HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 9, Page 1059, No Ordinance Numberios9 �! Page 1059 AN ORDINANCE TO PROMOTE TEE PUBLIC SAFETY, R11X L`TE `TRAFFIC AND COR ROL FARMING OF VEHICI_o IN TI1L•' I U :I' L .:; ;.;.C'TION 1OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY: 11RO'.IPING FOR THE PURCHA:;E, PATaWT, INSTALIATION AND OPERATION OF PARKING METER-': DEFININ" TiE :'ORDS "VZaICLE", "BARK", "PARKING", "PARKINC :PACE" ABD"LOADI^:C Z011S11; ESTABLISHING AMD DEFINING A "PARKING i'''TER ZONE"; ESTAPI.I� HING P.;AXIhiU:,": PA.RKING TIME Ii, SAID ZONF, PROVIDING 0: iE1L.:L„ ."*;L• PRESCRIBING PENALTILS FOR VIOIA TION TEE OF, AND REPEILINO ALL �OWIIARCES, OR PART:; TI REOF, .Iii CONFLICT I'E"Ei':ITH. BE IT ORDAINED BY TIE BOARD OF COKE, I, ;T 0 ERS OF THE CITY OF PAPUCYI, KU NTUCIY: li SECTION 1: The word "Vehicle" as used herein, shall mean any device, upon or by which any person or property is or may be transported upon a hirhaay, street or road, except those operctec upon rails or tracks. Section 2: The word "Park" or "Parking", when used herein, shall mean the standinC of a vehicle, Wheth r occupied or not, otherwise than a temporary stopping of such vehicle, for the purpose of, and while actually engcCed in unloodint, or loedinC; passengers or merchandise, or an involuntary stopping of a vehicle by reason of acuses beyond the control of the occupants of the vehicle. The eords "Parkin:- Space" es used herein, shall mean the space or section of the street adjacent to the curbing, bounded end indicated by two painted lines, upon the survcce of the street, extendinC from the curbing into the street adjacent to a parking meter. The*words "Loading Zone", when used herein shall mean the space or section of the street vdj.acentto the curb, set aside for the exclusive use of londinr and unloading persons, supplies and lmerchandise. Section 3: That the followinE- streets and sections Phereof, in the City of Paducah, ere hereby established and created as Parkin`, Meter Zones• Brordway from First Street to Seventh Street Second Street from Broodwcy to Jefferson Street, Third Street from Kentucky Avenue to Jefferson Street, Fourth.Street from Kentucky Avenue to Jefferson Street, Fifth Street :from Kentucky Avenue to Jefferson Street Sixth Street from Kentucky Avenue to Jefferson Street, In order to ;void troffic conCestion and to ref3ulote traffic end prrhinC of vehicles in said Zones, the City is authorize to have installed psrkinr meters, and is authorized to cause parking meter spaces to be designated, in accordonee with the provisions -of this Ordinance. In avid Zones, perkinr meters are now installed and perM nL meter spaces des:irneted, and in such other perhinn meter zones no may hereafter be created by Ordinances of the, City of -Paducah, the City *hall cruse to be inst-lied perkin_ meter: d and chill evuse parkin; ;paces to be deoiFncted, in eocordonce .:ith 0 a I '_ Page 1060 the provisions of,this Ordinance. Section 4. Such perkinU meters shall be placed upon the curb alongside of and next to individual parking spaces desiEnated and to be designated as herein provided. Each arid parkinE; meter shall be so set as to shoe or displry a cisnel that the perking space eojecent to same is, or is not, in use. Each said perkinr meter shill be so set Ps to displry c signal showinC lcZvl perkin;, upon the deposit of a Five Cent coin of the United Strtes of America, for s period of one hour, for the part of the street edj.acent to which said meter is placed. Each meter shall, by a mechrnicel device, continue in operation from the time of depositing such coin therein until the expiretion of the one hour period, being the parking limit for the ourt of th,:, street upon .,Lich said meter is placed. Each meter shell be so Er!rchrnic, 11;; adjusted rnd rrrrn•cd that upon the erriro ion of the and perkinn limit, it will indicate by a mechnnicr•1 opera ion r.nd the droppin;- of a proper ci-nrl, that the lraful narking period of -one hour has expired. Section. 5. :hen any vehicle shall be perked in a parking -space, as `.erein provided, and adjacent to said parking space, where is located under this ordinance a parkin€• meter, the owner,operator, mann€er, or driver bf sr:id vehicle shall, upon entering said perkinC space, immediately deposit a rive Cent coin of the United States of America in the parkin• meter adjacent to said parkinE space, and srid parking space mey then be le fully used by such vehicle during the uprking limit of one hour, for the part of the street in w0ch said parkin{ space J loc^ted. par. in g. If said vehicle shall remain perked in any- such/.pace beyond i the rrr%ing limit fixed by the Ordinances of the Cit; of Prducwh for such parking space, the -rrkin- meter shill, et the expiration of arid per kiQ limit, display e sign showinn illegal parking, and in that event such vehicles shell be considered ns parked over- time, and beyond the time fired by this Ordinance, and the i pr,rkinr, of n vehicle over -time or beyondthe period of time fixed herein, or hereafter fired by