HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 9, Page 547, No Ordinance Number10 ')T Page 547 AN OFDTNANCF ASFFSPTNG TTTE ABUTTING PP.OPF.FTY (?N P.OTF SIDES OF JONES STRFI T, FROM THF.. 77ST CTIRB TINE OF 26TH STPFFT TO WE EAST CURB L NE OF 28TTT STRFr_T, IN THF.. CITY OF PADUCAH, McCR!CKFN COUNTY, KENTUCKY, FOR TPE COST OF CONSTRUCTION OF A GRAVEL STREET, AND CONCRETE DRIVEWAYS CURB AND GUTTER, n?ITA ALL NECESSARY W NHOLES, INTAKES, CATCH BASINS, DRAIN TILE APIDSFt',FIj PIPIT, AND ALL NECESSARY ENGINEERING, ADVERTISING ANDLEGAL ANIJ CLERICAL SERVICE IN CONNECTION THFFE?'IITH AS FOLLOWS: COST OF GPe_VEL STREET ......................S1.45 per abutting foot r: . COST OF CONCRFTF GUTTER;• " ' ••••. .35 PER LIN. FOOT COST OF CONCRETE DPIVFwAYS................. . 30 PER S^, FOOT COST OF CONCRFTF CTIPB STPAIOTIT...... I ••••... .55 PFR LIN. FOOT COST OF CONCRFTF CTiT?B CTTRVFD. • • , , . . COST OF EXPANSION. JOINTS,,,,,,, •65 PFR LIN, FOOT •••••••....0,00527332197 PER DOLT,AR ' COST OF ENCIPTFFFI?TG AND IPISPF,CTI "' , , , z, CO"TSTRUCTION COST 0, 04536957198 PPP, DOLTAR COST OF INTEPFFT, COT�'STPUCTION COFT ',0'.(".1177233501 PFP DOLLAR !.ND PPOV'iDIAlG �T 'AT TTTR COLT OF SitCH COP1STFtiCTIOONSTRUCTIOT' COST INTFPF,,T, EXTRA 'FORK, . PND ALL NECF.SSTFY FNOINFFRIT•:G, ADVFRTISTTTG AND LEGAL AND CLERICAL SERVICE IAT CONNECTION'THEFF"TTH BE CHARGEABLE TO ANDP:SSESSED AGAINST THE PROPERTY RECEIVING THE BENEFIT OF SAME fiND ABUTTING UPON SAID IMPROVEMENT, AS SE074N BY TTTF ENGINEER'S ESTIMATES ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COtrMISSIONE OF PUBLIC 190PKS, A*IDPROVIDING THAT SAID ASSFSF'?.-NT M Y BE PAID IN TEN EQUA INSTALL -NTS MING ONE, EACH YEAR FOP A PERIOD OF TEN WARS, '.MFFFAS, the Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah, Kentucky has heretofore on the 14th day of October, 1929 adopted an ordina ce entitled, "ATI ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR TTTE CONSTRUCTION OF GRAVEL STREET, ` AND CO*TCRFTF CURB, rUTTFR AND DRIVE""AYS O"T JOTTFS STFFET, FROM TPE '"TST CTIRB LINE OF 26TI7 STPEF.T TO THE EAST CTTPB LINE OF 28TH STFFFT IPI TTTE CITY OF PADUCAH, MPCFACKEN COUNTY, KENTUCKY, ?OGFTTTFF ''ITFT ALL'•NFCF.SSA1RY MANFOLFS, INTPKFS, CATCTT BASINS, ST -"FR A"TD DRAIN PIPE, AND ALT, NrMSSARY ENGINEERING, ADVFRTISING AND LEGAL AND CLERICAL SERVICE IN CONNECTION TPFRE!"TTH AT TzE COST OF T' F ABUTTING PROPERTY O'^1NFFS AND PROVIDING THAT IPMF MAY BE CONSTPUCTED UPON THF. TTN YEAR PAYMENT PLAN." and WHEREAS, in accordance with said ordinance it is provided :T'at the cost of construction of said gravel street, and concrete drive - rays, curb and gutter, togetTer with all necessary manholes, intakes, catcl basins, drain tile and sewer pipe, and all necessary engineering, adver- ising and legal •snd clerical service in connection t>,erewith and all othe o9k done thereunder be paid for Ly the abutting property oviners or Loth sides t',ereof, except that Portion to be paid by the `'ity of Paducah is reouired by ls�-i, and "MFFFAS, pur""t to snid ordinance, a contract !