HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 9, Page 1249, No Resolution Numberrnzc 1242 FOR 192E M'!.;TKUC'ION All"D RE - `1 0:_. 0:1i ­;s� ON NORTH 16ZI ;TR,:_.T FROI: Tliv. NORTH LI7.-- 01' Jc,xv-"XIT TO THE 3OU91I r-::OPJl31 LINE, OF PAPM 'M_ C-7731 0:., ,-,,.nCArI, MCCRACKT-1.1 rOW,;TY, KENTUCK-L, 1-M4l ALL j.:A1,1jj0j_.E 17.TA:.:.;, CATCH BAol,,6, SEXrER AND DRAIN PIPES '11_ 7:_-CE3SARY E,'GINE ADV1_--TI--,I'1c AUD LEGAL AND CLERICAL 11 IN CO;.-7;ZC­101! U7.'DZR AN ACT 0.-; T112 (11-21"MAL OF TK's W:­O:,-,,7f-ALTl1 OF KUFTUCKY ADOPTED AT ITS RMULAR IN 1933, PROVIDI.''. cOR 771LI IMMUZENT OF FULLIC IUAYS IN L�j OF TRE SrGl jr, CL.133 3Y AID OF WE WORM POGRESS AD-111ITIS- =ATION OR OTH.M. OF THE FEDERAL OR OT!,TE C3V3R2:7:-1:T, AND AT T::: E.:CLU IVE CO.,'T OY T17- 0.' AL E3T,,.Tc L:�JT_ING Oil SUCH I'U .,:T *',C103 71::G To THE' IMLI:EM OF 7011T OR ::BUTTING FEET, AND yp 1`20` 1-1-11.13 T:!;lT A WX if. -ILL BE LEVIED UFOIT SAID LOTj OR r­.Y,.CM3 or M?4'1 E,MITE FM TFL P.-_ - ZI.aNT OF TM COW A33ESCLD T11,_'111-1:011, A1.7D '..._ICH COST 3;:i.LL YH_` D11,YERMICE EET..EEN THE TO -_'AL COST OF CO,','PLETING SAID THE TOTAL AY OUNT OF THE CO!"TRIBUTION OF THE OR YS PROGR L_':L TRATION OR OTHER AGENC73,; O -W THE FEDERAL OR ..T T3 GOWSMT: 3iT7 IN Li: .11ING SAID ILPROV01MIT, AND 111CII TA.: MALL BE DfT, .',?,'D PAY.;.;.LE AT THE Or:,'ICE OF THE CITY TPEA.;URER, 01,E- HMF '_: .:.07. HIM TKE .0_1: OF C0113TRUCT-IOIT BEGINS AND THE C OF SAID IT.`PROVM,1;ENT SHALL HAVE Boral COmFL_.T_:), _Y THE BOARD OF COM71:1,­10-..'11S 01-1 CITY 17 -1 _TCE Or THE CITY c:;GI3E-R. it is deemed and is hereby declared to be necessity Uitt the drivc1any on North 1�th Street from the North property line of Jefferson to the South proporty line of Park Avonue in ti -e City of kaduesh, K!ntucky, be constructed and rOConStrUCtOd of ir.provcd pn-.-In material undor the provisions of -lay, referred to In the title Of this resolution, 1,10'.:, THNI-31-FIFORE, Er IT MJOLVEM _Y THE BOARD Or C.; ME K_!�TXKY: SECTION 1. 'n'lat the Crlvccvay on North 16th itre,Dt from the Of Jefferson to the South propi rtj line of Park .10 Cir. ,/ Of i-& '-Icah, 1:entuoky be constructed and re- r.r, n -oncr-,t') or such other im roved privin,- rlatvinl nn -Y Of Comm-lit:lon-rs of the Of "n'=nh n* --ri ;--an catch Le-dw, and Irv.!.n a. n-ensary nn f;j, 11 and -03 In n un,j,)r and pirluen! o T!"'. ly w an: ".0isn, n. 456 bo nr.'.e by '-he •.,rko ProZ;reas rULiinistratlon or other aCencles of the :'ederal or 3tnte Govornment at the exclusive coat of the ovmcrs of thx real estate nbutting on said improvement to be ap.)ortioned :.:non- and assessed upon the lots or parcels of real estate abutting on such improvement accord'_n;; to the number of front or nbuttinp, feet, and a tax shall be levied upon said lots and parcels of real estate for the payment of the cost assessed thereon, which cost shall be the difference between the total cost of completing said L-7provcment and the total amount of the contribltion of the .forks i Progress Adminis*ration or other agencies of the State or Federal vovernz. nt enCagec in macinS said improvements, and which taxes ;:;fall 03 due and payable at the office of the City Treasurer, one- half (I) theroof ;,lion the work of construction begins and the remainder thereof or one-half (,16) of said cost when one-half of said i.mprovoment shall have been completed, and which time shall be dctormined by the Board of Commissioners of said city with the i advice of the city enZ:incer, and no property shall be exempt from such improvement tax, provided, however, that any asoessmont for any :-.:ch improvements as provided for herein which exceeds one-half of the value of the lots or parcels of r eal estate upon which the cressment is male shall be void as to such excess, but the improve- ments shall be taken into consideration in fixing the value of such :cal estate, and the Board of Commissioners shall provide for the paym. nt of any such excess, if any, out of the general funds. SLCTION 2. 'his resolution, after its adoption shall publin'r:ed in at least one (1) issue of the official newspaper of :e City of Paducah at least seven (7) days before any ordinance for oa_' 17provement shall have its final paasa-re. i SECTION 3. 1'113 resolution shall be in full force and --n it a'°op',_10n Ly the Lonrd of Comni3. toners and upon its herein providou. LZ ZZ e""'4 1 ?:ayor i .he Lr April 4, 1933 P.T1,11 5, 7.639