HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 7, Page 909, No Ordinance NumberAi` ORDII`;.U`CE 02EATlUG AID :;STAP.=ISITII`G ? OT_';IS IM'B 2?S ON -E, TWO, THREE, FOUR .1.':) NE, II` SUB -➢IVIS IOIIS A. , B. hi-) C. , S 7ER DISTRICT IUI:�3R T?3I:F, III 7HI CITY OF IADUCAII, %:::I'TUCXY, AUD .DRSCRIBIUG 'MH OF SAID Z OILS BY I.:,,TES' AILD BOUNDS. WHERVAS, it is deemed necessary, essential and practical by the v Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah, Yentucly, to 3ivide Sub - Divisions A. , B. and C. , in Sewer Distr Let No. 3, into five sewer zones; namely, One, Two, Three, Four and Five, for the purrose of constructing,, sewers therein, in order to provide adequate sewera-e for the property o7nors nithin said territory; rOW, T'ra'iVORF- No. V/ Ordinance No. BF IT ORDA i'_r') 13Y •?IIP: BOARD 0:OOP,!h'.I Sri IO1r'PS OF TIIF. CITY OF IADUCAH, X ' TJCZY: SxTION 1. There is hereby created and established se'7e-r sones I'trmbers Ore, Tao, Three, Four and Five, in Sub-Divisi. ons A., B. and C., Sewer District No. 3, in the City of I'aducah, 1Ientuc]D,, .for the purpose of constructing servers therein, so as to provide adeouate sewers for the property owners :7ithin said zones, and each of said zones is described, by metes and bounds, as hereinafter set -out. SECTIOII 2. Sewer Zone Dumber One, '.fnich is located in Sub -Division C, Sewer District No. 3, is described as follows, to -crit: "Beginning at a point on the center line of Brido-e Street 166 feet north of the intersection of said center line with the north property line of Jarrett Street; thence alon^ the bark of Island Creek east :,-ard 169 feet, more or less, to a point on the center line of an alley, said point beinP 150 feet north of the north property line of Jarrett Street, measured alone the center line of said elley; thence eastward alone the bank of Island Creek to a point on the :rest property line of Jarrett Street 130 feet north -yard from the center line of Todell Street, if extended; thence northward along• said -cast property line of Jarrett Street to the north property line of the alley which rains from Clements Street to Jarrett Street on a line ::ith Yeiser Street; thence ;-+est:•rard along said north property line of the alley 31 feet; thence north"iard to the point where the south property line of Short Street intersects the center line ofFarle;.r -lace; thence northward alone the center line of Farley Ilace 78.5 feet; tl,:erce at right arr'1es aestn,ard 161 feet; thence a t richt ergl es r,orth:7ard 42 feet-, tI_ence at right angles :restvard .33 feet; theree at ri.rrht en�rles northward, parallel to "^riey Il.ace, 584.5 feet, more or less, to a point 1.55.5 feet south of the south property line of Iieyers Street, said 155.5 feet beinc• measured at right angles to L4eyers Street; thence westwrard, parallel to I:leyers Street, 270 feet to a point 435 feet from the wrest property line of Farley Place; thence at right angles northward 415.5 feet, crossing Yeyers Street at an angle of 90 der>,rees; thence at right an¢les eastward, parallel to and 200 feet north of the north property line of Iieyers Street to the east property line of Farley Place, if extended; thence at :right angles southaard a distance of 4 feet; thence at ri�lrt arPles eastward, parallel to I.leyers Street to the east prorF-rty line of Clements Street, if extended; thence at riPnt arga es southward a distance of 13.5 foet; thence at richt angles eastvrard, parallel to ani 200 feet north of the north property lire of 17e, -ors Street to a point 380 feet eastwardly from the east property line of ,Voodwrard Street, if extended; thence at richt angles southward 233 feet to the south property line of I:''eyers Street; thence at rirzht eneles eastward :vi.th the south property line of L'eyers Street 60 feet-, thence at right aneles southward 200 feet; thence at right angles aestwrard, parallel to I`eyers Street, 307 feet to a point 1.33 feet from the east property line of '7ood•.vard Street; thence at riF,ht angles sornthward, parallel to ''Vood- :7ard Street 597 feet to a point 160 feet nortmvard from the north property line of Yeiser Street; thence at richt anPlPs eastward, parallel to Yeiser Street 589 feet to the center lire, if extenled, of an alley bet -wen Nays arrl Ashcraft Avenues: thence at richt angles south•^arra elor-P the center line of said alley to the north property line of To•-•oll Street, thence at richt angles east:- alontr said north propert,, line of Io:vell Street to a point 175.5 feet sastwari from the center line of Ashcraft Avenue, said 1.75.5 feet beinP measnrod alone tho north I ropert;; line No. _Y✓f Ordinance No.. --,----- of Powell Street; thence at richt an¢los southward on a line parallel to and 175.5 feet from the carter line of Ashcraft Avenue to a point 160 feet enstw.ard from the center line of Bril7e Street, said 1.60 feet being measured at ri7ht angles to ?fridge Street; theroo south"rarl along a line 160 foot from the center line of Bridge Street, said line conforminP to the turns in Trid7e Street and remaining at all points 160 feet from said cer•tor lire of Bridge Street, to the line of the corporate limits of the City of Iaducah; thence southward along the line of the City limits of the City of Paducah, to the center line of Bridge Street; thence northward, along the center line of Bridge Street, 200 feet; thence westward at right anPles to Bridge Stroet 160 feet; thence northward alone a line 160 feet from the center lire of Bridge Street, said lire conforming to the turns of Brilge Street and remiinir.g at all points 160 feet from said center lire of Bridge Street, to a point 166 feet northward from the north property line of Jarrett Street, if extended, said 