HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 8, Page 585, No Ordinance NumberPROVIDING RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE :111,TALLLTION AND ItLTER-
Pt'.DUC di, K1:ITTUCY,Y.
SECTIO14 _l.
That the followingrules and regulations bu and the same are
adopted for the installation and alteration of plumbing and sewerage
in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, and it shall be the duty of the
Inspector of Plumbing to thoroughly inspect all plumbing and sewerage
done :vithin the City Limits and rigidly enforce these rules and
SliCTIOIv 2..
Any architect, builders agent, corporation, owner, plumber oz
any person having in charge any building or premises in which there
is to be any construction or installation, or any alteration of any
plumbing, sewerage or drainage, shall secure a permit for such worlc
before beginning same.
No permit shall be required to repairing leaks, repairin-
valves or cocks, or,unstopping and cleaning out waste pipes or se::cr❑
Permit must be kept upon the buildin7, or premises for wthich
it was issued until completion and final inspection of work.
The Inspector shall inspect all work for which a permit has
been issued, and shall issue a certificate of apnroval for all %,orl:
that has been constructed in accordance with the provisions of this
The Inspector shall refuse to issue a certificate of approval)
for any „,orlc constructed not in accordance with the provisions of thil
ordinance, and shall declare such work unsafe and forbid the use of
same until it has been properly corrected.
h. It shall be the duty of the Inspector to keep a record of
all permits issued, and he shall submit a complete report at the end
of each fiscal year of all business done during the year to the Health
NO. 586.
A plan, abstract or written explanation of the nature of
work and method of performing, same shall be furnished this depa-tment, and
receive the approval of the Inspector before a permit is issued for same,
Said plan, abstract or written explanation shall be kept on file in the
Inspector's Office.
i Notice shall be liven the Inspector when work is ready for,
It shall be the duty of the constructing plumber to have his
work ready for inspection at the time agreed upon between him and the
All plumbing or sewerage inside of any buildings shall be
tested with the water and smoke test in the presence of the Inspector. All
Pipes, traps or fittings must remain uncovered until they have successfully
passed the test, and all contractors of their workmen, and all persons a e
hereby prohibited from covering up or in any way obstructing from view any
plumbing or sewerage until the same has been inspected, and shall have t—
approval of this department.
The water test shall be applied by closing the lower end of
the main house drain and filling the entire system of piping with water.
If any part of the work is to be tested separately, there shall be a
vertical height of water of at least five .feet above all parts of work so
tested. Upon the completion of the work and after all fixtures have been
permanently set and the water turned on, the smoke or peppermint test shall
be applied in the presence of the Inspector and as directed by him. The
use of wooden plugs for the purpose of closing pipes for testing is hereb
All parts of a system of plumbing or sewerage under test shall
ae absolutely water and gas tight before receiving; the approval of this
ienartment and any cracked or defective pipe, fittings or material shall
>e removed and renlaced with sound material upon notice of the Inspector.
All cast iron pipes used in connection rith a nlumbirg or
drainage system, eitner as a soil, waste, or vent pipe, shall be of the
;lass known to the trade as extra heavy, and shall have he following
✓eights per lineal foot:
NO. 587.
2 inch .............................51 lbs.
3 "..............................9-�
4 " ..............................13
5 " ..............................17 „
6 " ..............................20 „
7 ..............................27
8 " ..............................33? „
10 " ..............................45 „
12 " ..............................54
All cast iron fittings shall be of the sarie grade and of a
corresponding; weight and thickness.
All wrought iron or steel pipe used in connection v;ith a
plumbing or drainage system either as a soil, waste or vent pipe,
shall be galvanized pipe of, standard weight and thickness.
All fittings used in connection with steel or wrought iron
systems of plumbing or sewerage shall be cast iron, recessed threade
fittings of sanitary pattern.
All soil, waste or drain pipes inside of any building from
at least one foot outside foundation wall to their highest extremit
above roof to be either extra heavy cast iron or galvanized wrought
iron, or steel pipe.
