HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 8, Page 355, No Ordinance NumberNo. 355.
ORDIid i;C1: CONI; NO. 2.
All 01DI;•LC7 P'0'JIi;Ii1G ?0. _'Hi. COTISY UCYI011 OF S_L1I'AP,Y
7+'iSRS IN 2.01 -TE i;0. 2, SUB -DIVISION B, S_-,' -LR Lib' -"_:ICT 110. 3,
Iid 1'HL' CI21 OF PADUCAH, 1>ENTUCi:Y, AY ''HE COS_ 01' '_'Hit: PROP ?'.i'Y
IN G N:F.AL _-WRNS, _'HE Pi0P ii
Uo. 1: 61
to a point in the center line' of Elizabeth Street, or
'lizabeth Street, if extonded, a total distance of 1670
feet from the center line of Husbands Street.
On 9th Street, commencing at the present trunk line
sewer on husbands Street and running thence north•iardly
on 9th street, crossing Caldwell Street to a point 360
feet northward from the center line of Coldweil Street,
a total distance of approximately 763 feet.
On 9th Street commencing at the present trunk line
sever on husbands Street and rnnninE thence south:vardly
on 9th Street, crossing Leedh -venue and Dockrman Street
and Fisher Street to a point 140 feet southward from the
center line of Fisher Street, a total distance of approx-
imately 1602 feet.
On 8th Street, commencing at the rresent tram: line
sevier on Husbands .5tre.e.t and running- thence north•:!ardly
on Sth Street, crossing Caldviell and Porton Streets to a
point 370 feet northward from the center line of iJorton
Street, a total distance of a.rproximately 1189 feet.
On 8th Street, corunencing at the present trun;� line
se.aer on Husbands Street and running thence southwardly
on 8th Street to the center line of 3ockman Street, a total
distance of 1128.4 feet.
On 7th Street, commencin, at the present trun:c line
se•:,er on Husbands Street, and running thence north.)ardly
on 7th Street, crossing Caldv!ell Street to a point 330 feet
northward from the center line of CL-ldr!a11 Street, a total
distance of approximately 720 feet.
On 7th Street, commencing at the present trunk line
sewer on Husbands Street, and running thence southviardly, �
on 7ti. Stx•eet, crossing L;urray Street to a point 120 feet
south:,�rd from the center line of Lurray Street, a total
distance of approximately 800 feet.
On 6th Street, commencing: at the present trun'.r line
sewer on Husbands ztreet aiTd running thence northwardly,
crossing Norton Street to a point 350 feet northward from
the center line of Porton Street, a total distance of
approximately 1170 feet.
On 6th Street, commencing at the present trunk line
sewer on husbands Street, and running thence southwardly
on 6th street to the center line of Lu rray Street, a
distance of 680 feet from the center line of Husbands
Street to the center line of ]..array Street.
On 6th Street, commencint: at the proposed sewer on
Elizabeth Street and running thence north,aardly on with
Street, crossing George Street.to a point 300 feet
northward from the center line if George Street, a total
distance of appro-rimately 641.4 feet.
On lith Street, commencing at the proposed sewer on
Elizabeth Street and running thence southwardly on 6th
street, crossing ' illie and ::ici:inley Streets, to the
center of Broad Street, a distance of 1181.6 feet.
On 5th Street, commencing at the present trunk line
sevier on Husbands Street and running thence northwardly
on 5th Str-et, crossing Caldwell and Norton Streets to a
point 350 feet northward from the center line of Norton
Street, a total distance of approximately 1200 feet.
On 5th Street, commencing at the present truni: line
sever on Husbands Street and running thence southviardl.y
on 5th Street, a distance of 590 feet from the center line
of husbands Str,:et.
On 5th Street, commencing at the proposed sewer on
Elizabeth ;,'Greet and rprning thence uorthwardly on 5th
street, crossing George Street to a point 350 feet north -
center from the center ling of George Street, a total distance
of approximately 691.4 feet.
On 5th Street, commencing at the proposed sever on
lizabeth Street and running' thencoe south:'lardly on 5th
No. 357.
Street to the center line of an alley, !which alley
lies immediately west of Broad Street and runs para-
llel thereto, the center line of said alley being
00 feet westward !'rom the center line of Inroad
In an alley lying between 4th and 5th Struts and
running parallel thereto, comriencing at the present
trun:,c line sewer on Husbands otreet and running thence
northnardly along the alley, crossing Caldi;)ell and
Dorton Streets to a point 350 feet northward from the
center line of ;Norton Street, a total distance of approx-
imately 1190 feet.
