HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 8, Page 373, No Ordinance NumberORDIITAI,'CE ZONE 110. 4.
AN ORDINAI,'Ci: rROVIDI M FO:. _iE` 0,1 lopla
--L ._;I Ai3Y 5".•W RS IN SE':i: n 3011L 110. 4, SUB-DIVISIOIiS A i IM B,
DIb2"ICT 110. 3, L.' _ 1: CI�'Y 0; P;,DUCI&I, is :I'_ CI:Y, 1`_' _'r_ Co
0 .,ice: PROP_ii:TY 0-1i_: z _'r[::i'.i:II1, .;illi __:0'iILII1G _'i i_ c::IL 6_::;.•:R 'IEILL
COI1S_3UL2:_D U-10-1 U., 10 YLA
L L_:Yv OI'1G, _•--'`OUGr ,1. , . ICH 4 -_Ii: i RS „r_._.. _._' C0;1-
c_'i?UCs D.: IvD ,,S `="_Ii; : OU_ I_._".F1,16 ':n_:.,.FP.OP ::=Y. I) i1i';r'I'__ D
_0,r1.17.Ei1_" OF 'r.: U') ;,T 0:' LA.7
'the Board of Commissioners of PaducahV--ntucky,
j_dopted an ordinance on February 23rd 1953, dividing part of sub-
Livision A, B and C, in Se':!er District Vo. 3, into five se:,ier zones
for the purrose of constructing se,•+ers therein, so as to provide
adequate se-,.,ers for the property owners within said zones; and,
Since the adoption of the afore. aid ordinance the
City of Paducah has by a vote abandoned the Commission .corm of
Govermment, and h -s returned to the old,,_lderrnanic Gover?unent, and
by the express provisions of the law and acts, ordinances and laves,
enacted under either from of government rem -in in force under the
succeeding form of said goveriunent; and,
',7 R:EA6, 'ihe General Council of said City has adopted a
-resolution declaring the construction of such severs in said se:•ier
Zone No. 4, to be a necessity: 110W,
BH I`' ORD3III D Bi ='H G:;:;_::a' COUIyCIL 0' ---'H--' CITY OF
That Storm and sanitary severs be constructed in, under and
along the streets, alleys and highways, in Se:ier Zone No. 4, in Sub -
Divisions A and B, Sevier District No. 3, in the City of Paducah,
t:entucky, as follows, to -wit:
On 25th street, commencing at the proposed sever
on Jefferson Street and runninE thence south.^,ardly on
45th Street, a distance of 370 feet from the cent --r
line of Jefferson Street.
On 24th btreet, commencing at the present trun'•-
line se 'er on 24th street and the rinkleville Hoad, '
c.nd rui-niinL, thence northwardly along 44th stre-et,
ero: sin: Lindsa:r .nd i;rn�'er Streets and to the south j
property line of i_ildred Street, a total distance of
arpro im te.ly 1625 fret from the center line of the
F.inleville Road.
On 23rd. Street, enrnmcncin," _:t the prop ,sed serer
on J,-fferson streat and rn:... _ :nce son;.;,' rdl,y
on ,,.ird Street to the cent:.r 'ins _ u'_1. -high
runs 7puru11el thereto, LLuictniice o
C t ; or.: the
cent':r line of Jr-f.ferson Street to i ir!c of
:;aid :alley.
No. '474.
On 23rd Street, commencing at the proposed sewer on
Kentucky Avenue and running thence northivardly on 2:5rd street
to the center line of an alley which lies betwe<:n Borad'way
and ?:entucty Avenue and which runs parallel thereto, a dis-
tance of 206 feet from the center line of Kentucky avenue
to the center line of said alley.
On 23rd Street, commenc;ng at the r,.resant trunk line
se=er on the Hin:.leville Road and renin, thence northward-
1y on 23rd Street, crossiftg Lindsay and ::roger ;,-Greets
and to the center line of L:ildred Street, a total distarne
of arproximately 1612 feet from the center line of the
Hinkleville Road to the center line of L,ildred Street.
On Surd Street, cominencing at the present -Grunt: line
sewer on the Hin_rleville Road and rnrming thence north-
wardly on 22nd Street, erossinf Lindsay and t:rueger Streets
and to the center line. of L-ildred Street, a distance of
1583 feet from the center line of the Hin:•:leville Road to
the center line of Lildred Street.
In an alley l,yin beb:n=ern 20th and 21st Streets and
running parallel thereto, cofiwe.ncing at the pro,rosed se;ier
on Clark Str-=.Ft and rennin,, thence southviardly ulong said
alley, a distance of 3.158 feet from the center )f Clark Street.
