HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 7, Page 933, No Resolution Numberii R ' - 1 1 1 IJ;!TwR THREE, Is SUB-DIVAIMS' B, 2 )1'37210T MWO TO :3- .', MMAS 31TY, AM SITTIRG OUT, Is i.:;]': ?°_-. TAII, THE TROYERTY '20 TH:] j-x',Y!:-J!T C"., T"--; 00,BT OF there has boor created and established in the 31ty of Paducah, ReMucky, Soler Dintrict so, 3, AM has beer divided into Sub- No.—! I Ordinance No.--.--.-- Divisions o. —_Divisions , B 7Ji� R S, there is boinQ constr:.cted, :in said 3e••!er District, tr:mk line se'r:ers at the cost of the Cit;% of icduoah, ,:entr,cky, .!hick triink line se::,ers are rearinP, completion: and, ;7??:;3e1.S, there has been created ar:d established Sever 'ore 1 Pumbor Three, in Sub -Divisions A and B, Serer District ??o. 3, by an Ord ii:ar:ce adol)tad b;r the Boerd of Com* it sionr-,rs or. the 23rd da;.- of =ebrurry, 1923, '..herein said ''one is desacribed b;% mete:; nrd bourds, and a 11at of sai•1 %or.e is filed in the office of the Commi.s:,ior.er of Tublic 7orks, 'which may bo seen b;7 an;!)r.a interested; and, Se-Vor :ore = „r;ber 'hree, in Sub -Division:, Aand B. Se.7er District l:r..--her 3, is not providel 'lith se'•!ers and is in a t^ichl, po nil, -ted territory, a.rd in Order to provide a(loquate sa--rers for the in .,.aid :one, it is hnreb• lecl-r,ed erl. deemed _ nac- essit; b, the Boarl of Commis:•.iore-r:; n- tha Cit.* or 1rcah, ortnck %. that .,•^_nitar;% .., ;ens be corctrnctc'! in . ^il ::one iii order to rrovifle adequate qra7e for tl:.a, 1 col ec` o :Teri in ..ail -one: 1'0.7, ntr •� C? BIT :'.iS 9:') BY OF _;?� CI^Y 05 I_iDUC_z'F,._s'j!WC Y: It is hereby declnxel afie CeS.;Lt?% by the Boerd of Commission of tine Cit;- of Tclucah, Zontucky, in ordar to secl;re aleouate se!erane, cr,d in order to ,lrotect the }iealth of the citizens resirlinrz ir. Seiner h)re ?`tmber Three, in Sub-Diviniors A and B, 3e -:l( -r .District :io. 3, that sar,ita se.-!ers be cor:stri%cted and J,,at t) -o co:,t of the lots or parcels of la:i benefitted the-rob,i, arl all of the lots or parcels of 1-n-1 embrn ;el in sari Zone are heron-: loclarod to hr: t},.e 1-1-0-nertr benefitted, and subject to be a. ad for the cost of constructirFo- said seWers. S`CiIOIe 2. Said ;;e:ver "one ]inn.^.her T})ree of )ub-:Divisions " and B, of Se.7er District I`o. 3, in •!hick s_ irl se mrs are to be corstructed, is described by metes and bounds as follo:•!s, to --!nit: "Be?•inning at the intersection of the cei ter line of Brakeman hvenuo and Baume'r ��venu.e : thence ':':i.t}: the center lire of Paurner Avenue, in e :vestclarcl (Iii-octior:, to a point 150 .feet east of t}: intersection of the carter lire of Balmer Lvenue aiI the south property l:in; Of t}7& }.at of Srlithl•-YA ::ver-ue north of 3a-t1m(lr xverue; thenco at rimht an rtes south.'!ard 197 feet; thence at ri; ht angles 'aest- aard 189 feot; thence deflect i.~ 107 de -gees 13 mirmtes, to the lift, 140 Beet: t'r,er;ce deflactirLt 84 de=nse:, 53 minut(Is, o the ri^ht, 183.2 in, n, l;; thence defleeti.ne 97 de,rees 27 rlirute:c, to t' e left, 316 . wet: thei)ce deflect ir:R90 de ­ r --c,-., to tii.ro • -ht, IW .4 --pet, to apoint or.I. the center of th9 ?V'f'ielrl. _{oad 175 feet iolit}1'n1rd from the C91 --ter line of Tn9cler Avor ile, rre.asured al )r;cr ;,raia cei.tor line of the ?:'a; -field : oa,1; t)ler:ce at rin}:t> i, •le^ south -.,and with the No.—LW- Ordinance No..___ cent er of th e Fayf field Road 225 foot thence ce at t 1 obt or 71 es n,st -_yd 190 feet; thence at N :.at an—Ins rortn rd, pc.r llel to the Vayfield Road, to a point on tete south 1-rorert.- l re of an -alley, if extended, said point heino- 210 feet, more of less, south of the south property line of ',`Iheeler Avenue; thence westward with tie south property line of said alley j 680 feet, more or less, to the center of B Street; thence northward whth the center of B Street to a point on the center fine of an alley, said point boirg 3.38 feet north of the center lire of Sheeler dverue; thence at richt ar:mlos � east.