On 4th Street, commencinE at the -proposed sewer at
the center line of George Street and running thence
southwardly on 4th Street, crossing Elizabeth Street
and to a point in Broad Street 15 feet southward from the
center line of 3road Street, a total distance of approx-
imately 777 feet from the center line of George Street.
In an alley lying between 3rd and 4th Streets and
running_ parallel thereto, commencing at the present
trunk line sewer on Eusbands Streets and rtunninF thence
northward ly along the alley, crossing=;orton Street to a
point 380 feet northward from the center line of 1,orton
Street, a total distance of approximately 1340 feet.
in an alley lyin, between .3rd and 4th street and
rmnning parallel thereto, commencing at the present
trunk line sewer on Husbands Street and running thence
south•wardl`7 along the alley, crossing George street to
a point 300 feet south;rurd From the center line of
George Street, a total distance of. approximately 142,6
On private property, commencin, at the end of an
existing sewer, said end of sealer bein, located at a
point 170 :C -et estward from the center line of 3rd
Street and 350 fe,r:t southward from the center line of
Tennessee Street, and running thence southw�rdly para-
llel to 3rd Street, a distance of 75 feet; the point
of beginning of said se•:wer being 170 feet eastward
from the center line of 3rd Street and 3�O f=et south-
ward `from the center line of '_'enaessee Street and the
end of said s�=wer being: at a point 170 feet eastward
from the center line of 3rd Street and 425 feet south-
ward from the center line of i'ennessee Street.
On private property, commencing at a point, said
point being- located at a distance of 70 feet north-
ward :,rom the center line of Husbands Street, if
extended, and 145 feet eastward from the center line of
3rd Street, and running thence northwardly across
private property parallel to 3rd Street and 14F feet
eastward from the center line of said 3rd Street, a
distance of 325 feet; the point o" beginning being
located 70 feet northward .from the center line of
Husbands treat if extended, and 145 feet east:iard
from the center line of 3rd Street, and the end of said
sewer being located at a point 395 feet northward from
the"cantg�r�e f Husbands Str:-et if e: -tended, and
145 fee �'ro 5 't? centerline of 3rd Street.
On Norton Street, commencing at the proposed se-:jer
on 5th Street and rurnning thence west•aardly on :Norton
Street to a point 135 feet westward from the center
line of 5th Street.
On Norton Street, commencin,> at the proposed sewer
in an alley lying betwe:;n 3rd and 4th Strerts and
rrnninF; parallel thereto, and ru.nnint thence ;:est: and
on Norton Street, a distance of 75 feet fron the center
line of said alley.
On Caldwell Street, commencing at the ,.rorosed sewer
in an alley Lying bet":veru 4th and 5th Str is and running:
parallel thereto„ and ruining thence ea:,tz,ztrd on Cald-
well dtrer-t, a distance of 80 feet rest: arca from the
center line: of said alley.
On Calde:ell Street, coj:uiFncin, r at thn rro, osed
sewer on 5th Stre t running thence westraardly on
Caldriell Street, a distance of 135 fc=.et =rom the
center 'Line: of 5th Street.
On Caldwell Street, commencing at the proposed sewer
on 7th Street and running thence west:card on Cald,:aell Strc,t,
a distance of 215 feet from the center line of 7th Street.
On Caldwell Street, commencing. at the proposed sovier
on 9th Street and ri?:.ninE thence east:iardly on Cald ell
Street, a distance of 300 feet from the c( -ter line of 9th
On Caldwell Street, commencing at the proposed serer
on 9th Street and running thence west:)ardly on Cald:cell
Street, a distance of 310 feet from. the center line. of
9th Street.
On Caldwell Street from the present trunk. line seder
on thr: south ;jest corner of the intersection of 12th and
CalL,iell Streets and runnin, thence eastiardly on Cald•:jell
Street to a _point 143 feet eastward fror:� the center line of
12th Street, a total distance of anpro.:ir_:ately 180 feet.
In an alley lyin between Jones and ?;orlon Streets and
running parallel thereto, comrsencin£ at the proposed sewer
on 8th Street and running hence eas'tw,�rdly alone the alley
to the center line of 7th Street, a distance of 406.5 feet
from the center line of 8th Street.
On private property, commencing at a point on the present
trun:, line sz::er alonE' the, bank of the Tennessee river, which
point is located at a distance of 380 fer--'.t northward from
the center line of Husbands ,treet, extended, and .380 feet
eastward from the center line of 3rd street and running
thence west•,,Jardly, parallel to Husbands Street, a distance
of 212 feet tow point in a proposed sewer 145 feet eastward
from the center line of 3 -rd Street.