The use of terra cotta pipes on the inside of any building
is positively prohibited. ;:Here wrourrht pipe systems of plumbing
or drainage are used, any part of said system, which is under groun
shall be constructed of extra heavy cast iron pipe and fittings.
All systems of wrought or steel pipe plumbing or sewerage
shall be screwed up with pipe joint cement and pure linseed oil;
the ends of pipes to be butted against shoulder of fittings and to
have not more than four threads exposed beyond end of fittings;
the burrs caused b:r cutting of pipe to be carefully reamed out.
All ,joints on cast iron systems of plumbing nr sewerage
shall be made with hemp packing and pure lead. The packing to be i
thoroughly packed and hammered evenly all around into hub of pipe
or fitting to within one inch of top of hub, this to be followed by
molten lead until hub is completely filled. The lead shall then be
caulked .,jith hammer and chisel until water and gas tir,:_ht. Joint
must be finished leaning lead as near flush with hub as possible.
The Vse of any substance except lead and hemp is prohibited in making
cast iron Soil pipe joints.
NO. 588.
S11"CTION 16.
All connections between plumbing fixtures and soil, baste or
vent pipes shall be made with ample provision for expansion and cont^action
or settlement of pipes or building to avoid breaking ,joint between pipes
and fixtures or the fixture itself by the use of not less than six inches;
nor more than thirty-six inches of lead pine of a size required for waste'
or vent of said fixtures. This does not apply to water closets in out-
The lead pipe, bend or trap used to .join fixtures to soil,
waste or vent pipes shall be wiped or, to brass ferrule or solder nipples
and caulked or screwed into soil, waste or vent pipe to ir'.ich it connects.
The use of combination lead a.ii iron, or combination lead and
brass ferrules, bends, traps or combination solderinF, nipples is positive-
ly prohibited.
All lead pipes used in connection witn. a plumbing or drainage
system, shall be of the followin- weights, or heavier:
13 inches .............................3 Lbs. per lineal foot.
1— °............... 4 .r 11
22 ° ..... . .. ... .5 n n n
21 n ° ..........6 n n n n
3 .............................6 n
4 " ............................. 5 v n
5 ° ............................. 14 It u
All lead traps or bends to be of a corresponding weight
and thickness and shall have the __eight per lineal foot stamped upon same
by the manufacturer.
All brass ferrules or solder nipples used in connection with
soil, waste or vent pipes shall be cast brass .free from sand holes or oth
defects, with a thickness of wall not less than 3/16 of an inch, Solder
nipples to be not less than three inches in length; ferrules to be. not
less than five inches in length.
:;cC'PIOIQ 18.
All joints between lead pipes, traps or mends and solder
nipples or ferrules, or Jointing one lead pipe to another, shall be wipedl
joints made with plumbers griping solder, composed of one part pure block
tim and two parts pure lead. All wiped joints shall have the junction o£i
pipes in the center or heaviest part of joint, and there shall be a thic_c-
ness of solder of at least 2/8 of an inch at this point, and the joint shrill
be of uniform thickness all around with edges wiped clean and smooth.
The .length of wiped joints shall be not less than one inch from center ofl
Joint to edge of same on all sides.
NO. 589.
All '.,orlc inrluding soil, waste, vent and supply pipes and
the placing of traps or bends and the setting of fixtures shall be
done in a neat and workmanli:ce manner.
The Inspector shall refuse to accept any aork or material
which is defective.
All soil, waste or vent pipes shall be securely fastened by
means of iron hangers, hooks or floor rests. No wood or wire hanger:
will be allowed.
Horizontal runs of piping shall have an even fall to outlet
of not less than 1/8 of an inch to the foot, and shall be run true
to line without sags or crooks.
Vertical runs ofpipin; shall be Perfectly � f plumb.
._11 lead i pipes, traps or bends shall be securelysupported
to prevent settlement or sagging anal shall be securely boxed or
covered to prevent dama7c by other workmen during the erection of
A1.1 supply or service pipes outside the walls of building
Shall be flun at least two feet below surface of ground. All supply
pipes inside the walls of building shall be run with a fall towards
the main stop and waste cock, and wherever trapped shall be provided
'.,ith extra waste or pet cocks to drain this part of piping.
