HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 9, Page 1090, No Resolution Number11 o Ci,_ is ,,.RIOT: OF I_`iUNDATIO^: OF _E: oil. AM .'LL A115, 1937 `�.. ,. th, greater prrt of the city of X r.i.crh .!as inundated by the flood occasioned by the unprecetidented rise in the ,'W River during the months of Murry and 2ebruery 1937; and commencini- on the 12nd day of January and concluding with the month of .ebruvey, ail of the mectinCs end procee0inCs of the Poard of Commissioners durinE said period of time were tels in temporary or improvised 2uprters in the ',:e_t rnd of said city; ends' at which meetings aoc!e of the proceedin-s were token and reported by persons other than the regular. Clerk or ASsist,ant Clerk of this hoard. In order to adore` s - rid nroceedinr; end cause them to be spread upon and becone a part of the proceedings of the Poard of Commissioners, it, is, 7Hy RESOMWED ' T'.'� t,' � C.I. -- .� 1:� =.., 0 � COi.�.ISSIC ��RU ^?�' :'I �� m. y. 10SVOK 1. That all ;procc:-:vin`s and reports cf proceedinf.s held by the Eoar;i of COWQsioners durinC the perio0o^ inundation of the City of Paducah requiring the evscuntion of the cit,: -s Tall by said Eorrd of hnmissioners, commencinC with the Wad eay of January, 1937, Pad continuing through the month of February of said year, end reported by .rid personz rctin€ for the Poor: of CO!'Missioner6 r -t 8rid meetings, including the Clerk who attended some of said meetings, end other persons designrted by Pe Poard Of Commissioners to report said proceedings, end rh ich meetings were held in pieces within said City, but not in the -city Hall, but in plrces or spaces selected Pt the time by the WPM of CO-nissioners in which to hold said meetin;pa in the 7estern end of said Cit d y, end in that pert of the City not inunated by sa flood weters, shall he end nre hereby adopted by the porrd of Ca!:!minsioners es a port of the reCul.-r proceedings o^ said T?oerd of CoWssioners held at reCuler, special or called w-etinCs, and which proceedings and the dotes thereof are .. follows: "Jon.29, 1937. "At a criled meet IC of the Boerd or City Commissioners of City of Padur.ah, for the purpose of considering exwndilL the ••..ter and such Other matters +a MY come properly before the :1o^ ,. _.._. present- i ._. urn "On 3...,, ion of Cuwalscloner: :elton, seconded by Commissioner Pulliam - the C Lho city tnke no action in the extendinC or t'"e •aster ronin until after the Sanitary End ineer hrs vrrived in 2aducah and m^_de e survey - on roll call - lton voted eye I'u'_lia? eye :.:ryor lashlurn aye Won ion carried. there :._ink' no other :utters berore•the hoprd meetin;C `"djourned.•' "Jan.30, 1937. "Purpose of the meeting is to take up question of inerSency situation in the City of Padumph by recson Of flood conditions, anti to r^.t Cn such other business as mPy properly come before the Eoard. This r._eetinE w;s held at ::edicsl Teadquartcrc 32nd k P,r•oudray due to the fact thr,t the city hell is pfrtially flooded. Present - __=nin, IockwQod, .:elton, Pulliam, ...ayor Washburn. n. -Motion by Commissioner Kelton - I hereby shove that the City s..enarer be authorized to employ, Or to accept as volunteer.,, any number of nen to be