^as ent.e.reri into T the Tray of 1929, bet—een E. L. Beyer, Contractor, Td the City of PaducaY, Kentucky for tre construction thereof, and Page 54a ""'FPrPF, said contract hss in all respects been completed 04 and the work thereunder finisred and accented by the Board of Commissioners of t.re City of Paducah on the lOt.h day of July, 1930, pursuant to notice duly given and inspection Of said ­7ork and the recommendation of acceptance made therefor by the Commissioner of Public ''Forks of the ';ity of Paducah, Kentucky, and pursuant to a motion made by said Commissioner, which motion was duly adopted by thl Board of Commissioners, NOVI, THEREFORE, BF. IT ORDAIVED BY TFE BOARD OF CQYMISSIoNFRS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KFNTiTCKY: SECTION;1. That all of the property on both sides of Jones street, from the west curb line of 26th street to t?,e east eurb line of 28th stree in the City of Peduca}-, McCracken County, l�-entucky, as shown by the engineers estimates, be, and the same is hereby assessed for the cos of construction of a. gravel street, and concrete driveways, curb and r•.utter, with all necessary menholes,.intskes, catch basins, drain til and sewer pine, and all necessary engineering, advertising and legal and clerical service in connection therewith. All of said work has .b en done under the ordinance amd contract aforesaid and said assessment iE as follows: to -wit: Cost of gravel street....:........51.45 per abutting foot Cost of concrete gutter...: ........ :35 per lin, foot Cost of concrete driveways...,,,,,, .30 per so. foot Cost of concrete curb straight...:: .55 per lin: foot Cost of concrete curb curved....... .65 per lin, foot Cost of expansion joints ..... ......i0.00527332197 per dolly r constructioCost of engineering and inspecl-.ion.d0.04536957198nPer dollar construction cost Cost of interest...................0.01177233501 per dollar construction cost As shown by the engineer's estimates on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public "forks. 17'i.ch estimates are adopted and made part hereof. SFCTION 2. That all of the funds derived from t},e assessment of said Property aforesaid shall be used for the purpose of paying off the tnx bills issues' against said property, or such bonds as may be issued by the City of Paducah pursuant to Section 3101 of the Kentucky Statutes. SECTION 3. . That pursuant to Section 3101 of the 4entucky Statutes, as amended and re-enacted and no,.- in force, said assessments may be, nt the option of the property owners, rayable in cash rritf'in thirty dAys from the date of the passing or this ordinance, or in ten annual instpll.ments, pursuant tothe nrovisions of snid Statutes. ..RCTION 4, Page 549 SFCTiON 4. In order to pro ire n fund for the immediate payment of the cost of that portion of the special assessment herein provided for, and ^hich may be paid on t're tenye-rinstallment plan as hereinbefore provid for, the City of Paducah may issue and sell improvement bonds, and to secure the payment of Which bonds ti -ere is hereby pledged si.ich taxes and .liens upon Mrs property assessed rerein for tre payment of the principal and interest on such bonds, but said bonds shall not be sold for less t'ran p,r, and the proceeds thereof applied exclusively to payment for the improvement of said street as hereinbefore mentioned, and such bonds, if issued, shall bear interest and shall be payable in accordance with the provisions of Section 3101 of the Kentucky Statutes, as amended and re-enacted by t'^e General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and now in force and effect. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, record and publications Signed_ Mayor Passed by the Board of Commissioners Ouly lltr, 1930 Recorded by Hurt Crossland, Clerk, Julyl2, 1930