All supply pipes to be installed in a neat and rro.rkmanlike
r.anner, securely fastened with iron or brass pj;pe supports. The
Cntire system of supply pipin3 to be installed in such a manner that
it can be quickly drained to prevent freezing. The main supply pipe
shall not be less than three -fourth of an inch in size from property
line to main stop sock and continue full size from this point to fire
branch connection.
Every water closet, urinal, sink, washstand, bath tub, foot
tub, shower bath, cesspool, laundry tray, or set of laundry trays, ori
any fixture or receptacle connecting with a plumbing; or sewerage sys-
tem, shall be separately and independently trapped.
Two or morelaundry trays may be connected to a continuous
waste, and may be connected to one trap.
Each section or bowl of a bettery of washstands shall
regU.i:e a sepc,rate trap.
Bath tubs, foot tubs or any fixture or receptacle requiring
a trap to be placed under the floor shall be provided with a drum trap
with a cleanout screw or cap not less than three inches inside diameter
placed flush with top of floor in an accessible position for cleaning.
This shall not apply to cesspools or floor drains or stall urinals pro-
viding same have their trap placed immediately under waste opening of
fixture in a manner that stoppames may be reached, through waste, opening:
from above.
Trap to fixture shall be placed as close, as possible to
the outlet of fixtures wDich it serves. No trap shall be set more than
13 inches from the outlet of fixture to the center of grater seal in trap,
extent for shower bath receptacles or recessed 'oath tubs. Trap for the
above mentioned fixtures shall not be placed more than forty-two inches j
from cutlet of fixture to center of water seal in trap and shall be
placed closer if possible.
;'.'here continuous waste pipes are used for wash trays, all
branches and parts of waste pipe and trap shall be screwed to^,ether if
brass or wrought pipe. No slip joints will be accented. Lead pipe may
be used with wiped connections.
All soil or waste pipes entering a building shall be run full
size from its base to the roof and pass through some at least 12 inches
as vents, or it may be livided into any number of small laterals, pro-
vided the combined area of same equal in area the size of main pipes at
the points at, w,ich they connect as near as standard pipe sizes will
permit. All ';nater closets must have at least a four inch vent. All
vents smaller than four inches shall be increased one size before pass-
ing through roof. The pipe passing through roof shall be securely and
neatly flashed with four pounds sheet lead or twelve ounce copper.
The use of galvanized iron or tin flashing is prohibited.
There the continuous system of venting is used, every brach
or fixture connecting to the main soil or waste pipe shall have an
independent or separate connection to the main soil or waste pipe for
sarrp.. livery .b,:anch waste connecting into the main soil or waste pipe
NO. 591.
which is more than forty-two inches in length, including; all piping
from and between center line of water seal in trap and center line o7
diameter and length of fitting to which it connects, shall be carrie(
out through the roof in all respects like the main soil or waste
pipe, or it may be connected to main vent pipe twelve inches or more
above the overflow level of highest fixture connected to sate.
There one or more branches or lateral vent, pipes are
connected into the main vent stack, the main vent stack shall be
increased to equal the combined area of itself and the pipes added
to it. However,it shall not be necessary to increase the main vent
pipe to exceed in area main soil or waste pipes at the point where
the above mentioned branches are connected, except that part nassing
through roof which shall be subject to Section 25.
The maximum number of fixtures allowed on the differ(
sizes of pipes on what is known as the continuous s=ystem of venting
shall be as follows:
From 1 to 10 water closets.............4 inch pipe.
10 " 20 " " .............5 „ ,
" 20 " 50 " .............6 „
" 50 " 100 " .'
1" 3 sinks ................... 2 n n
3 " 6 " ..........221
6 12 " .............3
12 " 30 ...................4
30 " 60 "...5 n n
60 150 ..........6
" 1 4 slop sinks 3
n o n 12 ° ° .............4 n n
„ 12 25 " ..............5
The number of bath tubs, Boot tubs, laundry trays,
washstands, urinals, or in fact, any plumbing fixture or receptacle
having waste pipes, not exceeding two inches in diameter allowed
on any soil or waste pipe, shall be the same as specified for sinks.