In an alley l.yin betv!een 20th and ;�lst Streets and
running parallel thereto, comrnencinL. at the r,,roposed sena.
on _dams Street and runiinf� thence southaardly along sai.d
alley, a distunce of 360 feet from the center of Ldams Street;.
On "C" Stre=t, corunencing at the proposed sever on
Guthrie _venue or 19th Street, and running thence southc,ard-
ly on "C" Str:et to the center line of ',7heeler Avenue, a
distance of 5.10 feet from the center line of Guthrie Avenue
or 19th Street, to the center line of 'iiheeler.
On "B" Street, comrnencinL at t'r_o proposed sever on
Sheeler _venue and rennin, thence north:ardly on "3" :;-Greet,
a distance of 280 feet from the center line of '1%1eeler
On 'b'heeler .venue, commencing at the proposed sewer on
"B" Street, and running thence north,-rest.iardly to the center
line of "C" street, a distance of 396 feet from the center
line of "B" Street.
On Guthrie., or 19th Street, commencing at the -present
trun:', line server at the center ling of Jac' -son Street and
running, thence southeastwardly along Guthrie nvenue or 19th
Street, crossing "C" "B" and "i," Streets to a point 40 feet
northviestward from the center line of the Layfield Road or
Goebel .-,venue, a total distance of approximately 1324 feet
from the center line of Jackson 5'.reet.
In an alley 1yinE between 17th and 19th Streets, and
runnin� parallel thereto, commencinE at a point in said
alley at u distance of 130 feet southward from the center
line of Jefferson street and running thence southwurdl.y
0101"L the alley on a line 211 feet ;vastviard from the center
line of 17th Street and parallel thereto, a distance of
195 feet to a point 90 feet north•,vard from the center line
of Broadway, crossing an intersecting aLley which lies
bet.veen Broad -,,!ay and Jefferson Streets and which runs para-
llel thereto.
On 17th Street, commencing at the present true:•:line
sever on Clay Street and runnin,, thence north.-iardly on
17th Street, a distance of .7_5.5 feet From the center line
of Clay Street to the center line ofTrimble Street.
On 17th Street, eotnniencing at the present true line
.;e.ver on Clay Str et and rennin thence south:iLrdl;r on
L7th Street, crossinc Harrison Street to a point t50 feet
southward from the center line of H:,rrisot'i Street, Dual
distance ';f apnro_:im&tcly 5,j feet.
0?t 17t'r. Street, co!_aencing z.t i;he proposed se:;er on
Lonroe n reet and running thence north'.,!z�rdl,y on 17th street
a distance of 147.;1 feet from the center line of Lonroe Street.
On 1 -7th Street, eomrlencing at the proposed se; er on
_,venue, if e-y.terded, and rnnninf: thence south-
'va'rdly on 17th Street, crossinE ',lashineton Street to a
point 280 feet south:7Urd from the center line of V,ashing-
ton Streot, a total distance of 677 feet.
On 17th Street, commoncinL, at the proposed serer on
G1ar:c Street, and runninf thence southviardly on 17th
Stir, et, a :iistance of 470 feet from the cexltC'r line of
Clara_ ..troet.
On 17th Street, coPimencine at the prror.osed sever on
the center line of rdams Street, if extended, and
-riinnin- thence south:vastwardly and south,ia.rdly, com-
forrning to the anf-le in 17th btr,, t near GethriF; :;venue
gavel pit, a distance of 399.5 f et as measured along
the center line of 17th Street, c) ormin' to the angle
in same, from the center line o Street, if ex-
On loth Street, eoLurencin at the rr)r:osed sewer on
C1arr Street and riinnin, t'r_ence sort!-:. rdly on 16t'r_
Street, a distance of 350 feet fro!:: the center line of
Clare; 'street.
Gam! On loth Street, co.:.!lencinE at the. present trunk line
sever on Clay Street and running, thence southe:ardly
xon l6th Street, crossing Harrison and l:adison Streets,
a distance of afproxiniately 1233.6 feet.
On 15th Street, comriencinf- at the present trun__ line
seiner on Clay Street and rennin` thence southwardly on
15th „tree. t, crossing Harrison, Ladison and L:onroe Streets
to a point 1S feet s.)uth jard from the center line of
1._onroe Street, -a total distance of arproximatel•y 1455
On Jackson Street, at the end of the pres-
ent tren line Sewer ac i.ntersection of Guthrie
.,venue, 19th Street .!rl .L.treet and running
thence southlva-rdly_Ilnr. ;:;.:lest.iardly, conformin, to
the ample in Jac:rson i< t, crossin. LOth Street to
the center line of ' Ls c'.;r,:at, a distance of anprox-
imately 937.8 f -et.