On Hymarsh -venue, commencing at the proposed sewer at
Culley Street and running thence southcdardly on Hymarsh
Avenue, a distance of 430 feet southward from the center
line of Culley Street.
On Chamblin :venue, commencing at the proposed sz,:aer on
Hymarsh avenue and running thence southwardly on Chamblin
Avenue, a distance of 280 feet south,urd from the center line
of H,ymarsh Avenue,
On Liurray Avenue, commencing at the proposed sewer on
Culley Street and running thence south�,rardly on IdUrray
Avenue, a distance of 380 feet from the center line of
Cu11ey Street.
On Culley Street, commencin€ at the present trun': line
sewer on 3rown Street and running thence southwardly on
Culley Street, crossin£ Elurray Avenue, to the center line
of Hymarsh ::venue, a distance of 573.8 feet from the center
line of Br-o:jn Street.
On Leake Avenue, commencing at the proposed sewer on
9th Street and running thence westwardly on Leake Avenue
a :istance of 350 feet from the center line of 9th Street.
On Bockman Street, comciencinE at the proposed sewer on
9th Street and runnin, thence westwardly on Bockman Street
to a point 350 feet From the center line of 9th Str et.
On Bockman Stre(It, commencinE at the proposed sewer
on 8th Street and running thence )eszwardly.on Bockman
;street to a point 300 feet from the center line of Lith street.
On George otreet, commencing at the proposed sewer on
4ti-: Street and running thence eastJardly on George street
a distance of 200 feet from the center line of 4th street
to the center line of an alley lying between 3rd and 4th Streets.
On George Street, commencing at the proposed sexier on
6th Street and running thence west+jardl,y on Georte Street,
a distance. of 490 feet from Lite center line of 6th Street.
In an alley lying between 30c;_man and Fisher Streets and
running parallel thereto, commencint• at the proposed server
on 9th 1.tree,t and running thence westwardly along the alley
to a point 200 fe t from the, center lin( of 9th Ltre.e.t.
On Fisher Street, commencing at the proposed sewer on
9th Street and runnin£: thence eastwardly or. Fisher Street
a distance of 3-;F, feet from the center line of 9th
In an alloy lying between George and Elizabeth
Streets and running parallel thereto, commencing at
the proposed sewer on 4th Street and ni;;ning thence
westwardly along the alloy, a distance of 240 feet
from the center line of 4th Street.
On Elizabeth Street, commencing at the proposed
sewer on 4th Street and running thence westwardly
along Elizabeth Street, crossing 5th Street to the
center line of 6th btreet, a distance of 806 feet
from the center line of 4th Street to the center line
of 6th Street.
On Elizabeth btreet, commencing at the proposed
serer on 6th Street and running thence westwardly
on Elizabeth Street, a distance of 600 feet from the
center line of 6th Street.
On 17illie Street, commencing at the proposed sewer
on 6th Street and rnnninp thence westviardly on Fillie
Str,et, a distance of 465 feet from the center line of
6th treet.
On Lc-inley btreet, commencing at the proposed se,;rer
on 6th Street and rnnning thence westwardly on licLinley
Street, a distance of 490 feet from the center line of
6th -.tree t.
In an alley about 163 feet westcrard from goad Street
and running parallel thereto, commencing at the proposed
serer on 5th Street and running thence southwardly along
the alley to;.,ards :'_olb Park, a distance of 3<0 feet
from the center line of 5th Street.
On private property lying :iithin a triangle bounded
by Broad, Elizabeth and 4th Streets, commencing at the
proposed sewer at the angle in 4th Street between goad
and-lizabeth Streets, :-rhich point is 247 feet west-
ward from the c�%nte-r line of Broad Street and 182
feet southward from the center line of E'lizabeth Street
and running thence into the private property, north 28
degrees east, a distance of 270 feet from the center
line of 4th Street.
On Broad -.tree t, commencing at the proposed sewer
on 4th Street and running thence southcrardly on Broad
btree.t, crossing 5th street to a point 337 feet south -
Ward from the center line of 5th street, a total
distance of approximately 770 feet.
On 3road Street, commencing at the proposed se^per
on 6th Street Street and rnnnin, thence north,rardly on
;goad Street to a point 420 feet from the center line of
6th Street.
On Broad Street, commencing at the proposed sewer on
6th Strt-et and running thence southi,ardly on Broad Street
to a point 240 feet from the center line of 6th street.
