HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 9, Page 556, No Ordinance NumberPage 556 AN ORDITIANCF. ASSFSSITTG TTTE P.BUTTIVG PROPPF': Y ON POTS FIDES OF "TASHING'[ON STREI•T, FROM TTTF "TI'ST,CURB TIT'R OF 21TH STRFET TO THF '.'!FST PPOPFRTY TJ E OF 22ND STPEF'T, TTM THE CITY OF PADUCAH, McCT'ACKF" COMITTY, KF"TUCKY, FOF TT -TE COST OF CONSTPTTCTTON OF r,FAVFT, STPFFT, ATTD COTTCPFTF CUSP., GTITTF.R PMD DPTVF`!YS, '"TT^TT ATT NECFSfAFY TRPNHOTFS, ITTTfKFF, CATCH BAFTNS, DPATTT `rTLF, ATTD SF "`FR PIPE, AND ALL NECESSAFY ENGINEP'F TT'G, AMFRTISING -A-D T•FGPL VT` r_.LFPICAL SFPVICE IN OONNECTION TFFrF"'ITP AS POTTn'"S: COST OF G±AVT'T STT FT'.1................... •`1.52 PVP Ai-UTTING FOOT COST OF COTTCRETE GUTTFP.................. .40 PFR LTN. FOOT COST OF CONCPFTF DFIVF"'AYS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 30 PER Ste. FOOT COST OF CO"CFFTE CURB STFAIGVT..,,,,,,.. .50 PER LTN, FOOT COST OF COT,'CRFTE CURB CUFVFP........ ... . .65 PER LIN. FOOT COST Or EXPANSION JOTTITS ................::0.00457897921 PER DOLLAR CONSTRUCTION COST COST OF FTTGITTEFRTNG AND INSPFCTIOTT...... 0.05723724018 PFR DOLT.AR COVS_•RUCTIOT% COST COST OF I"1TFFIST.......................(: 0.02179921176 PER DOLLAR CO"STRUCTION COST AND PPOVTDINC THAT T`E COFT OF ",Cl; COM-rUCTION, IPTTETZFST, EXTRA V!OPK, AND ALT NECFSFARY ENGINEERING, ADVFRTTSING AND LEGAL AND CLrPTCP.L "FPVICE IN CONNFCTIOT•T THFFF"!1TTT BF.. CT,AFGFABTR TO AND ASF`SFFD AGATT'ST TVF PTOPIF Y PFCEIVING TPE BF-F.FIT OF StMF ANP APUTTTYr, UPM" SA TD IA`PPOVr T'%F''T 1 , AS SHO"N BY TW- FNGINFFF T S FSTI-tTFS OTT FITF IN TITS OT'FTCF OF 'PT' CO'!T`TFrIO"TrF OTP PUBLIC "'OR•KS, AND PROVIDING ^FPT SAID ASFF.SE':TFNT MAY BF PAID IN TEN F(WL IATSTALT.METTTS, BEING OTTF FACH YFPF FOP P PFPIO- OV "'FN YEAPS. ''/HFFF.AS,the Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah, "entucky has heretofore on the 3rd day of September, 1929 adotited an ordinance entitled, "AN OF_:INANCE PROVTDI`M FOR THE CONMT UCTION OF GFA.VFL --TT--T-FT, AND CONCRETE CURBS, GUTTT'R.`. AND DFIVF."'AYS ON WPSHTNGTOT! STFEFT, FROF THE 'ilF.ST CURB LINE OF 21ST T FFET TO TvF '".'FFT PFOPEFTY LINF OF 22TTD STTTF.T , IN TFE CITY OF PADUCr H, IGcCFACKF.N CO'1VTY, KENTUCKY, TOrFTTTR "rTTH ALL NECESSARY MANHOTFS, INTAKES, CATCH BASTTS, -F'-'TF AND DPPTAT PT'S., AND PLT: NECESSARY FNGTTTFrITTG, ADVFP9'TSTNG AND LrGAL P' -ID CLFFICAL-FRV7CE ITT CONPT'CTION THFPF"'TTTT AT TTTF. COST CF TFTF ABUTTI 0 PROPFr`Y O''TFFS ATTD PROVTPTNG 'rTT"T F!"F 116Y LF CONSTFU"TFD TTPON THF TFN YFT•P PT'YITTIT PLAN," and "'PIFFEPF, in secordnnee with s -id ordinnnee it is provided thnt the cost of construction of said gravel street, and concrete curb, gutter and driveways, together with all necessary manholes, int^kes, cotclh basins, drain tile and sewer nine, and all necessor•y engineering, advertising and 1e9-1. nn,l clerical service in connection therewith and all other work doNethereunder be paid for by the abutting properly mmer•s on both sides thereof, except thnt portion to be paid. by the amity of Paducah as reouired Ly Is,.,!, and Pgge 557 "MrFi"A.S. pursuant to snid ordinance, a contract was entered into on the day of , 1929, between E. L. Beyer, Contractor, and the City of Paducah, "entucky for the construction thereo , and '".'PFFFA_E, said contract has in all respects been completed and the work thereunder finis"ed and accepted by the Boa.rd of Commissioners of the City of Paducah on the 10th day of July, 1930, pursuant to notice 0'117 given and ins-ection of said