Three fixtures with waste pipes not exceeding two inches
insdde diameter or smaller shall be considered the sane as one water
closet; six fixtures with waste pipes not exceeding two inches
inside diameter or smaller shall be considered the same as two wateW
closets and so forth in this proportion. This shall apply* in all
li cases where it is desirable to connect the different fixtures such
as water closets and bath room or other fixtures to the same soil
j or waste pipe.
i I
Slop sinks with trap larger than two inches mien connected
to soil or waste pipes to which other fixtures aivo connected shall
j be counted the same as water closets.
Sizes of traps to be used in connection with plumbing fixtures
shall he as follows:
NO. 592.
Plater closets, "Except where 'trap is made integrant
with bowl"......................................4 inch trap.
Urinals........................................2 or 3 inch
Slopsinks......................................2 or 3 "
Kitchen sinks .... .2
Pantry sinks//
60/n ................................2
Bar or soda foutain sinks......................2 " lA
Lavatory ..................... ..................11 11
Laundry tr.ay,.one compartment ...................lz "
Lanndry tray, two or more compartments .......... 2 "
Bath tubs to have drum traps with 1 or 2 inch waste connections.
Shower receptacles to have drum traps with 2 inch waste connections.
Cesspools and floor drains shall have deep seal trap placed directly
under outlet of same. This shall include bell 'trap and back water trap
cesspools and floor drains as well as others.
Cesspools for draining floors or area shall have not less than three inch
traps and wastes ani s'nall not be counted as a fixture or receptacle in
determining the size of soil, waste or drain pipes.
'.7here the revent system is used, the number of fixtures allowed
on the different sizes of pipes liven in Section 28 may be doubled, pro-
vided however, treat all branches or sub -branches connecting into main
soil or waste pipe shall be provided with a special air or revent pipe tol
prevent back pressure of sewer air and trap syphonarre.
The sizes of revent pipes shall be as follows:
Size of branch No. of branch Size of vent.
1 to 4
4 " 12
1 4
4 „ 12
12 24
1 6
6 " 15
15 " 30
8 " 20
20 " 40
1 " 6, _.
6 12
12 " 24
24 '' 50
1 8
8 16
16 30
30 " 70.
All pipes used for venting shall be either extra heavy cast
iron, standard galvanized iron, wrought iron or steel, or lead pipe of
the weight and thickness provided in Section 16.
Revent or back air pipes shall not be ta;cen from, or branched
into the crown of a trap, but shall be a continuation of the waste pipe
and have the trap Y branched into same in such a manner th-tt the flushing
of fixtures shall wash away any accumulaa ed rust or other obstruction
that may gather in same.
All revent or hack air, or vent pipes of any description shall
be run as near vertical as possible, and where necessary to offset; same,'
the orf -set shall he made at the angle of 45 degrees or less if practicatle.
".'here not pra.ctie�.1, vent; lines may be run horizontally with sufficient
NO. 593.
grade toward outlet to carry off condensation, provided said line is
of least 36 inches above overflow level of fixtures vented.
Revent or back air pipes may be connected to7other twelve
inches or more above the overflow level of fixtures by increasin? the
size of vent, but in no case shall it be necessary to increase beyond
I the area of main soil or waste line, except that part passing through
II roof which shall be in accordance with Section 25.
:`+'hen any vent pipe of any description after passing thro
roof comes ::il.hin ten feet of any door or window, it shall be extende
at least three feet above top of same.
S-;CTIOI: 34.
No rain water conductor shall be used as a soil,waste
or vent pipe, nor connected therewith, nor shall any soil, waste or
vent pipe be used as a rain water conductor.
SECTIO17 35.
The olumbing and sewerage of every bu`.lding shall
be separately and independently connected with tine public sewer where
such sewer is provided, or with septic tank connected to vault or dry
well outside of building where sewer is not accessible. It is posi-
tively prohibited to connect the waste of any plumbing fixture to any
street or alley, or any vault or dry well inside of building.