166 Feet measured parallel to Bridge Street; thence at rimht aro-les eastward 160 feet to the point of beginning." AIdD FURTHIRE0RE "Beginnirm at a point on the east property line of Lill Street, if extended, 200 feet north aQ from the north property: line of Meyers Street, said point being on the line of the City Limits of the City of Paducah; thence southward along the said City Limits line and said east property line of 3411 Street, to a point 200 feet south- ward from the south property line of Meyers Street; thence westward, parallel to and 200 feet ffom the south propert'r line of Hy -ars Street to a point 770 feet eastward from the east property line of loodward Street, said 770 feet being measured parallel to reyors Street; thence northward, parallel to loodward Street, to a point 200 feet northward from the north prorart;; lire of Ee7ors Street; thence eastward, parallel to and 200 feet from the north property lire of Meyers Street, to the point of beginning." SECTION 3. Sewer ',one Number Two, which is located in Sub -Division B, Sewer 7istrict Ido. 3, is described as follows, to --nit: "Beginninn at a point in the center line of Jones Street, if extended, and 76 feet and 6 inches eastward from the center line of 2nd Street , if erten ied, said point being the southeast corner of First Sewer Dis- trict; thence northward with the boundary line of First Sewer Distr let, and parallel to and 76 feet and 6 inches from the center line of 2nd Street, if extended, a listar:ce of 423 feet to the center of Tennessee Street: thence at right angles eastward and nith the center line of Tennessee Street and with the boundary of the First Seer District, 93 feet and 2 inches, more or less, to the center of the 36 inch trent: line se.7er for Sub -Divisions B and C, of Sewer District ho. 3; thence, deflecting 96 degrees 54 minutes to the rinht, up the center line of said trunk line sewer, as follows: 160 feet, more or less, to a manhole; thence deflectir_z 7 degrees 50 minutes rixht, 180 feet; thence deflecting 1.3 degrees 52 minutes left, 233 feet ar•d 6 inches; thence deflecting 23 degrees 47 minutes right, 153 feet aril 2 inches; thence deflect irg 22 degrees 31 minutes left, 126 .feet and 1.1 inches: thence deflecting 8 degrees 58 minutes Avht, 278 feet acrd 6 inches; thence deflecting 5 degrees 56 minutes left, 292 feet and 11. inches; thence deflecting 6 degrees 55 minutes left, .385 feet and 8 inches; thence deflectinq 3 degrees 32 minutes right, 565 feet and 6 inches: thence deflectire 4 rlemees 4 minutes left, 528 feet and 3 inches; thence deflecting 7 depress 30 minutes left, 482 feet _nd 4 inches to a point or. the ::rest bank of Islard Creek; thence up Island Creek bank as follows; deflecting 42 denrees 35 mirutes right, 251 feet and 7 inches; thence deflecting 14 decrees 21 minutes right, 311 feet and 6 inches; thence deflecting 5 degrees 10 minutes left, 183 feet to a yoirt on the center lire of the ileyers Street Bridge over Island Creek, said point being 260 feet and 7 inches southeasterly from the center line of Broad Street, measured aloe^ the center line of 4th Street; thence contin_uiTa up Islar•1 Creek bank No. ?a _ Ordinance No. with the center line of a proPosed sn per as follows: de.flectir_a' 4 degrees 18 minutes richt, and at an angio of 78 degrees 12 minutes with the center line of the 4th Street Bridr*e, 260 foot; thence deflocting 7 dePT oes 28 minutes left, 615 feet to a roint in •7alnut Street, on Island Creek. Bank; thence deft 9ctins 8 derzrees 05 minutes richt, 325 feet; thence deflecting 5 de7r•ees 15 minutes richt, 390 feet; thence deflecting i de?ree 15 minutes, more or less, to the ri7ht 357 feet, more or less, to a point on the center lire of Bridre .Street and 512 feet and 6 inches from die intersection of the center line Of Bridge Street and the Center line of Broad Street, beim; the center lire of an alley in block Do. 2, Allen's Addition to the City of Taducah; thence westward With the center lire of said alley at right an"] es to Bridge Street, 230 feet; thence at riolit aeries northward 167 feet and 6 inches with the west line of Lot to. 5, Block No. 2, Allen's Addition, to the center Of Allen Street, westward of Bridge Street; thence at rirrht angles westward with the center line of +Alen Street, 285 feet; thence at ri7ht aneles northward with the west line of Lot IIo, 24, Block, No. 1, Allen's Addition, 147 feet and 6 inches to the center of an alley, 177 feet and 6 inches from the center of Broad Street; thence at richt anmles westward with the center line of said alley and said center line extended, parallel to Broad Street, 531 feet; thence at richt angles northaa'rd 407 feet and 6 inches, crossinr Broad Street at a point 1046 feet from the center line of lrid¢e Street; thence at rinht antrles eastward, parallel to and 230 feet north of the center line of Broad Street, a distance of 1378 feet, more or less, to a point 200 feet west of the center lire of Sixth Street, measured at right angles to said center line: thence northward pFrn3lel to Sixth Street 200 feet, more or less, to the south property line of property listed under the name of Frank Fetter, said south propert7line being parallel to and 167 .feet, more or less, from the south property lire of ycyinle7 Street; thence westward parallel to Kchir_le;r Street 300 :feet; thence at riPnt angles northward parallel to and 500 feet from the center lire of Sixth Street, a distance of 582 feet ord 2 inches, more or less, to a point 181 feet and 6 inches south of the center lire of ?lizabeth Street; thence at right anmles west lard parallel to and 181 feet and 6 inches from the center line of Elizabeth Street, 100 feet to the south- west corner of lot Lo. 27, Block