work and the recommendation of accentanee made therefor by the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of P^ducah, Kentucky, and p,:.rsunnt to a motion made by said Commissioner, which motion was duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners, NMI, TPFF'FFORI', � BF IT OFDAINLD BY TT -T, BOARD OF COMT'T.SIOtdFFS OF TNF. CITY OF PADUCAF, KEYTTJCKY: SECTION 1. That all of the property on both sides of vlashington street, frim the west curb line of.21st street to the west property .line of 22nd street, in the City of Paducah, iv+cCracken County, Kentucky, as shown by the estimates, be, and the same is hereby assessed for the cost of construction of a grIlvel street, and concrete curb, nutter and driveways, with all necessary manholes, intakes, catch bpsins, drain tile and sewer nine, and all necessary engineering, advertising and legal and clerical service in connection therewith. All of said work has been done under the ordinance and contract aforesaid and said assessment is as follows: to -wit: Cost of gr,.vel.street........... :............. `1.52 ner abutting foot ti Cost of concrete cutter ....................... .40 per lin. foot. Cost of concrete driveways •••:................ .30 per sc. foot Cost of concrete curb straight ................ .50 per lin. foot Cost of concrete curb curved .................. 65 per lin, foot Cost of expansion ,joints......................k'0.0045789792.1 ner dollar construction cost Cost of engineering and inspection........... e.'0.0572.'•724018 Der dollar construction cost Cost of interest.............................<p0.02179921176 per dollar construction cost As shonan by the,engineerTs estimates on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public Vlorks, ;v; ich estimates °a're dontec ^nd msde part hereof. SECTIO"! 2 . That all of the fends derived from the nssess-rent of said Droperty nforesnid shall be used for tre purpose of paying off the tax bills issued against snid nronerty, or such bonds as may be issued by: the City of Pn�ucah uirsunnt to Section 1,101 of the pentTielcy St-tutes. SECTION 3. Thnt pursuant to Section 3101 of the Kcnlrnirt{y Statutes, as emended and re-enacted end now in force, said nssessme,ts mpy be, at the option of the pronerty onmers, naynLle in cash within thirty days fro Pnge .558 the date nr t%'e passing of this ordinnnce, or in ten annual in!3trllments, pursuant to tl-e provisions of said statutes. SECT I OT1 4. In order to provide n fund for the immediate payment of the cost of that portion of the specinl assessments herein provide for, and which may be paid on the ten year installment plan as hereinbefore provided for, tPe City of Paducah may issue and sell improvement bonds, and to secure the payment of i:,hich bonds there is hereby pledged such t,.,xes and liens upon the property assessed 1-erein for the payment of the principal and interest on such bonds, but said bonds shall not be sold for less than onr, and the proceeds trereof applied exclusively to payment for the improvement of sr.id street �s hereinbefore mentioned, and such bonds, if issued, shall bear interest and shall be payable in accordance xith the provisions of Section 3101 of the Kentucky Stqtutes, as amended and re-enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of kentucky and now in force and effect. ST-OTIMT 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passa«e, record and publication. Signed Passed by the board of Commissioners July 11th, 1940. Recorded by Aunt Crossland, Clerk, `luly 12th, 19301