On goad Street, commencing at the proposed sewer on
Bridge Street and running: thence north-piardly on Broad
Street to a point 270 feet from the center line of Bridge
On Broad Street, cormnencing at the proposed sewer
on Bridge btre-.et and running thence south,:vardly on Broad
ttrcet to a point 996 feet from the center line of Bridge
On Bridge -.trc-et, commencing at the proposed seerer on
Broad ;t-reet and running thence south•ardly on.6ridge
Street to the center line of North Allen Street, a
distance of 281.5 feet from the center line of Bridge
Street to the center line of North Allen Street.
On 3ridge btr(iet, corunanein at the. prop)sed ;'ecrer
on north Allen btreet and rilnnii>, thence eouthwardly on
brid�e btreet to the centar line of South ellen Street,
a distance of 65 feet prow, the center line of Idorti: :_lien
Street to the center line of booth ::11,.11 Street.
On South Allen Street, commencing- at the proposed evjer
on Bridge Street and running thence southwardly on South
,n 6tre.e.t, a distance of 500 feet from the center line of
3ridge Street
longi the western bank of Island Creek, commencin at
the present trunk line scw:,,r ander the concrete arch bridge
where 4th street crosses Island Creek, which point is approx-
imately 250 feet eastward from the center line of Broad Street
and running thence southward in the general direction of
Island Creek to north k11en Street, and thence southwardly
along North Allen Street to the center line of Bridge Street,
a total distance of approximately 2030 feet.
All the above desc..ibed lateral severs lir:. are to be
constructed with u inch house service line extending from
the sewer proper to the property line of all property abutt-
ing, on the streets or alleys in which the above described
lateral se,-:ers are to be built, in such manner as to -crop-
erly serve the rroperty benefitted.
Six inch house connection service lines _ re to be con-
structed from the present sever line, built raider the
.,;,600,000 bond issue, to the property line of all abutting
property on the following str,eis and alleys, in such
manner as t� properly serve the property benefitted.
On Husbands Street, or husbands Street, if extended,
commencing at the present 'trunk line sewer along; the bank
Of the Ynnessee river and riinin� thence !w!estaardly on
Husbands Street to the center line of 12th street, or
12th Str,:et, e::tF.nded.
On 12th Street, or 12th Street, if extended, from the
center line of Husbands btreet to the south property line of
Caldwell Street.
On Caldwell Street, or Cald%,iell Street, if e::tended, from
a point 190 feet eastward from the center line of C'aldviell
venue to a point 190 feet tiest-ard from the center line of
Cald!vell hvenue.
On Cald,,vell :.venue from Caid-jell Street to a point
830 feet southward from the center line of Caldwell Street,
and Cald!•!ell Avenue from the cents>r line of mown Street,
otherwise known as Union Street, northwardly, a distance of
298.42 feet from the center line of -Drown Street, otherwise
knor!n as Union Street.
On Brown Streetm and that part of Brown Street mown as
Union Street, from the center line of Caldo,ell Street south-
wardly to the center line of Green Street.
On Little Avenue and that part of Li`utle Avenue occupied
by the railroad tracks from the., center line of :-�rasin Street,
otherwise known as Union Street, westward to a point in the
s!estern ri8ht of way line, of the Np_shville, Ccattanooga &
St. Louis R. H. which point is 132.5 feet r!estward from the
center line of Broein Street, other^!ise knovin as Union Street.
S2C " IOId 2 .
The cost of constructing said sewers shall be, appor-
tioned equally against the abuttinll lots or parcels of land, according
to the niunber of feet abutti.nE thereon, and shall be paid for by the
o!iners of said lots or parcels of land abutting or bounding upon such
streets, alleys and highways, provided the. cost of came does not exceed
.,2.00 per abutting foot. In the event the cost of said improvements
shall exceed the sum of :,2.00 per abuttin', foot, then all the lots or
parcels of around in said gone are hereby declared to be the property
benefitted, and the entire cost of the constriction of said se,,!ers shall
be assessed a ainst each of .:aid lots or parcels of. *round er:,brace.d in
said zone in the proportion that the area in square f0et of such lots
IJo. 361.
or parcels of ground shall bear to the area in square feet of all
thc-lots or parcels of Ground located in said zone; and the
General Council shall fix and assess the amount of tax to be levied
upon each of said lots or parcels of ,round in said cone as required
by law.