Ifo. 1, Adlit.ion "5"; thence at richt ano2es northward alon4• the west lines of Lots Yumbers 27 and 28,Block 1, Addition W, a distance of 361 feet and 6 inches; thence at right anal es eastward 90 feet; thence at richt angles nortn'•rard with the "Jest line of Lots I:umbers 40 and 35; Tood and I.ddition on Georne :Street, 357 feet and 3 inches to the north7est corner of said jot Do. 35; thence at richt angles east- ward 325 feet to the center of an alley; thence at right anal es northward with the center lire of the alley, if extended, 120 feet to the north line of a lot Do. 20, a point 185 .feet westward from the center line of 601 Street: thence at richt an -les eastward 417 feet 6 inches; thence at richt arol es northward 40 feet; thence at richt arnles eastward 364 feet 9 inches, to a point 203 feet and 3 inches eastward from the center line of 5th Street and 350 feet northwa rd from the center line of Georne Street; thence at rinht angles southward 350 feet to the center of Gear7c Street; thence at right annIes eastward with the center lire of Ueorae Street 206 Feet and 3 inches" to the center of Fourth Street; thence It _i.�tlht aPP144 ; orth•^a.rd with the renter 7.ine of 4ti1 Street 1.051 feet to a point 200 .feet south of the south property lire of that rart of Husbands Street west of Fifth Street extenled, to .fourth Street; thence at richt ars3 es "estnard and p"r^_Il el to and 200 feet from the south property line of that pa=t Street, if extended, to of Husbands Meet went o_r 5th Str� Fourth Street, a distance of 206 feet ar:3 3 inches; thence ^t right Pr7lss southward 410 fact to the south line of a lot nor: owned by Louis YcConr^.11; thence at right ai& es .eestTard, 407 feet and 3 inches to a point 287 feet east of the center line of 6th Street; thence at richt anrrles southward parallel. to the carter lire of 6th Street, 50 feet; thence !-t r i7 -ht antrles -:rost•:-jard 187 feet to n joint in the center of 6th Street and on the south property line of I°urray Avenue; thence at ri At angles southward, alone the center line of Sixth Street, 30 feet; thence at richt an7les wastward 203 feet and 3 inches to the center of an alley; thence at r. At alVes No.. . � w Ordinance southward with the center line of the alley 110 :feet; thence at ria*ht ar7l.es westwar•l 406 feet and 6 inches to the center of an alley between 7th and 8th Street;thence at right ann3es southon. d with the center .line of the alley 70 feet; thence at right aro-IPP -0 -r?rd 34 feet and 3 inches; thence nt right ar 0 es sonth7ard 220 feet to the con ter of Bachman Street, a point 169 foot eastward from the center of 8th Street; thence at right anal os westward with the center line of Bachnan Street, 191 feet and G inches to the center of an alley which runs southward from Bachman Street; therce at right Proles southward with the center line of the alley 176 feet to an alley; thence at right ar al os westnard with the center line of an alley 17 feet and 6 inches; thence at right angles southward alon.a the east line of lots irumt,ers 16 and 17, Block No. 7, Pishax's lddi'tion, 376 feet to the center line of Elizabeth Street, if extended; thence at right angles westward with the center line of Mizabeth Street, if enteysed, 1012 feet and 6 'inches, more or less, to a point 150 feet nest of the west pro- perty line of 10th Street; thence at ri7ht angles north- ward, parallel to ani 150 feet from the crest prorerty lire of 10th Street, a distance of 579 feet and 6 inches, more or less, to the center line of Bachman Street, oTtended; thence at richt angles westward with the center line of Rachman Street, eytended, 12 feet; thence r.orth- ward, paraliol to arl 162 feet from the .vest Property lire of 10th Street, a 1i::tar.ce of 921 feet, more or less, toajoint or. tire center lire of ^.n allay,if extendel, 180 feet south of the center of Husbands Street; thence at right ar,gl ew....,t n •:1 ith the center line o'. said ^alley, and rith Ao center' lire of sail allT, if n7teyqed, 417 feet to a point 202 feet nrd G inches westward of the center of 11th Street; ti:e_ c -1,t al -lis norm -lard 180 feet to the center of . A ' .: `.reet • thence Pt ri qht ar& es �:aestaard with ti.o cw7tyw Are of-lushanls Strr>et, 202 feet and G ir_ches to the car ':cp of 12th Street, if eytonled, thence at richt -angles nortnarl -ith ti:e center line of 12th Street, 840 feet to the con too o_' i'orton Street, a Point on the boundary line of 3 'nr .District No. 2; thence eastward with to center line of :"orton Street and :-,ri'th the boundary Line of Sewer District,, iyumbers 2 and 1, to a point halfway between 8th and 9th Street; thence at right angles northward 412 feet to the center of Jones Street; thence at ri�-ht z,nn7les eastward with the center line of Jones Street, and Jones Street if extended, and with the boundary lire of Sewer District I?o. 1, to the point of beginning." ADD i:M, T^ R'.'0 RE "Beginning at the point on the Tennessee River bank where the 36 inch trunl_ line sewer for Sub -.Divisions B and C of Sewer District No. 3 ir•tersects the boundary of the First Sewer District, 182 .feet, more or less, south of the center of Ohio Street; thence na•th and with the boundary of said First Soner District, parallel. to 2nd Street, to n_ point 206 feet and 3 inches south of the center of dashington Street; thence at right angles eastward with the boundary line of First Sewer District, 206 feet and 3 inches to the center of First Street; thence at right angles northward and with the center line of First Street and with the boundary line of ^irst Sewer District 206 feet and 3 inches to the center of lashington Street; thence at right angles eastward with the center line of Yashington Street and with the boundary line of First Sewer District, 131 feet, more or less, to the center line of the main trunk line sewer for Sub -Divisions B cr 1 C of Sewer District ?ro. 3, or. the Tennessee Giver Bar.'