de;innpted as enecirl police of the City Of Paducah, nits Cull police power. Seconded by Nnnin - On roll call - 3annin voted yes elton " yes 7030" yes n yui' .1.0arn :•rued yes. Motion carried .:o,:..ior_ by Comrm:issionsr :'.elton . - I make motion that the City _..n - r and L:ryor _shburn appoint a Citizens Committee to make r survey a - quickly r.s possible to escertpin d2mnge rer.ultinC Prom flood - sell Pommittre'c report to be used on on ...,peal to VP 7s&,.0 7jvernme.t for either : gift or a loan. .;econdead by cu;,,_„. •• nc” On roll call - HLnnin voted yes Zelton yes Pulliam. yes ...e.yor , Pxhburn voted yes." "r::ducr,r;, i:'J• - y. 5tl: 1937. .."Ter, Herbert, offers the rninisr motion; ".-.rt the pr yr& _ Tov t} -:r. U.. 1_ o: �', 1937, In t}a} In .int Of .d7e7L.c be --llewed +'or that the P-7&. to City _­-Furer he r„ 1_._PIi c , 1 VL V ,. :? At a called mnettnr or the Tsoerd of Co nj4sionrrs held ct the temporrvy office of the YLyor ct 'lst & ._roadt;,r, ,streets In tho City ur Paducph, threl •••tyol ted that the nurnose or „rid Mectinr Y,s to adopt n ordinrcce ruthorizinC the ' or rnd Citly Qneger to borrow sums of monty not exceedin€- One Hundred end Fifty Thousrnd W150,000.00) Loilars, for the purpose or trkin€r care or certrir ablirations of said city. On csll �f the roll the r.:'.lowinC ams. eyed to their names Fs beim• prem ent, Cca:.tnisellners, .- ;-r -, Zoltan, i.ockwood MUM and 7pyor :Wn' ` ,n offdred the 01100 0P motion: "Cit;; OF Paducah, I'y, Feb. G, 1937 :::ember Varn, ar the -„nrd o_r Co"_missioners, orferad the fullon_; - : 'I move M: in ordin,2ce entitled, -4, 02ZINLKCE 1 G:;_ ? _ _. 1 2121Y TROMA1:D (4150,000.CC) LCL.-.._,., 20n 110 U.L ...,1 L__.,_y 01:E- Cis`_ Cy PALUCAH, i:_.;TL'CKY^ L._ I r moi_ T.T_ .._L .1_ ..... ....,L'� L3 TIY. CITY OF :j -W2 all.EaLy .,_ .•._ ._'R 1937 A:.. :,i_OIiRITY _-, :.LFOR', be adopted, 1dopted on cr11 of the roll,- Yepr, Coa__i.ssioners Hennin, lockvood Eciton, Pulliam end Yayor Washburn. "Febryary 9, 1937. .:,tuber .;Fshburn. "I move that the :"syor end City _:urVer .formulate a ru1F "or the purpose of insuinr passes to ,all owners of property acid to inesses in the City of ?,duesh thet will permit sric persont to Co to their property, inspect it rnd clern it up Without any interferences, and that the pepses are to be sinned by the _& yor or City 70n,Cer, or some person Fs either mey dPtiTnate." On roll cc11,- Hannin voted Yeav Luckwood " 9Bs •• ton Absent Lullir:m Absent .-.,iburn voted ;es Tebral ry 9, 1937. ...ember ...,,i!&rn: .,:fors the following mot1cr., Y of ','cbru,c n or on 1 r n. ejzerllcnc•7 to exist, In the city of _-,aduvih. Zid :ion havlw- be�?n pez.st;d, but by oversiflit not copied. no.v move t"Ict rn �,.,aerCency to be dc cirret' to in the es or _Febru? T -y 1, 2q.751. � ii,l ti:t, 1, 1.1ia control of Police rrpzrrtment of P> du,:) in'.,., 7:,yo.r rnd City .;-in'ly.,, .LIU- ve -ALF to r 7 ity be in- ob le t Z:,J(l city," Call :lair voted Y0Z, c ks: •Od es toll _�ent --szn, YCS. Y _7 -7 0 of otior 7vro.l.j lor hrIC Of' of e City lr(.­6u-;.,ev be tiuthorize(l n n I n absent 7 ted".0-S 2.bsert 11-L _srid minutes Uro pe,,-, ­ of c It dtrcctc(' to CrUSC 1:1.7s. ion Min.1 r'll 1, 0 AMk If i Page 1094