All waste or overflow pipes from safes under water
closets or other fixtures, or from tanks, shall be run deparately to
basement or cellar, or to any open receptacle properly trapped, and
in no case shall they be connected directly with any soil, waste, vent
or drain pipe.
�I Refrigerator waste pipes shall not be connected
directly with any soil, waste, vent or drain pipe, or the ::paste pipe
Of any plumbing fixture, but shall be run separately to some open sir:
or receptable property trapped.
Refrigerator waste pipes shall he provided
suitable trapped receptacle set close to the refrigerator but not
connected directly to same.
No steam, exhaust, blowoff or drip pipe shall be directly connected
with any soil, waste, vent or drain pipe, but shall be run to an open
receptacle or cesspool, properly trapped and connected to sewer or they
may be run to a closed blow -off tank, provided, the same is equipped :;thl
a vent pipe equal in area to the inlet to tank and properly trapped and
connected to sewer.
This section does not apply to lore pressure steam or hot water
heating plants.
Blow -off or sediment, wastes or over -flow pipes from expansion
tanks on hot crater, or low pressure steam heating plants may be directly
connected with sewer, but shall be provided with deep seal trap placed
on line before connecting; with sewer.
In no case shall a vent pipe be connected with any chimney or
flue, nor shall any chimney or flue be used as a vent pipe from any j
plumbing system.
Local vents may be connected to hot air stacks in which there is
a continual circulation, when such hot stacks are assessible. This does
not apply to smoke stacks.
The placing of water closets in unventilated compartments is
positively prohibited. In every case the room or compartment shall be
jopen to the outer air, or be ventilated by an air duct or shaft.
Plater closets or urinals placed in out -houses shall have their
trap and supply or flushing valves properly placed in a pit underneath
or in the ground to prevent freezing. In all cases, they shall be prop
ly connected with the water supply.
The use of pan closets or any other closet or latrine in which
the soil comes in contact with the metallic parts of same is strictly
forbidden on the inside of any building*, and all such closets in uce at
the present time are hereby condemned are' no plumber or -son shall
repair ra,y such closets, but shall report such closets when out of order
to the Inspector.
Every water closet, latrine, and urinal shall be equipped with
a tank or flushing device properly connected with the water supply,
and of ample capacity to thoroughly flush and cle,nse same.
Every dater closet shall be connected to the soil pipe by means
of a brass floor flange or sanitary screw connections, properly soldexe
to lead waste connection and securely bolted or screwed to bowl.
1.7ater closets in out -houses may have rigid iron connection with
hopper caulked directly into hub of soil pipe. The vent may also be
oraitted on fixtures on out houses, provided said houses are used for
no other purposes and have no direct comrunication with the main
The term of "soil pipe" is applied to any vertical or horizoni
line of piping receiving the discharge of one or more water closets
ith or without oth^r fixtures.
The term "'.7aste pipe" is applied to any line of piping
receiving the discharge of any fixture excepting water closets.
The term "vent or revent pipe" is applied to any line of
piping used to ventilate the system of plumbing and to prevent back
pressure and trap syphonage.
The term "main sewer" is applied to that portion of the 'sower)
connecting with the city sewer or to the vault in ,yard up to the point
it where the first branch is taken off.
All terra cotta pipe used in connection with R plumbing
system shall be of a size approved by Inspector, but in no case dzall
a concrete or cement pipe be used for sewer purposes.
All terra cotta pipe shall be of the best quality salt glared
vitreous pipe and shall withstand the test as prescribed by the American
Society .for testing materials, to be sound, true, straight and of even
diameter and thickness. It shall be laid in as straight a line as
possible with an even grade to outlet of one -eight of an inch to the
ifoot or more ,vhen possible. All branches shall be made with Yes;
!all turns with one -eight bend or long pattern one-four:h bends.
I �
All Joints or terra cotta pipe shall be made with first-
class hydraulic cement, one part, and clean sharp sand, two parts, and
joints shall be well filled and troweled off smooth. Each joint shall
be swabbed out on the inside after making sante and special care must be
taken tnat no part of cement remainss on insk-de of pipe or fittings.
