HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 7, Page 927, No Resolution NumberA R3SOLUTIOT? J::C10I1:G THE C(?I'S'T'FiU^.TIOId OF Sf.TdITGI?Y Sn71S29 ITT 3_:.'132 ZONE IMM32 TA, In SUB-DIV1- MN B, S_;:lis^ TO ;;. A N20193ITY, AM 33TTII ! OUT, IF ::ll'S, TT': 7707D�TY SUBJMT TO 711 I . V 77 ^,OST OP 9AVS. i there has been cr . A ^r,Z establishers, in the ^,ity of Taducnh, ,"^stuck?, Sorer District Po. 3, which has been Ji7id& irto Sub-Divisions A, B and C: and, i I I r�:_;::,,s, there is beinm constructed in said Sewer Dintrict trunk lire Se7e-rs at the cost of the City of Taducah, _'ertucky, which trunk line servers are nearinm completion; and, '7}LAVAS, there has boor ore»ted and established, Sewer lone ?dumber roo, in Sub-Division B, Sewer District No. 3, by an Orlirance atonted by the Board Of Cormi.ssioners on the 23rd day of February, 1923, i wherein said -.lone is described by metes Mrd bouLds, •^nd a plat of said Zone is filed in the o=ffice of the Commissioner of Public Vorks, -Which may be seen by anyane interested: and, I :Iii:A2 AS, Sever Zone slumber M, in Sub-Division B, Se':rer Dis- trict Nsiber 3, is mot provided ri.th seweraoe and is in s trickly populated territory, erd in order to provide adequate soweraee for the property i owners in said ':one, it is hereby= declared ani deemed a necessity by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah, thet sanitary sewers be constructed in sail Zone in order to rrovide adequate sewera7e for the � property owners in said Zone; NOW, B3 IT 1. 301V,.D BY 'P°T.S BOAR) OF COi'vissior ;?2s OF THE CITY OF IADUCAH, L ld'PUCi t: SECTION 1. It .is hereby declared a necessity by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, in order to secure adequate se7erare, and in order to protect the health of the Citizons reMAY in Seger ,,one Number Two, Sub -Division B, Sev,or District No. 3, that saritgry sewers be constructed and Laid at the cost of the lots or parcel s of lend benofitted thereby-, and all of the lots or parcels of land embraced in Said %one are hereby decl Ted to be the nroporty benefitted, and subject No. Ordinance No to be assessed for the cost of oonstruoting said sewers. S OT 101 2. Said Sower Zone Dumber Two, of Oub-Division B. of Sower District No. 3, in which said sewers are to be constructed, is des - Bribed by metes ar:d bounds as follows, to -reit: "Beginning at a point in the center line of Jones Street, if extended, and 76 feet and 6 inches eastward from the center line of 2nd Street, if exterrled , sai.i point beir.r .',:e southwest corner of First Sewer Dis- trict; thence northward with the boundary line of First Sewer District, and parallel to and 76 feet and 6 inches from the center line of 2nd Street, if exterded, a distance of 423 feet to the center of Tennessee Street; thence at right anal es eastward r.rd with the center line of Tennessee Street ard with the boyndary of the first Rawer District, 93 feet and 2 inches, more or '_ess, to the center of the 36 inch trunk line sg7er for Sub -Divisions B and C, of Sewer District Do. 3; thence, deflect'r.s 96 degrees 54 minutes to the right , ul the center lire of said trunk line sewer, as follows; 160 feet, more or loss.to a manhole; thence deflecting• 7 decrees 50 minutes right, 180 feet: thence deflecting 13 degrees 52 minutes left, 233 feet and 6 inches; thence deflecting 23 donrees 47 minutes riTht, 153 feet and 2 inches; thence deflecting 22 deErroes 31 minutes left, 126 feet and 11 inches; thence doflecting 8 degrees 58 minutes ri?ht, 278 feet and 6 inches; thence deflecting 5 degrees 56 minutes left, 292 feet and 11 inches; thence deflecting 6 degrees 55 minutes left, 385 feet and 8 inches; thence deflecting 3 degrees 32 minutes ri:ht,565 feet ar.d 6 -inches; thence deflecting 4 degrees 04 minutes left, 528 feet and 3 inches; thence deflecting 7 degrees 30 minutes left, 482 feet and 4 inches to a point on the ..'est bank of Island