HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 9, Page 559, No Ordinance NumberPage 559 AN OPPINANCF PF�1FSSIvr. TFF PUTTING PRO0FR4Y OV BOTH SIDFS OF PrYfoll !VFNTIF, PFO`.' TTTF "TFT PFOPER'`Y T.ITTE OF BLOOM AVFNUF TO TPF'':'T,T PFOPFFTY TI -F OF ALFXANDFR AVFNUF, IN TTTE CITY OF PADUCAH, hicCPACKFN COTPTTTY, KENTUCKY, FOR TITT' COST OF CWISTPUCTION OF P. GPAVFI, STP.FFT, PT'i CO''CRFTF DFIVF"LAYS, CTTFB P.ND GTTTT-T?, '71'111 ALT TTFCT''SFCP.Y T[ANTtOTFS, IT'TAKFS, CATCH PPFINS, DRAIN TITS ATTS SF' -TR PTT'F, AND ALL NECESSARY F.NGINFFPTTTG, ADVFPTTSING AND LEGAL AND CLERIC!L SFRVICF TI. CONNECTION THFPE"'ITA AS F011077c: CCST OF GPAVFT. STPEF.T...................$1.14 PET' ABUTTII"G FOOT COST OF COITCRFTE GUTTFF................. .40 PER LIN. FOOT COST OF COMCFFTF DFTVEWAYS.............. .30 PER 5:;. FOOT COST OF COTICPFTF CURB STRAIGFT.......... .50 PER LIN. FOOT COST OF CO7'CF-1r CURB CURVED ............ .65 PER LIN. FOOT COST OF FXPA",'ION JOINTS ................ 0.00398350389 PER DOLLAR CONSTRUCTION COST COST OF FNrINFF.P.TTTG ATTD INSPFCTION...... $0.05498,701695 PER DOLT,AR CONSTPUCTION COST COST OF ITTTFTFST.........................$0.00906063P46 PER DOLLAR CO''STFUCTION COST AND PFOVTDITIG THAT TTT COST OF SUCF CONSTRUCTION, INT=PFST, EXTRA '?.IOP.K, !ND ALL NFCFSFAFY ENrI'TFFF1YG, ATV FTI`IT'r A`TD LEGAL AND CLFFICAL SFPVICF IN CONNFC'TTOTT TT'FFT"'ITA 11r CTTAFrFf•.iiT.F TO ATTD P FSFSSFD P.GAITT,T TPF PROPFRTY RFCFIVT*IG TTT r:r'`'FFT^' OT' SATIE ANT` ABUIiTITM UPON SPID IPPROVFMIT, AS SHO"'N BY TTT: FNGITTFFFIS FFTIF,�ATrS 07' FITF PT THF 07' TOE OF Tt F COI.T'fISSIONT:R OF P'TP,LIC WORKS, AND PF'OVIDINr TTIAT SAID ASSESST:'FNT MAY BT-- PAID ITT TEN Fr'UPL ITTMALT `TENTS, BEING OFF FACH YF.A.F. FOP P. PFFIOD 01• TETT YFAPS. FF.AF, tre Board, of Commissioners of the City of Paducah, Kentucky has heretofore on the 23rd day of September, 1920 adontec' an ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE PROVTDING FOP TPE CCTISTFTICTION OF GFAVEL ITREFT, AND CONCRETE CURBS, GUTTFPS AND DRIVF.`!AYS ON PAX"031 STFFET, FROM TFF: `=TEST PROPERTY LINE OF BLOOR' AVENUE TO TTTE WREST PROPFFTY LIFE OF ALFXANDFR AVFNUF, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, TdcOPA.CKFN COUN9Y, KFTTTUCTCY, 9'OrF.TTIF.P -ITII ALL TTECESFARY NANT?OT.FS, INTAKFS, CATCF BASINS, SF"'PF MITI) DRAIN PIPE, AND ALT. NF.CFSSPP.Y ENGINFFRIFG, ADVFRTTSITTG ATTD F_FOAL AN]' CL-FIC!L F'FF.VICF ITT CONNECTION TNFREI'ITTF AT TETE COFT OF 17F APII^TT"G PFOPFF-Y O'"NFFS AMP PPOVTDTNG 'IFAT SAME MAY BF CONSTFUCTT'i UPON TTTF TFN YFPR PAYMENT PTAN," and "TTIT'rFAS, in accordance with saicft ordinance it is DrovSded that Mrs cost of construction of said gravel street, and concrete driveways, curb and gutter, together xit1a -11 necessary manholes, intakes, catch basins, drain tile and sewer Dine, and all necessary engineering, advertising and legal and clerical service in connection therewith and all ot'rer work done thereunder be paid for by the abutting property owners on both sides thereof, except that portion to be paid by the City of Paducah as renuirec! by law, and "'I'T'FEAF, pursuant to said ordinance, a contract was Page 560 entered into on the day of 1929, between E. L. Beyer, Contractor, and the City of Paducah, ,Lentucky for the construction thereof, and "IFFPFAF, said contract has in all respects been completed and the work thereunder finished and accepted by the Board of Commissioners or tie City of Paducah on the lOtb day of July,1930, pursuant to notice duly given and inspeciion of said work and the recommendation of acceptance made therefor by the Commissione. of Public Works of the City of Pnducnh, Kentucky, and pursuant to a motion made by said Commissioner, which motion pass duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners, NO"!, THFFTFOFF, BE IT ORDAINED BY T11F BOAPD OF CO?