•:; thence southwest up the Tennessee River Bank, with the center lire of said main trunk sewer as follows: from too center line of 7ashinaton Street deflecting 215 degrees 1.0 minutes to the r igh t, 127 feet to a manhole; thence deflecting 19 decrees 53 minutes left, 493 feet and 5 inches; thence deflecting 9 degrees 05 minutes left, 320 feet and 8 inches; thence doflect inn 10 dei. ees 58 minutes AM, 466 feet and 10 inches; thence deflecting 5 degrees 09 minutes left, 325 feet; thence de 2ectLiog 37 degrees 49 minutes right, 279 feet and 8 inches, to the point of beginning." AND "Beginning at a point n the center line of Calawel]. Street 175 feet eastward from the intersection of the center Na_0i° Ordinance No.._____• lines of Caldwell Averue al I Ca 19.:!,;11 Stroot: thence north- ward, parallel to and 175 feet ear,tward from the center line of Caldwo3 l Avenue, if extended, to a point 290 feet north- ward from the center line of Cald-;re11 Street; thence mostward, parallel to Caldwell Street, 365 feet to a point 190 feet :gest of the line of the con ter of Caldwell Avenue , if extended , said 190 feet beim measured parallel to Cal lwell Street; thence southward, parallel to the center line of Caldwell Avenue 960 feet; thence eastward, parallel to Caldwell Street, 190 feet to the center line of Caldwell, Averue; thence south- ward, with the center line of that straight portion of Cald- well Avenue which extends to Caldwell Street, or! with said center line of said straight portion of Caldwell avenue extended, to a point 830 feet from the center line of Cald- well Street, said 830 feet heirs, measured parallel to Caldwell Averue; thence eastnard, parallel to Callwel l Street, 190 feet; thence northward, rarallel to said straight portion. of Cald- well Averue, 830 feet to the center line of 00 11701 01 Street; thence with the center line of Call -✓oll Street, westward 15 feet, to the point of beginning.'' r11.D 'UR T"r _01001 "Beginning at a point on the east property line of Caldnell Avenue 270.41 feet northward from the point where said east rropertr line internects the east right of way boundary line Of the Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Toms Railway; thence east- ward at right angles to CaMwell Avenue 155 feet; thence at right angles southward, parallel to Call -ell Averue, to a point 215 feet eastward from sail east richt of way bonrdary line, said 215 feet being measured at right aro1CS to said _:t ri ,ht of :-rap line; thence southward on n straight l ire , parallel to the tan- gential portion of said eynt right of 'gay boundary line to the center of ilizabeth Street, if extended; thence eastwardly along the center line of slizabeth itreet, if extended, to a point 155 feet Derth.rard from thenor.tn yroj erty line, of that portion of Brom Street 'which extends from the Union Depot to Broad Street, said 155 feet being measured at right angles to said portion of Brown Street; thence vast'ward' along a line 155 feet from and parallel to the rmrth property line of Brown Street to the center of Green Street; thence at right angles southward along the center of careen Street, anal Green Street if extended, to the ':rest right of way boundary lire of the Illinois Central Railroad; thence north3ard with sail boundary line to the can - tern line of Gulley Street, if enter.ded• thence eastward with the center line of Cullen Street, if extended, to the east boundary line of said right of way; thence northward with said east boundary 780 feet, more or less, to a point on the east boundary line of the Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis Railway: thence northward with the east boundary line of said Railway to a point 132.5 feet southward from thn south pro- perty line of Brown Street; said 132.5 feet being measured at right angles to Brown Stroet; thence northward along a line parallel to and continu.irg 132.5 :deet from the south property line of Brown Street, to the point hero said line, parallel to the south „ropert;; lire of Brown Street, intersects a line parallel to and 1.32.5 feet westward Prom the east right of :ra;: boundary line of the Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis Pailway; thence with said line parallel to and 132.5 feet from said east right of nay boundary line, to the center line of that portion of Little Avenue which crosses the TIM - Dais Central Railronil tracks north of Union Station; thence port' ward on a line at right angles to said portion of Little Averue 175 feet; thence at richt evil as eastoarl, parallel to said portion of Little Avenue, to a point 150 feet :rest':card from the west property line of Caldwell -venue, said 150 feet beir,s_ measured at right angles to Caldwell avenue; thence northward along a line, parallel to and 150 feet from the west property line of CalTwell Avenue to a line .rnich rims at right angles to Caldwell Avenue, and which intersects the west property line of Caldwell ::venue at a point 298.42 Peet northward from the point where the :rest property line of Ca11we2l Avenue intersects the east right of :ray boundary line of the Nashville, Chattanooga end St. Louis Rail^.Ezr; thence at right an^les eastward to the east rrol erty line of CaMwell Averue; thence at right angles southward along the east property line of Call•rell Avenue 85 feet, to the point of beginning." SECTION 4. Sewer We Lumber Three, shish in located in Sub -Divisions A ar.l B, Sewer District No. 3, is described as Pollo:•rs, to -wit: No.. Ordinance No. "Beginning at the intersection