owner, tenant or lessee of private property to permit weeds to row thereon, authorizin- the general council of any city to require inspections to be made upon all property within the city and cause such nuisances to be abated, to authorize the officer or employee designated by ordinance or resolution to make such in- spections to cause written notice to the orovner, tenant or lessee that the weeds upon his property must be cut, or by postinT a notice upon said property. providinC that if the owner, tenant or lessee t whom notice has been given shall fain to comply within ten (10) da s that the City ,':tanager or the officer or employee so designated shall cause the -weeds to be cut and removed at the expense of such owner, tenant or lessee, and providing that in the event the owner, tenant or lessee shall rail to pay such expense within a period of 30 days thereafter, the Cit,,- shall have a prior lien upon the property upon which said weeds were cut and shall have power to enforce the collection of such expense and to enforce its lien against said property by all remedies given by general laws for the recovery of debts in any court of the Cormionuealth Otherwise competent for that ^urrose. (5) ,'in Act to reseal KRS 173.300 under which it is mandatory that cities and counties ow nine and maintainin:; free public libraries shall levy a special tax for the use and benefit of such libraries and to amend said section by providing that at:propriations shall b made annually for the maintenance of public libraries. (C) An hct to amend 3i2S 92.230 gelatin` to the powers of pities of the second tb•the aixth class to levy taxes by :PovidinG in said amendment tt,at a poll tax not exceeding, '.1.50 shall be levied upon each male inhabitant of the city of the aosesnmant date other than those oxeonpted by KRS 142.020, such poll tax to become due at the ane tlme ad valorem taxes ;,ecome due and to be collected in the sr: .e mInner. 1273 (7) An tact authorizin` t Eunic.ipal : ousin,- Cwtimiasion to pay to the city within va,ich i_s projects are located an amount equal to the total amount of taxes which w:,uld be assessed upon the projects and property of said commission if the same ::ere not exemp 'rom taxation. SECT10i; 2. That a certi;'ied copy of thin: resolution Le rn&ilod to aenator .ard, Representative L•urnley and Representative ,.Morgan, un:'. that a copy also be mailed to Carl Vlachs, Secretary of the Centtrcky Municipal League. �,.,aor y Fassed by the '_oard of Commissioners, January 15th, 1946 Recorded By Rudy Stewart, City Clerk, January 15th, 1946.