On rdams Str�-et, cormuancinE. at the present trunk line
wilier on 19th ;, treet and runninE thence 1-!este1ardly on
y �.dair_s Street, crossing eOth St'r,et to "lie center line of
'1 ')'h Street, a total distance of 648.6 feet.
On :_dads Street, if extended, commencinE at the. pre-
sent trunr. line server on 19th ,,treet anal running thence
east-, ;rd1•y on -darns Street, i:° extr nded, to the cent=r
line of 17tH Stre:-t, a total distance of ar,proximately
660 fciet.
On C1:; -r: Street, commencing at the present trunk
line server on 19th Street and running thence raestt�iardly
on Glar_ Stroat, crossing ::0th Street, if extended,
to the centar line of ail a11e,y, 'vihic;h point is 200
feet '::estwa'rd fror!1 the center line of i Oth Strc:.t, if
e-xtended, „ total distance of approxi!ately 61's feet.yJ
On C1ar;_ Street, if extended, cOmj:lr.ncin:I at the
;rresent truli lane se:•ger on grit Strcct !. rrrliting
thence east:vardly on C1ar'c Strer t or Glur'-_ Street if
e::tended, crossing 17th street and 1�th Street to a
point 190 feet eastviard from the cr=nter line of loth
street, a total distance of _;repro::irnatcly 1260 feet.
On G,`::shinc-ton Street, commencins at the, rresent
trun:_ line sel9er on loth street t.nd rutnlinr` thence
.rest:!ardly on 'itiashinL ton btre=:t, cro.)sing 20th, :.1st
2t-nd, 23rd and 24th Streets to the center line of
25th, a total distance: of arprosimLitely f_3r,0.F
On Washin ton Street if extended, cormienein, at
the proposed sewer on 17th Street cLnd rurtnill „i-_Enke
r tr rdly on .�shin,ton Strrat, a distance of 370
feet '_rom the center line of 17th street.
On S7ashinEton Street, co,:: :r ucil- t tl:e TT•e"')sp.d
sewer on 17th Street, and rt,nitinE thenlce e,:t: 3rdly
on Woshint ton Str=et, a distance of AF feet i•rom the
center line of 17th Street.
On ::entnc .y ;venue coi:2::cnrcin � t the rrnaent trunk line
se;ve.r at thi e:est property line of 19t;_ Stre- t and running
thence westwardly, crosaiiil ::Oth, 21st, :..Ind, >.5rd and 24th
Streets to the center line of 25th Street, a total distance
of anproximat�,ly 2315 feet.
On Kentucky Avenue, if s:stended, co:!.mencinE- at the
present trunk line sever on 19th Street, and running thence
eastwardly )n 'Kentucky r_ve.riue to the center line of 17th S
Street, a total distance of anpro.:imately 741.5 feet.
In an alley lying between ::entucky -venue and Lroad:°jay
and running parallel thereto, cons:encin at the nrornsed
sewar on 23rd Street and running thence tiiestciardly alone the
alley, crossin` 24th Street to a point 380 feet west;vard
from the center line of 24th Street, a total distance of
approximately 839 feet.
On Broadway in the grass 'clot on the south side of the
Street, commencing at the present trap:: line sprier on 19th
Street and running thence eastriardl.y on Broadv;ay, a distance
of 630 feet from -he center line of 19th Streets
In an all _ey lyin€ bet Teen Broadviay and Jefferson btrecis
and running parallel thereto, comm•encin,- at the proposed sei-r
on 23rd Street and runninc thence westlardly along said alley,
crossing 24th Street to a point 310 feet ciest-,rard from ti:e
eente-r line of 24th Street, a total distanoe of anpro::imately
677.5 feet.
In :an alley lying betriren Broadciay and J, ffer::on Streis
and running parallel thereto, commencing at the r,resent se -Mer
line sexier on 19th Street and ru:inint then ce eastwardly along
the alley to the mint of intersection v;ith an alley lyinc
between 17th an:. 19th Streets and running parallel thereto, °ihich -_
point is at a distance of 211 feet south:viard from the center
line of 17th Street a total distance of 500 feet.
On Jefferson Street, commencing; at the present trunk line
se::er on 11.)th Street, and runninE thence viest:vordl.y on 19th
Stre t crossing 20th, 21st, 22nd 23rd and 24th btreets to a
point 20 feet westviard from the east property line of lith
Street a total distance of approximately 2360 feet.