Week; thence uy Island Creek_ bank as follows: deflecting 42 degrees 35 minutes right, 251 feet and 7 inches; thence deflecting 14 degrees 21 minutes right, 311 feet and 6 inches: thence deflecting 5 degrees 10 minutes left, 183 feet to a point on the center line of the Keyes Street Bridge over Island Creek, said point being 260 feet and 7 inches southeasterly from the center line of Broad Street, measured along the center line of 4th Street; thence continui.nn up Island Creek bank .with the center line of a proposed sewer, as follows: deflecting 4 degrees 18 minutes richt, and at an aKVI e of 78 learees 12 minutes :with the center line of the 4th Street Bridge, 260 feet; thence de_lecti.rg 7 degrees 28 minutes left, 615 feet to a point in Kalrut Street, on Island Creek Bank; thence deflecting 8 degrees 05 minutes right, 325 feet; thence deflecting 5 degrees 15 minutes right, 390 feet: Vence deflecting I degree 15 minutes, more or less, to the right 357 feet, more or less, to a point on the center lire of Bridge Street and 51.2 feet and 6 inches from the intersection of the center line of Bridge Street and the center line of Broad Street, being the center line of an alley in Block No. 2, Allen's Addition to the City of laducah; thence westward with the center line of said al.ley at right ar.cles to Br i.dge Street, 230 feet; thence at right angles northward 167 feet and 6 inches pith the west line of Lot to. 5, Block Do. 2, Allen Is i.dd it ion, to the center of Allen Street, westward of Bridge Street; thence at right angles westward with the center lire of Allen Street, 285 feet; thence at right angles northward with the .west lire of Lot To. 24, Block Do. 1, Allen's Addition, 147 feet and 6 inches to the center of an alley, 177 feet and 6 inches from the center of Broad Street; thence at richt angles westward with the center line of said alley and said center line extended, parallel to Broad Street, 531 feet; thence at right angles northward 407 feet and 6 inches, crossing: Broad Street at e point 1046 feet from the center lire of Bridge Street: thence at right angles eastward, parallel to and 230 feet north of the center line of Broad Street, a listance of 1376 feet, more or less, to a point 200 feet '.west of the center line of Sixth Street, measured at right angles to said center line; thence northward -parallel to Sixth Street 200 feet, more or less, to the ;south property line of property listed under the name of Aar,k letter, ;;aid south property line being perallel to aril 167 feet, more or loss, from the south prrol:ert line of Iic;'inley Street; thence No.. Ordinance No. 2t-7ard parallel. to I' ''t;rnet 500 feet: thence at right anTles northward parallol to ar.(I .500 feet from the center line of Sixth Street, a distance of 582 feet ard 2 inches, more or les.-;, to a point 18.1. feet and 6 inches south of the center lire of ]lizaboth Street-; thoisce at ri^ht angles viest'vard 3,kirallol to rirrl 182 feet and G ircheq from the center line of ;Iizabeth Street, 100 feet to the sollth- west corner of -',ot ],a. 27, Ploch :10. 1, Addition 811. thence at ri,ht 2t71os northward alorrl the wost lines of Lots j:iimbers 27 and 28, 11locl: 1, A(Irlition "T', V. distance of 361 feet and 5 inches-, thence at ri-lit -.Webs eastward 90 feet; thence at r i -ht r,) -1 ra­, rorth:iard --!,i t1i the west line of lots _17iimbors 40 35. ­,TooT.vard addition on GeorPc Street, 357 .feet ard :1) inches to t} -,q nortiv-vost corner of said --ot yo. 35; t'nonce at ritzht anc,3os east- v.,ard 325 -'act to the coyitor of rin alley; t!"'!rce at ri,*ht ancrl as rorth.Mr(l ritb tho center lire of tr)-if exteriloc.l. 320 feet to the north line of a lot To. 20, a point 185 'oet vest7ard from the carter lire of 6th Street; thence at richt rn­rlos east*.