HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 9, Page 1323, No Ordinance Number:.'T -:SG TO d"EIGHTS, :. SASt'RES 4ND :AL. CSS
PBUVIDI_SG iOR 'r::.. A2?O11Tf EHT Or All IPS':CTOR,, OF l9_If;HTS A:!D 9l9
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SEC-YIO_: 1.
5i6 standards of vreiChts, measures and b alances prescribed
u and established by the Government of the United States shall be and
constitute the Standards of weights, measures and balances in the
,:Ity of Paducah. The City :.:ana.,er is hereby authorized and empowered
to provide and furnish all Imgliments, devices, measurements, balances
and other equipment necessary to enable the Inspector of 1.7'ei3lits and
measures to test all scales, me-surinZ equipment and devices and
other eoi"hln�; equipment and devices in ord:r to determine whether
the same comply with the requirements of this ordinance and the
standards herein established; and all weiShts, measures and balancels
of every kind w'thin and without any place of business within the
7ity of Paducah which are in use or attempted to be used in wei;hina
aeasurin or determininC amount or quantity of any merchandise, prolluce
or co:viodity,offered for sale or to be offered for sale, or that Is;
being purchased, sold or ofrered for sale by weight or measure shah
be subject to the provlsions of this Act, and shall at all ti -n a bel
open to inspecti6a and examination by s aid Inspector of said y
assures and b alances. I
Por the purpose of carryin; into effect this ordinance, there
s hereby created the Position of Inspector of weights, measures and
alances. Said Inspector of htn, measuran and balances shall be
r,'rcr:yed with the duty of enforeln; the provisions of this ordinance
and or all ether or,1lna,Laes relat.1n;; to the subject to weL=hta,
,^ennureo and balances In the City of Paducah. ( There s':wll be apaointod
zr30n nual.ifle•1 to test woi;;hts, measures and balaaccs, and who :.hall
'ncn v0 for 'all ^^r:'.., an such Inspector the sum of `—Qm 25.00
11 ..be _nald at the same te anti
mall be classified
of ontorin;; pr.ariaoz and
In aflectin•; vel ;htu and r.oasuroa,
to a:Tanta de por:ons found
., ... .,..:!. i,.. ,7.nu.'f!a1 as b a Ion ;irr
,art .^,nt or r' a :.1hnl l h,ve pollee
of tq'; p2'e':'13lOSls
.._ .. ,, ,. ... ... , ..... :.... :r Qr.-.. .. .. ...... . . .... to lei '"t3,
nansures and balances in the City of Paducah. 3efore entering upon
his duties, said 'Inspector of wel lits, measures and balances shall
execute a bond in the penal sum of ,`1,000.00 for the faith Cul
performance of his duties, and which bond shall be preserved as
other bonds of employees of the City of Paducah.•
It shall be the duty of the Inspector herein provided f r to
test, at l ast once each year, all wei_hts, measures and balances
of every kind employed in any business in the City of Paducah, andl
n:iich may be used in connoction with the purchase, sale, oxchango or
transfer or storage of any articles of commerce v&ich are sold, tr ns
£erred or conveyed by vrei.�-,ht, measure or balance. Said Inspector
shall also test all pu:lic scales in like manner and for like purpose
:,nen any scale, measure or balanco is tested by said Inspector and
found to be correct, said Inspector shall affix thereon, in a con-
spicuous place a stamp or seal bearin;, the date of said inspection
and indlcatin;, that sal 1 vtei;hinZ or measuring device is found to be
correct, and is approved by the Inspector. Any scale, deviic
or measurin3 device of any kind found not to be correct shall be illmme
corrected or taken out of use and service immediately, and said
Inspector shall affic thereto a stamp or seal, in a conspicuous place
thereon, .;ivinZ the date of inspection and statin; that said scaled,,
el�hin; or measuring device is disapproved or condemned; until sues
condemned or dist-,proved measurinZ or wei hin. mgchine or device ha
corrected that the same can be approved b;, the Inspector the
sem: shall not a.;ain be used or permitted to be in use by the
o,.,ner or oocrator tiereof; and any such measurin,- or wei„h.ing
_actrumentallties found to be inaccurate shall be removod from the
co o, tu,iness ,.1icro the same Is found, and shall not agaln be
:._:rifted to be exposed or exhibited in such place of business until
have been corrected so that upon Inspection and test the
sa=9 Rill +c fount to I)- accurate and corroct as to monsuroments ori
n7 _ ... , , f{ra or r. .r _ ., :Sn;l,r usin; and a*nployln
i.o b:" uc connoction with tho :rei 7hInp
ar:• _. _ 1,- , bartrr or oxc?tru e, and
a to± 3io,1c,nnor awl uaon
th:a :'1v (; .JOj allays'
.. .:. ...°.Cc{. ., :1 �,!' .. , ...•fa:3uV03 'JI` balances
^.9 ,r :•a.i.. - ar meseurin„
corn:::odities•as herein provided shall be doomed to be zuIlty of s
misdomeanov, and upon conviction shall be fined not le.s than Five ;S.00)
.iollars nor more than Fifty (W50.00) Dollars. Any person, firm of
corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance,
not specifically embraced in any other penal provision thereof, 3 1wll be
:teemed uilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not
less than Five (p5%00) Dollars nor more than Fifty (:;,50.00) Dollars',
and each time any inaccurate or condemned viei;hin.- or measuring
levies is used, and each time the ri ht or privile-e to inspect or
exa=mine any re13hing or measuring machine or device is refused shaliI
seemed a separate offence and punishable as such. III
At any time when the Inspector or weights, measures and balances
iesires to inspect or examine any weighing or measuring machine or
device, he shall have the right and privlle3e to onter the premises)
of the owner, operator or user thereof and make such inspection freie
from any interference or hinderence on the part of the ovmer, operaior
or user thereof; and any person who shall interfere with, prevent o
attempt to prevent such inspections hall be deemed guilty of a
misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in any sum not less
thnn Five (`5.00) Dollars nor more than Fifty (;50.00) Dollars.
All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith
are to the extent of such conflict hereb- repealed, and this
ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its
Pay11 or 4�0-
!'assea iiy the .oard of Comni,,s:toner a, Au ust, 3, 1938
:accorded by nudy Stewart, City Cleric, tu,ust, 4th, 1938.