On Jefferson Street, comriencing at the present trunlc line
se':ier on 19th Street, and running rhence eastnardly on
Jefferson Street to an existing- eerier on efferson Street
at a distance of 98 feet eastvjard from the center line of
19th Street; the total length of this line from the present
trunk lime se:Ker on 19thStreet to the existing sevrer on
Jefferson Street, being 111 feet.
On Monroe Street commencing at the present trunk line
se"Ier on 19th street and running thence eastwardly on Lonroe
Street to the center line of 17th Street, a distance of
approximately 722.5 feet.
On L;onroe Street, commencing at the pro-ised ses;er on
16th Street and runi:ing thence Nestvjardly on i.lonroe Street
to a point 500 feet from the center line of loth Street.
On i:onroe street, commencing at the proposed sewer on
16t;i Street, and running thence eastvardly on Lonroe Street
to a point 140 feet from the cent -r line of loth Street.
On ldonroe Street, commencin at tite ;proposed sewer on
15th Street and running thence eastviardly on Lonroe Str et
to a point on the east property line of 14th Street, a distance
o�' 460 feet from the center Line, of 15th street.
On h.adison Street, commencing- at the ::resent trunk line
sc.;er on 19th Street and running thence %Vestvardly on Ladison
Street, a distance of 470 feet 'Prom the center line of 19th
On Ladison Street, commencin.- at the present trun:- line
sewer on 19th Street and running thence eastw_trdly on 1—dison
Street, , distance of 495 feet frOM the center line of 19Lh
On the vest side of Lanc Park Circle at L'adison Sart=:et
.;e. %' -/
commencing at the nroosed se.,ier on 1._adison Street,
which point is onnp�
rhe -center line of liadison Street
49� feetfrom the center line of 19th Street
and riinninC thence southeast,rardly alon, the drive way
of the Circle on a bearinL- of arpro:-irnately Struth 57
de. -reps east, a distance of 120 fret 'rom the center
line of L:adison Street at a distance: of 495 feet east_
v!ard frori the center line of 19th Street.
On L.adison Street, commenein,- at the proposed se'ner
on 16th Str,.et and runninE. thence west;!4rdly on 1--dison
Str et to a point in the driver y of Lind Pari_ Circle,
a distance of 520 feet from the center line. of 16th Street.
r On the east side of 'ane] Park Circle at Ladison
Street, comraencin at the end of the proposed spr-ier on
i`adison Street, :•''rich point is oil the center of hadison
Soret .0 .feet��from the cen" :r lin : of loth Str et and
rrn;I;_in[: thence southe '- r' -::r .7_ e drivew..y of
the Circle. on a i76c.-r Li"'. � _ .;:1 1-,, `:ou'uh 7 deLreos
east, a dista.ii cc;n ''r lilac of
i,:>dison titre t _, i. :;, `,t !cst!•!urd from
tl:e center line of loth btrret.
On the east side of LL,nd r.: circle _ ..dison
Street, co»IrsencinE at the end a wrier on
Lodison btr et, =ihich poin''. -enter line of
I::adison Street 5 0 feet ;!est,. -rd 'ro the center line of
loth Street and rennin; t)-,enec :-oruh:,�rdly alone the
drivevt_-y of the Circle on a ba rinE of ar.pro::iMately
:forth 50 deErees "ir7est, a distance of 160 feet from
the center line of I..adison Strut at a distance of 520
feet m!est-:iard from the center line of kith Street.
On l.:adison Street, commencinE at the proposed sr:cier
on 15th Street and runninE thence eastrrardly on I.iadison
btreet, crossin€. 14th Street to a point 10 feet r!est;!ard
From the center line of 13th Street, a total distance of
ar,pro::irnatelsT 845 feet.
On Harrison Street, corimencinE at the present trunk
line server on 19th Stre-t and runnin- thence viest,:iardl,y
on hurrison btreet, a distance of 470 feet from the
center line of 19th Str-:et.
On Ha.rrison Street, col:iruenciii at the present trunk
line se::er on 19th Street and rrinliinE ::hence east•:iardly
on Harrison Street, to a point 495 feet east,ard from
the center line of 19th Street.
On Hurrison Street, comrrencinE at the I--ropnsed serer
on loth Street and runnir.E thence westwardly on ia.rrison
Street, a di. t-ance of 485 feet fTOM the cent -'r line of
16th Street.
On Harrison btreet, comulencin� at the r.r>rosed se;ier
on 1 th Street and runninL thence east:vzardiy on :arrison
Street, crossinE_ 14th Sure -t to a point 1: feet ''iestc!ard
frotl the center line of 13th Street, a total distance of
350 feet.
On Clay Street, coi.::.::i.:�� ��r.v- trun:: line
ae'!er on 15th btreet a;!,i r •: ardly on
Cie;! tr .et to the center UL: 1.::1. tr t, a total
distance: o. u-rproxirnately ct.