-iard 417 feet 6 inches; th(-Kce at rirht an -les rortlh,:,rard 40 feet-, thence at 'richt am-Ies caEt-vard 364 feet 9 inches. to a -roi3't 20:3 feet and 3 inches eastward from the center line of 5th Street and 350 feet rorth.iard from the carter line of Geo -9:e Street; thence at ri,ht-Inzles southciard 350 feet -,a t} -.e center of George Street; thence at right vith the center lire of Georpn Street 206 feet and :3 inches to the center of ?ourth Stroet; thence at right rlr,r:Les northward ,with the ce, -,ter lir:1 e of 4th Street 051 feet to a point 200 feet south of the soath property :Lire of that part of Husbpnds .13uroet west of :Iifth Street extended, to Fourth Street; thence at rirrht an-7los Vest,'7ard and parallel to and 200 feet from the south pronert7T lire of that Part of Fiisbands Street ':rest of 5th Street, if extended, to Fourth Street, P. distance of 206 feet and 3 inches; thence at richt anal es south' -Yard 410 feet to the south line of v lot rovi o,.vried b-7 _.oras I.7cConrpll; thence at ri, t anFrIes .-iest-varl, 407 feet and 3 inches to a Ioint 187 feet east of the center line of 6th Street; thence at ri;zht an -les soi;th--,ard to the center line of 6th Street, 50 feet; thence at rirht -nnles -.vast.-:ard 187 fact 'to a 1-.oint in the certer of 5th Street and on the south proport,.- lire of '..'Iirray Avenue: theyrce at riRht aneIes south-:,,ard, _IlonF the canter line of Sixth Street, 30 feet; thence at 'right ^aIeG '7est-rard 203 feet and 3 inches to the ce2:t(,-z, of an alley; thence at richt ar.-L."Ies south'.,iard ­."Lth the c -!i ter lire of the alloy 110 feet; thence at runt 406 --Feet and G inches to the center of ar. all 'het-oor, 7th and 8th., Street: thprce at richt ar7los south-..rard ith tl-.e center line of the alle;; 70 feet-, thence at rir-ht arz-los west•vard 34 feet arA 3 Irchos: thence at richt --n—r] gs south--!ard 220 feet to the center of Bachman Street, a point 269 feet eastward from the center of 8th Street: thence at ri!zht an 11 as -westward -.-.-ith the center lire of Bachman Street, 191 feet and 6 inches to the ceyiter of nr alley 7hich runs southward from Bachman Street; thence at rif-rht aIT-7les southward'.lith tho certer lire of thy- allay 176 feet to an alley-, thence at rj.�ht anules, -.,e st ­.rard vrith the carter 11re of ars z!ll(-,y 17 feet and 6 inches; thence at riRlit anrles ..^outh-,vard alone the (east line of lots '"umbers 16 and 17, Block ITO. 7, Fisher's addition,, 'Cirlition, 376 feet to the center lire of'T-'lizabeLh Street, if eyterled; thence at rl^ht an~Ies westward with the center line of Elizabeth Street, if exter-left, 1012 feet and 6 inches, more or less, to a point 150 feet 'nest of the west pro- i_,erty lire of 10th Street-, thence at right ar�lns -Dorth- -:iarrl, parallel to and 150 fpot from the west property liy.p of 10th Street, a distance of 579 -feet and 6 inches, more or less, to the center line of Bachman Street, ey.ten-led; tt:(-r.ce at ri,,rht VncrIps wostvarl frith the center line of Bachman ,treat, extended, 12 feet-, thence north- aard, parnallol to ajwl 162 feet from the wast property line of 10th Street, f, distance of 921 feet, TPIOre Or less, to a point on the center line of er alley, if e:,:terded, 180 feet south of tip cantor of T.Tuobardr, Street; thence at right ar�-Ios v:ith the c,-,,r.ter lire of said V,13e- ani *.with the c(,3 -.ter line -of call aale-, if oNtorqed, 417 Cat to a 1�olrt 202 feet and G inches -.vpst�vard of the center of 11th , "treat; thoi,ce at richt nyn-lpr. north.rorq 180 feet - to tlla col;tor of TTu:ibnrds Str,�ot: thence at right al-7]as 3 I ,vost-:,,ard 'with the carter line of TTup-,bard9 Street, '02 Feet and 6 inches to the center of 12th. Street; If cyto-nded; therce at right flr,a'les northl"I"I-I 1.!ith tl.(, C.