HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 7, Page 943, No Resolution NumberNo. /%c7 Ordinance No.._. _ I .'Tr.I ) ,C,.ii CCY'S- l'CT.I01' (F 0Ot'3 II";J STORY nilD _ -- S.:I I ::?'! i3:...::3', T ' ' !_._, JOP 111?l73_ ? 7I'l.' , I!' ii_2-D i' _ iT :, TO Cl"'<. IT` G.:;I`..,�'i.�.'a TI_T_ 2O- i'_'_' SU3J:':C'P TO There l.c„ beer er ,a toil "r l ... :;hod it the Ci ; ,'. ^^tahli t i of Paducah, Ifei,tueky, Sea'gr .District l'o. 3, .]Eich hcs boor di.vbled into 31zb- Divisions A, B and C; and, T! Ri:AS, there is beinT constructed, In said `_;e•ver District, trtmk ]ire se -Vers at t,io cost of tr.e Citi- of Paducah, I:er.tucky, which ` i triurlc line se=vers a—re rearliv, completion; and, :Iii.y?EA3, 'there has })eon^tri estabIishod, ,in.,ter ,one I!umber Five, in Sub -Division 1,, 3r..-er District I`o. 3, by anOrdirir:ce adortai by ti!e ner3 of Co'rmissioners On the 23rd dad- of 1`ebruar,r, 1523, i :wherein said Zona is described by metos i;d b-)iu.ds, and a plat of said zone is riled in t?:e office of the COrmisi;ioner of Iublic 7orks, :7hich may be seen b; ar.,lore interested; and, .7_......x..5, 3e..;,,r 'lone ].'ianbOr have, in Sub -Divi -cion sl, S^'.aer Dis- trict To. 3, is not jrovidod .lath sn-v.,.r•^_r-e ar.l is in a thick];- populated territory, .a '! ir: or'ler to rovl•le adennate ,,e7era�re for the prorertt, 0 in said ,ore, it i.s here'o: declared .argl deer^ed a recescity by the Board of Commi s:;io,-:ers of the City of I arIncah, _'ertucky, that, combined storm ax. -d sanitary s, , ,rs he construct,;) in sail ,One in order to pro- vide adequate se✓✓era�o fo ti:e ?-rol; erty o':me-rs in sr',ij ':or e; :'O',7, T`': FO -R,111 - BE IT :? sSC 'I J BY _ T:C=�,D Ci COL:i.:ISSI01_?: ?3 02 _}';. CITY 0? IAJL�CnII, --.'I`TUCI:Y: SECT101T 1. It is hereby declared a necessity by the Board of Coriimissioners of the City of laducah, I'_entizeky, in order to secure adecivate se%-Ierac e, and in order to protect the health of the citizens resid ircr in Sever Zone I?umber Five, i.rl Sub -Division A Sever Distract Eo. 3, that *combined storm and sanitary sewers be constructed ord laid at the cost of the lots or parcels of land benefitted therebtr, erd all of tl.e lots or parcels of land embraced in said ,one are hereb-: decl, r -'d to be the p rorert'v bene- fitted, and subject to be assessed for the cost of corst-rr.ctinr said severs. S.3:CT ICI'? 2. Said 3e:`er ';one Number five, of Sub -Division <, of 2e79r District ho. 3, .in •.7hich saiel sevora are to be c)rstr;cte3, is described by metes and b_)ands as follo-.IS, to -.lit: No. . /-'/ - Ordinance No..—_ °BeFrinning .at the intersection of the center lines of 14th Street and Trimble Street: therce southward with the center line of 14th Street 203 feet 3 inches to the center Line of an alley; thence eastward 71 th the can ter line of said alley to the center line of 13th Street; thence north- Yarl with the center line of 13th Street 203 feet 3 inches to the center line of Trimble Street; thence eastward with the center line of '.Trimble Street to a point 203 feet 3 inches eastward from the center line of Gth Street; said point being the intersection of the center line of Trimble Street and. the center line of an alloy ::hi ch runs south from Trimble Street; thence in a northerly direct ion parallel to and 203 feet 3 inches eastward from the center of Gth Street to a point in the center li.r_e of Campbell Street 217 feet 6 inches northward .from the :intersection of the center