the Crdinences of the Cit;: of Paducah, in any such part of the street .herein augh meter is located, shell be r violation of this ordinance rnd punished as hereinafter set forth. Pc'•e 1081 Section• G. Any vehicle parked in eny perlrin, :,pace, in any perkinC meter zone in the City of Pr•ducch, shall be parked with the hood of such vehicle clon,Cside of or next to the nerkinC meter adjc.cent to such perkin, ::pece, in parallel perkin.r, zpoces, end wit the r dictor directed at the scid meter in die;;onc:l pnrkine_ spaces, and in either event said vehicle shall be corked entirely within th �lines morked on the street for such parkin- space, cc herein provid ed for. Section 7: The City of Peducch has heretofore entered into a conditionrl cohtrect for the purchase, installetion end oper- ation of prrkin- meters, end has provided in said contract for the peyment of such meters installed, and the maintenance end operation of said meters, exclusively from the receipts and funds obtained by the City from the operation of scid parking• meters. :,ection S. It shall be the duty of the City :•:cnvCer of the City of r ducah, rnd such officers or employees, as may be. desiLnrted by him, to make rc: ulrr, daily collections of the raone; deposited in scid porkin~ meter:. In tris connection it shell be the duty of such persons so de.:i,.netcd to remove from seid,porkinr meters the sealed cylinders herein, conteininr�: the coins so de- posited in the meters, and deliver such se, -.-led cylinders, with the seals unbroken, to the Treesurer of the City of Pf�ducah. It shell be the duty of the Treasurer of the City of Peducah to break the seols and count the funds contained in scid cylinders, end deposit seid funds to the credit of the City of Paducah, in a special fund called "Parkine P.;eter Fund", which said 1 shell be disbursed on the order of the 'Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah. All that part of the income from said meters due to the City of Peduceh shellbecome a part of the general fund, from -.vhich the "oerd of Commissioners of the City of Paducah may expend funds for the extension and betterment of the Police Deport- ment, end for the safety of the citizens, and for trrffic ret•ule- tions end control, and for such other purposes as may aid in p.romot- inC the safety and well -beim- of the public usin,-- the streets of the City of raducch. Section 9: It shall be the duty of each treffic or such other officer a;; shell be so instructed by the Chief of Police in his district or on his best, to make c written record of the number of ony meter at which any vehicle is over-pc,rked, as provided in this Ordincnce, end to make a written record of the State License number of such ve::icle and promptly report the s, -.-e to the Police Department, and promptly make compD-int for -11Y iole�tion of this ordinonce in the Police Court of t City of I'E,ducah, and upon Pope 1052 such complaint the Judae of the Police Court of the City of T'c6ucoh l shall promptly issue summons or warrent. 3eetion 10: The City !,:rnarcr, or such officers or employees of the City as may be desir-noted, shall place end intein lines or mrrks on the curb, and on the surface of the street ndjecent to the locetion of each parkin(. meter, to desirrnate', r nd identify the narkinr space for erhich slid meter is to be used nd each vehicle parkin;- elon(-side of or adjacent to nny ncrkinS peter shell perk entirely within the lines or merks so e--tnblished. Section 11: The City of Ptducah is hereby author 'zed to ect.,hlieh, dcsi7n^te and identify by r:pproprinte mrr'•�in4s, >uehloe.dinF- zones as ere, in the opinion of the Board of Commission- Irs of the City of Peduceh, necessary for the conduct of business prithin said City, and to omit parking meters from such loading; flZones. Noperson shell stand or park, e vehicle in a loFdin(- zone for the purpose of lotdine or unlor•din,- nFssen,.;erz for the period )f time in excess of two minutes. All lcrdin,, or unloading of Ilierchandise in such loe.din- zones raust be nerforred in an expeditious mFnner, and no vehicle sh•11 remein in c lor:fiin- zone for a period of time Precter then reasonably necessary- to 1xneditiously lo,,^d or unload merchandise from said vehicle, nor ,!hile the operctor thereof is soliciting- or enncl,�ed otherwise than n loodin;� or unloading of sdch vehicle, except that - recsonrble ime shall be ellowed to the operctor of such vehicle for securing receipt of delivery. The r.bove regulation shall, within the parking zone nd upon the streets described in Section 3 of this ordinFnce, apply my between the hours of nine O'clock A.!=. end Six O'Clock P.,.:. f any d,-,, extent Sundcys and TTolidays, officially set by the oe.rP, of CMamissionerz of the C1tN- of Puducch. vection 12: No perkint of: vehicles shr 11 be per- itted in front of or ecros. any drivc,:c.;; leadin; from the street treet in`othe r,dj^cent property, or in the street e6jrcent to the urb in front of the Police Station, or in the reserved space d jscent to fire plu-s or ecros: side -walk eros: in; e. in the e_,i-r^ted portions of the streets mined in Lection 3 hereof. NO -vrkinr of vehicles shall be permitted r.it:hin he re ,ervr..d-or Ce: ed jrcont to hotel Cntrnnces, Chuh`C:17 ani rf. eE Letter cntrcrces, or toxi-cnb stends, cxec_ot for the :ole Inc nly nur ose of promptly lordin or unlorcin,_pr.