-)rter lire of No. cad Ordinance No. 12th Street, 840 feet to tie center of Nrton Street, a Point on the bouncers lino of 3e-aer District Va. F.; thence eastward with the center line �f Irorton Street and with the boundary lane of lever .Districts Dunbar^ 2 and 1, to a point halfway between 8th and 9th Street: thence at right anFlen northwarl 412 feet to the, center of Jones i Street; thence at ri-ht cnwler eas;t:^arl with the center line of Jones Street, art ,Tones :street if extended, and � with the boundary lire of Serer District To. 1, to the point of begirrin8•." A N D F U R T H E R I' O R "Beginning at the point or. the Tennessee ?liver bank :•r},ere the 36 inch trurh line :serer for cub -Divisions B and C of Sower District "o. 3 intersects the boundary of the Tirst Sewer District; 162 feet, morn or less, south of the center of Ohio Street; therce north ,yard with the boundary of said First Sewer District, parallel to 2nd Street, to a point 206 feet and 3 incises south of the certer of ','Iashing•ton Street: therce at ri.:ht an&es eastward with the boundary line of First Sewer District, 206 feet and 3 inches to the center of First Strect; thence at ri-ht angles northward and :pith the center line of First Street and with the boundary line of First Sewer District 206 feet and 3 inches to the center of Jashington Street; thence at right uncles eastward Frith the center line of lashinston Street and -•:ith the boundary line of First Seer District, 131 -feet, more or lesa, to the center line of the main trunk line sewer for Sub -Divisions B and C of Sewer District To. 3, on the Tennessee River Bark; thence southwest up the Tennessee River Bank, with the center lire of said Train trunk serer as follows: from the center lire of lashinnton Street defloctin? 115 decrees 10 minutes to the right, 127 feet to a manhole; thence deflecting 19 decrees 53 minutes left, 493 feet and 5 inches; thence deflecting 9 degrees 05 minutes left, 320 feet and 8 inches; thence deflecting• 10 decrees 58 minutes right, 466 feet and 1.0 inches: therce deflecting 5 degrees 09 minutes left, 325 feet; therce deflecting• 37 degroes 49 minutes right, 279 feet and 6 inches, to the point of beginning;." A IT D F U R T H E E 1.1 0 R P "Beginniro at r point or the center line of Caldwell Street 175 feet eastward from the intercectior- of the cantor lines of Caldwell Avenue and 7 1d ^cl l Street: therce north- ward, parallel to and 175 feet e~ • t-.ard from the center lire of Caldwell Avenue, if oTtended,to o-' point 190 fleet north- ward from the center line of Ca2t;ell Street; thence westward, parallel to Cald'.ell Street, 365 feet to a point 190 feet west of tho line of the center of Caldwell Averue,if enteMed, said 190 feet being measured parallel to Caldwell :street; thence southward, parallel to the center lire of Caldwell Avenue 960 feet; thence eastward, parallel to Caldwell Street, 190 feet to the center line of Caldwell Avarua; thence south- ward, with the center line of that straisht portion of Cald- well Avenue which extends to Caldwell Street, and with said center line of said straieht portion of Caldnell Avenue extended, to a point 830 feet from the center Lire of Cald- well Street, said 830 feet beinn measured parallel to Caldwell Avenue; thence eastward parnllel to Caldwell Street, 190 feet; thence northward, parallel to said straight portion of Cald- well Avarua, 830 feet to the carter line of Call7ell. Street; thence with the center line of Callrell Street, westward 15 feet, to the point of bowinning•." A IT .D FUR T n RI:," OR E "Beg:innir:n at a poirt on the east property line of Caldwell Avenue 270.41 feet northward from the point -hero sail east property lire intersects the east rimht of war boundary line of the 17'ashville, Chattanooga and St. louis R il•Iay; thorce eastward at right angles to Cald-:re1l '.venue ]55 feet• thence at ri-ht angles southward, pm.al le l to Oaldn0 3 Avow, to a ioirt 215 feet eant-,,_rd from sai1.east right of -.ray boundary line said 215 feet holm mea:n:: ed at ri-"It ar^•los to nail oust right of ray lire; blare@ sollth-7fir d on a straic}-.t. line, parallel to the tangential portion or said east right of way boundary lino to the center of Alizaboth Street, if extended ; thence eantwa-rdl;- along the cert,._ 1 ir.o of :;li^aboth Street, if extenled, to a j oir_t 155 feat north. and from the Ordinance No.. _ north property line, or that portion of brown Street which estonl s from the Union D97 of to Broad 3traet, :;aid 155 foot being measured at right anrlos to said portion of Bron Street; thence onst nard alar, a 309 755 feet from and parallel to the north rrorurty line of: Brown Street to the center of Green ':;trent; thence at ri-ht nWas south3a-rd along the center. of Green Street, and Green 3trnnt if extended, to the rest right of way boundary line of the T37i.nois Central ]?ailroad; thence nortl-.-:ard Ath .said boundary lino to the center line of Culley 3tree't,i.f extended;thor.ce eastward with the center line of Cull ey Stree t, if extenl ed , to the east boundary line of said right of -:ay;thenco northaarl with said east boundary 780 feet,more or less,to a l pint on the east boundary line of the IFashvil7 e,Chattanooga and St.youis 3a ilway ;thence i orthward. with the east boundary line of said 3ai2way to P point 102.5 feet southnarl from the south property line of Brown Street, said 132.5 feet being measured at right arKas to Broca, Street;therce northward alone a line parallel to na d e rntinuing 132.5 feet from the south property line of Brown Street, to the point 'where said line, parallel to the south pro»ertz line of Brown Street, inter- sects a lime parallel to ar.d 132.5 feet westward from the east right of way boundary line of the Lashville ,Chattanooga and. St. lonis ?ail7a7; thence with said line parallel to and 132.5 feet from said uOrt ri=-ht of v -vboundary lire, to the center line of that portion of Little Avenue, •;hich crosses the Il.l.inois Central Bsilroad tracks north of union Station; thence north -=yard on a line at right :an^les to said 7 ortior of little avenue 175 feet; thence at right angles eaistaa.rl, ?^raiVnl to said portion of little Avenue, to a point 150 feet 7iKlynrd from the vest property line of Caldwell Avenue, said 150 Wig measured at right angles to Caldwell. Avenue; thence r...,..%^ri along a_ line,parallel to and 150 feet from ;•t -;-o, .' n, line of c%1doe3l Avenue to a 1 -in,) ^h i.ch "Ins n t d tr -,-D 4^11. l7 Averse, oral. .,ihich intersects the west ro arty line of all -ell l v -or ue at a point 296.42 feet northword from the point where the "'art property line of CaMwe71 Avenue irtermgctr the east rinht of way boundary line of the Yushvilln Chattanooga arl St. Louis _ail•.ay, thence at riobt arn2es eastward to the east Property line of 0017ell Avenue; thence at ri-ht ^r.^ler northward alone• the east property line of Caldwell Avoxne 85 feet, to the point of beginning.'' SECTION 3. Said. Zone embraces the here.irofter narel streets arl alleys; all P of the l.rorarty benefitted in said .IoEe doom not abutt on said streets and alleys; some of said property not abutting on ary of said streets and allays. Said streets and alleys in Sewer Zone Number Two, in. Sub -Divi - cion B, Sever .District to. 3, are described as follows, to -wit: "East side of 12th Street between ]Forton. arl. Caldwell Streets. Both sides of 11th Street between Idortor- Street and a point 140 root south of Tusbar-ds Street. Both :ides of 10th Street between irorton and Elizabeth Streets. Both sides of 9th Street between Yo-rton and Elizabeth Streets. Both sides of Ath Street between Jones anal Bachman Streets. Both sides of 7th Stent between Jones Street and a point 150 feet south of Wr•a~ Avenue. Gest side of 6th 3troet between Jones Street and point 30 feet south of Eurra; ;venue. Cast side of 6th Street between Jones Street and 'the south rroperty line of Ar", ar Avenue, if name were eyterf ad. Both sides of 6th :3treet from Broad 2trPet to a I -Dint 280 feet i orth of .come Street. Both sides of 5th Street .from .Tones !,treat to a point 590 feet south of-usbards Street. Both sides of 5th 2,tr::et from ],road Street to a hoir:t 710 'fact north of :lizabeth :;tr^.et. ?ast side of 4th Street Brom Jwes met to Broad street. lost side of 4th Stroet from Jor;e:_ .itrget to a point 200 feet south of Hu&4iJs Street, ar.1 From Qaorso Street to Broad Street. No.