lines of Campbell and Sidi Streets west of Campbell Street; thence northward tth the center line of Campbell :street 67 feet G inches to a point 285 feet north- ward from the center line of 6th Street '.gest of Campbell Street; thence 7o str:ard _peraliol to and 285 feet from the center line of 6th Street .vest ofV amll'ell Street and along the northerly line of lots 144 o.r:d 154 in the Pl our noy, Yorton, Trimble and Harris nd,l i ti or , a distance of 410 .feet to the curter line of ''arri.e Street; thence southward with the center line of Aarris Street 57 feet G inches to a joint 227 feet 6 inches, measured alore the center line of Farris Street From the center line of Gth Street; thence westward perallel to and 227 feet 6 inches from the center line of Gth Street 460 feet t0 a point or the Coiter line of 3oyd Street; thence deflecting 3 degrees 58 minutes to the left c )ntinuinF Qwest••:arl yarallol to ar•1 226.?5 feet from the center line of Gth Street, measured at richt ^males to 6th Street to a point 200 feet '.vest of the '.vest property line of Burrett Street, said 200 .feet being measured parallel to Sixth Street; thence southward parallel to and 200 Feet from the :rest property line of Burnett Street, said distance being: measured parallel to Sixth Street, to a point on the center line of firth Street, if extended; thence westward on the center line of Ninth Street, if extended, to the common intersection ioir:t Klocks 40, 41, 51 and 50 of Fl.ourro;I, i:orton, Trimble ni Mrr.is MUM, said point being 400 feet, more or less =ruin the west property line of Burnett Street an! measured parallel to Pirth Street, if extended; thence southward, on the line between Bloch 41 and 51 of Flournoy, Norton, Trimble e.nd Harris _=d iition, a distance of 330 feet, more or 'ess, to a point 150 .feet north of the north yroperty line of 'Tenth Street, said point being on t; e south rro?,arty line of on alley, if extended, rurnin,- east and went through said Block- 41; thence westward on a line parallel to and 150 feet from the north prof erty line of Tenth Street, sail 150 feet being measured par•^_!lel to Flournoy Street a d ist_ rce of 259 feet, more or less, to a point 150 feet northward from the north I rod ert; line of Tenth Street ar/ 1.41 feet east- ward from the east prorert,V line of 'lournoy Street, said 150 feet being measured parallel to Flournoy Street and said 141 feet beirg measured parallel to Tenth Street; thence south, -pard or a lire parallel to arr'i 1,111 feet from the east property line of Flournoy Street, said 141 feet being measured parallel to Tenth Street, a listarce of 180 feet, more or less, to a 2,0irt in thece.'ter lire of - Tenth Street, said point b0;n- !hone a line parallel to and 141 feet from the -•,est properrV line of Flournoy Street intersects the center line of Terth Street; said 141 feet being measured parallel to Tenth Street; thence west.,ard on the center line of Ter,th Street a distance of 601 feet, more or less, to a point -:here the -YA line of Block 62 of the 1'lournoy, i;orton, I'r:mble and Parris dditior., if entailed, intersects the center line of Worth Street, said point being 200 feet measured from the center line of Cleveland =,ve;.ue W meamwod 1tcr'.