HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 8, Page 722, No Ordinance NumberNO. 722. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE7.;i?IdT OI' 24TH STREET FROI] THE, NORTH PROP'SDTY LINT, OF JEI'F';HSON STREET TO THE -SOUTH PROPERTY LINE 01, i•i0,tR0E STRP:aT, IN TIda CITY OF PADUC,1H, KEIITUCKY, BY THE r,R,1DING r,TTD GRAVELING OF S. -1,1E, TOGM-U R •'.'ITH ALL NECESSARY -,.'AN-HOLES, INTnKES, C-TCII BASINS ;1i'!n 5,.,;"}? PIPE CON:s'%iC`^IONS, IN ACCO'?D!O'CIr; 'ITH THE PL,aTI3 A,ID SP}3CIFIC' 'IONS. PROVIDED TII.LREYOR BY THE CITY 13IIGINEER, AT TIIE COST OF THE ABUTTII'-,: PROPERTY O' 111"ERS, AND PROVIDING THAT TIIL�, COST OF '.UCH CONSTRUCTIOPi I,i.,Y BE PAID IN ACCORDANCE :7ITH THE P33OVISIONS OF TH3 PEN YP;.i}? PhYIj];NT PLAIT. BE IT ORDAINED BY TH'3 GENE -3, L COUNCIL OF TH'�' CITY OF P"'DUG.H, K'r"11TUCKY. SECTION 1. That 24th Street frorn the north property line of Jefferson Street to the south property line of Monroe Street, in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, be inroved by the grading and ;raveling of same, tAgether with all necessary manholes, intakes, catch basins and sewer pipe connections, in accordance .:ith plans and specifications provided therefor by the City Engineer, which will appear on file in the office of the City Engineer, and are no;v referred to and made part hereof as if specifically set forth herein. SECTION 2. � Said construction shall be made under the direction and super vision of the City Engineer and the Board of Public '.'/orks of said City, and shall commence at the time desinnated by contract for the perforraance thereof and be completed on or before December 10, 1926. SECTION 3. The cost of such conbtruction shall be paid for oholly by t e Property owners front,in,,� or abutting thereon, to be apportioned to and at J assessed against the property and property owners abuttin_, thereon, according to the number of abutting feet, except that portion to be paid by the Cityill of Paducah as required by law. 1 3i3CTIOTT 4. The contractor awarded the contract for the improvement he in Drovidel for shall be paid in accordance with the terms and provisions of. .Sections 3096, 3100, 3101 and 3102 of the rientucky St:.tut)s. S rSC TIOAI 5. The Idayor of said City is hereby authorized and directed to execute contract anflaccept bond required to be oxecuted by the con- Itractr,r awarded the contract for such improvement. I Si'CTION 6. Bids shall be received for the in!nrove�:lent herein provided Cor, in actor..-a-•ce %Ath the plans and specifications made ar.cl provide therefor bythe Cite Gnf",ineer, and the cont^act therefor shall be awarded to t!ie lowest and best bidder, extent the rir,!it is expressly reserved to reject any :and all bids within the discretion of the General Council, fmd said General Council may accept any bid ;ihich appears to be for the best interest of sai,I City. SEC'ION 7. The Board of Public ',forks is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for bids for the construction of said improveme and to mace report of same to the General Cojancil, torether with its recommendation for the acceptance of any of same or the rejection of all of same. SECTION 8. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force .from and after its passage, approval and publication. ADOP-TiE® PM"W A-41 �ra7dmf Bond ,v ti/drm CI7 nts,