of the center lire of Brakeman Avenue and Daumer Avenue; thence '.with the center line of -Daumer Avenue, in a west.vard direction, to a point i' 150 feet east of the intersection of the center lire of Baumer Avenue and the sornth property lire of that part of Smithland Avenue north of Daumer '.venue; thence at right j ji anFl.es southward 197 feet; thence at right anal es -.vest- ward 189 feet; thence deflecting• 1.07 decrees 13 minutes, to the left, 140 feet-, thence deflecting• 84 dwrees 53 minutes, to the richt, 183.2 feet; thence deflecting 97 degrees 27 minutes, to the left, 318 feet; thence deflecting 90 I' deprees, to the r fight, 188.4 feet, to a point on the certer of the Yayfield Road 175 feet southward from the center line of '31teeler Avenue, measured alone said center line of the j Mayfield Road-, thence at richt angles southward with the centor of the Iayfield Road 225 feet; thence at right angles li westward 190 feet; thence at richt angles north -mrd, parallel j to the IvIayfield Road, to a point on the south property line Of an alley, if extenied, said point being 210 .feet, more p of less, south of the south property line of '7heeler Avenue; I thence west-aard with the south property lire of said alley 680 feet, more or less, to the center of B Street; thence north-rard ,,iith the center of B Street to a point on the center line of an alley, said point being .338 f^et north of j! the center line of 7heeler Avenue; thence at richt angles eastward with the center lire of said alley .396 feet to the center of A Street; thence at right anal es northward with the center of A Street 21 feet; thence at right angles j; eastward 193 feet to the center o£ an alley-, thence at richt angles northward with the center of said alley 96 feet to a Point 59 feet south of the south property line of Guthrie Avenue; thence at richt angles eastward, parallel to Guthrie Avenue 163 feet, to the west property line of the Mayfield Road; thence northward :with the '.vest property lines of the II hayfield Road and Goebel ✓venue 159 feet to a point 40 feet north of the north property lire of Guthrie Aver;ue; thence at rip•ht angles westr✓ard 163 feet to the center of an alley; thence at richt angles northward .with the center line of the alley and said certer line extended, 720 feet, more or j� less, to the center line of *,7orten Avenue, if extended; thence at richt angles eastward alone the center lire of ,7orten =:vorue, if extended, 203 feet to the east rropArty lire of Goebel avenue; thence at right angles north'.vard p aith the east property line of Goebel Avenue 126 feet to a point 106 feet north of the north property line of '.7orten Avenue; thence deflectina•90 deFrees 18 minutes, to the right itin an easterl7i direction and followir.a the rear boundaries of lots fronting on 1.7orten Avenue 186 feet; thence deflecting 12 degrees 46 minutes. to the rin•ht, continuing to follow the rear boundaries of lots fronting on '7orten Avenue, 132.5 feet; ij thence deflecting 28 degrees 10 minutes, to the right, contin-uing to follow the rear boundaries of lots fronting on '7orten Avenue, 329.7 feet, to the center of Tennessee Street; thence, deflecting 85 destrees 38 minutes, to the left, in an easterly direction along the center line of Tennessee Street 126 feet, more or less, to a point 221 feet from the east property line of ,7orten avenue; thence at richt angles in a southerly direction 155 feet; thence at right angles �:✓estward 95 feet to the center of an alley, a point 126 feet east of the east I• propert, line of ':7orten -venue: thence at right angles southward j on line 111ith the center of said al log to the center of Brakeman Aver:ue; thence southward along the center of Brakeman Avenue, to I� the point of bepinninp,%" AND FURT_'ryRl.'.OR I. "Beginning at a point on the east property line of the A'ayfiel.d road 300 feet north of the north u-roperty line of Cedar Avenue, said 300 feet being• me astir ed along said east property line of the I''as,field Road; thence south,:iard along the east property line of the I"ayfield Road 100 feet; thence at right ang, les ,estward to a point 168 feet westward from the -gest property line of the hayfield iRoad; thence at right angles southward on a line parallel to. the Mayfield Road, to a line .which rums at right angles to the I'a�rfield ?Road and which intersects the east property lire of said road 300 feet southward from a point :•✓here the oast propert;r lire of said road is intersected by the south prop Wit? line of Quarles Avenue: thence at right angles east -yard to a point 168 feet eastward from the east property line of sai3 road, said 168 feet being measured parallel to �,uarlas Avenue; thence at right angles northward, on a line parallel to the Mayfield Road, to a point 300 feet northward from the north property lino of Cedar Avenue, said .300 feet being measured parallel to the I'aiTfioll Road: thence rvestwn_rd parallel to 0 -lar Avenue, to the point of beginning.,, No. f0/ Ordinance No.