The lots or parcels of ground which are hereby declared
to be benefitted b-7 the construction of said seiner, and subject
to the payment of the cost of same, are located in said Zone No. 2,
which is particularly described in the ordinance establishing said
Sewer Zone No. 2, adopted by the Board of Commissioners of said city
on the 23rd day of February 1923, and also particularly described
in the resolution declarinL saivi sewer to be a necessity, adopted
b-, the General Council of said City on October the 6th, 1924, and
particular described as follows:
"Beginning at a point in the center line of Jones Street,
if extended, and 76 feet and 6 inches eastr7ard from the
center line of 2nd Streit, if extended, said point being
the southeast corner of First Se,,ier District; thence,
northward ,1;ith the bounddry line of First berier District,
and parallel to and 76 feet and 6 inches from the center
line of 2nd Street, if extended, a distance of 423 feet
to the center of 'iennessee btreet; thence at richt angles
eastward and with the center line of i'ennessee Street and
with the boundry of the First Serer District, 93 fet and
2 inches, more or less, to the center of the- 36 inch trunk
line sealer of Sub -Division B and C, of Sever District No.3;
thence deflecting 54 minutes to the right, up the center
line of said trunk line sewer, as follows: 160 feet, more
or less, to a manhole; thence deflecting 7 degrees 50,--r -,-
minutes right, 180 feet; thence deflecting 13 degrees,left,
233 feet and 6 inches; thence deflecting 23 degrees 4'7
minutes right, 153 feet and 2 inches; thence deflecting
22 degrees and 31 minutes left, 126 feet and 11 inches;
thence deflecting 8 degrees 58 minutes riCht, 278 feet and
d inches; thence deflecting 5 de€roes 56 minutes left, 292
feet and 11 inches; thence deflecting 6 degrees 5: minutes
left, 385 feet and 8 inches; thence deflectint: 3 de rees
32 minutes richt 56F feet and o inches; thence deflecting
.i decrees .04 minutes left, 528 f::et and 3 inches; thence
deflecting 7 de.rees 39 minutes left, 482 feet and <L inches
to a pointtwest bank 'of Island Creek; thence up
Island L`r=ei;5as �011o�:ns: DE-flectinC 42 dei pees 35 minutes
ri-ht, 251 f -et and 7 inches; thence deflecting 14 degrees
21 minutes right, 311 feet and 6 inches; thence deflecting
5 deL,-rees 10 minutes left, 183 feet to a point o,1 the center
line of the Leyers Street Bridge over Island Creek, said
point, being 260 feet and 7 inches southeasterly from the
center line of Broad btreet, measured along the center line
of 4th Str=et; thence coati wing up Island Creek bank with the
center line, of a proposed sever as follows: Deflecting 4 degrees
18 minutes riht, and at an angle of 78 degrees 12 minutes
with the center line of the 4th Street Bridge, 260 feet
thence deflectin- 7 degrees 28 minutes left, 61, feet, to a
.point in Walnut Street, On Islana Creek Bail!.; thence de-
flecting 8 degrees .05 minutes ri ht, 32: feet; thence
deflecting 5 denrees IE minutes ri[7ht 390 feet; thence de-
flecting 1 degree 15 minutes, more or less to the right 357
feetm more or less, to a point on the center line of 3ridse
btr�et and 512 feet and 6 inches from the ir.te.'rsection o£
the center line of Bridge Street, and the center line of broad
btr-et, bein5 the center line of an alley in 3lock No. 2,
Allen's Addition to the cite of Paducah; thence :ie:t:ard with
the center line of said X11,:v at riEht an€les to 5ridi e
btreet, 230 feet; thence: at ri.ht angles nort'r_:card 167 feet
and 6 inches with the V)cst line of Lot No.y,Block fdo. 2,
n11en's Addition, to the center of :,lien btreet_ westward of
Bridge street; thence at ri •ht angles aaestward with the center
NO. 2'62.