In an alir.y Erin,_ between Clay and 'r :.::-: Stre: is
and running thereto, commencinC at tho present
trun'1c line se ter )n 15th Street and runliine thende east-
na-rdly :lop, thy= ..L1e,y to a point 370 feet from the
c rater 1i'ne of 1: -- Stree, t.
On 'Trimble i %-`:t, (,oririencin at the prop s :d serer
on 17th Stre t r;,.!;;inE thence .vestr;ardly on `rimble
ctraet a distance ): :7:- fact Eror._ tl:e center line of
17ti: Street.
On '1rii:',ble „tr- e, oin a t rresent trun1c
line server oil 1 th r i ardxy
e'i7 iri•-.ii;1e btr�-.c-t, ;r ... .'• ,ii:� 40
feet !aeste;ard from L.. ? t, a
total distance oi' r•?.:i 1` _ is
ii 0. �,7 '.
On --,I rimb i ( 6 ,rc - t tui r c, ine
se,npr 021 the h.:111-1 i L!
50 feet
thence 7;,
in nuar r -cu,
the center lint Of 1�, a
i I.-, a -6 a I y 3 4 F feet.
In un al I P, p 1: r i; i � be3road 'ja:,T ntu c
Avenue ane runrii,l parullpl. at-
'UrUn` li!Y, S(-,"Ier on 19t, ;,erl t 1'1' 1 i)!
a1on. the ci!!Fy, crossin,,., ;.0,;h -,r-
property lilac-, of : _::;rd b t r e e t-
imately 1450 feet.
Ill an alley or on private prolparty 1;Tin, half ay
bet,,ieen broad %,,,ay and 7e-Fferson and r nnin- rLrallal
t!--ereto, conii,iencinE at IhE:- sent urun;: lint, sever pend
runnin, �,heiictz wesL�,,i-,rdly L -longi tie alley, cros�;11)
L L ' - ;-0 th,
21st and ?2nd 6tre,-ts to the e—t r.ronert., line of ;..5rd
Street, a total .,i--tance of �tely 15r,u feet.
In an alley 1.yiii, be t::Pen J clad l.onroe �!,reets
runnin: parallel cresent
trun:, line :C. or 1. 1, t
1,!Lirdly a Lo) , ..2nd wnd -':;rd
and 14th S r, -f 1 .,L , 1Z o 2F tie
-.treet, a tot. - of 1,
All :ri;;: I T L.",:: E"
to be J J--ce
1 ine s r Ghp r ty
line of r - uy . L I.' -'s or Al-e.,'S,
on uihich i i- •-rOpOS6,d co:..... ove described
later,-! se -L,, loi such rly serve the
pro-!,erty Ibc. !:,, "' ',ed. I
biz inch house connection service linea are -,r) be
constructed -rorn the Present se�-ier lin�s, - built under
the :1600,000 bond issue,- to the procarty lines of all
abutting property on the follo%-ring streets and alleys, in
such manner as to croperly serve the rro,'Derty bene_1-itited.
Clay Street from the center line of Icth Street .-iest-
ward, crossinC 16th, 17th and 19th Streets to a point 447
feet -neat,,-jard from the center line of 19th Street.
Crossini> private property from a point on the center
line of Clay Street 44V feet �,esLward from the center line
Of 19th Street, running thencE, north:-iardly across this
private Tlr0r.erty at rig -ht an,,le.3 to Olay Street to the.
center line of the hin::leville Road, a distance of .515 feet.
Alam- the Him-leville Road frorn a point aprroxijnate-ly
30 feet -jest,.-!aTd from the center line o`' -tOth Street and
runninEthence .-iesL,.,jardly on the Hixl�-.levillp 'Road to 24th
On 19th Street from the center line of Clay Street
sour,h,.-jard to the center line. of Jackson L,.ureeit.
On l5th btrcet from the intersection of -2rimble, Burnett
and 1 t Streets, southward to the center line of Clay Street.
S---'C'2IOi1 2.