+7!ISSIONF..FS .OF THE CITY OF PFDUCAH, KENTUCKY: SECTION 1. That all of the property on both sides of Paxton avenue, from the west property line of Bloom avenue to the west Dronerty line of Alexander avenue, in the City of Paducah, McCracken County , Kentucky, as sbo�^n by the engineeris estimates, be, anal the same is hereby assessed for the cost of construction or a gravel street, and concrete driveways, curb and gutter, with all necessary manholes, intakes, catch basins, drain tile and seer gine, and all necessary engineering, advertising and legal and clerical service in connection therewith. All. of said work has been done under the ordinance and contract aforesaid and slid assessment is as follows, to -.,lit: Cost of Gravel street.................�1.14 per abutting foot Cost of concrete gutter ............... .40 per lin. foot Cost of concrete driveways ............ .30 per so.'foot Cost of concrete curb straight........ .50 per lin. foot Cost of concrete curb curved.............65 per lin. foot Cost of expansion ,joints ...............0.00398350389 per dollar Cost of engineering and inspection.,,, construction cost y20.05498701695 ner dollar Cost of interest......................construction cost 0.00906063P46 per dollar construction cost Is shown by the engineer's estimotes on rile in the office of the 30mmissioner of Public "orks, whicr estimates are adopted and nede Dsrt hereof, FPC TON 2. That all of the fun4s derived from the assessment of aid property aforesaid srnll be used for t1•e rmrnose of paying +f the tax bills issued against said property, or such bon -Is as may e issued by the City of Paduc✓h purusant to Section 3101 of the entucky Statutes. SFCTIOV 3. Page 561 SEC'PIOAI 3. I I That puraunnt to Section 3101 of the 4entuc ky Statutes, as amended and re-enacted and nor., in force, said assessments may be, ^t the option of the property ownerspayable in IIl cash �rithin thirty days fromi the date of the passing of t' -is ordinance, or in ten annual installments, j Pursuant to the provisions of said Statutes, i SECTION a, In order to proeide a fund for the immediate payment of I the cost of th•t portion of the medial assessments herein provided ror, and wl� i.ch mny be paid on the ten year installment plan ns hereinbefore T for; the City of Paducah may issue and sell improvement bonds, an to secure the naysent of which fonds there is hereby pledged such taxes and liens upon the property assessed herein for the payment of tie principal anO interest on such fonds, but said bonds shall not be sold for less than per, and the proceeds'thereof applied exclusively to payment ror the improvement or said street as hereinbefore --entioned, and such bonds, if issued, shall bear interest and shall be payable in accordance kith the provisions of Section 3101 of the Kentucky Statutes, as amended and re-enacted by the General Assembly or the Commonwealth of Kentucky and now in force and effect. SFCTION 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and nfter its passage, record and publication, Signed Passed by t"e Board of Commissioners July 11th, 1,930 Recorded l.^ Hunt Crossland, Clerk, July 12th, 1930