___ S:�OTIOId 5. Sevier Zone Ilumber Four, which is located in Sub -Divisions A. and B., Sewer .District No. 3, is described as folio -vs, to-%.vit: "Beeinnine at a point, the intersection of the center line of 13th Street and the center line of an alley para]].,I to end 203 feet 3 inches southward from Trirrhle Street, said. point beirna on the boundary of Sewer District. IJo. 2; thence southward '-✓ith the boundary of Sewcr District Ido. 2 along the center lino of lath Street, to a point 206 feet 3 inches northr✓ard from the center line of broaiway; thence at rii>ht angles westward, con- tinuing along the boundar,,, of Sewer District No. 2, parallel to and 206 feet 3 inches northward] -y from the center line of Broadway, to the center line of 16th Street; thence at right angles southward with the boundary of Seiner District No. 2, 206 feet 3 inches to the center line of Broadway; thence at right aneles :'restward with the boundary of Sever District Ido. 2 along the center line of Broad:vay to a point on the west line, if extended, of property of yrs. Ilosena '.4. Bradshaw, said :vest line being 673 feet from the east property line of that part of 17th Street (Fountain Avenue) vrhich extents south from Broadway; thence at right angles southward with the boundary of Sover District !To. 2, and with said west fine of the Bradshav property 208 feet; thence at right angles :•✓est-aard along a lire parallel to and 208 feet from the center line of Broad:va7, to a point 187 feet 6 inches eastward from the center line of 17th Street, or Fountain Avenue, measured at right aneles to the c^.nter line of 17th Street, or Fountain Avenue; thence at right angles southward along a line parallel to and 187 feet 6 inches east of the center line of 17th Street, or Fountain .;venue, to a point 17.3 feet 3 inches south of the south property lire of Eentucky -vonue; t?ence at richt angles east,vard 317.5 feet: thence at richt anel es southward 206.25 -feet to the center of Jashington Street; thence at - right .ar=l.es 'westward, ;ith the certer line of •Iashington Street, 40 feet: thence at richt angles southward 193 feet; thence at richt angles eastward 112.42 feet to the east boundary of the Oakland Terrace Addition; thence, deflecting 84 degrees 15 minutes to the rimht, 411.74 feet southward alone the east boundary of said Oakland Terrace Addition to the center of an alley; thence deflecting 95 de,-rees 15 minutes to the ri eht , -,vest-✓ard along the center line of said alley 52.60 feet to the center line of all alley parallel to and 187.5 feet east of the center line of 16th Street; thence at right angles southward along the center line of said alley 98.36 feet to the west property line of an alley along the southeasterly side of the Oakland 'Terrace Addition; thence, deflecting 58 degrees 39 minutes to the richt, 439.45 feet to the certer line of an alley parallel. to and 187 feet 6 inches eastwardly from the center line of 17th Street, as measured nt ri7bt '.riles to 17th Street; thence deflecting 58 decrees 39 minutes to the left, southward 165 feet; thence at richt angles west - :card to the center line of 17th Street; thence in a southerly and easterly direction along the center line o£ 17th Street, following the curves of said center line of 17th Street around Guthrie's gavel pit, to the point of intersection of 17th Street and B Street; thence southwardly with the center line of B Street to the center line of an alley parallel to and 198 feet north of Guthrie -venue, said 198 feet beinpr measured j at right angles to Guthrie avenue; thence at ri._ht ans]es eastwardly along the center line of said alley, to a point in the center line of an alley parallel to and 163 feet west of the '.vest property line of Goebel avenue, said 163 feet beim measured at right ano-les to Goebel Ayenite; thence southwardly along the center line of said elley 128 feet to a point 40 feet north of the north property line of Guthrie Avenue; thence at right angles east -,lard 163 "set to the -:rest property line of Goebel Avenue; thence southward along the vest property line of Goebel Avenue ar,d hlayfiel.d Road 159 feet to a point 59 feet south of the south property line of Guthrie 'Avenue; thence west'aard 163 feet to the center line of an alley parallel. to and between Goebel -venue and "A" Street ; thence southward alone the center line of sairl alley 96 feet; thence at right angles westward 193 feet to the center line of "A" Street; thence at rio-ht angles southward with the center line of "A" Street 21 feet to the center line of an alloy parallel to and 206 feet south of the center line of Guthrie Avenue: thence at right angles westward al.onp the center line of said alley 396 feet to the center line of "B" Street; thence at richt aneles southward alont- the center line of "n" Street 547. feet. No. V-/' _ Ordinance No. - --_-- more or less, to the south property line of an alley which runs along the southerly side of ';!heeler's Add i.tion; thence westwardly alone the south property line of said alley, and said south property line extend el, to the intersection of said south property line with the center line of 20th Street, if extended; thence northward alone the center line of 20th Street, if extended, to a point 205 feet southward from the center line of Jackson Street, said 205 feet being measured along the center line of 20th Street; thence at right angles westward along a line parallel to .and 205 feet south of the center line of Jackson Street to the center line of 21st Street, if extended; thence at right armies northward along the center line of 21st Street to the center line of an alley parallel to and 209 feet 3 inches south of the center line of lashington Street; thence at right angles westward along the center line of said alley, and said center line if extenled, to the center line of 25th Street; thence at right angles northward alone the center line of 25th Street to the center line of an alley par- allol to aryl 214 feet 9 inches north of the center line of Jefferson Street; thence at right angles eastward along a lire 214 feet 9 inches north of the center line of Jefferson Street, as measured at right angles to the center line of Jefferson Street, to a point 1.25 feet west of the center line of 19th Street, said 125 feet being measured at right angles to 19th Street, and said point being 100 feet west of the west boundary of the fountain Park-ddition; thence northward along a line parallel to