_'he cost of constructing: said ser,iers shall be ar.por-
tioned equally a,-ainst the abuttinr,lots or parcels of land, according
to the number of feet abuttin, thereon, and shall be paid for by the
o,vners of Said lots or -.Lirc;els of land abutting or bounding upon Such
streets, alleys Or highways, -provided the cost of same does not excei:.,d
:,2.00 p. -.r abuttin? foot. In the event the cost of t -aid improve rent
shall exceed the sum of !.2-00 P( -,r abutting foot, then all the lots or
f.;reels of ,round in -;aid none are hereby Jeclared to he the property
benefitted, and the entire cost o6t of the construction of Said shall
be ,;essed against each of raid lots or parcels of Lround embraced
in said zone in the proportion that the area in square feet of such
lots or Y:arcels of ;',round shall bear to the area in square feet of
all of the lots or parcels of ground located in said zone; end the
General Council shall fix and assess the amount: of tax to be. levied
upon each of said lots or parcels of €round in said zone as re-
quired b:,, jaw. C_'i0i 3. --
The lots or parcels of around which are hereby declared
zo be benefitted by the construction of said se.ier, and sitbJect to
the payment oithe cost of same, are located in said 'Gone, i'•Io. 4,
:hich is particularly described in the ordinance: establishing said
"ar ,one Ito. 4, adopted by the 3oard of COmmiSSiOnerS of said
City on the 23rd day of February, 1923, and also particularly des-
cribed in the resolution declaring said sever to be a necessity,
adopted by the General Council of said City on October Gth, 1924,
and particularly described as follo;vs:
"Beginning at a point, the intersection of
center line of, an alley parallel to and --0.5 fent :5
inches south•nard from Trimble Street, said point c
beim on the boundry of Se;!ar District No. 'A,-; thence
southc!ard :•:ith the boundry of Serer District No. 2,
along the center line of 13th Strew t to a point 206
feet 3 inches north!ard from the center line of 3road-
way; thence at riE_ht angle, ,estv!ard continuing along
the boundary or Sevier District No. 2, patallel to and
BOG feet 3 inches north-vard1v from the center line of
Broadvay, to the center line of 16th Street; thence
at ri ht angles south-;:ard c!ith .he boundary of Se:•.,er
District No. 2, 206 feet i inches to the center line
of Br-)ad:vay; thence at riLht anglas vest::!a.rd :.,ith the
boundry of Se'.ver District 1,o. 2, alonE' tl-_e c:.nter line
of Broadway to a point on the :vest line., if extended,
of property of I�rs. Rosena t 3radsha.v, said '-!est Line
being 673 feet "ro;:: the east prona-ty line of that part
of 17th Street (Fountain —venue) v!hich r: --tends south
from Broad,:vay; then.:e at riEht an, -les sonth.•;ard :iith
the boundary of sec!er district i,o. 2 and with said
crest line of the 3radshaw property `208 faet; thence
at riEiit angles vjestv!ard along a line parallel to and
208 feet from the center line of 3road:vay, to a point
187 feet 6 inches eastward 'rom the center line of 17th
Streak, or Foluctain Avenue, measured at ri-ht angles to
the center line of 17th Str et, or Fountain :venue;
thence at right angles south.vard along a line parallel
to and 187 feet u inches east of the center line. of
17th Street, or Fountain .venue, to a point 173 feet
3 inches south of the south property tine of ::e:iitucl_y
%venue; thence at ri ht anEles ea:: ---raid 317.8 :Feet;
thence at right angles s>nthcrrd -W-2, ".:et to the
center of `.asein. ton treet; thence c•i ht anEles
westivard, v!ith thet-r line of
40 feet; thence at rl,_ht. anE'les t.
thence at riPub anei Stv!2.rd
east boundary of the Oakland Terrace,i i=elute
deflecting 84 degrees 15 minutes to th, r:i :. -.11,74
feet south -:,card alone the east boundary o:' ":,ici 0' -:'-land
Terrace Addition to the center of an alley; 1,1—lce de-
flecting 95 deErees 15 minutes to the riz ht, :'re3t-!ard
`l)nE. the center line of ,aid alley 1,2.60 feet to e
f,oi.nt in the (,enter of an alley 187.5 feet casq-!ard
I o:: the center line of 16th Strrrt a;l,re,i �t ri, t
les to 16th Strr.at; thence at ri;_"it ati-le- south':!ard
l,ru the center line of slid alley 98.36 fent to tl-.e
:78ot 1-roperty line Of all tclley alonC LIle dp'.thea tr:Tl}�
side oi' the Oa,land 2,rrace .;edition
58 de., rees 39 minutes to i.h, ril.l_t, .c3c!,41t :o th?
