HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 9, Page 1278, No Ordinance Numberi:.0i-vIZTY ON WA: .;IDI-';, LINE 0;11:'-':: 3Tlz_­T -101 3OUTII LINE 1'.M!TUCKY T OF CONSTRUCTION 0': T MID LZ THE PLf,CI7M -10;; OF A COIT- L UEC .. -ARY.3 CATc I I .--.L .,':D L_ -C: ','D CL. 7:1 .1 (,,.L c;ERVICB.; . GN Tl'iSI?E;- OF A; ACT OF THE (,.,7: :,..L l,_.:.:L-LY 07 TIE ^!'y ADOPTED AT ITS RE-: L,', .;E:i6IOI1 IN 1038, E THE I?.'PROVM,.SVjT 0:IU :LIC '.:AY'; 117 OF THE 6LICON .,TD Or THE -',O"U- PROGRES3 AM..I:;16r.ZATION OR OTHER A-GE:MES Cr ',,_1 ON 'TATE AND AT 'ITM IMCLUL;IVE CN;T OF 0 C.- .-.-'T: T.. ^TIZIG 011 SUCH II:PROVUqlM-lT ACCORDING TO 7:.-" ::Ul:_­_'r C.- _-.0.71T 0;', :­!iT, AND 1-:;CVIDII.G TlLT A TAX SHAL :;AID LOT,- 0..' Ml OR THE PAY INT TH...' 0:T' "-,r77 COST '21TE DIF: EIIFYCE _U! L COST O= C07 T ll::'T:"! :C.;_::_:"ri; :-':D THE TOTAI CC':T'!::UTIOIT 07 .—I'l::_MiATION Oil c- 711E V- C. -I,. ZD . , . E:G.,. D IN l,,id:II'G Y.ND ..=r7j :.. MALL D7 DUE PlFD PAYAL-LE AT THE Y3 C `=Z 7' 7T.., I: TY IN PiDTJCtdl, 0112 -HALF E. AND TIM 7: ._LL 1. 1AVE BE -SII COI.:ELLTZED, 1:ITH ­T'l, C-lli"' L..;INELRING 141'. VII' i:': i -.:D T '_J '71::T TO BE CO:_ 1011 UY THE UNITED .;'r -T- I t E. r,!.:'C_!:JTED DY Al."MIllf, el'.Ql,j !'TY -COT, TBE MY Ol" PAlUCAH ",:',:T AS "Y ME DpTL OF TIL lonnrs lmvin- h^rctofore conctructlon and reconstruct-, 'laid, and lo-listruction ,,n.1 o the ,n i the City of lariucah, ;"cOrarlcen County, Kentucky, as nrorm by eati- nates on file in the isn^ineers office in the City Hall in the City li !� of Par'.uenh, Kcntucicy, be and. the same is hereby asaeaaed for the cost of construction of said paved street with all necessary man- holes, inta.ces, catch bnoins, sewer and drain pipes and all nec^ssary enCineering, ndvertisin- and lecnl and clerical sorvlces in connection th-renith the portion of said cost of improvement required to be paid by said property owners the folloc:ing'amount per front foot, to -wit: Total cost against the property owners ' 'd1.35 per obuttin,, foot; that all of said ectim tea are on file in the office of the Sh7inecring Department in the City Hall, and P are referred to and made e part hereof. SECTIM 2. That one-half of said assessment as aEsinst each lot as show by said assessment and estimate of said en,,^ineer is now due and unless paid vtthin ten (10) days after the adoption of t^:is ordinance there shall be added t r:reto a penalty of 6; and a lien is declared to exist upon said lots and parcels of real estat for the protion of cost of said improvement so assessed as herein provi-led, and the amount of said assessment shall bear int:rest upon any p, -rt thereof that remains unpaid for ten (10) days after .....e is •ue to be paid at the rate of 6;; per annum in addition to the r, nnity aforesaid,,hich lien shall be superior to all other liens except the lien for state, county and city taxes. SECTION 3. 'Ilii putlication: of this or:linance shall be notice to a14 p•-rr:ons int•nrested and cue to pay said assessment, of the time and pl•+^e to .—y the same. .;aid nssessmcnt x:+111 be paid one-h^.1f i ithin t•n (10) ?nys from the pucllcntl.on of this ordinance rrcl c oth:r one-h=1f wil1 be raid when thn ixrarrl of Com-Uc Dion, rs re, Or _n, nce or resolur'lon, thet ar+id work oral 3', Id ; r.t 17, -•n on^-hrlf completed. i .,c _all be in full force an,2 ffec sm