^_11el to Worth Street; thence south-;ard on the lire bet -aeon Blocks 62 and 72 of the Flournoy, Norton, Tr lnible ar!d Harris Addi- tion, a distance of 190 :Peet, more or less, to a point ::he -re the line between lots 1.4 ar:d 15 of 31ock 62 Flournoy, Norton, 'i`r:W39 arra Parris jddition intersect the west property Me of Block 62 Plournoy, 1horton, Tr imble and Harris rid tion, said point bei.r7r 200 feet west of the center lire of Cleveland ;,venue end 160 "eet south of the north r,ro,-. arty lire of =lock 62 Fl0urnoy, Norton, _'nimble f and uarris A tion, said 200 feet being measnreR a,erallel �l to Tenth Street, ar.d said 160 :feet being measured parallel to Cleveland !avenue; thence westward across Block. 72 of the No. 941 _ Ordinance No. Flournoy, Dorton, 'Pr imhle r..Ta ihrris ::dl it ion to o ),oirt of in ter Coot ior, 'where r.. 113,;(' pa LI Ie I to anal 195 :feet 1,t ri,zht ar,wleo from the center lire of Tor.th Street, located :rest of Terrell Str et, intersects t',� ccrtor Dire of i:orth Str>et, .if exteirled, .ai'1 point beim 255 "Oct. more or lest, from the ce; Lcr lits, of that portion or _)leventh Street, located between Greer rel north Streets, said 255 feet being measured parallel to north Street: thc:x"'ce :•rest- :ard parallel to -nd 195 feet 'wt rio-ht nrzles from the center Dine of Ter.th Street to a mint Or the certer line of 7alm Street, swia point neinz 195 feet from the center line of Tenth Street, measured at ri^,ht cr:^les to Tenth Street; thence in a southorly lirecti.on alone the line of the certer of Palm Street to a point 242 feet 6 inches sont-h"aard'from tiie center line of .13th Street; thence east- %w,rd, parallel to and 242 feet 6 inches from the center lire of 13th Street to the center line of 'lill.ett Street; thence southward along the center lire of :7illett Street and said Carter line exten'ed, to a oint 195 feet south- '.rarl from the cer:tor line of 14th Strret; thence east"^t:rd alonz c line 195 -Peet south of the center of 14th Street, measured at rt^ht anmles to 14th Street,c^irl lire deflocting to cinfo-rm to t):e an,le in 14th Street at_axon Street, to the ck=ntcr line of=Jourroy Street; thence south:-rard along the center Eire of P-our•r.oy Strl:et 2_'! said center line, if e.:terled, to a point 22u :eat sonth-.rcrd from t),e center line of Ii shing Street, s ­ i Loint bcircz 'rithin the limits of Oak Grove Cemetery; tY.eree east alone a line paral7e7 to and 226 :feet from the center line oi' Rushir.e Street to a point 180 feet northr;o.rd Ener. the certer lire of - i. e Stroct, mea^"_o1 ct rizla r.;^les to Trir_ble Str-lot, said roirt beim on ti -.e south property lire Of. ""n alley :ihich runs throuzh Bloc 110. 46 of tl:e 2101n•r'07, I:ortor Primble and ?rc.rris ::dlltior; thence cast'. -lard ,Ilor�- said south prof' ty lire of ssil alley to ',;:e line bot.veen lots Yo. 3 and 4 0." sail 31oc}: i'.o. 46; thence s•�u.t'r..nsd .rith said lire bet.-recr: lots _'o. 3 and 4, 189.4 feet to Ll point in the center of 'il imble St-rrcet, 39 Feet, more or 1.e:': :icstnard from,, Lice cei_ter line )f 15th Street, ,_._•erred ^1orQ the center of Trimble Street; thence 'aith the center line of Trimble ,treat to the intersec±;ion of the center lines of 14th Street and Trimble Street, to the point of be Pinning." SEC T IO r 3. Said Zone embraces the hereinafter named streets and alleys; all of the property bex:efi.tte.l in sail Zor.e does not abl:tt on _,laid streets and alleys; some of said )iroperty not abutti.rg or shy of said streets and alleys. Said streets and alleys it Sever Zane ilumber Five, in Sub -Division A, Sew=r .District Yo. 3, are described as follows, to -::it: "Both sides of _3ushine Stroet from Flownoy Street to Tully ='=verue. Both sides of 14th Street from 2rimble Strect to '7illett 3"treet. mast side of 14th Jtroct fro!,=4rimb-le Street to an alto:, half war bat••tcen Trimble and C1^1. 