�?CF22 Ordinance No. ---.— - -lost side of 3rd Street from :;liz^tn`h tltreet to an point vhere the conte,• lire of Jor:es Street '-'ould interoect .;rd Street, if .Tore^ Street were extended. at side Of329. Street "rum 37izabeth Street to the cert^.r line of Jones Street, e:aejJ 1, erl inclndina e77 t -at terrltort, embraced bot'.a•:en 3rd trent aid't1 mai.r trl,rh Lire of District 3B -3C on the bank of t'r.e Tonne::;ee ]Ziver, from iAiza- bath Str-eat to the center line of Jones; .;tr,.,et, if Jones Street ;vero extended. South side of Jones Street from 4th Street to a point 1.73 feet 3 inches r e:a of fifth Street. South Side of=.orton Street from 12th Street to a point 1.73 feet east of 9th Street. Both sides of Norton Street from 3rd Street to e point 173 feet 3 inches ::Pst of 8th Street. Both sides of Call:el.l Street from 4th Street to a point 165 feet .vest of 5th SL'reet. Both sides of Cald':<:11 Strnet from 7th Street to 12th Street, and from a roint 175 feet erst of the center line of Cald'.rell Avenue to a point 190 feet :lest of the center of Caldv.roll avenue. Both Sides of Husb-r-ds Street from 3rl Street to a poir-'t 202 feet 6 inches east of the.certer line of 12th Street, if e:terded. 11.orth side of Husbanls Street from a point 202 feet G inches east of the center line of 12th street, to 12th Street, if extended. Poth sides of Bach-ar .Street from 8th Street- to 10th Street. Both sdies of Fisher Street `rot! 9th Street to 8th Street, if extended. Beth sides of Leake -verne het -teen 9th Sind 10th streets. Both Silep. of 0eorp:e Street bet-een 3rd a, ,d 4th Streets. South ride of Ceoro-e Street bet,-een 4th and 5th Streets, !'ort)-. side of Ceorze Street ;rom 5t7-: Street to a point 173 feet east of 5th Street. Both sides of Ceor2c 'ltreot from cath ; No. ✓ a ..> Ordinance No... i and~exter.lo�l from Call :ell 3vert`e to seer at,�nt, I Both sides o.° itt]e 1w r':e from Ca1d7ell Street to point 132.5 feet South 7^_r�l from the oa,t bouraary line of tho C.St. Ry. Both sides of {;.surra;.- <.verue fro*^ ;'riser; :;tro t to its northern terminus. Both sides of Chamblin Avenue from Green Street to it^ northern terminus. Both sides of Eymtrr.,,b -vemzo from Groep Street to its r:orthern terminus. Both sides: of Ctj.11e„ Street from the rio-ht of •aay to its northern terminus. lest side of Greer. Street from the I.7.R.R. ri ht of ..,„v to its northern terminus.” I 3 CT ICI' 4. The object of naming the streets and. allAys in said 'one is for the pl-n-pose onl., of .^iv.ir� additional notice to the property' o,.,rp-rs that i their pro)-.ert; is embraced in said ..,one. SECT I0I7 5. :l Blue lrint or '-]at showing t1,e bourlar,,* of S^.-er 'one ,,T t I1or TI -!o, n2minm and sho•-:-in- t,::^ streot2 embraced in said oe•-ier 7,or.e, and sho7ainrr the lines ar.l cour,a , of t};e se rs to br; corstrncted said lines and courses boino subjectfiled here�7ith ar,-1 to c}:ar.me, is fc made a part of this Resolution, marked Ey.hibit "B". 33CTIni' 6. A Blue lrint or plat sho'.7ing the boi;ndary of sail se'. -.Per Zor.e ar_d sho:!irq the streets embraced therein, ar9. sho.-viroz the lines ar:l courses of the se-ar:rs to be constrr.ctel, said lines ^r.-1 cot:rses being subject to char.re, shall he kept on file in -the o'ff'ice of the Commissiorser o -f Fublic -corks for the :se of the pnInlic mer.erall;t -r.rl particrl,;rly for the use of the proleert; o-mers residing ii or 0�7rine property in said Zone. 7. i This Resolution shall tale elfact and be in forceTer. (10) d9ys from ayl. after its },a ;a�.�, record aryl publication, a ,GOi:BSD L'1A ?CII 7TII, 1923. 1- TUB:.I:37, D 9 „ 1923. I. ;F 1I A R3SC:L' :" I01' i .,(.i.;! _.�.. IOi' ()•. SniTI`"_ti?Y _E ;_',RS Ii',` �.