-ar,l �Uh the center line of said alla7 396 feet to the center of .1 Street; thence 't r1wht t'r7les northward with the center of A Street 21 feet; thence at ri.o-ht aroles east card 193 feet to the Carter of an alley; thence at rieht aL&os north-:arl •ith the c=arte= of said alley 96 feet to a point 59 feet ::o -:ti- the soy.':'. yroyerty line of Guthrie Avenue; thence at ri It av l rd, parallel to Guthrie Avenue 763 feet, to the • an&7 Line of the I'ayfiel.d Road; thence northward :•in' , ropert7 lines of the La••field AM and Goebel AyQyn, 159 et to a point 40 feet north of the ro-rth rropert• l'rc of luthr to Avenue; thence at riMt an -In- 7qvt7arl 163 _—it to the center of ^n alley � thence at r_mht nrOnc rorty ,.rl pith the carter line of the 03=a& sgil cot t. , lire q7torlsq, 720 "Pei., more or less, to the cer7or li. a- :`o:'iI "vnrue, 1, oytordaU thence at r i -ht Mor, 49 cor ter lire of Uorfeh :,verve, if , 203 feet to the e.st rrorert77 ._ line of Goebel .-.. ^-rc•, at rMt a -Ins -In .�nortboa-d with then ast rrojortT line of loehnl Lvenun 123 feet to a r: hoit 106eat north of the forth. yro�_� evt^ lire of jorter. .'.venue; thence deflectir._ 90 Uar s 36 mlyvW, to the richt it or eastaNy Urqctio, rollowirq the rear bounlories of lots frortKa oi Norter Avenue 186feet; thence defloctiro 12 decrees 46 minutes, to Me ri xht, cortinuir,r to follow the rear bounlariez of lots fro7iNna of :7or.ten Avenue 132.5 feet; thence de"lQatins* 2, d•e;r:es 10 minutes, to tie ri,ht, con. inn- infi to follow the rear boundaries of lots fronting on .7orter Avenue, 329.7 feet, to the center of 'Tennessee Street; thence, deflecting 85 devrees 38 minutes, to tips left, in are easterly direction alonq the ceLter lire of Tenrassee Street 12G feet, more or less, to r_ _uoir.t 221 Toet from tt e east property line of :'Torten :lveLue; thence at rL-ht my—los it _ southerly direction 155 feet; thn; ce at ri,ht _..=-lasest and 95 feet to the center of an ally- a ;point 326 Not eastof the east property line of ;porter hverne; thence at WHO an les southward on line with the center of said alley to tie center of Brakeman Avenue; thence southward along the ee_-ter of Brakeman :_ver ue, to the point of beginr.ino." j A I. D F U R i ii E R L O R "BeRinr.!no at a point on the east rropartr Fine of the L:o-,:_•ield Road 300 feet north of the north property line of Ce.lar Avenue, said 300 feet hoir.m measured Worn said east property line of the Payfield Road; thence southnari elonq the east Property line of the ]'.^_*-field Ron l 100 feet; thence at rinht aryles wistwarl to a point W ''eet westward from the west rrorert77.ine of the Mayfield Road; thence at richt anxles southward or a lire rarnllei to the ra-?'iel.d Road, to a line which rurs at ri^ht arr7es to the I` 1fiell Road and which intersects the n, -)est rrorerty line of said road 300 feet southward from: a roint where the east property lire of said road is intersected by the south property line of cuarles Avenue; thence at ri7ht ah -lop east.ard to a point 168 feet eastward from the east pro; erty:�rline of said road, said 16L feet beim measured parallel. to Cuarles Avenue; thonce at rimht arolcs northward, on a line parallel to the lAyfield Road, to a point 300 feet rorthward from the north property ]eine of Cedar Avenue, said 300 feet being measured parallel to the L07field. Road; thence nost-rard, parallel to Cedar Averue, to the poirt of beginning." Ss'C T IOU 3. ..aid Zone embraces the hereinafter nomad streets and all-ys, all of the r,c•ora-rty benefittod in sail Zone does not abr,tt on said streets and el leys; some of said property not abutt, inj on ary of said streets and alleys. No.91341)--- Ordinance No. Said stracts or I Mays in Sewer ' ohe Number Three, in Sub - Divisions A and B, Sewer District No. 3, are described