3tr-t. Both :;ide, nt 7:;th 3tr:,at frot_ ' u_x7 'tt Strect to Palm Street. ";est side of 13th Street from Trimble Street to 4n alley half 'dap bet -neer. hrimble •and C7av Str^ets. Both si les ,)f 12th Street from Trimble Straet to palm Street. Both sides of 11th Street from 3017d Str,:et to Falm Street, includin> s, c} rronert,r b,,t ,-:.gin "lournoy and north Streets as, ^butts on the center linc� o:'" 11th Street, if extended, bot-'reen Plornrnoy and i'ortl ,troets. Both sibs o_' 10th .tr.^.et ''non: Trimble Street to a point 141. -'-'.et c,! - ,t of L1ie ea:?t, r•rol, rt- line of ^lournoy Street. No. 91-141 Ordinance No. ----- - The Smith rld6 of 10th Str,!ot from a point 3.43 feet east Of the cast proy—rt,­ 11;-- �f 'Ilo-orno7 Sur (',t to a point 160 feet west of the west -,ro] Orty line of Cleveland ivenue. Both sides of 9th `;trnet from Trimble Street to a point 200 feet west of the west property line of Biirnett Street. The south side of 9th Street from a point 200 feet west of the west property line of Burnett Street to a point 400 feet west of the -,,ro-rart;, lint-, of Burnett Street, including the richt-of­vay of b -o Cairo Branch of the Illinois Central -Railroad cy-cl such proparty as abutts on said rl^ht-of­.vay vvithin thesp limits. Both sides of Oth 3trorit from J-'rimble Street to point 200 feet west of the cast pro.perty line of Burnett Street. Both sides of 7th Street from Car ,,bel Street to Ell point 200 fret west of the.sect l,­roj­artT lire of Rurrett Street, and from Trimble Street to L, point 260 fact north of Trimble Street. Both sides of 6th Street from Irimble Street to c. point 200 feet :.Vest of the vest pro]�ert,­ line of Burrett Street. Both :;ides of Gardner 2IT-ei lip frori '-.eech to Burnett StrgPt. Both sides of an alle,, bett--7eer ITar-ri.9 -Trj 71*IM,]c Str �a LI,, 1r0-�JUT:3UreattoTTrrCLSStreet. Both sides of an alley between Boyd arrl 7riT-1)le Streets, from 10th Street to Boyd Street. The east side of lo -lm Street from 15th Street to an alley between 20th and 11th 3treets. -f' live Street �-eorr,. 13th 3trc-)(,t to a Both sides o I r alley bet. -Teen 10th erd 17th Streets. Both sides of Pern Street from 12th Street to an alley bot-veen 10th and 11th Streets. Both sides of Salem Avenue from 13th Street to 12th Street. Both sides of _'llis Street from 12th Street to an alley between 10th and 11th Streets. Both sides of Hampton I'%vP-,ue from 13th Street to 12th Street. The east side of Millett Street from 14th Street to 13th Street; and the ­!eFt side of *.7illett Street from L, point 242 feet 6 inches south of the center line of 13th Street to 13th Street. Both sides of Greer Street from 12th Street to an al2eY bet%lleen 10th ar.d 11th Streets. Both sides of Faxon Street from 14th ',treat to 12th Street. Both sides of 'ortn Str^et from 12th Street to an alley 20th a2A 11th itreets. Both sides of Cloveland ::venue from 11th Street, if extended, to 10th Street. Side of Ploilrnoy Street from 'Nshirc, 3troet to a yo`rt 195 feet south of the certer lire of 14th Street. Both sides of : Plourroy Street from. point 105 feet south of t',"e center line of 14th Street to 10th Street. Both sides of Tull-., _Lveruc from Pr.shLrq :Street to 14th Street. I. !' �orth side of an alle-- bnt,veer, T -in -',le Street and Tal I.