line of pilon Street, 285 feet; thence at; ri(ht. angles northward
,lith the ,vest line of lot To. 24, 31ock Ido. 11 Allen's;lddition,
147 feet and 6 inches to the center of an alley, 177 feet and
u inches from the center of Broad ,Lreet; thence at right angles
weati"ard with the center line of said alley and ::aid center
line extended, parallel to Broad Street 531 feet; thence at
right angles northward 407 feet and o inches, cro:>sinF' Broad
Street at a point 1046 feet from the center line of Bridge
Street; thence at ric,ht angles eastward, parallel to an 230 feet
north of the center line of Broad Street, a distance of 1378
feet, more or less, to a point 200 feet west of the center
line of Sixth Street, mrasured at right angles to said center
line; thence northward parallel to Sixth Street 200 feet,
more or less, to the south property Line of property' listed
under the name of prank Petter, said South property line being
Parallel to .nd 167 feet, more or less, from the south property
line of ].:e.";role; Street; thence westward parallel to L;ci;inley
Street 300 feet; thence at ri ht anE.les northward parallel
to and 5')0 feet fror:t the center line of Sixth Str: et, a .tistance
of 582 feet and 2 inches, more or less, to a point 181 feet
and u inches south of the center line of Elizabeth Street; thence
at ril,-ht angles westward parallel Z, a 181 feet and 6 inches
from the center line of .Elizabeth Street, 100 feet to the 6outh-
:vest corner of Lot ido. 27 3100''; Luo. 1, hddition "b t'' thence
at riL-ht angles northvard alon the west line o£ Lots lumbers 27
and 28, Bloch 1, .addition "S",'a distance of 361 feet and u
inches; thence at right angles eastward 90 feet; thence at
right gngles northward with the west line of Lots Numbers 40 and
35, l7ood:vard ,'addition on George Strep=t, 35'feet and 3 inches to
the northwest corner of said Lot. Ido. 35; thence at ri ht angles
eastrlard .325. feet to the center of an alley; thence at right
angles north-ard with the center line of the alley, if extended,
120 feet to the north line of Lot Ilo. 20, a point 185 feet
west.vard .from the center line of 6th Street• thence at ri_^ht
angles eastward ,17 feet 0 inches; thence at right angles north -
=lard .0 feet; thence at ri-ht angles eastward 304 feet 9 inches,
to a point 20 feet and 3 inches eastalard from the center line
of 5th Street and 350 feet northward from the center line of
George Street; thence at right angles southward 350 feet to the
center of George Street; thence at right angles eastward with the
center line of George Street 206 feet and 3 inches to the center
of 4th Street; thence at ri,ht angles northward ,vith the center
line of 4th Street 1051 ft=et to a point 200 feet south of the
south property line of that part of }ivaband's Street west of
5th Street extended, to r'ourth street; thence at ri�-ht angles
west-vard and para11e1 to and 2�0 feet from the south property
line of t;:at part of Husbands Street west of 5th Street, if
extended to Fourth Street, a distal - of 206 feet and 3 inches;
thence at richt angles southward :l") feet to the south line of
a lot no:v 0 -need by Louis LcGonnell; thence at ri,,ht an, -les
west.vard 407 f+:et and 3 inches to a point 187 feet east of the
center line of 0th Street; thence at ri ht angles southward
parallel to the center line of 6th Street; 50 fact; thence at
ri.:ht anfles clest',vard 187 fret to a point in the center of lith
street and on the south proroe-rty line o-=' 1_nrray revenue; thenQe
at richt angles south-,/ard, alon` the center line of Sixth Street,
30 feet; thence at ri ht a_a,.les ,westward 203 feet and 3 inches
to'the center of an a11r.y; thence at right angles southward
wi t�'the center line o.f the alley 11 feet; thence at riEht
angles west:vard 406 feet and 6 inches to the center of an alley
betfleen 7th and 8th Strc-ets; thence at richt angles south:vard
with the center line 0, the alley 70 feet-, thence at right angles
westward 3e feet and 3 inches; thence at richt anEles southviard
200 feet to the center of C -'::Man Street, a point 169 feet east-
ward .f'ror_ the. center Of E t tTe P,t; thence at ri, ht angles .'1est-
ward :wit}, the center Zinc= of Street, 191 f. -et and o
inches to the center of an alley vlhich ri ns sout}•_n-rdfrom
oachman Street' thence, at ri ht an[ -les south-.-i---rd lith the center
line Of the alley 176 feet to an alley; thence at right anEles'
westward with the center line of an alley 17 feet and 6 inches;
thence at richt angles southtward along_ the ea:,t line of Lots
umbers 1� and 17, :lock ilo. 7, 's tiddition, 37L� feet to
the center line of Elizabeth Street, if extended; thence at ri;'ht
�-.Ivles rleat,vard .'lith the anter line of Elis : tl: 5 ;re= t if
ended 1012 .fret and 6 inches, more or -1e s, '.0 ,;; 150
feet ;west of the 71e•st prorert,, liter o 1'' c+t
rl£''hi; angles north:•r�rd, p_,.r�.}-1 ^1 to .rad 1. _ � r L •t
"pro pert line, of 10 th Str.c:t u 1i -
inches, more or les.; 0 }.t: Ct i iiu
tel ded ; thence, at rid e,1
Backman S rPet a:;t 1 feet' thence not h 1 1 t0
and 16i, feet from t,hc: .lest rroperty line or 1 "r
distance of 92. Ir
1 feet, more or La to a poi.tt'.. �1.: 1
of all alley ii' r' _ins
a: -,tended,
180 foal south 0.f Cha center ..sbauds � .
Str�:et; thence at ln lc:s i-.1 ji .. the- c-' .tc r line
of _cid alley, ar .