No trap shall be placed on the main line of any sewer except by
orders of the Insoector. ';'!here traps are required and ordered by the
Inspector, they shall be provided with a fresh air inlet equal in size to
the vent pipe passing through roof of building brought up to surface of
ground and provided aith strainer securely fastened to pipe.
Fresh air inlets shall be placed as far away from any door or
window as possible, and their location shall be subject to the approval
of the Inspector.
All down spouts or rain water leaders connecting with a sewer,
having upper end of uny branch terminating within ten feet of any door or
window shall be trapped.
All traps shall be placed at least two feet below surface of
ground when on tine outside of buildinF to prevent freezing.
'.'then there is a separate main sewer provided for storm rater and
a sanitary main sever for plumbing system, it is positively prohibited to
connect any cesspool or plumbing fixtures of any description to the
storm waiter sewer, or any rain .rater pipes to the sanitary sewer.
All systems of drainage from plumbing fixtures or cesspools shall
be connected v.it?i the sanitary sewer.
All downspouts or rain water 1 -ceders shall be connect -;d .with the
Istorm water sewer.
No cup or blow joint :vill be allol✓ed on any soil, waste, vent o
supply pipe connection.
No saddle hub connections will be allowed on any soil, waste or
,vent pipes.
I No tappin,,; into soil, waste or vent pipes till be allowed.
Branches into soil, waste or vent- pipes s'.iall be made with the proper i
jfittin«s caulked or screwed on to same. Branches into lead e✓aste may he
tapped in and properly wiped with solder. No tapping in terra cotta sc%erls
""ill be allowed. In all cases, the branch shall be made wilth a Y fitting;
properly cemented into sewer. lie slip joints dill be allowed on the seg::c! cr
outlet side, of any trap, or on any soil, waste or vent pipe.
NO. 597.
No inverted soil pipe joints will be allowed on any soil,
waste or vent pipes.
No black or painted wrought iron or steel pipe shall be used
as a supply soil, waste or vent pipe.
No painted iron wz:ter closet, latrine or urinal shall be
allowed In any building. In all cases, these fixtures must be either
vitreous china or porcelain enameled iron.
Branch aa:>te lines to floor drains for basement drain on
the inside of building may have a maximum length of ten feet netween
trap and drainage line to which it connects, without requiring trap
to be back vented. This shall not apply to floor drains used for
sho..er baths or urinal troughs.
Whepe drainage is required below the flow line of the
rublic sewer, sumps may be used and mechanical means employed to
elevate or pump the sewerage in the sewer.
Sump must be constricted of iron, steel, concrete, terra
cotta, vitreous brick or any material impervious to moisture.
:ump shall bea
rovidod with air -''T_
p tii ht cover and be provided
,.rith vent equal in size to the combined area of the pipes leading
into it.
The discharge pipe from sump and pipes leading to it to
be of same material and be installed same as herein specified for
soil, waste or vent pipes, the discharge however, need not be vented.
Dental cuspidors may be connected by a flexible connection
to a drum trap placed in floor and connected to the soil or waste pipes
isame as herein specified for bath tubs.
Drainage .from soda fountains
including the glass rins:inr;i
sinks and refrigerating box wastes may be connected into a line of pipe
!and discharged into an open trapped receptacle. The size of this waste
line shall be as socc.ified in Section 28 and shall not require venting!.
Each branch connected, however, shall be trapped
No terra cotta pipe or sewerage constructed of any material
other than extra heavy cast iron pipe will be allowed to remain on any
premises upon which there is to be constructed a building, within the spade
to be occupied by said building and beyond the foundation galls for a
distance of at least one foot.
That any person, firm or corporation violating any provision
of this Ordinance, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall upon convic-
tion, be subject to a fine of not less than $5.00 (Five Dollars) nor
more than 150.00 (Fifty dollars) for each offense, and each days con-
tinuance of such violation shall constitute a separate offense.
That all Ordinances, or parts of ordinances in conflict with
ithe foregoing Ordinance are hereby repealed and this Ordinance shall take
I effect from and after its passage, approval and publication. I
K, ENRULLMtAh U:rym 1 1 M
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