- ;,venue from -- )-oint 22C, Acet south or t,�e center line of bzshinir Street to the proycrt-- lii-e ctneer lots numbers ard 4 of Bloc]: J.,o. 46, 711)r-croy, Yortor, Har*,,is and IriTr,102e ,ddltioaa to the Cit-,- of ladLicah, said propert-,T lire beirz 39 feet, more or lest, ,-iestv.,arld from the cea.ter lire of 15th Street, if ey-tended. Both sides of an alley 150 feet -aest of and parallel to Burnett Street, from 9th Street, 265 -feet to an alley. both sides of an a2le,,,,- parallel to and approximately half '.vay oet',veen Burnett Street ar.-I Flournoy Street from 12th Street to 10th. Street. Both :,ides Street from lr7th to a point 227.5 feet north of the center line of 6th fitreet. Both of -Bernheim Avenue from 13th iiLreet to 112th Street. Both siAes Of Fjr)10;7 )treat from 10th Street to 6th Street. 'ifilble Street to a Both -ides 0f Boyd 9troet from _1�I point 227.5.feet north of the center line of 6th Street. Both ,i les of trarrin Street from _,`rinible ;Street to a point 227.5 feet north of tla' Carter Line of 6th Street. The east side of Street from a I:oirt 227.5 feet north Of the center line o= i"th Street treat to a point 270 feet north of the center line )f 6th Street. No. I?L/- Ordinance No. ----.-- Both ::ides of Campbel 1 '3treet• from Tr imble 5tr,;et to a point 228.86 feet north of the center line of that pert of Gth Stroet -vest of Campbell Street. The ':;est ,;ido of CanIbell. 3treot from ^ point 228.86 feet north of t-hc center line of that part of 6th Street vest of Campbell Street to e point 270 feet north of said center line of 6th Street. 'Phe north side of 'Primble Stroet from a point 39 feet, more or less, rrest.t^rdly from ti.e center line of 15th Street, to c point 203 feet 3 inches east'.rarll7: from the center line of 6th Street. The south silo of Trimble 3treet from 14th Stroet to 13th Street. Both sides of leech =vemze from 70th St --eat to .11th street. Both: ;-ides o er elle; het :een Ccr be17 Street and Harris Stroet, _rla1.1'I trerrto, from 7th Street to point 270 feet north of the center lire of GtI•. Stroet. Both sides of or a11e7 ha.':'^^.i: 'ernh;ir. .'.venue and Trimble Stye L, ar,d para11e7 th^roto, from 12th 3treet to a point 700 "eet vest or the cera ter of 12th Street, said 700 feet b•eir.c measured alo'r,u the alley." SSC TIOII 4. The object of r,aminp� the streets t.r'_-1 alleys in sail Zone is for the I:rzrnose oiay of -ivirP7 additional notice to tiie I rOjlert—, o-:,rers that their ),rol,ert,,- is embraced in sail more. S:N'.i Hit 5. A Blue I-rint or ,plat sho•air.a the bourdar,, of Sever ,'.one Fumber Five, naminc ar:_l �:ho:•dr.r the streets eriuraced ir- .,aid Se-:,er sone, and shw-anc the lines an'1 curses of the se':«rs to be corstructed, said lines and curses being s-0)ject to char.ae, is filed herewith and made a part of this Resol.ttior_, ;.:asked Eyhibit "s". SLCTIOi' 6. A Blue Irina or ],Dat shoairp,- t're boPrdarz' of said r :one and sho'.'rrina the streets embraced therein, a, l sho-•rine the lines :r i. courses of the se-aers to be constructed, said lines CTA courses boi.rr subject to chanee, sh^11 be kept on file in the of-fice of the Commissi.or-or of Diblic ;'orks for the use of the public gorerally and particularly for the use of the property ozmers residin!: in or ocrninF property in said Zone. S --,,'CT 1011 7. This Resolution shall Lake effect and be in force 'Pen (10) days from ^rd after its pv-csafio, record and publication. 3_1C0RD—D !'ARCH 7T1i, 1�) 23. UB:,ISHI:J " 19w3. b4a,ror .