11 l ; _r
e: -;ended, 417 feet to a roint rd
o`_' Li:9 center of 11th Str et;thence at b
,rd 180 f; c t o the center of Hirabands oor, e t ; the ;ice _ t
right ane.le-.s westwurd with the centFr lines of ivaban.ci:; ;,'.r: et
20 feet anti 6 inches to i,hp center o'.' 12th Street, if' -i, n-
ded, tlienc(: at i•itht angles northwest viith the center lir. of
1,: th Street, 840 f6,et to the center of id ,rton Strec-.'L-, ,)int
on the boundry line of Serer District Ido. 2; thence :_... :rd
with the center line of Rortoki Street and with the boundry
line of Seger Districts idwnbers 2 and 1, to a point halfway
betvjeen 8th and 9th btreots; thenc,. _t; ri ht anCles norLh:•rurd
feet to the center of ,Songs IL .r•,, no at richt wn Ie's
east;jard with ti1B center line off on: r c -.t, and Jon�.s btreet,
if' extended, and With the boundry lint. o'' Sa:!er District Flo. 1,
to the point of be. -inning".
"Beginninc at a no int on the IN:nnessee. 'over Bank
where the .36 inch tion; line serer or Nub -Divisions B and
C of be.ver District id0. => i-.tersects the boundry of the
First Se:•!er District, 182 feet, more, or less, south of the
center of Ohio Street; thence northward with the boundry
of said Sirst beaer District, parallel to nd Street, to a
point 206 feet and .5 inches south of the center of Slash -
in, -ton ,tr- e,t; thence at ri` ht an�le,3 e :s`Lward 'with the
bonndry line of First :er District, 206 feet and 3 inches
to the center o=f First ,treet; thence at ri ht. an€ -les north -
..lard and with the center line of First Street and with the
Bon-ndr.y line of First ,e.7e.r District 206 feet and 3 inches
to the center of Street; thence at richt ancles
east!:ard :with the center line of ;ioshin ton btreet and with
th• boundry line of First bearer District, 1:51 feet, more or
less, to the center line of the rnair! trun;>_ line se -ter for
bub -Division 3 and C of beaer District ?do, 3, on the
Tennessee diver unit; thence southwest up the `1'ennea6e.e.
Giver Bank :•+ith the center line of said main trunk se:•,er
as Follows: Froin the center line of 'Viashing;,on Street
deflectinc115 decrees 10 minutes to the riEht, 127 feet
to a manhole; thence deflectinc 19 decrees 53 minutes left,
493 feet and 5 inches; thence d,flectinC 9 degrees 05
minutes left, .320 feetand 8 ihee; thence deflecting
10 decrees 58 minutes right, Z' fact and 1:) inches;
thence deflecting 5 decrees 09 minutes left, 325 feet;
thence deflectinf> 37 def?roes 49 minutes riE,ht 279 feet
and 8 inches to tine point of be,,inning".
"Bec,inninc at a point on the center line of Caldwell
Street 175 feet eastward from the interst:ction of the. cen-
ter lines of Caldzrell Avenue and Caldwell Street; thence
northward parallel to and 175 feet eastward from the center
line of Cald'rjell .venue, if e:ctended, to a point 190 feet
north::jard from the center line of Caldwell btrect; thence
vrestw,wrd parallel to C.ldr!el1 btreet, 365 feet to a -point
190 fact crest of the line of the center of Cald:•rell Avenue,
i e;:t ::.'.. •i, aaid 190 feet being measured parallel to Cald-
-iell ,t; thence southward, parallel to the center line
of C-.lunall Avenue 960 feet; thence eastward, parallel to
Galdrrell Street, 190 feet to the center line of Caldzrell
avenue; thence southward with the center line of that
straight portion of Caldwell :,venue which extends to Cald-
well Street, and v!ith said center line of said straight
portion of Cald!^jell Avenue e::tended, to a point 850 feet
from; the center line of Caldcrell btreet; said 830 feet
being r.easured parallel to Cald:•jell Avenue; thence east-
ward, parallel to Caldwell Str,=c t, 190 feet; thence
northward, parallel to said strail-ht portion of Caldwell
Avenue; 830'faet to the center line. of Caldwell ,tract;
thence with the center line of Caldcjell ;.trF.et rr(st ;aid
15 feet, to the point of begiin;inf ".
No. �64.