and 125 feet west of the center line of 19th Street 194 feet 9 inches to the center line of iionroe Street; thence westward along the center line of Yorroe Street 146 feet; thence no^thward along a line parallel to and 221 feet -.vest of the center line of that portion of 19th Street, if extended, which lies north of Madison Street, to a point 198 feet south of the center line of I'adison Street, sail point being the southeast corner of lot owned by H.A.pulliam; thence westward along a line parallel to and 198 feet south of the center line of yadison Street 300 feet;thence at right angles northward along the 'lest line of lots numbers 13 and 47 in Block 3 and lots numbers 52 and 13 in Block Ido.2 of Terrell's Pountain Park, Addition to the City of Paducah, said :vest line of the lots, if extended, to a point 189 feet north of the center of Clay Street, said 189 feet being measured at right armies to Clay Street; thence westward on a line parallel to Clay Street to a point 200 feet south of the center line, extended, of that portion of the Hinkleville ?toad which lies west of 21st Street, said 200 feet being measured at right angles to that portion of the Hinkleville Road which lies arrest of 21st Street; thence westward along a line parallel to and 200 feet southward from the center line of that portion of the Hinkleville Road which lies west of 21st Street to a point 154 feet westward from the center line of 24th Street, if extended; thence northward, at right armies to the Hinkle- ville Road, 200 feet to the point where the west boundary of Thurman's Glenwood Addition intersects the center of the Hinkleville Road; thence northward with said boundary of the Glenwood Addition to a point on the center of Mildred Street; thence eastward along the center line of Mildred Street to the center of an alley between 21st Street and 22nd Street-, thence southward along the center line of said alley to the center line of an alley parallel to and 189 feet north of the center line of the Hinkleville Road, said 189 feet being measured at right angles to said Hinkleville road; thence east- ward alone the center line of said alley to the center of 20th Street; thence southward along the center line of 20th Street to the north property line of the Hinkleville Road; thence eastward along the north property line of the Hinkleville Road and the north rroperty line of Trimble Street, to the point where the northeast boundary line, if extended, of the Oak Grove Cemetery intersects the north property line of Trimble Street, said point being 117 feet, more or less, nest of the center of 16th Street; thence northward -rith said northwest boundary line of Oak hove Cemetery to the center line of Tully Avenue. or to said center line of "Pully avenue extended-, thence northward, on a line with the center of Tully avenue to a point 180 feet northward from the center ...)f 1r imble Street, measured at right angles, to Trimble Street; thence eastward along the 1 i.r. a of the rear boundaries of the lots which face on Trimble Street in Block No. 46 of the '_+`lournoy, Norton, Trimble and Harris ,,dditior, to the line between lots numbers .3 and 4 of said Block Do. 46; thence southward along said line between lots 3 and 4 to the center of Trimble Street, a point 39 feet, more or less, west:.,ard from the intersection of the center line of Trimble Street and the center line of 15th Street; thence eastward along the oar:.ter line of Trimble No. -Y/ 8/ Ordinance No.— Street to the center line of l4th Street; theneo southward along the center line of 14th Street 203 feet 3 inches to the eerter line of an alley between Clay Street t1rd Trimble Street; thence westward along the center line of said alley to the center of 13th Street, to the point of be- ginning." SXCTION 6. Sewer ?one Number Five, which is located in Sub -Division A, Sewer District No. 3, i:; described as follows, to -wit: "Beginning at the intersection of the center lines of 14th Street and Trimble Street; thence south- ward with the center line of 14th Street 203 feet 3 inches to the center line of an alley; thence east- arard with the center line of said alley to the con ter line of 13th Street; thence northward ^ri.th the center line of 13th Street 203 feet 3 inches to the center line of Trimble Street; thence e _:;t 1^.rl with the center lire of Trimble Street to a point 203 feet 3 inches eastward from the center line of 6th Street; said poir_t being the intersection of the center li.ne of Trimble Street and the center line �f an alley -which runs south from Trimble Street; thence in a northerly direction parallel to and 203 feet 3 inches eastward from the center of 6th Street to a poir_t in the center line of Campbell Street 217 feet 6 inches northward from the intersection of the center 'lines of Campbell and Sixth Streets west of Campbell Street: thence northwardwith the center line of Campbell Street 67 feet 6 inches to a point 285 feet northward from the center lire of 6th Street west of Campbell Street; thence westward parallel to and 285 feet from the center line of 6th Street nest of Campbell Street and alone the northerly ling of Lots 144 and 154 in the Flournoy, Norton, Trimble and Harris Addition, a distance of 410 feet to the center line of Harris Street; thence southward with the cer ter line of Harris Street 57 feet 6 inches to a point,227 feet 6 inches, measured along the center line of Harris Street from the center line of 6th Street; thence -westward parallel to and 227 feet 6 inches from the center line of 6th Street 460 feet to a point on the center line of Boyd Street; thence deflecting 3 degrees 58 minutes to the left continuing west- ward parallel to and 226.95 feet from the center line of 6th Street, measured