HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 8, Page 904, No Ordinance Numberj iuo. 904. iiY OHDIl; i t C is:07IU IldG 0_. -1ii .IL P_t0'. -1aEii i Cr IdU_, iH i,i?Cl IHE II0'_'2 _ CU_iB LIZ OF 12' 1H -0 THE OUTH (;U-"3 LI -E' OF 11TH sL?`TEI�TH =iE3T, FROl;C HI: :,.,:'^ CUi?B LITE G iiO::TII �T:Z-".'=;1 30 ='H'� :AST CURB LI T..•' OF PALL: STREET; PALL: STREBT __,oi.1 =tiiOU`?H CUB L.I:... OF 10TH EI i0 -HE _10RTH CUB LIL;E OF 12TH ST-,1EET; 0_ CUi?B LITU.3 OF Li0?1i0-. 5`T?E T 20 i_Yi: SOUTH;U:?B I:!E 0' .N. 7.2'1;1 iILLL .:OrL IN THE CI'T'Y 0: P�_DUC H, __ .;_uCnY, BY :HE G ADILvTG LI110 0-, '_'OGw ITH : LL itECESSA?Y I.i ITHOLi:S, P_Q`L'_i b, Cn=CH BASIldS rl' EH _IPE 0Oid"TECTI01,T5, Iid t CCOi: _?:C : ".ITH =IH PL I?S TdD 3H::H` Or. BY THE CI'iY WFG= 3, _iI TL • COST OF ---_ ABUT"_: __.) St `:Y O:: LS ?S, =.1gID P:t07IDILTG `iHrT 'THE COSI OI' :UGH COLI- ST:ll:UC"_'IOi? i.::_Y iriID IiQ ACCO:tLALdCE .:ITH _'HE P::O''TIL�ION6 OF iF i :r' YEAR B:; IT Oi?DAINED :Y _'H: G EUL_.. L COUNCIL OT THE CITY ;:ECTIOid 1. That North Street, from the north curb line of 12th Street) to the sou Lir curb line of lith Street; Eleventh Street, from the east curb line of North Street to the east curb line of Palm Stroet; =alm Street from the south curb line of 10th Street to the north curb line off 12th street; T^.jenty-rirzt Street, from the north cub line of l onroe Street to the south curb line o.: the Hinkleville Road, in the City of Paducah, :-entucky, be im;.roved by the grading and graveling of sarne, toFether r:ith all necessary manholes, intakes, catch basins an, -1 seder pipe cormections, in aecordanco ,lith plans and s-oacifieations provided therefor by the City :•:ngineer, .jhich eaill appear on file in the of ice of the City Engineer, anc are no.; referred to mud made part hereof as if specifically sot forth herein. C1210N 2. Said construction shall be made under the direction and supervision of the City Engineer and the Board of Public :forks of said City,and shall conuaonce and be completed at the time designated by contract. bNCTI011 3. The cost of such con.truction shall be raid for wholly by the rroperty ovdnar; fronting or abuttin;_ tiler on, to be aprortioned I ;Go and assass'A _:' ainst the property and property ov,ners�abuttinJ there n, aoco_din, to ti_: numbar of abutt wn feet, o:;cept tha; rortion to be . I LL;d by tha City. of aducah as raquired by 1a:d. 0 -r7. 'J 05. C''11!0N The Contractor aviarded the contract for the improvement herei: provid,:d for shall be paid in accordance v;ith the terms and provi:,ion o bections 3096, 3100, 3101, and 3102 of the=:entuc:ky btatutes. SECTION 5. The -...ayor of said City is hereby authorized and directed to a_,eeute contact and acee-ut bond rsquired to be executed by the o.�tractor a.varded the contract for such imcrovement. S-EC'IOYi o. Bids shall be received for the improvement herein rrovided fOr, in accordance with the plans and s;cecifiea,ions made and pro- vided t'heref'or by tr.a City -'nginebr, and the contract thersfor shall I i be av;arded to the .loivsst and 'best bidder, except the right is l� expressly reserved to rsjact any and all bids ':;ithin the discretion of the G^n'-.cal Council, and said Gc-neral �,ouncil may accept any bid vjhich 111r',;:. -•s--5:^, be Zor the best interest of Caid City. I Jrr 7. The Board of. Publi.r iorks is hereby authorized and ;_rected to advertise for bids for the construction of s -id improve - went, and to mane resort of same to the G6n�va1 Council, together :;ith ita reeorlu;endation for the aeea,tanee of same or the rejection of all of same. SECTIO', o. This ordinance shall ta:_e sffedt and be in =orce from and -after its passase, approval and publication. �i E4 FNROLLMENI COMMITTEE, CNRIWYP" � 'P.-r.dmf Eoard of Couurl7mrn. AD() ED - - Pn rami D -d or iid ., I, C 1 ; Gr« ._ - 19;.x•