as follows, to - ,vi t "East side of "B" Street- from tTe alley intersecting "B" Street 170 feet, more or lees, south of Wheeler Avenue, to the �-il.ley .intersecting "B" Street bet^,cen 71',eeler end Guthr ie Avenues. ;Jest side of "A" Street from the alley intersect it "«" Street 1.80 font, more or lees, south of Meeler Avarua, to an alley intersecting "A" Street between Wheeler and Guthrie avenues. East side of "A" Street from the alley intorsectirP., Street 180 feet, more or 2obr, south of Wheeler Aver ne, to an point 359 feet north of t -]c center of Theeler Averve. -,lest side of the Pa rfio!F Rov d, from a point 400 feet south of the center of Teelnr Averue, to a poirt 59 feet south of the south prorart- line of Guthrie avenue. West side of Goebel -vogue, from a point 40 "cat north of the rorth property line of Guthrie Averro to a point on line lith the cantor line of Torten Avermo, if eater. t ed . Vast side of the :.�;fiold Road or Goebel --vmne, from aro.int 175 feet south of the center of Wheeler Avenue, if e.,terled, to a point 132.5 feet north of the Carter _, Torten Avenue. South side of Tennessee Street, from its intersection with the ho field Road, or Goebel -=venue, to a point 221 feet_amardl.•; from the east prope.rty line of '.'torten Avenue. Porth side of Tennessee Street from its intersection with the i_ayfield. Bead, or 'Goebel -venue, to a point 96 feet east•aardly from the east property line of torten Avenue. Both sides of Smithlard -venue from Baumer Avenue to Brakeman Avenue. '.Jest side of Rrakeman Avenue from Baumer Aver ue to Smithland Avarua. Both sides of :torten Avarua from bmithland "venue to Goebel Avenue. ITorth side of Baumer Avenue from Brakeman "ver:ue to the Hayfield Road or Goebel Avenue. South side of Daumer -verve from a point 150 feet east of the intersection of the center lire of BaAmer iverue and the south property line of Smithlard Averue to the Ya2field. Road or Goebel "venue. Both sides of Wheeler -vonue from the I.:ayfield -Road to "B" Street. Both sides of Guthrie =verro, from the !Z;Ti.eld Road, to a roint 338 fact ea: t of the cost property lire of the Nay£ield Road. Both ;ides of tle alley intar2octinT Baumer Avenue 180 feet west of the intersection of the certar lines of Banner ar.d Brakeman =-venues. Both sides of the 0107 intersect in? Torten Avenue 150 feet o^ -::t of Goebel Avenue. East side of the Layfield Boal from a Toirt 300 feet north of the north prorerty lire of Celrr• Avenue to a point 300 feet south of the south rror .T t,- line of l e. Ave] -.,.e. ,Dent side of the .. • 'ield MY from a IOU 200 -.eat r:orth of tie north Iroye-rt• lire of Mar Avnrue to a roir:t 300 feet south of the south Property line of FuuMe.• Avorue." S 0TION 4. The object of naming the streets and ,alleys in said Zone is for the purpose only of Tiv.ing Mitional notice to tho propert;r owners that their property is embraced in ^aid Zone. SSC TIOI' P. A Blue print of plat showing the board== of '3 Tor "one t;r]ifuge •.rh-ree, naming?; and she Anp Win streeta eT^.braced in said Seder Zone an't ohowinz t:_e lines ar.l c Asses of the sewers to be constrncted , said lines a I coir „es beim subject to char ye, is filed herewith erl ..ale r part of this Resolution, marked ;7xhibit "C". No. �FI7 Ordinance No. SECTINT s. L Blue Fr int or plat showirr the bou •d:_ry of sail So7or gone and sho aide the streets embraced therein, and ;ah1)77inq the lines ar:d courses of the sewers to be constructed, Bail lines and courees hei.nq subject to change, shall be kept on file :in the office of the Commissioner of Fublic Arke for the use of the public Yoner^_lly <_nd particularly for the use of the property owners residing in or ormins Property in sail ?one. S CT IOi- 7. This Resolution Wall take affact arl be in force Ten (30) daps from and after its pa2• amn, .record a; l :u.,.lication. %y(�u q3 RACO1DED I: RCH 7TH, 1923. PUBiISii'sD " u" 1923.