at right angles to 6th Street to a point 200 feet west of the Nest property line of Burnett Street, said 200 feet being measured parallel to Sixth Street; thence southward parallel to and 200 feet from the west property line of Burnett Street, said distance being measixed parallel to Sixth Street, to a point on the center line of Ninth Street, if extended; thencewestward on the center line of Ninth Street, if extended, to the common intersection point of Blocks 40, 41, 51 and 50 of Flournoy, Norton, Trimble and Ilarris Addition, said point being 400 feet, more or less, from the west property lire of Burnett Street and measured parallel to Ninth Street, if extended; thence southward, on the line between Blocks 41 and 51 of Flournoy, Norton, Trimble and Harris Addition, a distance of 330 feet, more or less, to a point 150 feet north of the north property line of Tenth Street, said point being.. on the south property line of an alley, if extended, running east and '.vest through said Block 41; thence westward on a line parallel to and 150 feet from the north property* line of Tenth Street, said 150 feet beim measured parallel to Flournoy Street a distai.ce of 259 feet, more or less, to a point 150 feet north-.aard from the north propert,r lire of Tenth Street and 141 feet eastward from the east property line of Floiu•noy Street, said 150 feet being measured parallel to Flournoy Street and said 141 :feet being measured parallel to Tenth Street; thence southward or, a line paral- lel to and 141 feet from the east property line of Flournoy Street, said 141 feet being me sured parallel to Tenth Street, a distance of 180 feet, more or less, to a point in the center line of Tenth Street, said point being where a line parallel to and 141 feet from the •vest property line of Flournoy Street intersects the center line of Tenth Street; said 141 feet being measured pAxallel to Tenth Street; thence .westward on the center line of Tenth Street P_ distance of 601 feet, more or less, to e point ^there the ,vest line of Block 62 of the Flournoy, Morton, Primble and Harris Addition, if extended, inter;�eets the center line of Ordinance No.________ Tenth Street, said point being 200 feet measured .from the center line of Cleveland revenue and me!sLL ed parallel to Tenth Street; thence southaard on the line betvaoen Blocks 62 and 72 of the Flournoy, Norton, Trimble arra Harris Addition, a distance of 190 feet, more or less, to a point .where the line between lots 14 and 15 of Block 62 Flournoy, Norton, 'Trimble and Harris Addition intersect the -vest property line of Block. 62 Flournoy, Norton, Trimble and Harris Addition, said point being 200 feet crest of the center line of Cleveland Avenue and 160 feet south of the north property line of .Block 62 Flournoy, Norton, Trimble and Harris Addition, said 200 feet being measured parallel to Tenth Street, and said 160 feet being measured parallel to Cleveland Avernue; thence 'nest'war(l across Block 72 of the Flournoy, Norton, Trimble and Harris !.d l ition to a mint of intersection :where a line parallel to and 195 feet at riT3ut anPles from the center line of Tonth Street, located west of Terrell Street, intersects the center lire of Forth Street, if extended, said poirt boinp: 255 feet, more or less, from the center line of that portion of 7leventh Street, located between Greer and North Streets, said 255 feet beim measured parallel to north Street; thence '.vest - ward parallel to and 195 feet at rit?ht .Teles from the center line of Tenth Street to a point on the center line of Palm Street, said point beinp,� 195 feet from the center line of Tenth Street and measured at- right angles to Tenth Street; thence in a southerly direction along the line of the center of Palm Street to a point 242 feet 6 inches south'.vard from the center line of 13th Street; thence east- ward, parallel to and 242 feet 6 inches .from the center lire of 13th dtreet to the center line of 'lillett Street; thence southward along the center line of '9i2lett Street and said center line e. tended, to a point 195 feet south- .vard from the center line of 14th Street; thence eastward along a line 195 feet south of the center of 14th Street, measured at rirrht are -Les to 14th Street, said line deflecting to conform to the arpr-le in 14th Street at Taxon Street, to the center line of -`lourno;- Street-. thence southward elonpr the center line of Flournoy Street and said center lire, if extended, to a point 226 feet southnard from the center line of Rushing Street, said point being :vithin the limits of Oak Grove Cemetery; thence east along a line parallel to and 226 feet from the center line of Rushinr? Street to a point 180 feet northward from the carter line of Trimble Street, measured at rir:ht ar•cle:: to Trimble Street, said point being on the south propert;• line of an alley which runs throuzh Block_ No. 46 of th Flournoy, Vorton, Trimble and Harris Addition; thence eastward alonr' said south pro- porty line of said alley* to the line het!,veen lots No. 3 and 4 of said Block No. 46; thence south'. -lard :with said line between lots lo. 3 and 4, 189.4 feet to a point in the center of Trimble Street, 39 feet, more or less, westward from the -enter line of 15th Street, measured alonrr, the center of '_Trimble Street; thence with the certer lire of Trimble Street to the intersection of the center lines of 14th Street and Trimble Street, to the point of borrirnine." 83CTION 7. A plat of each of said sever zones is filed herewith, as a pert of this Ordinance, marked ?;:hibi is I"' "BIT: C", 'D" and ❑2 SECTION 8. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, record and publication. aper. R )3ORDD F:J,9R11MY 28th, 1923. PUBIIS?T�D I.1:130I1 (''' , 1923.