center line of an alley rarallel to and 1i,7 t,c t inches
East-aardly frorl the cr line (C 17,611 Street, as measured
at r_ ht anEles to 17t•:" reet; t;:• :.'e de°lecting 58 decrees
39 minutes to the left .. xltir!ard_Li Leet; thence at ri, ht
an. -les wosti-iw'rd to the center Line of 17th Street; thence
in a southerly and easterli direction along• the cent=r line
of 17th Street; folloeJin,,- the curves of ..aid center line of
l7th Street around Guthrie's Gravel Pit, to the mint of
intersection of 17th Straet and :street; thence south-
v!ardly ,vith the centra line of "B" St:re et to the center line
of an alley rara11e1 to and lqS fee -t north of Guthrie Avenue,
raid 190 feet bein;' measured at right anc,las to Guthrie'_,varnre;
thence at ri ht anC.lea eastv!ardly alonE the center line of
said alley, to a point in the center line of an alley para-
llel to ,nd 163 feet vi, st of the gest ,ororerty line of Goebel
.venue, said 163 feet bein- rneaaured at riiht ar.Lles to
Goebel -.venue; thence sollthwardl;; alorE the center line of
said alley 128 feet to a point 40 feet north of the north
crooerty line of Guthrie revenue; thence at richt anr,•1es east-
ward 163 feet to the :!est property line of Goebel venue;
t•r_ence south,aard aloe.- the west rroI rty line of Go bel
venue ared l,.ayfield -road 159 feet to a point 59 feet sor.th
oC ti_e aouth rrorerty line of Guthrie iivenue; thence viostcvord
163 feet to the center line of an alley parallel to and be=
t:aeen Goebel ;:venue and " " Street; thence southward along
the center line of said alley 96 feet; thence at richt angles
westviard 193 feet to the to t'iie center Line of "x" Street;
thence at right anile. southv!ard vit'rh tl_e center line of
Street 21 feet '.,o the center line Of all alley parallel to add
206 feet south of the cent: -r line. o' Guthrie venue; thence
at right ankles west:!ard aloii the ceriter line of said alle,
.396 feet to the center line of 113" tri et ; i.;_an;;c at rid ht
an[ -les south:hard aloe e c �`' tr< t 547
feat, more or less, :.> line of un alley
Which runs along the _. 1er's ._ddition;
thence :vest ardly alo.;l. C line of ;aid alley,
and said soi:tl-_ property 1i11= �l_o intersection
of .,wig south property l.ir:c i. __.,;.r line of -'Oth
Straet, it e:;tended, tL .-. :: the cent,:: line
of 2Gt;i Street, if e.rtended,` to U poi;",,, ._ =et got:th:)ard
frorl the. center line of Jac:cao;: Ste= .t id z05 feet being
measured alonE the center line oi• .. -.. r et; thence at
riEht + n les westward alonE a 1i -Cc. :...i' 11 `1 to and 205 feet
south )f the cc::,ter line of S,reet to the center line
of 21st Street, if extended, at r.iz_dit an,, -les north-
ward aloe: the center line of %1st Street to the center line
of an. alley parallel to and 209 feet 3 inches south of the
center line of :pins ton Street; thence at richt angles :!est-
vard alone the center line of s --aid alley, and said center
line, if extended, to the center line of 25th Street;
thatee at riF'ht anEles north-:!ard alonE the center line of
5th Street to the center line of an alley parallel to and 214
feet 9 inches north of the center line of Jefferson Street;
'.'hence at richt an;.,las eastward alonE, a line 214 feet 9 inces
north of the center tine of Jefferson Street z s measured at
right angles to t'r_e, center line of Jefferson Street, to a
point 125 feet we --t of the center tine of 19th Street, said
125 feet bein, measured at right angles to 19th Street, and
said point beim, 100 feet wast of the :vest boundary of the
_oul'itain Far;: Addition; thence northward along a line para -
1191 to and 1%5 feet west of the center line of 19'61: Strr-et
19, feet 9 inches to the center line of i„onroe Street; thence
sta!ard alonE the center line of l..onroe Street 146 feet;
t]aence north...Iard aloe, a line parallel to and 221 feet -west
of the center line of that portion of 19th Street, if e. --tended,
which lies north of 1.:adison Street, to a point 198 feet south
of the center line of liadison Street, said point beinr- the
southeast corner of lot o.7]ned by li.a.Pulliam; ;hence west:•iard
alonga line -parallel to and 198 fret south of the center line
of L,adison 5'.:reet 300 feet; thence at richt ankles north:: -rd
alonE the :!est line of lots nlunbers 13 and 47 in Bloc._ and
lots nurlbers 52 and 13 in Blob_c Ido. 2, e:= Yerr:ill's Fountain
tare i,dditi on t0 the. City of Paducah, said line o 'Ghe
lots, if e:,:tended, to a point 169 feet north of the center
of Clay Str, et, said 189 -Leta beim. measured i:t ri, ;:r, _:nt-les
to Clay Utreet; thence west^ia'rd in a line r.:-.lel to GLay
street to a r.oint %: o feet :;oath of rile c6l!t-r lir„ e --
tended, of that portion ofthe :'.gadl_:i(s
nest of "Ist Street; said :00 fr:at bein, roti
ang71es to that portion of t1_a iiin'1
west of 1.1st Street; thence r)est:iurd
to and r;00 feet southward frorl the c-rnt,.i' ling. �; '.��.i•
Portion of t1 P. riill.!leviJJe woad
Str�-et to a point 15,1 4 fart westwdrd frol.. 'Gi:e: t +r l i _1, of
loth Street, if extended; :heru;a north,.: -rd at rip r; les
to the Hili:leville _road, 0 fi:e,t to ti_r-. ;.Dint .i.�:re the
No. BI.
