HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 9, Page 1213, No Ordinance Number4- T 7 7 7 T:C 1! 7'.. T. I::- '1..: 7 7'_ 7 q(, ic ..— 'n! , ­ortin, li izior rnd rin.- of nrtu,.,o (.-, ',3 require ,he exercise of in c :ntrallin- cnd refulatinr the arae, It shnll be 1 dace:, v;ithin the City or yewacr.h, --ellinr and for .rlc c1c holic and into7iectin- to screen i doo-,.; or .;lndows or. to In mlywi_c obstruct t:fc itievi info ;llch tlx outside, end no booths '..1 t',in -u-ch ol bur ' n-_ 1 he curt ned, screened or c mcepled by ohu-.cr:_ -.r :--y other devices, or so conrtructe( nreven' 'r. -n-, ',;n,-,b',ructed .few in or to such nor sliall or:-.. -),rZon be 7-rmitted within such m,c­ ,.h,,) is under thv age of 21 veers, unl enr such n lz nc,-­-, nled b.-ir his or !�er n,rent or pr rr'n t.I, no- she 11 Pw 7 or rc r :. andFr the F -(,e of .,! - years be employed wit'hin, .!,.,u �r in cnr,:­-t'.on :with 7ny pinc(l oe bui:tnessr :lierc. into dentin? uor )r b­!^rpf-: sold b-.' the drink. I l p mons 1 n- 3,quor it br req::ir,d to close 1 -r, ll'i t o!' -,-,h ni-lit, .,nd no such C o Ie ncd un: 41 . on the 4 - 1 n n 1-n-ith of th in - nor cl.­,] ny :,I, l,c I • 1:, or corr. ::rot. Ile n 7 coon b,' .silt mf n I n, r. n tnd my I)o.r.-;-n so r. action in eddition to ,y .7ijil not exceedindn-,-zi, yin!- the 3! 11mv In imbr,`v-n — - I I ii that no such liquor sbrli be exposed In nny show -acme, or receptpcle in or 1--u- 'r -i -nid-nrlth rn "iturdny I.t until 1:CO I!` ' nd '.11Y Otilcl-o of 1 or r' ah,l r, ..nlny i1? ... n drur S tor -lo }e -r nvcC ^ul,3 ic view and zecu - ely eked up in r - T -.'.ore t1l, sn:.e cannot be seen durivg such period of time; eruf, store fnilinr. to cc,-,!,Iy i.ith I.". requirr-nAntu Of t'lim - cotion sIvll forfeit its license to sell liruor, end the sure -ore the 'card of '.ommis,icners. -fil be revoked upon a hearing be qyP it "UTTON 3. zlisil be unlnzful ft nil p1reeo .:ithin the City of Irduer-h beer rn. li�ht wines and not c0 !!inr tntoxic,,,tIn,- alcoholic liquor, to recrcn the doors or windows a,, to In enywise obstruct the, Iview into such p',rcez- iof business from the outside, rnd no bootlis , 0 J.r­1 be curtained, screened ...,'hin .:ch piece ­111013aled by doors, s1n;.ttOrL:, partitions or any other devices, or 100 consttucted as to prev=nt in nny way the unobstructed -ries _ii or to such Y)lrccr oil booths. 710 beer or lirlit wines of -r.y be. :old between t,e hours of 12 -.CC mid-nlcht and G:00 olcloc-. on the-olloviin- day. Nor she'll !ny beer or limit :was c consumed or drunk on the premises 'here bou-ht between hour: of I2:00 olcl,,ck mid-nitht end 6:00 o'clock !.::. on ^ollawinr dey; enc the o,.,nor, operator or prorrietor ny 77cic,. of %%,here such Icer or 11rh'. w2ne 4:z so drunk n the hour,: of 32:CO welock rAi<­n.­!:t rnd 6:C r�Ilor.in­ -,:,y ohell Sorfrit his 1-'CCn3c and the c_ 11 upon proof of L;u(,h violation of this :--tion revo%- license. Pny per;;on, "Iria, company or '..Or the provicionn )f thl:; 'action shell be it;: a^ rj :n(., upon-:­nviution thereof zih.­11 be n not hen '10.00 nor more ',I,,:n I,: cetion nLo upon nny be imprisoned in the Cl",y JnIll n discretion of the Ccurt ,r .-ury z is held, or vvho n�^rats or engar'e5 in the drinkinr• of ', - '; iuor on I,re,".1:: .There Vie sale of Leer cnd Ii,'ht r. ..Yhorized •o `e sold under licenses, :;ho2_.1 he d�cmed or c riolction o.^ this section, end shall be fined not less 0 nor ::ore t!:on ;100.00 or confined in the City Jcil not . , or both so fined end imnrisoned. ]LC:IMI 5. ^i•e holder ;,r holders of nny liconse to sell n1coholic fluor or beer or lt��ht r:inez as contemplated under the provisions s ordine.nce, end es provided for in t!:e ordinances of the of rcducrh, cad as permitted by the lams of the ate+e of h ll be convicted of u violation of any of the prow sions of this �rdinr.nce, or of `he Jews of the :;tr.te o^ Kentucky or of the 'rite:; .:tater, shrll he conc'_a:ively presumed to here been Cuilty of ouch conduct no to authorize the re­ocstion of his, theirs or its -nzes, en.' .h, judLrcnt of such c,nviction sh,13 be conclusive of ouch violation, rnd the noere of Co.-aminsion,rs of said Cil y _: a,on t' -.e presentation of such proof .td them, be u-horized t the license of such violator. Any person, firm, compr:ny or ;:nretion proceeded egeinst for revocation of licenses vs herein idea, sI,.ell be riven three (3) days notice of the time and plae of trim , to ether ..ith the stateoient in such notice of the eels e e se of r. anon ;;tach such revocation is based. Noer. on, firta, cq::,rrn; or c;r,-.s-c'.Lon who hes license to enCnne in burinezz and hrs been Ifound silty of violation of any or the provisions of this ordin,,-P nhr,ll to rrrnted any license to enf^ge in such business in the uce' for a period f five (5) ycere r.fter 'he re ccr:tiori . _ .. ? I ^ nac fry ^ ":o "ederal or !State .. .,1tr• :t -uor or beer or light vanes shall I ft the ^rr.on so hol,linr or 1 i /-;L i G ...ryor Pe3sed by the ?or.rd of Commis/otters, Pecember, 31, 1037 / Recorded by Ludy tewert, "ity Clerk, ^,cember, 31 1937. /� for the nurnose of zellinr, I� and nt any ot'irr +i!^r; wl,•,r. ..r id j ;lecm of business me found to be open. _ i' .,LCTICI* 7. 'I! ordinances rnd nerts of ordinrnccs in ronflict hrr•-;.Ith :re to the ^xtent of such conflict hereby repeeled. aLC:ION 8. :his ordinrr.ee shr'_1 be I in full force cnd effect iron rnd _.iter its ed:,ption. ...ryor Pe3sed by the ?or.rd of Commis/otters, Pecember, 31, 1037 / Recorded by Ludy tewert, "ity Clerk, ^,cember, 31 1937. /