-sell ,-ers in said ortions of Evid ctr.etc, except thea tnXi-crb .3t.trnd., in nu lic eraicer, are not prohibited hereby from occup.rin- taxi -cab st,^nds Pace IOG3 at places on the streets designated cs taxi -cab stands by the Foerd of Commissiorere of the City of Paducah. Sectio n 13: The terms of this ordinance shell not apply Ito vehicles of the fire Department and Police Department of tine Cit: of Peduc ah. Section 14. It ch -11 be unlnvful and an offense for any perGon,.firr: or corporation to rrr'.:, or cause or nermit.to be parka or permit , to remain strrdin7, in the City of Aduceh, as parked, any vehicle, -hother occupied or unoccupied, upon the portions of the strccto de iCneted in Gection'3 of this Ordinance, es -Parkin;: Yater3one," between the hours of nine o'clock !.Y. end air. o'clock P. n. except :'und:: s oral officially dcci,noted Holidtys, except in the space,_ den noted by masks or sins for perking purposes acjccent to prr:in, meters noir installed. It shcll be uninuful on! :n offense to part any vehicle across my such line or :naris., or to park said vehicle in such e way thvt the zone shell not be entirely within the area so desi-n ted by such line: or rvrkinEs deciFnrtino the spaces for parkin7. Section 15: It shell be -r3 rvful and an offs re" 7c_, cry i, firm or corporction, to cause or permit any vehicle to remrin standing or parked for c lonjer period of time than one hour, continuously, between the hours of nine o'clock A. M. and .Sim Qdiock R.I., extent on 5undeys endo fficially desi;neted holids upon the portions of the streets in Peducah,kentuc].; dcci noted in Section 3 of this Ordinance, esthe "Perk:inK Neter Zone". Section lu: It shall be unlawful and an offense for any person, firm or corporation to park or permit to be parked or remeir, standing, any vehicle within the "Parkin4 -eter Zone" in the City of Paducah, as designated in Section 3 of this Ordinance, between the hours of Nine o'clock A. 1. end Six O'clock P.,., on any day except Sundays and officially de2itneted holidays, unless the person in cherEe of said vehicle shell, immediately upon enterinr such pvrkinE space, deposit in the Puking ;:Teter 'r:d jr.cent to said oar'.:in; space, a Five Cent coin, louful money of the United States of Americo, :and turn the slot or device of said parkin; meter, ccucin7 to disploy the :i„n or Oi_ns.l for one hour's let l perhinf. Section 17: It shell be unlawful and on otfensefor any person to permit a vehicle to be or romrin in any perkin7 :Tree rlon,cide of or noxi to Aich any prr'.W meter ie plrced while lz iJ 11 WOO An :;i: n 1 whosin;_ that o vehicle hvil : jeCAY lavo been nrr -C in c'_ . 110. _ :;eP more teen one hour. it n 1 1GG4 Section IS: i 7 V-^ul, rnd an WYhn for any perzon to Kposit or cause to be o"pusited in s parkini. meter e Me Cent coin for the purpose of exlendinj the parkins time of the vehicle occup7in- srid .,ince, beyond the period cf one dour, for perking; in the perkinL apace, alongside of or next to which said parking meter is placed. Section 19: It shell be unlswful for any person to use, Mow, permit or suffer any vehicle registered in his or AeT neme, to be parked ever -time, or for more thin a period of one 'our, continuously, within the ''Pyr'in• .Teter Zone" as herein (Wined, within any prr :ink_ spree :.d jrcent to e prrhin- .meter. Section 20: It rholl be unlr.;Pul Pnd cn ofrense to enosit or c.^use to be deposiCed within any parkin• meter, any �07, device or substitute for a Five Cent Coin of the United States f Americc. j :vection 21: It shit be unlawful and an offense or any person to deface, injure, tomper with, open or willfully arerk, destroy or impair the usefulness of any parkins' meter Installed under the teras end provisions of this Ordinance. Section 22: Any person, firm or Corporation who hall violete, or aid or abet enother to violate, any of the pro- isions of this Ordinance, shall be Puilty of an offense, end pon conviction therefor shell be fined in any sum not less then �re Dollar end not exceeding Twnety-five Dollars. Section 23: All ordinances and parts of Ordinances nconsistent or in conflict with any of the terms and provisions of his ordinance are hereby expressly repealed. Section 24: If any section or provision or part of his Ordinance shall be edjud-ed invalid or unconstitutionr.l by Court of competent jurisdiction, such adjudication shall not affect the validity of this Ordinance es a whole, or of ^ny section provision or port thereof not so edjudred invalid or unconstitutional) This Ordinance shall be in full force end effect1. from and after its adoption.//,// .O JJJfff L:c..o rau c: n k.::ntuc'.:;; Passed by the Board of Commissioners August 6, 1936 Rdcorded by Rudy Stewart, City Clerk, August 7, 1936