HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 9, Page 793, No Ordinance NumberORDINANCE TO FURT1711 BFGHTLAIT Tfr PLRKIVG OF C!: PROA -AY MV7 M".7-1 tFCOND STI?Y'T AM) f—VT.17!1 T11IPD, QTD FEFTE STRF'T'S I'll 'jVF CITY OF -------- T "". ARM PR750r.11117M `FITAT.TM' FOR TNF VIOTATUM -7 BY IT ORTAINE.D By rpr r(1APT' OF CO�2TS!^ICNTC!7 OF TIT T,jy OF 7hrIUCAF: 3FCTIQT 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, com.nany or corporation to park or leave standing any vehicles of any sort on 5rondway Street between 1'econd Ftroct and Zeventh Street, on Third Street between Kentucky Avenue and Jefferson Street, on Feurth Street between Yentuck.y Avenue and Jefferson Street and I I e . on Fifth Street between Kentucky Avenue end Jeffersm Street In the city of' Paducah, Kentucky, between the hours of seven o'clock A.K. and six otelock P.T.T. on Monday, Tuesday, ednoadny, Thursdoy and Friday of each week, and between the hours of seven o'clock rnd nine, o'clock P."!. on F,4urd-ayn of each -eek. Provided however, that such v&icl(s may be temporarily Dnr',,cd or stooped in said arca dIonG side tl-, side,,Yslk or curb for t1r.e nurpose or nllowin�; tbo transaction of business, and an;7 vehicle so narked or left standing- --hall Le allowed to so remain there not exceeding one hour. ';Uo vehicle shrill be nerinitted to be moved from one nositlon In one clock to another ncrition in the same block so as to avoid the provisions of this or-.1irAnce, end the wholo length of time any vehicle is so p -inked or allowed j to rer-Air. It,. any one block shall be construed as one parking urldcrl the r,rovisions of tl,.in ordinance. And provided Purthr that this': orainance small In 110 :any ropeul or effect tile, ordinance i,creto- 'ur-i ennotedi with reference to 1,110 parking of automobiles or vl_l lcle3 cn Pronlwav .7tre-t on Lix, uvrth Sid,, ti—reof for "nn ter. -,Inut-s beteeeza q -,)oint willoll in 1,0011 -,cd j:v,Ojjt,,! t !!' s 91-LeI2 a-,st Of the oroperty line of Fifth '.trent, !17. 13 located 1'0 feet immediately "r.nst of Ve ^CTION 2. Any p:•rson, firm, conpany or corporation vlolsting provLsions of tlhls ordinnnce shall be fined not less than "1;-e (''5.CC) rollers n-r marc then Twenty (',20.00) Collars, and. -.•ab time any vehicle is narked v;,,ithin any one block for more than -,::e hour (luring the time prohibited in section 1 hereof shall be ^nstrued to Le a separate offense. SrCTID't1 3. V All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict t Y r"ith tris ordinance are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. SECTION 4. This or'Lnance shall be in force and effect from and after its pasaore Signed 1'sy or Yasned by the 2onrd of Co^rrissioners b'sy 22nd, 1933. 'I Recorded by Rudy 4tewart, Clerk ttay 13,A 1933. ^' CLERK