"Beginning at a point on the east property line of Cald-
well Avenue 270.41 feet northward from the point„;here said east
property line intersects the east right of ,lay boundry line of
the Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis railway; thence east-
:aard at right angles to Caldv!el1 _venue 155 feet; thence at
ri.-ht angles southward, parallel,to Caldwell Avenue, to a point
15 feet eastward from said east eiEht of °,-jay boundry line,
said 215 feet beim measured at riFht anEles to said east right
of way line; thence southward on a strai,ht line, parallel to
the tangential portion of said east ri,ht of clay boundry line
to the center of Elizabeth Street, if extended; thence eastward-
ly along; the center of Elizabeth Street, if extended, to a point
155 feet northward from the north property line of that portion
of Brown Street aihich e::tends from the Union Depot to Broad
Street, said 1` feet beinE measured at rilI-.t angles to said
portion of Bro In `,tre.e,t; thence eastward along- a line l s £eet
From and parallel to the north property line of Brocln Street
to the center of Green Street; thence at riht anE71�s southward
alonE- the center of Green Street, and Green Street, if e.,tended,
to the west riEht of :•lay boundry line of the Klinois Cinht-ral
railroad; thence h: nort=rd with said boundry line to the center
lin.--. of Culle,y Street; if extended, thence eastward :,li th the
center lixie of Culle.y ;,tree t extended to the east boundry line
of said ri,-ht of way; .hence no-rth•rard with -aid east boundry
780 feet, more or le.-�;, to a point on the east boundry line of
the Nashville, Chattu?, :)La and 5t. Louis =lailvlay; thence north-
ward ,iith the east bnrnidry line of .-paid railway to ;: point 13-.5
feet south:vard fro:: the south property line of 3ro";. c treet,
said 132.5 feet being treasured at ri{'ht anC-les to rn Street;
thence northward alone a line parallel to and cont.ir::ing 132.5
feet from the south property line of Brown L-trPet point
where said line, parallel to the south property lilt-= ” 5roIn
Street, intersects a line parallel to and 13 .5 fa.t-;•--t''ard
from the east ri ht of lay boundry lin, of the i,asi:vil-1 ,
Chattanooga and St. Louis Railway; th-ence 1.iith said line para-
llel to and l:i%.5 fFet frorli said east riEht of way boundry line,
to the center line of that portion of Little avenue v!hich crosses
the Illinois Central railroad tracks north of Union tation;
thence northward on a line at right anEles to said portion of
Little Avenue 175 feet; thence at riEht axles eastward, parallel
to said portion of Little r_venue, to a ;coint 150 fe., t vrestward
from the west property line of Caldwell i:v: nue, said 150 feet
being measured at richt angles to Caldwell :venue; thence
north,iard along a line, parallel to and 150 feet from the west
property line of Cald"!c.11 Avenue to a line which runs at riEht
anEles to Caldeell Avenue., and rihich intersects rhe --,:est prop-
erty line of Cald::jell Avenue at a point '298.,_2 feet northward
from the point ai e're the west property lines .of Cald°leLl :,venue
i?IUxse0t5 the east richt of nay boi:ndry line of the ;dashville,
Chat tanoo1�a—and_Lt. Louis Rt,ilway; thence at TiEht angles east-
to;t4e east property Line of Cald.,!ell :venue_; thence at
riE'ht a,. •_.south;°lard along the east property line of Cald-
well Avenue to the point of beLFinning ".
SEC^_I011 4.
Said sewer.shall be constructed in strict accordance with
':I -:e plans, Eradesm specifications and profiles a._ .repared and furnished
oy the City 7%neineer of said city of Paducah, and adopted by the General
Council of said city.
Bids shall be received for the construction of said sewers
. t.
lac:ording. to the .plans, specifications and profile, and contract therefor
shall be awarded to the lowest and best bidder, e:;cept the right is ex-
r.re-�sly rf served to r(;ject any and all bids, vaithin the discretion of the
General Council, and it may accept any bid r1hich appears to be for the
est interest of the City of Paducah.
Si:C'iI0i1 G.
The Board of Public ':7orks of said City is hereby
authorized and directed to advertise for bids for the construction
of said servers, and said Board shall resort the bids received by
it, with its redommendation for the acceptance of any of same or the
rejection of all of same.
C`:LOi? 7.
Said ,,ior.- shall be. constructed under the direction and
supervision of the City Hneineer and the Board of rublic 7!orks of
said City, or their authorized agents, and the same: shall commence
and be completed at a time, desiCnated by contract.
SAC_IOi: 8.
he contractor a•=/arded the contract for the !iork herein
provided, shall be paid o ly from the funds arisinL from special
tax bills or -_asessments made against tie pro;erty located in said
Sewer Sone, except that said contractor may be. paid out of such
bonds as may be idsuEd accordinz to law, and as provided in Sections
3101, 3102 and 3103, 1:entucky Statutes.
„EC2T Ort 9.
This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from
and after its passage, approval and publication.
�Presldenf Bomd of Aldem�m.