west b-)lu>dary o": _1hnrman1s Glenwood i.ddit.ion inter-
sects the cent,.r "' -Ghe Hin.:leville Road; thence
northward ;^i:.; ..:id boundary oP the Glenwood -ddition
to -, point center o° Lildred Street; thence east-
vard along neer line of L:ildred Str,et 1;o the
center orf, �.. c.11::� i:Gt�,e n 21st Street and 22nd street:
thence southr1 he. center line of said alley to
the. center to and lc39 fent
north of the conn r 1.ii< naleville Goad, said
169 feet beim argyles to -aid Hinile-
ville ?toad; thence eastward u, the cent, -r line of
said alley to t11e center of _treet; thence south -
Ward alon the. center line of 20th Street to the north
property line of the liini:leville Road; theiice eastward
along the north property Line of the Hin.:leville iioad
and the north property line of ''rimble btreet to the
roint where the northeast boundary line, if extended,
of the Oa:-: Grove Cemetery intersects the north property
line of 'rimble Street, said point be:in�_ 117 feet, more
or less, .,rest of the center of 16th Street; thence north-
ward vjith said northyrest boundary line of Oa', Grove
Cemetery to the center line of Tully -venue, or to said
center line of `u11y :venue, extended; thence northward
on a line pith the center of. Tully revenue to a point
180 feet north•a:.rd frori the center of Trimble Str, et,
measured at ril-ht angles to 'L'rimble Street; thence
e>_ast.rari along the line of rear boundaries of the lots
l-_ich face on Tri::lble Street in Block _do. 46, of the
el:urnoy, Norton, Trimble .-nd Harris r.ddition, to the
line bet',',-... -.n lots numbers 3 and 4 of said Block No. 46;
thence southward alolig said line between lots 3 and 4
to the center of '=rimble Street, a point 39 feet, more
or less, crestward :_'rom the intersection of the center
line of Trir,ble btreat a'ri the center line of 15th Street
tinence eastward orlon:- the center line of ?rimble btr et
to the center line of 14th _Greet; thence southward along
the center line of 14th btr:-et 20.3 feet 3 inches to the
center line of an alley bet:w en Clay btrect and Trimble
Street; thence wesL:vard along the center line of said
alley to the center of 13th Street, to the pnint of
bi:CYIOiI 4.
Said server shall be. constr.crted in strict accordance
with the -plans, grades, specifications and profiles as prepared and
furnished b. -,r the City Engineer of said city of Paducah, and adopted
by the General Council of said City.
5�C TIUiI 5.
Bids shall be redeived for the construction of said
sewers according to the plans, sr:ecifications and -profile, and
contract therefor shaft re awarded to the lowest and best bidder,
except tree. richt is expressly reserved to reject any and all bids,
+ithin t',F. discretion of the General Council, and it mag accept any
i. id which al,pears to be for the best interest of the city of Paducah.
The Board of Public Works of said city is hereby
authorized and directed to advertise for bids for the construction
of said severs, and said Board shall re,lort the bids received by it,
;rite it s recomimrndation for the acceptance of any of same or the
rejection of all of same.
bE02ION 7.
Said arori shall be constructed under the direction
and supervision of the City Engineer ant the Board of Pu},1ie '::oris
No. � 3dy .
�of said city, or their authorized agents, and the s;wr!;e hall cor:Irnonce and
be completed at a time designated br contract.
_he contractor av/arded the contract for the rio-r;c herein
provided shall be p4id only from the, funds irisin, frore s-reci:l tax bills
or assessment made against the property located in said se:,er zone,
except that said contractor may be paid out of such bonds as may be
issued accordin to la,.a, and as provided in Section 3101, 3102 and 3105
rientuckv Statutes.
1 b�t<iIOId 9.
This ordinance shall ta'ce effect and be in force from and
f,er its passage, approval and publication.
Pres 11 Bonrd of Cou�ct
Prcld<nI board o! Aldcmim.
,y�� SOY ,✓ � f