HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 9, Page 1049, No Ordinance NumberPage 1049 AN ORDINANCE ALJENDING AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE INSTALLATION, REGULATION, CONTROL AND OPERATION OF PARI{ING METERS ON CERTAIN STRzETS AND WITHIN GRTAIN ZONES :'iITH- IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FON VIOLATION THEREOFTI, WHICH WAS ADOPTED ON THE 19TH DAY OF i_IAY, 1936, BY Aa1ENDI REORDAINING AND REPEALING CERTAIN SECTIONS THEREOF WHEREAS, it is necessary in the exercise of the police powers of the City of Paducah, and in order to promote and affect proper police regulations thereof, and to control and facilitate traffic on certain conjested sections and streets in said City, it is deeme: advisable and hereby declared to be necessary to establish the pro- visions thereof as hereinafter and in this ordinance provided. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF CO_UdISSIONERS OF TEL CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY: SISCTION 1. That an ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FO:. THE IINSTALLATION, REGULATION, CONTROL AND OPERSTION OF PARKING :,)ETERS ON CERTAIN STREETS AND WITHIN CERTAIN ZONES WITHIN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, AND PROVIDING PLNALTIES FOR VIOLATION THEREOF", which was adopted by the Board of Commissioners on the 19th day of flay, 1936, and certain sections tht.reof as hereinafter set out and described,, shall be amended, revised, repealed and reordained, so that said parts of said ordinance so amended, revised, repealed and reordainf shall read as follows: That Section 9 of said ordinance when so amended, revised ane reordained shall read as follows: "Section 9. The City Manager, or such officers or employees as he may designate are authorized to mark off and establish zones in accordance with the plans, playa and drawing so adopted by the Board of Commissioners as aforesaid, and to properly so mark said zone. No person shall stand or park vehicles in a loading zone for the purpose of loading or unloading passengers for a period of time in excess of five (,5) minutes. The use of loading zones for the loading and unloading of merchandise shall be confined to the hand- ling of heavy.or bulky materials, and all such loading; or unloading shall be performed in an expeditious manner, and no vehicle shall remain in a loading zone for a period of time greater than necessary to expeditiously load or unload same, nor while the operator thereof is soliciting or engaged otherwise than in the loading or unloading) of the vehicle, .xcept that a reasonable time shall be allowed for securing a receipt of delivery. -1 Page 1050 The use of metered spaces for loading or unloading merchant dise as defined above will be permitted after the hour of 9:00 A. m without the depositing of a coin in the parking meter of such space, provided that the vehicle must load and unload centered as nearly as possible in a metered space and in the manner above described. The regulations in this section shall apply only between the hours of 9:00 A. M. and 6:00 P. M. on all days except Sundays.11 SECTION 2. That Section 12 of said ordinance shall be and the same isi hereby repealed, and the following is ordained in lieu thereof, to -1 wit: Section 12. When any non-resident of McCracken County is found to l I be guilty of parking his automobile or motor vehicle in violation of I the provisions of this ordinance, and without actual 1mowledge of the provisions thereof, it shall be the duty of the police officer so discovering said violation to give to sucY! person so violating said! ordinance a card notifying him of such violation as a courtesy card; but notifying him also that he is not required to answer therefor. A Police officer issuing such courtesy card shall make a record of the date of such violation, giving the make and style of said auto -II mobile and the correct license number thereof, which record shall be i kept at police headquarters, so that said persons subsequently vio- lating said ordinance shall not be excused as a non-resident violator, but shall otherwise be subject to the penalties of this ordinance. SECTION 3. That Section 13 of said ordinance be and the same is hereby, amended, revised and reordained so that the same as so amended, I revised and reordained shall read as follows: "Section 13. Any person, firm or corporation, who shall violate any, of the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction, be fined in any sum not ;ess than One ($1.00) Dollar nor more than Twenty- five ($25.00) Dollars, and any person who shall aid, abet or assist in the violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall, by reason thereof, be guilty, and upon conviction shall be fined not less than One ($1.00) Dollar nor more than Twenty-five ($95.00) Dollars.° SECTION 4. That Section 15 of said ordinance shall be and the same is iereby amended, revised and reordained so that as so amended, 7evised and reordained it shall read as follows: Page 1051 "Section 15. The streets in which the said parking meters shall be placed and established and which also embrace the loading zones herein established are as follows: Broadway from First Street to Seventh Street, Second Street from Broadway to Jefferson Street, Third Street from Kentucky Avenue to Jefferson Street, Fourth Street from Kentucky Avenue to Jefferson Street, Fifth Str,et from &,ntucky Avenue to Jefferson Street, Sixth Street from Kentucky Avenue to Jefferson Street." SECTION 5. That Section 17 of said ordinance be and the same is hereby amended, revised and reordained so that said section as so amended, revised and reordained shall read as follows: "Section 17. That any ordinance inconsistent with any of the terms and provisions of this ordinance is hereby repealed, provided, how- ever, that such repeal shall be only to the extent of such incon- sistency and in all other respects this ordinance shall be cumula- tive as to other ordinances regulating and governing the subject matter covered by this ordinance; and provided further that in the event that if any section, paragraph or clause of this ordinance is invalid or unconstitutional, the same shall not affect any other section, paragraph or clause, it being the purpose of this ordinance to enacteach provision thereof as a complete and separate entitylr. SECTION 6. That Section 18 of said ordinance be amended, revised and reordained so that the same as so amended, revised and reordaiJ ed shall read as follows: "Section 18. It shall be the duty of the City ;::nna;-er or such officer or employee es he may desi,_.nate to collect up and Iccount for all monies deposited in said r,reters daily, end which collectiol shell be reported to the City Tree -surer, and shr1.1 be accounted for in a separate fund to be known rs the Parkin!-'eter. Fund, and paid out as provided in the contrect heretofore entered into between the Perkrite Company and the City of Paducah, end F11 thst part of the income from, slid meters which belongs to the Cite of Paducah shell become a p;rt of the ,reners;l fund from i.hich the Poerd of Co:missioners Mey appropriate funds for the extrr..ion and betterment of tie police department r-nd for t)IP sefei17 of Clti7e11s end the trr:^fie control, end for such other nurnoses os m;y aid in pran,otin, the ;, ^ t,; r. m:; ,rel].-reinr o, the p ' _ r u. ic u:.inre the streets i and pTon:ctir ettr-r trc:ftic control. I I re -•e 1.052 .CTTON T. This ordinance she]] be in fu]] force end effect from end after its adoption. Pessed by the Poerd of Commissioners, .T 215th, 1936. Recorded by !?udy --teoiert, City Clerk, June 26th, 1936.